07x20 - Reunion Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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07x20 - Reunion Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

[Andy] Tonight, part two
of the
Below Deck Reunion.

"We got a fireball coming."

I have to sit here
and take responsibility for it.

I feel like you're not that sorry.

There will be a lot of illegal stuff.

Honestly, they respected me.

I didn't feel like I was coming off
the way it's being shown.

The way it's being shown
or the way that you acted?

You know damn well what I think of you
the moment I think of you.

Is there anything that Kate has ever
done that you have an issue with?

Let's start in the beginning.

-What would you have done differently?
-I just apologized to...

[Rhylee] Give me a [bleep] break.

However you like it,
I really don't give a [bleep].

I need a break, Andy.

[bleep] dickheads.

[Andy] Part two of the Below Deck Reunion
starts now.

We are back with the Below Deck Reunion.

While most Below Deck drama
takes place on the high seas,

this season, one of the most
upsetting moments

happened on land in a van.


[Ashton] I wish you all the best of life.

[Kate speaks indistinctly, screams]

I don't accidentally make out
with somebody twice.

[Ashton speaking]

-...for calling...
-No, I...

[Ashton] No, no, hold on!

Get the [bleep] over yourself, Kate.

[Kevin] Oi, Ash. Oi, oi, bro...


Oi, oi, oi...

[Ashton] What gives you the right
to bring my family...

-[Kevin speaking]
-[Ashton continues indistinctly]

-I think she was trying to say...
-Calm down, bro. Calm down.

Calm down.

Jesus Christ!

Did you just punch the window?

No. I don't need this [bleep].

Okay. There was a strong viewer reaction,
uh, to the apparent danger

of the situation in the van.

And I just wanna mention there was
a producer in the van with you

who made the call
that instead of pulling over

at night in the middle of nowhere
in Thailand,

that it would be safest to return
immediately to the boat.

Do you agree with that, um, call?

Or do you wish that you had pulled over?

No, I don't think anything
that great would have happened

if we had pulled over.

It was, like, get back to the marina,
and I trust that.

[Andy] Ashton, once you saw
the episode where you exploded,

and you realized
that Kate was not out of line,

did you apologize immediately or what...

What was your reaction when you saw it?

The first time I saw that
was after the trailer got aired.

-[Andy] Okay.
-And I hadn't... Up to that point,

I didn't know I hit the window.

Um, and I said on the show
that I immediately messaged her

on Instagram and I apologized.

Did your hand not hurt the next day?

-Not really.
-[Kate] Really?

You punched the window pretty hard.

-You did not feel... You hand...
-[Ashton] I...

You didn't wake up and say,
"I must have punched something"?

-You know, nobody...
-[Rhylee] He only remembers that

-you talked [bleep] about his mother.
-I'm really curious.

-Okay? He only remembers that.
-But your hand... No, I'm serious.

Your hand did not hurt the next day?

[Andy] Let me ask you this.

-When you asked him about his mom...

-...were you doing it to provoke him?
-No. I...

This is what I mean when people assume
when I talk to them.

I'm not trying to start a fight.
I'm really not.

I'm not saying I'm right or wrong
in what I'm saying,

I'm giving you a different perspective
on how I might have felt

and how I saw it.

-I know.
-I'd just tried to kiss you,

and you expressed
how unhappy you were about that.

You were calling me a psycho.

I called you a psycho
after you punched the window.

Let's not get it twisted up.

What I assumed from that situation was,

when you heard us
making "fun" of Tanner's mom,

that you came to his support
and said, "What about your mom?"

So in my head it was
we were making fun of Tanner's mom

and you, kind of, stood in to support him

and was poking fun at my mom.

-I'm not saying that's right or...
-[Kate] Are you guessing?

That's what your... Are you guessing
that's what your thought process was

because you don't remember?

-It was temporary amnesia.
-I remember...

I remember you saying
something about my mom.

That's what I said to Captain Lee
the next morning when I went up.

You said to me, "What happened?"

And I said, all I remember
is something about my family...

No. Go back.

I said all I remember is something
about my family being brought up,

and I got very angry.

Kate and I had words last night

about my family
being brought up for some reason.

I don't know like what exactly happened,

but things got a bit heated
between her and I

and she walked off the boat.

No doubt it would have been
fueled by alcohol and things like that.

I don't think you remembered
what happened.

-And that's the issue

that I have with you...

and Kevin and Brian and Tanner...

throughout the whole season

is that you would get blackout drunk...

and not recall anything that happened

and then you would all get together
in the morning

and try to piece it all together as to...

"Jesus Christ, what the [bleep]
happened last night?"

And it was a [bleep] storm.

Kevin, you were carried into your bunk...

that I know of...

-[Lee] ...five ti...

-[scattered chuckles]
-"Twice?" Five times!

Five times out of nine charters

you were physically carried
and poured into your bunk.

Joyce L from St. Louis said that
she feels Ashton should have been fired

after he punched the window.

Why didn't anyone go
straight to the captain about it?

