01x07 - Triumph and Loss

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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01x07 - Triumph and Loss

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Amazing Race":

Six teams departed from
this oasis in the Sahara Desert,

... .
traveling all the way to the historic ruins of Italy

A strike at the airport
stop teams on their way

Then there is one at 10 pm ,
and the next flight at 10am.

- Do not have any passage at all?
- No!

- All flights are reserved.
- What about Marseille?

's All booked.

Conversing in French, the "Guidos"
I managed to get your tickets for a flight

Thank you, miss.

Drew suspecting a ruse...
lost his temper .

You better be careful
unless you want to break your legs!


Three teams came together and got
an earlier flight that "Guidos."

're There, do not stop to watch us!

"Guidos" tried to
they lose their flight and blocked the entrance to the gates

Well, here they come...

Here come...

- What the hell are these doing here?
- What the hell are you doing?

I was here before they came!

They dared to step on the feet of Nancy
and physically to stop it from moving.

Although they managed to board the flight, Emily was furious

They need to apologize .
Really appreciate it if they did.

While interned in Italy,
the "Guidos" are alienated

- Good morning.
- Do not you dare tell us good morning.

No. .. can not be right.

But after a
race routes in the fields of Italy,

... were Nancy and Emily, followed by Lenny and Karyn
who arrived last .

Six teams remain race,

... but one of them will be eliminated at this stage.
Who among them will

The most challenging competition ever imagined that

Eleven teams of two people united by friendship, love or family
compete around the world

have no idea where they depart, they will face dangers
, or this trip will affect their lives

Most teams will be eliminated, but the
first team to reach the finish line

... win a cash prize
million dollars

This is a career as
any other in history...

This is "The Amazing Race"

A translation of:

This is the central square of Sant'Agata Bolognese,
a small town in northern Italy

Also © n is the sixth "save" in a race around
. the world

Teams arrived here at the end of the last leg he

Each team must stay here for a period of 12 hours,

... and during that time they can eat, sleep,
and socialize with other teams

As expected, the
controversy over the conduct of "Team Guido "

... is still in the memory of all

His intention was only just
block us not to get on the plane on time,

they expected .. and the plane departed.

One pushes back,
and hit my mother. Now, that -

Do what you want with me, but not the
hit my mom, so if that infuriated me!

Fortunately it was Drew who...
I'm about to mourn, I'm so angry!

The more I keep thinking I still
more infuriating.

By the way I was raised, if someone tries to
a woman and ends with a kick in the butt.

It's just...

That is not done. If you are a gentleman
not push a lady.

I'm sorry...

longer current. Honey, it's nothing! Okay...

I know! But then...
this is so frustrating.

Why do these shit on every occasion!

While we continue
competing in the game the temperature will continue to rise.

The competition has become aggressive.

Six teams remain in the race, but
at the end of this stage will be just five.

Teams must figure out how to get to the next
Route Marker Yellow and white,

... to solve clues found in about

also receive a clue to the location of the single pass
"Fast Forward" available in step

team that found may proceed directly to the next

Frank and Margaret are the first to go.



"She shifted" is a choice between two tasks, each with
and their advantages and difficulties

Teams can choose the task that they think
may complete more . faster

this "Detour"
the two options are "Plan" or "Pedal."

No matter which of the two options
teams choose the goal is the same

Moving towards this station in the city of Ferrara

Teams choose "Plan" will be taken straight to
Train Station

... with a taxi at no cost.
The trick is that a team member first

... should take a heroic flight in a glider flight
which rise in the air by a plane

... And then be released
so plan on your own

There is only a single glider, so this
task is first come, first fly

Teams choose "Pedaling"
that will be conveyed to the train station bike

... and find their own way using a map.
But the journey is not over

... and there are so many bicycles
not have to wait

- "Pedaling" I guess, huh.?
- Yes, "Pedal."

I will take the other track...

- "Detour."
- Yes, this is a "She shifted"

Detour A: Is "Pedal."

