10x04 - I Know Phil, Little Ol' Gorgeous Thing

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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10x04 - I Know Phil, Little Ol' Gorgeous Thing

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Amazing Race",

Nine teams set out from

mongolia and raced to Hanoi, Vietnam.

My dad told me stories about

Vietnam, fighting and people

dead, and it just ain't right.

Boyfriends tom and terry

quarreled with beauty queens

dustin and kandice.

They cut the line?

That's not fair.

I thought we could trust you guys.

At the pit stop brothers

erwin and godwin came in first.

Your're team N0.1

You have incurred a 30-minute penalty.

While duke and lauren struggled.

In the end tom and terry were safe.

You're still in the race.

And duke and lauren were eliminated.

I'm sorry to tell you, you have

been eliminated from the race.

Now, eight teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

This is Hanoi, the

capital of Vietnam, and in the

lush countryside beyond the city,

This rice paddy was the

third pit stop

in a race around the world.

At the end of the last leg,

rob collapsed from heat exhaustion

and received medical attention

before being deemed fit enough to continue.

Meanwhile, mary's sprained

ankle continued to slow david
and mary down.

Erwin and godwin, who were the

first to arrive at 10:55 a.m.

Will depart at 10:55 p.m.

travel by taxi to...

to Hanoi.

Teams must travel 20

miles by taxi to Hanoi and find

ly thai to garden.

Once there teams will need to

listen for their next clue.

"Pick up your Vietnam dong

from the man at the table."

Being an asian-american on this

race to me is a big responsibility.

We have to count it?


We compete with the best of

them and show all different

sides of asian-americans

including our sense of humor.

We're going to disneyland.

Taxis are up here.

Ly thai to garden.

"Once there, listen for your

next clue."
Let's go

James and i have been through a lot together it.

I know if he's down he will try

to pick me up and if i'm down

Let me see how much dong you got.

He's honking for dong.

"Make your way to the southeast corner."

I had a little heat exhaustion

but i'm feeling really good.

The man at the table.

I think control is a big

thing in this relationship.

Come on.


Ly thai garden.

Slow down, bro.

Don't talk so loud, babe.

I have to work on it just as

much if not harder than she does.

"Listen for your next clue."

Travel to Hanoi.

All right.
Let's go

i do think that people are

starting to get a sense of how

competitive we are and how much

we're willing to push ourselves.

We're here to pick up our dong.

We have to do our thing.

If people see our competitive

juices flowing in the process

They're going to learn something

about us that's accurate.

Hurry, hurry.

We could pay those taxis to leave.


"Travel by taxi to Hanoi."

Peter's a complicated guy,

and there are some things

i found surprising and wonderful,

and other things that i've seen

where i'm kind of... i don't know

if disappointed is the right word,

but it surprises me.

It's not what i would think
about his character.

Ly thai to.

He knows.

"Listen for your next clue."

This will be the longest time

i have ever been away from my children

but winning this race

will help better their

lives substantially.

My daughter is definitely my

world, so me being here to make

our lives better, that's just

my motivation, point blank.

Who is that?

That's the barbies.

Go, go, go.


Go, hurry, drive.

Ly thai to garden.

If this race gets harder i'm

going to have to be a superwoman.

I'm a couch potato.
I stay home.

I watch reality tv all the time.

I don't know how i'm staying in

the race.

I've got a sprained foot.

But i'm doing it for my kids.

I don't know to give up.

My foot.

Every day's a new day.

And we are within minutes of everybody.

"Pick up your Vietnamese dong."

Let's go.

Being in the back of the

pack sucks.

We're not going to let this get

us down.

We're going to continue on with

the same attitude and pay a

little bit more attention.

Over here.

Where the hell is this guy taking us?

This is it.

Let's get out

let's roll.


Peter and sarah just passed us.

Peter kind of bugs us.

He's a pushy dude.

It's rob and kimberly.

I want to finish right in

front of them.

This is good.

Peter, come on.

What are you waiting for?

I'm trying to listen, sarah.

Southeast corner is over here.

Where did they run to?

Babe, calm down.

There we go.

Right here?



Will you wait for us?


I'm very auditory.

So hopefully this won't be too hard for us.


What is that noise?


I don't know what that means, though.

Thank you very much.

You're welcome.

Where is the corner?


I heard something.

Am i the only one who hears that?

Attention racers.

Taxi across the red river to

ben xe gia lam.

Then take a bus to ben xe bai chay.

oh, my God. This is crazy, OK, let's go

we need to go to ben xe bai chay.

we have to go across the red river.

