02x04 - Lie-Ranosaurus Wrecked

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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02x04 - Lie-Ranosaurus Wrecked

Post by bunniefuu »



Kids: Owen, you should share!

Quit hogging the sandbox! Come on! Not fair!

- What's with all the frowny faces?

- We're waiting for a turn in the sandbox.

- I need to build my sandcastle

before my building permits expire!

- I gotta get my tan on!

- And I've got mud balls to make.

Hurry up already!

- Okay, okay, let's see what the hold up is.

Owen? - Oh hi, Chef!

Just a few more hours,

and I'll have uncovered a dino's tail!

- Hours? Owen, what did I tell you

about hogging the sandbox?

- But Chef, I'm training to be a paleontologist!

- A what?

- A paleontologist.

It's the coolest job ever!

You get to dig up real dinosaurs!

- Wow!

I wish I could dig up a real, alive dinosaur.

Just for me!

- (Roars)

(People scream)

- Yeeeehaw!

- (Growls)


(Chewing sounds)

(Fire crackles)


Izzy: Yippee!

(Rotors beat) Gaaaaah!

(Lasers blast)

- (Roars)

(Explosions boom)


(Electricity crackles)

- Woo! (Laughs)


- Izzy, whatever you're imagining

is never gonna happen. - (Giggling)

Dinosaur! Diiino-saur!

- Now that that's all cleared up,

Owen, it's time for you to let someone else

have a turn in the sandbox.

- Oh, baby! (Splats)


Weather report calls for mud balls!

Beth and Harold: Aaaah!

- See? Now everyone's enjoying the sandbox.

(Splats) - Ohhh...

- There you go. Fun times.

(Dirt rustles)

- Ugh! This digging for dinosaurs

is taking forever!

(Thuds, cat meows)

I know what to do!

(Truck engine revs)

- Hey kid, stop! Stop!

- (Gasps)

- You gotta release the emergency brake!

- Oh! Heh, heh. Thanks!

(Lever grinds)

(Engine revs, tires squeal)

- (Coughs) Kids nowadays.

(Chomps, farts)

(Whirring) - Dinosaur? Nope.

(Whirring) Here?!

Ugh! Nope.

Beth: Weee! Aaah! Oof!

Harold: Izzy?

You're not allowed to dig up the playground.

Chapter , Section , subsection--


- Ugh! (Groans)


Phew! Totter-teetering sure is hard work.

(Truck beeps)

(Truck rumbles)



- Tuck and roll, Cody! Tuck and roll!

- (Whistling) - Oh hi, Izzy.

What'cha doin'?

- I'm trying to be an orthodontist,

and dig up a real, alive dinosaur,

just like you said I could.

But I can't find one anywhere! Ugh!

- A real, alive dinosaur?

Uh-oh. Izzy, there's something I should tell you.

- That dinosaurs make the best pets ever?

And it'll love me, and play with me,

and be my best friend forever? - Uhh...

- I knew it! - Okay...

but what if you don't find one?

- I just have to, 'cause if I don't, I'd...

I'd... arghhhhhh!

I'd knock over the tricycle!


And smash Chef's car!


And... cut down the treehouse.

With a chainsaw!

(Whirring, kids scream)

(Loud crash)

Good thing that'll happen,

'cause I am gonna find a dinosaur!

- Aw, poor Izzy!

I really got her hopes up with what I said.

I'm gonna have to fix it.

And there's only one way to do it.

- Owen, it isn't crafting time.

We can't have people crafting when it's not crafting time.

- Sorry, Chef.

The thing is, is I made Izzy think she could dig up

a real, alive dinosaur.

So now I gotta pretend to be one to make her happy.

After all, she's just a kid.

- Owen, you told a lie,

and now you're making up for it with a bigger lie.

I'm proud of you. Problem solving like an adult.

(Scissors snip)

- Okay, here goes!


There. Now all I have to do is wait for Izzy to find me.

(Truck rumbles) Owen: Aaah! Ohh!

- What is that? Owen: (Shrieks)

- There it is again!

Owen: Owww! (Moans)

- What's with all the screaming?

