02x06 - Episode 6

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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02x06 - Episode 6

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Previously on [/i]Love Island…

Won't you come back to me[/i]
Come back to me… [/i]

The new boys caused tension in the villa…

-I can tell you're for real.
-I wanna get to know you, honestly.

-You are so cute.
-Lay it on me.

…pushing relationships to the limit.

Yeah, I am smitten with Calvin.

Is it gonna be different between us?

-What's up, what's up?

You're one of the people I really
need to give myself a chance with.

He's a charmer
and he just carries himself well.

-Do you wanna ignore me? Cool.
-Stop shifting it onto her.

This is about your actions
and what you are doing.

I cannot!

I'm done with her.
She can couple up with that dude.

[narrator] Tonight…[/i]

Everyone seems a little nervous.

our host Arielle[/i]
is back with a dramatic recoupling.[/i]

Two boys are going to be dumped
from the island tonight.

The boy that I would
like to couple up with is…

[suspenseful music builds]

[theme music playing]

Once upon a time[/i]
Your love was like forever [/i]

We've got a couple hours [/i]

Ooh, so we can afford this song,[/i]

but not a hot tub in the vocal booth.

Vegas, baby!

Right, be professional. [clears throat][/i]

It's Vegas Party Night in the villa,

a Vegas-themed party in Vegas.
I smell an Emmy.

It's about to get a little frisky tonight.

Our Islanders are playing a game
of roulette with a sexy twist.

Okay, I spin this first
and then throw the ball, right?

Oh, my God. "Calvin, kiss."


-I'm not gonna look. I'm not gonna look.
-I'm sorry, Johnny.


-Was that tongue?
-Let's go, girl!

That wasn't a very good one.
"Okay, Carrington, dare."

"Share a whipped cream kiss
with an Islander of your choice."

Make it sexy.


[all cheering]

[man] You got it!

[Cely] Okay, Moira.

I'm so excited,
I've never done this before.

Girl, nice.



"Connor, kiss."

[all laugh]


That's a no.

-Okay, "Connor, dare."
-I'm not okay with this at all.

Okay, Connor, have a triple-kiss with
two Islanders you have not kissed.

Let's go, Connor! You pick 'em.

No, I'm not cool with this.

She real hot right now, she mad.

Connor's a good guy, you know?
How could you be mad at Connor?

You see Connor? Look at his beard, man.

How could you be mad at that guy?

Okay, okay, okay. Um…

So the two Islanders I pick
are Rachel and Justine.

-[man] Yeah!
-[clapping and cheering]

[man] There you go.

There you go, Connor.

[scattered clapping]

Whatever, y'all.

No, I was trying to be just
respectful towards Mackenzie

and I didn't wanna make her upset
by doing some sloppy,

passionate triple-kiss with two girls
in the villa that weren't her.

The only really lips I wanna kiss
in this villa is Mackenzie's.

All right, y'all,
that was fun, that was fun.

[Johnny] Any tension in the villa now
after tonight, Mackenzie?

-[Kierstan] Any heads turning?
-Low blow, Johnny.

Talk to me in a couple of days,
see how you feel if that would happen.

[cell phone chimes]

-Uh-oh, this is you.
-I got a text!




[narrator] The Hideaway is[/i]
the tactfully-named private suite[/i]

that might more accurately
be called the Nookie Nook,

Score B&B or The Shagri-La.

So who will be the first lucky
couple to potentially get lucky?

Um, I feel like it's pretty obvious.

Winner, winners!

I feel like the biggest winner
of Vegas Night.

I got the Hideaway. [laughs]

I think we deserve this.
I think we're a power couple

and first couple in the Hideaway, baby.

Let's get you ready!

[in mock regal accent]
Sensing the gravity of the occasion,[/i]

Countess Cely aways to the boudoir
with her most trusted chambermaids,

in order to select only her finest

and most delicately woven artisanal thong.

Where's the teddy? Show us that.
Or is that it?

No, this is it.
I didn't bring anything else.

[Justine] What's your game plan?
Chit-chatting, getting to know each other?

Yeah, we'll see what happens. I'm excited.

It won't be a walk of shame
in the morning, ladies,

-it'll be a stride of pride.
-[all whoop]

Damn, talk about it!

[Kierstan] He's already in his underwear.

-He's ready!

