01x12 - One Small Dinosaur/T. rex Migration

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dinosaur Train". Aired: September 7, 2009 – April 12, 2021.*
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Set in a whimsical prehistoric world of jungles, swamps, active volcanoes and oceans, all filled with dinosaur and other prehistoric animal life, and connected by a train line known eponymously as the Dinosaur Train
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01x12 - One Small Dinosaur/T. rex Migration

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello, folks. It's me, the conductor. Today we're going

To visit one of the smallest dinosaurs, the microraptor, so

Come on along with me on the dinosaur train! All aboard!

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ [whistle blows]

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ once upon a time

There was a mom her name was mrs. Pteranodon

Sitting on her nest she heard a scratching

And said... ♪ Oh, boy! My eggs are


♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪

[Roaring] [captioning made possible by

The jim henson company] here it comes.

I got it! Maybe not.


It's all mine.


[Grunting] that won't work, buddy.

Let's just play another game, because this cone is gone for



[Humming a tune] it's called tiny power!

[All clamoring] I'm so tiny, I can get into

Don's hideout without snapping a twig.

[Grunts] great job, tiny.

Or you can do it like this.

That's called don power.

Hmm. Not as good as tiny power.

[Gasps] hey, my t. Rex tooth from my

Collection. It was right here.

It's gone.

Don't worry, don. I'm sure it's here somewhere. We'll find


Hmm. Ow.

[Squawks] I see it!

[Gasps] somehow, it got stuck back


Yeah, we'll never get it out.


I think it's tiny power time.

[Grunting] ow! There's something wrong

With this tree. It's too small.

Don't you mean you're too big?

I am not too big! I'm tiny!

You know, the conductor told me about a dinosaur called

Microraptor that's even smaller than you, tiny.

A what kind of dinosaur?

A microraptor, a really tiny one.

Maybe even tiny enough to get my tooth out of the tree.

Maybe, don. Let's ask mom.

But I'm the one with tiny power.

Mom, do you know any microraptors?

Sure, I do. Minnie microraptor is a friend of

Mine. She's very nice and very small, and her son is even


Can we take the dinosaur train and go meet them?

No! I don't want to meet someone tinier than me.

But, tiny, we need to get them to come here to save my t.

Rex tooth. It's stuck in a tree.

Hmm. Well, we could ask them as a favor. Come on, kids.

Let's get on the dinosaur train.

Don and I will stay here to guard the tooth.

Good idea.

You go with mom, buddy.

I'm--i'm busy.

What? Come on! You know you can't miss a ride on the

Dinosaur train.

[Sighs] ok.

[Whistle blows] [squawks]

I'm so glad you kids want to get some help from a microraptor.

Well, some of us want to and some of us sort of don't.

Tickets. Tickets, please.


Oh, ho! Microraptor mountain? Oh, microraptors are

Pretty amazing dinosaurs. So little and so many wings.

Wait. How many wings?

. One feathered wing on each of their legs.


Can you believe it?


And did I mention that they're really small?


"Micro" means "really small."

[Sighs heavily] I really don't see what's so

Exciting about a teeny dinosaur with too many wings.

Well, it's not too many for them.

[Bell chimes] oh, it's that time. Time tunnel!

Time tunnel approaching! Next stop, microraptor mountain in

The early cretaceous!

[Bell ringing] have fun finding the



[Sniffing] hmm, I don't see any

Microraptors yet.

Maybe they're too tiny to see.

Well, there's only one way to find out, and that's to

Observe--look all around.

Ha ha ha!

[Sighs heavily] [giggling]

Uh, hello-o! Anyone there?

Well, I guess that's it. No microraptors. Let's go home now.

We're not going yet, tiny.

It'll take a moment to find them. Let's be patient.


Hmm. Maybe microraptors don't live on the ground or in bushes

Or in the rocks.

Maybe they live...

What? In a tree? Who ever heard of a dinosaur living in a


Tiny, look. There's some kind of bird or something.

[Squeaking] hello! I'm mikey. Mikey the

Microraptor. I was up in my nest in my tree, and I thought I'd

Say hello, so hello!

