32x11 - Run on Your Tippy Toes

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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32x11 - Run on Your Tippy Toes

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on
"The Amazing Race"...

- All right, let's do it!
- ...five teams raced

to Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Just going upstream
to a temple.

Standard Thursday.

With only the Mine Five alliance

left in the game,
some teams were in the dark...

It's every team for themselves.

...about a secret
alliance with a U-Turn plan.

There's only one real alliance.

Us, the boyfriends,

- and Chee and Hung.
- We're all

on the same page that we need to

get Gary and Deangelo
out of the race.

When that plan fell apart...

If we U-turn Deangelo and them,
they could U-turn

Chee-Hu or the boyfriends.

...a new target was found...

We're gonna
U-turn brother and sister.

...setting up a tense

at the Roadblock.

Why would you not
use your brain to U-turn

a team that's, like,
been ahead of you?

If I'd have U-turned any
other team, I'd be last.

In the end, Riley and Maddison
won the leg...

- You are team number one.
- Good work, man!

...while Eswar and Aparna
couldn't complete

a U-Turn comeback.

I'm sorry to tell you,

you have been eliminated
from the race.

Coming up tonight,

the final four
become the final three.

- You can't let them pass us!
- Hi-o!

Who will make it in?

- And who will be eliminated...
- Come on, Gary.


Let's go, alliance!

Shh! Secret.

finishing first in Cambodia,

Riley and Maddison won a trip
from Travelocity

- to Norway.
- Holy moly.

We're going to Bergen, Norway.

- Are you kidding me?
- Yeah! Five nights!

This is legit.

Our beards are gonna fit
right in.

Wow. This is the hotel?

- Wow, look at that.
- Look at this place.

We're gonna be living it up.

- Nice. We're stoked.
- Yes!

- Where we going?
- "Fly to Manila in the Philippines."

Riley and Maddison
will be the first

of the final four teams
to fly to Manila,

the capital city
of the Philippines,

one of the first countries
to adopt texting,

and now known as the texting
capital of the world.

Teams must find me here,

at Lapu Lapu Circle.

- Let's do it.
- All right.

Final four feels real good.

We've won two legs in a row.

So, I guess you'd say
we're-we're peaking,

but I don't want to jinx it.

Kind of a strange clue, though,

because it says you'll find,
like, a marked jeep

- that will take you to Phil.
- Right.

Normally you only
see Phil at the end,

at the Pit Stop, and this time,

we're seeing him almost
at the Pit Start.

Something strange
is gonna happen.

The Philippines!

We love the Philippines!
Mabuhay. Let's go.

Lapu Lapu Circle, here we come.

To make the final three would be

a dream come true.

To get to the very end would be



It would be great if Gary
and Deangelo

have a big fall-out today,
and get eliminated.

We love our alliance
with Hung and Chee and the beards.

But at this point, we really
need to focus on Will and James.

As long as Will and James
get to the final three,

that's all we care about.

- All right, let's go.
- Let's go.

It would be just a huge sense

of satisfaction to make it
to the final leg.

Hung and I want to do this
to be good role models

for our daughters, you know,

and show them what, you know,
grit and determination

looks like.

Never been
to the Philippines before.

Um, my best friend is
half Filipino,

so hopefully
this is a good sign.

All right, let's go.

Winning's our nature.
It's what

we're taught to do growing up,
it's what we were taught

when we're playing. We don't
want participation trophies.

We only want to win.
If we don't win,

then we're not satisfied.

At this point,
no one's helping anyone,

because it could cost you
a trip into the...

The final three.

...the final three.

Hey, what's up, guys?

Okay, I see Will
and James and beard brothers.


Guys, the alliance is complete.

Yeah, this feels good.

Hopefully, there'll be
a dance challenge

or something Deangelo and Gary
can't do.

Hopefully they'll go.

- There they are.
- Yeah.

- Can we, uh...?
- Let's check in now.

Oh, let's check in.
Go ahead, guys.

Hey, guys.

- Hello.
- Hello.

We are on our
way to the Philippines.

And we're all on one flight.

Our only goal now is
to get to the final three.

Gonna be another team out there,

whether it's the beard bros
or the boyfriends

or Chee-Hu, that are going home.

Boarding our flight to Manila!

- Final four, baby.
- What he said.

It's about to be
The Thrilla in Manila, Part 2.

Lapu Lapu Circle.

Right there, he's right there.

Oh, I see him with his hat.

It's extremely weird to see Phil

at the beginning of a leg.

Hi, everybody.

We knew that something different

was gonna happen.

And everybody was on pins
and needles.

Welcome to downtown Manila,

the most densely populated

city center in the world.

Now, you're probably wondering
why I've got you here.

That's because,
for the first time ever,

you're about to take part
in a city sprint.

You are gonna be racing
around Manila,

through all this dense,
crazy traffic,

as fast as you can.

Holy smokes.

There are no Roadblocks

and no Detours.

