31x08 - You're the Apple in My Eye

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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31x08 - You're the Apple in My Eye

Post by bunniefuu »

Raced to the swiss alps.

what a day.

A u-turn plan targeted
Nicole and victor.

colin and scriss at this are
The strongest team -- and

Christie are the strongest

we are in an alliance.
Why would we want to get rid of

A team
nicole's plan backfired.

your brand is watching.

the o'reilly sisters.

They like to stir the pot.

I thought raval was a friend
Of mine.

I thought we could druft them
And now they will backstab us.

An adventurous leg full
Of thrills.

- woo hoo!
- Ended in another victory

For tyler and korey.

- first place.
- Congratulations.

Meanwhile, a tense
Confrontation at the mat --

we never -- thank you so
Much for --

I'm not saying --
so much.

this is not even --
and we're not playing "Big

- Brother."
- Ended with good news for

Nicole and victor.

this is a nonelimination


Seven teams remain.
Who will be eliminated next?

this is amazing.
Best day of my life.

all right.

where are we going?

drive to balinberg.

Once there make your way to
Spimehall and wait further

- Instructions.
- Tiler and korey will be

The first to leave
Michaelskirche and drive to the

Village of balenberg where
Teams will find their first


we're starting this leg with
Our second first place win.

I think we have to take the
Same car.

we know we're leading the
Pack today.

So we're feeling good about leg

there's that map in the
Airport in the back.

we don't get distracted by
Drama between the other teams

And whether an upcoming u-turn
Board or people hating each


And it lets us focus every day
We run the race.

we're the perfect team.

can you believe it?

drive to ball ballanberg.

to the cars.
To the cars.

follow each other?
we'll follow you.


we left the same time as

Team fun and we like those

And we are helping each other

we're in it to win it but

You get what you give.

you help somebody in a key
Situation and that's something

They think about on the u-turn
Map and that happens that's


We're not doing it for that

That's just who we are.
colin and christie are a

Good team to pair up with.

they're great at navigating.
Much better than us.

So why don't we follow you?
am I droofing or you?

so I held the record
Officially today.

For 32 legs of "The amazing

here we go.

the most legs ever run on
"The amazing race."

I would like to thank phil.

I would like to thank all the
Fans who cheered us along the


and all of the racers that
You beat out along the way.

and interlachen to the
Right, right?

go straight.



no left.
are you sure?

today is my leg.

I have good feelings.
And we have some sketchy legs

The past few legs.

chris, let's go to

last leg we had all kinds of
Drama with victor and nicole.

And the o'reilly sisters.
And whether they were telling

The truth or not telling the

And who's possibly lying about

all right.
Let's go.

leaving in last place does
Not feel great.

But I'm confident we can bounce
Back from last place, and still

Stay in this race.

hopefully an equalizer.

last leg a little bit of a
Drama with the reilly sisters

But no reason to bring it up
Further because it will stress

Us out and cause more drama
That's not supposed to be


we're here.

My god.
here's the marked parking.

to the marked entrance to
The ballenburg gate.

it opens up.
an equalizer.

7:00 a.M.

We're the first ones here but
It doesn't open until 7:00 a.M.

an omen.

come here.



can't believe it.

We made its way.

leo is going to die.
leo, get the cat.

Get the cat, get the cat.

My god.
My god!

and never seen him this

this is ballan.

-- ballenburg.

come on.
Let's go.

we have some relationships
To repair with the afghanimals.

And we're hoping we can get to
Them and repair this

Relationship immediately before
Anybody gets the u-turn.

hey --

can we talk to you?



so we just want to clear the
Air because I think that they

-- there was some confusion
About nicole and victor saying

That we said your names about
Something with the u-turn.

used to this being excluded.
By the o'reillies.

we should never talk to
Nicole to begin with.

and I don't have an
Instagram followers.

nicole came to us because we
Made the big brother pact.

and I didn't say one word
And this was all rachel talking

To nicole.

I said you guys should watch
Out because I heard that you

Are in danger of getting urned.
-- u-turned.

It was too much to say.

but we would never do that

To you guys.

And we did have an alliance
With the "Big brother" teams.

