02x29 - Good Cop, Bad Cop

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's". Aired: April 2, 2008 – March 30, 2011.*
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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is set in the distant future, in Neo Domino City.
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02x29 - Good Cop, Bad Cop

Post by bunniefuu »

Yuseinow let's get up to speed with "yu-gi-oh! D's"...

One of our drones has captured a fly.

Good. And which of the signers did he find?

Yusei fudo,

He dueled with great strength in the fortune cup,

But let's see if his power is strong enough

To escape our trap!

Gradythe dark signers possess a power

That will erase the light of your mark

And everything you hope to save with it.

Not on my watch. Attack!

[Growl and grunt]

[Nervous yelp]

And with your monster destroyed, I can finish you off!


Whoa. It looks like... Yusei just won the match!

And it's on tape!

I just got the scoop of the century!

It seems the fly has escaped the spider's web.

For the moment, kalin, yes.

But remember that our web is wide and strong.

It's not the venom we need to change, but the prey...

Carlyi'm stuck in jail, I lost my story

And now angela's plastering the headlines with lies...

I need a get out of sector security for free card!

I know you'll find a way to save the satellite yusei!

Count on it yanagi, but first I'm gonna

Have to get some answers.

And only one person has them.

I need to find goodwin.

You're leaving, but it's not safe for you out there!

Don't worry.

In fact, I already made arrangements...

For some back up.

Looks like my ride's here.

Alright yusei, I got your message.

Now get your deck and get down here!

Trudge is your "protection"?!

He's more. Allhuh?

If he gets me to goodwin safely,...

We just might have to call trudge

One of the good guys.

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Going fast makes me feel alive ♪

♪ My heart beats in hyper drive ♪

♪ Do you think you can win? Only if I lose ♪

♪ Just let destiny choose

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ Take a shot at me runnin' side by side ♪

♪ It's a blur as I go by

♪ I can hear you breathing

♪ I can see you coming

♪ I can feel the wind, it's blowing me around ♪

♪ See the sun a-risin'

♪ Fire in the sky

♪ Greatness thrusts itself into our lives ♪

You got a lot of nerve asking for my help

You satellite reject.

Good t' see you, too, officer trudge.


Let's get something straight--

You want my protection,

You need to respect my authority!

Hey!--Did you hear what I said?

If you keep ignoring me yusei

The deal's off ya got it?!

Let's get going.

Here ya' go.

That should be everything.

Aah! No...!

Where's my camera?...

No, no, no, no, no, come on!...

Ok--joke's over, where's my camera?

I'm serious, buddy, where is it,

That thing is my life, where is it, hand it over!

Calm down miss!... Ummmm...

No camera on the inventory log.

I am a big time journalist!

And I am not afraid to shout conspiracy!

[Cell phone rings] hello?

Know what's on my front page today, carly?!

I'll give you a little hint, it's not a big story!

Did I imagine you telling me you had somethin' hot for me?!

I'm sorry, mister pitts, but, but...

Get back to the office so I can re-fire you!

Aah!...mister pitts?...

Ma'am...we're gonna need you to step outside.

This is the worst! No story, no camera...

N' now I'm about to lose my job again.

Time to consult my fortune for the day.

I draw!

Let's see...oh, great,

Fortune teller swee, that's perfect.

This means I'm going to have bad luck all day, that's just great.

Might as well just... Go crawl in a hole.

Wait! I can't give up!

Journalists don't quit!

So I'm gonna get to the bottom of goodwin's lies!

Reporteri'm at the red carpet for the world premiere

Of "atlas risingthe rise of jack atlas."

This flick has box-office dud written all over it.

Nobody cares about jack atlas anymore,

He's yesterday's news, I mean, seriously,

He lost the championship, he's done.

I heard that movie was going straight to dvd.

If they'd waited, they coulda made it

"The rise and fall of jack atlas."

Excuse me...coming in...

Hey...outta the way.


Hey, tommy! Look over here! Hey!

Ow!! Watch the elbow!

Angela!...didn't see you.

Carly...what's with the get-up?

