02x02 - Over Ice

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hudson & Rex". Aired: March 25, 2019 – present.*
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Rex's keen nose and ears are instrumental in helping Detective Hudson advance the investigations in each episode.
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02x02 - Over Ice

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ I can guide you while you walk ♪

♪ But I still lose myself ♪

♪ In those times where neon lights ♪

♪ Were the path to our descent ♪

♪ And the whispers we heard ♪

♪ Telling us to back away ♪

♪ They were lost in neon lights ♪

♪ Guiding us too while we dreamed ♪

You've got this, Shauna.

♪ But I wait for the morning ♪

♪ Wherever you're going to ♪


That axel gets her every time.

Maybe Shauna should take
it out of her program?

I'm her coach.

I know what her limitations are.

Yeah. Don't forget, Diane.
You're my coach too.


Now is not the time.

How was that?

Your timing was much better.

How's your knee holding up?

It's fine. I just extended
it too far on the axel.

Did my mom see?

I don't think so. She's
with your sister.

Thank God.

Don't tell her that I fell again. Okay?

I won't.


What do you say we put
some ice on that leg

so it doesn't tighten up on you.

It looks great on you.

I don't understand what the problem is.

I told you I don't feel comfortable.

- Everything okay?
- No, it's not okay.

Julia's being difficult.

I can't move in this thing.

How am I supposed to skate properly

if I can barely breathe in this?

Can you talk some sense
into her, please?

If you're not feeling
up for it tonight,

you can take a break, okay?

It's not the end of the world.

Thank you.

What the hell was that? We're
two weeks before Nationals.

And you're giving her the night off?

You are driving her too hard.

My daughter,

is an Olympic gold contender.

She can handle it.

If you really care about her,

stop being so soft on her.


How does that feel? Too tight?

It's fine.

Oh, nice of you guys
to finally show up.

What happened?

- Alarm not go off?
- Please.

This has got to be the first
time you're here before us.

Where's Coach Diane?

I've not seen her since
practice the other night.

Her car's in the lot.

Well then, she should
be here somewhere.

- Oh God.
- Hey, what's wrong?

Is that Diane?

You should keep your dog on the carpet.

It's slipperier than it looks.

Show off.

- Hey Sarah.
- Hey.

- What have we got here?
- Diane Bourke.

Figure skating coach, 33 years of age.

Time of death?

I can't get an accurate read.

Her core body temperature
is extremely low

from being left on the ice.

The rink was closed all
day yesterday, so...

It could be as long as 36 hours.


Stabbed with an ice-pick.

Not a very common w*apon of
choice for premeditated m*rder.

Yeah, right. It's usually more
associated with a crime of passion.

Do you know who called it in?

Julia Weyland.

She was with her sister
Shauna, and another skater,

when they came across the body.

Is that their mom that's with them?

Yeah. Brandy Weyland.

You don't recognize her?

Should I?

She was one of the top
skaters in Canada,

back when she was Brandy Palermo.

She could have been
an Olympic contender

if a knee injury hadn't
derailed her career.

Well, you seem to know a lot about her.

Yeah, well, I may have

skated on the junior circuit
when I was younger.

How am I just learning about this now?

To be continued.

I've got to get these girls home.

Oh, no no.

Oh! Control your dog please!

- Are you okay?
- He won't hurt you.

He's a police dog. He's friendly.

She's afraid of big dogs.

Really? Well, say hi, Rex.

See? He's safe.

I'm Detective Charlie Hudson.

I understand you two
discovered the body?

She was our skating couch.

Do you have any idea who might be

responsible for this?

Everyone loved Coach Diane.

When was the last time

either of you saw her alive?

The night before last.

The three of us left the rink together.

No, Julia and I left first.

You went back inside because I
forgot my B-12 shake. Remember?

Yeah, she has pernicious anaemia.


If she doesn't get enough B-12,

then she could get nerve damage.

