02x01 - The Pods Are Open

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Is Blind". Aired: February 13, 2020 – present.*
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Series follows fifteen men and fifteen women, all from the same metropolitan area, hoping to find love.
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02x01 - The Pods Are Open

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Oh no, did I get too close? ♪

♪ Oh, did I almost see ♪

♪ What's really on the inside? ♪

My physical insecurities
have definitely affected my dating life.

This experiment allows me to be judged

for who I am
as a person versus the physical.

♪ All your insecurities ♪

♪ All the dirty laundry ♪

♪ Never made me blink one time ♪

My dating experience has sucked.

I'm here because I'm looking for the one,

the one who loves me for my personality,
and not what I look like.

And I hope I find him.

♪ Unconditional ♪

♪ Unconditionally ♪

♪ I will love you unconditionally ♪

I'm getting to know
someone's heart before anything else.

♪ So open up your heart
And just let it begin ♪

♪ Open up your heart
And just let it begin ♪

I'm ready for marriage,
but I've never felt true love in my life.

I don't think I ever said to anyone,
"I love you," except my mom.

♪ Unconditional ♪

♪ Unconditionally ♪

♪ I will love you ♪

♪ I will love you ♪

♪ Unconditionally ♪

It's so cute in here.



- Hey. What's up, guys?
- Not much.

- Wow.
- Have a seat.

Oh man, it's happening now.

- It's gettin' real now, isn't it?
- Oh yeah.

♪ We're back! ♪

Welcome. I'm Vanessa Lachey.

- I'm Nick Lachey. Obviously.
- Obviously.

Ladies, welcome to Love Is Blind.

Guys, welcome to Love Is Blind.

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

Do you feel like the dating world nowadays
has become extremely superficial?

- Yes.
- Yes.


It's all just looks.

- No depth.
- Yes.

When I meet men on dating apps,

I think they see Asian and stereotype me,

thinking I'm gonna be quiet,
more submissive.

And then they'll meet me,
I'm a bit louder, more outgoing.

- Yes, girl.
- And more career-oriented and opinionated.

I always hear at the end of the date,
"I wasn't expecting you to be like that."


I feel it's more of a look,
first impression.

"Blonde hair,
big boobs, she's a great time."

"It's not wifey material."
And they don't give me that chance.

The chance to open up,
and be myself, and be vulnerable.

I feel I have so much to give,
but I can't get to that point.

- Yeah.
- We wanna be loved for who we are.

And the gentlemen here
are here for the exact same reason.

This experiment is
a proven approach to finding love.

So over the next ten days,

you guys are gonna finally have
the chance to fall in love,

based solely on who you are on the inside.

That's good.

Not because of your looks, your race,
your background, or your income.

You guys,
there'll be no devices, zero distractions.

The only time you guys are gonna interact

are in the private pods.

You're gonna be separated
by one thin wall.

You won't ever get to see each other.

We know.

All decisions are yours.

You alone will choose
who you wanna spend time with.

When you pick the person you wanna spend
the rest of your life with, propose.

- Wow.
- Oh yeah.

And if they accept,

you will see your fiancée
for the very first time.


And four weeks later,
you are at your wedding.

You have to make
the most important decision of your life.

This is where it gets exciting.

Will you say, "I do" to the person
you fall in love with here...

Sight unseen?

...or will the real world
sabotage that love,

and will you walk away
from that person forever?

Is love truly blind?

My God...

If you are ready
to find the love of your life...


...walk through those doors,
because the pods are officially open.

- Open!
- Here we go!

- Good luck, guys.
- Go get 'em, girls! Get you your husband!

- Are you ready?
- I'm really ready.

I've spent a long time waiting.

- You ready?
- Oh God.

I'm very excited
about getting in the pods

because I've never made it
past the first date

without a girl bringing up my gray hair.
Developed a little complex.

Right here, inside of these pods.
Find the love of our lives, man.

♪ Today will be the day ♪

Doesn't matter what I look like,
how much I weigh, color, ethnicity,

anything you come from,
it is who you are inside,

and I'm looking forward

to what potentially
could be discovered in these pods,

because I do indeed
wanna leave here with a husband.

- What's the first question gonna be?
- I still don't know.

- Just gonna go right in?
- Yeah.

Let's do this.

Let's get it!

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Hi.
- Hola.

Howdy Doody.

Let's just get the party started.

- Have you ever been in love?
- How about a name? Then we can ask.

Oh my God.

I'm putting my hand on the wall.
Can you see me?

No, I can't.

- Are you as nervous as I am?
- Oh my God.

- Hello?
- Welcome to my pod.

This experiment
interests me because,

you know, I don't have boobs and a butt,
so it's like,

if I'm not, like, really dressed up,

sometimes I look like a 13-year-old boy.

♪ I got that new thing ♪

♪ New style, new walk ♪

I wanna find my life partner.

I've always envisioned it
like my best friend.

This'd be an awesome story
to tell our kids.

"I met your dad in a social experiment,

where I was dating 14 other guys."

Like, "I'm sorry, what, Mom?"

- Hello, hello.
- Hi.

- What's going on? What's your name?
- Iyanna.

- What's your name?
- Iyanna, this is Jarrette.

- Where you from?
- From Atlanta. And where you from?

Anchorage, Alaska.

- It's where I currently reside.
- You ain't gonna play with me.

- Where you from?
- I'm from Chicago.

- He plays too much.
- I got all the jokes.

So, what you do for a living?

I'm a program coordinator
at a surrogacy agency.

- Okay. Do you want children?
- Of course.

- Ooh. I want two of them little things.
- I want at least two.

I wouldn't mind four,
depending on what our finances look like...

- Say what?
- ...and what our time look like...

Wait, wait. Hello. You said what?

- Did you say four?
- Is that too ambitious for you?

My God, what you want,
a half of a starting lineup?

I've always wanted a big family,
'cause I didn't have one growing up.

I was an only child,
and it was kind of lonely.

Are you and your mom close?


No. So, my biological mom
raised me until I was nine,


And she's not in the healthiest space
to be able to raise me.

