24x03 - Welcome to the Jungle

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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24x03 - Welcome to the Jungle

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Amazing
Race All-Stars..."

Ten teams continued racing in
Guangzhou, China.

At the Road Block, Mark built a
lead for team Kentucky.

I'm done.

I put the spare key in the
trunk, sir.

But one moment of

- Is your backpack back there?
- No!

Threatened to doom the team.

We gotta go back.
I mean, ain't nothing we can do.

We could have left it.

Caroline fell apart.

I hate assembling more than
anything in the whole world.

Caroline, calm down.

But Jen's quick thinking and

convinced Jet and Cord to hand
them the second express pass.

Oh, my God, we love you.
We're using the express pass.

A high-kicking detour led to a
photo finish.

We're not running for last.

I know, but what if it's first?

And first-ever win for
Brendon and Rachel.

You are team number one.


While in the end, Team Kentucky
couldn't overcome their mistake.

I'm very sorry to tell you that you
have been eliminated from the race.

Thank you, sir.
I appreciated the opportunity.

Nine teams remain.

Who will be eliminated... next?


This is Guangzhou, China's first
port city used for foreign trade.

And in the center of the city,
Shamian Island.

Once the headquarters for
international traders,

it is now the start of the third
leg in a race around the world.

Brendon and Rachel won the last
leg of the race

and will depart first
at 6:22 p.m.

"Fly to Babah, Malaysian

Teams must now fly to Sabah,
Malaysian Borneo,

known as "the land below the

After touching down in the city
of Kota Kinabalu,

they'll make their way through the
Borneo rainforest to Kionsom Waterfall.

"Warning, only two flights are

You have limited seating."

- All right.
- Let's go! Whoo!

The competition this season is

You cannot predict anything.

It's hard, you can't be at the
back of the pack,

and Brendon and I want to make sure
that we're always in the top three.

First flight, six teams only.

It's really crucial that you
and I are on the first flight.

Three-hour time difference between the first
and second flight could break a team.

"Malaysia, Borneo."

The first leg, both of us were doing a lot
of talking, but nobody was listening.

Let's go up here.

Hopefully, we can be more

and learn from our mistakes.

Yeah, we'll wait and see.

Airport, airport! Thank you.

"Warning, there are only two flights
available for this leg of the race."

Okay. We're off.

The last leg of the race, the
express pass kept us in the game.

We're gonna surprise everyone.

We're doing the slow sneak

To the airport.

Hopefully, we'll just get on
that first flight.

Rip and read, let's roll.

"Malaysia, Borneo."

- We gotta go.
- Let's go.

Last season, leg two was a bad
leg for us, literally.


I just ruptured my Achilles.

It's really a relief to be on
leg three and be on two legs.

Shishi. Thank you.

"Fly to Malaysia, Borneo."

Let's go, baby. Taxi!

Open that baby up.

- "Malaysia."
- "Malaysia, Borneo."

Let's get out of here.

Having that second express
pass done and gone, that's huge.

We don't have to worry about
another team using it against us.

We're glad that we're the only
ones that have an express pass.

- Taxi!
- Taxi!

Everybody's gotta go through
the same traffic.

So don't stress about it.

This is really scary, because all
the teams are minutes behind us.

I know, babe. We'll just pray that
we're first to get there, babe.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Let's go.
- Air Asia!

Around the corner.

Thank you. Shishi. Thank you.

Other people like us check in?

- We're first?
- Okay.

What's up, guys?

Good job.

- I think we're the first two here.
- Oh, awesome.

- I'm getting too old for this.
- I'm too old for this!

Oh, really, I am.
This is k*lling me.

We get in three hours earlier
than everybody else.

"Fly to Borneo."


We're going to Boreno!

- We need some good luck!
- This way!

Airport, airport, airport!
Airport, airport!

- Thank you!
- Good job!

Thank you! Shishi, shishi.

- Airport.
- You know where the--

- Thank you.
- Quick, quick.

When you don't speak Chinese,
just make random noises.

- Asia.
- Let's do it.

There are only two flights
available for this leg?

Oh, my God.

Malaysia, here we come.

The Internet is our job,
it's our life,

so to unplug completely has been
an incredible outlet.

Today, we are starting
in last place.

That's okay.

Thank you.

It says "International"
right here.

- Yee-haw!
- Hey!

Good to see you guys.