We get a chance to have
one-on-one time in the Hideaway.

I know it's gonna be lovely and hopefully
have some champagne, you know?

We'll see what happens after that,
maybe a bit of kissing,

but like I said,
whatever energy she's bringing,

I'm gonna match that,
I'll be a gentleman the whole way through.

[narrator] Meanwhile,[/i]
Vegas referee Conno[/i]r seeks a ruling[/i]

after striking out with Mackenzie
over a couple of foul balls.

Let's talk about you.

Bro, holy… You was in the dog house,
I felt like, for a second.

-I felt bad.
-No, she was mad at me because,

she's like, "Oh, I'm not happy that
you were possibly kissing another girl."

But I was just doing it…

I don't wanna try to justify it,
but, like…

You didn't do anything wrong, bro.

I just did it because
everyone else was doing it.

How would you feel
if she had to kiss somebody else?

Honestly, I would have understood it.

-Like, and I'd be cool with it.
-It's a game, bro.

[Connor] I wouldn't have reacted
the same way she did.

I mean, I'm not gonna tell her
what to do, to lighten up, you know.

But you guys could, like…
you noticed that?

-Yes, bro.
-You did not do anything wrong, bro,

and you shouldn't feel like
you betrayed her, 'cause you didn't.

You know, there's a point where
I'm not gonna be such a push-over

and keep…

having these kind of controversial
matters that aren't so, you know,

worth picking a fight over.

[narrator] Sounds great, Connor.[/i]

Let's see that new backbone
of yours in action.

There's a lot of unique things
that happened, but I'm sorry about that.

It's okay. I mean…

I think it was more you
leaned into it and I'm kind of like,

-you could have gone like this.
-I know, I'm sorry.

I just think three-way kisses
are disgusting to begin with.

-Yeah, I know.
-So for you to be a part of it…

Yeah, I get that.

She can react the way she wants to
and, um, we talked about it,

we squashed it and we can just move on.

-Oh, my goodness!

[all cheer]

-Hey, come here.

Open the door.

[laughing] Oh, my God.

[Cely] Happy hour, are you kidding?

Okay, we need to open that
and drink all of it.


[both chuckling]

[Cely] Dude, I'm so excited.

-[cork pops]
-Whoo! [laughs]

I'm literally so excited right now.
I can't contain my excitement.

-Do a cheers.
-I'll make a toast.

-Cheers to…
-Make it good!

…a great start,
getting to know each other,

and to outshining everyone else
within the first week of being here.

And our first night alone together.

[narrator] In the roulette game[/i]
Jeremiah chose to kiss Moira,[/i]

not his partner Rachel.

So Rachel turns on
the conversational windshield wipers

to see the situation more clearly.

What's up?

Yeah, so I want to be with you
and, like, you're my number one.

-Like, yeah, yeah, yeah.

And so then to kind of
see you then choose to kiss Moira,

like, on the lips,
and it's a mix of being…

surprised and also kind of hurt,
because I didn't expect it at all.

Oh. But it's just a game though.

Okay, so it was just fun for…
Like, it wasn't anything…

Yeah, weren't nothing behind it. Um…

But what I kinda do wanna talk about is,

right now, I kinda, I don't know…

I don't know if I'm 100% in.

I said I was gonna, you know,
give it time,

but right now, I'm just not, you know…

feeling it 100%.
I just don't get that spark.

I'm literally at a loss for words

of how did that go off the track so fast?

I told him last night in bed
that I was 90-10.

You felt this way this morning
and you didn't say anything to me?

Jeremiah's not as solid
as I thought he was.

-I don't want nobody in the dark.

I want to communicate that.

Yeah, see, I always want us to be,
you know, friends.

I appreciate your honesty, honestly.

And if that's what you're feeling,
if you wanna go--

-Yeah, I think we're good.
-Give me a hug.

All right.

-All right.
-All right.

[narrator] After putting a little distance[/i]
between herself and James,[/i]

Moira's about to show that nothing
gets between her and her Calvin.

What do you think about us?
Are you looking to get to know me?


We're about to have the talk now.

So I think I expressed to you
that it was important for me

to move at whatever pace
you wanted, right?

But, yeah, I do wanna let you know
that you're definitely at the…

at the top of the list
of people that I'm feeling.

You're very beautiful.

