22x04 - I Love Monkeys!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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22x04 - I Love Monkeys!

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the amazing

Race," dave's worse fears were


I fell on my achilles tendon.

There was an express pass

Given to them.

I want to finish this for


Dave and connor cut back.

There's the express pass.

After a wild ride at the

Roadblock, dave achieved the

Impossible but got more than

They bargained for.

Will dave and connor keep


I honestly don't have any

Idea if we can keep going.

And who will be eliminated

And who will be eliminated


Guys, the race is still


Ihave your next clue.

Going to bally.

Teams must now fly 4,000

Miles to bally, indonesia.

They will make their way to the

Monkey forest where a monkey

Will reveal their next clue.

Dave, you're not giving


My life has gotten

Progressively more painful.

It's not how I envisioned

Competing in "the amazing race."

And I think we can go another


Three legs isn't bad.

If we can get another first

Place, that would really make

The other teams look bad.

Jessica and john, you are

The second team to arrive and

You are still racing.

Let's go, jess.

I want to make sure that we

Play this game strategically

Smart and that we extract as

Much value out of our express

Pass as we reasonably condition.


We're still racing.

Bates and anthony, you are

Both still racing here.

Here is your next clue.

Joey and meghan, you're the

Fifth team to arrive and you are

Still racing.

Caroline and jennifer, you are

The sixth team to arrive however

You are still in the race.

Max and katie you are the eighth

Team to arrive and you are both

Still racing.

At this point I'll take

Anything but last.

Could we ask you for


That's ok.

Do you a phone that we might

Be able to call them?


I was wondering if you can

Help me reserve some seats for

The fastest possible flight to


The fastest plane to bally

Leaves at 8:00.

Sorry to tell you that you

Are the last team to arrive.

However, you're still racing.

Here's your next clue.

Rip it, read it and keep racing.

That was a lucky break.

I'm a little disappointed

Right now but I am happy I'm

Still in the race.

There's a pot of gold at the

End of this rainbow, I know it.

We have to get bally as fast

As possible.

We just got our ticket to


We're going to the airport to

Go get our ticket to bali.

We're trying to look up


We can buy it online here


I find a flight.

It arrives at 8:30.

Let's just buy everything


Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Let's go, girl.

We should go follow them.

Where are you guys going?

There's like no flights at


Should we go to a travel


I think we should.


Departures are straight


Maybe you could help us.

We're trying to get to bali.

Nobody has a counter here.

So it's best to go to a travel



Let's do this.

Hopefully we can get some


Hey, they're with a guy right


Someone is showing them where to


You guys get some?

No, they're helping us.

I don't think we're going to

Get much luck here as far as

Getting over there.

So got some directions, heading

Over to the travel agency, which

Isn't too far apparently.


We need to go get bali.



Thank you so mufment

Scoured the whole thing, just

Do the flight.

And get exactly what we got.

We already have them.

How do you already have them?

Thank you.

See you guys there.

This way.

We need the fastest flight to



Let's go talk to joey and


We have our lines which is

Us, roller derby moms and j.j.

We're keeping it super


Hey, guys.

All right.

It's been a pleasure, thank you.

You've been very helpful.

All right.

The fastest you can get us to


Can we get on there too.

There are's another one that's

Around the same time, arrival




Caroline and jennifer, and pam

And winny are on the first line

Scheduled to arrive at 8:35 a.m.

Mona and bates and anthony are

On the second flight scheduled

To arrive at 12:05 p.m.

Joey and meghan and jessica and

John are on the third flight

Connecting to singapore also

Scheduled to arrive at 5:00.

We need to get to bali as

Quickly as possible.

We got a faster flight to


We found a flight that arrives

At 10:35 and we found it for our

Friends joey and meghan too.

Thank you.

Let's go.

Pam, right here.




Let's go.

Looking for a monkey place.

I feel like this one's the


You got to beat them as fast

As you can.

Sacred monkey forest.

Choose a coconut and give it to

A monkey who will then show you

Your next clue.