(Owen screams and moans)


- (Gasps)

- Rawr? - Dinosaur!

Could it really be you?

- Aah! (Farts) Uh, dino-roar.

- I just know we're gonna be best friends!

Let's go have some fun!

- Rawr!




(Splats, crashes)

(Fire crackles)

(Animals growl)

(Owen screams)

(Animals snarl)

(Rotors beat)

(Lasers blast, expl*si*n booms) - Aaaah!

(Explosions boom)

Aaaaah! Aah! Aah! No!

No! Whoaaaa!

Oof! Aah! - Woo-hoo!


That was amazing!

Oh, dinosaur!

I'm gonna love you and keep you forever,

and never, ever let you go! - (Farts)

- Best day ever!

(Izzy giggles)

- Rawr...

- I can't believe Chef let Izzy bring a dinosaur

into the classroom!

- Yeah, I've seen a lot of movies about owning dinosaurs.

It never goes well.

- What're we gonna do?

- Dinosaurs have gone extinct before.

We can extinct 'em again!

According to this manual,

a lot of dinosaurs were wiped out by the Ice Age.

Let there be ice!


- This is taking too long!

Let's try something else!

- Hmm... the manual also indicates

that dinosaurs died when they fell into tar pits.


- Now that's a tar pit!

- But how are we going to lure the beast in?

Owen: Do I smell chocolate syrup?

Yummy! Yummy! (Splashes)

- That was easy.

- (Slurps)

Ahhh... another day,

another ten gallons of chocolate syrup. (Burps)

- I'm beginning to question the scientific accuracy

of this book.

- Dino dinnertime!

- Dino-rawr!


- It's dinosaur food. It's good for you.

Yum-yum! - (Bunny trembles)

- I wish someone would end this!

- Alright, we've tried everything.

It's time to bring out the big g*ns.

- (Gasps) You don't mean...

- I do. This meat-eater is about to eat meteor!

- But we'd have to wait a bazillion years

for the right asteroid to come along!

- Pfft! You can get anything online.

There it is. Giant asteroid.

And... "add to cart."

"Would you like this item delivered today?"

Yes, I would! (Roaring sound)

- (Whimpers)

(Roaring grows louder)

(Roaring, whooshing)

(Whooshing, loud crash)

- It missed the dinosaur! That's it!

"Asteroids Are Us" gets zero stars!

- (Roars) - Aaaah!


So all this time, Izzy could've dug up a real dinosaur?

Oh boy, do I feel silly.

- (Roars)

- Two dinosaurs? Aah!

I don't think I can take care of two dinosaurs.

You'll have to fight!

- Wait! No! I'm not even a real dinosaur!

- (Growls) - Eeep!

- (Roars)

- Aaaaaah! Oof!

Hey, hey, hey! Quit it!

Help! This dinosaur is trying to eat me!

- Hey, dino dudes!

Chill out.

If there's anything we've learned

since you dudes ruled the Earth,

it's to live, and let live,

and to love- ow!

Ooh! Aah! Oooof!

- The dinosaur ate Jude!

So I guess you're full now.

- (Roars) - Aaaah!

Oh! Aaah! Aaah!

Ohh... oh! Uh-oh!

The chocolate syrup isn't sitting right.

(Stomach grumbles) Urgh!

- He's gonna blow!

- (Retching, gagging)

- (Roars)

(Truck creaks)

(Splats) - Huh?

- Hey, we trapped a dinosaur!

- And look, "Asteroids Are Us" is sending another asteroid!

Five stars!

- (Roars)

(Whooshing, expl*si*n booms)

- Wow, the dinosaur is gone.

Phew! Oh, safe at last!

- One down, one to go!

- Wait! I'm not a real dinosaur!

See? - (Gasps)

- What?

- (Sighs) I'm sorry, Izzy.

You wanted a real, alive dinosaur so badly,

I lied, and pretended to be one so you wouldn't be upset.

Will you ever forgive me? - Eeeee!

I just found a big kitty!


And we're gonna have the best day ever!

(Jude groans)

- Jude?! How did you get out of the dinosaur?

- I don't wanna talk about it.

- Eeeeeeeewwwwww!
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