It's up to him if he goes

the right way.

Here comes the taxi.

We've got to get him to listen to this.

Get out. Listen to the directions.


Across the red river.

Do you speak english?
Go listen

to ben xe gia lam.
We go

you take us?

You take us.

Go, go, go.

Come on, babe, follow that cab.

tyler and james.

Follow that cab, man.

There they are.

I see them back there.

You know?

Get in the car.

Go, go, go, go.

Ben xe gia lam.


Oh, man, we're going to lose them.

You have to follow the cab.

What are you waiting for, bro?

You can't hit them.

I'm going to freak out, dude.

Please don't freak out.right now.

I need you not to freak out right now.

Go, go, go, go.

Oh, my god, dude.

Don't freak out.

Go, go.

They're not following us.

I know.

We lost tyler and james.

We don't know where to go.

I almost want to get out of

this taxi and go back.

This is the park up here.

Stop over there.

Tom, is this the garden?


I like you.

You ain't taking him home.

I love him, he's so cool.

I love you.

Oh, there's our boys.

The brothers.

Thank you.

You wait?

Just wait.

Tell this guy to pull over

if this is the same spot.

I don't want this guy...

he stopped.

Open the trunk.

We're getting out.

That's it.

Open the trunk, dude.

Open the trunk, man.

Get us out.

No, go.

He just drove around the block.

I pay you.

I pay you.

Come here.

Here is your clue.

Taxi to ben xe gia lam.

The hydrofoil harbor.

Do you know where to go?
I know where to go.

Do you know where you are going?

Taxi across red river.

Right here, right here.

Is that good?

Ben xe gia lam?

You take us?
Let's go.

Ben xe gia lam?

Let's go.

Ok, ok.

You heard, right?

Are you stoned, bro?

Dude, i don't speak your language, dude.

Oh, my gosh.

What's he doing?

Are you driving in a circle?

Absolute communication breakdown.

He's toying with us.

Do you want to get out?


He doesn't understand us.

We've got to get out of this cab.


oh, my, gosh.

Are you driving in a circle?

Now we're back at the garden.

Let's get another taxi driver.


Get out of the cab.


Here, 4,000.

No, dude, you didn't do anything.

Taxi, taxi.

Can you come here?

Ben xe gia lam.

Do you know?

Ok, fast.

Finally, a competent cab driver.

No more talking.


You need to calm.

I'm done talking to foreigners.

You want to get back out and listen again?

Ben xe gia lam.

Ok, come on.

I don't see the red river.

He doesn't know.

I don't know how to say it,

and find the hydroform tavern.

None of it makes any sense.

This has got to be it.

This looks like the schedule.

What time?

This must be it.

Is this where we all showed up?

I don't feel this is right.

Oh, brother.

Is it close?

Is that it?

We go for bus.

Thank you.

Bus station is closed.

T and t.

We owe you.

Ben xe gia lam?

Tell him where to go.


I'll pay him.

Looks like it.

Good, good, good job.

Thank god.

We were in second place.

Now, we're in last.

Just like that.

I got it.

What's going on?

We can't get tickets till morning.

That was the worst taxi

experience in the history of

taxi drivers, dude.

Then, he freaks out on them

and then that makes them...

you can't.

It's the global k*ller.

Is that cool?


Thank you very, very much.

Ha long, ha long.

Go, babe.

We're all even.

What keeps us going is

knowing that the backpack...

the joe brothers have froze to number one.

If they can do it, we can do it.

All teams are now

traveling on the same bus, 103

miles east through Vietnam's

lush countryside to ha long bay.

Once here, they will search for

hydrofoil harbor where they

will find their next clue.

This is gorgeous.

It's like a picture out of a magazine.

Here, here.

Hydrofoil there.

I seen it right here.

Come on.


Right there.

There it is.

There is the box, go, go,

go, go.

Let's go fast.


"Who's got strong arms and legs?"

In this roadblock one

person has to summon the guts

and stamina to power through a

potentially frightening challenge.

That person must use mechanical

ascenders to
Power up the face

of this clock.

There are three ascenders.

It's first come, first served.

Once at the top they will

receive their next clue.

I don't have strong legs.

Yes, you do.

Who's got strong arms and legs?

I'll do it.

Who's got strong arms and legs?

I can do it.

I've got arm strength.


I got it.

Larry, larry.

Come on.

My foot's k*lling me.

Go, buddy, go.

I've got strong arms and

i've got strong legs.

