04x07 - Love That Lets Go

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hannah Montana". Aired: March 24, 2006 – January 16, 2011.*
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Series centers on Miley Stewart, a teenage girl living a double life as famous pop singer Hannah Montana, an alter ego she adopted so she could maintain her anonymity and live a normal life as a typical teenager.
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04x07 - Love That Lets Go

Post by bunniefuu »

Lilly, you have got to com.

It is so much fun.

There's something about
being on a horse

That makes you feel
so happy, so alive...

So not gonna happen.

You don't know
what you're missing.

I think I do,
and it looks like it chafes.

Come on. Riding is
a big part of my life

And I want to share it
with my best friend.

I can't believe
you're afraid
to get on blue jeans.

I am not afraid
to get on blue jeans.

I'm afraid of
falling off blue jeans.

But you skateboard,
snowboard and surf.

What's the difference?

Uh, surfboards don't go
40 miles an hour
and weigh 2,000 pounds.

[horse whinnying]

All right, all right, 1,800,
but the saddle
makes you look hippy.

At least he has hips,
you gutless jellyfish!

Oh, I'm gutless?
Two words for you, missy:

- "rope climb."
- ooh.

[all applauding]

Your turn, miley.

Ok. I can do this.

Just gotta take
a running start.

[all chanting] go! Go! Go!

See ya, suckers!

Yeah, that's right.
The girl can sing the climb,

She just can't do it.

It's not the same!

That rope is cruel,
pointless t*rture.

The only thing that is
holding me up there

Is the strength of my
very attractive yet
tragically weak hands.

At least the rope
can't suddenly decide,

"oh, there's
a really low branch.

I think I'll go really fast
and try and get under it."

Come on, look at this face.
He's not gonna hurt you.

"oh, come on, lilly.

Riding me's gonna bring
joy and happiness
into your life.

And firmness into those
slightly jiggly thighs."

- [gasps]
- what? He said it, not me.

All right,
I'll make you a deal:

You climb the rope and
I'll ride the stinkin' horse.

- [whinnies]
- no offense, blue jeans,

But you do make poopies
on the floor.

Ok, fine. Go get changed
and then we'll ride.

Uh, hello.
Why do I have to go first?

Fine. We'll flip a coin.

If it lands on heads,
it's me. Tails, it's you.

- Ok.
- Ready?

[coin plopping]

- Ooh...
- Oh...

It's deep in there.

Yeah, but, you know,
I'm pretty sure it's heads.

How do you know?
We'll flip again.

Uh, no, we will not flip it.

- Uh...
- [groans]

Do I really have to do this?

After what I went through
yesterday, oh, yeah.

[miley] whoo!

Here we go, everybody!

♪ come on ♪

♪ you get the limo
out front ♪

♪ oooh ♪

♪ hottest styles
every shoe, every color ♪

♪ yeah, when you're famous
it can be kind of fun ♪

♪ it's really you
but no one ever discovers ♪

♪ who would have thought
that a girl like me ♪

♪ would double
as a superstar ♪


♪ you get the best
of both worlds ♪

♪ chill it out
take it slow ♪

♪ then you rock out the show ♪

♪ you get the best
of both worlds ♪

♪ mix it all together
and you know ♪

♪ that it's the best
of both worlds ♪

See the rope, feel the rope,
be the rope.

Or... Ditch the rope,
fix the hair, hit the mall.

Oh, no. I am climbing
this bad boy

And you are gettin'
on that horse...

I did it! I did it!

You know this
doesn't count, right?

Oh! I'm a good
four inches higher
than I was an hour ago!

Well, congratulations.
While you descend to base camp,

I'll be home...
Not riding blue jeans.

Oh, and, uh,
for what it's worth,
hard as a rock.

Wait, no! Don't leave me
here like this!

♪ yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

Oh! [moaning]

[smacking lips]

Son, you know, one of these days
siena's parents are gonna want
to share a meal with you.

[belches loudly]

When that day comes,
I suggest you don't
make it breakfast.

For your information, dad,
siena likes me
just the way that I am.

- [doorbell rings]
- [siena] knock, knock, knock.

[exhales] whoa!

[sniffs] yow!

[exclaiming] ow!

Well, that oughta
give it some tang.

