Woodmen, The (2023)

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Woodmen, The (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

Welcome back everybody.

Thanks for tuning in.

I'm your host, Ash Hamilton, and you're

watching Night Terrors Radio.

Now since my film was released,

I have received a lot of really

interesting videos, pictures.

But I gotta tell you, what I'm about to

show you tonight is by

far the most troubling.

Let's take a look.

What's up guys?

It's Connor from Bigfoot Anonymous, and

we're in the Appalachian Mountains,

the oldest range on the planet.

And I'm here with nature

conservationist, Lana Haywood.

Hey guys.

We've been researching for the past few

months after there's been a plethora

of cryptid encounters in this area.

Some people are saying it's the Cherokee

legend of spear finger.

Others are saying it's Sasquatch.

But there's a new word in the woods about

a human hybrid type species

that is taking people.

Some people think that

they are responsible for

Dennis Martin, who

disappeared right up that hill.

About 50 years ago, the Key family

witnessed this hairy being

carrying little Dennis over its shoulder

and disappearing into the forest.

There's a huge government cover up, and

the green berets were

hired to come in and

wipe everyone out.

There's something to it.

There's hidden treasure out here, ley

lines that converge, and

even a cave that goes to Middle Earth.

I think we all need to get out here and

explore, but we need to be careful.

There is things that lurk in the darkness

that surround us in the night.

We don't know what is watching us.

And the beauty of it all,

sorry, Connor, thank you.

The beauty of it all in this research

that we're doing is understanding.

And Connor has been helping me for the

last six months understand

what the importance of it

all is, why are we here?

There's more than just maybe

disappearances, and that's why I'm here.

I want to understand why things are

happening the way they are.

Maybe we're just misunderstanding them.

Maybe it's helping in some way.

Maybe the way that things

are flourishing around us,

we're just

misinterpreting their movements.

And maybe we're just not understanding it

all, and we need to.

That's what I want to

get to the bottom of.

I have to agree with Lana completely.

They blame Sasquatch

for disrupting nature.

But actually, in places

of high density encounters,

they see that wildlife is flourishing.

The berries are healthier.

There's more fish in the rivers, and the

trees are taller than ever.

The Sasquatch heals, but we need to

figure out what else is

out here in the forest.


Come on, Lana.

Watch your step.

I will.

There's been panther sightings and bear

out here recently, too.

So make sure to bring your bear spray and

always let people know where you are


Sadly, people have been going missing in

the forest over the past few decades

under strange circumstances.

They just vanish.

There's old people that are found

thousands of feet up

on the mountain range.

There's kids that are found in areas that

they could not climb to.

The forest is hiding something, and we

are out here to seek it.

Yeah, and if we understand it more, maybe

there'll be less disappearances,

because we'll know why.

Why are they taking people?

What do they need them for?

What do we need to know so we can be

safer when we go out into the woods?

What is the mystery

behind the people around us?

I believe that protecting the forest will

also protect us in the long run,

so we need to find the

balance and symmetry to it all.

Connor, I don't want to touch it.

Do you want to get closer?

I really don't think that this is a bear,

but it's definitely not big enough,

I believe, to be a Bigfoot, but I really

don't have enough experience to say.

I don't know.

I'd say it's something in between.

There's no dermal ridges,

and it's not a barefoot.

What else is out here with us?

I wonder if we could walk

around a little bit more

and see if there's any tracks or any more

tracks or maybe leftover berries

or something that's

hinting that it's been eating.

I don't know.

Yeah, let's go check it out.

Right over by that creek bed, I think

that would be a spot.

Yeah, that's a really good spot.

That's a good idea.

All right.

What we have behind us is a watering

hole, a known feeding ground

for these amazing creatures.

And what we could find in here are grubs,

minnows, or other things

that these creatures

would come and feast on.

So Connor, what kind of things could we

find in here that let us know

that these creatures have been around?

If we're lucky, we'll find some

footprints, some handprints,

maybe even fingernails that broke off.