You'll do every challenge
as a team and speed

matters the most.
You're gonna race all around

the city and then guess where
you're coming back to.

- Here.
- Right here.

Right here.
This is the start

of this leg of the race
and it's also the Pit Stop

for this leg of the race.

So, I know that there's
been some alliances.

I know that, throughout
the race, you've all helped

each other out, but if I could
give you any advice,

think very carefully about
helping out another team,

because this is all or nothing
for all of you.

If you want to be in
that final three,

you got to do what you can
to stay in it.

Is everybody ready to race?

- Yeah!
- Yes!

All right, now your first clue

is inside one of
the marked jeepneys

which is close by.

When I give you the word,

you can run to that
marked jeepney,

grab your clue, read it,

and start your sprint
around Manila.

Good luck.

Travel safe.

- Run, run.
- Let's get it, let's go.

Come on, Chee.
Chee, come on.

- Come on, babe.
- Yo, I don't know

- if it's this way.
- Hello. Hi!

- Keep running.
- There they are.

Will, Will, come here!
Right here.

- Just get in one. Right here.
- Go, baby.

Right there, to the left.

Do you see it, Chee?

Here we go.

"Solve this riddle to find
the marked clue giver."

"But keep your eyes peeled while
you're on the road."

"Red means stop,
green means go."

"When it comes to traffic,
I make it flow."

"Hold out your hand
to grab your clue.

Then you'll find out
what's waiting for you."

The navigation company Waze

once called this the worst
traffic on Earth.

The perfect recipe
for road rage.

Thankfully, Romero Hinojas
has come to the rescue,

by putting a smile
on everyone's faces

with entertaining moves
like these.

Teams need to find him,
grab a clue,

and then keep on racing.

- Get ready to have your hand out.
- Yes.

The marked
jeepney knew where to go.

We just need to keep
our eyes open.

"Hold out your hand
and grab your clue."

"Red means stop, green means go.

When it comes to traffic,
I make it flow."

So it's either a traffic light
or a policeman.

Damn, we are stuck
in some traffic.

In Manila, there is an insane
amount of traffic,

which is alarming because

you know that that's

gonna play a part in the race.

Traffic going in
every single direction,

multiple ways.

Go, go, go!

- What the hell?
- Move!

sh**t, we just got passed up
by everybody.

Go! Go to the side, please!

You got to stick
your arm out to get the clue.

- Yeah, I know, I saw that.
- So get ready.

Get your arm ready.

'Cause it could be on your side.

We're not even at a light.

There's a light right here.

I'm just saying,
you got to look.

I'm just gonna have my arm out
the whole time.

If you pass the clue,
you're in trouble.

Definitely one of those things
where it helps

to be with the pack and not

too far ahead.

- It's cutthroat now.
- Yeah.

Riley, is this the guy?

Did you see the traffic cop

that we need to
get the clue from?

- Yeah.
- Oh, here, here, here! Riley, Riley, Riley!

On your side. Yo! Hey!
Hey, hey, hey. Here! Here!

Come here!

Thank you.

- We crushed it.
- Let's do this.

"Tell your driver to take you
to Mall of Asia."

- Mall of Asia!
- Hey!

- Right there.
- Hey!

- Right there, right there.
- Oh, right here. Oh!

Sir, sir!

Sir, over here!

Hey! Hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey, hey.

Sweet. Thank you.

- We're going to Mall of Asia.
- Sir, sir!

Sir, sir!

- Sir, sir, sir!
- Sir!

It was definitely
morning traffic.

When we eventually found
the police officer,

our jeepney turned sharply,
so we couldn't get the clue.

And so,
we had to circle back around.

Do we have to circle
back around?

Can we go back?

- Slow it down. Slow, slow, slow.
- Slow, slow.

- Slow, slow, slow.
- Slow, slow, slow.

- Put your hand out, Will.
- Slow, slow, slow.

The traffic was a nightmare.

It's kind of a crapshoot
at that point.

It's really luck of the draw.

No, no, no, no, no, no!

Come back,
come back. Come here, sir!

- Sir! Sir! Sir!
- Sir! Sir!

Come here, please!

Are you joking me?

Hung and Chee didn't get theirs,

Did James and Will get it,
or did they miss it?

Looks like they didn't get it.
They've got to circle back, too.

That's so annoying.

Go back to that intersection!

- That's so messed up!
- Turn around!

- That is ridiculous.
- I had my hand out.

Your hand was out!

Yes, James! Be quiet.

Can we go back?

Go back to that intersection,

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

- Hung and Chee are behind us.
- Thank God.

- Slow it down. Slow.
- Slow, slow.

- Slow, slow, slow.
- Slow, slow, slow, slow.

- Put your hand out, Will.
- Slow, slow, slow, slow.

I got it.

I got it, I got it.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Come on, come on.
- Okay, we're approaching, okay, Hung?

Yes. Do you see him?

