01x38 - Looking Back

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS". Aired: May 10, 2017 – September 25, 2019.*
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In a place known as Den City, thousands of duelists take part in a virtual reality space known as LINK VRAINS, created by SOL Technologies, where users can create unique avatars and participate in games of Duel Monsters with each other.
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01x38 - Looking Back

Post by bunniefuu »


Spectre, you fought valiantly.

I will not let
your defeat be in vain.

[theme music playing]

My four lieutenants
may have fallen,

but I still stand.

And I will not allow
Playmaker to stop me

from completing
the Tower of Hanoi

and destroying the Ignis!

The Ignis are
the bane of humanity,

the greatest threat
to all mankind.

If I only had succeeded
in destroying the Cyberse

five years ago,
we wouldn't be in this mess

The Cyberse... will be...
no more!

Cracking Dragon,
destroy this world!

He's gonna wipe us out!
We gotta do something!

He's got us trapped!

But not me!

Because no one can
catch this fella!
And I mean no one!

[Blue Ignis]
Watch out!

Well, Cyberse,
it was good seein' ya.

No! That Ignis
is cutting the Cyberse

from the rest of the network!

Find every fragment
of that Ignis!

It's the only one who knows

the precise location
of the Cyberse!

That rogue Ignis
hid from us for years

but I knew it couldn't
hide forever.

I found you, Ignis!

Or not!

No, no, no, no, no!
I'm trapped!

We finally tracked it down,

but there was one anomaly
we didn't account
for-- Playmaker.

Though he's been fighting
against the Hanoi
for quite some time,

he was more of a nuisance
than a threat,

until he made himself
into a target

by capturing the Ignis.

Let's Speed Duel!

Now arise,
Cracking Dragon!

How do you like
that, Playmaker?

Go Storm Access!

I Link Summon!
Link 3, Decode Talker!


Decode Destruction!


So Playmaker escaped
with the Ignis.

Master Varis.

We tried tracking
him again, but...

Even with
our best hackers,

we're no closer
than before

to learning who he is
in the real world.

On the contrary, Spectre.

I believe that we are
honing in on Playmaker.

And there are three reasons
why I am certain

it's only a matter of time.

One: Only a select
few duelists

play Cyberse cards,
so we can narrow our search.

Two: We're improving
our search algorithms daily,

if not hourly.

And three: If all else fails,
he will come to me,

to duel the hated leader
of the Knights of Hanoi.

Quite observant, sir.

And I guarantee
that our first meeting

will also be our last.

The Hanoi weren't
the only ones

searching for Playmaker,

and it was less than difficult
to make them work for us.

Hey, True Blues!
I need your help!

All of you!

If any of you see Playmaker.

tell him that Blue Angel
is challenging him
to a Speed Duel.

I'm ready to face
my biggest test, Playmaker,

but... the question is,
are you?

Central Square one hour.
Be there!

An interesting
turn of events.

I believe she'll be
quite useful

in our battle
against Playmaker.

It's been three hours.
Where is he?

Doesn't a gentleman know

he should never
stand up a lady?

You're a...
A Knight of Hanoi!

Indeed I am.

But I'm first
and foremost
your biggest fan.

I can bring Playmaker
straight to you, Blue Angel.

In fact, I can even
guarantee you victory.


If you should ever
find yourself

in peril during a duel,

do not hesitate
to put into play

the card I just provided you.

May you duel well,
Blue Angel.


Here I go!

I Draw!

That card belongs
to the Hanoi.

That naive girl drew
the card we gave to her.

Once she plays it,
she belongs to us.

[Blue Angel]
I don't know why,
but I don't feel so good.

I have to end this duel.
I Link Summon!

Link 3 Encode Talker!

I have no other options
left than to... Wha?!

Play the card, Blue Angel!

Don't do it!

I discard Dark Angel
from my hand

to activate
its special ability-- Aah!

This is bad news
The Hanoi have her.


Encode Talker!

Excellently ex*cuted,

If Playmaker wishes
to save Blue Angel,

he has no choice
but to face us.

Along with the Ignis.

