02x05 - Goofy in Training

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse". Aired: May 5, 2006 – November 6, 2016.*
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Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Pluto, Daisy, Goofy, Pete, Clarabelle and more go on fun and educational adventures together.
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02x05 - Goofy in Training

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everybody. It's me, Mickey Mouse.

Say, you wanna come inside my clubhouse?

Well, all right!

Let's go.

Ah, I almost forgot.

To make the clubhouse appear,

we get to say the magic words:

Meeska, mooska,

Mickey Mouse.

Say it with me.

Meeska, mooska,

Mickey Mouse.



That's me!



It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Come inside
It's fun inside

It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

MAN: Roll call!



-Hyuck! Here.


-Oh, ho! Here.

-Right here.

It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Come inside
It's fun inside



MICKEY: it's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.


Aw, welcome to our clubhouse!


Hear that? That sounds like Pluto!
Ha-ha-ha! Gosh!

Well, hello to you, too, pal.


You know who that sounds like?

Yup, it sounds like Goofy.

Let's see what old Goof is up to.


Well, hiya, Mickey. Isn't it a swell day

for just hanging around? [CHUCKLES]

Ooh, how did you get up there, Goof?

I was practicing for
the Mickey Mouse obstacle course.

That's where you gotta
get past all kinds of stuff

on your way to the finish line.

Exact-a-tactly! [CHUCKLES]

I've never tried to do it before.

And if I make it all the way
to the finish line,

I'll get a medal. A shiny new one.

I've always dreamed of winning a medal.

But there's a problem--
Well, actually, two problems.

I've got two left feet. They're always
getting in each other's way.

Pluto and I will help you
get your shiny medal.

-We'll be your coaches.

Will you help, too?

Thanks! Say, Goofy, let me help you
get down from there, huh?

Oh, that's okay, Mickey.
Getting down is easy.

Uh! Ooh! Oh! Uhh! Whoa!


See? Nothing to it. [CHUCKLES]

Ha, ha! Hot dog! Come on.

Let's go get our Mouseketools
from the Mousekedoer.

GOOFY: Uh, Mickey? Hey, wait for me!

Mouseker-hey, mouseker-hi

Mouseker-ready, mouseker-set
Here we go

You're a-thinking and a-solving

Mouseke-me, mouseke-you

Mouseker-me, mouseker-you

Oh, Toodles
It's time to get to it

Show us the Mouseketools
To help us do it

Meeska, mooska,


Mouseketools, Mouseketools

Here are your Mouseketools

MICKEY: Roller skates. Hoo, hoo, fun!

A space helmet. Spacey.

Party noisemakers.
Gee, where's the party? Ha, ha!

And the mystery Mouseketool.

That's a surprise tool
that can help us later.

Toodles has the tools
The Mouseketools

So when we need them

Toodles will bring them

He's here for me-dle and you-dle

And all we have to say is
"Oh, Toodles"

All we have to say is
"Oh, Toodles"


Now, Goofy, to get through
the Mickey Mouse obstacle course,

you need to practice three things.

Jumping, skiing and crawling.

Sounds like fun to me.

Jump, ski, crawl

That's right
Jump, ski, crawl

We're gonna do our best
Not to fall

Jump, ski, crawl

Jump, ski, crawl

Jump, ski, crawl

I'm gonna learn
How to do them all

Gosh. Is this the official
Mickey Mouse obstacle course?

Nah. This is where we're gonna make
a practice obstacle course.

First, we need to put these things down
so you can jump over them.

So, let's put down a stool, then a bucket.

Next, a garbage can.

And finally, a stinky shoe.

[SNIFFS] Whoo! Ha, ha. Phew.

It really is stinky.



Now, let's put down the same things
in the same order again.


then bucket...

then garbage can...

and stinky shoe. One more time.

Stool, bucket, garbage can
Stinky shoe

Stool, bucket, garbage can
Stinky shoe

Gosh. Now let's get jumping.

Whoa! Oh!


Guess there's more to jumping
than I thought.

That's right, Goofy. You need practice.

So, let's practice jumping high and low
for the obstacle course.

Okey-dokey, coachy!

All you gotta do
is jump high over the tall things,

like the stool.

And low over the short things,
like the stinky shoe.

Come on, everybody.
Get up on your feet and jump with Goofy.

Say, "high," when he has to jump high.

And say, "low," when he has to jump low.

MICKEY: Ready, everybody? Say it with us.

High, low.

High, low.

High, low.

High, low.


GOOFY: High, low.

High, whoa!


Hey! What's the big idea?

Sorry, Donald.
I was just practicing jumping

for the Mickey Mouse obstacle course.