[Squeaks] hello, mikey. Remember me?

I'm mrs. Pteranodon, and this is buddy and tiny.

[Sighs] whoa, mikey. Wait. Did you

Say your nest is in the tree?

A dinosaur-- that lives in a tree.

That's me.

[Squawks] mrs. Pteranodon, hello. These

Must be buddy and tiny. Oh, you kids play together and we moms

Will catch up.


And we'll be right over here if you need anything.

Tiny, you must have a million questions for mikey about being

Tiny. My sister always has so many questions when she meets

A new dinosaur, right, tiny?

Sorry. Have no questions now.

[Squeaks] [giggles]

Oh, uh, that's ok, tiny.

I can wait until you think of some.

[Clucks] your wings are neat.


So's your beak and your name.

Hmm. Maybe you can just fly up to your nest and wait for my

Question. I'll call you, ok?

Great question!

I didn't really ask one.

Hey, mikey, I've been watching you, and I have a

Hypothesis. Since you have wings on every leg, I bet you

Can fly up extra high.

Well, actually, I can't fly up. My wings are for gliding.

I spread them out and then catch the wind. That's gliding.

The wind helps me glide down from up high.

You can't fly up like tiny can?

Tiny, you can fly up?

Of course I can fly up.

That's what wings are for.

I wish I could fly like you.

Then how do you get to your nest? Can the wind blow you up


He doesn't weigh much. Maybe a bird gives him a ride?

Tiny, you ask the best questions. Actually, I run up

The treetop. Would you like to see me? Would you?

I'd love to see that.

Ok. Here goes. Tiny, are you watching?

Yeah, yeah, I'm watching.

[Squeaking] wow. That was great, mikey.

But I wish I had tiny's big wings.

[Squawks] so, is everyone getting along?


Yeah, mom. You should see all the things mikey can do.

I'm so glad our kids met.

I'm always encouraging mikey to meet new friends and explore

The whole world.

Then maybe you wouldn't mind taking a little trip to

Pteranodon terrace with us.

Yeah. Our brother don got his t. Rex. Tooth from his

Collection stuck in a tiny, tiny spot in a tree.

Ooh! A tiny spot? I bet I can help! Can we go, mom? Mom, mom,

Can we go? We can have a really, really fun ex--expe--what's

That called?

Expedition! Ha ha ha ha!

[Sighs heavily] [sighs]

Finally, we get to go on the train.

Finally, we get to go on the train!

[Squeaks] mom!

Tiny, what's wrong, dear?

Tiny, I see you're not enjoying having mikey around, and you're

Not being very nice to him.

I don't like it that he's, well, tinier than me.

Is that a problem?

Yes, it's a problem. I've always been the tiniest. I'm the

One with tiny power, and now he's better than me.

Oh, I think mikey thinks you're better than he is.

He does?

Well, he is copying you.

He's trying to be just like you.

Mikey looks up to you and wants to learn from you. You should

Give him a chance, tiny.

Well, I'll think about it.

[Clang, brakes screeching] sorry, folks. There's a

Problem with the engine. A nut from a tree has fallen into the

Air valve that connects to the chimney, and it's stuck. But,

Since troodons are the smartest dinosaurs, we'll solve the

Problem posthaste.

Oh, mr. Conductor, can I see the valve and the chimney and

The nut and everything else?

Well, sure. You could take a look, buddy, if it's ok with

Your mom.

[Squawks] of course. We'll all come and


Maybe you'll have to use a stick or a claw.

Hmm. A little claw. That might get the nut out.

Too bad our claws are so big.

We need someone who's really tiny.

[Gasps] ahem! Can I try? I'm tiny.

Oh! Step right up, tiny.


[Grunting] hmm. I'm not tiny enough.

I think I may need some help.

I'm going to need help from my tiny new friend mikey.

Really? You want my help?

I'll hold your arms, and you try to grab the nut with your

Feet. Here, mikey. Be careful.

Uh...i got it!

[All cheering] you're just the right size.

It's called tiny and mikey power!

[Squeaks] ok, mikey, a little to the

Left. Now, down. Reach.