So, she kind of gave me
to her first cousin

and she raised me until I was 18,
and then I got kicked out of the house,

and then I moved in with my godparents
who adopted me at 22, and yeah.

- You had a lot going on as a child.
- Yeah, I did.

I had so many odds against me.
I should not be this okay, you know?

♪ 'Cause all we gotta do ♪

♪ Is be fearless ♪

- All right, come here. I wanna hug you.
- No, no, no. I'm okay.

Shit. No, I'm hugging the wall.

I'm here to find my wife.
Someone who's a good person at their core.

- Nice meeting you. We'll talk again.
- We definitely will.

So, last year,
I had a pretty traumatic incident.

I spent about a week
being in the ICU by myself.

♪ You got nothing left to lose ♪

I just felt so helpless.
I was brought to my knees

because I didn't have the woman there
who was able to kind of be by my side

and be there in the trenches with me.

I came to this experiment because
the one thing that matters to me above all

is just having real, pure love.

I want someone who's gonna be
by my side through thick and thin.

That's why I'm here.


- Hello.
- How are you?

- I'm good. How are you?
- I'm good. What is your name?

- My name's Mallory. What's your name?
- Nice to meet you, Mallory.

My name is Jarrette.

- Jarrette. Nice to meet you.
- Not like the Subway guy.

- No. Thank God, no.
- Or the jeweler.

What do you like to do for fun?

I'm in a football league,
softball league, and basketball league.

- What about you?
- Um, I love running, I love dancing.

Sundays, I love... Me and my friends
go watch Bears games.

Yes. Yes, absolutely.

I grew up with two brothers, so I'm...

I'm a big sports person
through and through.

It's hard to find
a woman who's into sports.


- I'm loving it for sure.
- Great. That's awesome. Thank you, Jer.

- Does anyone call you JerBear?
- Nobody calls me JerBear.

I'ma start calling you JerBear.

I think in this day and age,
you don't sit with your feelings.

You don't take the time
to really think about marriage

or having kids or values and goals.

People nowadays,
they avoid those conversations

like the plague.


Hello. My name is Salvador.

Salvador. Nice to meet you.
My name's Mallory.

- Mallory.
- Yeah.

All right.

Tell me about yourself.
Where you from?

I'm from a big Hispanic bubble.
El Paso, Texas.

Oh, nice. Okay.

Coming from a Latino background,
I feel like I get a little judgment

with, like, machismo,
and I'm not that person at all.

I believe in the importance
of vulnerability. I like crying.

I feel like emotions
and tears are strength.

So, this process
just really grabs my attention,

because in the real world,
I haven't found someone

that appreciates my love
as much as I appreciate theirs.

That's why I'm here.

Something that surprises people

is that I studied opera
all throughout college.

Where was your family from?

I was born and raised in Chicago.
I'm from the South Side.

My dad's Mexican, my mom's Polish.

- My parents are Mexican.
- Nice.

- Do you speak Spanish?
- A little.

Oh damn!


- Two cultures, huh?
- Yeah.

I mean, I have a pretty big, loud family.

I'm the youngest of four.

Big, loud family.

I'm sure weddings are fun
with your family and whatnot.

It's important, and I feel like
they're your default best friends.

Oh, for sure.

I love them all. I'm on the same page.

- Family is really big for me.
- Okay. How many siblings do you have?

- Well, I have two sisters.
- Nice.

And then my older brother.

I'm the middle child,
the peacemaker of all them.

I thought the middle child
was the trouble child.

No, I'm super laid back.
I'm soft on the inside.

- I'm like a Ferrero Rocher.
- Oh, that's so sweet.

But I like it.

- Hopefully, I get to talk to you again.
- I hope so too.

♪ Adios, mi amor ♪

Oh my God.

Obviously, I can't see him,
I don't know what he looks like,

all I have to go off of,
at least initially, is a voice

and Sal just has
a really, really nice, sultry voice.

Oh God.

What's a Sunday Funday to you?

I like being active, a bottomless brunch.

- Same here.
- Just wait 'til you meet Wine Danielle.

- I actually really enjoy your voice.
- Really?

Yeah, of course.

And I was, like, so scared.

What if I come here and everyone's like,
"That girl has an unattractive voice."

And that's all I have right now.

What do you do?

I love to punch drywall.

Oh God.

I have a dirt bike too,

just to top it off.

Oh God.

I wish I looked like J. Lo.

- Hello?
- There's no place like home.

Oh my God.
I gotta pick my wedgie again.

- Uh, I work in real estate.
- Do you sell a lot?

'Cause I feel like you have to be

somewhat attractive
to sell a lot.

There's a lot of shallow people
in this world.

Is that a normal question to ask?

You have to ask
all the questions up front, okay?

Right. That's not what this is about.

I have a huge Instagram following.

Obviously, I have, like, a lot of friends.

Like, it's crazy. I think I'm really good
at these pods because, like, with my job,

I have, like, five to, like, 20 people
in my car, like, at a time.


Are you Latina?

- I am.
- You are?

I'm half.

- Latina vibes over there.
- Oh my God.

I love buying clothes for girls.

What's your size?

What the f*ck?

Well, do you like working out?

Yeah, not a huge fan.

- Really? Ooh.
- Yep.

I get along best
with individuals that do work out.

How old are you?

- Thirty-three.
- I prefer dating younger.

- How old are you?
- I'm 32.

♪ It's 'bout to get loud in here ♪

- What's your name?
- My name is Deepti.

- So, you're Indian.
- Yes. Oh shit! How did you know?

I'm Indian.

I was born in India,
and then I moved here when I was eight.

My serious relationships,

they've all been... blonde.

Oh, really? Okay.

I just remember moving to America,
seeing two things for the first time.

Seeing snow and blonde girls.

And I felt the same way when I saw both.

I was like, "Oh wow."
You like what you like. Right?

I mean, you know?

Figured I should just
get that out there right away.

- Yeah.
- You could just...

- Do what you want with that info?
- Exactly.