Yes, the Ignis...

They must be destroyed.

But can you?

When the time comes,
I will do

what needs to be done.

I understand.

I know very well that it
won't be easy to do,

but doing what is
right never is.

With the whole network
searching for Playmaker,

it was only a matter of time
until they caught him for me.



I'm challenging Playmaker
to a duel.

I'll be waiting, Playmaker.

So, Playmaker,
remember that if I win

I gain control
of your AI.

When I defeat you Varis,
the Knights of Hanoi

will never thr*aten
anyone ever again!

You seem quite certain

that you will emerge
victorious, Playmaker.

But in the end,
you will fail

like all
who have opposed me.

This is not an opinion.
It's a fact.

And for someone
who sees us as a threat,

why do you harbor an Ignis,

the greatest threat
to mankind?

What do you mean?


Are you truly unaware of what
you have in your possession?

And are you unaware
that it's impolite

to answer a question
with a question?

Which I also did, true,
but, you know,
I can explain.

I emphatically think
more mathematically
than grammatically.


You don't need to give me
extra reasons to delete you.

Hrr! Playmaker,
glitch this guy.

So much contempt
for such a tiny AI.

What did you say?
Come at me, bro!

You act like I deleted
your bank account
or something.

Which gives me
an idea...

Your very existence
is the problem.

AIs are not to be trusted.

I don't even include one
in my Duel Disk.

You programs, in fact
this whole network world,

is an illusion that will
lead to the end of humanity.

And my mission is
to stop that!

People have to wake up
before it's too late.

Uh, exaggerate much?

And what kind of hacker
hates programs?

Especially one
as handsome as me?

I will destroy the Ignis
to save the world.

And if that means
destroying you as well,

so be it.

But I can promise you
the last duel you ever fight

will be a memorable one.

Playmaker, this is where
you will crash and burn.

I think not.

If he wants a firefight,
that's what he'll get!

Let's Speed Duel!

As you already know,

I can wield the incredible
power of the Data Storm

in the palm of my hand.

These winds rage for me...
and me alone.

I activate my Skill!


That's the monster
that I'm looking for!

Storm Access!

You're mine now.

I Link Summon!

Behold the power of Link 4

Topologic Bomber Dragon!

Get your act together,

If I had sweat glands,
I'd be swamped
waist-deep in AI juice!

Face the facts.
You're backed
into a corner.

But you still
got a way out!

By using my Skill.


You may have retrieved
a Link Monster,

but it's useless
if you can't summon it.

I activate the trap
Remote Rebirth!



What's going on?!

I've intensified the strength
of the Data Storm.

So you're using
the data storm against me?

Yes, precisely.

A Speed Duel isn't enough
to settle our differences.

We need more... much more!



[Ai yelping]

Our Speed Duel
ended in a draw,

but I wouldn't let my prey
escape that easily,

not after everything I went
through to hunt them down.

Found you Varis!

Speed Dueling is done.

It's time to Master Duel.

A Master Duel?

As you know, the Monster,

Spell, and Trap Zones
expand from three to five.

So Link Monsters will now
have more opportunities

to connect
with other monsters,

allowing them to
strengthen their abilities.

So you'll find out what
they're truly capable of.

Well then, are we going
to talk or duel?

Let's duel!

I will make the first move.

Ah, good.
I activate Fire Prison.

Now I have you trapped
in here with me,

and there's no escape.

This looks like
bad news, Playmaker.

Knowing Varis, it's bound
to get even worse.

Yes... All the pieces
are in place.

Authorizing Link Arrows!

I need at least three Effect
Monsters to Link Summon.

And that's exactly
what I have!

I set Twin Triangle Dragon

and my two Sniffer Dragons
in the Link Arrows!

Link the circuit!

And with their combination
comes your doom, Playmaker!

I Link Summon!

Rise up!

Link 4 Borreload Dragon!

I was on the verge
of certain victory,

but even a psychic
couldn't have predicted
what happened next.

I tore through
your entire playbook.

You're like a pebble
in my shoe

and uncomfortable, yes,

but ultimately
small and worthless.

not giving a second thought
once it's tossed away.