- You are team number three.
- Yeah!

H-9! I see the cowboys.

Hey, how y'all beat us?

Damn cowboys, y'all got a horse
in them backpacks.

There's the country girls.

So far on the first flight is
Dave and Connor, Globetrotters,

Margie and Luke, the country
singers and us,

so there's one more team that's
gonna get on this first flight,

and we don't know who it is,

Which is funny, because the Brenchels
left first and they're still not here.

- So what are you doing?
- I'm just looking at--

I mean, baby, you're not gonna be
able to figure out where we're at.

If you think that we're
the only people

stuck in traffic and everybody
else found a fast route,

I think your brain is working a
little too hard right now.

Hopefully, the situation with taxi
drivers is in our favor today.

I mean, hopefully, the other teams
get stuck or lost somewhere,

stuck in traffic with a
different route.

Air Asia, Air Asia.

- Let's just get out here.
- Let's go!

Air Asia counters, H-9!

Where's Air Asia, Air Asia?

- Left, left, left!
- Leo, Leo! It's here! Here!

- H-9!
- I know!

- To the right.
- I know!

- We're on the same team.
- Sorry.

Here come the Afghanimals.

- We're number six?
- Number six!

Get in line! Get in line!

- How are we number six?
- You got me!



Oh, they just got here.
No, they didn't do it.

Did you guys get lost?
Y'all are seven.

- No, we're not.
- Yeah, you are.

What happened?

- How many people are here?
- Six.

- We're six.
- Are you kidding me?

- I'm not kidding.
- Damn.

That sucks.

We're gonna be on that
second flight,

so we're gonna be unfortunately,

racing not to be last right now,
so it sucks.

Just like, Brandon and Rachel,
Jet and I have been

in that same position to be the
first one to leave the mat,

and the next thing you know, you're
standing there and you're last.

That's the kind of deal you just
gotta pick up

and dust yourself off
and catch back up.

What if they--
Like, it's crazy to, like--


It's opposite day, so you guys
are the first three.

Between the last three teams,

we actually kind of had a little
bonding moment,

like, we just all wanted to work
together and fight together

to catch up with the six teams.


This is, like, a prediction for
final three.

Yeah! I love it.

Okay, let's do it! Let's do it!

One, two, three.


Where do we get a cab?

You look right, you look right.

- Taxi!
- Taxi!

Taxi, taxi, taxi!

Taxi! Taxi!

- Mom!
- Airport taxi!

- We need a big one.
- We need a big one.

Big men, we need a big one.
We need a big taxi.

- Kionsom Waterfall?
- Kionsom Waterfall.


- We're in the country now.
- Yeah.

We're in the jungle.

This is a beautiful place.


I see it, it's up there, Dad,
it's up there.

- So we-- You wait for us.
- Yeah.

Stay here, we come back, okay?

Okay, don't move.
Okay, come on, Leo.

- Do you see one down there?
- Yeah.

We got it. It's a Road Block.

"Who will fall for this one?"

The Kionsom Waterfall is

in the oldest rainforest
in the world,

dating back 130 million years.

This Road Block requires
teams to join

the Travelocity roaming gnome
and pick up their clue,

rappelling ten stories as they
brave the cascading waters

to the bottom.

- You got it?
- I'll do it, I'm gonna do it.

"Who will fall for this one?"

- I will, yeah.
- You have to get the gnome.

- All right, Leo.
- Bye, man. Good luck.

I got my gnome, and I've got
to look for the clue.

Yeah, Dad!


Cute little harness on the

The Kionsom Falls were
absolutely breathtaking.

It was definitely a once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity to see those falls.

Be careful, Dad.
It's slippery! It's slippery!

Nice job, Dad. Oh!


I'll keep you safe, brother.

Ha ha! This is fun!

Come on, Jamal!

Come on, keep going!


Nice job, Dad!

You got it, Dad!

Last time we were on the race,
leg three,

we were in a wheelchair,

and now my dad's rappelling down

and we're in first place.

Pretty big turnaround,
and we're loving it.

Nice job, Dad, nice job.

Let's do it.

Nice job. Route Info.

"Make your way to the Kampung

and follow the marked path to
the river."

- Let's roll.
- Let's roll.

Oh, clue box, down here!
Clue box!

"Who will fall for this one?"

- Me.
- Okay.

Come on, Jamal!

Get the clue, get the clue!