I'm going to be slower than the other teams.

That's fine.

You're going to rock on this, all right?

I'll do my best.


My whole leg is hurting right now.

Don't hold me, david, god.

Go, go, go.

Let's go, let's do this,

let's get on this.

Give me the life vest.

Now, start listening.

Come on, go, go, go.

Take this one?


Are you blonding

yeah, that's what she get.

She got what she deserved
for cutting in front of us.

She got cut.

This is awesome.

Go, go, go, go.


Man, that boat is fast.

Fast, fast, fast.

You can do it, baby.

The chill brothers are passing us.

No, enough.

We're passing the boys.

We've got a crappy boat, dude.

They're going to pass us.

We've got to get out.

Go, go, go.

You can do it.

Good luck, honey.

Go, terry.


Go, baby, go.

You slide the handle up, you

stand in the foot loop and then

you can slide the handle up again.

All right, do the best you can.
Take your time.

I know from that great wall

experience that it hurt me to

get so anxious about it and it

just slowed me down.

Uh-oh... this might be pure rock climbing.

One step at a time.

You will be fine.

Come on, babe, you can do it.

Use your arms and legs.

Come on, dave, you can do it.

It's tight on my crotch.

Come on, terry.

Oh, david, well done.

You've got arm strength.

You've got arm strength, sarah.

He's not doing the roadblock.

Sarah is.

I know.

You're going to be fine.

That looks tough.

How is your leg?

It's all right.

You're kicking butt, baby.

Good job, terry.

Sarah, you're going to be fine.

You're going to do this.

All in the mind.

You're doing great, babe.

Careful, guys, careful.

Good job, baby.

What i want you to do now is lean backwards.

Did they give you the clue?

Don't come down without that.

Ok, guys.

I'm going to be waiting for you on the other side.

Oh, my god.

He's going to totally make me

do the next roadblock after this.

Great job baby.

travel by motor boat?

Teams must travel 1.2

miles by boat to sung sot cave.

Once there, they will search

inside the cave to find the next clue.

Tell me where it is.

Sung sot cave.

I love you too.

Waiting for the other team

to come down so they can send

my rope down.

I would like to give all my

possessions to my brother.

Sound like a stud.

i try.

Was it fun coming down?

Yeah, coming down was.

I'm super proud of you, dave.

Come on, dave, hurry.

Travel to sung sot cave.



you climbed the great wall,

you can do this little, bitty rock.

Thank god it was you, not me.

Travel to sung sot cave.

Holy crap.

All legs.

Remember, it's not about you?

None of this trip is really about us,

it's all for our children.

Hopefully, they will see that

we're so much more than just moms.

Pull the handicap placard out

and tell them you're next in line.

Lord almighty.

You got it.

Take your time.

If you can have a baby with no anesthesia,

you can go up this rock.

She did not just say that.

What you do is you push this one up.

Peter, shush.

I've got to listen to the directions.

This one.

Oh, no.

My foot.

Stand up.

Just like that, g, all the way up.

My legs are shaking.

Take some deep breaths.

With what we're going to do

is take two steps backwards.

No. No. No.

i can't hold this rope.

I can't.

I can't hold this rope.

My forearms are too weak.


I'm caught.

Look at you.

Come on, girl.

Peter, i can't.

Oh, gosh, peter.

Oh, no.

Sarah, pull the rope.


Oh, god.

I just can't.

Peter, wait.

I can't.

That hurt.

Ok, sarah.

You find your power, sarah,


Sarah, you're just about halfway.

Good job.

This is so awesome, this place.

Sung sot cave.

Search inside for your next clue.

fast, fast, fast.

We just got passed.

By tom and terry.


Babe, pace yourself.

Go, go, go.

Be careful.


Get me off this thing.


"travel to sung sot cave."

Where is it?

Here it is, babe.

No way.

Got it.


In this detour, teams

have to choose between two

everyday jobs vital to the

economy in this part of Vietnam.

The choice, "over or under."

In over, teams ride a boat

known as a junk to this marked buoy.

Then they row a smaller boat

known as a sampan to the smaller boat,

load provisions,

row themselves to this floating village

and deliver the goods

to the two addresses on their deliver invoice.

When finished teams row back to

the supply boat and return the

signed invoice to the captain

who will hand them their next clue.

In under, teams ride a junk to this marked buoy,

then they rowa sampan to this pearl farm,

choose a line of buoys within

the marked search area and

harvest 30 oyster baskets by

hauling them out of the sea and onto boats.

