02x11 - Showdown in the Slammer

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V". Aired: April 6, 2014 – March 26, 2017.*
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In Paradise City's You Show Duel School, a second-year middle school student named Yuya Sakaki aspires to become a professional Dueltainer.
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02x11 - Showdown in the Slammer

Post by bunniefuu »


Let go of me!

Get your hands off the kids!



The D-Wheel.

By using the new Duel Disk technology brought about by these machines,

Riding Duels became the greatest show of speed and thrill,

as well as the symbol of freedom!

Filled with excitement, a thrilling Summon!

The cards are calling out to me.

The thrilling back and forths, the effects activating!

Look, the fun has just begun!

Charge the b*mb!

The energy is full let's start, GO!

Yes! And now to the melody of battle ringing...

Let loose your monsters! All of your passion kept within your heart!

Don't run away! Believe in these bonds!

Let loose your monsters! No matter what happens tomorrow lies right before you.

Go on let loose a huge storm! Let it fly!

Toward speed!

Zokuzoku ippai, wakuwaku shoukan,

Kono Card ga yondeiru

Dotou no tenkai yuke koukahatsudou

Otanoshimiha ha saa korekarasa

Charge shite Bomber

Energy sshu ni hajimeyou, GO!

Aa ima tatakai no melody kanade

Hanate monster, mune ni himeta jounetsu zenbu

Nigenaide kono kizuno wo shinjite

Hanate monster donnamonda ashitaha me no mae

Hora dodekai arashi bachibachi tobashite

Speed no mukou he

Yuya is captured by Security...!!

Yuya is captured by Security...!!

And what awaits them is a touching reunion and a shocking Duel!

And what awaits them is a touching reunion and a shocking Duel!

Cards Determine Your Fate

Let go of me! Who do you think I am!?

Shut up! Get in already!

Damn it!

Do you know will happen when I tell my father, you-!

Damn it....

You two get in there too!

Wait, please!

Reira! Where's Reira!?


Reira, where are you!?


Quit struggling!


Stop! Don't get any closer!

Hey you guys!

Don't worry about me, and eat properly!


Damn it!

Give us back Crow!

Hey! You can hear me can't you!?

Stop! I'm begging you!

Calm down Yuya.

But Reira... I have to find Reira!

You don't need to worry about Reira!


I saw Tsukikage slip in during the confusion and take him away.

What?! Tsukikage did?!

Tsukikage... he...

He came from another dimension like you guys, right?


Tsukikage must have been searching for us and Reira under Akaba Reiji's orders.

Well, anyways, that means he got saved in the nick of time...

Well that's one less thing to worry about.

Isn't that good?

It's not!

This is clearly a mistaken arrest!

I'll tell my father on them and get them all fired!

You can hear me can't you, bastards!?

You need to calm down as well.

Sorry about this, Shinji.

You only came by to warn us...

Well, at least we managed to avoid getting the kids captured.

I hope those kids don't resort to stealing food again...

Our friends on the outside will look after them.


But where are they even taking us?

If Security captures you and takes you in a car, it can only be going one place!

The five we have captured will be arriving there shortly.

Among them, put the girl who used Fusion Summoning in special confinement.

Once she is settled in, I'll come by to investigate.

You can treat the others like the rest of your prisoners.

Lock them up and keep an eye on them.


We have plenty of time.

I'll investigate each one of them thoroughly...

All right, I'm in the lead!

Hey, we have some new arrivals coming. Don't put them in a shared cell, separate them and keep an eye on them.

You listening?

And put the girl with them in special confinement.

Got it.

You better inform them.

Yeah, yeah, I said I got it.

We've brought in five new prisoners.


Prisoners he said?!

I'm Sawatari Shingo, I'm definitely not-

I've never heard of you, keep quiet.

You over there, you're being placed in separate quarters from those four.

Come with me.

It's fine, don't make a scene.

Come on, you guys are this way.

We're confiscating your disks.

Unauthorized Dueling isn't allowed here.

Take this with you guys.

You're not going to confiscate our Deck?

Here, your deck is as valuable as your own life!

You better make sure to treasure it while you can.

And with that, I welcome you to this gathering place of scum.

From that greeting, I guess we can forget expecting a soft bed and a full-course meal.

