29x07 - Have Fun and Get It Done

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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29x07 - Have Fun and Get It Done

Post by bunniefuu »

Meanwhile, vanck and ashton
couldn't recover from the u-turn

And their race came to tan end.
Vanck and ashton, you have been

Eliminated from the race.
Six teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

I love touching rock.

It feels so good!

We're still racing, we're
still here.

It's the sixth leg, dude.
You miss pearl.

I miss home.

I have never gone this long
without talking to my daughter.

He was missing his family.
I was missing back home.

It took my -- its toll.
I've never gone more than two

Days without talking to my

Everything I do is for my

She's my favorite person in the

It's k*lling me.

Tomorrow is a whole new day,

We can put everything behind
what happened today and start

Fresh tomorrow morning.
Travel to venice, italy.

- Italy has more world

Heritage sites than any other
country on earth.

Becka and floyd will be the
first to visit perhaps the most

Famous of them all.
Venn ills.

Bridges, venn ills is known as

The floating city and a street
sweeper will hand them their

Next clue in the piazza san

There were two buses.

Just like the race.

Sounds good.
Venice, itsly.

Oh, look, right here.

Wow, good job, becca.

Look, right here.

Look at that.

Heck yeah.
We have an hour.

We could just hug each other
for like an hour.

Don't leave me hanging.

The goal is beat joey and
tara to the bottom!

And there you are.

Ok then.
We're all together.

Good morning, class.

Sweet, we're out.

Buses leave at 4:15 and 4:30.

First come, first served.
Running at 3:00 in the


Oh, geez!

I'm so happy to see everybody.

We're the fourth onings.
We're getting the second bus.



Oh, thank you.
Oh, man!

I know, we're all on the same
-- I know you, you have to ride

With us.

Dude, we're seeing italy, how
cool ask that?

I know, I love it.

I'll miss you!

Let's ride.

We're going to venice.
What if we get to go in boats?

Party bus.


Hot dog.
We're going to venice!

At 4:00 in the morning.

Back of the pack again.

This race is exponentially
harder being in it with a

Partner that has a glass half
empty mindset and I've learned

That any type of reaction I'll
have tailspins her into more

Negativity so I just remain

I want to see romance in venice,
the city of love.

Teams are now taking a
four-hour bus ride to venice,


Where's water taxi?

This way, this way.

Thank you.

We're going to venn ills.

Ok, guys.


This guy can rally a bolt.
We're neck and neck again

This morning.
Going to try and get out front

And stay out first.
It's been frustrating because

We have been first a lot and we
end up becoming third or fourth.

I really want that first.
Our taxi driver is a maniac.

We're right on their tail.

This is great.

Oh, what?

We're going to venice!

Ha ha!

It's a street sweeper in a
green outfit.

She's awesome.
Tara speaks a bunch of languages

And it's been working out for
not only our team but everybody

Usually they follow and see what

We do first and jump on board
with that

Yeah, first place, baby!
That's got to be it.

Water taxi.

Thank you.
Go to piazza san marco.

And we need to go fast, fast.

Piazza san marco.

Thank you.

We're in vin is.

Look at this place.

Got bridges, boats.
This is the coolest!

Oh, this is so cool!
We're in a canal in italy!

Are you kidding me?



Left or right?

Thank you.
Thank you.

Thank you very much.

When you look for a spazzino.

It's early morning here in
piazza san marco, a place where

It's almost impossible to take a
bad picture, and yes teams will

Chose a detour.
The international language of

Music is italian, something
you'll hear performed all around

The canologist -- canals of venn

If teams can learn the song and
hit the right notes for this

Couple of love, the gondolier
will give them if I were next

If you book a flight to venice,

Pack lightly.
Most hotels can only be accessed

Binaryo alyways connected by
bridges that require porters to

Use a special technique to
navigate the stairs.

Teams will become porters.

They'll stake a cart with
suitcases and deliver it to the

Hotel listed on their luggage

Let's go on foot.

Like this?

It's faster on foot.
We're going to bring it.



Here it is.

Thank you.
Thank you.


Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.


Sound like fun.


Back to the water taxis?

I'm not a singer.

Ok, let's do this.
Bring it.

Back to the taxi.


Eyes peeled.
Thank you.

Just look, look.

This is some sort of square.
See the colors?


Thank you.

Let's run over here so nobody

Yeah, where'd lolo go?
Let's bring it.

We're going to broing it.
I don't think they have.

Let's move.


They're going to help us.

So glad we've helped them

Let's see what's down here.