Then they must deliver them to

this pearl farmer who will
hand them their next clue.


Let's go underwater.

It's less rowing.

Follow the path to the marked junks.

What is a junk?

I don't know.

Look for the white and yello.

You're there, you're there.

Take it easy.

Don't worry about it.

Why did I do this.

Give tyler an ugly look when he passes you.

Spit on him or something.

Are those them?

Yelloww, right here.

Good job baby.

Let's go.

thank you, lord.

Way to go.

I think my daughters would say,

"wow, i'm so proud that's my mom."

"search inside for the next clue."

Good job, buddy.

There you go, buddy,

it's like freaking spider-man, yeah.

Stay calm.

Keep it going, sister.

It's hard, peter.

I'm doing my best.

All right. Can i go?

Yeah. There you go.

Good job, d.

Way to k*ll it, dude.

"Travel by motorboat to sung sot cave."


Let's go.

Let's go, let's go.

My ankle's hurting.

That was hard.

But it's not over yet.

You're doing awesome, babe.

You are halfway there.

You've got it, d.

Good job.

I did it.

I did it.

Sung sot cave.

Thank god.

"Row to the floating village.

Harvest 30 oyster baskets."


Do you know how to row a boat?

I can row a boat.

It's right there.

It says "under."

We have to row from here?

You're going to have to go in the front.

Go in the front.

I want to help you.

Oh, my god.

I've never done this.

You need to not yell at me.

Get out.

Go in front.

Please, don't freak out on me right now.

God, do not freak out on me.

Go up front.

You have to do one side.

Ok, but you keep yelling at me when i do it.

Do one side.

We're never getting out of this harbor.

I'm scared of deep water.


Quick, quick.

"Sung sot cave."


We've got to make up time.

Big time.

We're not out of this yet.

We're not giving up.

This is so pretty.

Terry, right here.

Look at this.

Oh, my god.

As long as there is a starbucks nearby,

we could live here.

Oh, my gosh.

I've got to get in that?

I'm walking with an ankle
that feels like it's broken.

Yeah, yeah.

You ain't got a sprained leg, david.

Ok, now we go back and sit down?

I'm standing right here.

When you become my boss,

you can tell me what to do.

How do we do this, babe?

We have to go in unison.

Up, down.

I hope this is it.

Straight ahead.

Under or over?

Turn harder.

I'm trying.


Do you see baskets?


Where are the baskets, dude?

Dude, you've got to come out here.

It's pretty incredible.

Who gets to do this?

We get to.

Don't throw a hissy fit.

Get this done.

I can't do anything.

Get out of the way.

Go back there.

This is over.

Go back there.


Let's do oysters.

Karlyn, karlyn, where are you?

Right here.



James, y'all got one?

Have one what?


We're looking too.

Hey, james, come here.

Come on.

Here it is.
Right here.

"Over or under."

Do under.

I don't know.

That's 30 baskets.

We're going to do over.

This sucks, dude.

I see one.

See it?


Grab that line.

Good job.

Go down the line?


Got another one.

Good job.

Oh, my gosh.

"Under or over."



The other one is too...

front, front.

Like that?

Honey, you said you could row.

Not this kind of rower.


Doesn't one person row?

Oh, my god.

I don't know how to do this.

That's it.

Oh, my... wait, wait, wait.

Don't you dare let go of me.

There it is, there it is,

under or over.



We're not out of this race.

We are going to run until we hit the mat.

I'm thinking that's the provision boat.

Too much on this side.

We've got to go more on this side.

Mary, you got to bear with me.
I ain't never done nothing like this.

We're going straight into a mountain.

We come from kentucky,

never been in the ocean, water over your head,

your head, you fail if you're dead.

I told you to turn us around.

I move either one of them.


Which way, terry?

We're going that way.

I don't know how to do this.


I'll do it.

Get up, get up.

We don't have time.

Oh, my god.

see the signs?

Over, under.

Get in the sampan.

Do you know how to row?


Get in the sampan.

I'll row.

Should we do an oar each?


We're going pretty fast.

We have to row together.

I understand that.

The reason we're turning this way

is because you're
doing something wrong.

Shut up.

See that? Dai vet.

Tell me any way i can be helpful.

I need you not to say anything.

You're doing awesome.

I need to concentrate, sarah.

You're doing fine.

I don't need encouragement,

i just need direction.


I think it's right there.

I don't know how to row.

It's too windy.

We can't do this.

Yes, you can.
Calm down.

We're so far behind right now.