Didn't you wear that same hideous housedress

To our high-school prom?

Ooh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't've brought that up,

Prom must bring bad memories.

Since you went alone n' no one

Would dance with you n' all that.

Reportershey, misty! Misty! Over here!

Reporterwoah--check it out! It's misty!

You were voted the world's number one supermodel.

Do you have anything to say to your fans?

Oh wow!

Eh!? Huh?

[Thinking] did she just smile at me?!

Manladies and gentlemen... Your host--rex goodwin!


What a guy!

Great suit!

Thanks for coming, everyone...

What makes a champion a champion?

What drives the driven?

Was he born great or did he have greatness thrust upon him?

All of these questions and more will be answered

In "atlas rising, the rise of jack atlas!"

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to share with you

The untold story behind the legend...

Jackwhat say we kick this turbo duel...

...into overdrive?

Who's the one master of faster?--

Who rules the duels?!

That's right, it's me!

Narratorjack's journey began at the top...

He was born in new domino city's tops district.

Goodwinand now, ladies and gentlemen,

I have some matters to tend to, but I'll be back.

Please enjoy yourselves, and enjoy--"atlas rising."

Angelawait a second, director goodwin, one question.

Regarding the narration of the film...

It's saying that jack was born in the tops,

But that's not true.


According to my sources,

The former champion jack atlas

Was born in the satellite sector,

Just like the new champion, yusei.

Eh!? [Gasp]

[Grunts] oh!

Is this true, director?

If so, did yusei and jack

Know each other prior to the tournament?

Isn't it true, director,

That satellite residents aren't allowed to duel?

Is there some kind of cover-up going on here?

I'm afraid I don't have time

To discuss wild speculation and ridiculous rumors.

Now, please, enjoy the screening.

Crowdis he lying to us? Was he in on it? It can't be true.

Angelayou can't avoid this issue, director,

The people have a right to know the truth!

[Thinking] if jack's the story,

Then why is everyone standing around here?

You've had your fun.

But it's time for my victory lap!

[Thinking] I'm gonna find out from jack himself!

And where do you think you're going?

Uh! Y-y-y-you're... M-m-misty !

Your face intrigues me.

I wanted to get a closer look at you.

Do you mind?

Uh...i got my dad's looks.

That's what my mom tells me. Ehr...

Carly right--i heard you like fortune telling.

Uh...yeah? That's right,

I, um...i use cards for my fortunetelling.

Well I use faces.

Your face is...haunting.

Uh...it's what?

Your eyes...

They're showing me the path you will take.

It is a path that will disappear

Into a darkness carly...

Oh, yeah? Huh. That's nice.

But--when you choose to take this path...

You will know yourself better than you ever have before.

Eh!? Uh, excuse me!

This has been fun, but I gotta run home

And feed my plant and water my cat.

[Thinking] I think fame has made her

Two tacos short of a fiesta.

Enjoying the film?

When can I talk to goodwin?

Be patient, yusei.

The director is a busy man.

If you're bored, we could always

Pass the time with a duel, what do you say?

Are you game, or are you afraid you might lose your title

Before your first endorsement deal comes through?!

Heh! Now that would be an interesting development.

Though I seriously doubt our new champion

Would fold to a man of your caliber, officer trudge.

Why, you--!

Sorry to keep you waiting.

The director is ready to see you, now.

Mister goodwin would like to thank you

For escorting the champion here--

Now he'd like you to go to the hospital

And fetch jack. [Chuckles]

Whatever he needs...sir.


Ted, I'm standing outside of domino hospital,

Where jack atlas has been recovering

Ever since yesterday's disappointing loss

In the fortune cup finale,

And as of now, nobody has been

Allowed inside to see hi--oh!

Sorry about that!

I'll show you sorry...

We're still live! [Gasp] right,

Um, as of now, nobody has been

Allowed inside to see or talk...

[Exhales] I can't believe this nurse's costume is working.

Go and fetch jack.

Hmph! Talking to me like I'm some dog...

If only they knew I was doing this

To get closer to goodwin to find out

What he's really up to...




I'd like to be alone right now, mina.