- What's your name?
- Abhishek. I go by Shake.

- You've never dated an Indian girl?
- Honestly, no.

That's funny. I also go for the blonds.


I've actually only dated
white guys before.

We're both brown people
that only date white people.

- So, what do you do?
- I'm a veterinarian, actually.

- I love that.
- I'm also a house DJ.

Oh my gosh. I love music.

If we were to be
at a music festival,

do you like being on a guy's shoulders?

Yeah, you're up for the challenge?
You can pick me up?

Yeah. But, um, will I have trouble
picking you up?

that comes off very superficial.


Shake doesn't understand
how Love Is Blind has to work.

The whole point is
about finding out who we are as people,

not, "Can you carry me?"

I mean, right? Like...

The conversation was so good,
I didn't realize where we are.

- You lost track of time.
- Literally.

- How was it? Good?
- It was good. Yeah.

Hi, ladies.

- Hi.
- Hey.

- Hi.
- Hi.

How did it go?

Oh my God, it went so well.
I don't want to stop.

We all came here saying
we feel like we're ready for marriage.

There are conversations
that I was having in seven minutes

where I felt like
I learned more about that person

than some people
who I maybe dated for two months.

Which is kind of crazy to think about.

I met with the funniest guy.
I didn't even get his name.

He's just a mystery.

Mystery man's probably not the one
if you can't remember anything about it.

You literally made
an Excel spreadsheet on your notebook.

The algorithm. Danielle and I have
the same idea of brunch,

and that's something
I'm really looking for.

I feel like there are gonna be

a lot of people that have tops
that are gonna be similar.

Yeah. I mean, you can tell
which ones are outstanding, yeah.

Day one was a lot.

Immediately, I knew
me and Shayne wouldn't be a good fit.

I liked her too.

I would be so annoyed
by the end of a date.

Oh, and then Shake.

Shake was another one I was like,
"Okay, that's not gonna work."

I'm really feeling Nick.
I'm feeling Jarrette quite a bit.

Jarrette had a really nice voice.

Kyle, but he's a little mischievous thing.
So I was like, "I don't know."

Mmm, he's a troublemaker.

I have people that
I definitely didn't vibe with.

I have people I definitely vibed with,
and then I have ten in the middle,

that I have no idea.

♪ They really like us
They wanna marry us ♪

♪ Steppin' it up
And takin' care of business ♪

- Thank you, ma'am.
- Of course.

I actually do
really want this bagel.

There's three blueberries.
Eat 'em sparingly.

I burnt myself
with a straightener on my forehead.

So, I'm trying to cover it,
but it's not covering.

Guess they don't even see us anyway.
So, what's the point?

It's day two.

I've been on a lot of online dates.

I have met really weird...

Oh, that's so rude to say.

One time, I went on a date
with a guy who wore jean shorts.

He doesn't have my style of dress, and...

and I just assumed
that it wouldn't go well

because we didn't have
dress styles in common,

which is a silly thing to say,
and it's so stupid.

It's not gonna help me
find the love of my life.

Who cares what
the love of my life wears, right?

At the end of the day, it matters
how his personality fits with mine.

But jean shorts...

Hey, wait up.

Wait for me!

I think the big pivotal moment for me
where I really thought,

"I want to find my one,
I want to be married"

is watching my grandfather take care
of my grandmother with Alzheimer's.

She can't move, she can't talk.

When I saw just the unconditional love
and support he gives her,

I remember thinking, like, "I want that."
I want someone who will love me

regardless of the condition I am in
or my weaknesses and flaws.

I don't want to be at age 80 and be alone

and not have experienced
that type of love.

♪ We can live our dream ♪

- Hello.
- Hello. This is Shayne.

- Hi. How are you?
- I'm good. How are you doing?

I'm good.

- Who am I speaking to?
- Natalie.

Oh, Natalie.

Yeah, it's me.

- What a pleasant surprise.
- I'm so excited I'm talking to you.

I remember... I wrote this down
in my notes yesterday, but I was like,

I think I put a star by your name

because I wanted to continue
our conversation.

- Ooh! Look at that!
- Yeah.

The vibe I had for you is, like,
it was so easy to talk to you,

and it was, like, so smooth and so fluid,
and I just liked your energy.

I just... I feed off of energy
and I feed off of, you know, just, like,

I can tell from the tone
of people's voices if they're interested,

or, you know, it's their personality.

Hey, I'm all about it.

So, tell me about your jobs.
You said you're a consultant, right?

- Yeah. So, I'm in consulting.
- Yeah.

Not to toot my own horn,
but I feel like I'm good at it,

so it's a fit, skill-wise.

Can I be honest with you? Please toot
your own horn much as possible.

Honestly, that is
the most attractive thing.

Like, there's a difference between,
like, being cocky and arrogance,

but, like... you should be proud
of what you've done,

and you should be confident
in who you are.

That's so sexy to me. I'm...

I know you said
you have your own real estate business.

So I'm sure you do it a lot more,
but, for work events or networking events.

I mean, I think it's important
that I have a husband

that can hold his own.

Is that weird to say?

I think about, at the end of this,
we could have fiancés.

- Yeah.
- So it's not even like, "My boyfriend."

It's like, "Oh my gosh. My fiancé."

We won't be boyfriend and girlfriend.
We're going straight to engagement.

- You're my fiancée. Like...
- Yeah.

I mean, like, the fact
I can marry you or someone else...

Hold on. Time out. Not someone else.
Let's just focus on this guy right here.

- You are my number one. So...
- Really? You are my number one too.

Ooh. Look at that.

Oh my God.

♪ This guy is a k*ller! ♪

What do you like about Natalie?

That she liked me.

That'll help.

I'm a words guy, dude. I was her favorite.

- And now...
- And that's...

Dude, you give me the words of that, man,
I, like, my ego goes through the roof.

- Like, boom.
- I feel ya.

I love the energy I get from people.

I just can't sit behind a desk all day
and just look at an Excel sheet.

Some of these guys
are very good at that, but me,

I need to be in front of people,
feed off of their energy.

