09x06 - Snatch Game

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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09x06 - Snatch Game

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
RuPaul's Drag Race...

You'll be starring in
Kardashian: The Musical.

[cheers and screams]

Playing the part of Khloe,
Nina Bo'nina Brown.

Really, bitch?

I landed wrong
and my knee just popped.

Now it's hurting,
so I have to use crutches.

♪ I'm Kim
and I'm the bombshell ♪

♪ Banging booty
you know well ♪

And I break the Internet
every other day.

Cynthia Lee Fontaine.

When it's
a lip sync number,

you kind of
have to know the words.

Farrah Moan.

It was just
very underwhelming.

Shea Coulee.

You stole the entire show.

Shea Coulee, you're the winner
of this week's challenge.

Eureka, please step forward.

We've been in touch
with the doctor.

I cannot allow you
to continue in the competition.


You have an open invitation
to return next season.

But for now, sashay away.

Oh, that was something.

Eureka, Eureka, honey.

"Well, shit,
Biggie is out,

but this is not
the last of me.

Love, Eureka."

Aw! Eureka's gone, and I'm
gonna miss her so much.

She was instantly my best friend
since day one.

I am broke.

May I just say congrats
to our winner, Miss Shea Coulee.



Shea nailed Black Chyna.

But the judges
loved my Kris Jenner.

Had I nailed my runway harder,
I would have been the winner.

Watching Eureka go
just reminds us

that none of us are safe.

-That's so true.

My ankle was hurting,
but it magically feels better.

[all laugh]

Nina, do you really
want to be here?


Because it feels
like you don't.


Every week, when you're
getting ready in the mirror,

when we're at rehearsals,
you're just like,

I'm over it and I don't
want to do this.

-First of all,

I'm getting ready
over there.

You're over there, so you're
not watching me in the mirror.

I'm not convinced that Nina
wants to be here.

She has this big conspiracy

that everyone
wants to see her fail,

and I'm so tired of it.

You didn't even--

Hold on, hold on.
La, la, la, la.

You don't know.

I'm not trying
to come for you--

It feels like it.

Wait, bitch.

If I'm down,
I'm down on myself.

I know that though Nina

struggles sometimes
with her confidence,

she does want to be here.

I just want you
to believe in yourself

as much as RuPaul
believes in you.

Right, and put it
on the line. Right.

Because when I was looking
at her looking into your eyes,

I wish that she had looked
at me in my eyes

the way that she had looked
at you in yours, you know.

I apologize,
'cause I know right now

you're kind of just down
on what happened.

So I got black real quick.

[all laugh]

Shea's being a really good
friend to Nina right now,

but Nina absolutely needs
an attitude adjustment.

In fact,
it's time to trim the fat:

Nina, for being negative,

Farrah for not being able
to stick out from the bunch,

and Cynthia for not being able
to do anything except Cynthia.

If you don't deliver,
you should go home.

[car engine starts]

The winner
of RuPaul's Drag Race

receives a one-year supply

of Anastasia Beverly Hills

and a cash prize
of $100,000.

With extra special
guest judges Candis Cayne

and Denis O'Hare.

♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

♪ May the best woman,
best woman win ♪

-Come on, it's a new day.


It's a brand-new day,

so that means there's
a brand-new challenge.

And everyone is excited,
especially me.

I said X-specially.
That is so Brooklyn.

That is so, like,
first-grade overbite realness.


Hello, hello, hello.

Hi, ladies.


Ladies, the time has come

to separate the basic b*tches
from the fierce-ass queens.

-[all laugh]

Because, honey, for
this week's maxi challenge,

we gonna be playing
some Snatch Game up in here.



-I'm excited.

I've been waiting for this
since last season.


Imitate a celebrity

and make us laugh out loud
or else.

Let's do it.

[Cynthia] What you
gonna do, Trinity?

Amanda Lepore.



The face, the body,
Naomi Campbell.