Which is done.

what happened?
literally done.

I was kind of disappointed
From what I heard, rachel.

we were disappointed.

we're over here calling you
Guys our sisters.

but agree --
we go back.

With rachel and elissa I was
Disappointed to hear that but

She swore that she didn't say
-- she's playing two sides of

The story.

Which didn't really rub the
Right way off me.

So, I mean, people make

I just want to let you guys
Know that personal friends,

Like I -- I love you guys.

and didn't rub me the right
Way, either.

But I'm not one to hold

we're going to prove to you
Guys that we are trustworthy.

rhett me give you an -- let
Me give you an instance.

You're in fifth and you have
Rachel behind us and team

Bromance who are you going to

rachel and elissa.
so it has changed a little.

I messed up.
it's all good.

It's all good.


too much drama.

good to be switzerland.

good to be switzerland.

In switzerland.
there was a cat here by the


come on.
Let's go, let's go.

let's go, let's go.

Come on, jamal.
come on, rach.

let's go.

Go inside.

what is going on here?
this is not good.

seeing phil means that it's
Got to be something crazy,

Something that's going to shake
Up the race.

Good morning.

good morning!

Welcome to the ballenberg
Community hole.

Switzerland is a country where
Everybody gets to vote.


This is a country that believes
It has the oldest democracy in

The world.

- wow.
- So it seems only fitting

That as we begin this next leg
Of the race, we have a u-turn

is this out loud?

Ness out loud.

This is in front of each

National captioning institute,

Which is responsible for its
Caption content and accuracy.

Switzerland is a country
Where everybody gets to vote.

It seems only fitting we have a
U-turn vote.

- wow.
- This is out loud.


This is in front of each

Every team gets a vote.
And we're going to vote until

We determine the two teams that
Have to complete both sides of

The detour.
two teams.


Two teams.

first time in "The amazing
Race" history, not only are you

Voting for who to u-turn but
Publicly announcing who you

Just u-turned.


And nare right there next to
You so they can see you.

My goodness.

We're about to vote live right

and we've all been expecting
This u-turn.

in "Survivor" that's what --
They had a travel counsel and

Called it a live tribal.

Think very carefully
About this vote because there

Are no more nonelimination legs
Left in the race.

I felt like people were
Either going to vote

Strategically for the strongest
Team or against the team that

They hated.
don't waste it on us.

not since 2016 has there
Been such a big vote.

We did a random draw for
The order in which you vote.

oshese, my god.

Rachel and elissa you get

To vote and who you get to vote

the whole drama going on
We'll see where everyone stands

With it.

If they want to get us out.
A speed bump and a u-turn.

That's an easy way to just, you
Know, adios.

this is 1,000 percent game

Colin and christie.
I'm so sorry.

One vote, colin and

Nicole and victor.

Time for you to make a vote.

what are you going to do?

- what do you think?
- Think very carefully

About this vote.

I don't know.

I don't know what to do.

just whatever --
so this is strictly a

Strategy move.

No emotions involved.
Sorry, afghanimals.

You guys are a strong team.
I literally -- what to do.

and you said you don't know.

I --
what to do.

we're the u-turn team.
It's all good.

Colin and christie, it's
Your vote.

you know, we'll just keep it

Rachel and elissa.

Leo and jamal.

colin and christie, we love
You but we're going to u-turn

- You guys.
- We want teams that we can

we want teams that we can

- Beat.
- Two votes for colin and

Becca and floyd, it's your

I want more than anything to

Win "The amazing race" and I
Don't know if I can with colin

And christie still in the game.
So --

no hard feelings.

colin and christie.

that's when I knew, ok,
Definitely we are one of the


It was just a matter of who are
We going to be doing this up


- And when do we get started?
- Tyler and korey your

we love this team a lot.

They got last on this last leg
So we're just going to vote for

Nicole and victor.

- nicole and victor.
- One vote left.

Colin and christie, you have
Three votes.

Leo and jamal, colin and
Victor, and rachel and elissa.

You have one vote.

So this is a big vote for you,
Chris and bret.

we're going to base our vote
On who we're least close west

And that's the reilly sisters.

you guys are making us go
Against colen and christie?

we formed tight

Relationships with people.