[laughs] You're like, "Oh, stop."

No, you are, you're very attractive

and I think a big thing
that attracts me to you

is your maturity,

as well as you look good
with no makeup on.

-That's huge. You got a natural beauty.

I love that that's a big thing for you.

I love it. I love it, because it's like,

-right now you're gorgeous…
-That's like, honestly,

girls need to hear that more. Like, we do.

The fact that you said that
is gonna give me confidence going to bed.

Good, and you got your little
sleepwear style, which I'm about.

So you like my sleep, you like my looks.
Um, you wanna take it slow.

I want you to feel comfortable.
If that takes time, I get it.

But I did want to let you know
that you are definitely

at the top…

Stop smiling at me like that.
Get outta here, get outta here.

I mean, if you forget your crutches,

I can be your crutch to lean on sometimes.

Don't worry about it.
I got you. Seriously.

-I'll take a hug, for sure.
-My goodness, every day. Let's go.

I was absolutely feeling Moira.
You know, she's super down to earth.

It takes a little bit to kind of,
you know,

pull out a little bit of that
Moira personality,

but I'm looking forward
to exploring that more

-and seeing where it could go.
-He just had all the words.

He was like, you know,
"I wanna be your crutch."

He's like, "You might have crutches,
but I want you to lean on me."

-Okay, he's…
-I swear to God, smoothest guy.

-He's so smooth.
-And I literally was like,

"Okay, I will take a hug from you.
I will take affection from you."

Take your time [/i]

And I will be waiting… ♪[/i]

[Johnny] We came in here, you were
with Jeremiah, then you were with Tre.

I stole you with my charm
and my good looks

and now we're the first couple
in the Hideaway.

-I know.
-That means a lot.

-It's so easy with you.

And I get closer and closer to saying

there's no way I'm switching up,

and I don't think a girl's gonna
come in here and change my mind.

I can literally hear you talk forever.

I appreciate you saying that.

If I got you [/i]

Then I have got everything… [/i]

Let's get that little knee spot here.

-How's that ice feel?

-Really good.
-Is it cold enough? Is that all right?

Yeah, amazing.
Thank you so much for the ice.

[Calvin] Of course.

I know [/i]

That you're thinking of me [/i]

I know that I'm thinking of you [/i]

I know [/i]

That when all's said and done [/i]

♪ We'll be two hearts held
And we'll fall into one ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh… ♪


[narrator] It's a new day in Vegas[/i]
and there's an exciting buzz in the air.[/i]

Literally. From all of our neon signs.

♪ Good morning, I had a good night… ♪

And the romantic Hideaway room
gave Johnny and Cely a night alone

with 73 camera crew.

[Johnny] I feel like we got
real special treatment.

Like, everybody else is just
slumming it back at the villa.

They're all in there
with the bright lights on

and these ones aren't as bright.

[Calvin] Good morning, Caleb.
Hey, slay all day, boy. [chuckles]


-Good morning.
-[Mackenzie] Good morning.

-Oh, man, we're about to get grilled.

I'm sure everyone wants to know
if I'm a lady or a 'ho.

[laughs] I'm a lady.

-Come on.
-Oh, my goodness gracious,

-come on in, please.
-I'm gonna go with the girls.


How was it? How was it? We missed you.

-Okay, tell us. Spill it, go.

Oh, it was just the perfect,
perfect night and I was like,

"I never wanna leave.
I wanna spend every night in here."

Literally absolutely nothing.

[laughs] No, are you hoping something did?

She's in the same head space
as you? As far as like…

-That's awesome, man.

-Dude, I knew that too.

I thought that she was gonna be,
like, on go.

I thought she was gonna be
"Okay, let's do it," for a second.

As soon as we got in there, we were like,

"We're here." You know what I'm saying?

-That makes it so easy.

We agreed on everything
from the jump, it was perfect, bro.

We didn't wanna get up
and leave this morning.


We definitely got so much closer
with each other.

Yeah, we really got to go in,
like, deep about

our childhood and stuff.
So that was really cool.

I feel like I know him so much better.

-Oh, my God, I love that.
-I know, it's just so good.

Like, yeah,
so thanks, guys, for picking us.

Of course, it was the obvious choice.

-It was really, really good.
-Y'all deserve it, my loves.

Thank you, queen.

I just feel so much more closer to him.