Yeah, and what kind of fingernails would

they be, like,

human-like or more claw-like?

Yeah, definitely sharp.

I don't know if it's going to be a claw

or just unmaintained for so long.

But we have seen marks on trees.

And we know bears do

that just to sharpen,

but there's theories that they

communicate with other tribes

with the markings on the tree.

It's very interesting.

And that's why they can kind of get

confused with bears or native wildlife.


Look right there.

You can see something's been digging.

I see.

There's a little bit of hair right here.

You got that plastic bag?

We can take a sample.

Yeah, I think I left it up by the camp.

Let's go get it.

All right.

So Connor graciously

gave me his EMF tester.

So this is basically going to measure the

electromagnetic frequencies around us.

Personally, I think if there's anything

out here, it's not 100 percent physical.

I definitely think that they're more in

the middle ground between us,

something a little bit

more supernatural in a sense.

So I let him give me this.

I'm kind of a novice at it, but I feel

like if there is anything out here,

we'd be able to catch it on

here and see what comes of it,

see if we can find anything.

I'm not getting anything quite yet.

Do you see something over there?

Yeah, what is that?

I don't know.

I'm not picking anything up on my EMF.

I don't know.

Here, grab the camera.

I'm going to go check it out.


Sometimes you can just tell

if the trees been altered.

They've been bowed, crushed,

turned into a TP structure.

But sometimes you have

to look on the ground.

They'll make ground

glyphs, old ruined marks,

Xs, Ss, it all means something.

There's a conversation

going on in the forest.

There's a language out here being spoken,

and we just have to

find the time to listen.


Guys, we found a cave in the hillside.

I think that

something lives inside of it.

They say that these wild men creatures

have echo locating like bats or dolphins.

And they also use infrasound like big

cats to stir up confusion.

I don't want to go all the way in there,

but we'll go to the edge and

just listen for some howls.



Connor, what?

Connor, what?

So what you just watched was shocking.

Now I still have a hard time

wrapping my head around it.

But it is something that we have

discussed previously on the show.

And I don't think it's any secret that

the national park system in this country

is holding secrets,

deadly secrets in fact.

And so that video was

recovered and submitted to Josh,

he's one of our techs here on the

channel, was by a park ranger.

And of course they

wish to remain anonymous.

They are however currently stationed in

the great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee.

So he had very little to say, except that

he had found their gear and

a camera with an SD card in

it containing that footage.

Now, I will say the footage runs for

about another hour or so.

But not a lot of relevance that really

hold a lot of clues or anything.

So I did shorten it for time.

But I hope that by releasing it to you,

hopefully that we can find some truth.

You know, like what did

they actually experience?

I think that this case

needs studied further.

Now, I can't confirm whether those

individuals in the video are safe.

Connor Flynn and Lana Haywood have been

reported missing by their loved ones.

Now hopefully somebody watching this will

have some of those answers.

And maybe someone can

help bring them home.

So it's everyone, you

know, stay safe out there.

Stay safe.

Hi, my name is Dr. Scott LaRoche,

Doctor of Anthropology.

My focus of study is feral humans.

And I've been studying

them for many years now.

Until recently though, the trail has

started to run cold.

Lack of funding, eyewitnesses not coming

forward, less abductions.

Until recently, I received an email with

a link to a somewhat

disturbing YouTube video

of a couple being att*cked in their camp

up in the mountains of Tennessee.

I did a little

research, a little background.

I had one of my tech savvy students help

me do a little

background research on the YouTube

channel and reached

out to Josh who runs it.

After a little coaxing, he was able to

give me the contact of

the person who found the

footage, a ranger up in the

mountains named Ben Logan.

And I'm happy to say he's agreed to take

me out to the location

where the footage was found.

You know, for many years my colleagues

have been jabbing me and

calling it a fool's errand

what I'm doing.

And I intend to go out there, deep into

the woods, prove the

existence of feral humans

and proudly prove them

wrong, no matter what it takes.

Hey guys.