And I couldn't swing a vote for
The others.

I just couldn't.

The after --
the afghanimals have been

Friendly with us since day one
And victor and nicole talking

With us and I couldn't tell you
Anything about the o'reillys

But long -- orioles and have
Long eyelashes and want to fix

Them every five minutes.

that's not smart.

it's $1 million, guys.
You aren't a strong team,

it was -- I thought we were

Racing for -- chris and bret
Can't outrun they team and

Clearly not more intelligent
Than the other teams.

So I would make a decision

Based on you who think you have
A better chance at beating for

$1 million.
that was $1 million, guys.

The vote is done.
We have two teams that have

Been u-turned.

Colen and christie and rachel
And elissa, is everybody ready

To race?

Good luck.

Travel safe.

go, go.

here we go.

let's go.

you got it.

just grab one, bret.
and hay --

This detour requires
Teams to make hay while the sun

Something swiss farmers do

Every summer to ensure that
Their animals can survive the

Long, cold winters.
Using an old style sythe like

Sardinha a swiss under 16
Champion, one team member must

Cut a lane of grass while the
Other rakes up behind them.

When the grass has been
Properly stacked, they will be

Rewarded with a clue.
Every year, more than 350,000

Cows come down from the
Mountains to escape the cold

Winter months.

And are celebrated at festivals
Like this.

This detour requires teams to
Dress them up and then lead

Them to the party to be judged.
hay making.

hay making.

cut grass.
we're going to do hay

hay making or cow cow

we should have u-turned

Victor and nicole.

especially since they had a
Speed bump.

speed bump.

Having arrived last in
The previous leg, nicole and

Victor must take down and fold
The 26 flags representing the

26 states of switzer lnled.
Then try to catch up with the

Other teams.

26 legs right in here, nick.

holy crap.
We have 26?

You want to get them down?

my gosh, I can't believe you

Did that.
That was bold.

he thought people were going
To vote for stronger teams.

And nicole had said the
O'reilly sisters.

Followed up by I don't know.

I said vote for rachel and

and you said you don't know
After that.

you know you made a bad

I won't respond if you argue
With me.

I'll tell you that right now.
which one is this?

cow dressing.

choose the basket.
Got it.

Provide materials to make

finish example.

For a reference, right here.

let's do it.
make your headdress.

do you want to take one seed
And I'll take the other?

chris and bret picked us to

Go against colin and christie.

So we have to do two detours.
these guys aren't my


but I don't plan on getting

lay off the garland.
You're just looking at this and

Trying to replicate it.
I think colin and christie

Like us.

Right, guys?

we like you guys.

we love you.
we like you guys.

we like you guys, too.
We wouldn't wouldn't have

U-turned you guys if it were
Not a nonoption.

I understand that people are
Doing what they've got to do to

Stay in the race.
And if they feel like that is

Taking us out, I can respect

But obviously we got to do what
We got to do because we want to

Stay in this race.

We're in it to win it.

you got this, rach.

here we go.

it's not like you to not
Want to put a headdress on a


thank you for not u-turning

We knew everybody us else but

we voted with our heart and
Maybe not with our head.

it could bite us but I feel
Right now pretty good about the

this is it.

This is it.
the other ranks may switch

At any time.

and the -- be at the end of
Your lane.

hay with them.
Hand-held cutting tool.

Rake it.

Stack it.
That's us.

this is the right choice,

back at the office here.
good job, leo.

You're cutting it.

You're shaving it.

Good job.
you can't rake until I get


beautiful day in

Trying to work away the
Emotional u-turn.

That sucked.

becca is crushing that.

becca has got this and a
Farm girl.

Start raking, girl.
old mcbecca had a farm.

E-I, e-I, o!

this will take some time.

I'm -- the way I saw it,
They already hate us.

So why make another team hate

You know what I mean?
you're right.

I would say that's our
Biggest communication error and

It happened at the craziest

fold in half twice.

and half one more time.

we bounce back.

We're a real couple.

