01x28 - Kenny Kentrosaurus/Don And The Troodons

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dinosaur Train". Aired: September 7, 2009 – April 12, 2021.*
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Set in a whimsical prehistoric world of jungles, swamps, active volcanoes and oceans, all filled with dinosaur and other prehistoric animal life, and connected by a train line known eponymously as the Dinosaur Train
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01x28 - Kenny Kentrosaurus/Don And The Troodons

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello, folks! It's me, the conductor. Today, the

Pteranodons continue their world tour to another continent and

Meet a kentrosaurus. So come on along with me on the dinosaur

Train. All aboard!

R train ♪ [whistle blows]

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ once upon a time

There was a mom her name was mrs. Pteranodon

Sitting on her nest she heard a scratching

And said... ♪ Oh, boy! My eggs are


♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪

[Roaring] [captioning made possible by

The jim henson company] [train whistle blows]

[Squawks] a new day, a new continent.

Who's the most excited to see where our world tour will take

Us today?


Hi, gilbert!

Good morning, pteranodon family.

Where's the conductor?

We can't wait to find out what we're doing today.

Ahem! Hello, world tour travelers. Today, you'll be

Going on a trek--that's a hike-- to meet a stegosaur.

Yep, and his name is kenny kentrosaurus.

Wait. You said a stegosaur, but kenny is a kentrosaurus.

Right. He's a kentrosaurus and a stegosaur.

You see, a kentrosaurus is a kind of stegosaur.

I don't get it.

I understand, gilbert.

Ok, I'm kind of confused, too.

A stegosaur is a type of dinosaur, like buddy is a


Yeah! I'm a tyrannosaurus rex. That means "king of the

Tyrannosaurs." Rrowrr!

[All giggle] gilbert, would you do the


I'd be honored to do the honors. Stegosaurus and

Kentrosaurus are types of stegosaurs. They look pretty

Similar--plates and spikes on their backs--but have some

Important differences. Today we'll be stopping here.

But there are stegosaurs all over the world, like here and

Here and here.

Whoa! I had no idea that there were so many stegosaurs.

And soon we'll all meet a new one--kenny kentrosaurus. And

Here's kenny.

Look, he has small plates on his neck and shoulders.

And they come about halfway down his back.

And look--sharp, spiky things that go the rest of the way


You know, he does look a lot like our friend morris.

Yeah! Morris the stegosaurus!

I get it. It's like morris and kenny kentrosaurus are all

In a big, worldwide stegosaur family.

Buddy, you are exactly right.

[Chime] [gasps]

Oh, my. Where did the time go? It's time for the time

Tunnel! Time tunnel approaching!


[Bell rings] next stop, kentrosaurus

Savanna in the jurassic time period.

So long, pteranodon family. Take good care of them, gilbert.

I will, uncle conductor.

[Inhales] ah! Nothing like the smell of

The high savanna of the jurassic.

[Squawks] you've been here before,


Indeed I have, and that's why I'll be your tour guide, my good


[Giggles, snorts] um, should we go find kenny?

Oh, right. Absolutely. To kenny's nest!

To kenny's nest!

So here's the savanna. That rhymes with banana.

[Giggles, snorts] did you know there's a local

Custom here that whenever you visit someone, you bring them a

Little gift? All the dinosaurs around here do it.

Oh, my. Really? Then we should bring kenny kentrosaurus

A gift, too.

Oh. I guess you're right, mrs. P.

[Sighs] now, what would make a nice gift

For a kentrosaurus?

[Ding] maybe some of those

High-growing leaves on those trees will be good. Kentrosaurus

Keep their heads pretty close to the ground.

So kenny probably never gets to eat any of the leaves that

Grow really high up.

Good thinking, boys! Let's get some of those leaves for

Kenny. Up we go, buddy.

Come on, gilbert. You, too.

I hope kenny likes my bouquet. I think it's especially


[Sniffs] ah-ah-ah-choo!

[Loud rhythmic pounding] is that some kind of huge


Don't worry, shiny. I know what's going on, and it's

Actually going to be fun.