I know it's been a

while since my last video.

And I know based on the outpouring of

support, a lot of you know

already, but my father is

no longer with us.

God, I don't know.

I was on a hike when the crash happened.

I didn't have a

service so I couldn't help.

And just the processing

that has been difficult.

But the support has been incredible.

And I wanted to make this video to let

you know how much it

means to me and how much

it would have meant to him.

He, oh I said, when his time came he

wanted his ashes to be

spread on the mountain where

he was born and grew up.

That's what I'm going to do.

He loved being in videos and he loved

participating and he

loved all of you guys.

So I think it's only fair that you get to

be a part of the final journey.

I'll be documenting the whole thing.

It'll be a little bit until my next video

but I have a lot to get ready.

In the meantime I want to leave you with

the last voicemail he left for me.


Hey Dawn, it's Dad. Just calling to say

hello. No worries about

getting back to me right away.

Mom told me about your

interview. She said it went well.

Looking forward to hearing all about it.

So proud of you honey. We both are.

Well, happy trails. Stop by the house

when you get done. Love

you. Talk to you soon. Bye.

Thank you, and

I'll see you soon.

Okay, we've made it to the ranger

station. It's been about a two, two and a

half or it seems like a lot longer.

We're going to drive out here on nothing

but gravel and dirt road.

A few Starbucks later and we are here. So

let's get in there and meet our guy.

Sir. What are you doing here?

Dr. Scott LaRoche. We emailed.

You can't be filming up here.

I'm looking for... What's the filming

about? I'm an

academic. I'm doing research.

Yeah, this isn't the Real Housewives of

f*cking Bear County. You

can't be filming up here.

I'm looking for Ben Logan. Hey. Who? Hey,

relax man. It's just a damn camera. It

ain't going to bite you.

I'm Ben Logan. Who are you?

Dr. Scott LaRoche. Okay, the emails?

Yeah. Stop inside man.

Thank you. Thank you.

We have June 10th, 2023. This is an

interview with Ben

Logan and the other ranger.

So Ben Logan, would you tell us what you

do here and how long

you've been doing it?

Well, if you can read, I work for the

Park Service. I've been doing

this for a couple years now.

I was a law enforcement officer before

but I ended up getting moved out here.

That's great. Are you familiar with any

of the strange going on sightings and

things that have been happening up here

in the Tennessee Mountains?

I read the internet. I look at news

broadcasts. There's quite a bit of

missing people, I guess you could say.

We all know that the internet is the

source of all information.

Right. The woods surrounding here are

relatively uncharted, am I correct?

Yeah. Well, that's not entirely true

actually. A lot of these trails are

charted. I mean, not to rain

on your parade or anything.

There's still a lot of area that hasn't

been off the trails.

Any missing persons reports recently?

Well, I can't think of

any. Again, quite a few.

Well, you sent the video

footage to the podcast, correct?

That was you? You

sent video footage where?

I'm sorry. I had a contact but yeah, I

did discover something

and send it off to the...

What exactly is the podcast

that you're talking about?

Is it your podcast?

No, I'm an

anthropologist. This is an academic...

I don't think

anthropology.com is that the...

This is not anything that we have to discuss at this very moment.

Can we just let the man ask his question?

I'm curious because you're here and

you're filming me and I

don't know what exactly...

Have you found any evidence

of any of these feral humans?

Feral humans. There's a lot of strange

things that I can't quite explain but I

mean, feral humans, aliens, I don't know.

I found evidence. That right there,

that's a feral f*cking human.

Trust me, I have to practically live with

a guy. The Old Spice kills me.

It's like living with a cinnamon candle.

You agreed though to take me out to where

you found the footage, correct?

I'm not gonna take you anywhere. Not,

not, not where the

video originates, Scott.

That was the emails that we discussed

that you said you were gonna take...

that's the whole reason I came up here.

The emails were to give somebody an

insight of what may be going on around

here but this stuff is a little bit, you

know, out of our lead.