"Schedule: Open from 9 am to 4 pm."

"Take a heroic flight glider flight...

... From 9 am to 4 pm.
This task is first come, first fly "

Do not like being drawn into a situation where
do not know what's going to happen,

... and every day before the race starts there
a knot in my stomach that is telling me:

! "This is not you at all"

have to perform to the best of your abilities and do not know
is . whatever you do

obviously take a glider flight is much sexier
a priori

- But who comes first will plan
- Then do this other thing

... - If you got there
first no problem - And the problem here is that this thing...

The glider says.
"... first come, first fly."

So we should do what the bike shop.

- Because insurance should take many bicycles.
- Good.

We have two options,
glider flying or riding in Ferrara, Italy.

O can also go by the "Fast Forward."

A team can only use only one pass
"Fast Forward" throughout the race

Allows the computer to skip all tasks
and proceed directly to the "Stop . "

" On the side of the castle lies a moat
find the "Fast Forward" used a boat "..

're At the front and we want to maintain our position

'm Pretty tired of people so...

're going to go for the "Fast Forward."
Try to make our move, finally!

"Fast Forward"
is hidden in this castle in the city of Ferrara

... 50 miles [80 km] away

Teams must discover the location of
castle with only a photo as head

Once you open the castle
be able to search for the "Fast Forward"

... which is somewhere around

I showed the driver
Photograph Castle .

I said, "Do you know where is this?"

And he says, "Oh, that's the Castello of Ferrara"

- Can you see the river? This is the Castello.
- Is Castello?

I'm in a castle in Ferrara,
in the city of Ferrara.

- Good?
- If...

No other similar castle in Ferrara?

- With Water is the only one around here.
- With water, right...

- This is a moat, is the only castle with water.
- Well!

You know? I continue to keep calm and follow
relaxed and peaceful

... I thought I could do this "Fast Forward"
and not deal more with the rest

. These people are altering nerve

are all hoaxes...

Their competitive natures...

... hysterical, which complain
and crying.

Have too much negative energy flowing around.

Need to move away as possible from that. So...

... guess this is the entrance.
Let's staying right here.

"She shifted."

The way I see it, if
us now inspect the glider

... if we are the first in line
we will be the first in line.

If you are the second or third row
in we can always go to...

... bicycles
because a situation of first come, first does.

Detour: "Pedal."

"Drive yourself for a trip

... Should carry backpacks with you."


And the "Guidos"?

- Probably will go by plane.
- No. ..

've Been behind,
we were last and then first,

... And now back up to
last place again

We will be able to overcome this with time

're at the Aeroclub Volovelistico
Ferrera to get on a glider.

Now we can sit here as
for about four hours in the dark.

But we are the first in line,
that's what counts.

- If that makes a little cold out here.
- Yes, it is.

- Right?
- Turning in the dark is so stupid.

Lack of sleep, lack of food, and stress

finally... I think this affecting us all

We have not taken a break
all this time.

're Soaked to the skin.

Seems that
are the same people who maintain that good luck

... and do not understand how it is that we can not have
bit of luck [/. i]

At each stage of the race still think:
"Well, here is where we will removed it."


Do you want to grab this on?

We realize that
couples have their differences,

... but if we love can work it from there,
and that's what we've been doing.

Ask the taxi driver Here...

bikes for rent in Palatine this via Kennedy.

Not Here...

- Oh, no!
- There he is!

- Here... bicycles.
- Thanks! Yes!

- Well! It's here...
- nice, well... hide!

- Hide!
- Well...

So... hopefully no one will
here before us,

... but it seems that if there is anyone here
before us.

- One moment, sir.
- Wait!

What would you do, would you expect here?
We'll be right behind them.

I just do not want to go over there and sit
for three hours with Bill and Joe.

- Yes, good point.
- We have good company here,

... is better than what would
in the bike shop.

Good morning.