And I don't know, I feel like we're
just this crazy power couple

and every single day,
we just grow stronger and stronger.

And I'm just so thankful for that,
so I feel like we're in

a really, really good spot
and I'm just so happy.

[laughs] No complaints on my end.

[narrator] Now, to the ongoing saga[/i]
of volatile Irish law firm[/i]

Connor and Mackenzie.

Combustible court is now in session.

[Connor] Can we, uh--
Can we just talk for a second?

Just something I wanna
talk about with you.


[Connor] I know there's things that
I've done not the most appropriately.

But the way you reacted to it

made me feel like you thought
it was a bigger thing.

I don't like to be controversial
and I don't like to fight at all.

With Mackenzie, it makes me feel

like I am not doing a good enough job
in this relationship.

And it leaves a lasting impression on me.

Just from having a couple of those
miscommunications up until that point,

made me think that this was just
another big thing that I did wrong.

And that-- that hurt my feelings.

And I hope you understand that,
and I hope you see that as well.

And I wouldn't be saying this to you
if I didn't care about you

and want you to be happy with us.

I'm okay with you bringing it up,

my issue is that the fact that
you bring this up now.

-No, I just, like…

You felt this way and I had no idea.

It is nothing to do with
the way you are, Mackenzie.

I just need…

[Justine] Mackenzie, are you okay?

Yeah, I just need a second.

It definitely does make me concerned,

because most of my relationships

that I've had a lot of feelings
for that person,

I was typically blindsided when it ended.

So it is something
I'm very sensitive to with my past.

For him to do that today,
I'm just like, what?

Like, what is even going on?


I apologize for how you're feeling

and I really wish
that you'd voiced it last night.

What I'm upset by is I feel bombarded
and I feel embarrassed

that you waited until
after your workout to pull me aside

to have this serious conversation
with me out of the blue.

I'm sorry that that is how I processed it.

Things like this
don't come naturally to me.

If he can't articulate to me what
he's feeling and what's going on,

I am concerned about that

because I don't wanna ever be
blindsided again like today.

If that continues to happen,
I will have trouble trusting him,

and then that could affect
our relationship long-term.

I just don't even know
where to go from here.

[cell phone chimes]

-I got a text!
-Oh, Lord!

I got a text, I got a text, I got a text!

[Cely] Is it good?

-It's good. It's good.
-[women squeal]



-It just got real, baby!

-I'ma sink.

-[cell phone chimes]
-"Tonight there will be a recoupling

and the boys not chosen risk
being dumped from the villa."

[narrator] The Islanders[/i]
have just received a text[/i]

announcing a recoupling
will be happening tonight.

It just got real, baby.

Reality TV just got real,
and don't call me baby.

All right, fine, call me baby.

It's not over yet. It's not over yet.

[Caleb] The girls have the power tonight,

but the girls always have the power, man.

That's just how life goes.
Um, it's got me on my toes a little bit.

I just wanna hear where you're at.

Honestly the one thing that I've been

going back and forth about,
sometimes you just say things

that are literally in my head
and it's so weird.

Like, I just wanna continue
to spend time with you

and to continue to get to know you.

And full transparency,
'cause I just wanna knock this out,

'cause obviously the recoupling,
I feel like, is just-- you know.

-It's gonna be a cloud.
-Yeah, like you read the text.

Like, you know? It's like that.

So, honestly I am gonna have
a conversation with Jeremiah

and I don't know what the result
of that is gonna be.

You know, I made it clear earlier
that I was open to both

you and Justine, and I'm still open
to you and Justine.

The level of transparency
that I'm looking for,

you gave to me right off the bat.

And that makes me
feel comfortable, because, like…

Do what is best for you
and just be transparent with me.

If you choose me and Jeremiah goes home,

y'all at least had a fair chance,
and he had his chance to speak up.

If you talk to Jeremiah
and you have a change of heart,

-let me know.
-No, yeah, yeah, yeah.

You know what else I was thinking of?

You know Jeremiah's real because
he basically sabotaged his own game.

He could have just stuck with it
and Rachel would have picked him.

-And he went with the fact

that he was willing to put
himself in jeopardy.

So it just goes to show,
like, his character.

-[Moira] You guys think it's character,

or do you think
he didn't even think about it?

-No, he thought about it.
-I think he thought about it.

