10x10 - Lookin' Like a Blue-Haired Lady on a Sunday Drive

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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10x10 - Lookin' Like a Blue-Haired Lady on a Sunday Drive

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Amazing Race",

five teams left madagascar and
traveled over 6,000 miles to helsinki,finland.

we're moving.

Dustin and kandas and tyler and james gloated when

rob and kimberly narrowly missed the train.

it just left?

There it goes.

That was a race-breaker right there.

Then the backpack alliance and rob and kimberly

get off my hass,rob.

Battled it out to where they thought was the pit stop.

James conquered his fear of heights.

What tyler and james did not know was that
they were only halfway through this leg of the race.

"keep racing," god.

Now,five teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

you got it,bro.

You got it. Keep going.

oh,my god.

That is the freakiest thing
i have ever done in my entire life.

Thank you. here we go.

Oh,my gosh... hold the money.

-we're still going,bro.
-"keep racing."

when i read "the leg is not over"
i was definitely not a happy camper.

in 1986 the world's nuclear accident happened in chernobyl.

Fly to this city.

Teams must figure out that chernobyl,

site of the world's most horrible nuclear accident
is in the site of the former soviet republic ukraine

and the site is kiev.

They must find one of these russian-made cars
in the airport parking lot.

It's here that they'll find their next clue.

freaking chernobyl.

chernobyl,dude. Isn't it a little dangerous?

i don't want to get a third eye.

oh,my gosh.

The remaining teams must perform
a 236-foot face-forward rappel

also known as an angel dive.

It's first come,first served.

There are three lines available

and only one team member may rappel at a time.

you can do it,kandice. Just take one step at a time.

what am i doing? Going to the airport?

we've got a whole nother leg to go.


there is the clue box.

let's go.


"go to the top of the tower."

this is a route marker.

"go to the top of the tower."

it's out of here.

follow them.

we're almost there.

Oh,my gosh.

it was crazy.

all right,dusty,you can do that.

this is really high up.

there is nothing i have ever done
that can compare to what i'm about to do

and i'm out of my comfort zone.

it is so scary. I was scared.

lyn,this doesn't seem right.

you're totally fine,babe.

You've got it. Don't worry,don't worry.

thank god.


"angel dive."

it's better when i don't look down.

you're doing awesome.

it's ok. don't worry.

that's it. That's it.

Come on.


it was right here the whole time.

let's go.

there's only room for two.

let me down.

I'm,like,shaking like a leaf.

"fly to the country's capital."

so hard.

i'm so proud of you.

where is chernobyl?

i know it's where the atomic b*mb went off.

I wonder how much the boys are ahead of us.

it's kind of like a love-hate thing with the boys.

We can't afford to spend time with them on the race.

Ultimately we have to break away with the boys

because if we stay with them
they're going to outkick us in the end.

i got to do this.

It's scary.

lord,please be with me.



i'm fighting.

now you can sit on the ledge.

i'm having trouble,man.

neither of us would ever choose
in our lifetimes to do something like this.

i don't want to quit but i'm terrified right now.


Thank you,jesus.

i can't go forward. Erwin,you've got to go first,man.

good job,kim.

Good job,kimberly.


ask the lord to make me bold and make me do it.

i know you can do it,bro.


I don't think i can do it,man.

i definitely do not like heights.

i hope my brother gets inspired by me,
because i'm more afraid of heights than he is.

Hopefully it will give him courage.

it's just the first step is the hardest.

"international flights."

It means you get on that first flight.

it looks like the airport is this way.


come on.

Got to do it.


She should be down. What is she doing?

i need to just get past myself,
because that's what it is.

good job,kim.

you're next.

did you ever see anyone come down on their head before?

come on,lyn.


the wall is slippery.

come on down.

i'm doing it,dude.

come on,lyn,you can do it. Keep going.

put your feet to the wall.

come on,girl.

that's why they call it the angel dive. Yes.


"Fly to this country's capital city."

what happened to cho?

why are we worried about cho?

we still have an alliance
with cho brothers as far as sharing information

but we're going to run for it.

However it works out,that's how it works out.

come on,babe,you can do it.

easy does it.

i'm letting go.

you got it,bro.