What are you doing
for Snatch Game?

NeNe Leakes.


She's over everything,

and she has this really
bitter face, you know. Mmm.

That's like completely
opposite of you, though.

I know.
That'll be the challenge.

Impersonations aren't something
that I've ever tried to do,

but last week, I was able
to take Britney Spears

and turn it
into something great.

So if I can do that
with my NeNe Leakes,

then it's all good.

Hello, she-lebrities.


♪ I'm seeing stars ♪

[all laugh]

Nina Bo'nina Brown
Nelson Riley.

Hey, Rrrru.
How you doing, baby?

How are you doing?

I am doing
a lot better now.

Because, listen, child,

you know, I know
from where you come.

It's an ongoing struggle where
you have to shut up that voice.

That voice, yeah.

It's so easy to attach
onto the negative.

I don't know why.

And the people
are starting to think

that I'm playing this victim
thing, but, no, it's real.

-It's not an act.
-That's right.

And the only person
who will lose at it is you.

But you're talented.

All of the things
you come up with,

that's some real shit.
That's what got you here.

Right. I have so much
for respect for RuPaul

'cause I really do not know
what to do with my life.

I'm 34 years old,
I'm still at home,

and he believes in me.

So I do not want to make
that man not proud of me.

So who are you doing?

[deep voice]
I am Jasmine Masters

and I got something to say.

Oh, oh, that's brilliant.

That's hilarious.

Do you buy it
or you rent it?

-I'm rent to own.
-Okay, girl.

She's funny.
I love Jasmine Masters.

You better bring it,

because we don't want to see
your dark nemesis come

and tapping you on the shoulder
and irk you in the side, okay?

All right.
See you out there.

-Hi, Sasha.
-Hi, RuPaul.

-I see a top hat.

-A men's jacket.

I'm gonna go with
Marlene Dietrich?

-You got it on the nose.
-Oh, really?

Now, Germans aren't really
known for being funny.

How are you gonna make
Marlene Dietrich funny?

Honestly, I don't think
I'm known for being very funny.

What were
your other choices?

I had considered
Judith Butler,

the third wave
feminist philosopher.

Can you do a little bit of
Judith Butler right now for me?

Sure, let's do it.

Now, Judith Butler,
should I have the meatloaf

or the hot dog at the diner
down the street?

I'm understanding
that in this example,

hot dog actually stands in

as a kind of social construct,
a metaphor, if you will,

for the idea of a man

sort of center
of his phallic primacy.

[sputters] I'm glad you're
doing Marlene Dietrich.

[laughs] I'm a very serious
and intense person.

But I do crack jokes
in my own way.

Can't wait to see you
out there.

So I'm hoping
I can tap into that...


It's time
for a Snatch Game.

You have to be funny,

you have to be
quick on your feet,

and you have
to make Ru laugh.

Well, Alexis Michelle.

Hi, RuPaul.

Now, okay,
I'm gonna guess.

Is it Joyce DeWitt?

It's not Joyce DeWitt.

It's Liza!



Mama, it's come true!

[both laugh]

So how are you gonna make
this Liza come to life?

a lot of people do Liza.

-A lot of eyes will be on you

to do all the right moves.

She's one of my biggest
drag inspirations,

so I want this
to be done with respect.

This is a loving tribute.

Well, that's all
well and nice,

but, you know,
you got to make her funny.


I have to make sure
that I am bringing it hard.

I have to let them see

that I'm a star.

Cynthia Lee Fontaine.

I see a t*nk top
and a brown lace front.

Are you doing
Sofia Vergara?


That's a great character
for you.

Thank you. I've been
studying Sofia Vergara

for almost two years.

I think it's a good choice
because we have accent.

I'm gonna slay her.

Can you give me just a touch
of Sofia Vergara?

[speaking Spanish]

Why you ask me
that question right now?

I need more fornido.
Do you have fornido?

I can't give you
all this count right now.