Well, try practicing somewhere else!

Uh, uh... Uhh!


Thanks for the advice, Donald!

Okay. Now that you've practiced jumping,

-let's practice how to--
-Now, don't tell me.

Let me see if I can remember. It's, uh...

jump, ski, crawl.

That's it! Ski!

After jumping comes skiing.

You got it, Goofy.
The Mickey Mouse obstacle course

has a big ski slide full of snow.

It's time to ski.

Look at me
I'm ready to go

Point me toward
That fluffy white snow


Uh, Mickey, no fluffy white snow.

How am I gonna ski without snow?

Well, maybe there's something
you could use instead of skis

to practice on.

How about using a Mousekeedoodle?

Aw, good idea.
Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles!"

ALL: Oh, Toodles!


MICKEY: Hmm. What Mouseketool do you think

will help Goofy glide like he's skiing?

Would party noisemakers help?

Heh. Nope, I don't think so.

But how about roller skates?

GOOFY: Do you think
I could use roller skates

to glide across the ground
like I'm skiing?

Yeah! Me, too.

MICKEY: We got ears. Say, "Cheers!"


[CHUCKLES] It's just like skiing,
only squeakier.


There's nothing to it!

Whoa, whoa!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!





Come on, Pluto.
We'd better catch up to Goofy.



Gee, Goof. Are you okay?

Okay? Why, I just practiced skiing.

And it was fun!

Let's go back to the top and do her again!

There's no time.


You still have to practice the third thing
for the obstacle course.

Don't tell me. I know what that is.

Jump, ski, crawl. Jump, ski, crawl.

[CHUCKLES] The third thing is crawling!

Yup. And this looks like a great place
to do just that. In the obstacle course,

you have to crawl over...


and through things.

So, if you're running up to
something big, like this rock,

are you going to crawl over it,
under it, or through it?

Hmm. What do you think?

Yup, indeedy! [CHUCKLES]

I'll crawl over it.

Crawl with me, everyone.

Okay, next there's a branch.

Do you crawl over, under or through it?

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Yup! You crawl under a branch.

MICKEY: Now how about this tire swing?

Crawl over, under or through it?

Well, let's take a look-see together.


Looks like I should crawl...


Congratulations, pal.

Now you've practiced
everything you need to do

for the Mickey Mouse obstacle course.

So, what are we waiting for?
To the starting line!

Hello, Mickey Park!

Pete's my name, and announcing's my game.

Welcome to the Mickey Mouse
obstacle course!


And for all you Goofy fans,

here's what old Goof is up against today.

Jump, ski, crawl

Jump, ski, crawl

Sure hope the Goof
Doesn't trip and fall

Jump, ski, crawl

How is the Goof
Gonna do it all?

And if the Goofster makes it
all the way to the finish line,

he will win this genuine,
guaranteed to glitter,

shiny new medal!

Say it with me: "Ooh."

ALL: Ooh!

Aw, good luck, Goofy.
We'll be keeping an eye on you.


I'm ready!

Start the start!

Ooh, the excitement is so thick,

you could cut it with safety scissors.

Okey-dokey, then. On your mark, get set...

[STAMMERS] What am I gonna use
to make a loud noise to get Goofy started?

This looks like a job
for a Mouseketool, and fast.

Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles!"

ALL: Oh, Toodles!

Toodles! Toodles! Toodles!


MICKEY: Let's see. Which Mouseketool
can make a big noise

to start Goofy running?

The space helmet or the party noisemakers?

MINNIE: The party noisemakers!

MICKEY: We got ears. Say, "Cheers!"


Hurry! My knees are giving out.

Okay, Goof. Now, when I say, "Go,"

everybody blow your noisemaker

so we can start Goofy running.

Got that? All right. Now, let's all help.

On your mark, get set...


And he's off!

Oh, the Mickey Mouse obstacle course
is under way!

CROWD: Go, Goofy, go! Go, Goofy, go!

Go, Goofy, go!


MICKEY: Aw, don't worry, Goofy.
It's just like we practiced.

Jump low over the low things.

Jump high over the high ones.

CROWD: Whoa!

Ooh, let's help Goofy.

When he comes
to a tall pile, say, "Jump high."

And when he comes
to a short pile, say, "Jump low."

CROWD: Jump high!

Jump low!

Jump high!

Jump low!

Double gosh!

PETE: Well, fill my tub and call me soapy.

That's the second-biggest heap
of rubber duckies I ever saw.

Nobody could jump over that.

Good luck.

Oh, you can say that again, Donald.

Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles!"

ALL: Oh, Toodles!

