01x26 - Confuciusornis Says/Tiny's Tiny Doll

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dinosaur Train". Aired: September 7, 2009 – April 12, 2021.*
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Set in a whimsical prehistoric world of jungles, swamps, active volcanoes and oceans, all filled with dinosaur and other prehistoric animal life, and connected by a train line known eponymously as the Dinosaur Train
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01x26 - Confuciusornis Says/Tiny's Tiny Doll

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello, folks.

It's me--the conductor.

Today we continue on our wonderful world tour and meet a

Dinosaur called confuciusornis, so come on along with me on the

Dinosaur train.

All aboard!

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

[Train whistle blows] ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Once upon a time there was a mom

Her name was mrs. Pteranodon sitting on her nest

She heard a scratching and said... ♪

Oh, boy!

My eggs are hatching!

♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons, , , ♪ I'll name you tiny, shiny,

And don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big, green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom.

You may be different, but we're all creatures.

All dinosaurs have different features.

Come on, buddy.

We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station.

We'll travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all

The species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Train whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪


[Snoring] all aboard.

Tickets. Tickets, please.

Buddy, wake up. Wake up.

[Snores] uh, oh, hi. What's going on?

You were talking in your sleep.

My "I'm the conductor" dream again.

Wow, we're on a whole different continent today.

I know the conductor has planned our next stop to be a

Really amazing experience, shiny.

[Yawns] well, my first stop this morning

Is the dining car for breakfast, or should I say breakfish?

[Laughter] all awake!

Good dinosaur train morning, pteranodon family.

Good morning, mr. Conductor.

Where are we traveling to next?

Next stop is a distinctive and delightful destination

Called confuciusornis gardens, home of the confuciusornis.

Confuse a whatus?

The conductor said confuciusornis.


Mr. Conductor, will it be warm or cold at

Confuciusornis gardens?

Well-- excellent question, and

The answer--warm.

Hi, gilbert.

Hello, fellow travelers.

Ready for more carnivore, omnivore, herbivore, nose, toes

World tour?


Well, that's good because confuciusornis gardens will be

Unlike any place you'll ever visit.

Mr. Conductor, what is a confuciusornis, a dinosaur?

Well, buddy, my buddy, I happen to know that it's a bird.

That means confuciusornis is also a dinosaur.

Voila, a confuciusornis feather.

Cool. It's beautiful.

I can't wait to see a confuciusornis.

Well, then take a gander at this.


What a beak.

And look. , , Toes.

It must be a theropod.

Indeed it is, buddy.

I've arranged a very special visit with a confuciusornis I

Know named chung.


Chung is looking forward to meeting the pteranodon family.

He's a very calm and wise bird.

Yes, calm like the wind and wise like--

Like uncle conductor.

Oh, gosh.

So, where does this chung guy live?

Funny you should ask, buddy.

Gilbert, if you'd do the honors...

Confuciusornis gardens!

Next stop--confuciusornis gardens station.

Yeah! Let's go.


Chung the confuciusornis lives right up that little


[Gulp] wait. We're hiking to a


Don't worry, don.

We can fly there. Oh, wait.

Buddy and gilbert.

Oh, mom and dad can carry them.

Naw, we can walk, right, buddy?

[Gulp] right.

Before you go, I'll tell you about some special places called

Landmarks to watch for on your way so you don't get lost.

One, a rock shaped like a dinosaur.

What kind of dinosaur?

A triceratops.

After the dinosaur rock is number two.

You'll pass a skinny, little waterfall.

Then landmark number --ferns that grow in the shape of

A tunnel.

Right. You walk through the fern tunnel, then landmark

Number .

You'll pass big, green rocks.

Rock shaped like a triceratops; skinny, little


Fern tunnel; big, green rocks.

All right, team. Let's do it.

[Squawks] come on, buddy.

Let's get walking.

Hey, kids, I see an interesting-looking rock

Down there.