Okay, so when are you
going to start doing Sofia?



Damn, girl.

I think
it's going to be interesting

to watch you
make her come to life.

Thank you.
Thank you, Mama RuPaul.

All right, bye, Cucu.

All right, ladies,
gather round.

Now, in a few moments, you'll be
sh**ting Snatch Game.

And tomorrow on the runway,

the category is...

Night of 1,000 Madonnas,
Part Deux.

[cheers and applause]


We get to actually redo
the Madonna runway

that was an epic fail
last season.

-Sorry, ladies.
-One word of advice.

Kimono she better don't.

[laughter and applause]

Thank you, Mama RuPaul.

Welcome to Snatch Game.

Let's meet our contestants.

He once got a standing O
from Elaine Stritch.

It's Denis O'Hare.

Our next contestant
is allergic to mustard.

Keep that hot dog
away from my face.

Say hello to Candis Cayne.

Are you ready
to snatch the stars?

-Let's go.

Good. Let's give
a big game show welcome

to downtown superstar
Amanda Lepore.

Hi, everyone.

Oh, my goodness.

You are such a gorgeous
international vixen.

How do you do it?

These lips have secrets.

I bet they do.

Next up, the legendary
Marlene Dietrich is here.

Thank you so much
for having me, RuPaul,

on your Drag Race.

I see you're also
wearing a suit.

-I'm wearing a suit.
-You know, when I wear a suit,

people say, Marlene,

are you a lesbian?

And I look at them
and I say, yes.


All right. We've got some
Drag Race alumni here.

Alyssa Edwards is here.

-For your consideration...

My name is Alyssa Edwards
and this is Snatch Game.

Up next, pop the corn
and feed the children.

It's Jasmine Masters,
another alumni.

-[deep voice] Hey, bitch.

What brings you back
to Drag Race?

-I got something to say.
-I bet you do.

Next up, Internet superstar
Gigi Gorgeous is here.

-Hi, Ru.
-Hi, doll.

You look fantastic.

Hey, I could really use
a makeup tip right about now.

You know what I say.

You can never wear
too much highlighter.

Ooh, yes.

Ring dem bells.

It's Liza Minnelli

or is it Lisa Manuli?

No, Ru, it's Liza.

With a Z. It has a Z.

Liza with a Z.

With a Z, Ru!

-Yes, Liza with a Z.
-Yes, yeah.

All right.
Up next,

we've got Atlanta's
juiciest peach,

NeNe Leakes is here.

Hi, Ru.

How are you and Kenya

Ru, mm, that bitch--


If her weave
was on any tighter...


What would happen?

Would her head pop off?

Her head
would explode, bitch.

Oh, bloop.



Next up,
she was Miss Universe

for just about a minute.

Say hello to Miss Colombia.

Oh, I didn't mean to--
did I--what?

Is that Steve Harvey?!

No, no,
I'm not Steve Harvey.

No, no, no, darling.
It's RuPaul.

I know.
We just all look alike.


Up next,
supermodel of the world

Naomi Campbell
is up in the house.

You don't look
a day over 16.

And I don't taste
a day over 15.


All right.
From Modern Family,

Sofia Vergara.

Hola. How you doin',

How is your husband,
Joe Mangananganan?

You know what, RuPaul?

You don't have to worry
about mention that last name,

I always have problem.

The only thing is, like,

when we have a little bit
of interaction

-or maybe probably sex...

We don't have to talk.

It's just
only body language.

Body language,
darling, yes.

And let me tell you

These two big, beautiful
Colombian surgical raisins

is making happy and hoo

all the entire night

trying to look
for another children.

Well, you know,
she's smiling,

so I know
she just told a joke.

All right. Who's ready
to play Snatch Game?

You better make
Mama Ru laugh, girl,

'cause if she's not,
you might be sashaying away.

[RuPaul] Welcome back
to Snatch Game.

Okay, here we go.