We can get stressed and we can
Get tense but at the end of the

Race all that is by the

We love each other.
That's just what we had to do

To get to where we are now.
good thing we didn't get

U-turned plus the speed bump.
what you did do with all the

they're --

you have to be very careful.
rach, we got this.

we're fighting against
Nicole and victor because they

Had a speed bump.
But our -- our really big

Competition is colin and
Christie because we're double

Urnlted with them.

rachel, you're so good at
This stuff.

we have to duplicate the
Flour arrangement.

it looks amazing.


they just left.

and then our flower
Arrangement was a head piece

That our cow would wear and go
To the dance festival.

a lot more of those little
Ring things.

what's your name?



don't put the pins in yet.
Lay out the flowers and pin it

All together.
listen, I'm doing the best I

Can, ok?

come on, oliver.
I'm going to start raking.

Am guy?
rake every bit you good.

good job, leo.
If you get tired, let me know.

good job, ty.

the technique is get her

if there was a technique I
Did not have it.

I think if you want to know
What the technique was ask

Becca because we looked over at
Other and she looked as happy

As a clam.

just doing this.
And giggling away.

Having her life.

and on that farm I had a s
Ythe, e-I, e-I-o.

and I'm I'm sweating and
Divis gusting -- I wouldn't be

Surprised if she's like spent a
Summer doing hay making.

That was my job and removed

Many a we had but never a with
A scy.

this is another day at the
Office for me.

thank you.
Thank you.

you have a wonderful day,

all right.

It's ok.

we had a little jump on
Colin and christie.

But we had to take our cow on a
Walk to a festival.

Oliver, come on.

But she wasn't having it.

here we go.

come on.

We're almost there, oliver.

Choose a basket of flowers and

Once chosen you may not switch.
Mark finished example.

you start making this thing
And I'll make -- I'll make the


do we have every flower in

We don't have this flower in

Lay it down.

they grab that stuff at --
we need a couple of these.

put them short like that
Because I have to stick them

let's go.

that looks not half bad.
it has to be more organic

Than that.

the whole thing --
let me stop.

you go.

we have a little bit of a
History with bovines.

my ox is broken!
calm down.

so it was very important to
Christie to pick out the cow.

She really wanted to feel in
The energy of all the cows.

And make sure she was able to
Really connect with one of

a little bit of tell pathic

Communication -- telepathic

threw go.

-- there you go.

chris can't even keep up
With this little girl.

kick it in high gear.

good job.

Almost there, te'o.
ty, you are k*lling it dude.


Need --
come rake after me, though.


where, here?
Right there.

all right, floyd, get it off
The thing and let's get it


it's good.
rout info.

-- route info.

find the next clue.

let's get the heck out of


thank you.

Thank you.

is it good?


thank you.

Thank you.

we're going on a field trip.
wait up.

let's work together.
it looks like we're going to

Follow tyler and korey to the
Farm --

team fun is directly behind

We think we're the first two
Teams out of there.

all right.

Let's go.
walker, just walker.

oliver, it's ok.
Come on, baby girl.

come on.
we learned a little secret

About how to control your cow.

You grab its tail, and --
come on, oliver.

I found the gas pedal.

good job, rach.

thank you.
good girl.

for the milk you give.
Oliver, you're the best.

We're almost there, oliver.
We're almost there.

come on.
it's ok.

come on.
we were the last team

Fighting for survival.

you get into an intense
Situation and it's really

Heightened and competitive and
$1 million on the line.

damn it!

this is .

come on, seriously?

there was definitely
Thoughts of might have cow is

Broken going through my -- of
My cow is broken going through

My mind.


check, please.
Right here.

It looks good?

we have to do the other

where's the clue?

we dropped our clue?
And we left it on the table?

my god.

that's fine.
we don't need it.

let's just go to try to do

can we get judged?
Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.


Second part of the feature.
good girl.

You look beautiful.
we use this string.

We use the needle.

it's good.

All right.

rach, we don't know what
We're going to do.

can I see your clue?

I'm going to be mowing.
and I'm supposed to pick up



is there any way you can let
Us read your clue?

absolutely not.


they won't.

well, we have to just do it.
All right.

