02x24 - Crestfallen

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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02x24 - Crestfallen

Post by bunniefuu »

Last time on yu-gi-oh! Zexal...

Yumahope I didn't keep you waiting too long!

Treyyou'll wish you never came here at all

Once you see the new power that I've acquired.

Meeting your family and seeing you together made me think...

About my own family.

I want to see them all happy like they used to be.

But I can't help them as long as you're standing in my way!

Togetherlet's duel!

What's wrong?

I'm just trying my new power on for size, so I can destroy you!

You're through!

It's done.

I've separated yuma and astral for good.

Astral will always be a part of me no matter what!

Nothing you can do to me will change that.

Now, let's finish our duel. With these two monsters,

I build the overlay network and xyz summon!

Number chronomaly atlandis!

Atlandis can equip itself with a number card from my graveyard

And gain its attack points!

You're equipping it with machu mech?

That's right!

By using one overlay unit, atlandis wipes out

Half your life points!

Orichalcum gate!


This duel is over!

♪ If life is a game they say

♪ I can't win, I'll never amount to nothing ♪

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire, my dreams won't die ♪

♪ If I hi-five the sky

♪ Spread my wings take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe...

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance to chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪


♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance

♪ I'll take a chance today

I knew you would never survive without astral.

Don't count me out yet...

I'm still in this,

And I've got lots of fight left.

That was just the warm up, the real duel's starting now!

You're down to puny points.

One more attack and it's all over.

It's your turn but you may as well give up.

Quitting isn't my style. I still have a chance to pull

This off, 'cause astral's memory is always with me.

You have my promise, astral.

I may be down, but I've still got plenty of fight left!

I'm gonna unleash the power of the card you left for me

To pull off the win!

C'mon, utopia!

It's time to feel the flow!

When my life points are less than a thousand, I can use

Utopia to xyz summon chaosnumber utopia ray!

Go chaos xyz evolution!

Bronklookin' good, utopia ray!

Cathythat's it, yuma!

Great move!

At last he summoned it.

This better work!

If utopia ray can't bring trey back to his senses,

Then nothing will!

I activate overlay eater's

Special ability from my graveyard!

By banishing this card, my utopia ray takes an

Overlay unit from your xyz monster.


Atlandis can't use its special ability anymore.

And now...

Utopia ray will use its special ability!

Utopia ray gains attack points

For every overlay unit that it uses.

And I'm gonna use all three of its overlay

Units to supercharge its power!

Overlay charge!

This ability also cuts atlandis's attack

Points down by !

How can you duel this way with astral gone?

Because astral never left!

He's always with me, here in my heart!

You tried to take astral away from me, but you failed!

And now we're gonna win this duel together... Just watch!

Okay utopia ray, it's time to strike!

Sorry but utopia ray just struck out!

I activate my thunder pot trap card!

Not only does it stop utopia ray's attack

Against my atlandis, but it also ends this battle!

That wasn't exactly what I had in mind!

I thought yuma had him!

That trey sure is tricky!

You gave it your best try... But even utopia ray can't stop me.

Doesn't matter!

I managed to hang on this long...

And I will find a way to win this thing, so take your turn!

You do know how to talk a good game, yuma.

But the fact is, both our monster's attack

Points return to normal now...

So you can't possibly survive another blow.

Now, I draw...

No! Not now!

Vetrix warned me this might happen...

Vetrixyou must understand by acquiring the crest you will

Gain the incredible power to utilize and control number :

Chronomaly atlandis.

However, there is a price to be paid for this power.

The crest can be dangerous. It will drain away all

Your physical and mental energy.

I don't care about that.


Just want to beat yuma...

And make you proud of me.

I'm confident you won't let me down.

You're stronger than you know, trey.

This weakness is the price I have to pay.

Vetrix believes in me and I'm not going to let him down now!

I will not fail.

You're finished yuma!

Since atlandis has no overlay units,

You lose half your life points, yuma!

And so do i.



He gave up life points just to get yuma.

Flipplease get up!

I still have a hundred life points, trey.

That's enough to keep dueling!

The crest... It's taken over!

That crest's gonna destroy him.


No! Stay back!

I don't want your help, yuma.

I chose to take this path, understand?

It's the only way I can get the power that I need.

What happens to me... It doesn't matter at all... As long as...

I can serve my family!

But trey...

This last attack will wipe out your life points!

Erupt, chronomaly atlandis!

Destroy utopia ray with celestial strike!

Caswelloh, no!

If yuma takes this hit, this duel's over!

I activate my battle break trap card!

When your monster att*cks, your monster is destroyed,

And the battle is over!

I'll use...

The ritual was a success, trey.

Now, as promised,

Here's the number... Along with a most sinister card.

Final prophecy?

But vetrix... Isn't this the trap card that...

Think of it as a last resort.

In case things don't go as well as you hope.

If you do use the card, you will both suffer the consequences.

Of course, I sincerely hope that you won't be forced to use it.

But, what if...

You did say you'd do whatever it takes to beat yuma, didn't you?

You may have a chance to prove it.

I activate the trap final prophecy!

I'll have to destroy my equip card, reducing my monster's

Attack points, but it also stops and destroys your trap card!

No way! You were willing to make

Atlandis weaker just to destroy my trap card?

Yes, but it's still strong enough to beat you.

Especially since you only have life points.

Keep up your attack, atlandis!