There you go.

- Bring it home.
- Yee-haw!


Good job, man.

- Let me do this.
- Okay.

Luke's gonna do it.

Way to go, Cord.

He's so wet.

Those cotton jeans are gonna
weigh 50 pounds

by the time he gets done with

He's gonna be soaking wet.

The clues were on my left and
I was looking over my right.

I mean, I skidded all the way
down the rocks, you know.

Next thing I know, I'm in the pool of
water and realize I don't have a clue.

Did you get the clue?

- Did you get the clue?
- No.

Don't have a clue or the clue?

I don't have either.

- Cord!
- Yeah?

- You gotta go back around.
- All right.

Oh. Ha ha ha.

Let's go this way.

I got it, I'll do it,
I'm doing it.

Oh, here's the clue, Jen.

"Who will fall for this one?"

Okay, I will.

So I'm not allowed to do it?

Big Easy, you're too big.

Well, I'm doing it, because
apparently, his name says it all.

He's too big.


Luke just got the clue out
from under the rock,

so that's gonna definitely put
them ahead of us.

Go ahead, Cord.

Cord having to redo this and
go all the way back to the top,

it cost us some time, but that's all
right, we'll make it up somewhere.

Whoo! Here we go, baby.

Flight Time coming down,
looking for the clue.

Whoo! Feels good!

I would have loved to do it,
you know,

but when you look this good and
you got a body like this...

Oh, yeah.

They don't have the proper

I got it.

Woo-hoo! My travel companion.


Good job, Jen. I'm proud of you.

You're doing awesome!

She's doing great,
she's doing great.

You know, just shoving it
in the breasts.

Good spot for everything,

Good job, Jen!

Being on the second flight
with that three-hour deficit,

we all had a common
understanding that,

let's all start from the same
starting point.

We were collaborating with Rachel and
Brendon today openly, and it was fine.

Yeah, all three teams were
working together.

It just makes more sense.

We'll just all battle each
other out on the course itself.


There's the river, we're
getting there.

Here, here, here, yeah, yeah.

"River Delivery or Run Through
the Jungle?"

A large part of Malaysian Borneo
is drained by navigable rivers,

the main and often only
lifelines of trade and commerce.

Teams must build a bamboo raft

and then brave the treacherous

down the river to the detour of
their choice.

River Delivery requires teams
to transport goods

to the village of Kampung

Once there, they must deliver
the goods to the village chief

and then continue riding the

Run Through the Jungle requires teams
to join a Marut hunting safari.

Using a blow pipe, each team
member must successfully hit

a fake target and then return to
their raft.

Once they have completed their
journey down river,

Majin, a local river guide,
will hand them their next clue.

- What do you want to do?
- Deliver supplies.


Let's build it down by the


Here, let's just build it
right here.

There's something to do,
Connor, with this.

We have to have these all facing
the same direction.

- We put this on it, Dad.
- I don't think so.

Yes. I know so, 100%.

There's Leo and Jamal. Here.

Oh, my gosh. How'd they get
here so quick?

sh**t. These ones aren't knots.

Watch out!


We are gonna do river delivery.

Let's go.

Luke and Margie just came.

We're good, this is--
I promise, this is gonna hold.

All right.

Let's go, we gotta get our
supplies and everything.


Let's put everything in here.

Sack of potatoes.

Put the heavy stuff on the

- Sack of onions.
- There's ten apples.

It's heavy.

Let's get our gnome
taken care of.

He's the--
The man of the ship.

He's our captain.

All right.

We got some boys out for a
local swim here in front of us.

What's up, guys?

The experience of being there
was incredible.

Just let the--
Let it take us.


To be in Borneo, to have that
beautiful river

and to be healthy and be able to
do this again,

with my son, was great.

I'm pretty happy with our new
traveling partner today.

We got the gnome with us.

I'm just hoping Jet doesn't
cut me from the team

and take the gnome with him the
rest of the race.

- Yeah.
- Yeah, park right there.

We're doing River Delivery,

Sweet, we gotta build a raft.

You act like we're good at it
or something.

Jet and I are both kind of
handymen around the ranch.

When we put that raft together,
we plan on being able to raft

down whatever we had to and
deliver food to any chief.

This is your music, Leo.

It made sense for Leo and I to
pick this delivery of food items

compared to the hunting one, 'cause
we had to look for something,

so we said, you know what,
just play it safe.