And when you lose,
you'll be lost to history.

You're wrong.
I must win.

And there happen to be

exactly three
reasons why I will.


For one...

I must avenge the horrors
that the Knights of Hanoi

put me through
a decade ago.

Two: Defeating you
is a step towards

uncovering the truth
about that incident.

And three: I must rescue
the one who rescued me.

Did you say three?

No way.

Can it be you?

After all of these years?

Ten years to be exact.

But I'm back
to get justice!

Those three simple statements
changed everything.

They revealed to me
that Playmaker

was one of the six children
involved in the Lost Incident,

a special project
started by my own father.

I was witnessing
with my very own eyes

my father's actions
coming back to haunt me.

Despite the setback,

my desire to defeat him
could not be quenched.

But I was
running out of time.

Once the Hanoi's master plan
was ex*cuted,

LINK VRAINS would cease
to exist,

along with
any leads to uncover

Playmaker's true identity.


We've entered
the final stages.

How soon will we be ready
to launch the program?

Anytime we desire.


What's wrong?
Are you not pleased?

Yes, but I require
some time.

Time? Time for what?

For unfinished business.

Business? Or Playmaker?


Tempest Terahertz!


Our last duel
will gnaw at me
until I defeat him!

I see.

But we cannot
delay forever.

I know.

With a renewed urgency,
I sought out Playmaker,

but I was no longer alone
in my quest.

Three of my most
trusted lieutenants

decided to help me
take him down,

along with his allies,
starting with Dr. Genome.

Now let's Speed Duel!

Watch as I unlock
my monster's true potential!

Witness genetic perfection!

Link 2 Helixx
Necro Darwin!

Go and drop kick
Necro Darwin
into next week!

[both roaring]


And next and last...

Carve up Helixx Gothiclon
and end this duel!





Next was Baira,

who sought
to delete Blue Angel.

Let's Speed Duel!

Surgical Forceps, incise
Trickstar Holly Angel!

[Blue Angel]
Trickstar Holly Angel can't
be destroyed in battle!

You may have
saved your monster,

but can you
save yourself?

Have a nice fall,
Blue Angel!


You're not shaking me off!

Well, Bella... what say
we end this duel?

Destroy Dark Mummy
Surgical Forceps!

Scimitar Stream!

And finally, Faust,
who battled Playmaker

Now let's Speed Duel!

I activate my Skill...
Double Bite!

And I bet it bites.

Heh! My Skill allows
my Spreader Queen

to attack twice this turn
instead of just once!

That's right!

Now go!

Thanks to Motor Worm Gate,
this attack will be

a direct attack
to your life points!

Uh, Playmaker...

does he know
the definition of direct?

Because that attack
went directly nowhere.

[buzzing in distance]

Uh, what's buzzing?

Huh?! Ah!

Finish him!

Not so fast!

I activate my trap card
Urgent Link!

It cuts the damage
I take in half!

Only 50 life points?
Guess that's better
than 0.

Good to know
you can still count, Ai.

Let's go!


Go! Power Smash!



Even though I didn't
ask you to,

you were willing to
sacrifice yourselves for me

that is an honor
I will never forget.

Spectre, Dr. Genome...

Baira, Faust...

I will not let you down.


Did you manage to uncover
Playmaker's true identity?



Well, it some secrets
must remain a secret.

But given time,
your obsession will recede

until it's nothing more
than an itch

in the back of your mind.

Never forget
that we cannot sacrifice

the greater good
for a single duelist.

The Ignis must be destroyed,

even if that means destroying

If that makes us villains
in the eyes of the public,

so be it.

The Ignis are
my single greatest failure.

I should've never created AIs
with free will,

but I did.

So for humanity to exist,

the Ignis must not.

The Tower of Hanoi
will soon be complete,

but I'm sure Playmaker
will have something

to say about it,
and I'll be waiting.

like many clueless heroes,

you don't realize
you're fighting

on the wrong side
of history.

And if it's
our destiny to duel,

it's also my destiny
to end you.

This I swear!

[theme music playing]
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