You guys are the only team here

- If...
- We are the first here.

Well, the thing is that we can do

... and stay with a good memory,
you know what I mean?

Really do something that we can never do again

- Well, then let's do it...
- O too!

Or, Emily, we can drive
bike and try to keep fighting.

- I think so.
- If...

Whatever bicycles,
and try to stay in the race!.

In this option, if there are three...
or how many teams are in front of us

... we can do it together, right?

- Whatever bicycles.
- Are you sure?


How much? A hundred and how?...

Castello, another flag there.

"Fast Forward" is hidden in this small dome

Teams will find
to drive this boat around the moat,

... and inspect the castle walls

Now we can enter the boat.

The road is ahead.

Honey, you are supposed to
rowing across.

Go, go, go!

- What are you doing back there?
- Nothing!

Exactly! That's the point.
We are driving these directly to the wall.

Frank, I hate that about you!
Why do you have to blame me for everything?

- They're doing this.
- But you're looking at the side...

Yes, because I am looking to find
damn little yellow envelope.

Oh, there it is! I have it.

- Got it?
- Yes, up there.

- Where?
- Right. Come on!

- For which side you're paddling?
- Oh, God!

For which side you're paddling?

- I'm paddling to the right.
- Well...

I'll catch him. So you -

- No, I got it, I got it...
- Honey, please! If you drag yourself -

I have long arms,
do not worry about anything.

- Solo...
- These rowing.

Marge, stop paddling for a second.

Congratulations You found the 'Fast Forward'!."

Oh, My!

- Can I see?
- India!

Burning Taj Hotel in Agra, India.

- This was a success!
- Can I borrow him?

's Go to India.

- India, here we go!
- Will see another part of the world.

Towards India.

Now Frank and Margaret
begin a journey of 400 miles [640 km]

... to the next
"save" in Agra, India

- This thing does not look safe at all!
- We will die in this epic journey!

This thing seems to crash into a second.

So they'll be the "Guidos" Tour:

"Pedal, Billy!"


Where do we expect?
Why there on the track?

- One for each of you?
- Yes, one.

- Well.
- Thanks!

Is this .

You must pull to open...

The problem is that you always save your coins



Well, here we go!

Here we go!

The other aircraft
does not seem to take flight, it seems...

Oh, yeah! It does.

Come on, baby!

Oh, God!

I have not ridden a bike in years!

My legs are very small.

Honey, you have to drive down the street!

I think we are far away, Bill.

Bebe, I think it's to the right.

- Oh, look out!
- Oh, God!

Why did you stop?

- Look, there is a sign to bend.
- I do not see...

"Fold along this street by looking

That's when the other plane says "goodbye",
're on your own now.

Come on!


We turned the wrong way.

Alto! Come on, come on!


This bell making a turn.

Well, that's a twist V

Lenny, where do you go?

Look what you're doing!
It's going straight down!, Is the vertical...?

Do not salute, idiot! If the plane is landing
need something more than that.

Lenny, wait!

Oh, no...!

With any luck everyone else still
must be spinning bike.

cappuccino coffee up here?

- Anything?
- No. ..

- An express? No?
- No.

Oh, watch out!

Oh... with care when fit at the waist.

There is plenty if there
much space there. Do not worry.

Can you sit?

I can help...


Maybe it's better that the little chubby
there come here, right?

's My friend, my friend...

- have radio.
- Set to "K-Run"

Does this thing wheel?

Use the grab handles.

Oh, for God's sake!
Oh, God...

This if I go with it right!

At least I'm on the one motor.

The glider has so...

- God bless you!
- Well, when I say I'm ready.


... Seventy-six years of age have.

Oh, my God!

- Well!
- There is a flag on the left!

I see!

- "Say goodbye to Italy...
- We go to Delhi

-... and we say hello to the Red Fort.."
- In Delhi.

This is India.