I don't see him.

He's on the right!

On my side, Hung.
On my side. Get on my side.

Get on my side. Let's go.

Hello, hello, hello, hello!

- Hello.
- Ah!

- Thank you!
- Thank you!

Mall of Asia.

- Yeah? Over there.
- Yeah, this is good.

Let's do this!

- That way.
- All right, let's go.

- Let's go, Riley.
- Whew. -

"Run a race at a fast pace.

In high-heeled pumps,
don't fall on your face."

Marikina is home to
a thriving shoe-making industry,

as well as the world's
largest pair of shoes,

earning the nickname "The Shoe
Capital of the Philippines."

It's also home to
an annual running race

unlike any other on the planet.

It's a great way to
test the durability of these

high-heeled pumps.
Let's hope

no one breaks an ankle
as they try to complete

the course
in these stylish stilettos.

"Make your way to
the starting line.

"When signaled, run

the marked course
and cross the finish line."

Oh, my God, you're kidding me.

- Let's put our shoes on.
- Oh, geez.

I don't want to sprain my ankle
in these things.

We're putting on
these beautiful high heels.

Good thing I'm used to wearing
these every Friday night.

This is the bay.

So it should be on this

Did they beat us here?

Feeling real sexy.

Ridiculous. Oh, no, no, no.

- They-they just showed up.
- Let's do it.

Okay, let's go. Ready?

- Run on your toes. Oh, God.
- Yeah, toes.

We had to do a 500-meter dash

with other people
wearing high heels.

The running was less
than comfortable.

We had to run on our tippy toes
the whole time.

Well, Riley's like,

"Yo, run on your toes."
I was like,

- "You can't."
- This is absurd.

"Run a race at a fast pace.
In high-heeled pumps."

Hell no.

I got to run in high heels.

This is a new one for me.

It's a new one for both of us.

Be careful, yeah?

I just really didn't
want to get hurt,

because I got, you know,

nice, skinny, fragile ankles.

And one little tweak,

and that's...
That's game over for us.

You know what? I'm-a have fun.

The zipper's not going up.

Just keep breathing.

Let's go, baby.

Come on!

I have ran my share of 40s.

I've never ran 'em
in heels, though.

- It's ridiculous.
- This is awful, bro.

Come on. You ready?

Come on, Gary, come on.

I'm not used to this, man.

Fight through the pain.

Let's go.

Oh, this sucks.


Looking good, guys.

- This sucks so bad.
- Yeah.

- Come on, Gary.
- I'm coming.

I want to beat this guy.

- This is it?
- They've already started, James.

Holy smokes.

Oh, this sucks bad.

Gary and Deangelo
running in high heels,

that's something I never thought

I would ever see in my lifetime.

Oh, my God, it was so good.

Gary, you're k*lling me, bro.

- I'm running!
- Oh, my God, we get to walk in heels.

Thank you.

Go, go, go!

Yeah, keep going straight, Hung,
keep going straight.

Hold on. Wait for me.


- Nice.
- All right.

I don't know how women
wear heels,

let alone run in them.

"Make your way to Binondo.

"Search the streets for lions.

"Reach into their bite,
they won't put up a fight.

You'll get your next clue
if you're all right."

This is an entrance to Binondo,

the oldest Chinatown
in the world.

It's customary for businesses
to invite dancing lions

like this in for a visit,

with the hope of
bringing them good luck

and prosperity.

Teams must now search among
the lions on these congested streets

and find one with a clue
in its mouth.

"Enter Binondo
through the Arch of Goodwill."

Let's get a taxi, Riley.

Oh, my God.

I am so uncomfortable.
I got to walk.

Come on,
Gary. We're almost there, bro.

- Yes!
- Running in heels is up our alley.

- We can do this in our sleep.
- I own a pair of high heels.

Who owns a pair of heels? I do.

But mine are six inches.

So these were, like,
kitten heels.

Like, little two-inch
little baby heels.

This is funny.

I'd never run
in high heels before,

so I was a little bit antsy
about that.

You've never run in high heels?

I've "walked" around in heels,

- but I'd never ran in heels.
- Okay.

- Okay, ready, Hung?
- Yeah.

All right. Are you ready?

- Ready.
- Go!

- Ready?
- Yeah!

- Go! -
- Go.

- Babe, be careful.
- Come on, babe! We got it.

- Go, Chee, just go.
- I'm going as fast as I can.

- Okay.
- Okay.

We actually caught up
with Hung and Chee

while running in the heels.

Oh, my God.

Come on, Will.

And more importantly,

- we looked good while doing it.
- Yeah.

- Look at James.
- This is so fun.

It's a little bit painful.

Almost there, Hung.


Come on, babe.

Oh! Babe, you are awesome.

- Good job, Chee.
- Yeah.

I think we're in first,
but by nothing.

The traffic is so
incredibly difficult

that everyone has time
to catch up.

We're looking
for the Arch of Goodwill.