Aside from a select few dangerous ones, almost everyone here is a Common arrested on false pretenses.

There are easily or held here on false charges.

False charges? Then that's just like us isn't it?

That's right, but here there are only two types of people.

Two types...?


People with no life left in their eyes...

and the ones whose eyes still glow.

From now on, this shared cell will be your home sweet home!

Make sure to get along with your fellow trash roommates.

Like hell this is our home sweet home.

Hm... shared cell?

Was I told something about that...? Oh well!

Now then, what're we going to do now?

Looks like we've got some newcomers.

Well? Aren't you going to greet us?

N-Nice to meet you...


You call that a greeting?

You should sitting down with your head bowed saying, "Nice to meet you, sir!"

Why do I have to go that far...?

If you want me to sit down you should at least bring out a sofa for me!

What was that!

You little-!

Quit acting so unseemly.

Gongenzaka! What're you doing he-

Yuya! You're safe!

Gongenzaka... I can't breathe...

When I was just thinking I'd never see you again, to think I'd meet you here...!

I, the man Gongen... Gongen-!

And who's this overly affectionate guy?

Sheesh, you're overreacting, Gon.

I told you we'd meet them here eventually!

Hello, Yuya.


You're here too?

Yeah, I was Dueling with Kurosaki in the Darkness Dueling Arena and got captured.

Kurosaki is here too?

Yeah, and he's doing fine for the most part.

For the most part?

His first day here, he got in a fight with or so other prisoners, and was sent straight to solitary confinement.

You know all of these people, Boss Gon?


This guy is Sakaki Yuya, my best friend.


And that guy over there is Sawatari Shingo, who isn't my best friend.

Boss Gon's best friend!?

And just his acquaintance!?

We're so sorry!

It really isn't that big of a deal...

By the way, Yuya, do you know what's happend with Akaba Reiji and everyone else?

Reira is safe.

Right now, he's probably with Akaba Rejij.

And for Yuzu...

What? You've seen Yuzu!?

No, not yet.

But it seems like she's nearby.

We have to hurry up and get out of here to search for her.

Aren't you the boss around here? Can't you do something?

No, and I'm not exactly the boss around here...

The boss of this place is in another cell.

From what I hear, he's been the head of this place for over years!

Huh? That's it?

We've got to make sure there's enough for everyone!

What're you talking about!? There's plenty left!

Keep the line moving!

I'm hungry too!

If you're going to just complain don't eat!

You heard them, get going.


I'm Sawatari Shingo.

Go ahead and try and pull crap like that on me.

I'll tell my Papa on you and you'll get punished so hard you'll regret it!

Damn it!

So in the end, we all got treated the same.

Forget about it, let's just eat.

Ugh, of all the unreasonable people...

That was a card...

What're you doing, Yuya? Get going!



Oh man, what a waste!

You'd better watch where you're walking!


Sorry about that, I just tripped over this guy!

Oh and, this is water I squeezed out of the cloth used to clean the bathrooms.

You bastards!

You picking a fight with us?!

Hey, you guys!

If you fight, it's straight to solitary confinement!

You guys... don't cause any more trouble.

We'll share our food with you.

That aside, look.

He's the boss here.


He's the boss?


Are you okay?


He's got some exquisite food there...

The boss of the prisoners is in an even higher position than the guards here!

All right, you lot are going to clean this place until it shines.

Right now!?

Hold it! We just finished washing all of the prisoner's dishes!

Shut up and do it.

Cleaning the bathrooms is the job of the newcomers for that week.

And just to warn you, the boiler for the baths has been turned off.

So if you try and take a shower when you should be cleaning you'll only get a cold one!

Umm excuse me...

I came down with a cold this morning...

Card bribes!?

And I'm suffering from muscle fatigue!

I'm currently suffering from malnutrition!

I'm feeling sleepy!

You guys are all free to go back.

Thank you!

You guys are going to do the rest!


Hey! There's definitely something wrong with this!

And if you don't do it right, then you'll have to do it over, got it?

Hold it!

Damn it!

What the heck is going on?!

No one told you?

Cards are as valuable as your life here.

Cards are currency here.

If you bribe the guards with cards, you get treated better.

That's why they gave us our deck back.