Why wouldn't you say to the captain,
Ashton, what you did?

Why would you not tell him that?

Well, I think you've already made
your point that I didn't remember,

-so why are you asking that question?
-Right, okay. Yeah, you're right. Sorry.

-Lee, Christine C. from Jersey said,

"Lee, you've said you never want
to work with Ashton again.

Is that still the case
and, Ashton, what's your response?"

If Ashton is the same person
that I worked with last year, no,

I don't want to work with him.

Honestly, like I said,

I'm not proud of that person
that I saw and that I was this season.

And, that's Captain Lee's, um, feeling
and I respect that.

Ashton, Lexi A. from South Dakota said,

"You said on Watch What Happens Live

that Kate reciprocated
the kiss for the first time.

It looked more like you grabbed her face,

and because she was also intoxicated

she probably didn't have much time
to react or realize what was going on.

She told you after the fact
not to do it again,

but you still tried.

Are you saying that just because
you felt her tongue in your mouth,

it gave you the right to try again
without asking for consent?"

Um, Andy, the first time I kissed Kate,

I obviously had some sort of
feelings towards her.

Something that wasn't aired was

I actually went to Kate for advice
one day during dinner,

and we had a really cool conversation,

she gave me a few compliments
and encouraged me on this bosun journey.

And honestly, I felt like that was
a cool conversation we had,

and I felt there was a little bit
of a vibe there.

Which is why I went for the first kiss
on the first night, okay?

The second kiss,
that was completely uncalled for

and completely unprofessional
from my side. Um...

My drinking this season
has been a massive issue.

It's something that I'm taking
extremely serious in my life.

I have quit drinking.

And for someone like me,
who is a party animal

and loves the social environments
and drinking,

that is as serious as I'm taking this.

And that is as serious as I look
at the situation with you in that van.

I... I feel...

intensely regretful and intensely... upset

about the way I behaved
towards Kate in that van.

From the kiss, to me losing my temper.

That is not something that I...

I'm proud of at all.

Which is why I have apologized. And it's...

Sitting in front of you tonight
I will apologize face-to-face to you,

that I'm extremely sorry
that I put you in that situation

and I'm extremely sorry
for trying to kiss you.

I was drunk, we spoke about late reactions
being drunk.

The minute...
The second I felt you pull away,

I left you alone.

My intention was never to force
myself on you,

and I had obviously got it wrong
in my head the first night,

where I thought there was something
going on between us

and I went for the kiss.

And the second night,
there's no excuse for it.

I was completely drunk,
I was out of my mind,

and I'm... I'm sorry for that.

I... I hate the fact that everything
is being... spun the way it is,

But you know what? I have to sit
and take responsibility for that

because I'm the one
that behaved the way I did.

I'm making serious changes in my life

because I'm not proud of the person
that I saw on camera that night.

And I am extremely sorry.

I have amazing relationships
with all the women in my life.

The way everything has turned out,

and the way everything seems
other there in the real world now...

and the labels I'm being labeled with,
I'm extremely ashamed of.

And... what hurts me the most
is I know that I'm not that person.

I know my behavior showed that,

and that I need to take
responsibility for that.

And whatever the lesson is in this that
I have to learn, I am learning.

I know what I need to change.

I will be better for it.


I know what I need to change,
and I will be better for it.


I appreciate you saying that now.


And I believe you.

And thank you.

I don't think that's who you are,
but it's hard for me...

I wonder when you got to this realization

because I've seen aftershows
on bravotv.com

where you are doubling down.

You don't seem to be that sorry.

So I just wonder what made you feel sorry?
And when?

-Because it's a very new feeling.
-It's a valid point. It's a valid point.

You get defensive, first off,
yes, it has taken me time

to realize the extent of what happened
and how wrong I was in the situation.

So I didn't just see it and boom say,
"Geez, you're an idiot,"

which I probably should have.

It's natural to wanna just be defensive

and try to justify your behavior.

Did you see his behavior as predatory?

Watching it from an outsider, yes.

But when you're in it, it's just like,
oh, there's Ashton.

There's so much going on that it's hard...

It's strange to see it from an outsider's
recap view six months later.

But did you realize you were so sorry
here on the stage?

Because an hour ago you were questioning
my yachting experience and his.

I don't feel like...

I feel like you're not that sorry.

I feel like you still were, like...
justifying your behavior.

Lee, Lexi A. from South Dakota said,

"What do you think about Ashton's unwanted
sexual advances toward Kate?

Do you wish that Kate had told you
what he had done immediately?"



I would not tolerate
that behavior from anyone.

And had that behavior
become known to me...

then Ashton would have been
terminated on the spot.

That simple.

Ashton, Katrina S. from Louisville said,

"On Watch What Happens Live you said

your mom had seen
your behavior on the show

and thought she raised you better."

What have your conversations
been like with her?"

My mom and I have always been
pretty straight up and open

and honest with each other. Um...

And she expressed some of her
concerns to me.


I've, you know,
listened to what she's had to say.


um, you know, she's not necessarily happy
with the way I've behaved.

