03x02 - Roller Duel

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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03x02 - Roller Duel

Post by bunniefuu »

( Kari ) Hey, Yuma, the final round of the World Duel Carnival

is today !

They started the fireworks.

It looks like they're getting underway !

And you're gonna sleep right through it !

Do you hear me ?

You better bust a move, mister !

Where is he ?

Grandma !

Do you know where Yuma is ?

Yuma isn't here, dear.

He was so worried about being late for the start of

the Carnival Finals,

he decided to camp out in front of Heartland all night.

Yuma certainly does duel with heart.

I just wish he used some brains, too.

I'm sure Yuma will make us all very proud.

Or at least not embarrass us too badly.

I'm just happy he's gone so I can clean his room.

What a slob.

( man ) ... to become the World Dueling Champion !

( boy ) So awesome !

I can't wait !

( snoring )

Ahh !

What the huh ?

Don't tell me you camped here all night, Yuma.

Sorry, Mrs. Klumpky.

Did I doze through class again ?

Yuma's only half awake, guys.

You may be right, Flip,

but I can't tell which half's awake.

He was cat napping.

Shake those cobwebs out of your head !

You're right outside Heartland !

The World Duel Carnival finals

are gonna get underway any minute now !

Ahh, Duel Carnival finals ?

Yeah !

I'm duelin' with the big dogs !

Let's just hope you don't bite off

more than you can chew.

I figured if I slept in front of the entrance,

you guys would see me and wake me.

If your dueling strategy is that lame,

you'll be the first one eliminated !

Yuma, you better hurry

'cause they're kickin' off the finals

any minute now !

( Yuma ) That's right !

Get moving, you guys, you're making me late !

And you're making me angry !

♪ If life is a game they say I can't win ♪

♪ I'll never amount to nothing ♪

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid

♪ To challenge myself

♪ They won't ever break my fire ♪

♪ My dreams won't die

♪ If I high-five the sky

♪ Spread my wings

♪ Takeoff it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe

♪ Nothing will bring me down ♪

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance I'll take a chance today ♪


Jumpin' jumbo jets !

This place is humongo-normous !

Check out all those video screens !

This is a couch potatoes dream come true !

No way !

This place is almost big enough to fit all my fans inside !

I must say,

this is one of the most over-the-top field spells

I have ever seen.

It's real, not virtual !

And pretty soon I'll be competing here for real !

Hello, dueling fans !

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen,

to the World Duel Carnival Finals !

We'll start with the Skyscape Section !

The duels will be held all across the city

with the aid of the Duel Coaster !

The Duel Coaster ? The Duel Coaster ?

Yeah, it's a first !

You have to win duels while riding the roller coaster !

How would that work ?

I ain't got the slightest, but it sounds super cool !

Are you ready to roll, Yuma ?

You bet !

I'm ready for anything !

Whatever happens, I'm just gonna have fun and feel the flow !

That's great,

but shouldn't you be feeling the flow down there ?

Ahh !

Bye, Yuma !

Good luck !

Oh yeah, I'm gonna high-five the sky !

( Mr. Heartland ) It's the moment you duel devotees

have been waiting for !

Our finalists are ready to use all their knowledge

and skills in the ultimate test of dueling agility !

But only one of them will emerge

as our first World Duel champion ever !

( cheers and applause )

Whoa !

That Duel Coaster looks like

the most awesome thrill machine of all time !

( Dextra ) That's not some kiddie coaster in an amusement park.

It'll be the riskiest ride you ever took.

Dextra !

You're here ?

She's right, that coaster is dangerous.

All the duelists on board

are gonna be playing for keeps.

For keeps ?


you up for the challenge ?

I'm ready for anything !

( cheers and applause )

Hey, it's Quattro !

He's a living, breathing dream !

Please, Master Kite.

Promise me you'll be careful today !

Now, Orbital,

freeze time immediately.


I need to find out which duelists have Numbers.

But that could give away everything !

What those with Numbers learn about each other this way ?

. seconds will be enough.

Do it, Orbital !

Okay, you're the boss !

Temporal stasis field complete !

Now I can ID all the Numbers here.

Got 'em !

What was that ?

See, I told you they'd notice !