"this country's capital city."

come on.

when i saw that it wasn't a pit stop,

i couldn't believe it.

hopefully,we're all going to be equalized now.

we're going to russia.

are you sure it's russia?


i don't know. I told you,
i'm geographically challenged.

just let me down.

Just let me down.

that was a terrifying experience.

good job.

we've got $65 additionally for the leg."

where did bama go? * they took off.

don't tell me they're closed.

you don't realize how late it is.

Is there any travel agencies here?


We need to get a flight to chernobyl.


ever heard of chernobyl?

Nuclear meltdown?

It says the capital city.

It might not be chernobyl.

to kiev.


This country's capital city is kiev.

but there is no flight today.

when is the next flight?

tomorrow morning.

This is the next,and best.

this sucks.

ready? yeah.

all right,girlie-girl,

let's do it. let's do it.


dude,you've got to let it go,bro.

bust our ass all day long to have nothing out of it?

It pisses me off.

here they are.* yeah.

the boys.

there is the blondes.

nothing until,like,8:00 in the morning.

so the one that leaves tomorrow morning?

thank you.

thanks so much.

tired and hungry.

can you tell me how to get to the airport?

go about five kilometers.

Take a right.

thank you.

"International departures."

let's run.


i'm closed too.

we have to get on a flight tonight.

flight not at all.

i don't know right now
if chernobyl is in moscow or in ukraine.

Is chernobyl in the ukraine?


and the capital is...


we need to get...

kiev as early as possible.

it's 9:25 a.m. Via warsaw.

is that the only flight?

there is an 8:25 flight via vienna.

No seats available.

The best flight from warsaw.

we need tickets.

tomorrow morning,we open 6:00.

"international departures."

the chos.

is this the only airline that is open?

she closed. 6:00 in the morning.

to kiev?

nobody knows where bama is.

bama caught up.

did y'all book?

she's not going to give you
tickets until 6:00 in the morning.

it's supposed to open at 6:00.

right here.

we're getting a flight from here to warsaw,
poland,and from warsaw to kiev.

We should get there,like,1:35.

we'll take those.


there is ron and kim.

what did you guys get?

we got on the other flight.

it gets in at 1:35.

so do we.

is that bama? It's bama.

There is chos. where?

all the way down there.

do you want to ask them? yeah.

have you guys found anything?

we're going through warsaw,

that's what we are too,1:35.

but through vienna.


all the teams are either connecting through vienna or warsaw,

and all the teams are arriving at 1:35.

well,you know.

thank you.

ladies and gentlemen,
there has been a half-hour delay for flight 751 to kiev.


got delayed.

are you cudding me? are you kidding me?

let's get out of here.

find the marked cars.

they're all the same.

They're,like,old school.

let's get the white one.

It looks like my first car.

i had a 1964 falcon.

i wonder where the other teams are at.

here is my clue,bro.

"drive yourselves to m. Octep 169."

Teams must figure out that their destination is this place,

the oster t*nk school,a 58-mile drive
to this ukrainian military training facility

where teams will find their next clue.

step one. Let's ask somebody.



we'll follow you.

And then we'll pay you.


they're going to follow this guy.

can we split it?

do you want to?

let's do that. The boys are going to follow us.

we went from a mercedes to this baby.

i don't even know what i'm driving.

do not lose them.

we're still the first teams out

and we've got to do the same thing we did yesterday

and finish strong.


we're looking forward to another first place.

the only thing i know about the ukraine
is the ukrainian bell carol.

the marked cars?

Is that what it says?

yeah. We're headed to the chos and alabama.


"drive yourselves to the m. Octep 169."

i need you to drive and i follow.


I don't want them to see us.

hopefully,they'll be able to catch up with james
and tyler and the blondes and everything will be fine.

did you see them?

yeah. They found a cab. Took them that way.

"drive yourselves to the m. Octep 169."


stop by the cop.

Ask him for a map.

and then left?

I think i got it.

we're good?


cho,y'all know where you're going?

i think so.

You want to follow us?

let's just go.

chos have a map. We don't have a map.

When the chos spoke to the security guard
and he was able to tell them things.