Hollywood if you didn't think we


We're going to fight

We're here to stay

Laugh along the way


We're going to win "the amazing


I can't wait to see the


They better not throw poo on

My face.

Monkeys do that.

Start going, dad.

I've got it.

We'll be back.

Thank you, friend.

This is awesome.

Monkeys everywhere.

I'm not going to lie, a little

Bit scared.


I love monkeys!

Is this amazing?

Can we hold them?

We have to grab a coconut and

Have the monkeys open the

Coconuts for us.

Don't scare him away.

Max, walk away so he comes

And grabs it.

Hi, guys.

Oh, my gosh, they look like

Little people.

I have wanted a monkey my

Whole live.

-- Life.

Her flying squirrel died of


That's a true fact.

She kept it in her bra.

And it died of loneliness.

Come here, monkey.

That little one is there, it's

Too scared.

Don't look at it in the eye.

Be quiet.

We're trying to get the

Monkey over.

There are so many tourists

Distracting and scaring away the


That is a tainted coconut.

He's going over to theirs.

Damn it.

Yes, that guy, he wants it.

He has to open the coconut.

Is it inside?

Look at those teeth.

That would hurt if they bit you.

You do it king monkey.

You got this.

Yeah, smash it.

Smash it.

I wouldn't want to be that


Coconut tuesday,


What are we doing over there?

This must be a real delicacy.

As soon as he'll give it up

Question go.

Come on, dude.

-- As soon as he'll give it up,

We can go.

Come on, dude.

Thank you so much.

It's a detour.

This detour requires teams

To work with two natural

Resources that are an essential

Part of life in bali.

Their choice, sandy bottom or

Fruity top.

Sandy bottom requires teams to

Collect sand from the bottom of

The river and transport it

Uphill 200 yards to the brick


Once they fill the container to

The designated line, the brick

Maker will hand them their next


Fruity top, they will prepare

The religious offering.

When complete it will be carried

In a traditional manner to the

Temple where it will be blessed

By a priest.

Once they place it here, the

Priest will hand them their next


We're going to do fruity top.

We didn't have any choice.

That's the only choice.

That was pretty cool.


Eat faster.

He's scratching his butt and

Taking a drink.

Looks like me in the morning

When I wake up.

He's got a hole and he's


Is that good?


Thank you.

Untwist it and pull it out.


Oh, god.

I think this one might be


We can do fruity top.

Got it?

Yes, thank you.

It's a detour.

We're going to do fruity top.

Let's go.

Let's go.

Fruity top.

Fruity top.

Fruity top, baby.

We love us some dancing

Priests and everything with


We're feeling really good.

We're in the middle of the pack

Which is kind of nice because we

Can focus on bali around this

Right now.


I have the express pass.

So we're feeling good.

I love bali.

We got on an earlier flight.

Thank god for that.

It's really paying off.

All things considered we're

Doing well with the hand that

We've been dealt.

We had somewhere between

Three or four hours.

This might be our last leg.

We want to go without a win.

We're going to have to smash


Right here.

Right here.

Wait for us, please.

Wait for us, yeah.

That looks like it, yeah.

You need a se wrong. %

-- Serong.

Attention to detail is going

To be key.

We have to downtown base.

I design sets for a living so

I knew what was the most

Strategic way to make it work


I'll start gathering


Supplies are right here.

Grab me a whole gunch of stuff.

Did you get them?


Did you get two pineapples?


We need two of these.

I think we need to push these

Out because they need to line


This one needs to be three.

Getting them close together

Is a little tricky.

I've never been so close to


Oh, no.

How do we get it down?

Keep going.

Keep going until you can go no


Once I get to the chewy center,

Then I'll know.


Down here, babe.

Come on!

We've got a great driver.

He's a super driver.

We got a jump on winona.

I didn't see the girls.

We're still in the race.

We need make a little time here.


The monkey did reveal our


Fruity top seems more


Let's do fruity.



Excuse me, sir, can I look in


Is there a clue or something?

Get your monkey pack in there.

