02x05 - An Egg-stremely Bad Idea

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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02x05 - An Egg-stremely Bad Idea

Post by bunniefuu »



Chef: (reads) "...and then Wally, the walrus,

saw his surfboard was even prettier than before!

(Kids snoring) And finally,

his big walrus frown turned upside down!"

The end. - (Loud cheering) Yay!

- Just goes to show, a little bit of pizazz goes a long way...

(Both) To brighten up a darkened day!

- Nailed it. Okay kids, play time.

- Hey Owen! Wanna make someone's day bright with me?

'Cause I sure wanna! - But who?

We don't know any sad walruses named Wally.

I thought I told you to stay at home today, Mike.

OOF! - Hm. Excellent point.

Who do we know that's sad?

- ♪ La la la la la

- I'm a blue jay! (Bonk)



(Evil giggling)

- Ugh. Why's everybody so happy around this place?

(Bats squeak) Huh?

(Bell tolls)

Of course! Owen look!

Owen: Gwen? Oh, I dunno, Izzy.

I don't think she can be cheered up.

I've never seen her smile.

(Gasp) Maybe she doesn't even have teeth!

- Sh-sh-sh-shh! Come on!

We can totally make Gwen happy!

And we'll start by adding some piz-azz

to this sad old egg chair!

- But that's her prized possession.

- Soon to be her pizazziest possession!

Hey DJ! Hit it!

(Dance music plays)




(Scratching records)

(Pulley creaks)


- Izzy! The egg? - Sorry!

I've always wanted to do that.


(Scratching records)

(Pig squeals) (Angry growl)

(Party favour sounds)

- Ahhh! (Splat)

- Now that's how you decorate an egg chair.

(Agreeing snort)

- Why is there a box covering my chair?

(Giggles) I think you mean yourrrr...

new and improved happy, smiley, rainbow,

googley eyed egg chaaaaaaaaair!

(Horrified) - No. No, you didn't--

- Ooooh you bet we did!


(Heavenly choir sings) (Twinkles)

- (Gasps)

- Hey! We're having a moment here!

(Singing stops)

- That's right, ladies. Keep walking!

- Pretty cool, huh?

- And just look at what we did inside!

(Whirs opens)

(Bats squeak happily, birds chirp)

(Heavenly choir sings) (Twinkles)

- Wow, I got shishkabobbed by a pointy horsey!

(Bat squeaks happily)

- She loves it!

(Steam hisses)

(Groan builds to a horror scream)

(Rumbling) All: (Panicked screaming)


(Glass shatters)

(Car alarm sounds, honking)

- Whoa, man!

All: (Panicked screaming)


(High-pitched scream)

- What's going on in here?!

- Gwen's freaking out 'cuz Owen and Izzy decorated her chair!

- Well, that is some nice pizazz, guys!

Ow! And we gotta get rid of it... now!

Oh no! Gwen's scream caused a hurricane!

Aw, come on! Why's she still screamin'?!

The happy chair is gone!

And so is my car!

- Seems to me, all this trouble could be avoided

if a certain little girl

got her old egg chair back-- ahhhhhh!

- Bye weird old man! - We gotta fix Gwen's chair!

- Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

- Right after I deal with that!

Cody! Stop bothering that mythical creature!

- Looks like it's up to us, Izzy.

- I'm gettin' too old for this.

(Engine revs, car honks)

Waiiiiit! Come back!

- How are we gonna catch a truck?!


- You leave that to me!

Here! We! Go! (Wind gusts)

- Well, good try, Izzy,

but I don't think that's gonna wor--gak!


- Ooof! - Ooof!

- Wow. We sure are lucky

we got dragged across town!

- Hey! What's that?

Hm...it says, "limited time egg-zibit:

art for chickens by chickens."

Ooooh! Fancy!

- We did such a great job on Gwen's chair,

they think it's art!

- Grr. Those dirty stealers!

Let's go get our egg.

- (Huge gasp)

It's like we're at the fanciest breakfast buffet ever!

- Look! There's Gwen's chair!

- Let's get it and go.

This place is making me hungry and confused.

(Wheels squeaks)

Snooty chicken: Buk buuuuukk?

- Oh! Hello Mr. Chicken.

Don't you look fancy in your little blazer!

- Buk buckock!

- Whoa, okay, easy. (Nervous laugh)

Look, we mean no disrespect. We're just here to--

- Ahh! Buk buuuuukk? Buk buckock!!

Buk buckock!!

(Blows whistle)

- Ahh!

- Talk about an overreaction.

You'd think we were trying to eat their babies or something!

- Must be a cholesterol thing.

Who knew chickens were health conscious.

- But now what are we gonna do?

We'll never get past that guard!

(Knock on door)

(Pen rasps)

Both: Hellllooooo...

(Wheels squeak)

- Buuuk buuuk. Buuuuk. Bukbuk!


- Okay, we've got the egg now let's get outta here!

- Bugok!

(Alarm sounds)



- Ahhhhh! - Ow!

- Ah. We did it!

- Yeah, but I feel like we're missing something.

(Wheels rasp)

- (Gasps) The chair!

(Loud crash)

- It's still okay! (Brakes screech)

(Loud crash)


- Bugok!

(Eggs fire rapidly) - Bugok!

Ha! (Effort grunts)

(Grrr) - Buk! Buk!

- Ha! That all ya got, feather head?

- Yeah... that all you (burp)... got?

(Siren wails)

- Come on, Oweeeen!

I hope things are going better than this back at school.

(Screaming continues) (Wind gusts)

(Effort grunt) - I gotcha, Cody!


- Allllmost gottttt itttttt!





(Plane whirs)

- Whoaaaaaaa.

(Horn sounds)

- Buuuk buuuk.

(Wings flap)

Buuuk buuuk.

Owen: Uh oh. What's this guy all about?

(Whooshes, egg cracks)

- Bugok! - What?!

Chickens come from eggs?

- Huh. And I always thought it was the other way around.

- Buuuk buuuk. - Buuuk buuuk.


(Horrified) - Nooooooo!

(Terrified) - Bugawwwwwwwwk!!

(Thuds repeatedly)

(Whooshes in the air)


- Incominnnnnnnnng!


- Bugawwwwwwwwk!! - Oh no!

Gwen's chair!

- Well, it looks... different.

- Gwen loves different... uh right? (Nervous laugh)

Oh well, time to get this work of art

back to its rightful owner.


- Gwen, we're sorry we changed your chair without asking.

We just wanted to brighten your day--

- The good news is that we got your chair back!

Agh. But uh the bad news...

(Screaming stops)

- Oh no! That's what you did to the chair?!

Ohhhh sweet Carolina!

We're all doomed!

We're all doomed!


- I love it!!

(Huge sigh of relief) Phewwww!

- Nice save, nerds.

- You mean, we did it?

We actually brightened her day?!

- Duh, of course we did!

Was there ever any doubt?

Now, who's up next?

♪ La la la la la La la la la la ♪

♪ La la la la la

(Gasp) Chef? You lucky duck!

- No-no-no. Nooooooo!!

- Chef!!! Come back!

Chef: Nooooooo!!


♪ Ta ta ta!
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