Yep. Look at the frill.

A rock shaped like a triceratops.

Excellent observation, shiny.

[Chuckles] we're on the right track.

Look. The skinny, little waterfall.

Good work, buddy.

Landmark number two.

Two more landmarks to go, kids.

[Squawks] buddy, gilbert, how you doing?

We're great.

We won't let team pteranodon down, right, buddy?

Right, gilbert.

Ha ha!

Go, theropods.

[Howling] hey, could that be a


[Howls] [howls]

Wow, mom, that was perfect.

Oh, aw, thanks.

[Squawks] [panting]

Gilbert, look.

It's like a wall of green stuff up ahead.

[Pop] fern tunnel!

Fern tunnel approaching.

It's the fern tunnel, like the conductor said.

[Laughter] yeah.


Buddy, gilbert, are you ok walking up the mountain?

We could still carry you.

No, thanks, mrs. P.

We tough theropods love to walk.

Um, go, theropods. Raar.

Big rocks, green ones.

[Panting] see? The green rocks.

We must be nearly there.

[Squawks] come on, everybody.

[All gasp] [howling]

It's amazing here and so quiet.

[Howls] that guy looks an awful lot

Like a confuciusornis.

Yeah. Let's ask him.

Excuse me, sir.

Are you chung the confuciusornis?

I am.

I am chung, and you are?

I'm tiny pteranodon, and this is buddy, shiny, don, and

My mom and dad and, of course, gilbert.


Ah, yes.

The dinosaur train conductor sent you.


You live in a beautiful place, mr. Confuciusornis.

And your tail is so colorful.

Many thanks.

We confuciusornis like to show off our tails to each other.

And I like your name--chung.

I am happy my name makes you happy.

My parents named me chung.

It means wise one.

My parents named me don.

It means...don.

We heard you're very wise.

Can we sh**t some questions your way?

I'm sure your questions are wise, so I hope my answers will

Also be wise.

Will I always have fun everywhere, chung?

Fun will come to you, and you will take it with you wherever

You go.

Also, I'm hungry.

What can I eat?

Ah, enjoy most what you like to taste.

Only eat yummy things.

Only yummy things?

I like that.

Great advice, mr. Chung, and speaking of yummy things, I have

A hypothesis.

You have -toed feet, so I guess you're a meat-eating theropod.

Superb hypothesis, buddy.

I am indeed a theropod, but I don't eat meat.

What I like to dine on is...


It is my food of choice.



Yes. I am a fruit-eating theropod, and I also enjoy




Seeds, pure, tasty seeds.

[Buzzing] oh, I do enjoy the passing

Insect, too.

Nice grab.

So, fruit, seeds, and insects-- what a meal.

Hmm. I love insects, too, mr. Chung.

So, don, if you like bugs, perhaps you'd like to try some

Seeds and fruit.

[Gulp] trying new food is not as

Scary as thinking about trying new food.

Let's be polite to our host.

Plus, it's exciting to be in a new place and try new things.

Here, kids.

Let me show you how. Heh.

It is ok if you don't like it.

Mm-hmm. Oh. Mm-hmm.


[Gulp] not my favorite.

Sorry, mr. Chung.

No need to be sorry.

I'm proud of you, my guests.

You bravely tried some of my food.

But this fruit is great.

Ah, good for you, don.

I agree.

[Squawks] quite a bird call, mrs.


It's different than mine.

[Howls] we heard your call on the

Way here.

[Howls] ah, good, buddy.

[Train whistle blows] ha ha ha!

Well, I guess we'd better start back down to the train.


Before you leave, let's all sit quietly in the garden and

Just listen.

It's called meditation.

Let the sounds and smells calm you.

Be peaceful like my stream.

[Birds chirping] [leaves rustle]

Good. Take the calmness with you.

I promise to visit you one day and try your favorite foods.

That day, we shall eat fish together.

[Laughter] fish.