Theres the.

Thank you.

Let's do the fruity top.


So we're going to do fruity top.

How many minutes?

Five minutes more.

Get here faster than somebody


This is the monkey forest?


We're at the monkey forest

Where we'll find our next clue.

Kind of hoping we're not dead

Last right now.


Ok, drop it.

Thank you.

Monkey expert?

Do you know where we're


Yeah, yeah.

I don't think he know where

Is he's going.

You want to ask somebody?

Oh, my gosh.

I thought you knew where we

Were going.

This guy's a joke.

Well, if we weren't last

Before we are now.

Before we are now.


I thought you knew?

You see the junction.

Turn left.

Can you tell him that?

We've got to go.

Ticktock, ticktock.

Something's coming out of it.

Dig in.

Eat it like it's your job.

Come on.

Come on.

Eat the damn coconut.


He's going up the tree.

Oh, god.

We have a big one eating it

And he's better than the two

Little babies.

Here, he's digging it out.

In a whistle or something

Inside it.


How about fruity top.

Put it together like you do your

Deer heads.

Piece by piece.

We can do this.


Thank you.

Sandy bottom or fruity top.

This is grunt work which we are

Good at.

Almost done.

We're doing pretty good.

We started off really fast.

This part that we're doing is

The hardest part it's got to go

On top of this pomegranate, ok?

This is good.

Everybody else's doesn't have


We have a lot of sticks sticking


Y'all's sticks sticking out?

So we are so meticulous about

Getting it completely perfect

And then I turn around and

Everyone looks like they just

Through up a bunch of fruit on

To a platter.


Thank you.

The girls just finished but I

Think we're almost there.

We need the top.

We have to carry it.



This has to face a certain



Make them tighter.

Please say yes.

Please say yes.

Oh, yes!

Don't worry.

Keep going.

Be really, really really


Are you counting?

Yeah, jen, I'm counting.

There's a super tall step.

We had to carry the heavy --

It was really heavy.

Heavy offering outside.

Are you serious?


Pam and I were struggling and

Then she just boops, pops it on

Her head.

Thank you, everyone.

Yeah, we're in a procession.

This is so exciting.

This is awe.


-- This is awesome.

This thing is heavy.

Give it to you?

We walk with them.

Looks pretty good.

This is impressive.

I can barely carry it on my arms

And she has it on her head.

Oh my god, this is so


I can't believe we're doing


Put it down.

Gently, gently.

This is so cool.

Thank you so much.

It was the coolest thing


It was.

It actually was like the best

Cultural experience I've ever


Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Make your way to uluwatu surf

Beach and search for your next



Let's go.

This is incredible.

Look at this.

Look at this

It's amazing.

Thank you.

Make your way to the surf beach

And search for your next clue.

Jess and I are pretty

Detailed oriented probably me

More than she is.

So this one's right up our


We might see some other teams

Here and we'll make it happen.

We have no clue where we are

Right now.

It would be nice if the blue

Team is there.

Here we go!

All right.

You are going to put that on

Your head?


We're with you?


Here we go.

The most beautiful work of

Art you've ever seen.


Are we here?

You're the best.

Number two.




I don't know if this is right.

Do you see red and yellow.

Oh, wait.

We did find find it.

We'd like to build a traditional


No english.

No english, yes.

So this is our example right


They had all these examples

Lined up.

Cool, that's going to help us.

We need to make this.

Got it?



Thank you.


Put it on the stage.

Thank you!

Thank you so much.

It's the essence of what

We're doing, jess.

It doesn't have to be exactly


Ours is really nice.

Thank you.


Now what do we do with it?

We must put a srong.

We're feeling good.

Ask him if he has seen any

People earlier today that look

Like us?

Not yet.

Not yet?

Are we at the right place?

You have to go to the house

Number two.

Where is the house number



Well, let's go.

Oh, my gosh, we just made


In somebody's backyard.

Oh, my god.

Here's one.

Here's one.

Oh, ok.


Hi, guys.


Jessica, all we have to do is

Build it.