Deliver this food to the local


Yee-haw, huh?

This is the life.

Oh, this is smooth sailing.


Carrying it down to the water,
ours fell apart,

'cause we don't know how
to tie knots.

Let's go.

Once the cowboys get to a
task, they are so fast.

They blew us out of the water.
They just were gone.

Hang on right here, bro.

Let it ride, Jet.

So far, so good.

- Mom.
- You ready? Let's go.

Mom. Mom.

I can't see you.

If we can't, like, see each other
and we can't use our hands,

it's almost impossible to

Oh, boy. Hey.

Ooh! Put the stick in the water.


We're gonna do Run Through the

Okay, this is fun.

We're like Huck Finn
and Oliver Twist.

I feel very confident about
this, okay?

We're gonna kick ass
on this raft.

I feel so good about it.

Oh, that's it! Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Stop, stop, stop!

Back it up, back it up,
back it up!

- Yeah, good job, man.
- Yeah! Hey, hey, hey!

You're the best taxi driver in

Here we go, here we go, come on.

We gonna make some noise.

I don't know much about the
Malaysian culture,

but it seemed like the people
are really great people.

Come on, shake! You gotta
shake it like that, hey!

Hey, I see you over there!

- Hey!
- Hey!

Like this. Like this.

What we do is not a job.
We don't do a real job.

We get to go out and have fun with
people and make people laugh,

so it's nice to be able to bring
a little bit of

what we really do to some of the
people here in Malaysia.

- Let's go knock this out.
- Hi, guys.

- Hey, guys.
- Hey, hey, hey.

This is pretty cool.

We gotta keep going, right?

The clue says go under six

I believe, is what it says.

That must be the hunting

- Have you got the clue?
- Yeah, it's in my pants.

That's the third bridge.

We got a long ways to go,
my boy.

Okay. I think I see a sign
over there, Leo.

What'd the paper say?

That it's right on the bank.

What does that say, Jamal?

That says "Kampung Tombung."

That's it.
It has to be here, Leo.

Maybe Dave and Connor missed it.

Dave and Conor weren't that far
ahead of Leo and I,

to go ahead and already deliver
the food

and come back down and start
going again,

so we were like, they missed it.

They messed up.
They probably didn't go to it.

It has to be here, Leo.

It's gonna be up here, Leo.

I see a soccer field, Leo.

I think that's it, dude,
right there.

Yeah, that's him. Let's go, Leo.

That, that, that, that.

- Yes.
- Yes!

Thank you. Thank you.

- "Continue down the river."
- Thank you, my friend.


- Hey, Cord?
- Yeah.

- We got a marker coming up.
- That must be the--

Going through the jungle delivery
there or something, huh?

I don't know.

Let's see what it says
before we go by it.

What the hell is that?

We see another team.

Now we see the cowboys
approaching us,

and we're like, wow,
they caught up fast.

Kampung Tambung.
I wonder if we get off here.

- Hey, Jamal!
- Yeah?

Are y'all delivering the
supplies or the other one?

I could have lied.
If this was last season--

We would have definitely lied.

We would have lied, you know,
and just said no.

I really wanted to lie.

Is this the delivery?

This is the delivery, yeah.

Thanks, guys.

- You have to come up here.
- Thanks.

We don't want double u-turn

I don't want that name of
the Afghanimals

being sneaky and manipulative,

so we're gonna help everybody
this season.

There's the chief, Cord.

How'd we do, Chief? We good?

It says "Continue down river."

- Yeah!
- Thanks, Chief!

Hang on.

Hang on, Dad, hang on!

Hold that baby together, Connor.

We're good, we're good.

Sixth bridge, Connor, we want
to get it right.

- That's a route marker.
- I know.

- You think it's here?
- Yeah, look at these people.

No, this is the jungle run.

Holy cow.
We missed the drop-off.

- For the food?
- Yeah.

Holy crap, Dad. We're toast.

- Holy crap, Dad.
- Well, holy cow.

Do you want to get past it?

- We gotta keep going.
- Okay.

Paddle hard, Connor.

What are we doing?

At this point, we're walking.

How did we freaking miss it?

I have no idea.

Let's go! Whoo!

- Let's do it!
- Let's go!

- Taxi, thank you!
- Off to the left!

- Taxi!
- Are you fast?

He's good, full t*nk of gas.