If I had known that, I would've handed over some cards so I could eat.


Cards aren't money!

You shouldn't use them just to bribe people!

Don't tell me-

Did you use your cards!?

For bribing people?!


I never would've thought you'd use cards for something like this!

That's not it!

Boss Gon... for us...

He didn't have a choice...

Don't say unnecessary things.

No, please let me tell them!

Before we came here, we had lost a Duel, had our decks stolen, and came here without a single card!

So then we got bullied horribly.

And then Gon went to the guard and...

Wh-what are you?


Now you better make sure those two can eat.

If he hadn't done that, then we probably would be...

Dennis also gave his cards too...

With that, you better let those two eat their fill, got it?

Well Gon was going off, making only himself look cool!

That's what happened...

But, I still think it's wrong!

To use cards for something like that!

Yeah, I know.

You've been called on.

Get out here.


So you're here?

Our boss, Tokumatsu, has called you out himself!


And where does he get off calling us out personally?

What was that?!

You shouldn't fight against these guys here...

It'll just make this a hassle!

Bring 'em out.

Your cards!


If you want to enjoy your life here you better bring some over!

I refuse!

What was that?!

I refuse as well!

If it's just giving out cards to only get on the good side of the boss...

Then I, the man, Gongenzaka, don't have one card for that purpose!

We have to get out of here as soon as possible!

We aren't planning on settling down and enjoying ourselves here!


It's fine, stay quiet.

Listen up.

I'm the boss here, which means I'm the top of this place!

So that means I make the rules!

You're all beneath me so you obey me!

That's the common sense of this world!

I won't!

Cards are to be used for Dueling!

Another brat who won't listen to reason...

Then take a look at this!

Those are-!

Do you know what these are?

These are the cards of those who've lost when they challenged me in Duels in the years I've ruled here!

Duelists who've lost!?

Here, cards are the proof of who's on top!

And Dueling is a sign of power!

A sign of power...!

You're wrong!

Duels are meant to be fun!


For fun, he says!?

Boss this guy says Dueling here is for fun!

Don't show me that disgusting cackling face of yours!


If you had just given them, to me I would have let this slide but...

I've changed my mind.


Yes, what do you need?

Bring me some Duel Disks.

We're going to Duel now.

Th-this is a rare card!

Yes, I'll bring it right away!

Here, it's said that cards determine your fate.

If you won't listen, you'll have to learn the hard way.

You better prepare yourself!

I'll knock some sense to you through a Duel!

I wouldn't have it any other way!

No, you don't get it yet.

Those who fight against those on top are always crushed!

We'll see if I get crushed or not!


Let's go!


Hey, that stance is...!

Yeah, I've seen him somewhere!

My turn!

I play the Spell Card: Hana Awase from my hand!

This cards effect allows me to Special Summon four "Cardian" monsters with less than from my Deck in Attack Position!

I Summon the Cardians: Matsu, Susuki, Yanagi, and Kiri!

He Summoned four monsters at once!

Furthermore I activate the Spell Card: Hanazumi from my hand!

This card allows me to choose "Cardian" monsters from my Deck and arrange them on top of my Deck in the order I choose!

The three cards I choose are Cardian - Susuki ni Tsuki, Kiri ni Houou, and Yanagi ni Ono no Michikaze!

And here, I activate the effect of Cardian - Matsu ni Tsuru in my hanad!

With this, I'm able to Tribute Matsu and Special Summon it!

Then, when this card is Special Summoned...

I am able to draw one card!

I activate the effect of the Susuki ni Tsuki that I just drew!

By Releasing Susuki, I Special Summon it!

When this card is Special Summoned, I draw one card!

Next, I activate the effect of the Kiri ni Houou I just drew!

I Tribute Kiri and Special Summon it!

Just as before, when Special Summoned, I can draw a card!

And I activate the effect of the Yanagi ni Ono no Michikaze I just drew!

I Tribute Yanagi and Special Summon it!

With this card is Special Summoned, I draw one card!


He got monsters with over in an instant!

The card I drew was Cardian - Sakura ni Maku!

But there is no Sakura card on my Field.

So this card is sent to the Graveyard.

Now then...

I'm not done yet!

I'm just getting started!

I activate the effect of Yanagi ni Ono no Michikaze!