Now we need to get the fruit.

Let's look for the individual


Now we need to get our pieces.

This is it.

We've got to go.

Right there.

Right there.

Come oranges -- come on,


This is as close as I've ever

Been to a monkey.

Where did he go?

So now what?

Dredging the volcanic sand

From the bottom of the river.

Can you wait here for us?

Don't see another taxi here so

That's good.



Here we go.

There was three local that were

Demonstrating the task for us

And they were doing it like it

Was nothing.

Those women were amazing.

It's really harder than it


This is the detail oriented task

That definitely plays to my

Strength of being a**l


We're going to do great.

We've made costumes and so we're

Used to looking at pictures.

And we both love legos.

There are some people still

In here.

They must be getting stuck.


As much as we're in the barks

We do not like being in the


There's a battery oring?


All right.

Looks like a lipstick.

Maybe the girls left it for us.

Show him.

You know between there?

They don't know.

Or this one?

That one?

You know where that one is?

We're switching it up.

We're going to do fruity top.

I can't wait to put a serong



This place.

It's like palae shall.

-- Palacial.

I see a roadblock.

Who's ready to get totally


This roadblock requires

Teams to find a surfboard with

An imagine that's been seen

Before that's the priest that

Blessed them in bora bora.

They'll need to find the pit

Stop picking up their partner

Along the way.

They must have the right board

To check in.

If not, they'll have to run all

The way to the surf shop and try


The last team check in here may

Be eliminated.

I'll do it.

Good luck, winnie.



Where's the surfboard?

How do I get down there?

This way?


Thank you.

We definitely want to win on

This leg.

We don't know how much longer we

Need toe be in it.

We need to get my dad's leg

Taken care of.

Here it is, dad.

Here it is.

It's a roadblock.

You're going to have to do

It, connor.


Good luck, my boy.

Surf shop down here?


Where's the surfboard shop?

Up this way, right?

Thank you so much.

One of these surfboards has a

Picture of something that we've

All encountered along the race.

I don't know what it is, but

It's not a roadblock or a detour

Because you get to choose.

I'm sure she'll get it because

It's a memory thing.

And she'll do great.

This looks like the priest

That gave us the blessing.

Where is the surf shop?

That way.

Looking for something that

We've all seen before.

Come on.

What are we looking for here?

I've already seen it.

Who's ready to get totally


I am.

Roadblock, tubular can be

Worked in a gnarly way -- me.


Carol, you've got it.

Surf shop down here.


That's about it for me.

I think we were probably

Carrying 30 to 40 pounds of sand

On our head easy and then you

Have to make your way up the

River back where the brick mason


It was really hard.

Don't miss anything when you

Get it in.

Come on.

Are you done, john?


Do you approve of our work?

What do you think of this?


Instead of stressing out,

Let's sthrue as an opportunity.

I think the sticks --

This might be it.

Thank god -- john, see how it

Goes fat like that.

Ours does not go fat like that.

So we need the sticks to go


I don't know who did this --

It's really bad.

It's not good.

I think we need to start over.

Are you serious?

Nothing's going our way

Today, at all.

We're really far behind.

There's something right here.

Awesome to see other teams.

Looks like it's not a super

Easy one but at least we've got

Somebody in our sights.

Have you seen phil?

No, did you?

Did you get the right board?

Yeah, but I can't find phil?

I swear I haven't seen phil?

-- Phil.

I'll go in first and you go

In second?

Well, no.

It's going to be pretty neck

And neck.

I swear it was on her board,

I'm going.

Is there a beach along that


I've got the priest.

This is the priest that married

Me and katie.

I've got to go.

Here it is.

Hope you got the right one,

My boy.

I don't know.


I really don't know.

Go ahead.

Welcome to bali.

Thank you very much.

Let me see your board.

Dave and connor, that is correct

And you are team number one.


And I have some great news

For you, as the winners of this

Leg of the race, you have won

$5,000 Each!