She's not happy.

And she wants the best for me.

She wants me to be
the best version of myself I can be.

That's part of the reason
I am changing the way I behave.

When did you quit drinking?

January. Beginning of Jan.

-So, that was a month ago.
-And... And before...

Before then,
I had kind of been moving towards it.

I really started evaluating
why do I drink?

That's why it was an easy decision
for me to make,

and it's been an easy adaptation
for me to make.



-Good for you.
-[Kevin] Yeah, man.

-Good for you.
-[Rhylee chuckles]

[Andy] Ashton's rethinking his drinking.

Have any of had that same
conversation with yourself?

Yeah, looking at the episodes and stuff

and, you know, as Captain Lee says,
getting blackout drunk.

In retrospect,
I need to kind of lay off it

and put down that sixth drink,
or whatever it is,

and just cut it off and cut myself off.

On their off time between charters,
When the Valor crew

wasn't engaging in sexy time

they were duking it out

in a full-on battle of the sexes.

Let's look back at that rather
complicated dynamic.

-I am messy tonight!
-[Tanner] Oh!

I gave this charter 100%.

I'm ready to [bleep] party.


-[Kevin] Where's Tanner?

-[Brian] I don't know.
-[Tanner] Jiminy...

[Tanner vomits, coughs]

[cheering, yelling]


[Tanner speaking]


[Brian speaking]

-[Tanner speaking]

[Kate speaking]

-You're kind of a bitch.

[Kate] Stop driving.

[Brian] Okay, fine.
Just do what you want to do.

[Kate] Shut the [bleep] up.

What size pants are you?

[Lee] Thirty-six.

Okay, great.

[Kevin] That's nice.

Those aren't yours. They could be Brian's.

[Ashton] Why is there clothes
all over the crew mess's floor?

There are people whose threats
are below me.

[Ashton] How old are we?
Are we a bunch of kindergartners?

[Brian] You're sticking up
for the wrong people, that's what.

[Courtney speaking]

[Brian sighs, speaks]

[Courtney sniffles, speaks]

Oh, God!

I just, like, can't do anything right.

-[Kate] Get in the van.
-[Rhylee] I don't give a [bleep].

-Get in the van!
-And then what?

Get in the van!

Don't touch me.

[Kevin] Kate...

Oh, my God.

[Lee] What the [bleep] is going on?

At this hour of the night
I don't need to hear slamming doors

and loud voices.

I don't think you're that good
of a yacht chef either.

You're a faker. That's all you are.

[Kevin speaking]

[Brian] Don't even... No...

-[Courtney gasps]
-Ah! Don't ever [bleep] do that, bru.

Projectile sand sh**t into my eye.
Not an accident.

I would like to go home.

[Andy] I mean,
it ends with you kicking sand.

Yeah, super sorry about that.

I can't remember what you said,

-but obviously there was something...
-No, I hadn't said anything.

-Don't talk about what she said.
-[Ashton] [softly] Just say sorry.

-Yeah, I'm... I'm sorry.
-[Kate] I was sitting by myself...

[Rhylee] Look at Ashton giving him advice.
Just say sorry and shut up.

Yeah, you've been pepping up Kate
all [bleep] show!

-Just shut up.
-We're actually just laughing...

You just shut up and say sorry.

Was this an apology? I can't tell anymore.

I'm sorry about the sand kick.
When I did see it, I was like, "[bleep]."

You [bleep] kicked sand in my eyeball.

"I don't remember what you said
that made me kick sand in your face."

[Kate] Thank you. It was painful.
I appreciate...

And disrespectful.
I appreciate that apology.

I'm curious, Abbi and Simone,
did you all feel...

intensely that the guys were against you?

Um, I'll would say something.

While I was there, I don't know
if our personalities meshed together

or what it was,
but honestly they respected me.

I saw later on in the season
things I had never experienced.

I was respected, my opinion was respected.

And I felt I could talk to them.
We could laugh.

We could joke. We really did...
I mean, we got along.

I don't know.

I didn't feel anything like...
because I was a girl.

What about you?

For the most part,
I had issues with Tanner.

Fine. Brian was like a brother to me

who had my back continuously
throughout the season,

who literally considered my feelings

before even I considered
my feelings myself and stuff, you know?

And with Kevin also, um,
we had our thing in the beginning

of the season, but we managed
to build a great relationship.

So I think it depends
on individual aspects

and how it works with everyone else.

Courtney, what's your reaction?

I think the word
misogyny is coming up a lot.

I think it's getting...

The disconnect is that
it's getting construed as

like, a deep-seated hatred for a woman.
And it's not that.

It's hostility towards women

who act in a way
that we're not expected to,

that society doesn't expect us to.

Maybe Abbi didn't feel that way
because she wasn't as...


Also Simone.

Um, I have to say that when, like...

Genuinely I was respected by them
on the deck.

What did they respect about you?

Like, did you offer... You would just...
I mean, you just...

You were, like, a third deckhand,
I understand rank.