Down, up.

I feel like it's better to stand up.

We may be racing for last place right now.

We do not want to get eliminated.

Could this be a pearl farm?

No, tell me we went the wrong way.

We're in the wrong spot.

This is a lot of wind to row against.

It's really hard.

You're not listening, ah.

The winds are blowing us that way.


This is not good.

We can't do it.

Whatever, i don't know
what i'm doing anyway.

This is impossible.

My god.

This is awful.

I don't think we can make
any headway in this wind.


we're not getting this.

This is so bad.

I don't think we can make
any headway in this wind.

This might dictate what we can do.



Ok, let's turn around.

Is that the provision boat?

I think it is.

It's too far away.

Forget it.

Now we're choosing under.

I see a sign up there.

Here's another one.

Don't tip us.

Shut up.

Don't tell me to shut up.

Dirty baskets.

You don't have to yell it.

I'm right next to you.

Yeah, i do.

No, you don't.

We're working on it.

Here we go.

Oh, there's t and t.

Now i'm believing.

So what.

Don't be a baby.

I don't know how to do this.

I got every one of them.

Thank you.

"Take the junk to the next pit stop."

Teams must now row their sampans

back to their junks and

travel approximately nine miles

to this beach on soi sim island.

This rocky island, one of 3,000 in the area,

is the pit stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here
may be eliminated.

So do we have to row over there?

Come on.

You got it, you got it.

We're getting closer.

I'm so tired.

You've got it.

Even it out.

Ok, that's the invoice.

All right. We have to find the addresses
in the floating village.

I guess it's over there.

We've got to keep going.

Oh, my god.

You're going to need your bodyweight.
I am, baby.

Don't tell me.

I know how to row.

What got you into school for that?

That was horrible.

Screw this thing.

Get us out of here.

You know where to go?

Soi sim?

When rob loses his patience with me,

it's frustrating
because he is very intense sometimes,

and the race is definitely intensified us arguing.

Here's the chos.

There it is, baby.

Take that one.

I see a rowboat over there.

Just let me row.


We're here.

What do we have to do now?

We have to pull baskets up.

You rock, peter, awesome.

My god, there is water
coming in the boat. Get up.

Damn, i need you to pull.

It will be easier.

They got their clothes
hanging on the line.

They live in that boat.

That is kind of cool, though, seriously.

That's 4617 right there.

Write your name right here.

Thank you.
Thank you.

Come on, girl, just one more.

Your side.

Your side only, just your side.

We can't do our task.

Grab the boat right there, sarah,

grab the boat right
there and don't move... let that go.

I can't reach it.

I got it.

You just hold it and let me do the rest.

I'm done after this.

I don't want to do this anymore.

I really don't.


Stop here.

Oh, my god.

Where are the baskets?

I don't know what i'm supposed to do.

We're almost there.

We have to choose a row of buoys.

There is one i see.

Is that one there?

Hold on.

You got it?


Please sign.


Thank you.
Thank you.

We've got to return the
invoice to the supply junket.

This way.


We're getting there, d.

We're going to catch up to
the other teams.

This is gnarly.


Are we done?


Let's go.

It's right there.

Right there.

Here you go, babe.

Come on, babe, let's go.

Welcome to Vietnam.

Rob and kimberly, you're
team number one.

Good job, baby.

Winners of this leg of the race,

each of you have won a jet ski.
You can enjoy that after the race.


Are you being nice to each other?

I'm so competitive, we go,

go, go, we get on each other.

Just need to learn to chill.

How do we go over there?

We've got to get over here.

All right.

Throw them up there.

We've got to hurry.

Cho brothers are right behind us.

"Take your junk to the next pit stop."

Is that one?

Soi sim island.

Do you see all those buoys?

We're almost there.

That's it.

We've got to deliver them to
the pearl farmer.

Lord have mercy.

Is the wind ever going to stop blowing?

This is ridiculous.

We're getting further and further back.

Calm down, karlyn.

Just push.

Here we go.

"Take your junk to the next pit stop."

Soi sim island.

You are just a muscle man today, bro.

We did well.


I was just merely a passenger today.

Are we going the right way?

Yeah, you're going right toward the boat.

Peter, don't leave me in here.

Get up there.

Soi sim.

Oh, my god.

You rocked.

You did awesome.

My feelings for peter have changed.

Sometimes, i'm not always

impressed with his temperament in a situation,

or even his...

his treatment towards me.

It kind of kills me when peter
talks about giving up.

In the middle of a task.