[Pounds tail rhythmically] [pattern repeats in distance]

[Gasps] ha ha ha ha!

[Repeats pattern] [pattern repeats in distance]

Oh, yeah!

Good job, don!

[Pattern repeats] greetings. I am kenny

Kentrosaurus. Welcome.

Hi, kenny!

Let me guess. You are visitors from far away.

We're on a world tour on the dinosaur train.

The dinosaur train, with my good pal, mr. The conductor.

Hey, that's what I call him.

Well, that is his name, right? So, what are your names?

I'm tiny pteranodon, and this is buddy, shiny, don, gilbert,

And my mom and dad.

Welcome. I'm happy to have you as my visitors.

We're happy to be here, kenny. We brought you some

Leaves as a gift.

Ah! My favorite! Aren't those leaves from way up in the


[Squawks] yes. We flew up and got them

Down for you, kenny.

Excellent! Shiny, I accept your wonderful gift.

Look, don. Just like the picture the conductor showed us,

Kenny's plates go halfway down his back.

Yep, and then his big spikes go the rest of the way down, all

The way onto his tail.

I have a hypothesis. Even though kenny has plates on part

Of his back, he still uses them to keep his body cool.

Ooh! A hypothesis. Very impressive, buddy. You and don

Are both observant fellows.

Plates and spikes--that's what kentrosaurus have.

Um, kenny the kentrosaurus, may I please touch one of your


You may, don the pteranodon, but touch it carefully. They are


Whoa! These spikes are amazing.

Yes, I'm quite proud of my spikes.

You should be. They're great.

A kentrosaurus has spiky spikes. It's something everybody

Likes. Who could ask for anything more? He's one big,

Spiky stegosaur.

[All laugh] ah, that's good.

[Squawks] and don't forget how great your

Tail is.

Yes, my tail. It really helps to ward off carnivores--you

Know, meat eaters, my little winged friend.

Is that all you use your plates and spikes for?

Well, actually, my spikes really are mostly for display.

You know, showing off.

Then what are your plates for, kenny? Cooling you off?

I'm sorry to say that my plates are not big enough to

Keep me cool. They're just part of the whole kentrosaurus


So your plates don't cool you off?

Sorry, buddy. Your hypothesis was wrong.

That's ok. Thanks, tiny.

Mmm! I have my own hypothesis. I think these leaves

Are incredibly tasty.

[All laugh] say, kenny, our family loves

Playing games. Do you think we can all play one together?

Yeah. I know! Let's play "race like a raptor."

Ok, don. Watch me run.

Maybe not such a good idea.

[All laugh] or we could do a kentrosaurus


[Squawks] kids, we are visiting, and we're

Here to learn new things.

Excellent! Then how would you like to join a stegosaur

Drumming party?


That sounds great.

This drumming party will be fantastic. The more drummers the

Better. You can use these sticks to b*at on these nuts and logs.

I'll call in some backup.

Whoa. This will be fantastic.

[Tails pounding rhythmically] time to get your thump on, my

World tour friends. Let's drum stegosaur-style.

[Drumming rhythmically] it's a stegosaur drumming


Wow! Uncle conductor didn't tell me we'd have this much fun.

Hey, buddy, you have a tail.

Come over here and thump with us.

Come on, hon. Let's show these kids how to cut a rug.

[Squawks] ha ha!

Ho ho!

Oh, let's do a spin!

Hold on!

[Train whistle blows] did you hear that?

Hear what?

The dinosaur train.

Oh, we'd better head back, kids.

But, mom!

We're having so much fun!

Yeah, mom. We're thumping and thumping and--whoa!

I meant to do that.

Sorry, kids, but we really should get back.

Mrs. Pteranodon is right, as usual.

[Giggles] back to the dinosaur train!

Bye, kenny! Thanks for the drumming party!

Farewell, pteranodon family.

Have a great world tour. Drum them out, boys.

[Tails pounding rhythmically] hey, guys, wait up!