Right here, right here,
right here.


We gotta stay ahead of those

We're behind, but I think that there
might be some chance to catch up.

Brenchel might be behind,
but we're never out.


White water rafting in
Malaysia, baby.

After delivering the food to
the chief,

Leo and I are making our way
back down that river again,

and we thought, oh, this is
smooth sailing.

This ain't white water rafting,
this is lazy water rafting.

And then everything just started

Oh, we done. Oh, we done.

Just hold on tight.

Oh, my God.

It's gonna hit you hard.

Be careful it doesn't
s*ab you in.

Be 'careful it
doesn't s*ab you in.


Our thing is stuck!

Push, man, this way! This way!

Our bamboo sticks just go directly
underneath and it just gets stuck,

and this is where the strong current
is, where you're supposed to avoid.

Go, go, go, go!

I'm, like, trying to hold the
raft together, 'cause, like,

now it's coming apart, because,
like, we keep getting slammed

against the thing, and I see one
of the bamboo sticks leaving.

- Oh, my God.
- Oh, man.

Let's go, guys!

In the corner of our eyes,
we see the cowboys.

Nice and calm, just going on.

Enjoying their rafting day.

It's like, hey, let's combine
our rafts, you know?

We just helped you,
help a brother out.

But they were, like, yee-haw,

and they just giddy on up
out of there.

Man, our raft is nice.

That's it. That's it.

Oh, I see. I see, I see, I see.

- I see, he's up there.
- Where?

- He's up there, right there.
- Oh.

- Thank you.
- Welcome.

We need to turn this thing
right fast.

Why fast?

'Cause look at where we're

Oh, no.

It's okay, Jen. Don't freak out.

I know, just go right.

- We're stuck.
- Oh, no.

We're gonna have to lift it up.

We have to get it
over this rock.

- Aah! Ow! Ow!
- What? What?

My finger! It's got my finger!

You okay, Jen?

My finger almost got cut off.

I didn't know which way to go.
I'm sorry.

Jen, I'm so glad you're okay.

I am, too.

That was scary.

We gonna hit some rocks,
we gotta ride 'em.



- Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop!

Back it up, back it up,
back it up!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,

Be careful, be careful.

You're okay.

I thought I was gonna die.

- The waterfall?
- Oh, we're here?

- Are we here? Should he wait?
- Yeah.

All right, go, go, go!

Wait for us.
We'll pay you for your time.

We'll be right back.

This is so beautiful.

So basically, us three teams
are three hours

behind the rest of the teams,
which is kind of scary.

How much?

Thank you so much.

I think that's where we go.

We had to figure out how to
get the food back up river

to the chief, and that box was
not light.

It had to be at least 50 pounds.

Oh, more than that.

thing a long way.

I misread that clue.
It said six bridges.

This is it, this is it.

Is that it, right there?
Is that the person?

Let's just pray.
Pray, pray, pray.

Oh, right here, Connor!

- You see him?
- The one on the island.


Watermelon. Onions.

- Thank you!
- Thank you much!

Now we go back to where we go
the raft up.

Oh, there--
There, right there, right?

Yeah, it's right here.

Okay, Claire bear.

We're almost there.

- Hey, guys.
- Good job, guys.

I thought I was gonna die.

- Hi.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

We saw this beautiful badass
girl warrior.


And she showed us how to hunt
with this bamboo stick.



Keep your eyes open.

I felt like a warrior in the
jungle hunting.

I was ready to get my bird.

Jungle, baby.

Welcome to the jungle.

Look for 'em everywhere.

Yeah. High and low.

- Oh, here, Claire.
- Right here.

Let's just try to get
this guy down.

Do you have enough air to get
it over there?

I don't know, I've never done
it before.

- You know, you blow this.
- Yeah.

Oh! Yes, I got it, I got it,
I got it!

Oh! Hell yes, teammate.
Indian Warrior.

Jen knocked it out like
John Wayne would.

Well, he is my grandpa.

You can do it, girl.

Damn that tree.

Okay, let's run back.

Get right back in there.
Put him down.

His ass is mine.

- Yeah!
- Way to go!

Go get it! Go get it! Go get it!

- Way to go, Flight.
- Thank you, baby.

Proud of you, honey, bringing
home the supper.

Hey. Two times.

Let's go. My turn now, baby.

It's over that way.

This way.