[wincing] good morning,
my lovely.

Oh, are you ever
not adorable?

Depends on if you like
spit in your lemonade.

I, uh... Thought
you had a photo sh**t.

Ok, that's kinda
getting old now.
Can we move on?

I'm trying.

So I've gotta get
to the sh**t.

But here's that book
I told you about.

And I can't wait
to read it!

enough with the voice.

[wincing] ok, bye.


Whoo, doggies!

To k*ll a mockingbird?

Now, son,
that's a real book
right there, now.

Hundreds of pages,
no pictures.

Dad, really...

No pictures?

You know what?
It doesn't matter. That's fine.

This is my girlfriend's
favorite book and if
she wants me to read it,

Then read it I shall...
With the eyes of love.

Aaaaand begin.


♪ ah, ah, ooh, ah, ooh ♪

give it up, all right?

You're never gonna climb
the rope and I'm never
gonna ride the horse.

Tragic, but somehow
I'll survive.

Oh, no. No, no, no.

You're gonna know
the joy of riding if I have
to climb 100 ropes...

Which I don't,
'cause our deal was one.

Hey, lilly, when did
oliver get back?

What are you talking about?
He's still on tour.

Then who's
the shaggy-haired
pasty-faced guy

Who just slammed
his finger in a locker
and screamed like a girl?

[gasping] ollie-pop!

lilly, come back, look!

I did it! I did it!

But you were...
And I was...

And now you're...

What are you, a vampire?

Hey, life
is full of surprises.

I'm at the top of the rope,
and your girlie man-friend
is out in the hallway.


Wow, my first lie.
What a rush!

I have to try that again.

Hey, ms. Kunkle, nice shoes!

They're really not!

Ok, boys, lemme down.

Make it quick before
lilly finds out it's
really just emo ernie

In a pair of skinny jeans,
you know what I'm saying?


Little too fast!

♪ hey, yeah, hey, yeah ♪

Wow! Talk about
your page-turner.

Little help here!

Uh, sorry, dad.

Lost in the fascinating world
that is to k*ll a...

Uh, mockingbird!

Dribgnikcom was the original
title, in honor of the author's
swedish grandmother...

[swedish accent]
inga dribgnikcom.

Really?. I loved that book
but I don't remember that part.

Wetl, I guess I just care
a little bit more about
classic works of literature.

Now if you'll excuse me,
I don't wanna lose
my mockingbird mojo.

Or, as we say like
in swedish...

[swedish accent]
dribgnikcom ojom,
by yiminy... Cricket.

So what'd you think
of the way the author
introduced jem's broken arm?

Shh! Dad, don't spoil it.
I haven't got there yet.

It's the first sentence
of the book.

If you don't count
the title page,

Which I found so riveting,
I've read 71 times.

Two days and that's
as far as you got?

It's just so thick!

And there are so many words
and they're all... Different!

Dad, I'm part of
the video game generation.

I can't handle long and slow,
I need short and fast!

Son, if you don't
finish that book,
your relationship

With your b-b-bikini model's
gonna be short and fast.

Come on, son,
think about it.

The brain's a muscle.
You gotta exercise it.

You dig into a classic
like to k*ll a mockingbird,

Before you know it, your eyes
are gonna be glued to the...


...Inside of your eyelids.

One day, you're gonna
make me proud, son...

Just hope I can survive
all those other days.

Brain is a muscle, right?

Dad? Dad?

Ok, now where was I?

Well, at least
I'm reading...

...If you count
"grrrrr" as a word.

And I do.

What are you looking at me for,
you troglodyte!


Look it up!

Wow, that was weird!

You're gonna read that book
and you're gonna read it now!

But reading hurts.

Not as much as this!

- [grunts]
- [exclaims]

You see,
reading is a joy!

[yelling] ow!

Reading takes you to new
and exciting places!

[whimpering] daddy!

You can't see me!

- [shrieking]
- [yelling]

- [thump]
- [exclaims]

I gotta start reading.

But first a sandwich.

♪ yeah, yeah, ooh ♪

Come on, stop looking
at me like that.

I only lied so lilly could know
the joy of riding a horse.

And so I could be right.
But that stays between us.


I'm ready!

For what?
Shipping yourself off
to wimpy world?

Hey, sounds fun!
Let's go there instead!