First question
is for Denis O'Hare.

The new
American Horror Story

is going to be
the scariest one yet.

It takes place
in Lady Bunny's blank.

All right, pens down.

Okay, Denis O'Hare.

It takes place
in her wig.

In Lady Bunny's wig.
That's a good answer.

Let's go to the stars and see
if you get any matches, okay?

Oh, I feel good.

Liza Minnelli.

I said
Lady Bunny's palace.

Her palace?

Because there's nothing
like playing the Palace.

[all laugh]

Mama played the Palace

and I sat
right in the fourth row.

-She sang right to me.

And to all the other

[all laugh]

All right, let's move on down
to superstar Alyssa Edwards.

What say you?

I wrote snatch.

In her snatch.

Not a match for Denis.

Did I lose
the Q&A portion?

No, you didn't.

All right, Jasmine Masters.

The new
American Horror Story

is going to be
the scariest one yet.

It all takes place
in Lady Bunny's...

American who?

If it's not on BET,
I don't know what it is.

[all laugh]

So if it's not on BET,
you don't watch it?

Hell to the no.

Oh. [laughs]

Amanda Lepore, the new
American Horror Story

is going to be
the scariest one yet.

It all takes place
in Lady Bunny's...

Plastic surgery office.

She clearly
isn't going to mine.

Oh, my God. Can you move
your face at all?

I'm moving it right now.


So let's move on down
to Naomi Campbell.

I see you have a cell phone
right there.

When I got here to set,

your crew
confiscated my phone,

but luckily,
my good friend back here

had a little prepaid
Cricket phone

that she let me borrow
for the afternoon.

Chris Rock,
thank you so much

for letting me borrow
your phone.

Oh, shade!

I thought about
Tyra Bank's modeling career,

so I just said the toilet.


All right. Gigi Gorgeous,
what do you have?

I think that
it's gonna be her fridge.

I highly doubt that she eats
organic, gluten-free food,

and I would
just be terrified

to open up
that refrigerator, Ru.

It's not a match.

Now, Candis, you're up next.

Okay, hit it.

I just found out
my cat is gay.

Last night, he didn't
cough up a fur ball.

He coughed up a blank.

Pens down, everybody.

Okay, Candis Cayne.

My cat is so gay,
a purse fell out his mouth.

That is one gay pussycat.

Marlene Dietrich?

As a point of principle,

I make sure that every
h*m* p*ssy that I meet

receives a Marlene
signed photograph.

Not a match, Candis,
I'm afraid.

I'd love to give
Fraulein Candis Cayne

a signed photograph.

I promise
that Teutonic bisexuals

make the most forceful
and unforgettable lovers.

[all laugh]

All right. Let's move on down
to Miss Colombia--

Well, actually, Miss Colombia,
did you write an answer?

I can never win anything.


-She's not gonna get very far

in this business
like that, Ru.

[all laugh]

Gigi Gorgeous, what
did you write down, girl?

He coughed up an Anastasia
Beverly Hills lip gloss.

Oh, okay.

Well, not a match,

Jasmine Masters.

Jasmine, what season
were you on Drag Race?

Does it matter?

Did I win?

All right, Jasmine.

Do you have a match
for Candis?

I don't own a cat.
They sense evil.

Oh. [laughs]

All right, this is a question
for Denis O'Hare.

Snapchat filters
are getting so inventive.

Now instead of swapping faces,
you can swap blank.

You can swap wives.

Swap wives!

Sofia Vergara,
what say you?

You know what?

I think it's related to what
are you looking to swap.

So maybe I said titties.

They help me to be successful
in this entertainment business.

It's part of the why,
you know.

Girl, where are the jokes?

Where are the jokes?

Sofia is funny.

Where are the jokes?

Let's go
to Marlene Dietrich.

Well, I found this question
kind of unfair

because, as you know,
I rarely know these new things.

I rarely leave my house.


And I died
many decades ago.