I don't think you understand though. I'm

sure I'll just have to go myself to just

point me in the

direction and I'll go myself.

I'm not gonna make you go anywhere on

those woods. You know what

kind of animals there are?

I'm aware of what kind of

animals live in the woods, yes.

You gonna be afraid of a

black bear coming at you?

You know, your Thomas Two Toes is out

there, the f*cking skunk ape.

Thomas Two Toes. Jesus Christ, Scott, are

we really gonna do this?

I need to.

And good conscience, I'm not letting you

go out there alone so if you're going to

go by yourself, well,

I'm gonna come with you.

Thank you.

That's the most

reasonable thing you've said today.


Thomas Two Toes.

And on that well end there.

You get these doctors from the universities that

want to go out here and do this stupid

shit and not know what's out there.

I'm gonna get them.

I'll do that.

I'll be back.

Oh shit.

Hey guys, so we're about to get started

going up the mountain, but I wanted to

check in before we get going so that I

can show you just how

beautiful this spot is.

This particular spot is incredible. It

only gets better as

we go up the mountain.

This has always been a

particular gem for avid hikers.

It's definitely gained a lot more

popularity and traction

from hikers in the area.

It's a lot more populated traffic wise

than it was the last time I was here.

Certainly since the last time my father

was here when he was younger, but it's

still absolutely incredible.

So I think this is the

perfect hike to remember him by.

Yeah, so it's about give or take five

hours up, five hours back.

We should have plenty of time to make it

up, remember him and come back down

safely before nightfall.

Before I sign off and before we get

started, I wanted to tell you a really

special story about this particular hike.

So while this has been always a really

special, special hike for both me and

dad, one of my favorite memories was

actually a different hike.

We were up in North Carolina, which has

incredible hikes and just absolutely

incredible waterfalls.

So for my 21st birthday, we actually went

to Looking Glass Falls and there's an

incredible hike

called Looking Glass Rock,

where when you get to the top, which is

pretty intense once you get there,

there's a cliff that

you can go to the edge of,

and it has completely unobstructed views

of the surrounding mountain ranges.

It's absolutely beautiful. I couldn't

think of a better way to

celebrate my 21st birthday,

and I'm really thinking about it a lot

today as I embark on this journey.

So yeah, thank you for coming with me,

being there for me throughout all of

this, and I'm really

excited for all of you to see it.

The university I used to work at, after I

lost my funding and was ridiculed by all

my colleagues for

being on a fool's errand.

Watch your step

I received a severance package after I

left that allowed me

to continue my research.

This is my life. This is what I've been

doing for the past several years.

What you're telling me is you were fired,

now you're out here. It

sounds like a pity story.

If you're scared of things that are out

here, why do you do it?

Let me tell you this. I'm a lot less

scared of what's in these

woods than actual reality.

Well, you know, I'm not scared of them. I

don't intend to hurt them. I'm here to

observe them. It's purely academic.

You know, I'm not like you. I don't

believe in g*ns and v*olence.

You'll believe in g*ns when

you see the things I have.


Let's keep going.


Hey, how are you?

You're cute.

She's my girlfriend.

Future wife.

It would be okay if I asked you guys a

few questions about your journey.

Yeah, sure. Why not?


You always have a

question. She's a cute girl.

Yeah, she's a cute

girl, but I'm your girl.

Yeah, you are.

Okay, hi.

So, I am filming a video and I just

wanted to know, so what are you guys

doing out here? Is this for a trip?

It's not even where I

want to be right now.

She came. I'm doing it for

her. She's a nature lover.

Yeah, and I've never

been to the smoky mountains.

She's like a map and I keep telling her

that we can just use the phone.

Yeah, but I still have a flip phone, so,

but we wanted to ask you, we're trying to

get out of the woods because we've been

hearing weird sounds.

It's nothing. It's just animals. She

thinks there's some spooky...


Well, there's a lot of wildlife out in

the woods, so I'm sure

there's nothing to be afraid of.

She's so cute.