Is there anything else
that you need from us?

Because I need to get these girls home.

No, that's fine for now.

Fine. Come on, girls. Let's go.

Sorry, buddy.

Not everyone knows you like I do.


I know who the ice pick belongs to.

You processed the prints already?

No need.

Who's Winston Healey?

I'm not surprised a body turned up.

This place is full of crazy.

Define crazy.

They'll stop at nothing to get ahead.

I've seen slashed dresses,

nail varnish on skate blades.

It's like a reality TV show.

You want to explain to
me how your ice pick

ended up in a coach's chest?

People are always helping
themselves to my tools.

That's why I put my
name on all my gear.

I'm going to need to
know your whereabouts

for the last 48 hours.

I was here Sunday night,

long enough to resurface
the ice after practice.

I left around 11:30.

Didn't get back until this morning.

You didn't notice the body on the ice

when you came in this morning?

I came in late. I had to get
supplies for the snack bar.

You run the Zamboni and the snack bar?

And clear the snow, and
clean the toilets.

Skating is a glamourous life.

Any idea who would have
wanted Diane dead?

Diane was always sweet to me.

I've only ever seen her
get angry one time.

And that was just a few nights ago.

She was having it out
with one of her skaters.

You know the name of this skater?

Yeah. Merrick Slade.

Background check turned up
some interesting stuff.

It seems like Merrick Slade
is quite the wunderkind.

He got himself a Junior
Nationals gold medal

when he was 13.

And a few years later, got
himself a DUI charge.

Here. Check it out.

17. He was a minor.

Yeah, he's lucky. He had
someone looking out for him.

It seems that Coach Diane

helped save his image-by
getting out in front of it.

- How so?
- Well, she sent him

on an apology tour.

TV, radio, online
interviews, campus talks.

It worked like a charm. And
he got a second chance.

Probably saved his career.

Doesn't exactly sound
like a motive for m*rder.

Sarah, what's up?

Hey, I found two sets of
prints on the m*rder w*apon.

But we only found a match for one.

Winston, the Zamboni driver?

No. His fingerprints
aren't in the system.

Then who?

Merrick Slade.


This doesn't make any sense.

Why would I want to k*ll my coach?

Well, you were seen arguing with her

a few nights ago.

Yeah, every skater
argues with his coach.

But not every coach ends
up dead afterwards.

Why were you arguing?

Because she was spending more
time with Julia and Shauna

than she was with me.

But they're Olympic hopefuls.

Yeah, I've actually
been to the Olympics.

- Wow.
- Yeah.

And I would have medalled, too,

if it wasn't for one bad program, so...

Then why is she focusing
more on Julia and Shauna

and not on you?

You don't know what this world is like.

The window for success is short.

Maybe she thought my best
days were behind me.

I don't know.

That must have made you angry.

I'm telling you, I have
nothing to do with her death.

Then why were your finger prints

all over Winston's ice pick?


I did borrow an ice
pick from his tool kit.

But I put it back after I was done.

Done what?

I used it to chip away the ice

where I land my triple
axel in my program,

to bury a gold medal there.

Why would you do that?

For luck.


Found it.

Merrick's gold medal?

It was right where he said it was,

a few inches beneath the surface.

He wasn't lying about that, at least.

I always wanted one of these.

I was a pretty good skater too.

What happened?

Medical school.

Hey, Rex.

- Shauna?
- Yeah.

I came to get Merrick.

He asked you to come?

He called my mom to bail him out.

But she wasn't home. So I came.

Can you keep your dog away?

He smells something
he's trained to detect.

Do you have any illegal
substances in your bag?

No, it's just my skating stuff.

May I?

Why is he looking at me like that?

He's probably wondering why you
have a bloody glove in your bag.

Do you recognize this glove?

I want to see my daughter right now.

Questions first.

The glove-it's covered
in Coach Diane's blood.

It's a training glove.

Every skater wears them.