-Yeah, I was low on the totem pole.
-[Rhylee] Right.

I know that. But I knew that
and I knew I'm not...

Rhylee, you're physically
stronger than me.

We can... Like you are.

I knew that I couldn't do certain things.

I told them I can't do certain things,
I will work around it.

I'll figure out a way I can do it
with my size and my abilities.

They respected that.

I think what happened here is that

you guys all got put
in a stressful, strange situation

and you guys, kind of, all encouraged
each other in the wrong way.

I don't think separately any of you
are bad people at all.

I think you're all quite lovely without,
you know,

-being public... peer pressured.

[Brian] That's a good point to make.

When you get on first time on the show,

you don't get a manual
of what to do and how to do it.

And sometimes you get portrayed in a way
you didn't mean to portray yourself in.

-Do you know what I mean?
-Well, yeah.

-No, that's not true.
-It sucks sometimes.

They can't edit you
to be anything you're not.

[Brian] What I'm saying is that

like, I will do something,

but I didn't mean it
in the way that it came out to be.

Like a lot of the things with Courtney,
like, I look at the episodes and I...

I know you've got a lot of hatred for me...

But I look at the episodes
and I feel like...


I feel sad sometimes
because we did have such good times,

and I did like you a lot.

And when I see the episode,

I can see the way I acted
wasn't the right way to act.

But when I was doing it,
I didn't feel like I was coming off...

across the way
it's been shown in the episode.

-And I really apologize for that.
-The way it's shown or the way you acted?

-The way that I acted, obviously.
-Because it was being shown as you acted.

I didn't mean it like that.
That's what I'm trying to say.

Lee, Sara N. wants to know
if you were aware of the toxic culture

the guys on the boat created.

Was there anything
the girls could have told you

that would have made you
take it seriously and change the dynamic?

There was a lot of things that
they could have told me but they didn't.

There were some things that I think
Kate should have brought to my attention

that would have changed
the whole dichotomy

of everything that happened on the boat.

-Were you aware that it was happening?
-[Lee] No.

-[Andy] You were not.
-Not at all.

Why do you think that was
that you weren't aware?

Because we didn't go and tattle to him.

-I didn't get the observation...
-[Rhylee chuckles]

...of the way you guys interacted

-on your nights out.
-Yeah. No, but I'm just saying

around the crew mess table
and stuff like that.

I was never around the crew mess table.

Yeah. Just as the captain, I'd imagine

you would know what's kind of happening
with the crew.

And girls, don't get me wrong...
Sorry, Captain.

Let me ask you a question, Captain.

I know this sucks because
it's me saying it as a male,

-and all the rest of it.
-Oh. [chuckles]

I feel like it wasn't that [bleep] bad.

-Yeah, I feel the same way.
-[Kate] No, I agree.

-I feel like we had laughs everyday.
-I didn't know what you guys said in...

I agree. I didn't realize
what you were saying.

I didn't know from day one
Brian wanted me fired.

-I didn't know you said to slap her with...
-I didn't know that you guys would...

One of you talk... We can't hear you.
We can't hear you.

-It's not like you're listening anyway.

-I'm just saying it wasn't like...
-It's always our problem.

-You asked why I didn't know?
-[Kevin] Yeah.

What would you have done differently

to make yourself aware
of what I didn't know?

-I don't know.
-How would you have behaved...

Captain Kevin?

-No. I'm not saying that.
-[Lee] No?

You say I didn't know
and you think I should have known.

-That's how I honestly...
-I honestly felt the same way.

-At the end of the season...
-I'm sorry...

-Well, you guys were on the winning side.
-You treat me like [bleep] on aftershows,

and way you talk to Ashton about me.

You are so volatile
in how you speak about me.

You didn't know me from day one.

Excuse me, at the end of the season
I thought we were pretty cool together.

We were pretty cool, then I watch
actually how you speak about me...

-It's the same with you speaking about us.
-But you were very disapproving.

You know damn well what I think of you
the moment I think of you.

I don't hide it.

I'm not coming here or putting things
on Twitter or social media.

[Rhylee] So what? It's how I feel.

-[Kevin] That's you. That's fine.
-It's how I feel.

I felt like I know the real Rhylee...

-I know you, you're a hothead...
-I don't think you know me.

-You wanna do whatever you wanna do.
-I'm not a hothead.

-I react. I react.
-[Kevin] But I was letting you do that.

-Very... 100%, I'm...
-You're not a hothead.

-A little.

I am... I am [bleep] reactionary.

I'm very reactionary.
I so much know I'm very reactionary.

But do you think that
I was treated in a way that I...

I overreacted to how I was treated?

-Do you think that?
-I'm not...

Rhylee, I'm seriously not saying that

you guys reacted badly or anything,

and the way it's all being shown
and stuff,

I can understand your point of view.

But I am just saying,
as a crew member on this boat...

It didn't feel boys and girls?

Abbi surprised everyone on the deck crew

when she quit to answer
her text message engagement

which led to some FaceTime
with a controversial deckhand

from last season by the name of Rhylee.