[Train whistle blows] [squawks]

Wasn't that the greatest day ever?

Tiny, I will answer you the way a kentrosaurus would answer.

[Tapping rhythmically] heh heh! And I'll answer you

Back, don.

[Tapping rhythmically] my turn.

[Squawks] kids, it's time to sleep.

Sorry, mom. I mean...

[Tap tap tap] [all giggle]

Don, listen to your mom.

Thank you, hon.

[Tapping continues] ok, now who was that?


Sorry, hon. I can't help it.

Now the kids got me doing it.

[All laugh] why don't you try it, hon?

Yeah. Come on, mom.

Well, maybe once.

[Tapping] oh. Ha ha ha! Oh, you're right.

It is fun.

[All laugh] hi there. I'm dr. Scott the

Paleontologist, and this is kentrosaurus.




Kentrosaurus was a big, -legged herbivore, or plant

Eater, that lived in the jurassic time period. Now can

You think of another dinosaur that looks similar to



That's right. Kentrosaurus and stegosaurus have a lot in

Common. Both have plates and spikes along their backbones,

Both ate plants, and both belong to the same family of dinosaurs

That we call stegosaurs. But these two dinosaurs have some

Big differences, too. For example, kentrosaurus lived in

Africa and stegosaurus lived far away in north america.

Kentrosaurus has lots of plates and spikes along its back, where

Stegosaurus had some huge plates along its back. Paleontologists

Aren't sure how stegosaurs used those bony plates. One idea is

That they helped cool them off on hot days, but both of these

Animals had amazing, spiky tails that were probably used to fight

Off big carnivores like allosaurus. Pretty amazing, huh?

Ok, keep watching for more dinosaur discoveries.

Dinosaurs were big. Tiny, look at all these dinosaurs.

Oh, they're huge!

Someday I'm going to be one of the biggest carnivores on

Land! Rrowrr!



I'm a tyrannosaurus rex.

Hi, mrs. Giganotosaurus.

I wonder who really is the biggest dinosaur.

Good question.

Big, he is. Huge!

Whoa! That's one big dinosaur.

♪ I'm a hungry hungry herbivore

Plants are what I'm hungry for I don't eat insects

Don't eat critters just give me some

Of them durn fern fritters when you're a hungry herbivore

The world is full of food I always follow this simple rule

If it's green, it's good wa-ooh, we love to chew

'Cause that's our food and if it's green, it's good ♪

Hello, folks. It's me, the conductor. Today, we continue on

Our world tour. While the family goes on a day trip, don is going

To stay on the train. So come on along with me on the dinosaur

Train. All aboard!

[Squawks] [squawks]

Oh, no! We're late!

[Steam hisses] [yawns]

Wake up, kids. We overslept.

We don't want to miss today's tour.

Oh, boy! Gilbert's group tour?

The one about this continent's plants and animals?

We won't miss it, will we, mom?

I don't think so, but we need to get a move on.

All right, team pteranodon.

Rally up. Beaks brushed, faces cleaned, nests made. Can we do



I like the sound of that.

[Groaning] ok, don, it's rise and shine


I'm coming. Just...

[Yawns] slower.

Kids, follow me to the passenger coach.

[Yawns] hey, gilbert, wait for us.

No problem. Anything for the pteranodons and my buddy buddy.

Good morning, dinosaur train world tour takers. Let's get

Ready to hit the savanna.

Fishwiches and a carrion cake to go, please.

Come on, don. Hurry up.

Ok, I'm up.

Who gets the last fishwich?

Ooh, a fishwich.

[Chuckles] don, honey, we don't really

Have time to sit. We need to leave.

Yeah, 'cause it's tour time.

Follow me, everyone.

Wait, gilbert. Come on, don.

We're all going together.

Not before I have breakfast.

Don, you can eat on the tour.

But I have my vacation routine. I like to eat while I

Look out the window, and then I take a walk and digest, and then

I look for things to add to my collection.

Well, it's a known fact that the best time to see animals is

First thing in the morning.