Well, this one came from
your daughter's bag.

Well, anyone could've put that there.

Shauna is often leaving
her bag unattended.

I tell her not to.

But I can't follow her
around every second.

Okay? It might not even be her glove.

Look inside.

Shauna's got tiny hands.

Her gloves are all extra small.
And I initial her tags.

These are large. And no initials.

Yeah, I knew it.

Tell me about Merrick Slade.

What's to tell? He shares a
coach with my daughters.

Yet you're the one he calls
when he gets in trouble.

His parents are out of province.

I've known him a long time.
He's a good kid.

Has Shauna been charged?


Well, then either charge
her or release her.

Because I have to get back to the rink

to make sure that Julia
is doing her drills.

Because now that Coach Diane,

is gone...

It's going to be up to me
to keep everybody on track.

Thank you.

Come on, partner.

Can I help you with something?

Yeah, I'm looking for Julia Weyland.

I was told she'd be up here.

She's supposed to be here.

She's late for her physio again.

I'm Lucas Arbec.

Detective Hudson. This is Rex.

Same time tomorrow, okay?

You guys can feel free
to wait if you want.

- She should be here soon.
- Thanks.

Do you treat all the skaters?

Yeah. Most of them.

Physio is a big part of the training.

Although most skaters don't
really like this part.

You know, they just want to be out

on the ice, you know?

I can't believe this!

I'm so sick of this place!

There she is.

You're late.

Someone broke into my locker again.

Was something taken?

My grandmother's rosary.

It's not even worth anything.

It's my lucky charm.

I'm sorry, it's been a rough day.

No, it's okay. I understand.

You lost your coach.

She wasn't just my coach.

She was a real friend.


What can you tell me
about Merrick Slade?

He's a narcissist and an egomaniac.

What did Diane think of him?

I don't know. I think lately
they were on rough terms.

Any idea why?

She didn't say.

It was only recently.

She would've done anything for him.

For any of us.

Thanks for your time.


Come on, buddy.

Alright. You want to lie down?


That's an absolutely beautiful routine

so far by Evan and Crystal.

Such beautiful lines! So expressive.

- Such chemistry.
- I don't think I get it.

Do you believe in ghosts?

Only the Holy One.

Maybe don't tell him that.

Can you believe they've
only been skating

together for six months?

It really is extraordinary.

I mean, the partners that
I've had over the years,

Hey, Jesse. What's up?

Charlie, I found something interesting.

It's pretty late. Don't
you ever go home?

To do what?

Read a book? Watch sports? No no no.

This is way more exciting.

You know why? Because I
have been going through

Coach Diane's social media,

where she was being att*cked
by a user called Goldengirl

right up until her m*rder.

Well, we should find out
Goldengirl's I.P. address.

- Oh, I already did that.
- Of course you did.

I was able to trace the I.P. address

back to a house owned by...

Brandy Weyland.

Wait, so it was either Brandy

or one of her daughters
who sent the texts.

That's right.

One of those three is our Goldengirl.


Hey, you started without us.

This is all from Brandy's house?

Yeah, you bet. Phones,
tablets, laptops, you name it.

And so far, there's

nothing that points
directly to the coach.

But we did find these.

Pre-labelled for urine tests.

Looks like Brandy's been
subjecting her daughters

- to random drug tests.
- Why would she do that?

Probably to make sure her girls
aren't doing anything to

jeopardize their competitive standing.

If they use steroids,

the two-year ban means no Olympics.

She doesn't trust them.

There's also a matter
of her financials.

I checked her account and
credit card statements.

Brandy is severely in debt.

Yeah, and also...

She hasn't paid Coach Diane in a while,

as well as her physiotherapist,
Dr. Lucas Arbec.

What are those?

B-12 supplements and

Oh right, yeah.

These are Shauna's. Used to treat her,

pernicious anaemia. Whatever that is.