-Toodles! Toodles! Toodles!


MICKEY: Hmm. Do you suppose
a space helmet could help Goofy

jump over the rubber duckies?

PETE: Oh, I don't think so,
Mickey the mouse.

What the Goof needs now
is that there mystery thingamawhatzit.

Pete's right. Everybody say,
"Mystery Mouseketool!"

ALL: Mystery Mouseketool! Yeah!

DONALD: Well, come on. What is it?

It's spring-loaded shoes!

MICKEY: Do you think they'll help Goofy

jump high over the very tall pile
of rubber duckies?


You bet you!

We got ears. Say, "Cheers!"


Whoa! Super springy!

CROWD: Go, Goofy, go! Go, Goofy, go!



ALL: Whoa!

PETE: Well, here we are
at the next challenge

in the Mickey Mouse obstacle course...

the ski slide! Whoo-hoo! Look at that.

Why, that's got more twisties
than a barrel full of pretzels.


MICKEY: It's just like we practiced,

Here goes!

CROWD: Go, Goofy, go! Go, Goofy, go!

Go, Goofy, go!

[CHUCKLES] Thanks, loyal Goofy fans!

Who-o-o-oa! [GASPS]





Hey! Who turned out the lights?


Oh, my. Where is he going?

That's where the giant lives.

PETE: Hold on to your hats, Goofy fans,

because the last part
of the Mickey Mouse obstacle course

is gonna be up, up, up in the clouds,

where the Goof has to crawl
across a giant-size picnic lunch!

Really? This is so exciting. [CHUCKLES]

Goofy, you're gonna have
to crawl over, under, and through

-all that big food.
-I can do it!

Say, will you help Goofy get through
the rest of the obstacle course?

Aw, you will? Hot dog!

Let's crawl with Goofy.


Go, Goofy, go! Go, Goofy, go!

Go, Goofy, go!

What do you think?

Should I crawl over, under
or through the cookies?

MICKEY: Crawl over.




Now, how about the banany?

Over, under or through?

MICKEY: Crawl under.

Here comes a doughnut.

Over, under or through?

MICKEY: Crawl through.

And now to the fruit.

Over the red fruit.

Over the blue fruit.


Under the yummy muffins.

And I crawl through the Swiss cheesy.


Gosh. It smells so tasty.

PETE: If Goof stops to eat,
he'll never finish the obstacle course.


There's gotta be a way to keep Goofy
from stopping and smelling that cheese.


You're right, Pluto.
We need a Mouseketool.

Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles!"

Oh, Toodles! Heh.


MICKEY: The only Mouseketool left
is the space helmet.

Do you think wearing a space helmet
could keep Goofy from smelling the cheese?

GIANT: Uh-huh. I do, I do!

MICKEY: Heh, heh! So do I. Wearing
the space helmet will block the smells.

We picked all our Mouseketools.

Say, "Super cheers!"

[SNIFFS] Well, what do you know.

I can't smell a thing. Oh, well.


I crawled through the cheesy Swiss cheesy.

PETE: The Goofster got through
the last obstacle.

Now it's back to Mickey Park,
and the finish line!

Uh, go, Goofy, go! Go, Goofy, go!

Go, Goofy, go! Bye-bye!

MICKEY: Go, Goofy, go!




Well, what do you know. He did it!

Goofy finished
the Mickey Mouse obstacle course!

[SOBS] You did us proud, you big goof!


[SING-SONG] I got me a shiny medal!
I got me a shiny medal!

Gosh. I couldn't have done it
without the help of all my friends.

This medal belongs to you, too.

Let's all celebrate Goofy's victory.

That's it, let's do the Hot Dog Dance.

Hot dog


Hot dog

Hot dog

Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggety dog

Now we got ears
It's time for cheers

Hot dog, hot dog
The problem's solved

Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggety dog

Come on, everybody!

Do the Hot Dog dance, just like me.

The Mickey Mouse obstacle course
sure was fun.

Thanks for all your help! [CHUCKLES]

What a hot-dog day.

Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggety dog

It's a brand-new day
What you waiting for?

Get up, stretch out
Stomp on the floor

Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggety dog

Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggety dog

We're splitting the scene
We're full of beans

So long for now
From Mickey Mouse

That's me!

And the Mickey Mouse


Aw, thanks for stopping by!

MICKEY: Aw, thanks for another fun day.

Do you remember the things
Goofy practiced jumping high and low over?

You bet you. A stool.

GOOFY: A bucket.

MICKEY: A garbage can.

GOOFY: And a lowdown stinky shoe.

MICKEY: What a hot dog day!
See you real soon!
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