01x48 - Gnome More Mister Nice Guy

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x48 - Gnome More Mister Nice Guy

Post by bunniefuu »



Chef: Kids I'd like to introduce you to

an adorable lil' addition to the playground.

Lawn gnooomes!

Meet Winky... Blinky... and Steve.

- Steve? - Yeah.

Just look at his face. He's a Steve.

Dont'cha love 'em?

Yeah, they're great. It's nice to finally have

something little and cute around here.

- I know you didn't just say that.

- Oh. Almost forgot...

the salesman had one very important warning

about these gnomes...

- (Poof) These gnomes come with a serious warning

you must never forget:

never ever take a gnome's hat,

for if you do, dangerous it will be.

- Dangerous?

- Anyway, I'll be in my office

where I can't possibly see what's happening out here.

- I like these gnome-dudes

and that one's got a sweet lid.

- Chef just warned us about taking a gnome's hat?

Remember: danger?

- Oh right. Bummer.

- Chef said we couldn't take a gnome's hat,

he didn't say we couldn't swap hats with a gnome.

- So it's cool to trade hats with him?

Duncan, you're a genius, dude!

- Um, Jude, I wouldn't do that--

- Sweet! Check out my new haaaa--

- (Gasps) - And Jude's a lawn gnome.

- Freeeeeedom!

Hee-hee, ho-ho! - OW!

- Watch me go to and fro! - Owww!

- Boom, whacka-whacka-whacka! Boom!

- I know you guys hate it when I say this

but I totally saw that coming. Owww!

Anyway, we should make sure he-- (gasps)

Don't let him grab the other... hats!!!

- Uh ohhhh.

- At least we can save Jude by un-hatting him.

Like... this!

- Silly ding-dong that guess was wring-wrong!

Unless you get the hat back on the gnome

your friend stays solid.

Like this!

(All gasp)

- Aaaaaavenge meeeee...

- (Giggling)

- Joyous me, now Winky's free.

So... who'd like to help me free Blinky?

(Panic screams)

- Heehee!

- Noooo!

- Heeeheeehahaha!

- Alright guys, you know the plan.

Let's get them!

- (Panicked breathing) What is happening?!

- Since when do lawn gnomes come to life?!

- All I know is we need to get the hats back on those gnomes.

- Yeah, before chef finds out what Jude did!

We all agree this is Jude's fault, right?

- No. You tricked Jude into taking the gnome's hat

(Loud thud)

- (Cheering, laughing)

- Woohooo! Yeah!


- Wooohoo! Hahaha!

(Splash) (Motor roars)

- Wow. These guys are... awesome.

- Snap out of it!

They're the bad guys, remember!

- Right. We gotta stop this before Chef finds out.

- We'll need all the gnomes hats.

If anyone knows how to get their hands on accessories,

it's me!

I'll go get them, you guys keep 'em from wrecking the place.

- I feel like we got the hard job.

- (Laughing)

- No scuba diving in the sink!

Everyone knows that scuba diving's for the toilet!

- (Deep inhale) - Oh no you don't!

- (muffled) Heeeelp! Sink-shark!

- Hahahahaha!

- No gnomes on the ceiling!

(Water rushes, zap) - Ahhhh!

- Hahahahah!


- Hey! You're not suppose to fart on the oven!

(Roars, fire whooshes) - (Gasps)

- Ma-ma! - Ahhh!

- Hahaha! - Ahhhh!

(Deep roaring)

(Panicked screaming)

- I haven't seen this level of destruction

since "make your own cake day"!

- Who wants--? Ah!

- Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake!

- What have I done?! What have I done?!

- Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake!

- These guys are awesome!

(Laughs) (Gasp)

(Revs engine)

- Easy now...

- It's not your end, you are my friend!

We can see and hear while we're solid.

I know you tricked your pal into taking my hat.

We'd never prank the person who freed us!

- And I'm glad I did.

You guys are the baddest lawn ornaments ever.

That's a compliment.

I'm Duncan. What's your name?

- Steve is in fact my name.