Wow, after resting for a minute, my feet aren't so

Sore anymore.

Mine, either.

That meditation is good stuff.

Mr. Chung, we loved meeting you and seeing where you live.

Sure you two don't want a lift back down the mountain?


Bye, chung.

Farewell, pteranodon family.

Enjoy seeing the wide world.

Good night, kids.

Tomorrow is another day on our world tour.

Good night, mom.

Good night, dad.

Sleep tight.

That day, we shall eat fish together.

[Laughter] shh!

[Train whistle blows] hi there.

I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist, and this is


Confuciusornis was discovered in china.

It's named after confucius, a famous and wise chinese teacher.



Confuciusornis is a bird that lived during the time of the


It was about the size of a crow but with very long tail


Paleontologists working in asia have found hundreds of fossil

Skeletons of this animal, making it one of the best-known

Ancient birds.

Now, how do we know about the feathers of confuciusornis?


That's right.

The fossils actually have feather impressions, and some of

The impressions show a long pair of tail feathers.

Can you think of another bird with long tail feathers?

A peacock.

Right. One skeleton of confuciusornis was actually

Found with a few fish bones inside, so they

Probably ate fish at least some of the time, but

They may also have eaten fruits, seeds, and bugs.

Today there's a beautiful bird called the quetzal that eats

Seeds, fruits, insects, as well as other foods, and it even has

A long tail like confuciusornis.

Ok. Keep watching for more dinosaur discoveries.

Dinosaurs had teeth.

Today I've got a problem.

I started losing my teeth, two of them.

It's so cool.

I think we need to investigate.

Oh, buddy, you don't have to worry about losing your teeth.

The old ones fall out, and the new ones grow in.

Say ah.

Our teeth are getting replaced all the time, and then

We grow new ones in place of the old ones.

♪ You're growing new teeth you're growing new teeth

Tee hee hee hee hee ♪ ♪ I'm not the biggest dinosaur

In fact, I'm kind of tiny I don't have teeth

Or scary claws but it doesn't make me whiny

Whenever I meet someone new I march right up and what I do

Is say, "hello there nice to meet you

My name is tiny" I've met a lot of dinosaurs

And some of them were scary and when I stand

Right next to them I'm kind of ordinary

But if I'm friendly they are, too

And then I say "it's nice to meet you"

Then they say, "well, hey the same to you

It's nice to meet you, tiny" ♪ hello, folks.

It's me--the conductor.

Today the pteranodon family continues their world tour and

Visits their friends the velociraptors, so come on along

With me on the dinosaur train.

All aboard!

[Train whistle blows] [snoring]

[Yawns] [gasps]

Oh, there you are, my little buddy-wuddy.

Oh, you sure love your tiny doll, tiny.

I do love my tiny doll.

Next to my family, it's my most important thing of all, my

Tiny doll.

[Squawks] how long have you had it?

Um, since-- I can't remember.

Dad gave it to me when I was really little.

I don't think I could sleep on the dinosaur train without it.

[Squawks] wake up, sleepy heads.

Breakfast in the dining car.


Whoo hoo! Breakfast.

Hmm, your tiny doll.

I made that for your first birthday.

Good morning, pteranodon family.

Good morning, mr. Conductor.

Hi, gilbert.

Another big day planned for your world tour, folks.


Since we're in the neighborhood, we'll stop in

Velociraptor valley.

Cool. We can visit our friend velma velociraptor.

And her daughter valerie.

Velociraptors have amazing -toed feet, a lot like


And me.

We're all theropods.

Well, yes, buddy, but troodons and velociraptors share

The same kind of special curved toe claw.

We're kind of like theropod cousins.


[Thud] [laughter]

Whoo hoo!

I love this world tour.

And while we're in velociraptor valley, we may see

Some eggs hatch.

[Squawks] really?

Yes. I understand that velma has some eggs that are

Nearly ready.