Teams must figure out how to get from northern Italy

To Market...
Red Fort in Delhi, India

Because no international airports in the area

... the first teams should head
larger, like Rome or Milan city

. So what is the nearest international airport

're Probably closer to Milan by train.

- But I think...
- That is not the right choice.

I think Rome is a larger airport.

- And probably has better flights.
- Best connecting flights.

"Tell 'goodbye' to Italy and hello to the Red Fort."


guess we have to take the train to an airport,

-... and then travel to India.
- Yeah, yeah...

Let's go and start thinking.

Where to go to catch a flight to

What is the nearest international airport to reach India?


Well, can we get there in time?
Good!, We'll go to that.

Here are Bill and Joe.

Only upload, only upload!
I went once...

- I guess you're right...
- Yes!

Oh, God! Oh, God!

By God!

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

O mierd -
By God!


This... this was amazing!


Thank you! Thank you very much.

Thank you!

- "Tell 'goodbye' to Italy and hello to the Red Fort."
- Somewhere in Delhi, India!

- Well...
- Oh, my God!

Goodbye, Italy!

Does this not be the train station?

"Tell 'goodbye' to Italy,
and 'hello' to the Red Fort in Delhi."

A piece of rope on the windshield
is the compass for that airport.

- Is that true?
- Yes!

If this right hanging means these
going right and those going the right way.

Y then interrupted saying:

"Oh... but the rope does not work anymore because moisture
the trick."

Oh, my God! Very nice!
What we use now if the rope is not working?

That sophisticated piece of engineering!

- He is seventy-six years old.
- God bless you!


We're the last!

Hey, hello!

- To India.
- We have to book tickets.

Now we have to try to book a flight.

Why do we have to go back to Rome and not
to Milan?

Were all crazy hows "
We have to get to Rome, we must come to Rome..."

And I realized "
Why have to go to Rome?"

Because that's where most flights will depart.
But first let's find out better before we left.

From Milan...

The flight leaves this evening at 7 pm.

Party this afternoon and make connection in Copenhagen.

- Well! Well, well...
- Book it.

Can we catch the train from Milan at 24:40, and arrive in Milan
at 2 pm sharp.


If or to reach the flight...
do we have to get on this train?

- Si.
- We gotta get on this.

I would love if so.

Who eat some?

Drew, Drew! You have to go outside!
I can not listen to this lady.

All go ahead, I'll wait here with him
. Does everyone go on this train?

... If you know exactly where to
have to go, right?

Does this process will take more time
what you think? If...

Tell Drew do what I can...

Drew make a scene, do not worry

- I There Yet?
- Drew, Kevin said to make a scene.

I'll try! Are you almost ready?

I'm dying here...

I'm dying here...

Just tell him do not let go!

Do not let go!

- Economy?
- Economy... if economy class.

Get a confirmation number.


No, no!

- No. ..
- No, no!

- We do not climb aboard!
- No, no! Wait, wait!

Still will not ride the train.

My friend is very punctual.
He ​​will come, he will come...

Sir, sir...

- Lord...
- He's going to come.

He is coming now!

But what if he can not get on this train?
Where is he?

- We do not climb aboard!
- No, no! Wait, wait!

- Still will not ride the train!
- Do not know what is what.

What if
can not get on this train?

Can record these names?
Well, well...

Where is he?

Here, here...

Do you have them?

Yeah, well. It was nothing...

're Amazing!

We are now in Delhi,
in New Delhi, India.

This is crazy!

Agra, here we go!

- Here, here...
- We're here.

I see the flags, I see a sign,
so is here.

- Smells like grass.
- It's right up there.

Welcome to Agra.
You are the number one team.

Amazing, beautiful!

- We have come a long way.
- Would not seem real.

Then we took a train from
Ferrara to reach Rome

We thought about going to Milan, but with
some people I was talking

[ i]... managed to find
on reservations and were told

... Rome is a bigger international airport

So we thought we had a better chance of
get on a flight here.

Fastest way would be via Copenhagen.