-For sure.
-Yeah, 100%.

He's just not that kinda guy.

[Cely] Mm-mm. He's such a good guy.

I hope he gets a chance to be saved.

-I love him so much.
-I love him so much.

-He deserves to find someone in here.
-I know.

[narrator] After friend-zoning Rachel,[/i]

Jeremiah heads to the Cromwell's new club,

Bar Justine,
to feel things out with the girl

he friend-zoned twice before.

-Do you feel stressed?

No, not really. Um…

You know, I'm just riding it out
at this point.

-If I go, I go.
-You figure you go?

Yeah, I don't wanna force nothing.
I don't wanna be in no situation

that I don't wanna be in.

So, sh**t, I was like, "Nah."

Like I said, yeah, I could have waited
till we recoupled and stuff,

but that would have been messed up,
so I just went, "Nah, I gotta go."

-Yeah, get it out now, so…

-I'm proud of you.
-Yeah, you know.

-I try to do what I can. Do what I can.

-So how you feeling about Tre?
-Um, Tre and I are good.

We're going at our own pace,
it's very slow.

Like you, I wanna be honest
with my feelings and you know,

when that time comes,
if it comes it'll be right,

but we're both very open still.

So, yeah, I think
we're both on the same page.

Like, we have a good understanding,
you know?

I mean, there was a spot where I'm open,

but right now, I think things
with Tre are a little bit more

progressed than anything else.

But, you know, you never know,
you never know.

-Just keep it open.

[narrator] Like a man with almost[/i]
no memory of the last 24 hours,[/i]

James is still optimistic
about finding love in the villa.

Listen, I came here for a connection.
Like, I came here for someone that I like.

-And that's when my energy does pop up.
-I'm the same way, man.

Feeling low on energy right now, bro?

Yeah, I'm just tired today,
but feeling good.

Like I said, I'm here for a connection.

If it happens, it happens.
If it doesn't it's whatever.

It is kinda bitter, but, I mean,
I just-- right now, I have high hopes.

I'm still gonna stay positive
and keep doing me.

She knows where I'm at.

I'm not punching in anything.

I'm not punching in,
I'm not throwing in the towel.

There's still light in the tunnel.
There's still hope and I'm hopeful.

♪ Lover, come a little closer to me ♪

♪ I wanna feel your breath
Before I leave… ♪

[narrator] So after Jeremiah, now Caleb[/i]
wants to chat with Tre's partner, Justine.[/i]

What's with the sudden rush of interest?

New swimsuit? New water bottle?
Imminent recoupling?

-Gotta be the water bottle.
-I don't want to do this.[/i]

I'm excited, till I get there.
And then I'm gonna probably cry.

♪ I just want you here with me ♪[/i]

♪ Don't ever leave, leave, leave… ♪

[Tre] I hope nobody's going home tonight.

There's just a weird vibe.

It don't feel right though.

Yeah, no one's mad right now,
no one's being all…

It just feels weird in here.

I absolutely want Moira
to choose me in the recoupling.

I've really enjoyed getting to know her.

The power is in her hands.

I'm at her mercy,
so we'll see what happens.

And it just, yeah.
It do feel like something not right.

James makes a last-ditch effort
to reconnect with Moira.

Can he possibly un-burn the bridge

he repeatedly torched the day before?

What it do? You nervous for tonight? Nah?

-I'm so nervous.
-Yeah, why you nervous?

Um, just haven't really made
a decision yet.

Oh, really? Oh.
Kind of thinking on, uh, some things?

Yeah, I've been thinking too.

I feel like we really have come so far

in the amount of time
that we've had together.

It feels like I've known you
for my whole life.

-Like, "Damn." You know?
-I know.

It's crazy. Our time together is so fun.

-It's natural, it's fun.
-I honestly can't believe

this is the spot that
we came to hang out at.

Yeah, you were laying right here.
I got kinda close to you like this,

-on purpose.

And I was starting to flirt a little bit.

-Yeah. I like flirting with you.

It's just, like… so wild.

No regrets though, right?

No. No regrets.

Could you see yourself
getting to that point again, or…

[sighs] Um…

-Yeah, I do.
-Do you?

That's good news for me.

You know, what me and Moira had was real.

You never really know the future,
so I'm still… I'm still hopeful.