It's hard when you don't know the language.

We got out of the airport a lot quicker
than the other two teams.

Hopefully,we can catch up with the girls
and james and tyler.

It's a little stressful right now.

it's like looking at an eye chart.

Recognize some letters, don't recognize the others.

which way do we go now?

i don't know.

are you kidding me?

He's slowing down.

we don't know where we're going here.

i'm very confused.

are you kidding me?

Maybe you should pull over and get a cab.

want to do that?

right in front of us.

why are we stopping?

excuse me. Do you know... here?

this is ridiculous.

We've just got to go.

they're trying to ask a cab driver
just to drive and let us follow him.

we are trying to get here.

i don't know.

we're wasting time.

Erwin,cut bait.

hey,man,it's better than going the wrong direction.

we're wasting a lot of time.

you don't know? You don't know?

Anybody want to help?

Neither of those cabs knows where it is.


anybody want to help?

we are wasting a lot of time.

it's so frustrating.

wait. Maybe this cabbie.

can you help us?

Do you know?

let's roll.

He's going to take us there.


we still think that we can catch rob and kim.

there is a blue clue box.


that's our clue.


let's do this.

"who is ready to take command?"

In this roadblock,

one person must take command of a soviet-era t-64 t*nk.

Team members must navigate
the tanks threw a 1.2- Mile obstacle course

used in simulated exercises
at the t*nk school of the ukraine.

Once they've successfully completed the course

an officer will hand them their next clue.

it's your turn,girl.

you get to do a soviet t*nk.

all right,girl,you can do it.

let's do this one. Number one.

i'll take this one. number two.

touch the engine.

oh,my gosh.

I'm by myself in this thing.

pull,do a turn.

like a car?

I let off the gas.

same as in car.

i don't have control of this car.

you will get the hang of it.

you don't understand.

i'm giving you suggestions,
you don't have to get mad at me.

i'm getting quiet.

look at that smoke.

go. Look at him go.

he can say he drove a t*nk.

dude,you're burning it up.

that's so awesome.

james is,like,stalling iti out.

I don't know what he's doing wrong.

good job,dust.

are they right neck and neck?


did she get in front of him?

she cut your dude off.

what is james doing? Driving like a girl.

i wish we could catch up with james and tyler.

babe,i'm worried that this car is going to break down.

hey,but wait until it happens.

i don't want to talk,then. I'm not talking.

oh,no. Stop,stop.

i crashed.

it's ok.

hold on.

what do you think of this?

i don't know.

I can't tell.

who knows?


My little stick-shift driver,

that was so awesome.

good job,dustin.

Great job.

that was the coolest thing ever.

thank you very much.

you're so dirty,dude.

ok. That's awesome.

You're not even dirty.

i crashed into your t*nk.

you did?

I didn't even feel it.

i charged it.

you still got beat,though.

i know.

"drive yourselves into the city of kiev."

Teams must now travel 43 miles back to kiev,

navigate their way through the city
and find this apartment building.

Inside,they will locate apartment number 33

and knock on the door to receive their next clue.

you guys,how are we going to get back to kiev?

back the way we came.

i was ragging on you because you got beat by dustin.

tyler got beat by a girl.


there's other cars.

it's james and tyler.


did you guys already do it?

we already did it.

Go down that road.

why does it look like they're
totally telling rob and kim where to go?

why would they do that?

because they're friends of them.

we don't have any friends.

i hate being behind the damn blondez.

we caughtep to them,ok?

That's the 2k3w50d thing.

if it was the freaking cho brothers
or alabama i would have told them the wrong way.

freaking book smarts doesn't get you
where you want to go in this race.

i know.

we can't be that far.

what are they doing?

the cho brothers can be
a little indecisive stopping a lot

saying let's ask somebody else
when we asked a few minutes ago,

but we just deal with it.

"road block. Who is ready to take command?"

let's pay the taxi driver.

we should keep him here for a minute.

can you stay?

i'm a little bit bummed i didn't take this one,

but then again,we have to think smart about
who does what and i know she can drive.

I would like to be in the t*nk with her doing it.

I think she's going to get a little aggression out.

wait,go back that way.

there's arrows.

down this way.

just follow them.


man,that looks like fun.