I feel fantastic.

I didn't think my confidence
could go higher, but it did.

I'm kidding. I'm kidding!

In the dating world,
the past couple of years is just...

Their idea of flirting is poking fun.

Girl goes, "You're Shayne, aren't you?"

Instantly knew when I walked in that door.

No one has your voice.

You sound like Beetlejuice.

You called me f*cking Beetlejuice.
That's a f*ckin'...

- That's a tough one to swallow.
- You can take it.

I think I'm a huge tool, 100%.
I own that. That's fine. I get it.

At the same time,
I have a really kind heart

and I really am passionate
about just life and who I am.

And I feel like there's a lot more to me
that, you know, meets the eye.

I hope all the girls can see that too.

Hello. Who am I speaking to?

- This Shayne?
- Is this Shayne?

- Uh-huh. Yes.
- Is this Shayne?

How do you know that?

- Hello?
- Hello.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Who am I speaking to?

- This is Shaina.
- Hi, Shaina.

- Is this Shayne?
- Yes.

- Hi, Shayne.
- Is that obvious?

- Yeah.
- Why is that obvious?

Your voice.

That's what everyone keeps telling me.

The only voice I can really diffy-entiate,
or whatever the word is, was your voice.

Honestly, it's fantastic that I walked in
and you already knew who I was.

I think physical attraction
is definitely important,

but when you emotionally connect
with that person,

they're automatically attractive.
I don't care what anybody says.

You could be a seven or even a five.

If I find them so funny
and emotionally attractive

and they have such a good heart,
they become more physically attractive.

So they wouldn't be a five.

Like, dude, actually,
the average height is 5' 7" for a man.

Do you know that?
And honestly, I don't want a ten, okay?

You don't want all the other women
after your man. Okay?

Ask any woman.

As we get older, we get wiser.

- Okay, question.
- What's up?

- What do you want in a wife?
- I want self-awareness.

- Someone very secure of who they are.
- Definitely.

I'm very, very good at reassuring
how I feel about someone.

We all have our insecurities,

but tell me I'm fabulous once in a while,
I can walk off feeling happy with my day.

You'll never have
a problem with me doing that.

- Fantastic.
- I'm the biggest hype man. It's genuine.

Yeah. Even if it's funny sometimes too.

Like, "Oh babe, your ass looks good
in those jeans!"

That'll surprise me
and stuff like that too...

- I think it's important.
- It's very... People do not...

I feel like compliments
are so rare these days.

- I'm huge into it.
- Especially with people you care about.

They just expect, like...

People, because of my personality,
they assume I get compliments 24/7,

and it couldn't be farther
from the opposite.

- Isn't that insane? I agree with you.
- It is. No, but I believe it too.

- People don't give compliments anymore.
- No, they don't.

If I came up to you,
out of the blue, and said something like,

"I love your eyes...
the color of your eyes..."

Shayne, you'll melt my heart.

But it would come off creepy,
for some people.

- Not to me. I don't.
- Lots of girls find it creepy.

I just look at the good in people,
and why not tell them, you know?

That's fantastic.

- Are you playful?
- I'm very playful.

I could tell you're playful.
I think that's important.

- You're very dynamic, which is good.
- I am! Listen, I'm...

You're never gonna expect
what comes out of my mouth next.

No, it's good.

Honestly, this has been
a fantastic conversation.

I agree, Shayne.

Right now,
I'm kind of digging Shayne.

I don't know what he looks like.
He just seems like this big teddy bear.

You can tell
he has such a good heart and, like,

Shayne and Shaina? That is so cute.

I am so f*cked.

What type of kisser are you?
I'm a tongue to stomach guy.

I'm a tongue to your uvula type.

How's your sex drive?
High? Low? How often?

- All right, you really went to it.
- Oh yeah.

- Give me a massage?
- Great massages.

I love drunk sex, hangover sex.
I do everything.

Oh really?


Oh God.

I don't know why I get so horny
when I'm hungover.

Me too.

- I'm going after you. I'm telling you.
- Got it.

Well, I really, really like one guy.

I'm kind of nervous that
he's gonna get vibes from the other guys

because the other guys...
I think a lot of the other guys like me.

A lot of them like me. I don't know.

I have a lot of friends.

You know,
some are in serious relationships,

some are seeing multiple people.

It's really hard for me
to really understand

why a girl like me doesn't have
a boyfriend or a hook-up,

or even someone I'm talking to.
Scale of one to ten, I'm a catch.

I like Nick a lot.

But there's another girl
that's really interested in him.

Is it Holly or Molly?
Is the girl's name Holly or Molly?

- Danielle.
- No, I think it's Holly.

Yeah, it's Holly.

Or Dolly or Molly.

And she said that Nick told her
that she's his number one,

but she's also tied
with another number one.

Pretty sure that other number one is me
and I felt a little relieved,

because I don't think she's that much
of a competition compared to me.

What do you mean
she's not competition?

He don't get to see you.

I think he knows. I think he could tell.

I just started talking shit
about everybody else.

I probably shouldn't do that.
It's probably wrong.

I don't think I should tell you guys
that I'm doing that.

♪ I'm a troublemaker ♪

♪ And I'm coming for you ♪

Bye. Good luck.

♪ Troublemaker ♪

- Hi.
- Hey. This is Nick. Who's this?

- It's Trisha.
- Hey, Trisha.

Why you guys are all so excited
to talk to me?

Not trying to sound conceited, but
it's like all you guys are going after me.

- Don't tell 'em I said that.
- No, I'm not gonna say a word.

Whatever you say in these pods,
it is safe with me. I'm a locked box.

Okay, cool.
What do you do on the weekends?

It depends. I usually hang out
with my friends on Saturday.

I like to do yoga.

I would love somebody
who'd work out with me. It's funny.

I have a lot of Instagram followers
that see how hard I hit the gym.

I think sometimes, like,

girls or people get a little intimidated
by how much I work out.

That they might not be able to keep up.

- I don't know.
- Oh wow.

What are you
looking for in a girl?