[Grunting] ta-da!

[Squeaks] [gasps]

My t. Rex tooth! You did it!

Let's hear it for tiny and mikey the microraptor.

[All cheering] don, you are so lucky to have

A sister like tiny. Do you know she saved the dinosaur train?

She's the one who thought of using me to get the nut.

Yeah. There are great things about being tiny and having even

Tinier friends.

♪ We may be little and not too tall

But we can get in places that are really small

Being a big dino might be cool but how about us little ones?

I think we rule!

We've got the power we've got the power

We've got the mikey and tiny power! Yeah! ♪

[All laughing] hi there. I'm dr. Scott, the

Paleontologist, and this is microraptor.




A lot of people think that all dinosaurs were big, but

Some were very small.

Microraptor was one of the smallest dinosaurs of all. It

Was only about two feet long, around the size of a small dog.


Now, can you see what it's covered with?

It looks like feathers.

Yup. Microraptor was a feathered dinosaur with wings,

And not just two wings, but one wing on each front leg and one

Wing on each back leg-- wings all together. And do you want to

Hear something really strange?

With all those wings, you'd think that microraptor would be

Great at flying.

[Wind whooshing] but actually, it didn't fly at

All. We do think that it did glide, though. Microraptor may

Have climbed trees, leaped into the air, and then used its

Feathered wings to glide downward, maybe even catching

Other animals in the air.

Today, flying squirrels do the very same thing. They don't fly

Because they don't have wings.

Instead, flying squirrels glide, just the way we think that

Microraptor did. Pretty amazing, huh? Ok, that's it for now.

Keep watching for more dinosaur discoveries.

What do you use your feathers for?

I have a hypothesis. I have a hypothesis. I have a new

Hypothesis to test out. Tiny, I have a hypothesis.

You mean, an idea you can test?

I have a hypothesis. I think you guys are faster because

Your legs are longer. So I have a hypothesis.

But how can we test that?

It was an interesting hypothesis.

Buddy really likes the word "hypothesis." It means an idea

You can test.

♪ I'm a t. Rex yeah, I'm a t. Rex

A-roaring round the forest tyrannosaurus rex

T. Rex rowr

I'm a tyrannosaurus I'm the biggest carnivore

In the cretaceous forest gonna romp and stomp around

The biggest dinosaur in town a-roaring round the forest

Tyrannosaurus rex rowr ♪

Hello, folks. It's me, the conductor. Today, we're going

To find out why tyrannosaurus rex need to keep on the move.

It's called migration. So come on along with me on the

Dinosaur train. All aboard!

[Whistle blows] tickets. Tickets, please.

Well, if it isn't the pteranodon family. Hello,

Mrs. P., Buddy, tiny.

Hello, mr. Conductor.

Can you guess where we're going?

Wait, wait. Don't show me.

Let me guess. The teinurosaurus place?


Velociraptor alley.


Well, then I'll need a clue.


I got it! Rexville!

Yeah! How'd you guess?

Oh, just used my amazing troodon brain. So, what's

Happening in rexville?

We're going to visit our friend, dolores tyrannosaurus.

And her daughter annie.

Oh, they've been asking me non-stop for a chance to play

With annie, so I'm taking them on this adventure.

Hmm. Oh, speaking of adventure, it's time for the

Time tunnel. Hold on to your hats, folks! Time tunnel


[Bell ringing] rexville station, at the end of

The cretaceous time period, folks. See you soon, pteranodon



[Sniffing] [squawks]

It'll be nice to see dolores and annie again.

That's funny. I don't get it.

Don't get what?

I can't smell dolores and annie. I can't smell any

Tyrannosaurus. I wonder what's going on.

Aw, maybe your nose is stuffed up or something. Come

On. I remember the way.

[Squawks] hello-o! Dolores! Hello-o!

Annie! Hello-o!

[Sniffs] mom, these tracks barely smell

Like anything. I think dolores and annie have been gone for a

Long time.

Like what, weeks?

Yeah, weeks and weeks.

But why would they leave?

[Gasps] oh, no. What if they moved away?

Oh, I can see you're really worried, buddy, but we'll solve

The mystery.