I think she is really finding out
that she is a superhuman creature from outerspace.

She is just wowing me left and right.

Let's go,baby.

"drive yourselves to the city of kiev."

we need to go to kiev.

can you take us and we'll pay you?


we have a good lead on the chos and alabama.

We're going to catch up with james and tyler.

good job.

this is fun.

I see something red and yello.

this looks right.

holy moly.

all right,the last two.

i'll do it.

you do it.


i'm ready.

can we follow you?

Yes? Thank you so much.

Let's go.

hopefully,we'll still be in front of the pack.

so we're really happy to have a guide right now.

Right here.

In the middle lane.



Thank you. That was so much fun.

drive all the way back.

do you want to roll?

we're going to wait.

Some people might see this as a risk,

but at the same time,

if we work together maybe we won't get lost.

We'll get to the route marker quicker.

please don't crash it.


Chos waiting on us.

Who knows why they waited for us.

I wouldn't expect them to.

come on,alabama.

i didn't know,i was scooted
blue-haired lady on a sunday drive.

this is maybe where we need to break off from the boys.

i think the girls have an opportunity to
lose us right now they definitely would.

is that a red light?

let's lose the boys.

Keep on going.

keep on going through the light.

oh,they ran the red too.

Dang it. I was hoping they would stop.

Those little law-breakers.

something's happening to our car.

Oh,my god,this car is blowing up.

anything can happen.

Pray for a miracle here.

maybe the taxi driver will help us out.

pop the hood.

oh,my god.

oh,yeah,everybody's going to catch up.

it's not over until the fat lady sings
and i haven't seen the fat lady yet.

we have got to get out of here.

If this blows,we're done.

got to get out of here.

maybe a taxi driver will help us out.

we need a new car.

the chos and bama are going to catch up.

cho brothers,
they're not driving as fast as i would like them to now.

he's,like,really slow.

it's so annoying.

we're going down a country road.

There may be a faster highway.

what do you want to do?

see a gas station?

i don't see the sense in stopping every five seconds saying "are we going the right way?

Are we going the right way?"

excuse me,how do i get here?

This way?

can you tell me how to get back to kiev?

this road?

can you wait? There is a car coming.

If a car breaks down or becomes inoperable,

the rule is a replacement car
will be given to the team.

However,no time credit will be
given for this unlucky situation.

let's go.

we follow you.

we're going the wrong way.

he just said go down this road
for about 40 kilometers.

Why is he driving so slow?

lyn says why are you driving so slow?

i don't know.

oh,my god,this clutch is broken.

It's,like,a nightmare getting

it's going in. Let's just go.

is this our guy?


Does he want us to pull up next to him?


the girls are stopping.

is this it?

we've got to find the address,three,
and knock on the apartment of 33.

is this it?

an apartment building?

i see three on it.

yeah. That's it.

thank you so much.

this is it.

this is three.

Keep your eyes open for apartment 33.

let's go.

try to go up the stairs,yeah.

Just go up.



Hello? Want hi.

Is this the right place?

thank you. thank you very much.

We're happy to see you.

read the clue. Let's go outside.

thnk you.


In this detour,teams have to choose between two tasks
that pay tribute to the diverse musical heritage of the ukrainian people.

The choice,"make the music" or "find the music."

In "make the music" teams

travel three miles to this hip-hop club
and join kiev's underground rap movement.

Working together they'll write and perform a rap music
that must contain the names of the countries they've been in on the race.

Once the rap artist has approved
their show he will give them the next clue.

In find the music teams travel

to the national academy of ukraine.

They must shirt for the piano part of
tchaikovsky's concert for orchestra.

They must search concert rooms for one of six pianists
waiting for sheet music.

Once finished with the piece he or she will hand them the clue.

let's get out of here before they see us.

let's do find music.

we're going to rap.

let's go.

do you know where the conservatory?

g&g studio.

we're going to lose the boys first.