♪ Are you gonna break my heart? ♪

The first time I saw you,
I was like, "Damn."

I mean, I could see myself,
you know, with you.

Um, if we did decide to move on,
I would, you know,

-work on some things for sure.
-That's good to know.

At a deeper level, 'cause that's
what you probably wanted out of me,

I think, conversation-wise.

[Moira] I still haven't decided
how I feel about James and I.

We have been through a lot together.
He's been here since the beginning.

So… [sighs]

I don't want you to cry or anything.

No, exactly.
Let's head back though, 'cause…

-Were you gonna cry?
-No, I don't wanna cry.

-Yeah, well, I mean--
-Not yet.

Not yet? Okay.

Dang, yeah, good talk.

♪ You're the only one
Who could ever break my heart ♪

Everyone seems a little nervous.

'Cause nobody knows
what's gonna happen, that's why.

[Cely] That's the fun part.

Bring it on, Love Island![/i]

[narrator] Whoa, bring it on we shall.[/i]

Starting with bringing on
the striding, slow motion,

she-sovereign of severance,
Arielle Vandenberg.

-[all] Hello.

[Arielle] Will you please
all meet me at the fire pit?

She didn't have a smile on her face
when she said that.

So, Islanders,
I bet you know why I'm here.

It's time for another recoupling.

And this time, the girls are gonna choose.

Ladies, you guys can choose
to stay in the couple you're in,

or choose to switch it up.

And as you can see,
we have eight boys and six girls,

which means two boys are going to be
dumped from the island tonight.

[intense music playing]

So here's how it's gonna work.

Ladies, I'm gonna ask you
to stand up, one at a time,

and tell me which boy
you would like to couple up with.

Don't let go of old [/i]

You gotta keep holding on… [/i]

Cely, please stand up

and tell us why you would like
to couple up with this particular boy.

Don't let the grain show [/i]

Let 'em see your heart of gold [/i]

I would like to couple up with this boy

because, not only is he
the most handsome man in the villa,

every single day, he chips away
at my walls and I peel back

more and more layers to him,
and I'm loving what I'm finding.

And so because of that, the guy that
I would like to couple up with is

my chocolate cinnamon apple, Johnny Lee.

Get over here. [laughs]

You do it for the love [/i]

You do it for the love [/i]

You do it for the love… [/i]

Kierstan, please stand up
and give your reasons

why you would like to couple up
with this particular boy.

I would like to couple up with this boy

because he is so handsome and charming.

But the sexiest thing
about him is his ambition,

drive and motivation
to be the very best he can be.

I'm a big and firm believer that
everything happens for a reason,

and I feel that me coming
to this villa is because of him.

So the boy that I would like to
couple up with is…


You do it for the love [/i]

You do it for the love [/i]

-All right, Justine, you're up next.
-I really might throw up. Okay.

Do you think we can ignore[/i]
Everything we felt before? [/i]

I wanna couple up with this boy

because even though we've
kind of had a slower start in here,

he was still brave enough,
confident enough and sweet enough

to take a chance on us.

He's super-patient and he really
knows how to handle me.

He's got the greatest abs
in the whole villa.

So the boy
that I want to couple up with is…


[Arielle] Oh, congratulations, Tre.

The flame is burning[/i]
Don't wanna let this go… [/i]

Mackenzie, please stand up
and give your reasons

why you wanna couple up with this boy.

I want to couple up with this boy
because, since day one,

he has put a smile on my face
and I haven't stopped smiling since.

And he proved to me
that accountants can be hot.

That was a surprise.

I cannot imagine
my life in the villa without him.

I'm starting to not be able to imagine
my life outside of the villa without him,

and I'm excited
for our future together.

So the boy that I want to
couple up with is…


Congratulations, Connor.
You can go join Mackenzie.

♪ Why you do me
Why you do me like that? ♪

Rachel, please stand up

and tell us who you
would like to couple up with.

Come take the crown of a broken king [/i]

Say the words out loud[/i]
Bring the light back in… [/i]

I wanna couple up with this boy

because I didn't necessarily expect
the week to go the way that it did.

This boy,
through the conversations that we had,

I felt like each conversation,
we grew closer and closer.

I began to really cherish the time
that we were spending together

and I can't wait to see what
the future holds for the both of us.