That your teacher guessed is just insane.

Anyway as far as we're concerned,

you're one of us.

Whadda y'say we spend eternity living it up gnome style!?

- It's... a dream I never knew I had.

- Back off, grass goblins!

It's okay, Duncan, I'm here with hats.

Let's turn these punks back into clay.

- The thing is, Leshawna.

This hat would look better on you!

- (Gasp) Wha-?

- Welcome to the team.

- Alright! Let's have some fun!

- Tickles n' thirst! First things first!

We need to make sure that teacher of yours

doesn't get in our way. We'd hat 'em,

but his heads too big.

- Don't worry about him.

I know exactly what to do...

Hey, Chef!

I just wanted to let you know that everything's fine

and you don't need to check on us -

no matter what you hear. - Good to know.

- And that's that. - Duncan!

We have to tell Chef what's happening!

The gnomes are gluing furniture to the ceiling!

- (Grunts)

This is so impractical! Ahhh!

- And look! that one's farting in the fridge!

- Ahahhahah!

- The pudding cups! We have to save the pudding cups!

- Cody, no! It's too late for them!

- Hiiii-ya! Hiii-ya!

- I can't believe I'm losing a fight to pudding cups.

- (Laughing)

- That does it! If you won't get Chef, I will!

- Okay, you're right. I tip my hat to you.

- Tip your hat?

Wait, don't-- - You're really good at this.

Seeing as how these babies can freeze

as many kids as we want...

we may as well hat the rest of your friends.

- Statue the whole class?

Pfft, sure.


♪ Cruisin' round town rockin' on this fife ♪

♪ It's gnome life

♪ Gnome life

- ♪ Hats so sharp it cuts like a knife ♪

♪ It's gnome life

♪ Gnome life

♪ Little lawn clowns who be bringing this strife ♪

♪ It's gnome life

♪ Gnome life

♪ Prankin' be down and cookies be rife ♪

♪ It's gnome life

♪ Gnome life

(Loud crash)

- Huh. I better go check on that.

Hold up.

Duncan specifically told me everything was fine...

I guess there's no need.

- Hey guys! What do you wanna do next?

Huh? What happened to the playground?

- What do you mean? - Oh, this?

Yes, we-we turned your tree house

into a cookie factory.

- Nice! You guys just keep getting better.

- You said it.

We're gonna turn all these kids into giant cookies!

- Wait, what?

Why would you turn kids into cookies?!

- To eat them?

We turn 'em into cookies. We-we eat them!

- Wait, what? - It's a gnome thing.

I, uh... I thought everyone knew that.

- But... wait. You're prankin' me, right?

Haha. Yeah.

You really had me going for a second there.

- I'm not kidding! Check this out!

Do you get hungry standing around in gardens all day?

- Yeah! - Well, so do we!

That's why we invented kid cookies!

Get those pesky kids out of your garden

and into your tummy!

Fun for the whole gnome family!

Try your kid cookies today!

- Seriously? - Bake the first brat!


- (Horrified) Not cool!

- Burgers and fries, why the sad eyes?

Are you switching teams?

That would be very, very bad for you.

- No no no.

The cookie thing's totally cool.

What's not cool is how you never got your hat.

Jude was supposed to trade with you, remember?

- Oh, yes! I forgot about that.

(Twinkling sounds)

But... how?!

- Hat in a hat. Imagine that.

- Youuuu triiiicked meh...

Now... you two are next!


- Pfft: amateur hour up in here.

(All confused) - What's going on?

- S'alright everyone. It's aaaall over.

- What's going on?

There's furniture on the ceiling!

Also, why is there a cookie factory in the backyard?

- Ma-ma.

- (Gasp) Where'd this toy come from?

(Roars, fire whooshes)

- Duncan! Did you take the hats off the gnomes?

- Uhhhhh, yeah?

- (Sighs)

- Returning all three?

Are you sure you don't want to keep one of them?

- Nope! Gnomes are too much trouble.

(Crunch, chewing sound) Owen! Stop eating Cody!

- It's his own fault for being delicious!
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