13x07 - Earth Station Egypt

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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13x07 - Earth Station Egypt

Post by bunniefuu »

Welcome to Egypt, Giorgio.

It's an Ancient Aliens event.

This is insane.

NARRATOR: As ancient astronaut
theorist Giorgio Tsoukalos

joins Egyptologist
Ramy Romany,

for the journey of a lifetime.

ROMANY: Now let's go where
no people are allowed,

inside the Great Pyramid.

This is incredible.

It's a special two-hour search

inside forbidden chambers...

Here it is.

I have goose bumps.

NARRATOR: ...and a closer
than ever exploration

of the places behind mankind's
greatest unsolved mysteries.

There are things in Egypt

that we cannot really explain.

For thousands of years,

Egypt has been known as a place
of colossal structures,

strange rituals,

and technologies so advanced
that they continue to astonish.

ANDREW COLLINS: It's all here,
in this sanctuary...

the whole story
of humanity's beginning,

its place in the stars.

NARRATOR: But what if
the real history of Egypt

cannot be found written
on the walls

of its tombs and temples,

but on an alien planet,
far, far away?

Ancient Egypt was the center

for extraterrestrial activity
on planet Earth.

Welcome to Egypt, Giorgio.

It has been 18 years
since my last visit,

and in those 18 years,
I have researched so much.

It is such an exciting time

and I can't wait to...

to see everything with new eyes.

In April 2018,

ancient astronaut theorist
and explorer,

Giorgio Tsoukalos,
traveled to Cairo

in the company of Egyptologist
and Cairo native, Ramy Romany.

Joining them
is Dr. Giulio Magli,

a professor of archaeoastronomy

from the Polytechnic University
in Milan, Italy.

Giorgio is eager
to see firsthand

whether or not the recent
scientific discoveries

concerning the Great Pyramid

could provide further evidence
of the theory

that extraterrestrials
visited Egypt

thousands of years ago.

I am personally very excited to
take you inside the pyramid,

because the Great Pyramid
of Giza is not only

one of the seven ancient wonders
of the world,

it's the most ancient one
of them all.

- And the only one standing, Giorgio.
- Yeah.

And that's what we're gonna
see today.

You know, I-I find very exciting

to be able to share
and exchange information.

Because what's happened
recently, in my opinion,

has turned Egyptology
upside down.

- MAGLI: Absolutely.
- I completely agree.

And so, I think that for both of
us it will be great as well,

because every time you go there,
it-it's like, uh, first time.

- Absolutely.
- Yes.

In November 2017,

media outlets around the world
announced the discovery

of what could be
an enormous chamber

within the Great Pyramid
of Giza.

If it can be verified,

it would be the first major find
inside the pyramid

since the 19th century,

and a possible game-changer in
understanding both the pyramid

and the people who built it.

TSOUKALOS: The discovery
of that void is sensational,

because it opens up
the whole discussion

to more questions
and to new answers.

NARRATOR: The process,
known as muography,

detected a chamber that appears
to be so large

it could fit the entire
Statue of Liberty

from head to toe.

This is it, guys, the pyramids.



- Wonderful. Incredible.
- This is incredible.

Look at the size of this thing.

Every single block
is bigger than this car.

TSOUKALOS: Yeah, it is insane,
it really is.

ROMANY: Are you ready
for some climbing?

TSOUKALOS: I have goose bumps
on my calves right now.

Oftentimes, we throw around

the words "awesome"
or "monumental,"

and we don't really think
about these words,

but when you stand in front
of the Great Pyramid,

the word "awesome"
is, in fact, true.

NARRATOR: Built from more than
two million limestone blocks,

each weighing thousands
of pounds,

the pyramid is aligned perfectly

to the cardinal points
of the compass,

north, south, east and west,

suggesting that
its builders possessed

extraordinary geographical

According to mainstream

the Great Pyramid was built
by the pharaoh Khufu,

who reigned from 2589
to 2566 BC,

during the Fourth Dynasty
of the Old Kingdom.

But this notion
is hotly contested,

as it is based entirely
on a single

and very controversial

In 1837,

British explorer
Richard Howard-Vyse claimed

to have found the name of Khufu
graffiti-ed onto

a stone roof of a chamber
inside the pyramid.

However, it was later discovered

that Vyse had written
in his private journal

that he found nothing
in the chamber

that looked like hieroglyphics.

Some modern researchers suspect
it may have been a forgery

by Vyse's team to ensure that
his expensive expedition

was considered
a rousing success.

One of the problems
with Egyptology

is that it's something that
started in the late 1800s,

and a lot of it
is sort of solidified

within the university system.

But Egyptologists and
archeologists and geologists

are discovering new things
about Egypt all of the time

that completely shakes
the foundations

of what they thought they knew
about ancient Egypt.

We're even finding there
are structures in Egypt

much older than what the
mainstream Egyptians would say.

NARRATOR: As far as ancient
astronaut theorists

and a number of prominent
archaeologists are concerned,

the Great Pyramid
was likely built long before

the reign of Khufu.