Predominantly, if you're making a lot of

noise, they're not going to approach you.

Yeah, yeah, it sounds cool.

Actually, if you just keep heading down

this trail all the way that

way, it's about an hour more.

Another hour?

Just down this trail.

Yeah, just an hour. It should be easily

back by late afternoon.

You shouldn't have any trouble.

Is there any food around here?

We have food. She just...

And actually, it's pretty smart to have a

paper map because you never know when

you're going to lose service.

Yeah, I have no service.

So it's actually really smart to carry a

paper map on you when you're traveling.

It's a really good idea.

Is there any way we

can have some privacy?

Do you want to have a threesome?

Stop! I appreciate that.

But I have quite a ways to keep going, so

I actually got to keep heading up the

mountains so I can get

back down before dark.

But thank you for being on my video, and

I hope you guys have a good trip back.

Thank you, sweetie.

Thank you. Nice to meet you.

Alright, let's go.

Beautiful, beautiful.



You sure that camera's going to be

alright? It looks

like it's about the rain.

Yeah, it should.

It's fine. I actually don't know.

It doesn't matter either

way. Right here's the site.

This is it?

This is it. Based on the video, when I

came up here, the camera looked like it

was about 30 feet in that direction.

That's about the only

thing that I could find.

Let me tell you this, Doctor. I'm a real

good hunter and a real good tracker.

It didn't look like there

were any humans up here.

Not a trace.

Not a trace. And that

doesn't sit right with me.

Well, you see, that actually goes along

with a lot of my research.

You know, these kind of stories go back

all the way to the 1800s, where people

just would go missing without a trace.

Then sometimes, small children would wind

up at far distances, much further than

they could have ever

traveled on their own.

And then, of course, there were some that

were just bodies found where they looked

like they had been scavenged.

You know, all their clothes and camp gear

and things like that gone.

And then, of course,

there's the, you know, 1969.

Dennis Martin, the small child that was

taken from his family and never found...

This is amazing.

Let me just tell you this.

I've seen a lot of stuff in this life.

Being out in these

woods, it scares me shitless.

I can't explain a lot of these things.

So that's why you gotta

keep your eyes peeled.

But the night that I came on this site,

and I found that footage,

there's something about it.

On my way back to the station.

I couldn't explain this feeling. It was

almost like something or

somebody was out there.

And it followed me.

And since then, I can't help but

constantly look over my shoulder.

Like all this shit from before, it

followed me here, too.

That don't make any

sense to you, never mind.

But I think we gotta wrap this up. It's

getting kind of dark.

I don't understand.

You know, if you don't mind, I...

Just a minute or two so I could...

I just need to look around the site a

little bit, take some notes

and maybe get some samples.

Like I said, I didn't

find anything, but go ahead.

Thank you.

Because I just feel like we're in a place

in the mountains where I think there

might be a clan nearby.

And I think they might

have taken over this side.

So I definitely think we're near.

Thank you.

About 30 feet that direction.

Are there multiple trails for this area?

There's quite a bit of acreage that

They've gone all over.

These are kind of a

little bit more remote, though.

This is...

You see something?

I just feel like it might

have been a sleeping spot.

But I'm not sure.

Alright, thank you.

So, Ben, would it be okay if...

Would it be okay if

we camped here tonight?

I brought a couple tents and...

I just feel like we're in the right spot.

Of course you did.

Unfortunately, it's probably a good idea.

You don't want to move along these

mountains when it gets dark.

And I can hear raindrops.

Right now we don't have another choice.

Let's get our gear and set up.

- Need some help, man?

- No, I'm...

- Maybe.

You see these damn sticks?

- What?

Yeah, I know how it works.

- Pick it up, I...

- Pick the thing up.

- Just stick it in the ground.

There you go.

You think for being a...

- Doctor, you figured this shit out.

- Yeah, well...

It looked a lot easier

on the YouTube video.

- You got this one all f*cked up anyway.

- You got the damn thing or what?

- Almost.

- Dang.

- That'll work.