Uh-uh-uh! Your bubble-wrapped
butt ain't goin' nowhere.
Come on.

- No, miley, please!
- Oh, come on!

If you didn't wanna go riding,
why'd you put on that outfit?

'cause I look cute in it.

Lilly, you promised
you'd ride the horse
if I climbed the rope.

And I sucked it up
and I climbed that rope.

[horse nickers]

Ok, you're right.
I'll do it.

- Ok.
- Ok.

It's easy. All you
have to do is hang on.

To the horse!

- Oh, right. Ok.
- Ok, ready?

- [grunting]
- one, two, three.

Am I on?

Open your eyes
and find out.

I'm on a horse!
[gasping] I'm on a horse!

[nervous] I'm on a horse!

It's ok, just hold on.

I'll take you down
to the barn,

We'll get dad's horse
and we'll go for a ride.

Not so fast! Not so fast!

We're not moving yet.

- Right.
- Now we're moving.

[gasping] not so fast!
Not so fast!

Look at me, look at me,
I'm doing it, I'm doing it!

Oh, my gosh!

Yeah, riding with you,
not as much fun
as I pictured it.

Hey, I'm going
faster than you!

- Hey...
- I'm going faster than you!

Why didn't you tell me
how fun this was!

- What was I thinking?
- Come on...

- [horse whinnies]
- whoa, whoa whoa whoa!

[lilly hits ground]

- Lilly!
- [groaning]

- Are you ok?
- No, my leg!




♪ ooh, whoa, ooh ♪

Don't worry, I'll take
such good care of you,

You won't even know
your leg's broken.

- Ow!
- Ooh...

Starting now!

- Sorry, hold on.
- Ow!


- [exclaims]
- I meant now.

Sorry, sorry,
I meant now.

Mile, I'm sure glad
you can sing,

'cause you sure don't have
a future in nursing.

[phone beeps]

Oh... Great news.

Jackson found blue jeans
and they're on
their way here now.

Oh, that's great.
I was really worried.

You don't think it was
anything I did, right?

Heck no, honey, anything
could've spooked him.

A flock of birds, a shadow
in the bushes, anything...

Yeah. I'm just really
sorry this happened.

Don't be. You were right.
Riding blue jeans was fun.

And besides,
we made a deal.

I said I would ride the horse
if you climbed the rope.

And you climbed the rope
and I know how hard
that was for you.


That's right.
I climbed the rope.

Clearly I climbed the rope,
'cause you saw me up there.

It's not like I didn't
climb the rope,

Because how else would
I have gotten up there?
[nervous laugh]

It's not like
I lied about the rope
to get you on the horse.


I lied about the rope
to get you on the horse.

- You what?!
- Ok, look, I'm really sorry.

I know it was wrong,
but I knew you'd like
riding blue jeans.

And you did,
up until the whole
little boo-boo part.

Come here,
I'll boo-boo you!

Ok, look, I know I lied,
but I did it with love.

All right,
you're gonna have to
come down eventually.

And when you
do, I'll be here...

[whispering] ...Waiting!

Dad? Dad...

I got blue jeans
back in the barn,
but he's kinda limping.

- What?
- What?

I'll call the vet.

- Is he gonna be ok?
- It was a snake bite.

He must've gotten it
after he ran off.

But I was able
to treat it in time,

And blue jeans
is gonna be just fine.

- Oh, good.
- Great news.

So, what's gonna happen now?

Well, the leg's
still really sore,

So he's reluctant
to put any weight on it.

But once he does,
he's gonna be fine.

Would it help
if we nagged him a little?

Get it? "nag?"

- [all] 'cause he's a horse.
- Got it.

Or you could go back in there,
tell him that joke,

And he may just
run for the hills again.

Up high, doc!

But you should know,
earlier today, this hand

Pulled a calf
out of a mama cow.

You're really enjoying this,
aren't you?

Yep. When you're a vet,
you live for these moments.

Just try to get him
back up on his feet,
I'll check back in later.

- Ok?
- Thank you.

Thanks, doc.

Hey, you work
with animals.

- Ever read
to k*ll a mockingbird?
- Of course. I loved it.

Think you could sum it up
in the time it takes
to walk to your car?

You can skip
the title page, I got that.