When this card is used as Synchro Material it makes all other monsters Level !

Let's go!

I tune my Cardian - Matsu ni Tsuru, Susuki ni Tsuki, Kiri ni Houou to my Level Yanagi ni Ono no Michikaze!

Rain down!

Become light and pour down!

Synchro Summon!

Come forth!

Level !

Cardian - Ameshikou!

And he pulled off a Synchro Summon in his first turn too...!

I set two cards and end my turn!

Brat, I'll say this again!

Cards is the sign of those on top, and Dueling is the sign of power!

No matter how many times you say it, my beliefs won't change!

Duels are for fun!

My turn!

You're naive, brat!

I activate Ameshikou's effect!

When my opponent draws a card, I deal damage to them!


Then that means whenever Yuya draws, he's going to take huge damage!

So that means he's got to defeat him before that happens huh?

You aren't the only one who can Summon tons of monsters!


I, using the Scale Performapal Big Bite Turtle and the Scale Timegazer Magician,

set the Pendulum Scale!

They use this kind of Summoning method outside of here now?

With this, I'm able to simultaneously Summon monsters from Levels to .

Simultaneously Summon!?

Sway, Pendulum of my Soul!

Draw an arc of light across the aether!

Pendulum Summon!

Come my monsters!

First off is Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!

Next, Performapal Seesawhopper!

And one more, Performapal Landlord Hermit Crab!

Continuous Trap Card Activate: No Cheating Allowed!

I can activate this card when my opponent Special Summons monsters from their hand!

And those monsters are returned to their hand!


My god!

His Pendulum Summoned monsters got shut-down like it was cheating!

So that means as long as that card exists, his Pendulum Summoning will be treated as cheating...

And Tokumatsu's got Ameshikou!

Yuya will take damage everytime he draws!


Dueling has changed greatly the years I've been in here it seems.

But I'll take my undefeated Dueling from the past years and break it like nothing!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Shall we begin? (Come on!)

Thank you for waiting,

Don't miss it!

Start a countdown , , , !

Step forward & draw!

That feeling that something is going to happen,

When you Synchro with your soul and your burning heart beats faster.

You want to waver, this is your limit.

Scattered throughout the field,

Are countless possibilities to draw on, fight it out!

You feel like you're a speeding jet coaster!

Zooming around Ba-Bang! Entertainment!

Crossing space-time and connecting your friends and your goals!

Can't you handle it like you usually do? No! Don't give up!

I will go!

To further heights, (Fly so high!)

Are you going to do it now or let it end?

No one knows the answer to it!

In a do or die turn, turn it around with a flash!

To someday reach that best image you wish for,

Just smile just smile!

Make a full smiling ARC!

My pride never changes!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Don't miss it.

Step forward and Draw!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Shall we begin? (Come on!)

Thank you for waiting,

Don't miss it!

Start a countdown , , , !

Step forward and draw!

Nanikaga okorisou na youkanga

Tamashii he to Synchro shite atsui Heart ga takanaru

Yuru ga shita imamade no Limit.

Field ni chibaratteru

Muzuu no Possibility hikidashite Fight it out!

Kibunha marude Hashiru Jet Coaster!

Kakemawari Ba-Bang! Entameito!

Jikuu wo koete tsunagaru nakama to no Goal!

Hitosujinawa deha ikanai? No! Akiramenai!

I will go!

Motto takami hi (Fly so high!)

Kokode yareruka soretomo owaritte

Darehitori wakannai kara

Zettai zetsumei Turn mo hade ni Turn over!

Itsuka tadoritsukitai saikou no image ha

Just smile just smile

Zenkai egao no ARC

My pride never changes!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Don't miss it.

Step forward and draw!

I won't draw!

What, you won't draw? Then how will you Duel?

This is Ameshikou's effect!

You'll take damage on your next draw!

Prepare an umbrella for the incoming storm of tears!

The Man who Abandoned his Draw!

The Man who Abandoned his Draw!

Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V:

The Man who Abandoned his Draw!

The fun has just begun!

Tokumatsu seals off Pendulum...!

Tokumatsu seals off Pendulum...!

Hold out in this pinch, Entertainment Duel!!

Hold out in this pinch, Entertainment Duel!!
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