Call my cell if you need....anything.


Jack's in room ,...

Mr. Atlas!

Um-say--i was wondering if, uh...


You're lookin' a little rough, officer.



What's going on?

Why do you have that mark on your arm?

Attack! And wipe his mark clean!

[Screaming squawk]

Carlythat's the same glowing mark

That hooded duelist had on his arm

When he was dueling yusei!

So you the fifth signer?

My master is a dark sider and he sent me here

To extinguish the light of your mark

So that we may envelop the world

In a cloak of darkness.

And you will be the first to fall.

I seriously doubt that.

Hang on, you can't duel him, jack!

Yusei battled someone like him.

It was some guy dressed in a bath robe,

And he had the same weird purple mark

Glowing on his arm and...

...i'm carly, by the way.

What? Did you say yusei?

When did all this happen?

Last night, and... Yusei won.

Carly? Yeah! Hi!

Tell me something, carly...

Do you know how to duel?

Well... Kinda, but...

In that case-- lend me your hands, will you?

You just have to hold the cards for me and draw, alright?

Huh!?...but i, uh...

I have no idea what this purple glow is all about...

But if yusei was able

To take someone like him down,

Then I'll have no problem.

Come on--put the duel disk on my arm.

Right. Okay.

Are you ready?

Allbring it on!

Wow--did I just say that?


Hey! Jack, look,

Your arm is glowing, too!

I can see that.

Yusei's arm was glowing last night as well

And then this same circle appeared.

What's it all mean?

Let's cut the conversation, shall we?

I'm summoning warm worm in defense mode.

This is real frontline journalism right here,

Getting to duel alongside the dauntless and dashing jack atlas!

It's my tur-- actually, it's my turn!

Oh right, sorry.

To start things off.. I'm summoning

Vice dragon from my hand!


Jackwhoever you really are--

You've got some gall coming here.

Did you think you could kick me while I was down?

Well, I'm not down!

And there's no way some daddy longlegs

Is gonna trip me up.

I release vice dragon to summon out

Strong wind dragon in attack mode!

Next, I'm activating strong wind dragon's

Special ability!

Now it gains half the attack points

Of the dragon monster I released

In order to summon it.

So, uh...right, okay, since vice dragon

Has , attack points...

It gains a thousand more!

Woah!--Thirty-four hundred?!

Strong wind dragon-- attack warm worm!

Why'd the floor explode?!

I dunno, but the same kinda stuff was happening

When yusei was battling that underground duelist from last night.

It was like duel things were really happening or something...

So he's making this duel real.

Carlyby the way?--Warm worm was in defense mode.

How come he lost life points?

Strong wind dragon's special power

Enables it to fight through a monster's defenses

And attack directly.

As long as its attack points are greater

Than the opponent's defense points...

The difference is dealt as damage.

This is great!

I'm dueling with the deck of a once great duelist!

A once great duelist!?

I only lost yesterday, you know.

I, um...uuuhh...

Hey has-been,

When warm worm is destroyed in battle...

You have to send cards from your deck to your graveyard.

Oh! I'm supposed to do that, right?

The top ?...that's how it works, right?


I place one card facedown and end my turn.


It's my move and from my hand,

I summon shield worm in defense mode!

When this monster is successfully summoned--

You and your little assistant must send one card

From your deck to the graveyard.

Eh?! Again?


And now...i place one card facedown

And end my turn.

Then it's my mov--!... I mean...

Lemme see my cards...


That spell card could be quite useful right now,

But I would have to release strong wind dragon

In order to activate it.

I know what you should do!

Strong wind dragon take out his shield worm

With a direct attack!

Dimwit! What?! Did I mess up?

Ha ha!

You walked right into that one!

Shield worm is able to deflect any attack!


Therefore, it also negates

Strong wind dragon's special ability!

And with that, I reveal my trap card!

Regret reborn.

This card enables me to resummon a monster

That you destroyed in battle...

As long as I summon it to the field in defense mode.

And of course-- since shield worm

Has once again been successfully summoned to my field,

You have no choice but to send another card in your deck

To your graveyard.

