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04x08 - The Odd Couple/Class Clown

Posted: 05/09/24 18:15
by bunniefuu
♪ Timmy is an average kid ♪

♪ That no one understands ♪

♪ Mom and Dad and Vicky

always giving him commands ♪

Bed, twerp!

♪ The doom and gloom

up in his room ♪

♪ Is broken instantly ♪

♪ By his magic little fish

who grant his every wish ♪

♪ Because in reality ♪

♪ They are his OddParents ♪

♪ Fairly OddParents ♪

Wands and wings!

Floaty, crowny things!

♪ OddParents,

Fairly OddParents ♪

♪ Really mod, pea pod,

buff bod, hot rod ♪

♪ Obtuse, rubber goose ♪

green moose, guava juice ♪

♪ Giant snake,

birthday cake ♪

♪ Large fries,

chocolate shake! ♪

♪ OddParents,

Fairly OddParents ♪

♪ It flips your lid

when you are the kid ♪

♪ With Fairly OddParents! ♪
Yeah, right.

He sh**t.

He scores.

My room's clean,

which means

I can goof off.

Giant nagging goldfish

dead ahead, sir.

How many times

have I told you?

I don't nag.


Fire one!



[Bird chirping]



What was that noise?

It wasn't a torpedo?

Timmy Turner, I sent you

up here to clean your room.

Just wait until

your father gets --

Home early?

Did I hear my name

being used threateningly?

Oh, man, you're so beautiful

when you're angry!

Oh, honey.

And you're beautiful

when you're telling me

I'm beautiful and angry.

I've completely forgotten

my rage towards Timmy.

Mmm, may I have

this dance, my lady?

Wow, did you

see that?

When dad got all mushy,

mom forgot how angry she was.

And speaking of angry,

which of you idiots

fired a torpedo at me?

Oh, Cosmo,

you're so romantic.

I've completely forgotten

my rage towards Timmy


You have?

I mean, cool!

Let's dance!
It worked!

Wanda got distracted

from her rage by romance

just like Mom did.

This is the

greatest discovery ever!

Nothing could make

this moment horrible!

Dad: Oh, Timmy, guess what!

Son, your mom and I

can't stop dancing.

I could


till I just can't

do it no more.

So guess who's here

to keep an eye on you

while we boogie-oogie-oogie?

[Playing ominous chords]
Stop following me!
Both: 'Bye, Timmy!

Don't I have

a choice in this?

You have two choices.

Clean every toilet

in this house or…

Drink out of them!

But I'm not thirsty.

Or a dog.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Hey, why am I

the cleanser?

You're the

abrasive one.


Oh, no, our relationship

is in the toilet!


Wow, there's nothing

to distract me

from my rage.

Ha ha ha ha…
That's it.

I wish Vicky

had a boyfriend.

But not just any boyfriend,

the perfect boyfriend

for Vicky,

so she'll be too distracted

to be mean anymore!

[Doorbell rings]

Who are you,

and what do you want?

Hi, I'm Ricky.

I'm selling magazines

door to door

so I can pay my way through

medical school.

And I saw this

sign that said,

"cute girl wants hot,

fresh magazines."

But these are

the Turner's magazines.

Hey, you stole these out of the

Turner's mailbox

and are trying to sell them to

me to make a quick buck!

And I thought you were just

a pretty face.

Hey, what's

goin' on?

Both: Go to bed!!!



[Crash, cat screeches]

Both: Where have you been

all my life?


ominous music]

I think it's working!

Can't you hear

the funeral music?

I know

it's working.

Yeah, but

don't you think --


Fire two!


♪ Love, love, love,

Vicky's in love, love, love ♪

♪ With a lobster pizza garland

as love, she's in love ♪

♪ Love, love, yeah,

they're in love, love, love ♪

♪ Whoo… ♪

♪ Oh, love ♪

♪ Love, love, love, love ♪

♪ Love, love, love, love,

icky Vicky's in love ♪

♪ Love, love, love,

yeah, they're in love ♪


So, ready for

more dancing?

We've danced in every room

in this house.

And we can't

go out and dance

unless Vicky baby-sits.