So the boy that I would like
to couple up with is…

You rain your love down over me [/i]

You rain your love down over me [/i]

All right, Rachel, please stand up

and tell us who you would like
to couple up with.

All right. I wanna couple up with this boy

because I felt like, each conversation,

we grew closer and closer.

And while it was not something
that I necessarily expected,

I think that it's a choice
that I will definitely be better for

and I can't wait to see what
the future holds for the both of us.

So, the boy that I would
like to couple up with is…

The flame is burning [/i]

The flame is burning… [/i]


[Arielle] Congratulations, Caleb.
Go join Rachel.

So, Calvin, Jeremiah, James,
you're the three boys remaining.

Moira will choose one of the boys,
leaving two of you single

and leaving the villa tonight.

I got carried out to sea [/i]

On a wave of hope [/i]

My faith was strong [/i]

My heart was filled with[/i]
Innocence and dreams… [/i]

Moira, you have
a very big decision to make.

Stand up, give your reasons why you'd like
to couple up with this boy.

I would like to couple up with this boy

because from the second that I saw him,
he put a huge smile on my face.

When he walks into a room,
he knows how to light it up

and make everyone around him
feel like they're his best friend.

He mentioned that I may be on crutches,

but he's looking forward
to helping be my crutch.

Next thing, we're broken[/i]
Woken up someplace else [/i]

So the boy I wanna couple up with is…

♪ We got caught up in the tide… ♪


[Arielle] Congratulations, Calvin.


Jeremiah and James,
seeing as all the girls are coupled up,

is there anything you guys wanna say?

Yeah, I had a great time with you guys.
You know, came in here,

didn't know what to expect.

Didn't think you guys would be this cool
and this great and this loving

and I'll miss you.

Hey, man, y'all know
I ain't with that mushy stuff.

You know what I'm saying?

But, uh, I didn't expect
to come here, man,

and find a brotherhood, man.

[voice breaks] And, ah, it's all good,
we gonna meet on the outside.


We gonna meet up again, bro.

And I hope y'all find love, man.
Y'all keep it together.

J and J Jingles, you know.

All right, you guys, you have
30 minutes to say your goodbyes

and pack your suitcases.

And the rest of you, I'll see you soon.

I love you, bro.

[bittersweet music playing]

A million miles [/i]

Is how far I feel from you [/i]

Even from where [/i]

Standing next…[/i]

You guys got this, man.

There's no going back… [/i]

What up?

What it do? Hey, everybody.
One more last hug?

Okay. I'll miss you guys.

See ya, see ya.

Yo, bro.

Peace out, Jeremiah.
Peace out, James. Let me get you one time.

All right, man.

-All right.
-Hey, dawg.

-[Cely] Bye, guys. Love you.

-[Jeremiah] Love y'all too, man.
-We love you guys.

Give me the chance[/i]
To do what I should… [/i]

I played the hand I was dealt,
but it just didn't play out, so…

Justine and Rachel,
they were wonderful girls,

but I just don't think they were
the perfect fit for me.

I'm just gonna miss
the friendships and, you know,

the bonds that I made with people here.

It kinda sucks right now.

My time got cut short
because of misunderstanding.

I did care for Moira
and, um, I just wish her the best.

You know, moving forward, I hope
she finds what she's looking for

and I'm gonna do the same.

Let me say goodbye for good… [/i]

[Carrington] Honestly,
I figured I'd make friends,

but I was here to find a girl
and step on toes, that was me,

you know, the big, bad wolf
and it didn't happen that way.

I did the complete opposite.
I made great friends.

Damn, man. It's the worst.

[Tre] Are you kidding me?

[narrator] Oh, don't fret, Carrie, baby.[/i]
I know what'll make you feel better.[/i]

A new girl.

Let me say goodbye for good[/i]

I'm Lauren and I'm from Oxford
in England, and I live in LA.

Usually when I walk into a room,
I do kind of feel a lot of eyes on me.

My take on girl code
is that it definitely exists,

like, I would never take
one of my friend's men.

But the one guy in the villa that
I find to be the most attractive

right now is Johnny.

We can be a great power couple.

So if I have to hurt somebody's
feelings to do that,

I gotta think about my feelings too.

[narrator reading]

We find out

which guys you voted [/i]to go on dates
with our new Islander, Lauren.

[closing theme music playing]
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