By God, I hope I'm right Drew.

As we walked through Copenhagen...

went right up to the door, and who else would be there but
are the other teams

Hello, "Mom" !

- I'm happy to see them.
- I'm very happy to see them, too.

five teams are happily together again,

... and ready to leave for Delhi and run to the airport and get
do what must be done .

on here! Quick, come on!


, Nancy...

Well, go, go!

- Come on!
- Come on, guys!

- Taxi!
- Taxi!

Come on!

Well, climb inside.

Go, go, go!

- Towards Red Fort.
- The Red Fort...

- Come to the Red Fort.
- To the Red Fort.

Teams are now on the way here, the Red Fort

Delhi Fort in New Delhi, India.
A real contrast to what is Italy.

Thank you!

Forward, forward...

Look at that cow!

Please, can you?
Faster, faster!

Oh... there are lawyers, right there.

Pass them. Come on, we pass them...

- Here?
- Si.

Delhi Fort...

Is that close ... that is the Red Fort?

Is the square is in front?

- Si.
- That's where we should go.

- What the hell is this?
- What...!

're On our way to Red Fort and unfortunately, as always our curse

... who is
our taxi stops for a "toll."

- Is that your boss?
- Yes, that's my boss.

If, half way! I have no idea as
is that the subject knew who stop...

- Anyway...
- They are 200 rupees.

? 200 rupees? We are stealing!

Go, go, go!

Climb the taxi!

Go quickly, we will lose!

We're gonna lose!

The people who made the "Fast Forward"
are having right now...

... An immense advantage over us now

His period of 12 hours rest
is being fulfilled as we speak

Lucky they have!
I'd rather be lucky than to be good.

Oh, my God...

Lord, is there any way you can drive
a little faster?

Lord, how long?

We're looking for a huge flag,
or large signage.

- If here, right there.
- I see a flag!

If you wait here.

Well, here's the flag.

Where's the track?

- Here, here, here...
- Well!

Here we go!

Is a "lock."

"Lock" is a task that only one team member
can do

- Yo!
- Okay, so do you!

Wait right here.

Lenny, wait!
No, Lenny, he will not wait for...

Get things.


For people with a good sense of direction."

- What do you think, I think you can do?.
- Right!


- "... for the task ahead."
- I'll, I'll...

"Go up to a gig and see a gentleman...
what's and in such a place,

... and he will show you your next destination! . "

This task seems to be simple

A team member should hire a carriage
seller and find .

Computers even they have given the exact address

The trick is to find any direction

.. . along
claustrophobic streets of this chaotic market

Well, come on! Come on!


- Oh, you can speak in English?
- Yeah, yeah...


- Head to this local market.
- Okay.

Good? Okay, let's go!

Come on...

Good luck, baby.

Kevin, come on!

Kevin, hurry!

Do you know where this gentleman in this market?

Yeah? Well... come on!


Are you here? Well, okay.

Why this way?

, but... where is it? Why
down here?

- Yeah, yeah.
- Well!


You are the lord of the place?

Hello, how are you?
Nice to meet you!

- What do you think of India?
- I've never been in a street like this before!

- Am I the first here?
- If...


So you show me
which is my next destination?

If... can you see it?

This is a replica of the world famous Taj Mahal

Teams must find that the "save"
is adjacent to the real Taj Mahal,

... in the Hotel Taj Khema,
more than 100 miles [160 km] away.

- Thanks!
- Thank you!

- Okay, thank you!
- Well, it's time to go. Goodbye!


Excuse me? Hello?

Where is...?

Where is the Taj Khema Hotel?
Do you know how to get there?

Hello! How are you?

We'm trying to get out of here...

That is, go!


Nice to meet you, sir.

Many thanks for everything!

- Welcome!
- Hello.

- Nice to meet you.
- Hello, hello...

Oh, thank you!

Come on!

What is the fastest way to return

's Go to Red Fort.


This is the man.