You're going to do that.

elissa wanted to check out
Our clue.

We want help the team that's
Trying to get us out.

of course.
my god.

we're just following
Whatever colin and christie are


They're going to get past us
And it won't matter if we just

Follow what they're doing.

I think --
we're here.

tyler, the bow and

good job, guys.


who wants to be a big shot?

tyler does.

Legend says that 700
Years ago, swiss hero william

Tell shot an apple off his
Son's head using a crossbow

Like this.

A risky shot that teams will
Now take to complete this


Thankfully, if they miss,
They're only sh**ting at a

Swiss scarecrow.

who wants to be a big shot?

wish me luck.

good luck.
and hands you your bolts and

Leads you to the target.

are you the armorers?


who is good at sh**ting?
I choose you, pokemon.

this is incredible.

choose one.

choose one.


That one.
we got to be 1-2.

chris and bret are right

this has to be it.
these are the teams.

Receipt here.
right up here.

that's a nice view.

the person ahead of the

pick your clue.

pick my clue.

you got it, sarge.
come on, ty.

I hope I'm good at this.
I have to take this crossbow

And sh**t the apple on top of
The scarecrow.

Hopefully do it before eve else

tyler is a sn*per.
is he actually?

we all know from panama and
The fishy challenge that becca

Is better with bow and arrow
Than floyd.

so it was a clear choice
That target practice is a becca


can sarge sh**t a g*n?
he's a g*n guy.

I'm a boston police sarge.
I'm a pretty good shot, too.

But I've never shot a crossbow.
So let's all just settle down.

And see how this goes.


So pull that back.

That just balances right there.
thank you.


Right -- tyler is taking his
First shot.

he took the head off?

higher than I think.
and where do you think becca

Is going?

sarge has got it.

did you see how close he


everyone hit the face that

it might be a little harder
Than I thought.

practice makes perfect.

do not get close --
I'm not, dude.

the reilly sisters were
Ahead of us after that first

Detour but we could catch up
With a more physical mowing


come on, rachel and elissa.

I'm right behind you.

that's good.
I think we're almost done.

colin was -- like he's
Basically done by like we're


And ridiculous.
I've never been so beat up

In my life.


thank you.

thank you very much.
we're almost done, rach.



look at these signs.
I'm going to go over this


keep going around.
I naught this was our leg.

probably the other team has

And we didn't.

bret and becca, let's do

Zpwhrrvets let's do this.

let's do this.
who are you imagining the

Scarecrow is?
I have a good one in my

I need to hit the apple,


you got it, becca.
scarecrow barbie.

my god.

keeps knocking his arms off.
I got it.

bret got it.
good job, bret.

good work.
thank you.

you're the man, sarge.
let's go.

- to your next pit stop.
- Teams must take a small

Motor boat to the pit stop and
They'll find me in the

Beautiful gardens of the grand
Hotel gisbach.

There are no more
Noneliminations left in the

So the last team to arrive here

Will be eliminated.
let's go, let's go.

go get it, boys.
I nailed it, dude.

we're in first place.

We can do it.
come on, ty.

you monkey pooper.
Dang it.

when I took my first shot I
Hit the scarecrow in the face

And I realized I had to sh**t
Higher up than I ended.

This challenge was trial and
Error and not adjusting how far

Off you were last time you'll
Never get it.

slightly higher.
Just go higher than you think.

what a champ.

did he get it?
I think he got it.

good job, ty.


you're the apple of my eye.

hey, tyler, could you see

The apple in your view finder?

above it, above it.

just above it?

hakuna matada, my friends.
we got through that first

Detour and I don't know how we
Got past the afghanimals and on

The same task with us.

from first to worse and
Worst to first and first to


there's 30 minutes.

we got this, lili.
We are champions.

We're fierce.
Can we get a check?

Thank you.

Thank you.

thank you.
try it in the direction of


overswfment wagen.
swede bump.

the afghanimals.
how was your speed bump?

are we the second team here?
you're the fourth team here.

we'll take it.
good job.

thank you.
you beat the afghanimals.


who wants to be a big shot?

I'll be a big shot.

just come from this way?
I think we messed up again.