You do know it's not about
an actual bird, right?


Not about a bird...

Come on, blue jeans.
You heard dr. Yamada.

Everything's fine,
all you gotta do is stand up.

So, here we go,
let's go, hno!

Get it?
"horse's night out?"

Oh, no, dad,
I'm turning into you.

Huh? Huh?

You know you wanna share
a hay bale with this one.

Her name is suzanne!

She likes carrots, apples
and long walks on the
horse-approved beaches!

It's the bonnet, isn't it?

I told you it made
your nose look big!

Come on, buddy,
it's just a sore leg.

Nothing to be afraid of.

Lilly, get out
of your wheel air.

- Huh?
- Get out of your wheelchair.

Show him you're not
afraid to stand up.

But I am afraid
to stand up.

Do not say that
in front of the horse.

And smile, you're gonna
scare blue jeans.

Why don't I just do
a little dance?

- That'd be awesome!
- No, it would be sarcasm.

Come on, how long are you
gonna keep milkin'
that broken leg bit?

Oh, I don't know,

I was thinking just
up to the time my leg
isn't broken anymore!

Dad, call the vet!

♪ ooh, ah, ooh, ah ♪

So when's the vet
gonna be here?

She'll be here
as soon as she can.

I don't get it.
She said blue jeans
was gonna be fine.

Lilly, it's not
the snake bite.
It's just...

It's not good for a horse
to lie down for too long.

Blue jeans should've stood up
by now. But he's hasn't.

Sometimes when an old horse
won't get up,

It means they've decided
it's their time.

Remember back when
you was a little girl,

We went down to the corral
to pick out your
very first horse?

Yeah, I was four.

You put me on your shoulders
so I could see better.

There were some beauties
out there that day,

But you kept pointing
to the little scrawny
white one in the corner.

I wanted you to get
the big chestnut mare,

But before I knew it,
he was...

- Tugging on my blue jeans.
- Yeah.

And peein' on my boots.

That's when I knew
he was the one for me.

I'm not ready
to let go, dad.

I'm hoping
you don't have to.

But right now,
all we can do is pray.

♪ there's a gold frame ♪

♪ that sits by the window ♪

♪ and my heart breaks ♪

♪ a little more
each time I try ♪

♪ to picture
the memory inside ♪

♪ there's a notebook ♪

♪ it's too hard to read it ♪

♪ but if you look ♪

♪ you'd see how you look
through my eyes ♪

♪ but now one more
chapter's gone by ♪

♪ and I know ♪

♪ it's time to move on
even though I'm not ready ♪

♪ I've got to be strong ♪

♪ and trust
where you're heading ♪

♪ and even though
it's not easy ♪

♪ it's not easy ♪

♪ I know the right
kind of love ♪

♪ doesn't wanna
miss the future ♪

♪ by staying in the past ♪

♪ it will always hold on ♪

♪ but never hold you back ♪

♪ and even though
it's not easy ♪

♪ it's not easy ♪

♪ right now
the right kind of love ♪

♪ is a love that lets go ♪

♪ it's time I love you ♪

♪ with a love
that lets go ♪

Mile... Mile...

Is he gone?

Why don't you ask him
for yourself?

Blue jeans!

♪ yeah, yeah ♪

[miley] dedicated to my
real-life horse, roam-man.

Happy trails to you, buddy.

So what did you think?

- This book? Wow!
- Mm-hmm.

I can't even
put it into words.

I mean, the author's words,
those are words.

But my words,
to describe those words?

I have no words for that.

- You didn't read the book.
- No.

- I tried, but...
- There were so many words

And every time
you turned a page
there were more?

I wanted
to tell you, but...

I was afraid you'd be
disappointed in me.

I'm not disappointed.

- You're not?
- No.

- Because you are
gonna read the book.
- I am?

If you wanna keep dating
a b-b-b-kini model, you are.

Dad, I'm gonna need
coffee and lots of it!

Hmm. Jackson overcame his fear
in telling siena the truth.

I got over my fear
in riding a horse.

And blue jeans conquered
his fear and stood up.

Well, who do we know who still
hasn't faced their fear?

- Who?
- [groans]

I did it! I did it!

I did it
when I was four.

(mocking) I did it
when I was four.


Show off.
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