We're in a race.


- Oh, there's one right there.
- Where?

There's one right there.
The-the lions right there.

Ah, is that a lion?
Can you get your hand in there?

- Nothing.
- There's nothing in there.

It could be these dragons
right here, D.

No, it's not in there. Are they
dragons or are they lions?

Lions. Is this a lion?

- I don't know...
- Should I put it in his mouth?

- Put it in his mouth?
- Go ahead.

Stick your hand in there.

- Nah, you can't.
- Hey, hey, hey. This is what they do.

- Oh.
- He's trying to, like, see.

We'll just see.


All right, let's go.
Come on, go, go, go, go.

- Come on, Gary!
- Let's go, let's go.

Come on, let's go.

We got to hurry up,
we got to hurry up.

- See.
- You're taking your time.

- Okay.
- Hurry up.

- Come on, D. Hurry up.
- Huh?

- Hurry up!
- I'm hurrying.

- Oh. No.
- No. Okay.

Is that the Arch of Goodwill? Yes,
it is.

- All right.
- We're gonna get out right here.

This might be it.

- Got it.
- That it?

- This is it?
- Come on, come on, come on.

"To the Central Post Office.
On foot you must go."

Central Post Office. Come on,

- Hey, guys.
- Hey, guys.


Will, there's a lion.

Hello, lion.

- Come on, Will.
- Maybe if I put my hand

- in the mouth. No?
- Come on, Will.

What the hell is going on?

That one doesn't have one.


Do you have a clue for us?
Do you have a clue for us?

- What the hell?
- Do you have a clue?



Will, there's another one
down here.


There it is!

Yay! Go, go.

Do we want to ask someone?

The archway, Riley.

Oh, there-there's Deangelo
and them.

- Let's go, Gary.
- Let's go the other way.

Let's keep going down.

- Want to keep running down?
- Sure. I don't know what else to do.

- Arch of Goodwill? Right here?
- This? Oh.


So where are the lions?

David, where are the lions?

That's the only arch?

You don't know
where the lions are?

Should we, uh,
stop and get out now?

Yeah. Thank you.

Okay, let's go, let's go.

Let's go.

Do you know where
the Chinese lions are?

Chinese lion statues?


Where are the lions?

Well, maybe it's this fountain.

- That way?
- Okay, no-no lions.

Come on.

No? No?

Let's keep going, Riley.
We're going the right direction.

Right here.
Riley, here we go.

Go. Oh.


It's a bit of a crapshoot.

I don't, I don't see anything.

I don't see any lion heads
over there.

- Maybe it's on the bridge?
- Lions?

- We need help.
- Can't find one.

- Where?
- To the Arch of Goodwill.

No, Chee! No.

Look that way, Chee.

I don't see any lion heads
over there.

We're in trouble. We're behind.

- Come on. Okay.
- Want me to ask these police officers?

Hello. We're looking for
a statue of the Chinese lions.

Dragon lions?

Like, like, they look like this.



Oh, there's no here?

Anywhere close by?

Lion statues?

- I'm sorry. This way?
- This way?

- Okay.
- Thank you. Let's go. Go, go.

This looks like
this could be a post office.

Oh, there go the box
right there.

I see it.

"Go into the square,
you'll find horses there.

Prepare their feed,
it's just what they need."

This is Manila Central
Post Office,

where teams must find
these kalesas,

horse-drawn carriages
that were introduced

by Spanish colonizers
in the 18th century.

After choosing a horse,

teams must feed it.

They'll need to search
the grounds for the necessary

and then mix them together.

Once they've served it up,

they'll get a clue.

Square right here,
straight ahead.

Come on, let's go!

Right here?

"Use the bucket located
on the carriage."


So we got to find vendors

that have our ingredients,

around this plaza.

Then we have to mix them later.

- You see anything?
- I don't know.

That's one right there. Come on.

Come on. Gary, right here.

- First one.
- Thank you!

We're in first place, but trying
to find the other ones now.

We got to find two more.

"Route Info." Holy crap. More.

"Choose a marked horse
and carriage."

- Go, go, go.
- Will, just pick this one.

"Use the provided bucket located
in the carriage."

Right here.

- That looks like poop.
- Oh.

The bucket underneath.

- There you go.
- Okay, go. That way.


- Pour it in here?
- This looks so good.

I can't wait to not eat this.

- Good?
- We're good? Thank you.

Let's go this way.
Go around, to the right.

You see anything over there?

- No.
- Gary.

Let's go over here.

- You see anything?
- I'm looking.


- Nothing.
- Gary, what are we not seeing?

It's not gonna be here.

No, no.

Come on.

Let's go across the way.

Go back over, D?

- Post office?
- We got it, Riley. Let's go!

Go, go, go, go, go.

There it is, Chee! Lions.

- Lions right there.
- I know, I just said that, Chee!

- I'm sorry.
- Come this way.

Please, please, please, please.