Yeah, buddy. We love mysteries. We'll solve it by

Looking for clues and asking questions.

Like what?

Well, we could ask some other species that live here, like

That bird up there.

[Squawks] um, are you an avisaurus?

Oh, yes. You sure know your species.

Hi. I'm tiny pteranodon, and this is my mom and my brother


[Squawks] hello.

We're looking for dolores and annie tyrannosaurus.

[Squawks] do you know them? Did they

Move away from here?

Oh, uh, yes. I know them, and--and yes, they did move away

A few weeks ago.


Oh, I'm not sure. They went north with some other t. Rexes.

Where north? How far north?

[Squawks] i--i don't know. I heard them

Talking about quadruped corners.

Quadruped corners?

That could be a clue.

Oh, kids, I know quadruped corners. It's another stop on

The dinosaur train line. Why don't we go back to the station

And catch the train going north?


Hello, pteranodon family.

Hello, mr. Conductor. Am I glad to see the dinosaur train


Yep. We've already been to the triassic and back. But why

Such a short visit to rexville?

Dolores and annie aren't here. We think they've gone

North for some reason.

Yeah. It's a mystery.

A mystery? Well, then let's solve it on the dinosaur train.

All aboard!

[Whistle blows] tickets. Tickets, please. Oh,

How you doing, buddy?

Good. I know we'll find dolores and annie.

I think you'll find that your t. Rex friends have a good

Reason to be on the move.

Oh, quadruped corners, huh?

Yeah. A really nice avisaurus told us they might

Have gone there.

Hmm. Can you guess why they might have gone north like that

And not stayed put at rexville?

Hmm. Is that part of the mystery?

Could be.

It's spring. Maybe the weather's not so hot up north.

Maybe they're visiting relatives.

Maybe they got tired of living under all those dark


You know, those are all interesting ideas, but--ooh,

Bless my scales and feathers!

Next stop, pleasant plains!

Pleasant plains, folks!

Mr. Conductor, how long will the train stop at pleasant


Oh, long enough to let passengers on and off.

Can tiny and I get out and look for clues, just for a


Ooh, yeah! Clues!

Sure, if it's ok with your mom.

[Squawks] I'll come, too. We have a

Mystery to solve.

Come on, tiny. Let's look around and see if we can find

Any clues that the t. Rexes were here.

[Sniffs] tiny! Mom! T. Rex tracks!


[Sniffs] they made these a few days ago.

[Sniffs] these tracks are different,

Though. Look. , , , . They look like they're made by some

Kind of quadruped.

You mean a dinosaur that walks on legs?


And look, buddy. All of these tracks are going in the same

Direction as the train tracks-- north, just like the avisaurus


[Train whistle blows] oh, kids, let's get back on

The train and ride on to quadruped corners.

Hello, buddy and tiny.

Hello, laura the giganotosaurus.

Did you find any clues?

We can't see any t. Rexes out there, but we found their


Everybody's headed north.

We're going to keep going to quadruped corners and look for

Them there.

Why don't you ride with me in the observation car? We can

All keep a lookout for them together.

[Squawks] what a good idea. Thank you,

Laura. Come on, kids.

All aboard!

I love the observation car because it's for observing.

Yes. Let's all observe the plains carefully and see if we

Can spot your tyrannosaurus friends.

[Squawks] what a great view.

Look, kids. What do you notice about the trees here?

Hmm, the leaves are mostly gone.

You think somebody ate them?

I have a hypothesis.

Whatever dinosaurs live here ate the leaves, and since they

Were still hungry, they went north to find more trees.

Great hypothesis, buddy.

Whoa, buddy, do you think that's why the t. Rexes went

North, too?

Hmm. Maybe.

Excellent observations, buddy and tiny. I think you two

Kids are very close to solving your mystery. Ooh, and we're

Very close to arriving at quadruped corners. That's your

Stop, folks.

Look, buddy and tiny. I can see some tyrannosaurus over


[Distant roaring] I see them, tiny! It's

Dolores and annie, and some other t. Rexes that I don't


Dolores! Annie! Woo hoo!