A lack of red blood cells

that causes weakness, weight
loss, and other worse conditions

if left untreated.

It likely makes it

more challenging to
skate at a high level.

Maybe she didn't have a choice.

Brandy seemed pretty determined

to make champions out of both of them.

I don't think she'd be

too thrilled to be
served a search warrant.

Why don't you ask her yourself?

She's in Donovan's office right now.


I understand that you have a job to do.

But this was a complete
invasion of our privacy.

This is a m*rder investigation,
Mrs. Weyland.

And you and your daughters are...

Come in.

Detective Hudson. Was
this all your doing?

Someone in your household's

been posting hateful
messages about Coach Diane

on social media.

I don't know what you mean.

I guess I'll just have
to ask your daughters.

I'm sure they're curious as I am.

I was venting, a little bit.

Diane was being soft on Julia.

I was trying to send a
message, that's all.

That's quite the message.

I didn't k*ll her.

Not having a coach right now,
with Nationals coming up...

That is the worst thing that
could happen to my daughters.

A woman is dead,

Mrs. Weyland.

If your daughters' performance

is the most important thing to you,

I think it's time you get
your priorities straight.

What can I do for you?

Well, I know that Brandy
Weyland hasn't paid you

for your services for
the last three months.

Yeah, she's behind.

Yet you continue to treat
her daughters for free.

She's not holding anything

over you on you is she?

No, no no. Nothing like that.

The truth is I develop a kind
of rapport with these kids.

Just because they can't
afford it doesn't mean

you don't have to treat them.

Well, she was also
behind on her payments

to Coach Diane Bourke,

before she was m*rder*d.

Were you aware of that?

Diane brought it up.

I mean, she probably
just wanted to make sure

she wasn't the only one
working for Brandy for free.


Were you close with Diane?

You know, getting to know the
coaches is part of my job.

Did she mention ever
being angry with anyone?

Merrick Slade, maybe?


Merrick Slade was like...

Merrick was her meal ticket.

The guy's an Olympic medallist.

What's up?

Oh, I've got the autopsy
results for Coach Diane.

It's a strange one.

Strange how?

Well, her blood shows
signs of crystallization.

That only happens in cases

of extreme cold.

Well she was k*lled on the rink,

and left there for up
to a day and a half.

Wouldn't that account for it?

No, not even direct
contact with the ice

would bring the temperature
of the body down

low enough to cause this.


She was borderline frozen.

And the arena doesn't get that cold.

Which means she was
k*lled somewhere else.

It's been a few days.

Do you think Rex can still
pick up Coach Diane's scent?

Yeah, and a frozen
body is hard to move.

If she wasn't k*lled on the rink,

I'm sure it was nearby.

Let's let Rex do his thing.

That's definitely colder than the rink.


Rex could be on to something.

You're going to process all of this?

If Diane was k*lled here,

traces of her blood and DNA
will be found in the ice.

We'll need to be as
thorough as possible.

- Okay.
- You find another body?

Just stay behind the tape, Winston.

Wouldn't surprise me. Like I said.

This place is full of crazy.

He must smell my dog on me.

Where's he going?

Let's find out.

Let him through.

That's just my tool box.

Quite a collection you have here.

Look, I steal sometimes.

You don't say.

But I didn't k*ll anybody.

It's not like this stuff
is worth anything.

Then why do it?

Some of these kids will
make the Olympics.

And if they do,

I'll put this stuff on eBay.

So what happened? Coach Diane
found your little stash here?

And she threatened to expose you?

I had nothing to do
with Diane's m*rder.

She never found out.

Nobody ever misses this stuff.

You're wrong about that.

Julia Weyland misses this rosary.

What are you charging me with?

Property theft, for starters.

Maybe we can make a deal.

I know a lot of secrets.

You're not in a position
to make a deal.

We ask, you answer.
That's how this works.

And speaking of secrets...

We found this bottle

of anabolic steroids in your bag.