Scram or I'll have your memory wiped. Ahh !

You don't have to thr*aten me twice !

Ta-ta !

It's so cool !

These really are the greatest duelists in the world !

I can't wait to defeat 'em all !

( Astral ) Remember, we will be facing many

unfamiliar opponents

whose style and tactics we know nothing about.

During our duels,

we must be prepared for anything.

Why should we be worrying ?

They're the one's that gotta duel me !

There's our unsuspecting prey.

So you want to hire the Triad of Terror ?

I assure you.

Money is no object for us.

Name any price you wish and it's yours.

So, who's the target ?

A boy named Yuma Tsukumo.

( chuckling )

( laughing )

Together at last !

The world's greatest duelists !

With all of their precious Numbers ready for Kite

to take and bring to me !

( laughing maniacally )

Now, the moment we've all been waiting for is here !

Finalists, take your places in the Coaster Cars !

Link your Duel Tabs to the central coaster computer.

And get ready to battle !

Duel Disk go !

Duel Gazer, lets roll !

( woman ) Augmented Reality Vision Link established.

And now, it's time to put

all the Duel Coaster cars into gear !

The Heart Piece you collected from your previous duels

will act as the ignition key for your individual coaster car.

Just place it in the ignition pad

and you'll be ready to roll !

Looks like the course runs right through the city.

Hang on.

What do these little letters on the map stand for ?

Spell and trap markers.

I wonder what'll happen if we run across them on the track ?

No !

It's gone !

I lost my Heart Piece !

If I can't find it, I'll be disqualified !

Am I seein' this ?

Looks like Yuma's super upset !

Maybe he wanted a blue car.

Or the pressure got to him and he's losing it.

Give me a break, Yuma !

This is no time to start goofing off !

You know, I think Yuma may be seriously

upset about something.

Yuma's room is no longer uninhabitable.

Found this heart under green furry cheese.

A heart ?

Affirmative !

Isn't that Yuma's...

His Heart Piece !

Ahh !

I'll never find it in time !

It's gone !

Yuma, your sister Kari holo-commed me.

She said she found your Heart Piece in your room.

Huh ?

She left and she's on her way over here !

That's great news !

I'll go meet her !

No, wait !

Stay with that coaster !

You guys know the drill ?

( all ) Yeah !

It's show time, everyone !

The greatest duel of all time will now get underway !

Begin on my mark !

They're starting !

Hang on, I wanna call a time out !

( Mr. Heartland ) Ten seconds to go !

Nine... eight...

seven... six...

five... four...

three... Heart Piece !

two... one !

Go !

Uh-oh, folks !

It looks like Yuma Tsukumo's coaster car is a no-go !

What's wrong ?

Did his coaster conk out ?

Ahh !

I'm stuck !

Kari, you better get that Heart Piece here fast !

( tires screeching ) Kari !

It's all yours !

Ahh !

Right !

Pass it on !

With pleasure !

Your turn !


It's all downhill now !

( laughing )

Yuma !

Hang on !

Hey, Tori !

Here !

Thanks !


It's all over !

( Tori ) No it's not !

Tori ?

Kari came through !

You're good to go !

It started up !

I'm off !

But what about me ?

You're not supposed to be here.

Well I am, so hit the brake and let me off !

( yelling )

I guess you're stuck with me.

I'm glad you're taggin' along, Tori !

You'll be there in person when I win it all !


When we win it all !

( Mr. Heartland ) The Duel Carnival finals have begun with a huge surprise !"],…}

Yuma Tsukumo's coaster got left in the dust,

but now he's back in action and he has a copilot !

That may be stretching the rules a bit,

but since I'm running this competition,

I'm going to make an exception

and allow Yuma's friend to tag along !

We're pickin' up a lot of speed !

And I'm feelin' the flow !

I think you should slow it down a bit.

Why would I do that ?

I've already fallen behind the other finalists !

I have to catch up with 'em !

But when I do, I'm not sure how the rules work.

I have no idea when I can challenge an opponent

or where we're supposed to have our duel.

Yuma, look up ahead !

There is a duel in progress

and the opponents are battling

while in the same lane !

What's the deal with this clown ?