- Clue? Clue, please?
- Please.

- Clue? Clue?
- Clue, please?

Clue? Clue?

Clue? No? Clue? No?

No clue?

Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry.

This is ridiculous.

Where is it?

- Here, Hung, here.
- Oh, here, here.

All right, let's do this.

Be aggressive. In his mouth!

Oh, my gosh!

- Central Post Office.
- Central Post Office.

Let's go!


We put this in the bucket?


Or do we... we put it in there?

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Boyfriends are here now.
- Oh.

- The end up catching up with us.
- I got one.

- Right there. Right there!
- Where?

Oh, we missed that. Damn!


Thank... oh...

- We'll take that one.
- "Return to your horse

- and mix them together."
- Put it in there.

- We need to go back.
- Let's go.

One more.

- There's grass somewhere.
- Grass is somewhere.

Hey, where are these
buckets at?

Are they on the back?

- Mix it together?
- It says

"Everything except the grass."

- Oh, it's in here.
- Oh.

"The marked vendors
have your ingredients."

Okay, let's go.
This way first? Over there.

- Hello.
- Marked vendors? Yeah.

- I got it.
- Okay, let's go.

What's the next one?

- Delicious.
- I'm not doing it.

I'm so happy I'm not doing that.

Yum, yum, yum. Eat, enjoy it.

We passed Gary and Deangelo
and Maddison and Riley.

They left the heel-running
before we did

and we're here first
and feeding our horse first.

Good boy.

- Here.
- Thank you.

- That's two, yeah?
- One more.


Thank you!

"Mehan Garden is having
a rock show.

Travel here to get
your next clue."

"Travel on foot." More running.

Holy crap.

- We got it. Yes.
- We're in first place.

- Let's go back. One, two, three?
- Hold up. This way?

- We got three. Gary.
- Take it.

- Come on.
- Come on.

- I got it.
- All right, hold on, hold on, hold on.

Don't spill it, yeah?

- "Mix all your ingredients," besides the grass.
- Yeah.

- Here we go. Ready?
- Okay.

All right, awesome.
Riley, grab it.

- Yeah, go, go, go.
- Mehan Garden?

Mehan Garden?

Damn it, Gar.

Good? We done?

Take it, D.
Take it, D. Take it, D.

- Thank you. Come on.
- This way.

Will, I don't know

- how we're gonna cross.
- Thank you, thank you!


Geez Louise.

I think it's right here.

How cool.

Look at this music box.


Listen to the band
play a medley of songs

you've heard on the race.

This is the final
and most difficult challenge

that teams will face before
checking into the Pit Stop.

Teams must identify
four pieces of music

that they've heard
during the race.

They must find
four instrument cases

identified with a national flag
representing the four countries

that they've heard the songs in.

Teams will hear the songs played
in a particular order,

but they'll have to present
their boxes in the order

they heard those songs
on the race

to get their next clue.

We got this.

Hold on.
"Search through the cases

- loaded in the marked vehicle."
- Right there.

- Go.
- Hurry up.

- Let's keep our lead.
- Is this it?

Riley. They're right there.

"Match the flag
on each side of each case

- in order of location they were played on the race."
- Okay.

This is Colombia.

No, that's not Colombia.

The beards are here.

Let's go, let's go.

Do you guys know
where Chee and Hung are?

- I don't know.
- No clue?

We're ahead
of Deangelo and Gary.

Deangelo and Gary are not here.

What did Trinidad and Tobago
look like?

It might be "Day-O," right?

- Will, I got it.
- What are we taking, dude?

"Match the flag on the side
of each case

"in the order of the location

they were played in
on the race."

- Oh.
- Wow.

The boyfriends
and the beard bros are here.

- Wait, listen, listen.
- There's only four songs.

Think about all the places
that had music.

Did we hear music in India?

What is this from?

There was a marked truck
that had all these cases

for a rock band,
but on each case was a flag.

- That was... Riley, that was Bogotá.
- I know. Colombia. I know.

That a way, Riley!


The flags in the truck

represented where we had heard

the songs along the race.

And so, we were
supposed to match

the songs that they're playing

with the places
that we visited on the race.

There were some songs that we
knew and there were some songs

that we didn't, so it made it
really challenging.

- Listen to it, Gary.
- I am.

- No clue.
- This is Trinidad?

That is for sure Trinidad.

Just bring these four and go.

I don't even
remember hearing these songs.

- Let's do it.
- No, wait, wait, wait.

- This is three and four.
- Let's go.

I like your sunglasses.

No. I'm sorry.

- It's okay. Thank you.
- Yeah.

Come on.
Let's just take them over there.

We don't know
if it's even these!

I think we're right.


Head back to the truck.

- Yep.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Do you think it's the order, Riley?
- Yeah, yeah.

- Four is Paraguay. No, four is Trinidad.
- Quiet.

We got to line them
up in the order that they play it.

Over there?

Thank you.