Where could she be?

Out having a happy

musical montage


her new boyfriend Ricky.

Oh, I've

got an idea!

Why don't they montage

at our house?

We can pay them double!


Did someone

say double?

Oo-hoo, sweet!

With two


we can get down with our bad

selves twice as long!

Can I get

a witness?

♪ Love, love, love,

Vicky's in love, love, love ♪

♪ Like a stranglehold you can't

get out of, she's in love ♪

Ha ha ha…

Ha ha ha…

♪ Love, love, love, yeah,

they're in love, love, love ♪

♪ Ooooh, they're in love ♪
Ha ha ha ha…

Man, that was

one tough montage.

This is not what

I wanted to happen.

I've doubled the pain.

But now you've got a promising

career as a footstool.

I wish they would break up.

Timmy, you

know the rules.

We can't break up

true love.

And they're

in love now.

I didn't want love.

I wanted distracting romance.

Ah, where's a torpedo

when you need one?

You don't even know

if it is true love.

What if this is

just fake teen love?

Then we can totally

rip it apart.

But you're gonna

have to prove it.

There's only one thing to do.

We've gotta prove

it's not true love.

Which means

it's time for…

A stakeout montage.

[Jazzy music]

Ha ha ha ha…

Cupcake face,

you do a lot of

baby-sitting, right?

I sure do, sweetheart.

So, you must have a lot of

extra money,

right, nuzzle neck?
I sure do, love bucket.

So, if you were going to,

oh, I don't know,

pick consecutive numbers for

your secret bank code,

what would they be?

Something simple like

zero, zero, zero, zero,

baby doll, puppy pie.
Well, puddin' arms,

I have to run

to the bank.

But not

just any bank.

Which bank

do you go to?

Dimmsdale National.

I'm just gonna

borrow this stuff

to get into

the bank with.

See ya!

Ricky's not really in love

with Vicky, just her money.

There's no way

this is true love.

I wish they were apart.

But Vicky's still

in love with him.

There's nothing

we can do.

Then I have to

break them up myself.

There's gotta be something

else I can use

to break up Vicky

and Ricky's relationship.

To the Internet!

Hee hee hee…

Ha ha ha…

I'm gonna find Ricky

a new girlfriend

who's even richer

than Vicky.

After Ricky's done with her,

how hard's that gonna be?

Single red-headed teen


seeks rich mate

with tons of money.

Now let's sit back

and watch the flood

of love-starved replies.


You've got nothing.

Ooh, so that's what

a reply looks like.

Timmy, you have to make

Ricky sound attractive

to somebody

other than Vicky.

Try this…

Sensitive single, red-headed

teen male

seeks rich mate

with tons of money

who loves shopping, emotion,

and cats as much as I do.

What? That's stupid.

That'll never--


You've got tons of mail.

Wow, look at all

the rich girls!

You know,

for Ricky.

Hiya, handsome.

I've got teen beauty

pageant millions,

so if you like money

and lots of it,

let's get married.
Hey, Ricky!

You have a surprise

for me, peach pie?

What is it?

It's something

really special.

Timmy: Hey, Ricky!

I'm having trouble lifting

my really heavy piggy bank!

I'll be right back,

fudge face.

I'll be counting

the moments.

Piggy bank, huh?
Check this out.

Teen beauty pageant

millions, wow!

Suddenly, I'm in

love all over again.

And by all over again,

I mean for the first time.

Click on the "I do"

button to marry me

and all my millions

will be yours.

[Blows kiss]
Done and done.


You've got commitment.

I now pronounce

you man and wife.

I'm rich!

Hey, what about Vicky?

Oh, yeah, that reminds me.

One kid in pain,

two kids in pain,

Sugar pants, feel like another

rousing game of hide my cash?

Yeah, with my new wife who is

way richer than you.

I'm married now.

So long, Valerie.

It's Vicky.


[Car horn plays

"Here Comes the Bride"]

Hi, Delores, I'm Ricky,

your new rich husband.

I'm ready for my money.

And I'm ready for my

first married kiss.

Bring it on, candy lips.