Crush utopia ray and yuma!

I activate another trap card, half unbreak!

Not only does it shield utopia ray from being destroyed,

But it also cuts the damage in half!


You cannot win...


You have to stop before this duel destroys you.

I don't care!

You're in my family's way and I'll beat you no matter what!

You've got it wrong!

I'm not your enemy, I just wanna be friends with you!

That will never happen, yuma.

I don't need friends.

We all need friends, trey!

Maybe if we talk this through, I can find some way

To help you and your family!

Thank you yuma,

But it's too late for both of us.

Too late for what, trey?

Unfortunately for us, the final prophecy trap that

I used will lead to our destruction!

On my next turn, we'll both take damage equal to machu mech's

Attack points, and we'll both be destroyed.

Now what?

I'm not sure...

But it looks like this place is gonna lose a lot of real estate!

Soon you and I will each be down to zero life points

And that finally will be the end of it.

And I don't just mean the end of our contest.

This is going to be the last duel either of us ever has!

I feel at peace because I know there really was no other

Way to save my family and I'm sure vetrix will be proud of me.

Someday soon, my family will return to normal.

But trey, this isn't the answer...

The effect from that final prophecy trap

Is still goin' strong!

It's gonna destroy everything here.

The trap can't hurt us, though.

It's part of this virtual world.

In the end, it really isn't there.

No way!

Even without my duel gazer, I can see that final prophecy trap

Zapping everything in sight!

This is real!

That final prophecy trap is gonna zap us... For real!

We don't have much time!

What're we gonna do?

Hey trey... Tell me...

What is that thing?

I'm not really sure.

It's from another dimension, I think.


It's no use.

The final prophecy card cannot be stopped.

Not even my crest is powerful enough to hold it back!


Your card doesn't just eliminate the duelists,

It destroys the whole world!

It appears that trey used the trap card I gave him.

Quintonvetrix... Don't tell me you gave trey the

Final prophecy card?

It is creating a portal to barian world just as I foresaw!

Once the portal fully opens, it can't be closed again!

Hey trey!

I need answers, what's going on?

Our duel is opening a portal in this world to another dimension.

And in a short time, everything around us is going to be

Swallowed up by it.


Us, too?

Please don't swallow me!

I swear I don't taste very good!

Trust me, when I activated that card

I didn't realize it would devour the whole world.

Please forgive me, yuma.

Time to feel the flow!

You just told me that this inter-dimensional portal is

Opening up because of our duel.

So all I have to do is defeat you and that should keep the

Portal from opening anymore!

You can't win!

Since I have less than a thousand life points right now,

You can't destroy atlandis, or

Deal any battle damage to me.

The situation we're in is utterly hopeless.

It's not hopeless!

As long as I don't give up, then we all still have a chance!

If astral were here he would agree with me...


What's that?

It's a mysterious power that astral and I brought about.

But now... He's gone...

Because of me.


What if you could bring astral back?

How could I do that?

I used the power of the crest to make astral disappear from here.

If I can transfer the crest over to you then perhaps...

Wait, you really think I could bring astral back?

Yes, but if you fail to gain control of the crest's power,

Then it will gain control of you.

I'll risk it... It's worth it to bring astral back.

Alright, give me the power of the crest trey.

Astral, come back!



It's you!

Hello, astral.

My son is calling for you.

Please, you must go and help yuma.



I can't believe... You're back.

I heard you were calling for me, so I came.

I'm glad... You're here.

Not that... I need your help or anything.

Everything's gonna be okay cause astral's back!


Forget me.

Destroy atlandis before it's too late!

It is time for zexal!


So, let's do this!

Now you and I will build the overlay network!

What're they doin'?

When two distant souls become one,

The power of zexal is revealed!

Go zexal morph!

Yuma and astral just merged together!

Let's get this done.

A truly powerful duelist can shape the outcome of a duel.

He can even generate the very card that he needs to draw!

Go shining draw!

Appear, zexal w*apon!

Phoenix bow!

I equip it on to utopia ray!

Now when utopia ray att*cks, your monster is automatically

Destroyed, and you take

Points of damage!

Get ready, utopia ray!

Attack atlandis now!

Phoenix finish!

The bond between yuma and astral is stronger than I realized!

It's trey!

He was... Defeated!

What will happen to him now?


Hey, look!

It's the real world!

And there's no sign of that freaky trap!

Then it can't devour us!

In the end, we're all ok!

I won the duel?


We have saved your world.

Yeah, that was great teamwork!


What about trey?

Hey, trey!

You okay?

Here, lemme help you.

Are you hurt?

I finally understand, yuma.

You accept me as I really am.

I can see clearly now that

You're the only true friend I have.

Look trey, I'm sorry if i...

Yuma, I have a favor to ask you.

Will you do what you can to help save my family?

If you just keep "feelin the flow",

I'm sure you'll find a way to make things right.




Alright, you won your last heart piece just in time!

So you made it to the finals!


I promise I'm not going to let my friend trey down.

I will find a way to help his family.

There's no stopping me now!

I failed you, vetrix.

Forgive me.

Everything will be alright, trey.

I promise you.

Vetrix, will you...

Hold my hand?

That's much better.

I think I'll try to get some sleep now.

Don't let your mind be troubled.

Rest well, trey.

Rest until I settle things with the son of kazuma tsukumo.

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance to chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪


♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance

♪ I'll take a chance today
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