Buddy! Tiny!

[Roars] oh, goodness! The pteranodon

Family. What on earth brings you out here?

We came to visit you at rexville, but you were gone.

It was a mystery and we solved it. Hooray!

You came all the way out here to find us? Oh, I'm sorry you

Had to go to so much bother, mrs. Pteranodon.

[Squawks] not at all. You know how the

Kids love a good adventure.

I still don't get it. Why do you and the quadrupeds all go


We always go north in the spring, buddy. It's called



"Migration" means we're on the move. When it gets warmer,

The herds of dinosaurs go north to eat leaves.

But you're carnivores. You don't eat leaves.

Nope, we eat the quadrupeds that eat the leaves.


They're herbivores, so they move north to look for more

Green stuff to eat. They migrate, so we migrate, too.

We follow the meat-- to get enough to eat.


I guess we pteranodons are lucky. We eat fish, and we can

Always find fish near our place.

Yeah, and t. Rexes need to migrate because we need to eat

A lot.

I know.

[Both roaring] ha ha ha ha!

[Loud roar] [all gasp]

[Loud roar] hey, dad!

Hey, annie! Ha ha! Hi!

Oh, you haven't met my husband, boris tyrannosaurus.

Boris, this is mrs. Pteranodon, buddy, and tiny.


Hey! I've heard so much about you. And you, of course,

Must be buddy. High two, buddy!


Ha ha! Hon, the herbivores are on the move north again.

Looks like we'd better get going, too. Hey, you want to

Come with us?

Oh, we'd better not. We should get back to the dinosaur

Train if we want to be home in time for dinner.

Aw! Already?

We just got together with annie...

And haven't played a single game.

Ha ha ha ha!

All right, you kids. One game before the pteranodon

Family gets on the train.


Ok, this time we're going to play a game that's fun for t.

Rexes and pteranodons, so you pick, tiny.

[Giggles] how about "can you rhyme this"?


We'll make up rhymes about migration. I'll start.

My friend annie is on a migration. It's sort of like...

A spring vacation.

We follow the herd to follow the meat...

Because we t. Rexes love to eat. So now you know the


Annie's on a migration vacation.

That's the explanation-- migration!

[Sighs] and now you've got to get

Back to the station.

[All laughing] annie! Time to go!

Coming, mom!

Mmm! Bye!

Bye, t. Rex family! Have fun migrating!

Bye, pteranodons and buddy!

And buddy!

We'll be back at our nest in rexville by the end of the

Summer, and come visit us then.

We will. Bye!

[Giggling] hi there. I'm dr. Scott, the

Paleontologist, and this is, well, you kids tell me.

Tyrannosaurus rex. Roar!

Tyrannosaurus rex!

Right, or t. Rex for short.

Now, t. Rex was a gigantic carnivore or meat eater, so it

Needed to find lots of meat to eat. It's possible that

Tyrannosaurus followed groups of plant-eating dinosaurs like

Triceratops. Today, some plant-eating animals like

Caribou and wildebeest travel long distances to find food,

And sometimes big carnivores, like wolves and lions, follow

These migrating animals to stay close to their food, just the

Way we think that t. Rex might have.

Hungry, hungry!

All this talk about food is making me hungry, so I'm gonna

Migrate out of here and find something to eat. But remember,

Get outside, get into nature, and make your own discoveries.

Roar! Ha ha ha!

Did you know that the dinosaur train travels

Everywhere in the mesozoic era?

Let's look at the map. There was the triassic, jurassic, and

Cretaceous time periods. Let's visit the cretaceous. Many new

Kinds of flowers and insects appeared during this time. The

Most dinosaurs, like tyrannosaurus rex, and flying

Creatures, like pteranodons, lived in the cretaceous, and

That's just one of the stops on the dinosaur train!

♪ If I could wish for just one dish

My greatest wish would be more-- ♪

Let me guess. Fish?

Yeah! Fish! Ha ha ha!

We love playing games.

Osaur train dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train dinosaur train

We're gonna ride the dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ we're gonna ride ♪

♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪ ♪ the dinosaur train ♪
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