Yeah, thanks.

- Hey guys, so I took

a little bit too long

and lost daylight faster

than initially expected.

You never really wanna

be caught out after dark,

but in the event that you do,

one of the things you want

to find is somewhere safe,

relatively sheltered for you

to hunker down for the night

until dawn so that you can

make your way safely back down.

I'm not too far from the original trail.

I don't think I'd be

able to find it in the dark,

but we're waiting until morning,

and then once it's light,

I'll easily be able to make my way back.

So yeah, in the event

this ever happens to you,

take safe precautionary

measures and wait it out.

So, I heard some noises outside the tent

and it's definitely not an animal.

By the footfalls, I'd say it's a biped

and I heard vocalizations but...

I'm a little wary to go outside.

I don't want to scare them away but I am

a bit of a sitting

duck in here and so maybe

I can just get the camera

out to take a little peek here.

What the... what is that?



What the f*ck was that? I think it might be

I think I'll stay

inside for a little while.

Oh God.

I think we might have found one.

I think he might be communicating.

They're animalistic nature I think.

I think I'm safe in here.

I hope.

I don't hear them anymore.

I can't believe it.

Listen to those vocalizations.

Oh this is what I've been looking for.

I hope the camera's picking all this up.

I honestly have no idea what

he's doing or communicating.

- It seems to be maybe just only one.

Maybe a scout.

Maybe exploring.

He's right outside.

Oh, god.



- You good?

- Get your ass up, grab

the camera, follow me.

Stop, stop.

- What the?

- Shit.

- Are you okay?

What are you doing out here?

- I heard a g*nsh*t and there's some--

- There are things out here.

- I heard something too.

- Are you okay?

- I twisted my ankle and--

- Oh, god.

- We can't stay here.

- I broke my camera.

- Okay, okay, we'll

get it, let's get going.

- Can you please help me up?

- Yes, of course.

- Come on.

- Here, take this.

I don't have anything for a busted lady.

Do you have any more of that, guys?

- Yeah, I have.

- Okay, very careful.

So, I guess we should

introduce ourselves.

What's your name?

- Dawn, and you are?

- Scott, Dr. Scott LaRouche.

But not that kind of doctor.

I'm an anthropologist.

I came out here to

Prove the existence of those things.

- Why would you do that?

- It's just, what I study, it's a,

that's what I do, that's,

what brought you out?

- I just had something

really important to do.

- Fair enough.

I think that's,

I think that's,

maybe you can do this, there.

- Thank you.

- Are you by yourself?

- Yeah, I don't really have anyone else,

so I tend to come out here alone.

- Yeah.

I think I know.

Yeah, I was with somebody.

He was a ranger.

His name was Ben Logan.

- Was that?

Was that your g*n?

- No, that was his.

- And?

- They came out of nowhere.

I left, I left him behind.

- f*ck.

- They, I couldn't do anything.

I'm not an outdoors man.

He was, his head and,


- Can't think about it now.

We need to get out of here now.

Let me help you.

All right, take the camera.

Here, take this a second.

- what the hell?

- If I'm correct, this is a,

this is a territory marker.

We aren't safe here.


Did you hear that?

I thought I heard something.

- No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

- Can you take this for a minute?

I can't let this happen again

- Get the knife, get the knife.

- Go, go, go, go, go.

- Who is that?

- Who are you?

- We need help.

- Please.

- You okay?

What the hell is going on?

Come here, come on.

Come on.

Sit down, sit down

- There's still, theyre still out there.

- What?

- There's things in the woods.

- Do you have a cell phone?

- Yeah, it's in the truck.

I'll be right back.

I'll be right back.

- It's okay, he's gonna get us out.

- Huh, did you hear, huh?

What the f*ck is going on?

- f*ck.

You okay?

- Mm-hmm, sure, great.

- What's taking so long?

- Take this phone.

I'm gonna go get him.

- What is it, you all right?

- Okay.

- What's up?

- No!

- Oh my god.

- We have to go.

- I'm not going anywhere.