Yeah. Come on, don.

But I like my vacation routine. Hey, maybe I can just

Stay on the train while you guys go on the tour.

What? Without all of us?

I just think it'd be more fun to stay on the train today.

I'd be happy to watch don while you're gone, pteranodons.

I promise you, he'll be perfectly safe.

Ok, don, you can stay.

Just be good and listen to mr. Conductor. We love you.

Thanks, mom. Thanks, dad.

I'll be good. It'll be fun.

All right, -, -, and -toed folk! Let's catch the daylight

And start the tour! Later, don!

Follow me, everyone!

Bye, don!

Don, are you sure you don't want to come with us?

Yep. Have fun, though. Bye.


Say, how's about you and me head to the dining car for a

Proper breakfast.

I like how that sounds.

Breakfish, here we come.

[Both laugh] "breakfish." Good one, don.

I cr*ck myself up.

Ha ha ha!

It's so quiet. Is the train always like this when the

Passengers leave?

Oh, you bet. It's a nice change. Oh, sure, there's

Nothing like the hustle and bustle of creatures coming and

Going, but I treasure these moments when I can sit back and


Oh! Good morning, sonny!


Good morning, mrs. The conductor.

Oh, wait a minute. Shouldn't you be with your family on

Gilbert's tour?

Well, don wanted to stay on the train, so he gets to spend

The day with us.

Oh, is that so? Oh, I'd rather be on the train, too.

You're a very smart pterosaur.

I like the dining car after the morning rush is over.

I like the dining car 'cause this is where the food is.

[Both laugh] oh, say, how would you like

To learn a game? It's called go fish.

Well, I love games and I love fish.

[Whispers indistinctly] [chuckles]

[Shuffles cards] the game's easy.

We ask each other for cards like the ones we have. If you have

Any, hand 'em over. If not, say, "go fish." You start, don.

Um, do you have any s?

No. Go fish!

Ha ha ha ha! Go ahead. For this game, when you go fish, you

Really go fish.

Really? This is great.


Go fish, and go fish again.

Ha ha ha ha!

Mmm. See, can't remember the last time mother laughed so


And on your left, you'll see the colorful and--ok, I'll say

It, watch the fingers-- drosera plant.


It's so colorful. I love it.

It's sort of like the ones that grow at the big pond. I wonder

If these eat bugs, too.

[Fly buzzing] [gulps]


Hey, don, look. A hole.

Honey, don stayed on the train, remember?

Oh, yeah. Right. I hope he's ok without us.

I'm sure he's fine, buddy.


[Both laughing] wait. Here's one more clue.

I spy with my big eye something long, green, and pointy.

Hmm. Oh, long, green, pointy.

I'm not sure.

My beak.

Ha ha! Your beak? How can you spy your own beak? Ha ha!

Easy. Look.

Whoa! Uhh!

[Chuckles] [both laughing]

You know, there's a game I used to play many years ago when

I was the conductor on the dinosaur train.

Wait a sec. You were a conductor once, mrs. The


Absolutely. And my sonny boy and I played a game called

"Let's pretend we're" and we would go around the train

Pretending to do different jobs.

Ha ha! You want to try?


Let's pretend we're the engineer.

Woop woo!

Let's pretend we're the waiter. Meat souffle?

Fish fries?


Time tunnel! Time tunnel approaching!

Hold on to your hat, folks!

Woo hoo!

Oh, let me guess. You're playing "let's pretend we're."

Ha ha! By george, he got it.

That's using your big troodon brain, sonny boy.

[Both laughing] well, bless my scales and

Feathers. You two are as happy together as two eggs in a nest.

Observe closely, tour group.

The beetles are walking in formation, as a single unit,

Like you pteranodons do.

Yeah, sort of. You know who'd really like watching these



Uh-huh. It'd be great if he was here. Maybe I'll bring him

Something for his collection.

[Squawks] that's a sweet idea, buddy.

I hope he's not too sad without us.

[Both laughing] t. Rex.

