01x36 - Too Much of a Goo'd Thing

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x36 - Too Much of a Goo'd Thing

Post by bunniefuu »



- Yes! After ten long weeks

my falling star ninja shrine is finally complete!

- Fun-mergency! Fun-mergency!

(Block clatter) - Beth!

- Fun-mer-- Oh um...

sorry I knocked your blocks over.

But you'll be happy I did when you see this.


- (Gasps) Is that...?

What is that?

- It's slime!

All: (Happy gasps)

- Slime's so sticky.

And squishy.

- And gooey, and green!

But I'm not allowed it at home anymore...

Why-why not?

- Beats me.



- I'm gonna keep it here now.

But we gotta make way more!

- (Gasp) You know how?

- Yup. Got the recipe up here in the old bee-rain.

I don't really know what I'm doing but hey,

how hard can slime be?

Gonna have to improvise

cause we don't have all the ingredients.

- Meaning you don't have them or you don't know them?

- Both! Let's do this!


Green food colouring.

Glue. More glue.

A different glue. Something else sticky.


Oooh! Soda for bubbles.

And that plant grower powder.

- I wouldn't do that if I were you.

- I agree with Gwen,

but if anyone repeats that I'll deny it.

You don't know how that will interact.

- Like my pet rat and my pet snake.

(Hisses, punching thud) (Whimpers)

- This isn't about rats and snakes!

It's the Beth and slime extravaganza

so make like a bee and buzzz.

- It's your funeral.

I really like funerals.

(Bell tolls)

- Some soap and plant food.

And it's almost done!

- It's ready! Woohoo!


- Wait! I wanna try one last thing.

This is gonna make it extra warm and gooey.

- This is going to be bad.


(Slime sloshing, rattling) - (Worried whimper)


- Slime's up! It's ready!

All: Whoaaaaaa!

Izzy: It looks so warm and gooey!

- And it's moving!

(Plop) All: (Gasp)

- Yep, I'm out!

- Me too!



You're gonna love it here!

Look at this place!

- I think slimey is gonna need Eyes for that.

How else is she gonna blow her nose, right?

- I made slime that's alive!

I'm gonna call her slimey.

- Beth, don't go making friends with it.

I've seen this movie before

and it doesn't end well.

(Panicked screaming)

The slime feeds on everything -

like cats... (Cat hisses)

(Siren wails) Cars.

- My baby! (Baby crying)

- Babies and buildings...

Until It's devoured the whole planet

and is just a big green booger floating through space.

- Nice try, Gwen, but this is my movie

and it's a buddy comedy.

Where a cool gal and her green slime bestie

have so much fun,

and even though they seem different,

they're best friends forever,


which means no one can tear them apart,

so it's a feel good movie too!

- (Crying) That was beautiful.

- Suit yourself.

- And this where we're supposed to learn

and wait out the time.

Ooh, I should show you my booger collection.

Chef: I put my order through last week.

Delivery should've been yesterday!

- Quick! Hide Slimey!

- Let me speak to your manager.

Then how about your manager's manager's mother's manager?

Both: Phew!

- That was close.

Chef can't know that you're here, Slimey.

Which means we should go outside to play!



Come on down, Slimey!

I'll catch you!


- Slimey. Catch!

(Laughs) Hey! Again!

- Uh, what's Slimey doing?

- (Gasp) isn't it obvious?

- That the thing is acting really freaky? Yes.

- No. Slimey's hungry. Come on!

Okay, Slimey, an apple a day makes--

Wow, you are hungry.

- Here. Have some ice cream!


we were supposed to share!

- He still looks hungry.

What else we got?

- Here! A delicious doll!


(Effort grunts)

- No, I don't need my ducts cleaned.

- Oh no! Hide Slimey!

- It's really the geese you need to clean,

and the swans.

Have you seen how they live?

Disgusting creatures.

Well, how much you charging?

- Oh no! Slimey ate everything in the fridge!

- Whoa, as long as she doesn't eat all our good toys.

- No, you wouldn't do that, right, Slimey?

Uh-oh. We've gotta find Slimey!

- It's a close one,

but Cody crosses the finish line to victory!

Catch me, Slimey! (Plops)

Thanks for the squishy landing.

- C'mon, Slimey, you can help me with my escape tunnel.

This way!

- Hey Slimey, you here to wash up before lunch?

(Deep slurp)

- I hope you saved room for dessert!

(Car whooshes)

(Brakes squeal) - Hey Slimey, want a lift?


just kidding there's lots of room.

- (Low grumble)

- (Laughing)

- Ohhhh, Slimeeeey?

- I have to find Slimey!

I've never had a best friend like her!

(Toilet flushes) - You think?!

That's 'cause she's a monster, Beth!

She eats everything!

What if she starts eating people?

Wake up. I'm telling Chef!

- Wait! (Sighs)

- (Gasps) Aaaahhhhhhh!

- Slimey! You're okay!

And you're... All: Huuuuuuuge!!

- Hey look, Slimey's playing with Richard Swimmins.

- Awww. - Where is everyone?

(Shocked gasps)

- Is it just me or does anyone else think S

Slimey ate the rest of our class?

Slimey, I'm not accusing you of eating my friends,

but if you have, then let's talk about-- gah!

- Ahhhh! Wait for--!

- Ahhhh! Why didn't anyone try to warn me about Slimey?

This comes as a total surprise?

- What's all the noise in here?!

- Ahhhhhhh!

- I always knew this day would come.

But I'm not going down without a fight!

No more toyin' around.

You like that Slime-ball!

(Teeth clank)

(Big roar)

- Ah now it can bite me!

- Gwen! You have to help me!

Slimey's a huge kid-eating slime monster

that's gonna devour babies and trains,

and the whole planet!

- Took you long enough.

There's only one way to take down a monster blob.

We're gonna need lots of vinegar.

- Hello? Hello? (Busy tone)

Argh! Not working!

- Nok, nok.

- I know it's you, slime monster!

- Peez-a giiii.

- I'm not falling for your tricks!

- Flowers?!

- Haha, nice try.

But I don't have any friends.

- Spe-ac-sil delivahhree.

- Ooh! My custom napkins have finally arrived!


(Loud tuba sound)

- I'm sorry for not believing you.

I guess I should watch fewer buddy comedies

and more horror movies.

- That's what the internet is for.

- I thought it was for getting instructions to make slime.

- You didn't use it for that either.

(Chef screams)

- Slimey is about to eat Chef.

- Why vinegar? - 'Cause, well... science.

(Tuba sounds, panting)

- (Roars)


- We should go!

- (Knock on door) Napkin delivery!

- Finally! My custom napkins!

Delivery man: Ahhhhh! - Oh c'mon!


- You go ahead, I'll hold her off!

(Sizzles, groaning)

(Big roar)

I'm out. - (Gasps)

- Beth! Use all of the vinegar.

You're our only hope!

- Gwen! - (Gulp)

- Ow!

Oof! No, Slimey!

(Effort grunts)

- Hi, Beth! - Courtney?

You're okay?

- We're better than okay.

- We live in a bouncy castle now!

- I never wanna leave!

= Except for the stomach acid, it's totally lit!

- I don't hate it.

- Well, then I guess I don't need this anymore!

(Sizzles, POOF!)

- Oh, thank goodness.

Do you have my custom napkins?

- Here. - Thank you!

- I wanna be back in the slime monster!

- I could make more.

I'm pretty sure I remember the recipe.

All: (Laugh)
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