Aah! You're not

a teen beauty queen.

You're an old bag.

Well, at least

you're rich.

Wrong again.
I spent all my money

on prune juice and

blood transfusions.



Meet your new stepson.

Papa! Can I have

my allowance now?

And a horsy ride

on your knee?


To the

blood bank.


My one true love.

Come back!


Don't lose my number!

You don't have to

call nobody else!

Send it off

in a letter to yourself!

Yeah, hee hee…

Wow, you did it!

You broke them up.

But the bad news is

now there's nothing

to distract Vicky's rage.

Ah, well,

it can't be that bad.


Get back here, twerp!

Don't just sit there

like a footstool.


Wait a minute, I'm

furious at Timmy.

Stepson: Papa!

Thanks for taking me

to the planet of

seemingly harmless

flowers, Cosmo.

Trixie's gonna love

this thing for sure.

Seemingly harmless?

It's got the word

harmless in it.

There she is.

I love them…

I love them not…

I'm gonna make my move.

Act natural.



Timmy, are you OK?

Would you feel

better if I dated you?

Looks like his

tree bark…

Is worse than

his overbite.

Ha ha ha ha ha…

Hee hee hee…

That is so funny.

I'd feel better if one of

you funny guys dated me.

Ah ha ha!

Ha ha!

They sure

are funny.

Maybe I should

date them.

Ha-ha ha-ha-ha!
I don't get it.

What do Tad and Chad

have that I don't?

You mean besides Trixie?

And lots of money?

And chins?



Hey, everybody, look

at my hip new outfit.

It's made of tissue paper,

sugar, and powdered milk!




Look, Chad,

it's Niagara fools.

Ha ha!

Ha ha!


You guys

are hilarious.

Date me again.
Hey, you're all wet.

Not everybody can be as funny as

Tad and Chad, you know.

No wonder she's

dating them again.

This stinks!

I wish somebody around here

could teach me about romance.

Hey, what about me?
Good question..

Hey, Wanda,

why'd you pick Cosmo?

Can't be his charm

or good looks or brains.

And while you two

talk about that,

I'm gonna pour water

all over this cat.




That's why I chose Cosmo.
Because he's funny.
Of course.

Tad and Chad

made Trixie laugh,

and she said

she'd date them.

I wish I was the

funniest person on Earth.

Hee hee! Can I

take your order?

Yeah. I'll have

the funny fries,

the chuckle chips,

and the ha-ha-hot sauce

on the side.

How do you feel?
Like I've been schmutzed

in the schmehengy

with a yehaedel?


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…

Ha ha ha ha ha…

You thought that was funny?

Ha ha ha…

Ha ha ha ha…

It's working!

And speaking of working,

how 'bout plumbers, huh?

They work.

Ha ha ha…

Ah ha ha ha…


Oh, my gosh,

I'm late for school.

Ha ha! He's late!

Oh ho! He's late!

Ha ha ha…

Oh ho ho…

You've been great.

Uh, tip your waitress.

Good morning.

Ha ha ha…

Ho ho ho ho…

Ha ha ha ha…

Ha ha ha…

Ha ha…

Ha ha ha…

Ha ha ha…

Ha ha ha

ha ha ha…

Ha ha ha…

Ha ha ha…

This is great.

I can't wait to try

my new comedy powers out

on Tad and Chad.
What do you want, loser?

Ha ha ha…

Ha ha ha…

Ha ha ha ha ha…

Ha ha ha ha…

Ha ha ha…

Ha ha ha ha ha…

Ha ha ha…

Ha ha ha…

Oh, my gosh,

look out, a cliff!

Ha ha ha…

Hee hee ha ha…


He said cliff!

Ha ha ha…

Ha ha…



Ha ha ha ha…

Ha ha ha ha ha…


We're in garbage!

Ha ha ha,

oh, Timmy.

You're the

funniest boy on Earth.

I can hardly

stand for laughing.

Hold me up.


Trixie, I've been waiting

to give this to you for days.

For me -- ha ha!
Oh, my gosh -- ha ha ha!

So, wanna hang out

after school?