Considering what you have been

Through in the last few legs

This is nothing short of


I have this guy for a


Couldn't have a better


We'll do what it takes to


One leg at a time.

On one leg.

Love my son.

So something we've all

Encountered during the race.

How do we get up there?


That's not the way.


Winnie, second place.

Couldn't freaking find him.

Come on.

Come on.

You got it.


Pam and winnie, let me

Have a look at your board.

That is correct.

And that means you are team

Number two.


All right.

We have another team.

Max and katie.

Let me have a look at your


That is correct and you are team

Number three.

Tedious, tedious, tedious.

He spends hours in his garage

Doing his taxidermy.

We're playing catch-up.

But I'm glad there are other

People around us.

We have to pay attention to


The one thing you're working

On right now is in fact the


Jessica, why would we want to

Look at other people?

The example is right there.

Ok, john.

Look how pretty that is.

Do you want to use the

Express pass?


We could be last right now.

We could be last right now.
Ours isn't looking good.

Ours isn't looking good.

This is not going to work.

We're going to switch


Hey, I want you to stop and

Slow down a second because

Hayesy hasn't worked for us so


I think they're switching


What's our strategy?

Should we do an express pass or


I'm not thinking about the

Express pass right now.

I'm thinking about smart and





We're not a last place right


We would love to knockout

Bates and anthony.

They're hurting us on these


We had the fast one.

Oh, thank you so much.

Make your way to the surf beach.

We've all encountered bali.

I was trying to think what

Have we all seen.

I'm pretty much it's bali.

You've encountered bali.

It's definitely this.

Calm down for a second.

If we show up here and the derby

Girls are here, we're going to

Have to make a decision based on

How much they've completed.

What do you feel about that


I feel like it's a really

Good plan.


Oh, thank you.

Thank you.



We need to go to uluwatu surf


This way is the arrow.

We've all encountered bali.

We are getting our workout


Hey, guys.

Caroline and jennifer, I'm sorry

Tat is not correct.

You're going to have to go and

Get correct one before I can

Check you in.

Oh, my gosh.


Let's go.


Carol, you've got it.

Thank you.

I think she's thinking it's

Something that we've all seen

And it says search for something

That we've all encountered along

The race.

We've all seen surfers.

I hope I never see y'all



Feeling really good.

I think we're getting closer

To the location.

Now we're off to a beach.

A surf beach.

We've encountered surfers.

We've encountered surfers.

Surf beach.

Is it down there?

Caroline, I'm sorry to tell

You that is not correct.


Carol, it's ok.

There is nobody here yet.

This is the right way.

It's ok.

What the heck?

We've been going on this leg

For I think it's -- I think

We're on four days now.

I was trying to be so

Thorough in all the pictures.

This has got to be the

Longest leg in the history of

The race.

Oh, my god.

It's never ending.

Is this uluwatu surf beach.

Can I just cry for a second?


Of course.

There's no crying on "the

There's no crying on "the
amazing race".

Amazing race".

Oh, let's hope.

Something you've all

Encountered along the race.

Fingers crossed.

I think it's this guy.

I'm just going with this guy.

Oh, my gosh.

It's quite a little walk.

Come on, meghan, you're doing


Almost there.

We just saw meghan and joey

Running up the hill.


Theres the.

I think we should do it.


I'll do it.


I'll do it.

Looks like I'm going surfing!

Oh, my god.

I'm just going to try this one.

What did you get?

Some dude.

Don't know if we've seen him.

You have no idea what that


Do you remember getting a

Blessing from a priest?

I'm really happy to tell you

That you have the correct

Surfboard and you are now

Officially team number four.

I'm so proud of you, girl.

Yeah that guy.



Come on.

We're going to use our

Express pass.

We can do this really


This is a dream come true

Compared to building that

Ridiculous offering.

Thank you.

Make your way to the utuwatu

Surf beach.

Things might be turning up for


Hopefully john and jessica might

Be doing the other detour.

That's our only hope right now.


I'll do it.

The last team to check in

Will be eliminate.

Maybe a girl with a fruit


Let's go with this.