Go, go, go!

Take the camera, take the camera.

Please, please.

Please, please.

I'm gonna take the

footage, publish it, do it.

Just make it home, please.


- m*therf*cker.

Hey, are you okay?

- Yeah.

- Come on, we have to get out of here.

- Hang on, I gotta get the camera.

Lock your doors.

Hey guys, so Ive gotten a lot of

Messages and seen a lot of posts

One asking if the footage is real

and also asking if Im ok

The answer to both of those, is, yes. The footage is 100% real

Everything you see, is something that happened and that I went through.


Those mountains

Regarding the okay part

of course after experiencing something like that

Im certainly having an interesting time

processing everything I went through

And I dont think Ill ever

One hundred percent


from that experience but

I will tell you this

It has motivated me not to stop making videos but

to make more of them

People need to know and, thats what Im going to do

Ben has been an incredible help in

processing and

really being able to accept everythings that happened

really go through it psychologically

Of course I have physically been completely ok but

I dont think Ill ever forget one millisecond of what happened

Ben was a pretty close call for a while there

But, weve stayed in really close touch, and he has made

a full recovery, obviously it took some time

But hes okay, Im okay, and were getting through

the aftermath of this together

Since everything has happened

I have come across so many people

and seen so many videos of encounters

Like the one I had with the feral humans

with other creatures, Bigfoot, the wendigo, dogman, mothman

We think that we know

these so-called myths as stories and legends but

we dont know whats out there

Yeah, theres

marked trails


perfectly safe

You think you know

where youre going you think you know what youre gonna see, what youre gonna experience, but

you never really know


Do with that information what you will

Ive also been in contact with a few people, Tim and Paul

Theyve had similar experiences

and we plan to creat more content together

to release to everyone

We want

as many people to know

whats out theres, as possible

we want people to know that

what happened to us, could very well happen to you

you think youre safe until youre not

you think you know whats out there until you dont

There was some footage recovered recently

that I have


and it

one hundred percent corroborates

my footage

my experience, my story

and Im going to share this footage with you


be warned

view at your own risk


keep in mind

you dont know what goes bump in the night

So we plan to meet you in Carter, I think

maybe like 9am tomorrow

morning at the restaurant?

Does that work? Okay good. Yeah, I can't

f*cking wait to talk about it.

The cruise was

amazing. Absolutely amazing.

Oh my god.

Oh see there are people laying on the

ground covered in blood everywhere.

Oh my god.



I gotta get out of here.

Hey folks, my name is Michael Rock.

You might know me from a documentary that

I filmed with my now retired from those

types of situations buddy

Dillon Brown called Tahoe Joe.

So a few minutes ago an old friend of

mine Ben Logan called me up.

That's actually why I'm recording this.

I really don't know what's going on.

Him and I we go way back. We've been

through some hell together.

We also know if we ever need each other

at the drop of a hat we're there.

And that's where I'm at.

Ben called me up.

He said he needed some help.

He said he already

bought me a plane ticket.

Sun's not even up.

Plane leaves in about four hours.

I asked him what was going on.

He couldn't tell me the situation.

He told me it's going to have to wait

till I get on the ground.

Ben also said he has

a g*n waiting for me.

Because things are about to get wild.


Lets go on an adventure

This is Rancher Davis Fulton. Over.

Go for base.

Find anything of importance?

Well. I wish I hadnt

Come again?

Sir. I've got four bodies out here.

Alright. Hang tight.

We got rescue services running.

This isn't good.

What's going on?

Well. One g*nsh*t victim.

Two others have been cut up pretty badly.

The other doesn't have any

physical signs of injury.

Two are alive?


Have you dropped your position yet?

I'm about to.

Wait, sir.

Hold on.

What's going on?

We've got military vehicles coming in.

It looks like.


Wait. Military?

Yes, sir. Hold on. They're stopping.

Ranger. What are they doing there?


Yeah. It's only me.


Ranger, respond.

God damn it. All units, please respond.
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