-And I'm ready. [chuckles]
-Good to see you, pal.

-[Ashton] You, too.
-[Lee] You excited about being the bosun?

-I think Abigail,

she's probably your greenest.

Sailing's my passion,
but I've never worked on a motorboat.

Who currently does not have a radio?

[Ashton] It seems to have been Abbi's.

I hope this is the last time
I have this conversation about radios.

I'm really so sorry.

[Ashton speaking]

Abbi, are you keying your radio?

[Abbi] Oh, my God, I'm so sorry.

I don't know if I'm cut out for this job.

Abbi, come give me a hug.

She would like to leave the boat.

-I didn't see this coming at all.
-[Abbi] Bye.

I have a new deckhand coming
for you today. It's Rhylee.

You have to be [bleep] kidding me.

-How are you doing?

I'm definitely not ready for this.

[Kevin] You annoy me
like the rest of them. That's fine.

How do you say [bleep] off in Thailand?

Dude, I'm not your chef, all right?

See, I expected this.
You guys are surprised.

I'm done with you, Rhylee.
You [bleep] lasted two days.

Two days, got it.

God, you're so lost.
I feel so sorry for you.

[bleep] you, Tanner. Don't stand up to me.

[Brian] Relax, Rhylee, relax.

[Rhylee] You relax.

You just need so much to calm down, bru.

[Rhylee] I am [bleep] calm.

-[Lee] We've got issues.
-Same issues everybody had

with Rhylee last year.

And I've really tried to address those.

I would like to go into
the next two charters a man down.

[Lee] Rhylee is a hard worker.

There's no way I'm letting her go.

Scoot over, I don't care who.

-No one move.

[Rhylee] They genuinely
just don't like me.

-You're pathetic.
-I'm pathetic?

You're a [bleep] misogynist pig.

[Ashton speaking]

I don't [bleep] like you.

You and I are two different people.
That's okay.

I trust in myself to hold myself
accountable for my actions.

There's nothing left for Ashton
and I to talk about.

[Andy] That's definitive.

Ashton, I think that you predisposed
the other three members of the crew,

the male members of the crew,

towards Rhylee before she got on board
because of your previous experience.

Which wasn't a pleasant one, I get that.

It's, like, "Brace yourself guys,
we got a fireball coming.

And here it comes
and just get ready for it."

And so, they were prepared for the worst.

I don't think you gave her
a fair second chance.

The opinion was not only formed
from what I said.

I said I know she can be hotheaded,
but we're gonna make this work.

She's a hard worker
and can be an asset to the team.

Okay? That was my intention
on what I told the guys.

Why would you sabotage
the rest of my season

by putting them against Rhylee
when I understood

what challenge I was gonna have

in Rhylee coming in the season.

It would have been counterproductive.

The captain's decided to bring
the new deckhand in

once we drop the hook.

Yee-hee! All right.

And it's somebody
that worked with me last season.

She likes to stay informed,
so make her feel a part of the team.

It's someone there is a lot of history
with from last season.

-Oh, like Kate?


I can see how what I said to them
might have been taken the wrong way.

And yes, maybe it did create
that first impression.

If that's the way it happened,
I apologize. It was a bad move...

Who do you apologize to?

I... Watching the season,
I also take full responsibility

that when I started seeing
a divide happening in the team,

I should have been more professional
and taken care of it.

In saying that, though,
I want to bring up a point.

-[Kate and Rhylee chuckle]
-Captain, you got very upset with Kevin

about the situation where he said...

He overheard something
and went to Brian and told, okay.

-Told you.
-[Ashton] So when I was...

It's called gossip.

When I was in the wheelhouse

and I brought the fishing excursion
to your attention

and Kate overheard it,

do you think it was professional
on Kate's part

and do you think it helped at all?

[Andy] What do you think about that?

-Ashton, what I really think...

...is that you have no remorse
for this season whatsoever

or your behavior.

If he didn't want to say it
in front of Kate, he shouldn't have.

-[Rhylee] Shouldn't have said it.
-He should have called me aside

and said, "Captain, I wanna
talk to you about something

between me and Rhylee."

It has a spin-off effect.

The fact she did that upset Rhylee

and further aggravated
the situation on deck.

-You can't deny that.
-[Kate] No!

-You think you didn't?
-[Ashton] That's unprofessional.

[Kate] No, when Brian...

I sat here and admitted
that I did, Captain.

When Brian broke the davit,
he went, "I broke the davit."

[Andy] Hold on a second.

Is there anything that Kate
has ever done on the boat

-that you have an issue with?
-Oh, hell, yeah.

[overlapping chatter, laughter]

Let's start in the beginning.
Do you want chronological?

It seems like there's nothing you can do
that he will ever have a problem with.

I mean, there's a lot of things
that Kate and I have discussed.

The first time that we had the problem
when she lied to me

about the, uh... the penis blanket.

-You know?

-Called it a rocket.
-Anything from this season?


From this particular season?