You did. This is going
somewhere, I can tell, yeah.

So I wrote [speaking German]
and sauerkraut.

That's not a match,
but a very, very good answer

and a long way to go
for an answer.

I love it.

All right, let's move on
down to the ATL.

NeNe Leakes is in the house.

Instead of swapping faces,
you can swap what?

If I was gonna do an app

or some kind of filter
on Snapchat,

I would definitely do one

for poor people
like Jasmine Masters.

Now, if Jasmine Masters

were gonna have a filter on her
discontinued Cricket phone,

she would probably have
to swap credit scores first.

Credit scores.


Not a match, Denis.
You're looking for wives.

I've known
a couple of husbands.

All right, Liza with a Z.

Ru, I said that
you can swap jazz hands.

Can you show us
your jazz hands?

[all laugh]

All right, Miss Colombia,
what do you have?

In my country, we are known
for beautiful woman

and I think also cocaina.

Cocaine, cocaina.

I think now I understand,

why you lost the pageant.

This is not the shadow
I know, you know,

because I love her so much,
ay dios mio!



Girl, I'm sure Eureka is pissed
somewhere right now.

She gonna be, like,
I went home for this?

Well, that's our show.

And the winner is...

all the celebrities that
weren't impersonated tonight.

Good night, everybody.


It is elimination day,
and we all have to get ready

for the Night
of 1,000 Madonnas,

the redemption.

I don't know about you,

but personally,
I like to have

a big separation
between Trinity and Ryan.

And it's not
necessarily like,

oh, I don't want
to be feminine or any--

'cause I'm a feminine guy.

I just don't understand
society's obsession

with trying
to label something.

I just feel like
gender's over.

It's so fluid now.

It was actually
through my drag

that I realized
my trans-ness.

Oh, wow.

So you identify
as trans, Pepper?

I am a--I'm trans.

I'm a transwoman.

There's a lot of people
who think that drag queens

are not trans and shouldn't be.

And there's
a lot of trans people

who think that drag queens have
no place in the trans community.

I wanted to really
get to know the girls

before I came out to them.

I was afraid.

It took me a long time
to really sort out gender.

And at a really early age,

I was able
to latch on to drag,

and that was how I was able
to express my femininity.


But I kind of evolved
to realize

that all the drag things
that I wanted to do,

it always led back

to the realization
that I'm a transwoman.

That is courageous.

Yes, Pepper.

Thank you so much
for saying that.

I love that so much.

Peppermint is giving us
her true, authentic self,

and it's just wonderful
and I love her

and I look up to her
so much.

I just want to say
thank you so much

for the support and the love
and the affection

that you guys have shown me
just in general.

And I just really want
to thank you for that.


We love you, Peppermint.

Come on, Pepper.

It feels so good
to be fully accepted.

I'm so happy right now.

I'm so happy.
♪ I'm so happy right now ♪


[RuPaul laughs]

♪ Cover girl,
put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe,
let your whole body talk ♪

And what?

Welcome to the main stage
of RuPaul's Drag Race.

My favorite Madonna
impersonator, Michelle Visage.

I'm looking for Susan.
Have you seen her?

I'm desperately
seeking her.

Me, too.

Style superstar
Carson Kressley.


Your Ross Mathews
impersonation is spot on.

I crawled real deep inside
Ross Mathews to play this.

[both laugh]

American Horror Story's"
Denis O'Hare.

Now, when you played
Liz Taylor, did you tuck?

-Tucking is barbaric.

No, darling.
Untucking is barbaric.

[all laugh]

And the scintillating
Candis Cayne.

Now, what star would you do
for Snatch Game?

I have no idea.

Let me guess, Judge Judy?

-[all laugh]

This week,
we challenged our queens

to snatch our attention
and tonight,

category is,

Night of 1,000 Madonnas,
the She-quel.

start your engines.

And may the best woman win.

Category is...