Where do we go?

London, did you find the --
no, I think it's somewhere

Over in the square.
All right, let's keep going.

Oh, right over here.
Thank you.

We'll sing.

Let's sing it.
We just saw brooke and scott.

We can't tell them where the
street sweeper is right now.

We're at the back of the pack.

We need to get moving.

We did a bad thing.

We did a bad, bad thing.
I freaking don't know.

Hey, mike?
Did you guys find him?

Way back in that plaza.


There he is.

We're going to sing it, let's

Do you think they already

Pound the clue?
You think they lied?

We asked them for help and

They weren't helping so that's
weird since we've helped them

Every singe time.
I have nothing for lolo now.

We've helped them how many

A lot.
Yeah, I have nothing for

Piazza san --

He's saying it's really far
on foot.

After the bridge.

Oh, my god.

Walking might have been faster.
No, we have to walk over and

Over the stairs between the

This sucks.

Can't on the -- wants to take
a water taxi?

No, this is the bridge.

That was not too bad.
How you doing?

How you doing?
All of this?


Looking good!

Hotel --
they're all the same hotel.


Let's rock 'n' roll.

Oh, I hear --


That's beautiful.

I'm confident in my singing

I'm knot no michael jackson or
anything near it but I'm


Look at this I look great.
Let's go find this place.

Just help me navigate.

Yeah, that's what I mean by help
my navigate.


La bion dina

La bion dina



Excuse me.

Do you know this?

Hotel kanegra?

Ok, can you -- thank you.

Got a little help from the

We chose the physical

It was just basically running
around with a burj of weight.

Each one of those suitcases
was probably 150 pound.

It was probably easily 30,000
pounds, maybe 50.

Are we going up the steps?

Probably not going up the

You want to try the front?


Super easy.

That was perfect.

Worked out great.
If we go by foot, we still

Have to cross rialto and it's
far from here.

I'll run if you want but we --
let's take a water taxi.

But we don't know when it's

It could be a half-hour.

If you want to run, run.

I don't know, joey.

One and two.
One squ and two.



This is the rialto.
We have to cross it.

Over here.

Deliver all the luggage to
the hotel.


This is all one hotel, right?

Hi, guys.

We got your baggage.
Yes, there's still baggage

Did you guys run here?


Took us forever.
Sorry, joey.

Our favorites.
Mom and dad are here.

We must have found this
really falls.


Easy, easy.

You don't need to lift it.
Give it a little push when I'm

Pulling up.
All right.

Joey is a machine.



Thank you.
We're ready.

Wreers -- where's rialto

Down here?

Thank you.

We're going to serenade you.

Can we sing?

Here we go.

Another one.

More together.

More together.

Am I --
I don't know.

We got this.

In here?
Oh, no, no.

Not with them.

Think you are great singers.


I can't do it with them
singing in my face.

Good job, joey.

Oh, my god, is that going to fit
through here?

I'm in.

Ha ha.


Sorry, ma'am.
This is why this is a hard one.

Oh, oh,

Slow down.

Slow down.

Ok, we have it.

Here it is.


Hello, we have bags for you.

Beautiful hotel.

All right!
Thank you.


Thanks, guys.

Make your way by water taxi
to -- to search for your next

That was quick.

These stairs are going to
slow us down, right?

That was the coolest thing

I didn't think it was going to


Very good.

Thank you.
You want to give her a shot?

Are we ready to go, you know?

-- You think?
I think so.

All right, let's rock 'n'

You ready?
You want some more?

I don't want to rush it.


No, no.

More together.

More together.

I don't know this language.

Oh, god.

That is really narrow.

Do you think you have it?
Is that I seer?


I really could use some
gloves right now.

I can't hold on to the handles
because my hands are sweating so


Oh, this is hard.

I'm going in hot.


What happened?

Keep going.

Got it?

You're doing great.

Straighten it out?

I don't know.
Bringing the luggage in.

What is it with me and

We don't travel lightly.
Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Can you help us get the water
taxi here?

That would be great.

Thank you.

There's our clue.


A lot of clues in there.

That's good stuff.


Many believe that improv
theater was created at comedia

Del arte as early as the 16th

Teams must recreate a copy of
their intricate mask in is all

About attention to detail.

Who has masked intentions.

Take your time.

This is going to a be a mask.
Attention to detail on the art.

Feel good look look -- about

You're an artist.

This is crazy.
Good luck, red.

For the roadblock, we had to
pick one of the actors and

Recreate his mask.