[Whistle blows] corythosaurus.

[Whistle blows] aah!


[Whistle blows] that's not a pteranodon. This

Is a pteranodon.

[Squawks] ha ha ha ha!

[Squawks] ha ha ha ha! Did I get it?

[Squawks] ha ha ha!

What's going on in here?

Do I have to separate you two?

Oh, lighten up, sonny boy.

We're just having fun.

Say, how would the two of you like to help me do a job on the

The train?

Goody goody meat drops!

We have a job!

Goody goody fish drops.

What do we do?

Walk this way.


[Both chuckling] your job is to put these

Brochures in each seat. Got it?

Got it.

That ought to keep them busy.

Race ya! Ready, set, go!

Ha ha ha ha!

I'm gonna win.

Not a chance!

Now that's odd.

[Both snickering] don? Mother?


Holy pteranodon!

Nicely done, donny boy.

High .



That's right, world travelers. Two dinosaurs for the

Price of one--a kentrosaurus and an allosaurus. They're avoiding

Each other, but we get to see them both.


Maybe we should just go back to the train. I mean, don's

Probably missing us a lot right now.

[Squawks] I know you miss him, buddy.

It is tough to be a team without don, son. All right,

Team pteranodon and gilbert.

Heh! It's time to head back to the dinosaur train.

[Giggles] you know, there wasn't always

An observation car on the dinosaur train. They added it

Years ago and it changed everything.

Yeah. Now we can observe things like--hey, look.

I observe my family. Hi, buddy.

Hi, mom. Hi, everybody.

Hey, don. We came back.

Buddy, my favorite brother.

How have you been?

Are you ok?

Yeah. I've been having a great time.

We both have. La-la-loo!

Mrs. Conductor said that?

[Squawks] yeah, and don seems fine.

Hey, everyone, let's go inside. We can play a game

Mrs. The conductor taught me.

Don, do you have any s?

Nope. Go fish.

[Squawks] [all laugh]

So, how was don today?

Outstanding. Not one complaint. And I haven't seen

Mother this happy since, well, ever. Oh, it's always good to

See kids play nice with each other.

Go fish!

[All laugh] la-la-loo!

[Chuckling] oh, mother.

Sounds like you had a great day, don. Oh, yeah. I brought

You this leaf.

For my collection? Thanks, buddy.

Did you miss us even a little bit today?

Sure, I did. And, you know, everything is even more fun now

That you and tiny and shiny are back.

Really? Then let's go fish.


[All laugh] hi there. I'm dr. Scott the

Paleontologist. Scientists have discovered more than

Different dinosaurs on the continent of africa. Can you

Name any?



Well done. Both of those dinosaurs lived in africa and

Both were herbivores, or plant eaters, from the jurassic

Period. Way back in the jurassic, there were no

Flowering plants, so herbivores had to feed on plants that were

Around at that time. Shorter herbivores like kentrosaurus

Must have eaten low-lying plants like ferns, and long-necked

Herbivores like brachiosaurus, with their heads way up high,

Probably fed on greenery in tall conifer trees. We see the same

Kind of thing in africa today, with rhinos feeding close to the

Ground and giraffes feeding way up high. Ok, remember, get

Outside, get into nature, and make your own discoveries.

Did you know that the dinosaur train travels

Everywhere in the mesozoic era?

Let's look at the map. There was the triassic, jurassic and

Cretaceous time periods. Let's visit the jurassic. It was a

Warm, damp climate full of both jungles and forests. The

First-known birds and many of the biggest dinosaurs, like

Stegosaurus, lived in the jurassic. And that's just one of

The stops on the dinosaur train.

Time for a tiny ditty.

♪ I have wings and feet, yeah I have wings and feet, yeah

We can glide and fly, yeah eat bugs passing by, yeah ♪

♪ My teeth chomp and chew yeah

Check my tail out, too, yeah ♪ ha ha ha!

Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

We're gonna ride the dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ we're gonna ride ♪

♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪ ♪ the dinosaur train ♪
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