- Who does it belong to?
- I have no idea.

I think you're lying.

I've been trying to find out myself.

A skater getting caught
with that gets banned.

I figured someone would
shell out some serious coin

to keep this under wraps.

Where'd you find it?

In a locker. In the men's change room.

Whose locker?

I don't know. They're
not assigned to anyone.

It was inside that fancy box here.

This one?


I was expecting something
of more value inside.

You mean like a gold medal?

♪ No matter where you go ♪

- ♪ I can be the light to guide you ♪
- Don't tell me you're becoming a fan.

♪ Home ♪

♪ And honey you should know ♪

♪ Even in the longest, darkest night ♪

♪ You'll find the light ♪

♪ If you look on the bright side ♪

Nice moves.

Something I can do for you, Officer?

You recognize this?

That's my medal case.

Where'd you find it?

You should be more worried
about what's inside.

Anabolic steroids.

It's not illegal to have.

No, but, you could be suspended
if you're caught doping.

I took a test a week ago. I'm clean.

How long does it take to
flush out of your system?

Is that what happened?

Diane figured out you were doping?

I never said that I was.

Look, if you want to test me,

then test me.


But if not, I've got to practice.

Yeah, I smell a cheater too.

Easy, pal.

I can confirm somebody
was using steroids.

I found trace amounts in the
rink slush we analyzed.

You can't be more specific?

Uh, unfortunately, no.

Coach Diane.

Is there any indication that
her body was in the ice pit?


And even if her blood
was heavily diluted

by the melt water we collected,

we should have been able to
single out her DNA in the mix.

But we came up empty.

So it's not our crime scene.

Did you do the urine analysis
for the most recent rounds

- of drug testing?
- I did.

Merrick was negative for
all banned substances

in the past 12 months.

That said, athletes
have sophisticated ways

to mask steroid use.

And if Merrick was cheating,

then he's got it down to an art.

As far as motive goes,

it's unlikely Diane caught him doping,

though she may have suspected.

Everyone was clean for steroids.

But Shauna Weyland was flagged
for severe B-12 deficiency.

That is not unexpected.

It's a product of her
known medical condition.

True. But here's the kicker.

Julia Weyland tested
positive for the same thing

in her three most recent tests.

I checked with her physician.

She does not have anaemia.

Oh, hey.


Come have a seat, Julia.

- Am I in trouble or something?
- No.

No, I just thought we
should have a chat.

What do you want to talk about?

Your sister, Shauna,
has been helping you

cheat your urine tests
for the past few months.

It's okay.

I'm not here to judge.

I was a competitive skater
myself when I was younger, so...

I know how hard it can be.

You think I'm doping.

I think you're hiding something.

- From your coach?
- No.

She was the first person I told.

She was behind me the whole way.

Behind you on what?

You can't tell my mom.

If I tell you, you can't say anything.

I can't really make that promise.

I guess it doesn't matter.

The whole world will
find out soon enough.

People tend to put
figure skaters in boxes.

The men are all gay,

the women are all ballerinas.

Just look at the costumes.

Am I an athlete or a...

Disney princess?

I'm done with all that.

You're leaving the sport?

No, I...

I still plan to skate competitively.

Just not on the women's side.

You're transitioning.

You're not hiding steroid use.

You're hiding hormones.

Every day,

I look in the mirror and
I see someone there.

And it's not me.

I just want to be who I am.

Who else knows?

Coach Diane, my sister.

I know my Mom will find out eventually.

But I'm not ready for
that screaming match.

You don't think she'd be supportive?

Are you kidding? Have you met my mom?

She's the original girlie girl.

Now she's living her dreams through us.

She knows Shauna's condition

will keep her from going much further.

I'm her last hope for women's gold.

So the dead coach was one
of the very few people

who knew that Julia is transitioning.

And her mom didn't know?

That's what Julia thinks.

But moms have a way of
finding these things out.