Aja, last night,
she dreamt of San Pedro

or Del Taco,
if I'm not mistaken.

I'm just showing off
my little ruffles.

I feel like I should've came out
with some castanets.


La is La Boniba.

Alexis Michelle
as Breathless Mahoney.

More like breathless
my hand.

[all laugh]

I love my shape.
I love the sequin.

I'm breathless.

Has anyone seen d*ck?


[RuPaul] Oh, my bottom
hurts just thinking about it.

Peppermint. Experience
has made her a rich bitch.

Trying to buy our votes.

This is probably
my favorite Madonna video.

This gorgeous woman being
surrounded by all these guys.

It's my dream.

Talk to me, Harry Winston.

Shea Coulee, Material Girl.

Déjà vu.

I think
she stole that look.

This is the second wife,

the one that gets all the money
and the diamonds and the furs.

You know,
all the good goods.

[RuPaul] Drag queens
really do prefer blondes.

Trinity Taylor.

-Givenchy better do.

[Michelle laughs]

My Madonna
is the only Madonna.

I feel like a very strong,
powerful bitch right now.

[Denis] It's a pantsuit
without the pants.

Who needs pants
when you have all this ass?

Nina Bo'nina Brown
Louise Ciccone.

I think
I've met this one before.

-Who wore it better?
-Hmm, we'll find out.

Right now, I'm just trying

to serve a black version
of Madonna,

even though they'd
just seen this outfit.

Don't get mad, get plaid.

-Sasha Velour.

Her name is Dita
and she will be your mistress.

Nice grill.

This is very much
the type of Madonna look

that inspired me
and my style.

And I'm really excited
to show

that I can walk
like a fashion model.

[RuPaul] Put your hands
all over her body.

[all laugh]

-Farrah Moan, Cleopatra.

My Madonna is probably
the best one here.

Every detail is on point.

[Candis] Well, this Super Bowl
look is a home run.

[all laugh]

[RuPaul] Aren't you
mixing metaphors?

Do you mean a touchdown?

Cynthia Lee Fontaine.





Nobody's wearing my look?

[speaking Spanish]

I think she lost her bull.



You know,
I hate censorship.

Me, too.

When Madonna came out
with this look,

it was so controversial.

And showing this much of my body
is controversial, too.

I'll walk out
the way I walked in.


[all laugh]

Ladies with an attitude,
I've made some decisions.

When I call your name,
please step forward.

Trinity Taylor.



Shea Coulee.

Ladies, this week,
you did not cause a commotion.

You're safe.

You may leave the stage.

It's time
for the judges' critiques,

starting with
Alexis Michelle.

You do such a good Liza,
she better watch her back.

Even the way you breathed in
after you spoke was Liza.


That's what
I'm talking about.

And that dress
is painted on.

-You look gorgeous.
[Ross] I feel momentum with you.

Keep it up.

Next up, Peppermint.

This is one of my favorite
Madonna looks,

and I think
you look beautiful.

But three weeks in a row
we've had pink,

so I am looking forward
to another color.

Okay, so NeNe Leakes.

She is larger than life,

but I felt like you were
just being a regular girl.

Credit scores.

She serves attitude.

She serves one-liners.

You could have gone
anywhere with her.

But it just doesn't
cross the finish line.

Sasha Velour.

Erotica, slam dunk.

I'm loving seeing
this other side of you.

I love
the big circle nipples.

I can't stop
looking at them.

I don't know
what that means.

And in Snatch Game,
for me,

it was like Jessica Lange
in Freakshow

meets Touch of Evil.

I thought it was
just extraordinary.

-Thank you.

[RuPaul] Farrah Moan.

This look is so gorgeous,

and you did
such a great job with it.

I love Gigi.
I know Gigi.

And I feel like
you could have pushed it,

made it more comedic.

I thought maybe
you were gonna

throw a bunch of makeup
products over your shoulder.

I think
you only did that once.