- Do you have our wood?
- Yeah.

Give you the wood?

Thank you, thank you.

- Route Info.
- Route Info.

Teams must now make their way
to Tanjun Aru Water Village.

This floating community is home
to more than 3,000 people

and is the Pit Stop for this leg
of the race.

The last team to check in here
may be eliminated.

Let's roll, let's roll.

Oh, Cody's holding up a clue.


Thank you.

"Make your way to
the next Pit Stop."

Tanjun Aru.

Let's rock and roll.

That was not easy.

A rough ride, right, baby?

- We're here.
- You made it.

We're here.
He had the easy part.

"Next Pit Stop, Tanjun Aru
Water Village.

Warning, the last team to arrive
may be eliminated."

More water?

- Whoo!
- Yeah, Jen!

Keep it going, nice and steady!

Keep it going! Good work!

Yeah, Jen! Way to go!

Good work!

"Make your way to the Kampung

We did it, we did it! Woo-hoo!

Come on, Rache!

Yeah, good job, baby!

I didn't want to get my green
sequin shorts wet,

so I did the road block in my

God forbid she lose some
sequins along the way.

Good job, baby.

Almost there!

I'll massage your butt tonight.

I'm so proud of you.

"Make your way to the Kampung

All right, let's go.

Whoo! Come on, Joey!

You got it, you got it,
keep going!

Got it.

Yeah, good job!

Great job, by the way.
Thank you.

"Make your way to Kampung."

Okay, so we have to take a taxi.

Is that a taxi over there?

No, that's not a taxi.

Dang, we should have
held our taxi.

I know. We need to take a taxi.

The problem here is there is
no taxi services around here.

Oh. That's unfortunate.

We have to walk to find a taxi

Damn-itty damn damn.

Oh, my God.


- Mom!
- You okay?

When we hit the big rapids,

we lost the back end of our

the cross piece and the rope.


We actually used my shirt to
tie the back.

It was tough. It was a hard day.

Here we are.

Going from first to who knows
where we'll be.

We're not out, though, Dad.

I think there's three teams in taxis
headed to the Pit Stop right now.

We could be team number one
right now, we don't know.

There's still a chance that Leo and
I are running for first place.

- Is that the water village?
- Yeah.

That's a big place to search
for Phil.

Hopefully, we can get him found.

That's all for you.

- Be number one.
- Number one, I give you all.

I see it, I see it, I see it,
okay, good, good, good.

Thank you.

Hustle there, Connor.

- Here, here?
- Where?

This one?

All right, come on, come on,
come on, come on!

Better be in the right place.

Holy cow.


Welcome to...

Saba Malaysian Borneo.

- Thank you.
- Thank you very much.

Dave and Connor, you are team
number one!

- Oh!
- Whoa! What?

Whoo! That feels good.

We love the gnome.

As the winners of this leg
of the race,

you have won a trip for two
from Travelocity,

and you are going to Budapest,


You are gonna enjoy five nights at
the Corinthia Hotel in Budapest

with daily breakfast and a massage
for two in the Royal Spa.

You're gonna take a tour on the
River Duna

and end with dinner for two.

Last time we were first,
we were on crutches.

It feels wonderful, having just
finished a leg, finished first,

on two legs, and not have an

that's going to eliminate us
from the race.

- Man!
- Hey.

First place!

We're gonna try and keep that
tact going

and hopefully win
"The Amazing Race."

Holy cow.

Couple of cowboys.

Hey, come on! Come on,
come on, come on, come on!

Yee-haw, guys.

- Good to see you, guys.
- You all right, didn't drown?

- Yeah, we're still alive.
- All right.

Tell us about it, Phil.

- You are team number two.
- Yeah!

- How was my accent?
- It was good, good, country.

Leo and Jamal, you are team
number three. Congratulations.

Taxi gods, please send us
a taxi!

It felt like Switzerland when
there were no taxis

and we had to walk three miles

It's okay. It's okay.

Taxi? Is that a taxi?

No, that's not a taxi.

We're really, really behind.


I don't think a taxi is coming.

- Let's start running.
- Yeah.

- We're screwed.
- Yeah.

Come on, taxi. Any minute.

What's this place?

Would you be able
to call us a taxi?

Thank you, thank you.

Literally, like, there's
nothing else we can do.

I know. I hear a car.

I hear a car.

Is this a taxi? It is?