Well, if her mom knew about this,

maybe she knew about Coach Diane
trying to keep it under wraps.

Yeah, I could see how that
could cause some friction.

And it would also explain
the texts that she sent,

trying to smear Coach
Diane's reputation.

It all tracks.

Okay, bring her in.

What's this? Good cop, bad cop?

I'm not a cop.

I'm a forensic pathologist.

Why am I here?

We want to talk to you about
your daughter, Julia.

We know she was going
through some life changes.

And that Coach Diane was
helping her out with that.

I don't know what you mean.

Yes, you do.

We know you know.

How'd you find out?

Shauna was hiding containers of urine

at the back of the fridge.

And when I found them, I suspected

she was doping. And I freaked out.

In retrospect, I wish
that'd been the case.

You don't want Julia to
be who she really is?

Who she really is is a champion.

An Olympic medallist.

Someone that little
girls can look up to.

I could have talked her out if it.

What if she didn't want
to be talked out of it?

She's young. She had no
idea what was at stake.

She went to her coach, Diane,

instead of to me, her own mother.

That would make me upset.

I put my family's future
in that woman's hands.

But I didn't k*ll her.


I may be a domineering control
freak when it comes to my kids.

But I'm not a psycho.

I've always known that
Julia was different.

I just... I was protecting her,

like any mother should.

What do you mean.

You always knew?

When Julia was four,

she first learned about reincarnation.

And she told me that she
wanted to come back

as a boy named Julian.

That stuck with me.

And as she grew, I...

I saw it.

She was different.

The way she sat.

The way she walked.

The way she trained.

The other girls would do yoga.

And Julia would work the
heavy bags in the gym.

The other girls would hang out together

at the rink after lessons.

But not Julia.

She'd be all by herself.

Working in the ice cube.

- The ice cube?
- Yeah, the ice cube.

It's a walk-in freezer in
the basement from when

the rink was a meat packing plant.

The skaters like to work out there

because of the cold.

It should be through here.

You're right.

That might be it there.

Hey, where's Rex?

Probably exploring.

He'll catch up with us.


I see,

why they call it the ice cube.

I thought only boxers in
movies worked out in freezers.


- Yeah.
- Look here.

There's blood splatter.

Somebody cleaned it up.


What the hell?

Isn't there a mechanism

that prevents us from
getting locked in?

Yeah, but it's not working.





There's no signal in here.


We're trapped.

Hello! We need some help down here!




Come on, buddy!

It's late. Everybody is
probably gone by now.

Somebody was here late.

The door didn't shut on its own.

Oh my God.

We are going to freeze to death.

Did you hear that?


I'm glad to hear you, pal!

Open the door, buddy!

Open the door!

Come on, buddy. Come on.

You can do it. You can do it! Come on!

Come on! I'm here!

See my fingers?

Just get your...

Get your legs up onto the door handle!

You can do it, pal.

Get your legs up onto the door handle.

See if you can pull it backwards!

That's it! Open the door!

Come on! Come on!

Come on, buddy!

I'm right here, okay?

You can do it, buddy!

You can do it! Come on, buddy!

I'm right here!

Come on!

Come on!

It's okay, pal. It's okay, pal.

He can't help us.

Maybe he can find someone,

to help.


What are you doing?


Got to keep the body moving

to keep the blood
flowing anyway, right?

If this is where Diane was k*lled,

then maybe we'll find something.

Ha. Ice pack.

- The last thing we need.
- The label on the bag says

Doctor Lucas Arbec.

The physiotherapist.

So this must be all of Lucas's stuff.


What is this?

A steroid bottle.

You think Coach Diane came down
here looking for an ice pack,

and found that instead?

If she suspected Merrick was doping,

and then found this...

She might have confronted
Lucas about it,

and threatened to go public.

And put his job on the line.

Unless he found a way to silence her.


It's an interesting theory.

How long's it been?

A few hours.

We should probably go
check the door again.