Over here.
We had all the supplies in

Front of us and you had to just
find out how to create it.

I looked at the lady that was
doing the demonstration.

She was really slow in making
the mask so you had to take a

While to watch the demo.

I'm doing orange, dry it and
do black on top and kind of

Scrape it so the orange shows.

I'm pretty sure I got it right.

Thank you!

Ha ha ha!

Thank you.

Thank you very much.
Thank you for listening us

Yes, thank you.

So we need to get a water

Yeah, let's go back the way
we came.

More, more theater.

More theater.
More theater?




We repeat.


We found it.


Oops, pick it up.

I am.

We have luggage for you.
Just a little bit.

Thank you so much.

Oh, good job.
Water taxi.

We are off.
Buon giorno.

It's a lot better than stone


We swim?
Water taxi?

How do we get a taxi?

There's not any here so
let's keep moving.

Oh, my gosh.
This is actually brett cool.

Coming out, you look pretty

I just looked at what they're
doing this dude's ripping the

Other dude's guts out.

This is very distracting and
kind of hilarious.

He just pulled out a chicken.

He just pulled out a chicken.

Very good.
This is the best performers.

Beautiful, beautiful.

We're right behind you.


Yeah, whoo!

Nailed it.

Thank you.

All right, let's go.

We might as well run while we're

Thank you, grazie, grazie.

Advertise taxi.

Wow, this is nice.
You the taxi?

How are you?

We just have to find a damn
water taxi.

Oh, come on.

Down here.
I don't want to run around

Like a chicken with my head cut

This is --
what would you like to do?

Stairs are always a good

Main water, main water.

Lots of water, let's go.

Where do you see main water?
A main thoroughfare, what do

You want me to say to you?

Oh, you're a pleasure.
I love hanging out with you so

What does it matter?

We're in a race and we need a
water taxi very fast.

Why can't we just ride with



Thank you, guys.

Calm down.

We bound the greatest family
in the history of the world to

Help us get to where we're going
right now.

There's a water taxi.

Oh, taxi?


This is like a subway line.

Need a water taxi.

This is like unbelievable.

I'm about to jump in the water.
That's it.

Brooke --
this is stupid.

We need to get in a taxi and
this is not it.

What do we do?

Let's go back to the detour.
There's a water taxi right


Why can't we get in it?
It's what one block over?

Let's just do that.
Good luck.

I'm going to follow you.


I think I got it.

Do I show this to you?


Not shiny?
You want it shiny like that?


I think I just didn't have a
shiny coat over it.

Still no other teams here but
I'm not going to let my guard

How much?


I'll debt it right now.

I'm a tool box.

Who has masked intentions?
Hey, you can paint.

You paint with the kids all the

I'll do it.

I think I got it this time.

It looks pretty good.
Wow, look at this, joey.

So cool.

I think it looks good now.


Yeah, buddy, way to k*ll it.

Search for phil at your next
pit stop.

Venice offers spectacular
views around every corner.

It's the perfect place to go for
a stroll with hundreds of

Pathways that lead to beautiful
plazas like this.

The last team to find me at the
mat may be eliminated.

Whatever that is, we have to
find it.

Nice vest.

Way to go, man.

Way to go.

I have to create the same

It's called il capitano.

Hopefully I can get in right.
I'm not the greatest painter in

The world.

I honestly don't enjoy it.

The only painting I've done over
the last 16 years is finger

Painting with my small kids.

The hardest participate is
making sure you pay attention to

The detail.
I want to make sure I get this

Part right.
Otherwise, I have to redo the

Whole mask, I guess.



I'll do it.
Keeping a steady hand, which

I do not have.

She's a character.
All of these masks are gorgeous.


I'm not a good painter so I
should be careful about what I

Team -- just got here.

And the gondola booth narcs is

Can I look at your mask?
Thank you.

Let's grab one that matches this

I just want to make sure I
get it right the first time.

And there's some green and a
little bit of black so maybe

I'll start with green.

First you have to put on the
base coat.

For me it was green.

I'm going to look at the
demonstration quickly.

Then you put on the shiny blake
layer and then she wipes off the


And then you have to scrape it
away to take off the shadowy

Effect on the mask.
I wish I had time for

Painting class is.

Howe's it going, tara?
This is not easy.

Tara was not following the
process but trying to rely on

Her own painting skills, which
isn't exactly what she needed to

Be doing.


Grotsy, thank you.
Ok, back on track.

Oh, there's a clue!


There goes mikey and liz.