For some reason,

I thought there was
gonna be more questions

and I'd have opportunities
to do more.

See, that's what
young people think.

You see, when you get
to be my age, you know,

you get one chance, sonny,
and you take it.

Up next, Nina Bo'nina Brown
Bader Ginsberg.

[all laugh]

I so would have loved this

if I didn't see Trinity's
version of this look.

You get it.
It's just a heightened...

-Yeah, it was more tailored.

But I loved
your Jasmine Masters.

The voice was spot on.

Hell to the no.

You played
by your own rules.

You didn't answer
the questions

the way they were meant
to be answered.

You answered them the way
you wanted to answer them.

I thought that was really,
really cool.

Thank you.

Cynthia Lee Fontaine.


I love
good boy-drag-drag-girl.

Thank you.

But something's going on
with your makeup, mija.

I see too much brown
going on.

It's almost a mustache.

I love the choice
of Sofia Vergara for you,

but I didn't understand
what was going on.

And it wasn't the accent.

I literally don't think
there was one joke in that.

And you had
a regular dress on.

Sofia Vergara has tits
that are bigger than mine.

Thank you, ladies.
I think we've heard enough.

While you take a holiday,

the judges and I
will deliberate.

Now, just between
us material squirrels,

what do you think?

Let's start with
Alexis Michelle.

Last week was the mall.
This week was couture.

And in Snatch Game, she was
witty, but in character witty.

She wasn't making fun
of the character.

She was being
the character.

For me, it's a tossup
between her

and Marlene Dietrich.

But her Liza was
the best characterization

and the thing that I'll remember
about this Snatch Game

more than anything else.


Tonight on the runway,
I felt like it was, like,

more Marilyn
than it was Madonna.

And her character
in the Snatch Game

for me
was one of the worst.

If she didn't say bloop,

I wouldn't have known
it was NeNe Leakes.

In fairness,
I said bloop first,

and then she said it.

But it happens to people

when they're acting

They get in their head.

But I'm not getting
what I know she can deliver.

Sasha Velour.

Tonight on the runway
was a 10 for me.

And even with the whip, it
made a link to Marlene Dietrich.

Yes, that's right.

It is not easy
to deliver Marlene Dietrich

and have it be interesting
to this time and place.

What I love about Sasha
is she knows her lane

and she never lets me down.

Sasha's got me.

Farrah Moan.

I just feel like
she knew who Gigi was,

but didn't know how

to get anything more
than "hi" out of her.

I think she thought that by
choosing Gigi Gorgeous,

it would gain her points

in the sort of
underground cool factor,

-which it does.

But it didn't give her
enough options as a player.

Isn't it ironic,
the cool ones ended up being

Marlene Dietrich
and Liza Minnelli,

and the kids
don't even know.

-But I thought her Madonna look

was maybe the most intricate
of everybody's.

Nina Bo'nina Brown.

We've been waiting for her

to stop with the boo-hooing
and step it up,

and I think
as Jasmine Masters,

it was a big step forward
for Nina Bo'nina.

Denis, a little backstory
for you and Candis.

Nina comes from
the Atlanta drag scene,

who have never
really accepted her.

So when she got here,

she felt some kind of a
conspiracy theory against her.

I think it's kind of amazing
in a meta theme

that she chose Jasmine Masters
to express her discontent.

-Because Jasmine Masters

is the poster child
for discontent.

-But that being said,

I saw a very confident,
fully realized character.

But on the runway,
uh, no, not so good.


One thing I will say
as a sidebar,

I don't like when these queens
do other queens.


Like, I feel like
it's an easy way to go.

I'm with Michelle.

I feel like when
you're doing Snatch Game,

it's somebody that's
beyond your knowledge.

Okay. We've come
to that portion in our program

where we have to talk about
the elephant in the room.

Oh, I'm on a diet.

[all laugh]

Not you.

Cynthia Lee Fontaine
as Sofia Vergara.