Throwing the laundry...
Okay, so you're at the table,

-and you're sitting there. She's throwing...
-[Lee] Yes. Okay. Why I...

-[Andy] ...all the laundry on the ground.
-[Kate] I like this game.

[Andy] You didn't have a problem
with that?

-Okay, to me, this is classic.

This is classic of, I'm sober,

and everybody else
in the whole g*dd*mn room

is just [bleep] [bleep]-faced.

-[Andy] Okay.
-They're totally drunk.

[Andy] Okay.

And so, I'm supposed to respond to, like,

"You don't have a problem with somebody
throwing clothes on the floor,"

and then in another instance
Ashton calls out Tanner

who can't even [bleep] stand up...

-[Andy] Right.
-...and goes,

[imitates drunk Tanner]
"What did you think about the way

that Kate behaved herself this evening?"

And Tanner just like...
He's standing there just bleary-eyed.

Can't respond.

You were there for the penis cake, too.

But that [bleep]...
That wasn't unprofessional?

-She embarrassed you and the guests.
-[Kate] They asked for it.

It could have been handled better.

There we go. Now we're getting somewhere.

-Oh, are we? Really?
-We haven't even discussed it...

-See. The problem that I have...
-[Kevin] Here we go.

...with the four of you is that

you behave... You think that
your behavior all season

has been totally beyond reproach.

-We're the ones apologizing.
-We're acknowledging that.

No. You're not acknowledging.

-You're doing it...
-All of us have apologized.

-All of us have apologized.
-They kind of apologized.

I can apologize until hell freezes over.
Do you mean it?

-[Rhylee] Who? Who has tears in his eyes?
-[Andy] He did.

-Do you mean it?
-[Rhylee] For what?

-I just apologized to...
-[Andy] He apologized to Kate.

-Give me a [bleep] break.
-[Andy] What?

-He did.
-[Kate laughs]

-I don't think your apologies are sincere.
-[Ashton] That's your thought.

We all sat here
and we've all apologized for our part.

All we're saying is that...

-The ones that you remember.
-There's been behavior from the other side

that was not acceptable
on anybody's standard

in a professional yachting industry,

and instead of sitting here
acknowledging that,

you're protecting Kate.

-Fine. Then I will...
-I don't think that's professional.

-I don't think he's protecting me.
-You can take it however you like.

You blatantly said
Kate is your best friend

and you will always have her back.

-Best friend?
-[Ashton] It's showing in your behavior

that you can't even admit
that throwing clothes around...

-[Lee] You wouldn't...
-I'm still speaking, Captain Lee.

You wouldn't want to have
that same position?

It doesn't make it professional,
Captain Lee. That's the point.

-Answer my question.
-[Rhylee] Are you professional?

You would not want to have
that same position

after you've served under me
for six years,

and I'm not going to call
the insignificant [bleep]

that you guys are calling.


-Take it however you like it.

I don't really give a [bleep].

Ashton, Christina M.
from West Virginia said,

"Hearing your comment,
'Did you slap her with your d*ck?'

was one of the most disturbing things
I've ever heard a man say about a woman,

-regardless if she's in the wrong or not.

I really want to hear an explanation

as to why you think saying
something like that is okay."

I 100% don't think that
saying something like that is okay. Um...

And I have seen a therapist
in the last week,

and that is something
that we have identified.

-And we needed to identify the root cause...

[Ashton] ...of why those things
would have come up...

-I need a break, Andy.
-...to better my relationship

with people around me.

[Lee] I'm done putting up
with these [bleep] dickheads.

Um, is Captain Lee gonna come back?

Are you guys talking... I mean...

So why do we think Captain Lee left?

-I think...
-He's over it.

-[Kevin] Hot seat.
-Feeling confused. [chuckles]

[Courtney] Him? Of all people?

I just think it's valid questions
that we're asking.

I honestly thought that
what Kate did was unprofessional.

-That's what I thought.
-Okay. I will take over.

-Tell me... Let's go through the list.
-[Tanner] Stop.

-Kate, it's not that.
-[Kate] No.

-No. Let's do it. That's what you wanted.

I just feel like we're
sitting here apologizing,

for things that have happened
in the season,

yet on this side,
it just feels like there's nothing.

[Andy] Do you have
a hard time apologizing?

I'll say sorry. I'm sorry.

That's what I'm, saying.
Let's go through them. Let's address them.

[Andy] Okay, so throwing
the laundry on the floor.

-[Rhylee] We should all say I'm sorry.

I'm sorry that I threw the laundry
on the ground.

It's not the fact that we expect
you girls to apologize.

No, I'm sorry I don't take mistreatment.

We're not the troublemakers.

The troublemakers are the people
who create

the behavior that causes the reaction.

And the people that speak up about it
are the ones that become trouble

because it's exhausting to listen to it,

but it's more exhausting to have to say it
over and over and over again

and tell you why it's a problem.

Sometimes you feel
justified in your behavior.

I get what you're saying.
And then you act out, right?