This is all my fault, isn't it?

Jack, I am so so sorry!

[Thinking] not as sorry as trudge is going to be.

Jacktrudge you're not gonna win this duel!

And to make sure of it,

I'm summoning twin-shield defender

To the field in defense mode.


It's my turn then.

From my hand, I'm activating the spell card--worm bait!

And as long as there's a worm monster on my field,

I can use the power of this spell

To summon out two worm tokens!

Next, I release the two worm tokens

In order to advance summon dark tuner catastrogue!

Jackdid he say "dark tuner?"

Okay, this might be bad.

This happened last night.

What are you talking about? Well, um...

Now I dark tune my level catastrogue

With my level shield worm.

What's this dark tuning business all about carly?

That robed duelist did the same thing last night.

Something about monsters using

Negative energy and shadows

And all sorts of other really eerie sounding stuff.

Trudgewhen shadows are devoured by even darker shadows...

The curtain pulls back and reveals...

A world without light!

Now rise!--Dark diviner!

Duel runner computerdark diviner is a negative level dark synchro monster

With , attack points and , defense points.

What?! So that thing's level is a negative !

That's right.

The monsters of the netherworld

Don't come together and build on one another

The way your pathetic monsters do.

They devour one another

And feed off each other's negative energy

Like a snake eating its own tail.

Right! That's kinda what

The underground duelist said to yusei last night

After performing the same kind of synchro summon.


Catastrogue's special ability

Activates from the graveyard.

Because I used this card to perform a dark synchro...

I'm afraid you have to send more cards

From your deck to your graveyard.

Keep doing that and we're not gonna have any cards left.

And now dark diviner, slay his strong wind dragon!

Wait, what?! But strong wind dragon

Has more attack points

Than your dark diviner thing-a-ma-what.

That's not what matters to him.

That's right because when dark diviner att*cks--

Your monster's attack points become the same.

And for every attack points your dragon loses,

You have to send one card to your graveyard.

I really don't like you.

So-um--that means cards, right?

What does that leave us with?

Just enough.

What!? Are you feeling ok?

Trudgewe of the netherworld came here

To rob you of your power,

To extinguish the light of your world

By burying you in the shadows.

Dark diviner--attack!

Bring it, officer.


What're you--!?

Aaaaah, I'm protecting you!


Attack all you want, but strong wind dragon

Can't be destroyed by a monster

With the same number of attack points!

Dark diviner can't be destroyed in battle,

So we've got a stalemate.

I'm so so sorry, jack... This is all my fault...

Don't be ridiculous, you were just trying to help, uh...

What was your name again? Cali?

My--my name is carly.

What say you, carly?--

Let's finish this together.

Oh! Oh, uh...

It's my and...


And, and my... Both...turn!

From our hand, carly and I

Are activating the mind trust spell card!

With this spell, we can release a powerful monster...

To pull a weaker monster from our graveyard

And add it to our hand.

So we release strong wind dragon!

And then from our graveyard...

We add dark resonator to our hand.

And now we summon-- dark resonator!

Next--dark resonator gives twin-shield defender a tune-up!

We synchro summon...

...exploder dragonwing!

When this monster battles against a monster

With fewer attack points...

That monster is instantly destroyed

Without calculating any damage!

Then you get slammed with damage

Equal to your vanquished monster's attack points.

It's over, chum!

Wow! So back when you were

Thinking of activating mind trust,

You knew his goal was to send

Your cards to the graveyard,

So you waited...!

You still have it, jack!

Of course I still have it!

I only lost the championship yesterday!

And now-- exploder dragonwing attack dark diviner!

Allwoah! Aaah!


...where am i?

That's how the other guy was...

It's like they were being controlled by someone else.

Aah! Jack!

Would you mind... Helping me get outta this hospital?


Carlyexcuse me.

Pardon me, coming through, out of the way please...

There were several smaller booms from the top floor,

And then there was a sudden expl*si*n.

[Thinking] this is crazy...

What am I supposed to do with him now?


It's time you learned the whole truth.

About what?

About where you come from...

And where you're going.
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