I better teach him a lesson for tryin' to take me down !

I draw !

I summon Heroic Challenger, Spartan !

So, this guy thinks he can blow me away with Battlestorm.

Well, that's not gonna happen !

I play the spell card Riryoku !

With this I can take away

half of Battlestorm's attack points

and then give them to my Spartan !

( laughing )

Now my, Spartan, attack !

Straight Javelin !

That's no way to treat the law !

Ahh ! Ahh !

( laughing )

Get me down from here !

That was scary...

( all ) Ohh...

( all ) Ohh...

It would appear the price of losing in these finals

is rather extreme.


These finals just got started

and I already downed my first duelist !

I see.

You can challenge an opponent to a duel

if you share the same track.


And if I spot a duelist on a different track,

then I'll change tracks and take 'em on !

( growling )

Jawsman, attack !

Shark Stream !

( growling )

Dasvidaniya !

Whoa !

Shark isn't messin' around !

I wonder what's keeping Yuma.

So, Shark's on the hunt, huh ?

Well, so am I !

I'll crush you, Quattro !

You're not gonna escape from me...

not without a fight !

I've got other fish to fry before you, Shark.

It's time to mix it up with Gimmick Puppet Egg Head !

Attack him directly !

Go !

Mama mia !

( laughing )

Too bad he had a chute !

My brother...

Always eager to strike first.

At this rate, he'll be taking a parachute ride

just like all the other losers today.

Instead of attacking,

he should take time to learn some things.

That might save his skin down the road.

Achtung, I will duel you !

Pulverize that guy, Vylon Disigma !

Attack him directly !

What is he up to ?

Challenging me was a mistake

and it's going to burn you in the end !

Now, I activate the trap card Infernal Sun !

I can use it when a monster that has ,

or more attack points strikes at me directly.

The trap deals you points of damage

for every card in your hand !

Oh nein !

( yelling )

Just as I thought.

There is a spell marker here.

The card that was facedown is Dian Keto, the Cure Master.

Its effect will make me stronger,

increasing my life points by ,.

Very clever, Quinton.

Quattro and Shark are eager to win right away,

but Quinton uses his brains,

just like me.

And now it's time to see how clever Yuma Tsukumo is.

This is a dueltopia !

We gotta get in on the action, Tori !

I predict you will soon see plenty of action.

Right over there. Huh ?

Why'd they let me pass by ?

It was thoughtful of him to leave late.

We didn't have to lure him away

from the other duelists before we pounce.

Demolishing that kid should be a piece of cake !

And the cash we get will be the icing !

It's perfect !

Those mercenaries won't let up on Yuma.

He'll be pushed to the limit

and then I'll be able to find out how good he really is !

Okay, it's time to make our move.

Fang Formation !

Let's go ! Let's go !

Huh ?

They're moving up !

What're they up to ?

They are staging a joint attack.

It appears you have been ambushed !

They have sandwiched your car

so you cannot escape to another lane.

( yelling )

Hey, these aren't bumper cars !

I won't play your game !

( laughing )

( screaming )

What is that "T" mark up ahead ?

( Yuma ) It's a trap card !

( yelling )

That was the trap Secret Barrel.

For each card in your hand and on your field,

you take points of damage.

Thanks for tellin' me somethin' I already know !

This is just wonderful !

I have to duel three lowlifes and avoid trippin' traps !

He blundered right into that trap

and now he's weaker.

I wonder how this clown made it into the finals

in the first place !

It should be a cinch to take care of business quickly

and get the money we were promised.

You can't run, kid.

We're all going to duel you !

At once ?

Form up !

as*ault Formation !

Let's go ! Let's go !

Three on one ?

Yes, you'll face a whole trio of monsters

led by Magnet Eagle Delta !

And my Magnet Saucer will be his wingman !

With another Magnet Saucer to complete the threesome !

We've got a whole air force against us !

And we're sitting ducks down here !

You are badly outnumbered, Yuma.

You must fight wisely,

or else your first battle in the World Duel Carnival finals

will be your last !

( laughing )

This should be entertaining.

Now we'll see if Yuma has what it takes

to beat a triple threat !

( laughing )

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance I'll take a chance today ♪
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