- All right, let's go!
- Yeah! Hi!

We're definitely way behind

But we're still here
and we're still racing.

Oh, gosh.


- I'm fine, I'm fine.
- Mom, Mom.

Let's just get this done.

Hopefully, we're not too far,
because this is really hard work.


- Yay!
- Yay!

"Make your way to your new
Pit Stop."

That was k*ller.

Oh, my gosh, it was so close.

Oh, my gosh. So close.

Don't worry.

All right, here we go.
We're gonna knock it out.

Let's go.

Get it, go.



- That's what I'm talking about!
- Yeah!

That's what
I'm talking about!

Yes! We gonna put it in the
gumbo, baby!

We gonna cook these! We gonna
eat you tonight!

After we got our birds, we had
to party with the locals.

Oh, yeah.

We're doing it! We're doing it!

Hey! Get it, Flight!

Get it, Flight! Get it, Flight!

Let's go, let's go.

Good luck, girls.


I'm gonna do this.

Did I hit him?

Oh, my God! Whoo!

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

Yeah, we have to paddle down

Oh, my God, so happy.
We're almost done, Jen.

Yep, yep. That's it.

Oh, red and yellow, too.
This is it, this is it.

I think that we do
the blow dart one.

Yeah, let's hunt.

Okay, check it out. They've
got notches in here, too.

What are the notches for?

I think the two logs are gonna
go through 'em.

- Babe, right here.
- Oh, good.

"River Delivery or
Run Through the Jungle?"

Do Run Through the Jungle.

What up, guys?

- What's up?
- Hey, guys.

- Team second flight!
- Team second flight!

This looks weird, honey,
are you sure this is right?


I guess a raft is a raft, right?

Do you think this is gonna work?

It sucks that we have you guys
next to us

'cause you're our friends, and we
don't want to be doing this with you.

Good luck, guys.

Their raft looked very shoddy
and poorly constructed.

And ours was looking pretty
good, pretty tight.

It was really janky.

It was, like, falling apart

as we were bringing it
down the river,

like, nothing was connected.

It was, like, super

but I wanted to see how it
performed in the water

before we, you know, rebuilt it.

It doesn't look like their
raft is gonna hold up.

- Whup!
- Hello!

Margie and Luke, you are team
number... four


We're really trying to get our
communication down.

We still are having trouble with
that, but...

Just getting better.


This is so fun.

John and I are from Minnesota,
and we go canoeing a lot,

and that's kind of where we went
on our first date.

We've had a lot of canoeing
experience together,

so we were really comfortable.

Once we got going, it was, like,
a no-brainer on how we were

supposed to maneuver through


I don't know how John and
Jessica's raft is holding up.

Babe, are you switching--

Their raft was not tied
together well.

Sweetie, I love you, but listen.

Get away from those rocks.

Can we turn it around?
It's turning, it's turning.

Turn it around.

Oh, my God, Brendon, be careful.

This is gonna come apart!

- It's not gonna-
- It is!

- Brendon, stop!
- Hold on.

Hold on.

Our stick fell apart, Brendon,
it fell apart.

The raft fell apart.

- We're not gonna lose this way.
- No, we're not.

This is stupid.

I don't want to go home,
I'm not ready.

Dear God, please let us fix

Oh, yeah, there's our clue.

Here we go! Right here.

- Run Through the Jungle.
- Run Through the Jungle, okay.

Come on.

It's four. Four more.

We have a lot of time
to make up.

Both our parents are carpenters,
so we got this, girl.

Here we come, baby!

Soaking wet!

I don't care what place we in!

We made it today!

- Flight Time and Big Easy.
- Yes, sir.

- You are team number five.
- Whoo!

That's what I'm talking about,

- All right. You ready?
- Yeah.

Please be careful.

I'm going to be careful.

Nobody said the million dollars
would be easy, Rache.

Well, no crap.

- Get on.
- Okay.

I got it.
Hold onto everything else!

I'd like to know how the
country singer girls did this.

Oh, my gosh. I'm so happy.

- Caroline and Jennifer.
- Hey.

You're team number six.

- Yay!
- Okay, we're in it.

This is it, this is it.

Honey, you look like a cute
little warrior.

I see it.

It's right there.

See that bird?

Do you want to set it on my

Oh, that's really good.

Yeah! Woo-hoo!

Yeah, that was awesome,
that's the way to go.