For me, at the end of the day,

if I want to see this person every day,
if I'm okay just sitting on the couch,

if they're okay sitting with me.

I love that.

My biggest critique of dating apps,
but just dating in general,

is there's this illusion of endless
opportunity and endless options.

For some reason,
I don't really do online apps.

How come?

I'm going on dates with these people
that, like, I don't know at all.

I don't want to, like,
waste my time and my calories.

My time and my calories.

- Wow.
- As selfish as that is.


Holy shit.

I'm trying to not visualize
anyone in my head,

because I'm trying to understand,

is this someone
I can spend the rest of my life with,

or is this someone that I can have,
you know, maybe a good time with?

And what I really need to do
is find someone that is both.

I have done so many things in my life
that I wanted to do.

I'm the first person in my family
to graduate college.

I have a great career, I have a condo,

and the one thing I've been missing
is finding someone to share all that with.

And that's a really important reason
why I'm here.

What's up?

Oh my gosh.

Who's the lucky gentleman?

I was a young girl, actually,

probably like sixth grade.
I was walking home from school one day,

and this guy that I really liked,
I was flirting with him,

and I heard him turn around
and be like, "This girl's fat."

It's weird because it was so long ago

and I was so young...

Let me in!

...but now every interaction
I have with someone,

I'm so scared they'll be like,
"Her arms look big,

her stomach looks big."

I still always will look in the mirror
and see that little fat girl.

- All right. Good luck.
- You too.

That's why I'm very excited to see,
are people gonna like me for who I am

and I'm hoping
once they do get to know me,

they'll think I'm beautiful,
regardless of what my weight might be.

- Hello?
- Hello.

- Who is this?
- This is Nick.

- Hello.
- How's it going over there?

- What are you thinking about?
- I mean... You right now, obviously.


I always look forward to talking to you,
but then I'm like,

"He's gonna forget about me."

Why do you think that?

Because I'm scared that every other date
that you have will go better than ours.

I'm an over-analyzer.

Walk me through that.

Like, there's been
a long history of divorce in my family.

There is no relationship I've witnessed
that has been successful.

- Uh-huh.
- And that's gonna be my fear.

Am I going to be
following in the footsteps

of everyone else in my family?
Are your parents still together?

No. They've been divorced
since I was five.

- Oh really?
- Yeah.

Almost every relationship
I've witnessed has ended in divorce.

I've been in relationships with a guy
who ends up making me feel insecure.

I was dating a guy who every time
he was laying next to me in bed,

he'd scroll through his phone and all
I'd see were girls that were, like...

You know, like, not me.


And so, I would get so,
like, in my head about that.

And growing up, I was a lot heavier.

- So...
- Okay.

So, I lost 70 pounds.

- Seventy pounds.
- Yeah.


But it was like...
I didn't even wanna tell you that.

I don't like communicating it.
I'm so scared people will be like,

"What if she gets back to that?"

It's something
I'm constantly insecure about.

♪ And we were brittle from the start ♪

I have to tell you, like,
I was a little chunky when I was a kid.

- Yeah?
- But really, college was where I...

I was, like, getting into health
and making sure I work out.

I'm not, like, a gym rat, by any means.
I'm on the slimmer side of the dad bod.

I like the dad bod.

Nick can't see me. He has no idea
I'm not still 200 pounds.

He has to trust
that he'll love me for who I am

because he has no idea what size I am.

He doesn't know
if I'm still heavier, still overweight.

He just knows that I have been heavier.

So for someone
to pull that story out of me

within such a short period of time,

it shows how comfortable I am with him
and how comfortable he makes me feel.

I know. I know.

I think your partner
needs to be your best friend.

Exactly. The number one,
most important thing is making sure

it's someone you wanna spend
every waking second with.


I've been in relationships like,
"This is my best friend,"

and I've been in relationships like,
"I wouldn't be best friends."

That's why I don't feel as passionately
about them as someone else,

because it doesn't click that way.

Right. That's exactly it.

My God.

I just want to be by you.

I know.
I'm, like, a very touchy-feely person.

It's hard for me right now not to be,
like... touching when I'm talking to you.

I know.

I find myself, like,
petting the couch instead.

♪ You've got what I need ♪

♪ I'ma show it all for the world to see ♪

♪ Soon ♪

- Oh. Food?
- Got it. It's our love language, honey.

- How many more are you doing?
- I have four more.

- Yeah.
- It's already burning.

- Side planks.
- You wanna face each other?

- No. Shut up.
- Stare into each other's eyes?

You don't work in the corporate world,
you own your own thing.

People who work in the corporate world,
I feel there's a little brainwash in them.

They talk like they're in a TED Talk.

- You are 1,000% right.
- I don't like that.

There is such a narrow way of thinking.

When you're in the corporate world,
they'll program your brain

where you'll be like,
"Guys, you know what?"

I do sense a lot of that in there.

- It's why I'm hyper-aware of all of that.
- Yeah.

I came to Love Is Blind
because people are very materialistic.

I've been rejected in the past

because I don't have
that fancy white collar job.

I'm a construction worker.

I'm kind of rough around the edges.

- All right.
- Let's go!

I believe the right woman
will fall in love with me,

because she'll understand
my stupid humor and dumb jokes.

And the fact that
I don't need fancy things.

♪ Let's go! ♪

- Hello.
- Hi, honey.

- Shaina.
- I love how you say my name.

- Oh, Shaina.
- Shaina. You say my name very good.

- Shaina.
- You probably have the best voice here.

- Stop lying.
- No, I'm serious.

- With you, it's effortless.
- Really?

- Yeah.
- You are so cute.

How are you?

Cut my finger open,
I was bleeding everywhere.

Know what you need to do?
Superglue it.

The Superglue thing is so true.

You wanna know where I got it from?
My dad.

- "My dad."
- You making fun of me?

- Yeah.
- I like when you do that.

"My dad."

- I'm not kidding.
- I know.

My dad's a contractor
and my brothers all work for my dad.

Wow. You know my breed.