It was this mess,

this just nonsensical mess.

And she's got a Spanish accent
and it didn't even work.

How does that happen?

Perhaps she's too close
to the character.

If she went somewhere
very, very different,

she might have had
a better effect.

Think of Yara Sofia
as Amy Winehouse.

-We all died.

Exactly. She should
have played Maggie Smith.

[all laugh]

It's not good enough.

She got a second chance
to come back.

She should be twice as good
as the rest of the girls.

All right, kids.


Bring back
my Madonna wannabes.

Welcome back, ladies.

I've made some decisions.

Sasha Velour.
Your Marlene Dietrich

was a ray of light.

Alexis Michelle.

Your Liza Minnelli
left us breathless.

Alexis Michelle,

You're the winner
of this week's challenge.

You've won a dazzling
$2,000 prize package

from Sparkles rhinestones.

Thank you so much.

[all laugh]

Sasha Velour, great job.

You're safe. You may join
the other girls.

Nina Bo'nina Brown,
you're safe.

[deep voice] Thank you.

[all laugh]

Cynthia Lee Fontaine.

The judges were not bullish
on your Sofia Vergara.

I'm sorry, my dear, but you
are up for elimination.

I feel very confused

because I wasn't expecting
to be, like,

second week in a row
in the bottom.

Peppermint, your NeNe
was a no-no.

You needed better material,

Farrah Moan.
Your Gigi was gorgeous,

but your comic timing
wasn't pretty.

Farrah Moan...

you're safe.

You may join
the other girls.

I'm sorry, my dear,

but you are up
for elimination.

Two queens stand before me.

Ladies, this is your last chance
to impress me

and save yourself
from elimination.

The time has come...

to lip sync

[echoing] for your life.

I'm about to do the thing that
I know how to do the best.

Actually, I'm worried
for Cynthia.

Good luck,
and don't f*ck it up.

[music plays]

♪ Hey, Mister D.J. ♪

♪ Put a record on ♪

♪ I want to dance
with my baby ♪

♪ And when the music
starts ♪

♪ I never want to stop ♪

♪ It's gonna
drive me crazy ♪

♪ Music makes the people
come together, yeah ♪

♪ Music mix the bourgeoisie
and the rebel ♪

[all laugh]

Come on, bitch!

♪ Hey, Mister D.J. ♪

[all laugh]

♪ Hey, Mister D.J. ♪

♪ Put a record on ♪

♪ I want to dance
with my baby ♪

♪ And when
the music starts ♪

♪ I never want to stop ♪

♪ It's gonna
drive me crazy ♪

♪ Music makes the people
come together, yeah ♪

♪ Music mix the bourgeoisie
and the rebel ♪



I've made my decision.

shantay, you stay.


Cynthia Lee Fontaine,
I am so grateful

we all had a chance
for a second helping of cucu.

Now sashay away.

Love you, mami.

Believe in yourself, okay?

See you later, mis amores.



I'm not defeated,

and I just appreciate

that Mama RuPaul give me
this opportunity back again.

There's going to be a lot
of cucu in the future.

Cynthia Lee Fontaine

my queens.

Now, remember,
if you can't love yourself,

how in the hell
you gonna love somebody else?

Can I get an amen
up in here?

[all] Amen!

Now let the music play!

♪ Hey, kitty girl ♪

♪ It's your world ♪
♪ Hey ♪

♪ Kitty, kitty girl ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh ♪

♪ Yeah, hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ Hey, kitty girl ♪

♪ It's your world ♪

♪ When you walk the street
steppin' to the beat ♪

♪ Hey, kitty girl ♪

♪ Get your crown ♪

♪ In the disco heat ♪

♪ You're the boogie night
rockin' queen ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Kitty kitty,
Hey, here kitty kitty ♪

♪ Hey, kitty kitty, yeah ♪

♪ Ahh, yeah,
whoa-oh-oh ♪
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