Jess definitely set the bar
pretty high

when it came to take these
macaws out of the trees.

I felt like Jess was
Pocahontas today

and, like, I was John Smith.

Stay focused.

And John Smith doesn't really
know how to use a blow dart.

He's, like, more used to, like,
using a g*n.

I think we still have a shot
at this, hopefully.

Fingers crossed.

All right, let's do this, girl.

Oh, God!


We made it!

That was serious. I thought the
boat was gonna fall apart.

Thank you, God,
for keeping us safe,

because that was very dangerous
and very scary,

and I was not very happy
about it.

This is gonna be rough, babe.

Babe, this is su1c1de.

I'm scared, this is dangerous!

Hold on, Rache!



- Brendon, stop!
- Aah!


I'm scared!

Hold on! I'm gonna come!


Hold on, Rache!
Hold on! I'm gonna come!

I lost the raft!

What do we do?

Oh, it's right here!

Move back to the shore, babe.

Brendon, there's nothing we
can do.

We're missing raft parts.

What parts?

The back and the twine
to the back.

- That's the twine?
- Down river.

So is your bamboo.

We got stuck in rapids twice and
our raft is totally done.

We lost the front short bamboo
stick and we lost the rope.

Sucks, because there's nothing
we can do about it.

Oh, my God, Brendon, be careful.

Brendon, it's not worth it!

Grab some vines!

Stop, I got a stick.

Where did you find that?

I was trying to tie it together
with a vine.

I can't believe that you found
this little piece of stick

in a big, huge river.

You're my hero.

- Ready?
- Yeah.

All right. Get on.

Well, it's definitely an

Actually, I don't even
want to quit.

I just want to not die.

You can do this.
I believe in you.

Just hit it straight in the

- Yes!
- Way to go.


I'm gonna gather berries
next time.

I'll be the hunter,
you gather berries.

John Smith is supposed
to have a g*n.

- Oh, my God.
- Oh, my God.

- This is really dangerous.
- I know!

- Aah!
- Aah!

Hold on, Rache!

We survived.

It's right here!


This is pretty cool.

- It's very cool.
- I feel like a hunter.

I feel like a tribesman.

It actually doesn't seem
too hard.

I feel like we're gonna get

This is actually pretty sick.

Let's go! Whoo!

Oh, that sucks.
This isn't easy, huh?

It's okay.
We've done harder things.

Is there another bird?

Here, babe, let me try this
one one more time.

- Oh!
- Good job.

Got one.

Brendon and I were nervous
because Joey and Meghan

at this point were nowhere
to be found,

so I kind of assumed that they maybe
had gone to a different Detour.

I was really scared.

We knew that at this point,
this could cost us this leg.

Come on, let's go, babe.
Come on. Hustle.

All right, Brendon.

We didn't come this far to
stop now.




Jessica and John.

I'm pleased to tell you that you
are team number seven.

- Whoo!
- Yes!

Just take your time.

Just relax, okay?

- Look, we need to hurry.
- Babe.

I know, I'm not trying to
pressure you, I'm just saying.

I would love to get this
knocked out.

Whoo! Yeah!

Here we go!

All right, let's paddle away,

I think we're almost there.

Just relax, okay?

You are your greatest enemy.

Oh! Dead bird, dead.

- Oh, sh**t. Oh, sh**t.
- Uh-oh.

Damn-itty damn damn.

This is probably the end.

- Brendon and Rachel.
- Yes.

If there's one thing we can
say about you guys,

you guys race hard.

Thank you.

You're still in the race.
You are team number eight.

What? Are you serious?

My God.

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

"The Amazing Race" is an
adventure of a lifetime.

It's a crazy opportunity to
almost, like,

act like a kid again.

It was so cool, it's like a
page out of "The Jungle Book."

For sure.

Welcome to...

Malaysian Borneo.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Joey and Meghan,
you are the last team to arrive.

And I am sorry to tell you that you
have been eliminated from the race.

Very competitive.

We thought we were a pretty
tough team, and we are,

but up against these people who
are veterans, it's just insane.

But it was awesome.

People got so excited the last
time around.

They went on "The Amazing Race"
with us, and I wanted to be able

to give our fans that
experience again.

It's slightly embarrassing that
we're out so soon,

but you know, what can you do?

- We still had a fun time.
- Yeah, it was fun.
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