There are some who believe
the colossal structure

could even be more
than 10,000 years old,

and date back to a period
pre-dating that

of the Great Flood.

The main reason this pyramid

is the most magnificent
of all of them

is not because what you're
seeing here.

It's what you're about to see,
it's what's inside.

Let's go.

NARRATOR: Is it possible that
whatever lies within

the newly discovered void
in the Great Pyramid

will reveal not only incredible
truths about ancient Egypt,

but about the history
of humankind?

Could there be clues that reveal
that Egypt was once home

to an extraterrestrial

♪ ♪

NARRATOR: During his first visit
to Egypt in nearly two decades,

ancient astronaut theorist,
Giorgio Tsoukalos,

is eager to find out about
a recent discovery concerning

a possible hidden chamber
located deep inside the walls

of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

- ROMANY: This way.
- NARRATOR: With him,

are Egyptologist, Ramy Romany,

and archaeoastronomer,
Dr. Giulio Magli.

They are making their way

to what is called
The Grand Gallery,

which can only be reached
after walking up

a 200-foot-long passageway.

Directly above their heads
is the area where

an international team
of scientists believe

they may have located an
enormous hidden chamber

more than 100 feet long.

So this is it,
The Grand Gallery.

You look at this,
and you think they made this

more than 4,000 years ago.

They actually built this.

This is incredible.

ROMANY: From here to the ceiling
is about ten meters high,

and it goes about 50 meters in,
which is 150 feet deep.

I mean, that just
gives you an idea

of how huge this place is.

And it's perfect.

The blocks, they fit together,

and no mortar was used.

And you can't even put a money
bill in between the fittings.

And this is what type of stone
that we're looking at in here?

Unlike the rest of the pyramid,

- this is red granite.
- TSOUKALOS: Red granite, right.

ROMANY: Red granite doesn't come
from a local quarry

- like the limestone does.
- MAGLI: It comes from Aswan.

- Aswan.
- So that's a thousand kilometers away.

A thousand kilometers away.

600 miles.

ROMANY: So you think the void is
right on top of our heads here?

And how big is it

in relation to where
we're standing?

- Okay, wow.
- NARRATOR: The news

of a possible fourth chamber
within the Great Pyramid

has become a source of
great controversy inside

the archaeological community.

They have long held the belief

that pyramids were essentially
built as burial vaults,

each possessing no more
than three chambers.

and Egyptologists claim

that they were tombs
for the pharaohs,

and yet no Egyptian pharaoh
was ever found

in a pyramid in Egypt.

We have found the mummies
of many Egyptian pharaohs,

but they're found
in vaults deep underground

at the Valley of the Kings
in Luxor,

hundreds of miles away
from the pyramids.

The pyramids have
no real explanation

of what their purpose was.

In your opinion,
what do you think

is inside that void
that was just discovered?

Can you elaborate
on that iron throne?

A throne?

Containing pieces of metal
found in a meteorite?

Could such an object
really be embedded

inside a secret chamber

located within the Great Pyramid
of Giza?

According to what are referred
to as the Pyramid Texts,

a collection
of ancient religious texts

that were carved on the walls
and sarcophagi

of the pyramids at Saqqâra
more than 4,000 years ago,

the god Osiris and his wife !sis

came to Earth
from the constellation of stars

known as Orion's Belt,

and it is from them
that all human life originates.

Osiris was the central god

of the Egyptian system,

and he was a god of fertility
and-and chthonic,

that is, a god of the Earth,

and died and was reborn
in his son Horus.

So you have the cycle
of death and rebirth.

And this is part
of the-the Book of the Dead.

So, the pharaoh, the king,

would die and be resurrected.

According to the story,

Osiris had an iron throne
that was coveted by many

who sought to possess
its awesome powers.

One of these
was Osiris's brother, Set,

who m*rder*d Osiris

in an effort
to obtain the throne.

ancient Egypt, in the temples,

we see depictions of the gods,

extraterrestrial beings
on their thrones.

These thrones are feathered,

because they are
ascension vehicles.

They are vehicles that take them
to the stars and back.

I think it's very possible

the throne is in that void.

When we found this pyramid,
there was no mummy.

There were, there were
no treasures. No nothing.

No hieroglyphics. Nothing.

What if all this that
we're looking at is a decoy?

TSOUKALOS: You just raised
a very interesting point.

The fact that we've come so far
into this chamber

and the entire way...
Not a single hieroglyphic.

Because, throughout the rest
of Egypt,

the walls are plastered
with inscriptions

telling the story
of how it was built

and by whom and when.

Yet, here, so far,
complete anonymity.


NARRATOR: Because the walls
inside the Great Pyramid

contain no hieroglyphics

and there is no evidence
that the colossal structure

was ever used
as a tomb or temple,

there has been
increasing speculation

as to its original purpose.

One theory held by numerous
scientists and archaeo-engineers

is that the pyramid
and others like it

may have been built as one

in an enormous network
of power plants.

Christopher Dunn's theories
indicate that

some of these pyramids
had chemicals mixed in them.