Did we go the wrong way?

maybe we went the wrong way

we have to go that way

we didn't come from --
we did.

and we need to focus if I'm
Going to be doing the driving.

Straight ahead.
leo and I are backtracking a

Good 20 minutes.

And we went the wrong way.

We wasted like 30, 40 minutes.

We messed up.

we wasted 30 or 40 minutes.

a u-turn and we shall see
Where we are now.

up here, a clue box.
So park somewhere.

let's do it.
need some water?

speak to me in the language
Of juice.

you pooper.

Why is it doing that?
what are they doing?



come on, victor.
he knocked its head off.

You got it, colin.

we got another team here.

unconditional love, babe.

thank you.
so sorry.

this is good right here.
this is a roadblock made for


He's pretty good at this.
every roadblock.

actually this is my first
Time I shot a crossbow but shot

A lot of just normal archery.
So I feel good.

got to aim a little bit
High, I think.

that's it.
I see it.

I see it.
come on, bret.

chris and bret's car is not

that's it?
chris, right here.

we got this.
are you driving?

yes, sir.

ignition on?
I'm a boat guy.

is that them?

Do you see those boats?
all we got to do is get to

The grand hotel and we're

thank you.
first place.

all right.

I think we got some
Gravitational pull coming from

That lake down there.
you're good.

do you.

let's go, victor!



It looks like I hit him right

So I just got to go up just a
Little bit.

a*mo is a little bit heavy.
So it goes in an arc.

come on.
Hurry up.

Let's go.
I see the clue box.

come on.

Who wants to be a big shot?
I will be a big shot.

all right.
Let's go.

the afghanimals are -- we
Haven't seen them.

Unless there was no way they --
they got lost?

I think so.

rach, let's go.

We're not the last team.

my god, really?

this -- the afghanimals.
nicole and them are before

Us, everyone is here, bro'.
let's go.

hey, what's up, guys?

are we the last ones?


come on, rach.
all right, colin!

who wants to be a big shot?

a sh**ting thing.

I'll do it.


now all the teams are here
At the roadblock together.

And everyone is accounted for.


we are the last team to
Check in to this roadblock and

No room for error.

Pressure is on me.

Just got to perform.

so close.

this is it, victor.

For all the marbles.

everybody is here right now.
So right now it's whoever gets

It first will be in the top

And a little stressful
Situation right now.

But you got to stay relaxed,
Just aim for the target.

rach, get your head in the

damn it.
I definitely start to get

Frustrated because now all
Teams are there.

And I realize anyone can sh**t
This apple.


Hit it.

making some apple juice


we got it.
I'm good.

we're in first place but

Just a little freaked out.

We're not used to being in this
Position and we don't want to

Screw anything up at this

who's that?

that's korey and tyler.

yeah, it is.
I can tell.

it's going to be a sprint.
I know.

they're going to be so mad
If we end up beating them.

a funicular runs on a set

We have to go all the way up

we're going to run.


we're going to win this.
we're going to win this.

we got this.
We got this.

I'm holding on to you.
let's go to the funicular.

try harder.

Everything you got.
we're running it.

get in.

what time is it, bret?
we have to go up.

come on.
hey, phil.

Tyler and korey.

welcome to lake brienza in

Tyler and korey, you are
Team number one.


- thank you, phil.
- You have won a

Seven-night luxury river cruise
For two from travelocity in

Vietnam and cambodia.
You will take in the sights

Along the mekong river from
Your state room private


Enjoy all inclusive fine dining
Above the amadara plus daily

Shore excursions at every point
Of call.

- beautiful.
- A little tension at the

Starting line today.

you really stirred the pot.

We did stir the pot.

she loves her drama.
at the end of the day it's

How you race with your partner
And you can make it to the end.

Maybe that's why korey and I
Are finishing in first place

For the third time in a row.

you go this.

it looks like the train that

We would have been on.

The tracks.
all right.

- Chris and bret.
- Well-run.

So close.
That elusive first place, guys.

so close.

You were so close.

but we're so happy to be
Number two.

It showed that we're not
Screwing around here.