Chee, over here.

- One more.
- You see it?

right there. Go, go, go, go, go


- Let's go.
- Okay. I'm gonna mix it.

As fast as you can.

- I can hold it, Hung.
- Okay.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Come on, come on, come on.

I think we're
in last place right now,

so hopefully we can make up time
at the next task.

The band over there is playing
a medley of tunes

that we heard on the race.

And we have to match up these
boxes that have flags on them

in the order
that they play them.

It's Bogotá, Colombia
is the second one.

I think Berlin is the first one.

We're just trying to remember

all the countries
that we went to.

Let's just go try one.
Let's just go try.


We just did a little reorder.

Hopefully that's right.

Still wrong?


Thank you.
How did we not get that?

Hey, you guys want
to work together?

No. Sorry, no.

- Okay.
- Gary and Deangelo yelled out,

"Do y'all want to work
together?" and I said no.

We knew all the flags,

so I felt confident
that we could do it.

It's not Kazakhstan.

Where else played music?


We got it.

I don't know, dude.

It's incorrect.


All right, I-let's go back
to the drawing board.

Every one of us guessing.

Come on.
This is very tough, man.

- Please.
- Come on.

That is incorrect.

This is tough.

- Right here.
- Here, here, here, here.

Oh, there goes Chee-Hu, bro.

There's... Chee-Hu
just showed up.

That's fine.

Every team's struggling
with this.

"Match the flag on the side
of each case

in the order of location
they were played on the race."

- We can catch up here, Chee.
- Okay, so we're just gonna

- grab flags?
- Yeah.

Kazakhstan, Colombia, Cambodia.

We need these, uh...
This is nuts.

I don't know. Whatever.

We got nothing.

- Let's go.
- What do you think?

I-I'm drawing a complete blank.

We should just work together.

This is the first time
we heard the medley.

Yeah, we don't even know
what songs they are.

- We didn't even hear the songs yet.
- Oh.

Stop, D.

Nobody's gonna help anybody.

- Hey, guys.
- Y'all, this is tricky.

This is brutal, dude.

- This is gonna be a while.
- My feet are raw from running.


- You're pretty sure on those three?
- Nope.

I'm not sure on any of them.

We know all the flags,
we just don't know the songs.

- Oh, come on, Hung. Let's go.
- Maddison.

This is really dumb.

We're literally guessing.

- Nope.
- Okay.

I don't feel like
anyone's gonna get this.

It's not the right answer.

You'll have to do better
than that.

It's a big no.

- Try again.
- This is unreal.

I don't know
what we're doing wrong.

Worst game ever.

This is stupid.

we know that one's for sure.

Colombia, we know
that one is for sure.

Come on,
D. All we can do is keep trying.

This is brutal, bro.



This is unreal.

I really, like, I'm stumped.

Let's go talk to
Hung and Chee and them.

We kept trying every single flag

that we've ever been to
on the race

and we kept doing it over
and over and over,

but everything
that we tried was wrong.

And it was very frustrating.

What do you guys think
for the songs?

Colombia and Trinidad are locks.

- Yes, that... for sure.
- Two and four.

Two and four
are the obvious ones.

One and three are not easy.

Once we realized how hard
this was going to be,

we decided that we had
to work with our alliance.

We had to.

Guys, it doesn't matter
who wins this leg of the race.

If us six put our heads together
to solve this problem,

we're all gonna advance.

It was at that point
where our light bulbs turned on.

We have a shot
at being the final three.

All we have to do
is help each other

and not give this information
to Gary and Deangelo.

One, two,

three, four, okay?

Two is Colombia,
four is Trinidad.

We need to crank out my list.

That way we don't think
and we just crank them out.

Since we're confident in two,
we only have to do, like,

- 15 permutations.
- Yeah.

You try one, we try one,
and then whoever gets it,

walk off and then come around
and tell us.

We're just gonna have
to drill this out.

We haven't done
Kazakhstan and France.

How about we...
Hung and I try that?

- Yeah. Don't say it in front of them, yeah?
- Okay.

Need to go back to the truck.

- Ugh...
- I don't know what to tell you, D.

First Kazakhstan, France third.

Come on, Chee.

- Stop talking, Riley.
- I know.

- Come on, Chee.
- Hold on, hold on.

We were sure
that the second song played

was from Colombia
and the fourth song played

was "Day-O," the Trinidad
and Tobago song.

One and three we were unsure of,

so we had written out

every single
permutation possible...

Still not the right answer.

...keeping Colombia
and Trinidad and Tobago

in those two slots.

We're just going down the list.

You guys can do
France and Germany now.

France and Germany
as one and three?

Yeah, one and three.

So the game plan was,
we would try one,

cross it off, and then

Chee and Hung would try one
and cross it off

and then the boyfriends would
try one and cross it off

until we finally happened
to stumble upon

the right combination.