Oh, that's wonderful.

I didn't even know that velma was expecting.

Oh, boy!

We get to see dinosaur eggs hatch?

Whoo hoo!

Ooh, we're nearly there.

Better go announce it to the passengers.

Come on, gilbert.

Velociraptor valley!

Next stop--velociraptor valley in another part of the

Cretaceous time period.

Kids, hurry up and finish your breakfast.

We're almost there.

[Brakes screech] [brakes hiss]

The dinosaur train will take on water and supplies while your

Tour guide gilbert leads you to velma's nest, right, gilbert?

Righty-o, uncle conductor.

Follow me, dinosaurs and pterosaurs.

[Squawks] gilbert, velma's nest is this

This way.

I knew that.

I was just testing you.

[Giggles] step lively, folks.

Hey, who put all this sand here?

Oh, wait. It's a desert.

Makes you thirsty just looking at it.

Am I right, don?

Ha ha!

[Snorts] hmm.

Tiny, buddy, mrs. Pteranodon, what a surprise to see you.

Hi, valerie.

Come to the nest quick.

One of my mom's eggs is about to hatch.

An egg is about to hatch.

Follow me, everybody.

Whoa! Whoa.

Velma, so good to see you.


Hello. Oh, so nice of you to visit our nest on the big day.

And here are some new bracelets I made.

Why don't you take them?

[Gasps] really? But they're so

Beautiful, don't you want them for yourself?

Oh, velociraptors have lots of feathers, shiny.

They can be a souvenir of your world tour.

Wow, thanks, valerie.

Is that your doll, tiny?

It looks a little like you.

I guess it does.

It's my tiny doll.

I brought it along on our trip.

It's really important to her.

Tiny doesn't like to sleep without it.

Yeah. She's had it forever.

[Cracking] [all gasp]

Oh, it's time.

Gather round, kids.

It's hatching. It's hatching.


[Train whistle blows] [clears throat]

Well, folks, let's get back to the station for the rest of your

Fabulous world tour vacation.

Congratulations, mrs.


Hope to see you all soon on the dinosaur train, and farewell.

Bye. See you soon.

[Squawks] I love my feather bracelet.

Yeah. Isn't valerie nice?

Maybe mine could be a little feather crown for my tiny doll.

Oh, no. Mom!

What is it, tiny?

Mom, I can't find my tiny doll!

Did you look everywhere?


Then we'll search every corner of the entire

Dinosaur train.

Buddy, don, look in every car.

Now, tiny, let's retrace our steps through the whole day.

I remember you had your doll at breakfast.


Where did you take it then?

[Gasps] tiny, you showed it to valerie,


Oh, no.

I think I put it down in valerie's nest.

Mom, it's back in velociraptor valley.

Stop the train!

Tiny, dear, we can't stop the dinosaur train.

We'll take the train back to velociraptor valley as soon as

We can, and we'll find it.

Aren't you the cutest baby boo?

[Giggling] oh, no.

Mom, it's tiny's tiny doll.

Whoops. Oh, she must've left it behind.

Well, we'll keep it somewhere safe, and we can return it

To her.

Mom, buddy said it's the most important thing in the

World to tiny.

She can't sleep without it.

But, sweetie, the train must be halfway to the mountains

By now.

I know, but somehow we've got to get it back to her.

Hmm, I know a big pterosaur that could do it, a


He's got a wingspan as big as of these nests.

Maybe he could fly tiny's doll back to the train.

Ziggy zhejiangopterus lives in the next valley over.

We better run fast if we want him to catch that train.

Hon, watch the kids for me.

Now let's get tiny's doll back to her.


Well, we looked everywhere, tiny.

Even under the brachiosaurus.

Thanks for trying, you guys, but I know it's back at

Velma's nest.

That's where I saw it last.


Dad, what if we make a new tiny doll before dark?

Then tiny could take that to bed with her.

I like that idea a lot, son.