Are you kidding me? After how hard
you guys work your asses off?

I respect it. I feel we have a bond now.

What's my breed?
You think I'm rough around the edges?

- Yeah, totally.
- I'm not.

- I'm actually like a nurturer.
- I love that about you.

- Aw.
- "Aw."

- Here's a good scenario.
- Tell me.

I work outside
and it's f*cking freezing.

I'll have dinner made for you.
We lay on the couch, I'll rub your feet.

That's so sweet.
I'm gonna cry a little bit.

Are you old soul?

- 100%. It's because of my dad.
- Me too. Is he your biggest influence?

- No, my mom is.
- Your mama?

Yeah. My mom's
the best person in the world.

- That's how I feel about my mom.
- Awesome.

That means
they did something right with you.

Aw. Same thing with you.


- Are you ready for marriage?
- Yeah, definitely.

So, I was actually engaged before.

Long story short, God said, "No."

What does that mean?

He was honestly, like,
very, very, very, very, very controlling.

Like, crazy. We called off the wedding,
like, 40 days before the wedding.

It was probably the craziest time
of my life, but I grew a lot.

Yeah. And it makes you happier now, right?

I'm so free.

I now know who I am and what I want.

And then you met me.

- Touché.
- How about it?

Touché, Kyle.

Right now, like,
my top two are Kyle and Shayne.

Kyle, I think he's witty. Probably one
of the funniest people I've ever met.

But with Shayne,
he definitely has that energy

that kind of draws you in.

I'm goin'.

And I feel like we do have the same vision
for what we would want in a marriage.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Shaina.
- Hi, Shayne.

- How you doing?
- Good.

Shaina matches my energy,
and gets me excited.

And never got the vibe
that she's judging me.

I appreciate that,
because my mouth gets me in trouble a lot.

Yesterday was more fun and casual,
but today I want to, like, get deep.

- Yeah, let's get into it.
- You want to?

- I know you do.
- Oh yeah.

I'm gonna get deep
inside of your thoughts right now.

That sounds very intriguing.

- I'm intense.
- Oh my God. I love it.

What are you wearing right now?
Give me your outfit details.

Okay, so I'm actually wearing heels.

I'm wearing, like,
these cute jogger slacks with a crop top.

- Oh, I love crop tops so much.
- Do you love a crop top?

I love a crop top.

Just enough to tease you a little bit but...

Yes! Oh my God, I love it.

- Okay. So, question.
- What's up?

- You like making out?
- I love everything.

- Okay, so I'm a very sexual person.
- Yes.

So, like, I would ideally like every day.

- Five times a day, at least...
- My God! That was my answer before!

- To who?! Oh my God! Oh my goodness!
- No, but he was asking me. No.

Honey, no. He was asking me,
you know what I'm saying? How many?

- Yeah.
- Honestly, I was like...

Like, I'm like,
"If you can handle it, let's go all day."

You're hilarious.

I'm the guy that will...
We're at a restaurant.

Let's go to the bathroom.
Let's f*ck around, do stuff like that.

- Hello.
- I love, like, outdoor stuff.

I don't know if you can keep up.
That's what I worry about.

Don't underestimate me. You have no idea.

Is there a way to elaborate, or you gonna
keep me going to bed now just dreaming...

- I'm gonna keep you dreaming.
- Oh my God. It's not fair.

This wall needs to go away right now.

I'm at this point
where it's like dating two people,

and I'm getting serious feelings.

With Shaina,
it's flirty fun, like sexiness.

It is a roller coaster of emotions.

With Natalie,
it feels way more emotionally stimulating.

There is playfulness in it,
but there's also a good balance of, like,

seriousness too.

Do you think
that you're ready for marriage?

I think about that all the time,

because my father passed away
a few months ago.

Oh my gosh.
That's so tough. I'm so sorry.

I don't remember the last conversation
I had with him. So it was very difficult

to process that and everything,

but it made me stop and realize that
life is short and this is what I want.

And I'm ready to find someone
and commit to someone

because I want my mom to see my wedding.
I want my mom to have grandchildren

and I want her to be able
to be a part of that, and see that.

I'm looking for someone
that's gonna challenge me

and make me a better person.

I see it in my brother and his fiancée,

and I want that euphoria you get
from providing for someone,

and just having someone by your side.

That is so important to me.

- And I can't wait to have that.
- That's so nice to hear.

I'm glad you said that.
I'm right there with you.

Your honesty gives me affirmation
that this is a true and good connection.

Oh my gosh. I'm stumbling over my words.

It's fine.

There's also something about your voice.

I can't pinpoint it,
but I just feel really good about this.

There's a heart with your name
right in the middle of my notebook.

I autographed it, number one.

I love talking to you.
You already know that.


I think it's times like these
where I feel like, "Was this fate?"

- If that makes sense.
- This is the start of everything. Yeah.

- I...
- I got you, girl.

I'm on cloud nine.
I'm smiling all the time.

Like, there's an extra step in my skip.

No, that's not right.

Everything feels so right.

The things I didn't know
were missing in my life, he fulfills it.

It actually grosses myself out.
Like, who am I?

♪ I can't get enough of you ♪

God had a plan.

So, things are copacetic?

Yes. She's number one.

- Look at that.
- I know. I had all six.

- Lights out.
- It's lights out.

Shayne's my guy. I'm so happy.

- I am literally obsessed.
- Wait, why? What happened?

I've thought about him this entire time
and he just validated it.

- I feel like this is it.
- Aww!

- Yay!
- Aww.

- So cute!
- Oh my God.

He put my name on his notebook.

- Like, on the front page.
- What?

And has been telling guys,
"It's gonna be Natalie."

- Wait, what's his last name?
- Oh, I don't know.

Everyone's dating everybody,
but, right now,

I need Shayne to tell me what he wants.

- I know.
- The future Mrs. Shayne.

You're all invited
to the wedding.

♪ I can't get enough of you ♪

♪ You're so crazy confident ♪

♪ You're everything I could want ♪

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- I heard you proposed today, basically.
- What?