Where are they? i don't know.

back on the road.

back in the run.

look back.

yeah. They're there.

looks like kiev.

do we know where that addresses?

see if we can stop by the gas station.

gas station.

oh,my goodness.

got to keep driving,you got to keep driving.

they have the map and they got the clue
and they're still not going the right way.

can you draw it?

it just doesn't make any sense to keep stopping
every five minutes to ask for directions.

see them?

yeah,that's them.


stop some young people.

that look like rappers?

and go left.

thank you very much.

Have a good day,bye bye.

we really wanted to take first on this leg.

If the girls get first gen it's going to be disappointing

because they have had three in a row.

"dance & groove." That's it.

let's run.

i'm going to park right here.

Let's do this.

we've got to go over here.

dance & groove.

we're ready to break it down.

look at this.

i'm going to do the money.

let's go quick.

I wish i knew how to pretend i was a rapper,

like stick your hands in your pants.

is this the national music academy?

yes. second floor. Let's go.

Dressing room. There it is.

put your clothes in.

i've got the moves.

i know,i know,sister,i know you've got the moves.

So we've got to go.

We're in a race around the world and we're here
to stay because we started in the u.s. A... .

that's the first line.

i love it,i love it.


you look dapper too.

you look so sexy.

for tchaikovsky.

let's find it.

It's called...

"concert fantasy of piano and orchestra."

We'll do a systematic way.

Do one row at a time.

Start at that end.

thank you so much. thank you so much.

"detour. Make the music or find the music."

"make the music."

i want to ask these people because they look hip.

Do you guys know where
the dance & groove studio bar is?

it's better to drive.

can you guys go with the cab driver?

thank you.

i have a good feeling about the direction we're heading.

i don't see any apartment building.

i think we need better directions.

want to ask the next person?

are you kidding me?

They can't keep stopping every five seconds to ask people.

so why not you navigate?

this looks shady.

i don't think it's a good idea to be following them,
but i have said that several times.

i don't like to speak bad about them
because i do love them so much,

but erp win just has a way of being indecisive,

like he's too afraid to get lost.

then tell me which way to go,honey.

just go that way. The way we're going.

bama's making a run for it.

we need to be more independent

and start making our own decisions.

they didn't stop?

what are they doing?

i don't know.

we need to venture out and

be fearless and go out on your own

instead of stopping every few minutes.

this sucks. yeah.

We're a disappointment since
we have been working together for a while.

it's fine with me going our own way
and not following them.

our alliance with team alabama is over.

they didn't stop?

Where did they go?

i don't know.

Looks like alabama got impatient
and decided to take off on their own.

i think i see their car. It was white,right?

follow them,follow them.

"concert fantasy."

"of piano and orchestra."

i think it's going to be one in the middle.


"contract fantasy."

that's it.

we have to find a piano guy to play it.



we're doing our rap,

give us a hand

if you think we got knack.

that's good,that's good.

this is crazy,dude.

Watch,it's all the way down here.

Are you supposed to play this?

Yeah. There she is.

sounds good. We're going to try it.

here we go.

kuwait heat and we carried some bags

by the time it was over we looked like hags.

We were number one.

We were having fun in the sun.

then there was finland where we cracked some limestone

all we heard her say was moan,moan,moan.


finally ukraine and we'll stop our strut.

"drive yourselves to the next pit stop,
patriotic w*r memorial."

Teams must now drive two miles through
the streets of kiev and find this place.

The great patriotic w*r museum.

This tribute to victory in world w*r ii is
the pit stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here may be eliminated.

let's go.

let's do this,dude.
We can beat the girls if they went to rap.

"drive yourselves to the next pit stop,
the patriotic w*r memorial."

that was fun.

are you ready?


are you going to make it funny?

i don't know. Whatever.

I'm just going to rhyme.

cho brothers are behind us.

bama usually has good intuition.

i hope they're happy right
now that we're right behind them.

the cho brothers need to learn how to run their own race.

can you tell us where the patriotic w*r memorial is?

Thank you.

patriotic w*r memorial?

Do you know that?

We're going to pay you to follow you.


oh,my god. That's it.

The studio.

Come on in. Come on in.


is this it,right here?

just pull up and park.

They're still going to try to follow us.

this says 22 through 42.

it's this way.

thank you. thank you.

"make the music,find the music."

you want to rap?

which do you want to do,bro?