- Hello!
- Hello...

- Well...
- What can I do for you?

You must show me that I should do next.

What to do next? Yes!

- You are the last.
- Yes, I know I'm the last.

Take it, you can take it.

"Make your way to the 'Stop',
at the top of the hill." Well...

Find us a f*cking taxi! Yes!

Well, get one.

Why do you always have to make it difficult?
Come on, Lenny!

Okay, we already have one!

- Well, towards the Taj Khema Hotel?
- Taj Khema...

YES! Now, now...

Do you know...?

Come closer, please...

- Can you speak in English?
- No.


Do you know how to get to this hotel, the Taj Khema Hotel

But I do not know!

Please follow!

We can not! Come on, come on!

Who are you?
We can not wait.

We can not take it.

Does this hotel is in New Delhi?

Is Taj Khema, on a hill...
Where is Khema?

The Taj Khema, on a hill...

So, do you know where it is?

- Well! Sir, sir...
- Yes?

tell him how to get there?

Scroll to Agra.

- Scroll to Agra.
- Where?

Wait, wait!
Just take me back...

I do not know...

All I can see is that
will be removed.

But I'm not ready to go home.

I'm not ready to go home...

Well, where's the car?

Right here. Now, now...

- We're going to Agra.
- Towards Agra?

Lenny and Karyn and went from there.

-? Karyn and had returned from there!
- If...

- How the hell could she do?
- She was here.

- It was about 10 minutes ago.
- Really?

Bring the taxi here.

The Burning Taj Hotel, if...

Well, give me the address and the subject
know where -

No address, no address.

- Burning Taj Hotel.
- If...

- Do you know where it is?
- No. ..

On top of burning Taj Hotel,
you know where this is?

This is like...

've never seen anything like it in my life.

And that you have not been in the car,
not know what this!

Not know what was out there waiting for you!

Children come to you...
and stop to look you in the eyes.

It's like...

's like they're looking through you
directly into your soul!

Mom! Mom, hurry!

Do not cry, do not be angry.
Do not get mad, come on.

Get out, stop!

Okay, okay...
Come on, we gotta go.

Thank you.

We need to get a taxi.

Well, Mom.
This Here...

- But we are past!
- Okay, Mom. Do not worry about it.

Let !
Where is this damn driver?

Lord, among the car. Come on!

Lord... I'm talking to you.

? Burning Taj Hotel?

does not seem to know where it needs to go...

Should not this...
near the Taj Mahal?


- Do not know where it is?
- No.

Does anyone know where
is the burning Taj Hotel?

Do any of you know
where is it?

And where is he?

- Does the hotel?
- Yes, where is this?!

- Just calm down, Emily.
- God!

- Emily...
- These people are driving me crazy.

- No, no...
- Where is it?

- Do not know, Mom! I asked a thousand times.
- Do you know where it is?

Where is it?

Could you tell our driver...?

Just do not know!

-'re Stupid! They know nothing.
- Emily, enough!

I can not deal with this.

- Emily, listen...
- Hear him, listen to him...

These people are crazy.

Just Drive! Let's get out of here.

Look at them! They are mocking us.

- Son of a movie?
- Out of the way!

Where is this place?

- Where's the damn hotel!
- Emily, do not talk...

- If you have to talk like that, I can not...
- Mom!

Emily ! I can not deal with this.
- Well, then why are we in this predicament?


- No. ..
- Well, then...

Do not worry...

Wait! You said you knew where it was

Something is wrong here...
something, there's something wrong here.

This is yours. Something is wrong here.

That gentleman would give us one thing...

We show our next destination.

And that seemed to me to the Taj Mahal, a
dome in the center, and the four paths alongside.

I know that the Taj Mahal is in Agra.
I just know it!

Always knew that since he was very young.

So you sit here and I'll drive the jeep.

- You sit here, okay?
- No. ..

Why not!

Oh, but if you understand that, right?!