To Natalie.

Are you sold on one person here?
One woman already?

I'll be honest with ya.

I just wanna keep talking to you
and I wanna keep getting to know you more.

I'm processing it,
by the way, if I'm quiet.

This whole process, I believe is,
like, why not just see it out?



What are you wearing over there?

I'm in this cute little matching set.

Like, high-waisted shorts
with this crop top,

and I have this big flannel over it.

That's so sexy.

Can I wear your flannel?

Oh yeah.
You can wear it in the bedroom, though.

Of course.

Oh my God, dear Lord.

♪ Everything is fine
I'm looking on the brighter side ♪

- Are you drinking alcohol yet?
- No. Want to start together.

- I didn't want to do it alone.
- Who took the Champagne?

♪ I'm looking on the brighter side ♪

- Maybe I'll have that breakfast burrito.
- Dude, give me half of it.

- You wanna do it?
- Can I have half?

I'm gonna deconstruct
that breakfast burrito.

This is such a crazy experiment
and I'm feeling so much so quickly.

Where, like, I've never been
with someone who I wholeheartedly trust

in every single way.

With Nick, from every single hour
since we met has been talking

and getting to know each other,
and it's almost as if we knew each other,

like, our entire lives,
but we just met a couple days ago.

I have a boyfriend and I don't know
what he looks like. It's strange.

And he's, like, two feet away.

You literally have a woman over there.
The ball is in your court.

I know. I'm taking the f*cking ball.
I decided two days ago, it was Danielle.

And I am all in,

and I'm gonna tell her.

Have fun!


♪ I'm looking on the brighter side ♪

Being with Danielle
makes me feel calm, content,

and I think the connection
that we built is so strong,

and it's unique in so many ways.

But I really attribute it to the fact
that we've been able to dive in

and spend hours and hours and hours
getting to know one another

in a way that takes months,
if not years, in the real world.

- I love farmers markets.
- I love them too.

Oh my gosh. Let's go.

Yeah. They're so much fun to go
with someone to, rather than by yourself.

It's so much more fun.
Perfect. That's on the bucket list.

Okay. We've got that.
Gotta do a bike ride.

- Oh yeah.
- Yeah.

If someone else is feeling an emotion,
I feel it.

Same here. I dated someone
a while back, like, five years ago,

and she kind of, like, would tell me
that my empathy was a weakness.

That's... I mean, I think that's
a toxic trait for her to think that.

Oh, totally.

Because, I, like,
I love empathetic people.

- Me too.
- Yeah.

And I can relate to them in a way
that I can't relate to most people.

- I guess it's probably the same for you?
- No, exactly. Yeah.

I have so many
different groups of friends.

I think part of the reason
is because of that.

That's so funny. I'm the same way.

Did we talk about having kids?

I want to have kids, but I wanna
make sure that we're able to travel...

- Same. Spend time together before...
- Yeah. Exactly.

...we spend time with the family.

I don't wanna put a timeline on it.
I feel like you'll feel when you're ready.

- That's how I feel too.
- Yep.

I thought about you
so much yesterday after we left.

There's just some... Like, last night,
I could not get you out of my mind.

I'm like that. I'm in the same exact way.

I think we're at a place
where we already know

what the other's thinking
without saying it.

It's weird and that's why, like...

I've seen so many relationships,
like, something always has to happen.

So, I'm like, something bad
is gonna happen.

- Why do I cry so easily?
- It's okay.

- I'm emotional.
- It's okay. I wish I could hug you.

I know. I cry very easily.

When I'm happy, when I'm sad.

- When I'm mad. So, that's all I got.
- That's okay. I like that.

You're sensitive. Be you. I like you.

Here's what I want you to do.
Did you open your Ring Pop?

- No, I did not.
- Open your Ring Pop.

I hope it's sized correctly.

- Put that on your ring finger.
- I will.

Imagine it's a princess cut.

Yes. I'm so happy.

Like, you make me happier than...
I don't know, I ever have been.

I've never been
in any sort of relationship

where I haven't had reservations,
or I haven't felt the kind of anxiety

that I typically feel,
and that's what's, like... It's so weird

and I don't believe it
because I don't know, like...

This is what you do. You mess things up

by creating scenarios that don't exist.
Like, I don't deserve you.

- Stop. Don't ever think that.
- Yeah.

We're gonna be partners,
and be in this together.

It's you and me.

I love her strength
to share some of her insecurities.

And I trust her completely.
I'm not afraid to tell her anything.

I'm an acquired taste. I kind of act
in an acquired taste kind of way,

and I've never felt like this.

And it just seems to me
like that connection is so powerful

that I can't imagine a life without her,

and we never have
actually seen one another.

That's just so crazy.
It's just mind-blowing.

♪ Be my one and only one ♪

How are you?

- Good. How are you feeling?
- Feeling really good.

- Your gift's in here.
- I know.

When I first met you,
I was very attracted to your energy.

Then, as I got to know you,

and I got to know your story,

and I got to know what makes you tick,
and why you are the way you are,

and why you think the way you think,
and feel the way you feel,

I felt connected to you

in a way that I don't know
if I've ever really felt before.


And we talked
about coming from families

where we didn't have
an ideal marriage to look at,

and we talked about
how we could write our own story.

And now, if you wanna open the gift...

This is the start of our story,

where we meet in these pods
and we don't get to see each other.

But this is where it begins for us.
The rest of that book, it's empty

and we can fill it with memories

and adventures of everything
that a marriage can be.

♪ Yet I still got the power to hold you ♪

I'm on one knee.

Oh no.

And I'm asking you if you will marry me.

Yes. Oh my God.

♪ And I still got the power to hold you ♪

I'm gonna hug the wall right now.
Oh my God.

I want to hug you so bad.

Yes. Oh my God. Yes. I'm literally...
Stand against the wall and hug me back.

I'm gonna cry.

- I can't wait to marry you.
- I know.

I'm so happy.

Like, I genuinely am in love
and I think that he is too.

And this experiment makes me feel
like it was meant to be.