The --
the more important point is

We stepped up and rose to the
Orks and is n-second going on

To the next.

And yeah, we've had some
Scuffle with some people but

That's fine.

That's the race.

let's go, let's go, let's


that's a beauty.
you got the legs --

thank you, thank you.

let's go, babe.

Come on.

watching the teams get it
One by one is really


that was a whole lot harder
Than it looked.

but still "The amazing

You never know what's going to

rach, just breathe and

the only -- we only need one

Just me and the afghanimals.

and literally wasted 30
Minutes trying to get here.

it was a stupid mistake.
And these other teams taking --

Probably been there 10 or 15 or
20 minutes and had a lot of

Practice sh*ts and only team
That's left is me and rachel.

So game on.
Gloves are off.

Let's go ahead and battle it

And may the best team win.

you got this.

Deep breaths.
rach, you got this.

Come on.

good job, rach.

it takes just one shot.

you got this.

this is everything.

This is basically -- head to
Head against me and rachel.

There's no room for error right

I'm so close to that apple.

my god, yes!


come on!
my god.

Good job.

appreciate it.
Appreciate it.

we're not going to make this
Damn mistake again.

rach, we're the last team.

I didn't notice.


You got this.
Just have fun.

Don't -- don't get lost.

I know, girl.

my god!


you got it.

come on, elissa.
It's not over.

when you arrive park in the
Cinema parking lot.

what's the cinema?
we got a train.

it looks like -- waiting for
This stupid train.

still following signs for

who's that?

becca and floyd but they're
Lost it looks like.

see the arrow?

let's go get a boat.
this is it.

let's get our third place

we were so close.

you have our map, right?
grand hotel giessbach.

we're on the lake!
We're on the lake in

Switzerland, hello!
and top three finish?

After a u-turn?

- wow.

I do have to say wow.

On a day when we stop

Christie in their tracks with a
Double u-turn you are team

Number three.
we'll take it.

Top three.

To me, I feel like we won this

Leg to get a u-turn and come in
A top three finish like wow.

third place finish we feel

we want to win the $1

And whatever we got to do to do
That, we're willing to do it.

look at that.

I'm sorry.

and trying to lead you guys
And show you the way.

Becca and floyd, you're
Team number four.

- thank you.
- A little bit of tension

Standing there.
Having to take your vote.

I just hate that.

I hated that whole thing.

it is like part of the game.
But like it doesn't matter.

Now there's tension between

And it just sucks.

honestly, I don't blame

It's bygones be bygones and
That's one and you used it, ok?

come on.
let's go, let's go.

it's going to be a foot
Finish, I think.

I don't think so.

I don't know.

right now where fighting for
Sixth place.

we're still in it.
Until phil says we're not in

bon voyage.

I'll drive it.
he'll drive it.

were all the cars there?
I don't know.


look behind you.

there's rachel and elissa.
across the lake and to the


too close for comfort.
I'm jumping.

Nicole and victor, very
Tense start to the day.

And look who is arriving here.

no, you didn't!

- it was not my doing.
- I love that you're

Hugging it all out considering
That -- they u-turned you.

we were shocked they
U-turned us and saw the shock

In nicole's eyes.
and I'm on your side with

and give them an earful when

You get back home.

I'm not going out here.

we're here to win so y'all
Watch out.

here we come.

Here we come.
we know, we know.

You know, you know.
Rachel and elissa, I am really

Sorry to tell you that you have
Been eliminated from the race.


I guess I thought it was
Superdelusional that we could


But --

We went out -- we have healthy

We got to do the race together.
looking back, you know, I

Would have loved to be in that
Final three.

But I really don't have
Anything to complain about.

I've gotten to do this with

My sister.

She's my best friend.
And I've done so many

Incredible things on 32 legs of
Amazing -- of "The amazing

Race" that memories I will tell
My grandkids and they won't

Believe me.
we are so blessed.

Stay tuned for scenes
From our negotiation episode.

Next time I'm on "The
Amazing race" -- a scramble for


you want to book that?
let's book that.

Nicole and victor against
Team fun.

it's frustrating when people

And picturesque split,
Croatia, colin and christie

Make waves.
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