They're doing a lot
of whispering, bro.

we're halfway done. Do Paraguay, Colombia,

Kazakhstan, Trinidad.

Damn it, Gary. They are
helping each other, bro.

There was a lot of people
talking to people

and obviously that alliance
is broken

and the gloves have come off.

That was, that was a surprise,

but we just keep true to
our word and some people don't.

The alliance is over. It's off.

Obviously. Oh, my God.

I think we're done.

They all three banded together
to eliminate us.

That sucks, dude.

We got to go, Gary.
We got to go.

They didn't stick to their
word. They're all scared of us.

This is bad, bro.

We need France and Paraguay.

- Okay.
- We're almost done with the list.

Gary, this may be it.

We need to get out of here.


Uh, no.

- Incorrect.
- Okay.

You did Kazakhstan and Germany?

- Yeah.
- Okay. Kazakhstan and Paraguay.

- Last one. We're gonna get it.
- Okay.

If this doesn't work,
then I don't know.

this is awful, bro.

This is awful.

If they get it, we're done.

- Did they get it?
- Come on, come on, come on.

Come on, come on, come on.

Try again.

- Damn it, dude.
- No, it's wrong.

- We're out of all the other permutations.
- Are we doing this right?

- Come on, Gary. We got to move.
- Guys, I don't know.

We did, we did
every possible variation.

- That's why I'm confused.
- This is so defeating.

This is unbelievable.

Um, I don't know. Maybe there's
something we were missing.

Are... I mean, Tobago's for sure.

What-what if Colombia's wrong?
The carnival song.

- You know...
- That's Colombia for sure.

- It was the-the tightrope.
- I know, I know.

- That was the tightrope.
- I know,

but I'm just, like, trying
to think of something else,

'cause, what, are we done?

- What?
- We're gonna try Brazil.

We got to add, like,
India in here?

We're just trying
now. Trial and error.

At this point,
we should just throw some Hail Marys.

Just take one out blindly,
take another one out

and just do it.

There's four songs playing.

We know two and four.

One and three, nobody has
any idea what they are.


We're just trying stuff now.

We're just grabbing
and plugging and playing.

I don't think anybody
has any clue.

No clue.

We'll probably
be here till dark.

- No, it's the wrong answer.
- Dang.

I'm so confused.

Something is wrong.

I think we went through
every single combination

before I just said, "Hey,

let's go read our clue."

Read your clue. Classic.

- Oh, my God.
- So I pulled out the clue

and I read,
"Put everything in the order

that you heard it on the race,"

not that you're hearing it here,

and light bulb goes off.

I reread the clue.

It's not the order that
the medley's been playing...

The order that we heard it.
We just read it.

Exact same time, Hung and Chee

read their clue, too,

and so we had another
collaboration moment

of, like, "Y'all,
we're doing this wrong."

It's not the order
that they're playing it now,

it's the order
that it was in the race,

so Trinidad one, Colombia two.

And then we need to do
the other, the other two.

That's the unlock, guys.


and Colombia one and two.

We got it?

That is correct.

Yeah, baby.

- All right.
- Did they get it?

- They got it.
- Beard bros just got it.

Yeah, they got it.

"Make your way to where it's at,
back to where you saw Phil

but now there's a mat,
it's as easy as that."

Good job, guys.

- James, come here.
- He's coming.

- Chee, he's coming.
- Go. Go, go, go.

It's-it's-it's, um,
it's the first two,

- so it's, uh...
- Trinidad, Colombia.

T-Trinidad and Colombia,
and then Paraguay, France.

- Hey, just remember: do not let them see.
- Okay.

He just told them.
He just told them all.

- Are you serious?
- Where do we go?

Lapu Lapu Circle.

- It's that big statue.
- Run!


- That sucks.
- We're done.

Once they get it, we're done.

We'll just take the penalty.
We're not gonna figure it out.

Well, well,
we out of here, Gary.

That is correct.

- Thank you, thank you.
- Thank you. Salamat po.

Okay, come on.

- Go, babe.
- How far is that?

- Like, half a mile.
- Come on.


- Congratulations.
- Thank you so much.

- Finally.
- Okay, let's go.

- We're done.
- There's no point in us trying.

We saw the beard bros
run up there and help

the other two teams,
and then they both ran by us

and didn't say a word,
which is whatever.

It's like, there's nothing
we can do about it.

We knew we weren't
gonna figure it out.

We had no idea
what it was, so...

We just took
the two-hour penalty.

I told you they
was doing a lot of whispering.

That alliance has been going on

since leg two.

We worked together,
we trusted each other.

Right. And then that came back
to bite us in the ass

here in this last leg, but...

At the end of this race,
there's gonna be one team happy.

- Correct.
- Ten teams are gonna be pissed,

and it's gonna be interesting,

because they can't work
together as a group of three

when this million dollars is up.

Get ready to take a nap.

- Oh, right here, Riley.
- Yeah.

Done, baby.

Welcome to Manila,
the Philippines.