Oh oh oh.

Or... or you could stay here.

Admit it.

This is just an elaborate ruse
to get me to snuggle with you.

You want to see something funny?

I found this last night.

I thought you'd, get a kick out of it.

Is that you?

That's adorable.


I guess I peaked early.


Rex, what are you doing here at...?

Oh, I didn't realize it was that late!

Hey, hey hey hey! Buddy!

Where's Charlie?

You've reached Charlie.
You know what to do.

Straight to voicemail?


Charlie's car.

He's here.



Wait up!

Wait up!

What are you guys doing here?

What took you so long, pal?

Hey, buddy.

Thank you.


Hi Lucas.

What's wrong?

You look like you've seen a ghost.

I don't know what you're talking about.

So you're denying that you locked
us in the freezer last night?

- Why would I do anything like that?
- Oh, I don't know.

Maybe because we found
blood on the floor,

proving that Coach Diane

was k*lled there.

And maybe because we found

the empty steroid bottle.

I wonder if we're going to
find your prints on that?

I think it's a misunderstanding.

I'm not really sure what you...

Rex, Go!


Good boy, Rex!

Stand down!

What happened, Lucas?

We know that you did it.

We just don't know why.

It happened so fast.

I didn't mean to k*ll her.

You mean when you stabbed her
in the chest with an ice-pick?

How'd Diane put it together?

You know,

I told Merrick that he
should take it slow

or someone would notice that
he was improving too quickly.

He obviously didn't listen.

And as predicted,

Diane saw that he was
suddenly stronger and faster

than he'd been in years.

So she knew that he was doping,

but didn't know who was administering.

Man, why would you do it?

Risk everything?

Merrick said if I'd help
him beat the drug tests

he would take me on as
his personal physician,

at the next Olympics.


And that dream was threatened

when Diane connected the
steroids back to you.

She was furious.

He was strong to begin with!

He was strong to begin with.
But then he screwed it up!

It was Merrick's fault.

It was your idea to supply
and administer them!

Nobody has to know.

This is on you, Lucas.

You're done.


You left her there for hours.

Why come back and move the body?

I thought if I left her there,

it would give you physical
evidence straight back to me.

- Mm-hmm.
- If I moved her, you wouldn't find it.

That was smart, but it was calculated.

The jury's not going to like that.

I didn't mean to k*ll her.

She left me no choice.

There's always a choice, Lucas.

You just made the wrong one.

♪ Whatever we were ♪

♪ Whatever we are ♪

♪ The love I can't shake ♪

♪ Keeps me in the dark ♪

♪ Wherever I go ♪

♪ Wherever I've been ♪

Don't worry, Shauna. I won't
let Rex get too close.

It's okay.

I'm kind of getting used to him.

How come you're not out on the ice?

I know that I won't be able
to compete at a high level

with my condition. So...

I decided to concentrate
more on school.

Did you hear about Merrick?

Suspended for doping.

I can't believe it. I looked up to him.


Did you have more
questions for us, o...?

Actually, Julia asked us to come.

Is she here?

♪ Oh your beat stops my heart ♪

♪ Oh your beat stops my heart ♪

♪ Oh your beat stops my heart ♪

♪ Say the word and let it... ♪

♪ start ♪

♪ Oh your beat stops my heart ♪

♪ Oh your beat stops my heart ♪

♪ Oh your beat stops my heart ♪

♪ Say the word and let it... ♪

♪ start ♪

You look great.

♪ Say the word ♪ Thanks, Mom.

♪ and let it start ♪

♪ Say the word ♪

♪ and let it start ♪

Thanks for coming.

And we came bearing gifts.

My lucky charm!

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Rex has become quite the,

figure skating fan.

This is his impressed bark.

Well, you're pretty
impressive yourself too, Rex.

♪ Oh your beat stops my heart ♪

♪ Say the word ♪

Yeah, you are!

♪ and let it start ♪
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