Because i did give 100%
and i didn't complain,

and i didn't say i'm going to give up

and i don't want to do this anymore,

and i did it, and it hurt,

and my arms are k*lling me,

but i didn't go there.

We made up so much ground,

and that should be enough to make
me feel good right now,

but it doesn't.

Stop here, stop, stop.

Ok. Got it.

Now we've got to find.

They're doing great.

Do you have one?

All right.

This has been really hard.

Tom, don't give up.

This is gross.


"Take your junk to the next pit stop."

Let's go.

I think that's tyler and
james over there.

Coming from behind.

Is that peter and sarah?

I don't know, dude.

I think it is.

This boat's so slow, man.

I would really like to beat them,

passed me on the climb.

This guy forgot the anchor.


Nice one, guys.

No wonder we're going so damn slow.

Good job, man.

Come on, sarah.
Go, go, go.

Peter and sarah,
you are team number two.

Come on, girl.
You got it.

Let's go.

We're almost there.

He's there.

Wait, wait, david.

I'm going to die.

Tyler and james, you are
team number three.

All right.

We totally have 22.

I'm sick of this crap on me.

We're doing good.
I'm proud of us.

What was that one?

Erwin and godwin, you are
team number four.


This is the end of our line, isn't it?

I think we're golden.

We've just got to beat tom and terry.

The girls are leaving.

Oh, my god.

Don't give up.

That is phil in the orange shirt.

I know phil, scrawny, gorgeous thing.

"Warning, the last team to
check in may be eliminated."

I think we have to row to
the pit stop.

Ok, ok.

"Take your junk to the next pit stop."

David and mary, you're
team number five.

Oh, my...

we thought we were six.

Terry, that is that.
Do we have 30?

I don't think that's it, personally.

Do you?

I don't know if that's it or not.

I can't tell.

I don't see phil.

I can't believe this is...

there is no soi sim island.

Read your clue.

It's so shredded.

"Take your junk to soi sim island."

Let's go.

You know what?

I'm so frustrated that you
didn't take better care of our papers.

Please, let's not place blame.

Stop the whining.

Terry, i'm not.

I'm just physically exhausted.

I'm not giving up.

Ime going to try.

Tom, come on.

We've got to keep going.

We can't walk across the water.

I'm just so tired.

I know you are.

D, you can't keep crying.

Crying doesn't mean anything.

Let me cry as i paddle.

If only we knew where we were going.

She always tells me it's
mind over matter.

If you can convince your mind
that you can do it,

and we did it.

It may have all been in vain,

because we may have been eliminated.


Maybe it was the boat that we started,

i'll bet that's what
it is and it will take us to soi sim.

We were just paddling all
over trying to find phil,

and eventually we figured out that the boat

was where we needed to be

and it would take us to soi sim island.

This has been unbelievably hard.

Don't give up.

I'm not.

I just want to get out of here.

Keep going along the rocks.

Take your time, honey.

I'm proud of you, tom.

Hey, hey.

Lyn and karlyn, you are
team number six.

How did we not think of this?
I don't know.

I can't feel my arms.

We're almost there.

I don't know how deep this is.

Go to the next rock.

I'm going to swim.

My god.

How close are we?

We're almost there, honey.

Don't give up.

Soi sim island?

Kandice, you were in possession
of the wrinkled paper last time i saw it.

I gave it to you.

No, you didn't.

D, i'm kind of getting sick
of the blame game.

It's always my fault when
something goes wrong, always.

You're amazing, honey.

I know.

Help lift.

Soi sim island.

Don't try.

It's ok.

I just need to get it out.


Can i just cry on your
shoulder for a second?

Of course.
Come here.

I love you.

You did good.

We made it.

This was the hardest thing i've ever done.

I cannot row a boat to save my life.

I'm proud of you.

He did things i didn't think he could do.

You pulled the boat.

I had to.

I had to get out of there.

Dustin and kandice,
you're team number seven.

I am so relieved.

I love you.

You did great.

We did great.

Let's go.

Welcome to Vietnam.

Thank you very much.

Tom and terry, you are
the last team to arrive.

We know.

It's ok.

I am sorry to tell you that you have both been
eliminated from the race.

This is the hardest thing
i've ever done.

He's amazing.

I don't know what made him
jump out and just drag the boat in the ocean,

but he did, and it just reaffirms that tom has
a lot of heart.

He is my soul mate.

But today, more than any day on the race,

speaks volumes of the
strength of our relationship.

So that's what i take back.

Me too.
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