Thank you so much.

Riley and Maddison...

...you are team number one.

- Yes, baby!
- Congratulations.

You are one of the three teams

who will be racing
to the finish line

for $1 million.


We're going to the finals, baby.

Maddison and I are
peaking right now.

We've won the past three legs
of the race,

and I think we're gonna win it.

An amazing leg, guys.

- Thank you.
- But you did help out another team.

Well, we wouldn't have
gotten that last one

if it wasn't for Hung
to point out the clue.

So we had to help them.

Okay, it looks like we have
another team coming in.

Who's it gonna be?
Stay right where you are.

The boyfriends.

Come on, baby.

Ah, we frickin' did it!

We did it.

- Baby.
- Guys, we did it, baby.

- Will and James...
- Yes.

...you are one
of the three teams

that will be racing
to the finish line

for $1 million.

We've worked so hard

the entire race to get here.

Being in the final
three just further reaffirms

the fact that we make
a great team.

We have laid the foundation
of love from start till now,

and I'm just so excited
we get to do it together.

- I love you.
- I love you.

Okay, let's go. Come on.

Come on, guys!

Come on, Hung and Chee, come on!


Tunnel. Tunnel, tunnel,
tunnel, tunnel, tunnel.


Oh, God!

- Oh, my God.
- Bring it in, baby.

- This feels so good.
- We did it.

We did it.

Hung and Chee, you are standing
with the final three teams...

...that will be racing...


We're actually
in the finals, like,

it's so mind-blowingly unreal.

It was very important
for all of you guys to be here

in this moment
going into the final leg.

We chose Maddison and Riley
and Will and James for a reason.

We felt like they were
very trustworthy people,

um, who would compete hard

and because
they're a strong team,

they would help all of us get
to the final leg of the race.

So how about I tell you
where you're going to next?

- Yes.
- You're flying back to the United States,

and you are going
to New Orleans.

The Big Easy.

And I have some more
great news for you.

You guys will be getting
an upgrade

on the way home.

- So you can travel...
- So good.

...with a little more comfort.

But I'm just wondering how
all of this is gonna work out

when you're racing
against each other.

- May the best team win.
- Yes.

- Exactly.
- It's gonna be a lot of love and admiration and respect.

Our favorite games
are playing our best friends.

- Yeah.
- So that's what this is,

and it's gonna be
an epic battle.

Yes. That's so true.

We did it.
All according to plan.

- All according to plan.
- Are you kidding me?

- How does that happen?
- We're like masterminds.

And there is one team missing.

Thank God.

Let's go, Gary.

Oh, man.

Deangelo and Gary,

you did not complete
the last challenge,

and unfortunately, you have been
eliminated from the race.

Any regrets about
coming on the race?


The race sucked.

The bad outweighed the good.

I'd never come back
on the show again.

Like, the money wasn't
life-changing for me.

Right, but you didn't enjoy
the experience?

Well, I could've paid for it
myself and not had to race

- around the world.
- I did. I enjoyed it.

- I'll-I'll cross him out.
- Yeah.

I enjoyed it. I had a blast.

I had so much fun. Got to go
to a bunch of countries

I probably wouldn't
have ever gone to on my own.

I hope, maybe one day,
Deangelo, if you look back,

you'll remember a few more
good things than bad things.

- He will. I'll... When we talk about it...
- No.

...he'll talk about
a lot of what we did.

Gary was a solid partner.

At first,
me and D, we were rocky

'cause we had never competed
where it was just us two,

- but we got better and better, and...
- Yeah.

I wouldn't have had
another partner.

- Appreciate it.
- The other teams,

they didn't want to face us
in the finals.

The only one that's
been pushing them was us.

They don't have that threat

Now they can't work together.

Alliance is no more.

- But we're okay with that.
- Mwah.

Deliver it!

Delivered! I delivered it!

The alliance
totally served its purpose,

but now that we're in
the finals,

it's where the gloves come off.

It's the final three.
Everybody is on their own.

I don't think any of us
are gonna be helping each other.

We're just gonna continue
to race as hard as we can.

Oh, my God, oh, my God!
Oh, my God!

The money would be fantastic.
We have three kids.

They need to go to college.

Let's go, Hung.

Winning the race
will only prove

that we are ready
for that next step together.

And after this,
we can get engaged

and start planning a wedding.

- Do it.
- Yes!

We have a really good
shot at winning.

We're gonna win in the final.

We're gonna race our ass off
in this final leg.

We are gonna
win The Amazing Race.

No question about it.
We got this.

Captioning sponsored by

Next time on the
season finale of The Amazing Race...

We're not gonna die.

...alliances are done...

Now it's about winning.

...as teams race
through the Big Easy...

- Go, go, go.
- It's called Fat Tuesday

for a reason.

...to win
the $1 million prize...

- May the best team win.
- Come on!

- Bring it.
- ...andThe Amazing Race.
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