Do not know!
Do not know... can you stop and ask someone?

Where's it going?

I'm going to that hotel information.

- Where's it going?
- This way there.

Oh, dear God, help us!
Please help!

? Burning Taj Hotel?

I need to go to Burning Taj Hotel.
The Burning Taj is somewhere you know.

- God! Above we have to pay you, Rob.
- Paying for? For letting us lost.

Son 600

Our driver seemed to know where he went,

... But he was just driving around
other in Delhi were to ask for

So, after half an hour
linger in traffic to reach here

... asked someone,
and they said:

- Some people go by jeep, like this, "Oh, is in Agra.".
- Well...

Burning Hotel Taj is in Agra.

- In Agra?
- If, Agra.

Do you know where is Agra?

- Can you tell him?
- Agra Do you know where it is?

- And no anger because?
- Need another taxi.

- A Taxi?
- Yeah, right now.

And this truck will achieve
get all the way to Agra?

The tires are inflated...

- I'll give you 500
-. No, no! 800!

You said you knew where the hotel was!
We have been around for half an hour!

You said you knew where it was! But where was wise in
then you should not have taken us.

- No, no! 800??
- No, you said you knew where it was!

- Lied to us!
- Basta! Now, now...

lied to me!


Do you know? I'm tired of it all!
Never do anything!


So all we can do now is
we sit

... and hope and pray that
get there before everyone else.

- Maybe this is our final.
- Yeah, see...

's been fun!

Well, what really disturbs me is that our only hope

... Emily and Nancy
was found with many problems, and I would hate that to happen.

- No sign of it here, Joe...
- It's a... it's a yellow flag.

The yellow flag, well... Let's run
, outside!

In here, continue straight ahead.


Welcome to Agra.
You are team number two.

- Yes!
- Thanks.

Do you know where to go now?

- Is it here? Is the burning Taj Hotel?
- If you should be here!

- There are two flags there.
- Well!

Yes, take us inside.

Welcome to Agra.
You are team number three.

I can not believe it!

Simply I can not believe it!


And were about to give up, friend!

Welcome to Agra.

- Thanks!
- You are team number four.

- Team Number Four?
- Number Four?

Good! We'll stay with that.

We comply with that...

- Well done, guys.
- We settle this.

Welcome you to Agra.
You are team number five.

Is the team number five!

- Yes!
- Yes!

I can not believe it!

- Well done!
- Is it a joke, right?

Oh, My!

I was crying all the way here


- Oh, my God...
- Oh, my God!

Pinch me !

Are you kidding, right?
Is not that a joke...?

Can you at least walk up to the yellow flag

Welcome to Agra.
You are team number six.

Lenny and Karyn...

regret to say that you are the last team to arrive, and...

That means
both have been eliminated from the race.

We know.

'm Disappointed in myself,
I'm disappointed in us as a team, and...

I say goodbye to the race with very fond memories, but at the same time

but I'd be lying. .. if I said this did not end
affecting us as a couple.

'm Very analytical, I am very competitive, I'm very impatient and

For all I am
he is the exact opposite.


At this point... I guess she's right,
guess we're complete opposites.

Still love him, but...

... do not think this can work out.

Like I said, I'm very competitive and it's not...

not so much for the game.
He ​​apparently thinks this is the game for

... but it's much more than that for me.
Money was never the problem,

... was to give 120% in each of the minutes,
and that would have meant a lot to me.

And I feel...

... I did, but I feel he did not.

scenes of the next chapter...

In the next episode of
"The Amazing Race":

Lousy drivers...

Are we not going in the direction opposite to the
Taj Mahal?

... Undermine the progress of Rob and Brennan

Well, apparently our driver
can not stay awake and go have tea.

Sexism makes Nancy and Emily
lose valuable time

He will not help you, so stop!

The men here do not sell them to women

An error drags the "Guidos"
a precarious situation

We were much happier
see them, they see us to us.

I do not know what the hell is happening...
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