Ha ha ha ha ha…

Absolutely, just bring

your funny with you.

I love funny men.

It's good

to be the king.

Of comedy.

The best part is

there's absolutely

no downside to this.

Hi, Trixie. I'm

here for our big --

not hilarious date.

Just me and you --

not laughing at me…

Ha ha ha ha ha ha…
Ha ha ha ha…

Stop! I'm not

trying to be funny.

Physical humor!

Oh, my gosh,

you're k*lling me.

But -- but -- but --
He said but!

Ha ha ha!

Hee hee hee hee…

[Caw caw caw]

Ha ha! How'd your

day go, sport?

Awful. Nobody's taking

me seriously.

Including Trixie.

Ha ha ha haa…

Ah ha ha…

Stop it, you guys!

I'm not trying to

be funny anymore.

I only did this so

Trixie would talk to me,

and now she's laughing so

hard, I can't talk to her.

Ah ha ha ha…

Ha ha ha ha…

Aw, relax, Timmy.

She'll probably stop laughing

when that alien flower

you gave her eats her

heart out at midnight.

I thought you said

it was harmless.

Seemingly harmless.
Unless you're a heart.

Don't you

remember that pimple

I told you was

seemingly unnoticeable?

Man: Smile.
Oh, my gosh.

Guys, I can't let Trixie

get eaten by that plant.

I gotta warn her.

But she won't

take me seriously.


I wish I wasn't

funny anymore.

Ah ha ha, yeah, right.

Ha ha, yeah, right.

Oh ho, you're gonna

make me bust a gut.

Ah ha!

Ha ha ha…

Ha ha ha ha…

I said I wish to

not be funny!

Ho ho ho ho…
Oh, my ribs!



Ah ha ha, not funny!
Oh, no, my gut!
I warned you…


My other guts!

Timmy, you're the

funniest kid on Earth.

Nobody can

take you seriously.

That's right. I need to get

off this planet.

I wish we were

in Fairy World.

Ah ha ha…

Ha ha ha…

Darn it, they still

think I'm kidding.

Ha ha ha.

Hey, it's too bad none

of your fairy friends

can enjoy my special

gut-busting brand of comedy.

You're right.

That is unfair.

Come on, I know

where we can go.

Man: Hi, everybody.

Welcome to

Uncle Knuckle's Chuckle Bunker.

Give it up for

the funniest kid on Earth,

Timmy Turner.
Tell a joke…now!

I sure hope I can't…

Knock, knock.

Who is there?

Nobody, because the girl

I love is about to be eaten

by a plant because

nobody takes me seriously!

Ah ha ha -- hey!
That is not funny.
[Crickets chirping]

Because I'm not

on Earth, I stink.

I wish I wasn't the funniest

person on Earth anymore.


When did you start?

Ha ha ha…

Ha ha ha ha…

Hey, I am funny.

I should do this

for a living.

Cosmo, now that

we're not on Earth,

I can tell

Timmy's serious.

One unfunnying

coming up!

Hey, Wanda, do you

think I'm unfunny now?

Yay! I stink!
It's :.

We have to get to

Trixie's house

before the plant

eats her heart.

[Doorbell rings]

Young man, what's

the meaning of this?

Do you know it's

one minute to midnight?

Mr. Trixie, sir,

this may sound crazy,

but me and my arsenal

of garden-based weapons

need to get up to your

daughter's bedroom

in the next seconds.

Oh, you seem like a sensible,

unfunny young man.

Go ahead.

Don't worry,

Trixie, I'll --




Timmy, you k*lled my

seemingly harmless plant.

You are so not

my boyfriend.

Sorry you lost

your girlfriend.

Yeah, but

the good news is…

I found my spleen.
That's a rib eye steak.

Oh…in that case,

I'm sending it back.

I ordered

my spleen medium rare.

And the plant

didn't eat Trixie…

Which means she'll live to not

laugh at me another day.

Hey, I know

what'll cheer you up.

A visit to the planet of


Wait, wait!

Wait, wait!

Cosmo, you idiot.


I don't get it.

He's just not

funny anymore.

But I am!
I am a screaming riot!