We'd have to look around the train for something to make it

Out of.

Let's ask the conductor.


Ziggy zhejiangopterus!

[Roars] ma'am.

Ziggy, hi.

Hello, velma and valerie.

Shucks, I last saw you when you were just hatched.

Hi, mr. Zhejiangopterus.

We really need a huge favor.

This doll belongs to tiny pteranodon.

She can't sleep without it, and she's on the dinosaur train.

On the train that's headed for the mountains right now?

Do you think you can make it?

Well, sure, from one pterosaur to another,

As we say.

I'd better get flying, though, before they get to the

Time tunnel.

Bye now.

[Roars] thanks a million, ziggy.


[Train whistle blows] this is great, mr. Conductor.

Yeah. Now I just hope I can remember how to make a tiny


[Squawks] [panting]


[Yawns] mm!


Tiny pteranodon thanks you, friend.

Good night, mom.

I guess I'll just have to try and sleep without my tiny doll

For the first time I can even remember.

Good. I'm proud of you, tiny.

Tiny, we made you something to help you sleep tonight.

Aww, it's cute.

Thanks, buddy and don and dad.

You must've worked really hard on it.

Yeah. Well, let's all get some sleep, team.

We need to rest up for more world tour tomorrow.

Good night.

[Crying] are you all right, tiny?

Well, I'm glad that dad and buddy and don made me this

New doll, and I don't want them to know I'm sad.

They tried so hard to make me happy...

I know, honey.

But it's just that I can't stop thinking about my first

Tiny doll.

I just hope she's ok, wherever she is.

Almost there.

[Bell ringing] [roars]

Uh, excuse me, ma'am.

Velma velociraptor sent me.

This doll belongs to tiny pteranodon.

Could you please get it to her?

Why, yes.

I certainly will make sure she gets her precious tiny

Doll, mr.-- Just call me ziggy, ma'am,

And a very good evening to you.

[Roars] [bell ringing]


[Knocks on door] normally, I wouldn't bother

You at this hour, but I understand that one of our

Passengers would have trouble sleeping without this.

My tiny doll!

How'd you get it?

It was hand-delivered to the train by a giant pterosaur named

Ziggy, a friend of velma velociraptor.

Thank you, mr. Conductor.

Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Sure thing. Good night.

Sleep tight.

Good night, mr. Conductor.

First tiny doll, meet new tiny doll.

Don't worry. I love you both.

I'm sure you'll be great friends.

[Squawks] good night.

Hi there.

I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist.

This week, the pteranodon family is traveling across asia in an

Area that's now called china.

Zhejiangopterus is a giant flying reptile, or pterosaur,

That's only been found in asia.

Can you think of any other pterosaurs?




That's right.

Tiny, shiny, and don are all pterosaurs called pteranodons.

Many dinosaurs have been found in asia, too, like velociraptor

And yangchuanosaurus and protoceratops.

Thousands of dinosaur eggs have been discovered in asia, and the

Best-known fossils of feathered dinosaurs come from there,

As well.

Paleontologists have found dinosaur fossils all over

The world.

It's possible that a long time ago, dinosaurs lived right in

Your neighborhood.

Ok. Remember, get outside.

Get into nature and make your own discoveries.

Did you know that the dinosaur train travels

Everywhere in the mesozoic era?

Let's look at the map.

There was the triassic, jurassic, and cretaceous time


Let's visit the cretaceous.

Many new kinds of flowers and insects appeared during this


The most dinosaurs, like tyrannosaurus rex, and flying

Creatures, like pteranodons, lived in the cretaceous, and

That's just one of the stops on the dinosaur train.

Time for a tiny ditty.

And that means fish.

♪ If I could wish for just one dish

My greatest wish would be more fish ♪

♪ Dinosaur train dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train dinosaur train

We're gonna ride the dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ we're gonna ride ♪

♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪ ♪ the dinosaur train ♪
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