-But it doesn't make the behavior fine.
-Have you seen me act out?

I'm not saying you. I'm saying in general
to what's happened this season.

To your point you're making
is you're saying that

we, um, say something that will cause you
to react in a certain way,

then we want to judge you for it.

I get that. Sometimes in a situation...

-Don't create the reaction...
-It's the behavior...

...and it won't happen.

[Andy] Okay.

Um, well, let me ask this.

Brian, Brianne H. from Kansas said,

"After watching the footage,

do you think Kate
was actually paying you a compliment

by calling you a yachtie?"

With Kate, I don't know,
I find it very difficult

to see when she's being authentic and real
and when she's not.

Uh, I still believe that
she said it in a bad way,

I asked her repeatedly not to call me it.
She called me it.

I didn't call you it, Brian.

I said, to me, a yachtie is a person
who's hardworking, well-traveled.

If you watch again,
you called me it multiple times.

And I asked you not to,
and you kept doing it.

No, I said most yachties
don't like being called yachties.

I thought a yachtie was someone who...
What is a yachtie? Simone?

They're major party animals,
they work hard, they waste their money

and, like, do a lot of illegal stuff.

So, if someone's going to call me
a yachtie, I'm going to be like, "Uh, no."

Is it as offensive
as calling somebody a chef?

-This is my career.
-He was saying,

"Look how good I packed the cooler."

And I said, "You packed
the cooler really well.

You're a great yachtie."

[Andy] Um...

Nicki L. from California, Ashton...

she's pissed at you.

[Rhylee chuckles]

She said how you treated Rhylee,

both personally and professionally,
was disgusting.

You encouraged bullying, harassment,
and hate of an employee and a human being.

Do you have any regrets
about your treatment of Rhylee?

I struggled and I should have done better.

And I should have handled
the situation better.

Rhylee says that she is reactionary,
that she reacts,

that she doesn't fire the first shot.

Do you see the things
that she was reacting to?


Yeah, 100%.

Again, like unless I can sit here
and say I 100%

tried to make things right,
unless I can sit here and say that,

-I always see room for improvement.
-[Andy] Okay.

So, I got to a point where I didn't know
how to handle it anymore.

Wasn't it night one that you said
you're done with me?

And, Rhylee, we had a chat the next day,

and we both spoke to each other
and said we both acted inappropriately

and we both apologized to each other.

-I am always...
-[Ashton] Right or wrong?

I am always very self-aware,

in that my reactions are not at all
what I want the outcome to be.

Rhylee, Karen B. said,

"It's clear you called out
unfairness at every turn

and don't like being misunderstood
or spoken to condescendingly.

Even though you had every right
to feel righteous,

did this season make you see that
defending yourself aggressively

often makes matters worse?"

I fight fire with fire.

I didn't come into the boat combative.

I came into the boat ready to work.

Ready to work. You were ready.

And I said this to you.

-Personally... I said this to you.
-I think we started off well.

And I felt this and I still feel this.

I think you have amazing qualities
to be a leader.

But you have this grudge with me

that leads into our working relationship,

and I don't think that's fair.

I don't condone mistreatment
of myself or anyone else.

And... Captain Lee, since you're back...

Okay, before you do that, I want to know,
why did you leave?

I apologize. I...

I just felt a, uh, bit overwhelmed,

and I didn't think the conversation
was going in a positive fashion.

I thought it was going very negative.

I really didn't want to be a part of, uh...

a negative image.

[Andy] Okay.

Um, we're talking about Rhylee and Ashton.

-[Kate] Hothead.

Lee, Liz L. from Maryland said,
"I heard on Watch What Happens Live

that Captain Lee won't work
with Ashton again.

Will he work with Rhylee again?"

Good question. Um...

Unless, uh, some things change,
probably not.

Uh, for you and Kate, Lee, uh,

Jaylee L. from Detroit wants to know,

"After watching the season
and seeing how Rhylee talked to Ashton,

who was her boss,
would you be okay with someone

under you speaking to you in that way?"

That's a hard no.

I mean, I wouldn't love it.

You always have to check yourself.

I think they're both a little bit wrong.

Would you be okay
with being treated the way Ashton treats?

That's why I think
you're both a little bit wrong.

[Andy] Um...

Lisa R. from St. Louis Facebooked,

"Ashton, why didn't you hold
Brian and Tanner

to the same standard as Rhylee?

It seems like she wasn't allowed
to make mistakes, but they were."

I thought about that as well

and, you know, the first...
The first fight I had with anybody on deck

was with Brian, actually, where, you know,

him and I got to actually loud words.

Across the table,
so I hold him accountable to things.

Did I not ask you for...
if you needed some help?

I asked you guys to do deck checks.
But you want to tell me I'm being unfair.

Bru, you don't need to be hectic,
it's fine.

Come on, man, we're supposed to be a team.

That's my point, Brian.

And it's interesting that nowhere
in the season did it come up or was viewed

that I had about three or four
stern discussions with Tanner

about his attitude, that he was slipping,
and that he needed to keep it together.