He looks like a scass

Ooh, ooh!
I love the paint.

Where do we go?

Realways seems confused.
Yeah, way to go.

Up stairs, up stairs.

Come with me, my pretty.
I grabbed this one because it

Had a lot of blending and I love
to blend when I pain.

I paint at home all the time and
the mask I show chose was the

Exact same style of a cow skull
I painted before I left.

I knew this was a no-brainer.
We tried to help l. -- Lolo

And they blew us off.
We've helped them every time.

The one time I asked for help.

And it wouldn't even have put me
in front of them.

It was hey, am I going the right

Let's wipe off right there.

There's like some on the

I need to go fast before this

Then front eyebrow it goes
around like that.

Awesome, it's coming through.

Let's dry it off.

They have green, black cloud
going on.

Slow and zealed wins the
"amazing race."

Not allowed to do this a second

I'm not an artist, it's

How's it going?

Who has masked intentions?

I think that's me.

I'll start here.
I'll go up along this ridge.

You just follow the shape of the

This is perfect.
I'm going to do really well.

May I do yours?

Did you do luggage?



All right, good job, you

Welcome to venice, italy.

Thank you.
- Matt and redmond.

Hit us straight, phil.
- It's all good news.

You're team number one!

And I have some great news
for you.

As the winners of this leg of
the race, you have won a trip

For two and you're going not
island of grande.

You're going to spend seven
nights in a hotel, take a

Thrilling river tube trail.
Go sailing to the world's first

Underwater slur park and of
course, you canning in that

After the race.
How does this feel?

It feels good.
We've been wanting first for so

- So this is your best leg

So far?
I think we've performed

Really well.

This is like a close second.
We wouldn't have been here if it

Wasn't for this little guy.
Who'd have thought I'd be

Painting in italy today?

This is definitely a bucket list
crosser offer.

I like this mask.
I think I could do it pretty

The first step is to get that

Base color.
This is right up my aly because

I paints, it's fun, it's craft

Do you feel good about it?
I don't feel good about any

Of this but I guess I'll do it.
Good luck.

You got it, brooke.
That's not right.

Don't ever change thatshire.
I think it looks pretty ok

Considering I've never done
anything like this before.

Senora capitano.

No, not blended.
What do you mean it's not


I don't know what I'm doing

I thought I did pretty good on
the first one but apparently I

Didn't follow the steps so I
need to see what she does after

She blow-dries.
How long have you been here,


A while.
Who do I choose?

Where do a choose a person, one
of these?

Knees are not easy masks to
do, huh?

Ok, can I choose you?
All right, let's go see if

This passes the test.

Is this mask ok?

Is that good?

Oh, I did it.
Did I really do -- oh, my

Thank you.

Oh, my gosh.

What'd you do?
I don't know, I just made

Sure I did that second coat and
made sure I brushed it off.

What second coat?

You have to do that thing
where you brush it off with the

Paper towel.

It's all about the wiping off

Becca, I did it!
I did it, becca.

I did it!
You're amazing floyd.

-- Maizing -- amazing, floyd.
Warning, the last team to

Check in may be eliminated.
Oh, crap.

God, they're almost all done.
I hope brooke stays patient.

If she freaks out this -- in
there --

Well, nice knowing you.

Can I start with a color?

Because she's at the end of her

I want her to start at the

I don't know how I'm supposed to
start this.

Sounds like someone's
freaking around a little bit.

Brooke was running around
with a chicken like her head cut


How do I know where to start?

She's always asking for help.

Sometimes you have to put
your big girl panties on and do

It yourself without having to
rely on everybody.

Just saying
did you put something

Underneath the color or did you
start with the color?

I don't know, I'm just
winging it.

Can't you just do it by

I think I paint the whole thing
black then I wipe it with this.

I think.

But I'm scared to do it.

I don't know about this I'm kind
of winging it at this point.

I hope I get done in time.

I really, really hope I get done
in time.

Liz was doing not very well.
Unfortunately she didn't follow

The steps properly.
She was shading with the black

Paint in a very different way
than you were supposed to.

Does that look right?


I wishing I could have kind
of given her a heads up but at

This point where we are in the
race, I kind of knew that I

Needed that buffer.
This is the most stressful

Painting job I've ever done in
my entire life.

My nerves are fried.


Ok, that makes me happy.
I'm glad you got it.

Good job.
Stick with it.

Follow the steps, ok?
I hope neither one of us go

We won't.

I'm really starting to feel
the pressure.