Deliver the surfboard on foot to

Phil at the pit stop.

We've encountered blood many


Chuck is going down there.

Chuck is lost.

Slow and steady.


We need to go up.

It's so hard.

Ow, my neck hurts.



Let's finish this up.


It's me.

Scary steps here.

Something that you've all


I'm pretty sure I've met this

Guy before.

I have no idea what I'm

Looking for.

Hopefully something I've seen.

Let's take this one.

I'm going to go with this.

I almost want to say that thing

But I'm not positive.

I don't know.

I ran around.

Could not find phil.

I ran an extra 10 miles I didn't

Have to.

I just needed him to look up.

The surfer's got to be on the


I'm going to try that other


Joey and meghan, that is


You are team number five.

Could I see your surfboard?

You can go back.

I need help.

And we know how to help them but

Of course we're going to be

There to help them out a little


I'm very tired.

Oh, my gosh.

Yeah, we did it.

Yes, thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.


Trouble finding phil.

Hope this is right.

What did you do wrong?

You're not saying?

So who's missing?


You didn't see them there?


I mean, we could be last


But we're still feeling our

Right because we've got an

Express pass.

If it's super challenging for

Some reason, we can run straight

To the pit stop.

Who's ready to get totally




You are.

Surf shop down by the beach.

I'm going upstairs.

I'm going downstairs.

So many stairs.

I don't care if I ever see a

Stair again.

I kind find it for the life of


Ah, crap, there it is.

Show me your board


That board is correct.

And you are team number six.

Chuck and winona, can I have a

Look at your board?

I'm sorry, that is not correct.

You didn't want to tell twheam

Board it was?


I'm looking for a surfboard

With something special on it.

Bates and anthony, you have

The correct board and you are

Team number seven.

Are you freaking kidding me?


We're last.

I'm so scared.

We don't want to be last.

We have an express pass still.

Look for a surfboard with a

Picture on it.

I think I will recognize it

When I see it.

Chuck and winona are here


And so I'm feeling the pressure

Is on at this point.

Let's go with this.

Oh, my good.

-- God.

I don't know how I can go any


I'm trying to think of ways I

Can be more efficient.

Baby, I hope we got the right


Oh, my gosh, we can't get

Kicked out.

I feel so ill.

Foim chuck and winona, you the

Correct board and --

Chuck and winona, you have

The correct board and you are

Team number eight.

What's wrong?

I want to find the surfboards.

I want to go out there.

I understand the rules.

I understand every single one.

I did not recognize a sticker of

Something that we're supposed to


So I want to be smart.

I believe there's one person

Behind us.

All the players are here.

So that's obviously


But I don't believe -- I've got

To keep going.

I don't know what his

Technique was at all.

I think it was the principle of

You don't want to give up.

There's that bali sticker.

We've seen beach culture.

I'm sorry, that board is


You're not allowed to see those


Things are not looking good.

We have an express pass that

We didn't get to utilize.

The bottom line is I don't

Understand how using the express

Pass would benefit me at this


This might be worth


Phil, old buddy, old pal.

Your board is correct.

Let me take your board.

Hey, we completed this leg of

The race.

That's something to be proud of.

Jessica and john, you are

The last team to arrive and I'm

Sorry to tell you that you have

Been eliminated from the race.

Nothing we can do about that.

I think you're the first

Team with an express pass.

I don't see the value in

Looking back and experiencing

Regret over decisions that we

Have no control over at this


That concept doesn't make sense

To me.


The simple truth is I don't

Need a million dollar.

I think we've made a big


For me it's going to be hard

Feeling over.

I'm feeling a big, huge let


There are absolutely zero

There are absolutely zero


Stay tuned from scenes

Stay tuned from scenes
from our next episode.

From our next episode.

Next week on "the amazing


Will connor and dave's streak


We believe question win "the

Amazing race."

The battle lines are


Any of us have to get there

Before joey and me gafpblet

They made their bed.

They made their bed.
Now they're going to lie in it.
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