So, I had issues with Tanner and Brian
throughout the season which I did address.

Ashton, did you ever think
about how your buddy Ross

was able to eventually manage Rhylee
successfully last season?

Ross had as difficult time as I did.

-And, um...
-What are you shaking your head yes for?

Because I'm good friends with Ross
and he's spoken to me...

You're good friends with Ross

because I gave you his number
to crash at his house in Fort Lauderdale.

Ross and I are friends
and spoke last night...

Okay. Well, that's great.


-What's the problem.

-Ross doesn't have a problem.
-[Brian] What are you talking about?

Ross and I had miscommunication.

It's so ridiculous to me that...

Ashton, he's asking you
about you and I's relationship.

-So don't bring Ross into his...

He just asked about Ross, Rhylee.

I asked why your relationship
with Ross was better...

[Ashton] Just listen more.

The question is saying that Ross
did get it right with Rhylee,

and I disagree with that.

I've had many conversations with Ross
where he felt frustrated to the end.

-I want you to take a 20-minute break.
-I said I'm fine. Thank you.

[Ross] Rhylee, don't get angry at me.

[Rhylee] I'm not even yelling.

-Any time I say any [bleep] word.
-[Ross] Speak your mind now.

[Rhylee] It doesn't [bleep] matter
what I say.

-I'm literally doing exactly...
-[Ross] Okay.

...what all of you guys want,

which is put my head down
and be a [bleep] dayworker.

He said to me he wished
he had pulled the trigger

on firing Rhylee
when he was considering it.

[Andy] Did you get along with Ross
better than Ashton?

Oh, 100%.

You did.

So, let me ask you this.

The guys have talked about areas
of growth that they have seen

and that they need to do
within themselves.

Have the woman found anything
that they have seen in themselves

that they would want to improve or change?

I would like to be more patient
and more understanding,

even when it's busy or stressful

of perhaps the morale of people
on my team.

You, Rhylee?

I am a very reactionary person.


And it has never...

in instances like this served me well.

And I...

-Is that something you want to change?
-It's absolutely something I wanna change.

What I should have done and what I need do

is think before I react.

That way I understand my own point
that I want to get across

without it becoming expl*sive

and not being the behavior
which is remembered.

Uh, Simone, you're in a unique position
as a woman of color.

There aren't a heck of a lot
of women of color in your position.

-Is that correct?

-[Andy] In the yachting industry?

What have you learned this season?

[Simone sighs]

I mean, it was hard for me
to get into the industry

because a lot of times
when I would be put up for jobs,

the response would be, like,
"No, the owner just prefers blonds,"

-or, um, the management company...

...just prefers blond people.

It was very difficult for me
to actually get a job.

When I got the job I made sure
I worked extra super hard to stay there.

And it's very difficult where,
as a minority,

and people are looking at you,
the people that look like me,

that are looking at me and seeing
how I conduct myself in certain situations

where I feel like
I should probably speak up more

or react better to certain situations,

but I don't want to be labeled

as... maybe, like, the angry Black woman
or something like that.

-Or "hotheaded."
-It's difficult to navigate some stuff.

Something I took away from the season
was the fact that...

if you are upset about something
that's happening

within your department,
speak directly to the person.

-That was great. You did amazing.
-Thank you, Kate.

Lee, anything you would have done
differently this season?

-God, I...
-Fired me. [chuckles]


-Fired me. [chuckles]
-[Lee] No.

No. Firing...
Firing is not always the answer.

And I wish I had been privy

to, you know, a lot of the things
that were going on

because I felt that
maybe perhaps had I been...

you know, maybe
you could have come to me,

Kate could have come to me,

whoever could have come to me

and said we've really got
a toxic situation here.

And, you know,
I would have intervened.

After I got to see it,

yeah, I don't know what I don't know.

And I was... I was shocked
and appalled at everything

that I saw unfold this season.

I thought there was nothing they could do
that would shock and appall me.

Turned out to be not true.

Has it changed how you
will interact with future crews?

Absolutely. Yes.

Things will change. Yeah.

-Kate, you started a new life in New York.
-I did.

It's great. No, I like it so much.
It's exciting.

Wow. This has been
a really dramatic season.

This has been a dramatic reunion.

-You're welcome. [chuckles]
-[Andy] This has been a dramatic evening.

Will you all go out together tonight?

Or will it be an integrated group?

-Courtney's shaking her head.
-Absolutely not.

Courtney, you don't think you and Brian

-won't have a nice...
-[Courtney] Don't be silly.

Don't even finish that conversation.

-Well, I would like to be friends.
-[Simone] I'll try to be the mediator.

I already made it very clear
that we will not be friends.

I will not tolerate the way
that you've spoken to me.

[scattered chuckles]

I drew the line. I told you and I'm...
I'm not sorry, actually.

[Andy] All right.

Well, I want to thank
the entire crew of the Valor

for a fantastic charter season.

I'm Andy Cohen.
Goodnight, everybody.

Bon voyage.
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