Really, really starting to feel
the pressure.


- Becca and floyd, you're

Making it look good.

Are you happy with your partner?

I could not be happier with
my partner.

It's just the opt mitchell I
was hoping for -- optimism I was

Hoping for in a partner.

That is perfect in becca and I
couldn't be happier with that.

Oh, my gosh, we're going for

Not blended.

It's not blended?
So I have to redo it?

Damn it.

I didn't blend it properly.
This is pretty.

I like this.

It's looking right.
I know I'm on the right track.

This is so challenging.
I want to cry.

I really just want to cry.

I really, really just want to

My fare is that we're going to
be -- feature is that we're

Going to be dead last.

So hard.

I am so stressed right now.

I really, really want to get in

When she said that, it wasn't

I was really bummed out at that

That royally like stabbed me.
My fear is that we're going to

Be dead last.
We are moving on to details

And I'm just trying to focus and
get this done right the first

I'm going to paint on the

You put your one colt, your base

Colt then you put black on it?


Buon giorno.

Tara and joey, who you are
family is watching you now

Having completed seven legs of
"the amazing race."

What's your family thinking
right now?

We've just made it work out.
I just want to have fun and get

It done.

Right now we are in a
three-way tie for last place.

I'm just finishing up the
glosses step.

I got it.

It looks pretty close to what
you have on your face, actually.

You know what?

Why don't I do it?

Ma'am, can I check?
It's good?

Stop it!

I'm going to cry.
Oh, my god.

That's cool.
You did it?

You did it?
You did spit?

Oh, my god, oh, my god, let's

I don't even know how.
Let's go.

Let's go.
Oh, my god, brooke, that's


All right.
That is good.

Oh, thank you!
Thank you!

Liz, you're going to get it.
You're going to get it, girl.

Just follow the steps.

I was feeling pretty low at
that point when I realized that

I'm the last one in that room.

I'm never painting again after
this, I'm done.

Logan, oates -- let's go.

Liz will get it.

She knows what to do now.
Liz and scott just left.

I know.

We're done.

Put your finger on that.
We've got that.

Ok, thank you.
We have to go.

She's going to be done any

I'm getting close.

I'm going to do the adam.
We got here fourth and we're

Leaving last and I don't know
when liz is going to be done so

I don't like our chances too
much today.

I'm really scared I'm going
to let my partner down.

Don't want to go home just yet.
We're going to go over it.

This is so good.

Mike and liz definitely
aren't going to beat us at this.

They aren't going to beat us

Hopefully somebody gets lost
on the way to the pit stop.

I think that looks really

Please, please.

Oh, my gosh, yes!

I'm so excited.
Thank you.

Mouth, movement where are we

I'm so sorry it took so long.
Don't be sorry.

We're not out of this yet.

We'll swim if we have to.

Shall we ask?

Ask away.

Good thing we asked.
Go back over the big bridge?

Ok, we just went over the
wrong side of the bridge.

You guy, we have to stay in

Damn it, damn it.

This is santa margarita here
so we're on the right track.

Look for phil.
We are going in circles.

So easy to get lost in this

Good job, guys, that was fun.

I'm pleased to tell you
you will all get to race in the

Next leg of the race.

Let's turn around and
welcome this team in here.

Come on, let's go!

Good job, guys.

Good job.

Liz and michael,
unfortunately I've just welcomed

In the fourth and fifth teams,
which means you are the last

Team to arrive.
However this is not an

Elimination leg!

You are still in the race.

Oh, my god, again?


Liz, what does it mean to
you right now?

I can't describing how I feel
right now.

I've never been through that
much stress in my entire life.

Everybody else walked out before
I did.

What got you through it?

I thought of him and pearl.

That's the only thing that got
me through it.

What does that mean to
you, michael, to hear you say

Everything in the world.

She was so upset when she came
down, I know she was giving it

Hell up there.

There's no quit in her.
She doesn't know how to go after

It wholehearted.

Sometime during the next
leg of the race, you will

Encounter a speed bump and
you're going to need to complete

That speed bump before you can
continue race wlingt other


Bring it on.
We're not going home anytime

They're going to have to do more

Than a speed bump to get us out
of here.

- stay tuned for scenes from

Our next episode.

On the next episode of
"the amazing race" --

You got this.

A confusing self-drive
reopens old wounds.

You can't read that map?
I'd say turn around.

And go where, liz?
We go all the way back, we're

- And the u-turn rears its

Ugly head.

I can't believe they u-turned

So crappy.

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