It's starting to sound like a fairy tale.

Knowing how anxious I get all the time,

and, like, how calm I felt today,
and how happy I was today,

and not having a care in the world
other than looking forward to seeing you.

Like, I've never had that
in any relationship or situation.

Like, with work, with nothing.

And I am the kind of person
who's constantly second-guessing myself,

and then second-guessing
why someone wants to be with me.

And now I don't have to do that
because I know exactly why.

And I'm gonna make sure you always know.

I typically don't trust the words that
are coming out of people's mouths,

but I trust every single thing
that you say. Fully.

- I wanna see you so bad right now.
- That's what's so hard.

I need to hug something.

I love you.

I love you.

♪ We're gonna give it all right now ♪

♪ We're gonna take it up to the sky ♪

♪ We got the love... ♪

- We're engaged.
- It's so great, babe.

♪ We got the love ♪

- Love you.
- Love you too.

I know.

Look at how cute this is.

- Are you engaged?
- Yeah.

All right! Yeah!

Wedding day...

- Oh my God!
- You're engaged!

Oh my God!

♪ I'll meet ya halfway
'Cause I'm already halfway ♪


Every time I talk to Shayne,

I feel just so confident
and so overwhelmingly happy.

Like, my gut is just saying,

"I'm going to spend
the rest of my life with him."

I truly feel like he's the one.

- Hello.
- Hi.

- Who am I talking to?
- I don't know. Take a guess.

No, the... Oh, Shaina. There you go.

- What?
- That's who I was hoping for.

What are you wearing over there?


Hello? Shaina, stop.

It's Natalie.

Of course.

I'm sorry.

Are you okay?

Are you good?

Like, what...
Do you think I'm a d*ck or what?

I mean...

If you think I'm a d*ck, I feel like
that's kind of weird. No offense, but...

Natalie, you're talking to other people
too, right? Are you not?



- Hello?
- Yeah, I'm here.

I'm just thinking.

- Why?
- I just feel, like, a little bit led on.

For real?

- Yeah. Kind of.
- How so?

If you want to explore another connection,

then don't talk about, like,
what we're gonna do in Chicago

and, like, all this stuff.
Like, don't say that.

So I'm gonna be honest with you,

because I'm trying
to give everyone an open mind

going into our conversations.
I don't ever wanna make you feel bad,

but I'm here to, like,
try to, like, find my wife.

I'm giving everything I have to it.
I'm a very passionate person.

I have to talk to other people.

I was just hurt because I've been very
clear that I have strong feelings for you

and clearly you have feelings
for her and that's fine.

- But don't lead me on and just be honest...
- I'm not leading you on.

I'm not trying to lead you on whatsoever.

You're on the cover of my book
with a heart on it, for Christ's sake.

You're my number one.
I want you to know that.

I'm here for the right reasons...

I'm not doubting
you're here for the right reasons,

but don't, like, feed me bullshit.

This is not fair.
It's not fair at all.

- Can I finish?
- I'm put in this position. It's like...

This is not normal,
what we're going through.

Why am I getting,
I guess, beat up about it?

It's like... This is the whole experience.

I don't wanna make you feel
like you're being beat up.

I'm not trying to come after you at all.

I'm trying to understand, truly.

I don't want you to be mad or frustrated...

I'm very frustrated because I don't know
how much more reassurance I can give you.

What I'm trying to figure out is
if you think this is going anywhere.

If... this little hiccup is, like,

that big of a deal,
and that changes everything,

then maybe this is not
what we thought it was, I guess.

♪ I'm afraid that they'll see
Right through me like diamonds ♪

♪ See my shame
Cutting right through all the silence ♪

I'm just done
with this whole situation right now.

I'm gonna leave. It's not worth it
for me being here anymore.

♪ I can't pretend that I'm free now ♪

♪ So don't dare... ♪


♪ I'm afraid that they'll see
Right through me like diamonds ♪

♪ See my shame
Cutting right through all the silence ♪

What happened?

I don't even want to be here anymore.

Hey, girl!

Natalie, are you okay?

No, not at all.

Okay. Okay.

It's fine. It's fine.

I'm bouncing.

I've chosen Danielle to be my wife.
Someone that I've never even seen before.

I'm shocked.

I would've never guessed this days ago,
but it's real.

Everyone wants to be loved
for who they are on the inside,

and I feel so grateful I was able
to go through this experience,

to finally find someone who truly does.

No doubt in my mind that he does.

There's no doubt
that I love Nick for who he is.

I know him and he knows me
more than anyone else.

The fact that she's chosen me

to be a partner and get married to
and be her husband the rest of her life

is one of the most humbling
and satisfying feelings

I think I've ever felt.

I don't feel I've ever had a connection

or really had this type of love
with someone before.

I think she's the greatest person
probably in the entire world.

I've tried
picturing seeing Nick

and not liking him in my head

a thousand times.

I pictured him as, like, one-foot tall.

I pictured him as eight-feet tall,
as 300 pounds, as 50 pounds.

I pictured him
in every single physical way possible.

I've been almost, like,
picturing him as a big blue wall

because that is what I'm staring at
every time we have a conversation.

The fact that I already feel
like the luckiest girl in the world,

how can I not be attracted to him?

He could walk out with no teeth
and I'd still go and kiss his mouth. So...

My biggest fear
coming into Love Is Blind

was that someone was
going to see me for the first time

and I wasn't going to exceed
their expectations in terms of looks.

And I feel so strongly
about the connection I have with Nick

that I don't even necessarily
have that fear anymore.

I think he's such a good person
and such a good match for me,

that I think he'll see me for who I am
and think I'm beautiful regardless.

But you always want the love of your life
to think you're beautiful.

It's crazy. I have goosebumps. Like,

"Don't look at my legs,
because the hair's growing."

♪ Won't catch me ♪

- ♪ Won't catch me ♪
- ♪ No, no ♪

- ♪ Fallin' ♪
- ♪ I'm fallin' ♪

♪ Fallin' ♪

♪ Won't catch me fallin' down ♪
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