Do you want to do all the countries?

we just have to rap in music.

if we are going to do this we need to write down the countries we have been.

i'm looking for the dance & groove studio bar.

Will you show us?

Thank you.

do you want to follow them or do you want to get directions?

let's get directions.

i just didn't want to follow them anymore.

you've got too much pride,g.

can't wait to see where we go
next traveling in this crazy,crazy world.

we give you the clue.

"warning,last team to check in
may be eliminated." Get dressed.

ok,guys,now we need to go

to the patriotic w*r memorial.

we could go with you.

you guys rock. Thank you.

patriotic w*r memorial.

this should just take us right there.

that's got to be it.

look at that. what?

that huge thing.

let's go fast.

let's do this.

tell me we're number one.

memorial national complex.

this is it.

let's go.

i think we've got first and second,bro.

look at this.

this is amazing. Look at that.

we're almost there.

i know.

this is crazy.

welcome to kiev.

thank you.

Thank you very much. beautiful country.

Tyler and james,you...yeah,you're team number one.

yeah,yes,yeah,we did it,dude.

Now,i've got some good news for you.

As the winners of this leg of the race you
have won a trip for two from travelocity to

puerto vallarta resort and spa in mexico,

and as part of your stay you
will get to swim with dolphins,

you will get to go cruising
through the canopy of the jungle.

thank you,phil.

That's what we have been looking forward to hear for a while now.

there is nothing that feels better than
to be back on top,and knock the blondes off.

i just did a rap in,like,five minutes.

It rhymes,so hopefully we won't look like complete idiots.

excuse me.

We're lost.

Do you know the dance & groove studio bar?

Dance & groove studio bar?


Dustin and kandice,

you're team number two.

all right.

No female team has ever won "the amazing race."

nothing will stop us.

dancing groove?


man,we're so done.

do you want to go to the conservatory then?

i don't know where that is.


Take us to the conservatory?


dance & groove.

Rob and kimberly,you are team number three.

inside. let's go.

glad i didn't have to think of a rap song rhyming with mongolia.



that's right,boy.

tchaikovsky's concert

fantasy for piano.

Oh,"concert fantasy."

Now,we have to find one of six pianists.

here we are on the race

we don't know how we got to this place

we been in you west,mongolia,vietnam and kuwait.

this is a nightmare.

whether we get to the prize we're going to buy a lot.

We had to travel far and foreign talk.

all right. You get left i'll get right.

hello. hello.





with the money we'll buy a new car.


that was awesome.

thank you. thank you.

"drive yourselves to the next pit stop.

"drive yourselves to the next pit stop."

i think we'll catch up.


we need to go to the w*r memorial.

it's down to the last two teams.

I'm assuming it is us and the chos.

ok. I'm going to get the car. Get the cab.

just praying that we're not last.

we've got to find this w*r memorial.

keep going straight. yeah.

hopefully,the cho brothers are lost.

I hate to say that but that's what it's come down to.

why is everybody on the street?

maybe it's the day they close it off to traffic.

i'm sorry,sir.

I didn't know about the street.

Can i go straight?

Turn off the car?

Am i in trouble?

how far is it?

this is as close as we ever got to a million dollars.

whole street is closed.

we didn't know.

Can you tell him we did not know?

We're very sorry. We did not know.

show all documents.



Lyn and karlyn,you are

team number four.

thank you,phil.

Thank you.

You seem relieved.

it's been a long leg.

ok,you can go now.

oh,get pulled over by the police.

there is phil.

There he is.

welcome to kiev.

Erwin and godwin,you are the last team to arrive.

I'm sorry to tell you,you have been eliminated from the race.

no regrets.

You guys decided that you wanted to run the race a little differently.

Why was that?

it was a personal thing as well as a race thing.

One of the surprising things for us is how deep our
friendship would go with david and mary

and lyn and karlyn.

We're glad we did everything we could to
keep them in the race as long as possible.

we wanted to run the race

the way we were raised.

No one is perfect.

And we probably made a lot of mistakes.

But we wanted to do it the way we thought was right.

our goal was to play the game in a way that we felt
we could wake up the next morning and feel good about.

That's what we took to the very
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