And, in fact,
studies of his working devices

have shown
that this probably would work.

DUNN: The pyramids were
actually geomechanical devices.

In other words,

they were attached to the Earth,

they were tuned to vibrate

with the frequencies
of the Earth,

and they converted
the energies of the Earth

into electromagnetic energy.

The best example of this
is in the-the Great Pyramid.

It's probably the most precise
structure on the planet.

NARRATOR: According
to Christopher Dunn's theory,

the process of generating energy

began with drawing water
from the nearby Nile River

to the base
of the Great Pyramid.

Right in front of the door
of the entrance door

of the Great Pyramid,
there used to be

a well shaft,
which was documented in 1857.

And so the water would
just gravity feed down into,

basically, a moat
around the Great Pyramid

and then go down the entrance
shaft down under the ground.

The water was used
in the subterranean chamber.

It is a water pump.

I believe the water was used
to cause a compression wave

and cause the pyramid
to resonate.

So, in the Queen's Chamber,

two chemicals were introduced:

hydrated zinc
through the northern shaft

and a dilute hydrochloric acid

through the southern shaft.

This vessel represents
the Queen's Chamber.

Into the tubes we're going
to pour hydrated zinc

and then hydrochloric acid.

When you bring
these two liquids together,

a chemical reaction occurs.

And a product of that chemical
reaction is hydrogen.

And you can see the vapor,
the hydrogen,

escaping through the chimney.

And there you have the reaction.

NARRATOR: Adding credibility to
Chris Dunn's remarkable theory

is the fact that traces of
both zinc and hydrochloric acid

have recently been found
in the shafts leading

to the so-called
Queen's Chamber.

But if the pyramid
was really designed

as a gigantic power plant,
how was that power applied?

DUNN: We can come up
with all kinds of devices

to power
with that kind of energy,

uh, from simple
domestic appliances

to highly advanced spacecraft.

Might the Great Pyramid of Giza

have been designed
as part of an enormous network

of ancient power plants,

not 4,000 years ago
but much, much earlier

and by a civilization with
incredibly advanced knowledge?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes

and believe
there might be a connection

between the pyramid's design
as a power plant

and the possible contents

of the pyramid's
newly discovered chamber.

I think that,
with this new technology,

we've entered
a new age of discovery.

So I can't wait to see
what we'll discover next.

TSOUKALOS: So, we're on our way
to the Sphinx.

Are we able to get up close?

Up close to the Sphinx?

- Yeah.
- Absolutely.

after their incredible journey

inside the forbidden chambers
of the Great Pyramid,

ancient astronaut theorist
Giorgio Tsoukalos

and Egyptologist Ramy Romany
return to the Giza Plateau,

this time to investigate

of the area's ancient wonders,

the Great Sphinx.

No one is allowed to actually go
down and get close,

like, between the paws
of the Sphinx.

No one, except for me.

- And now you.
- Oh, my God.

NARRATOR: Joining them
is Ramy's family friend,

Dr. Zahi Hawass.

Dr. Hawass is arguably the
world's best-known Egyptologist

and, in 2011,

Egypt's first Minister
of State Antiquities Affairs.

What is so special
about the Sphinx?

It's beautiful.

For centuries,

the Great Sphinx had appeared
only as a giant head,

peering out from a mound
of deep desert sand.

Only after years of excavation

was the enormity
of the structure

once again revealed
to the world.

to mainstream archaeologists,

the Sphinx dates back
to approximately 2500 BC,

during the reign
of the pharaoh, Khafra.

But in recent years, that
information has been challenged

by new research, which suggests

that the Sphinx
could be much, much older...

possibly more
than 10,000 years old.

In your opinion, what is
the most fascinating thing

about the Sphinx
that you want people to know?

What does it say? Tell us.

Carved in rock,

and located between the paws
of the Sphinx,

is an ancient inscription
known as the "Dream Stela."

Although mainstream
archaeologists believe

it provides evidence
that the enormous statue

was carved
approximately 4,500 years ago,

ancient astronaut theorists,

as well as a growing number
of archaeologists,

believe the carving provides
compelling evidence

that the Sphinx was actually
constructed much, much earlier.

TSOUKALOS: The stela writings
tell us about a time

when the gods still mingled
with human beings.

The ancient Egyptians
were very clear in this.

Ancient astronaut theorists

are also intrigued by another
part of the inscription

in which the Sphinx
tells Thutmose that,

once dug out from the sand, the
earth and everything illuminated

by the "flashing eye
of the lord of all"

would be his.

the amazing thing about this

is that we are learning

of what's called
the "flashing eye of the lord."

What is
the flashing eye of the lord?

This sounds like
some kind of technology

that is in communication
with the Sphinx,

or perhaps channeled
by the Sphinx,

that could ensure the prosperity
of Thutmose IV.

The Sphinx is credited

with ensuring the prosperity
of Thutmose's dynastic family,

that would later include
the pharaoh Akhenaten.

During his reign,
Akhenaten decreed that Egypt

would no longer worship
a number of gods,

but just one...
the god Aten...

who was depicted
as a golden disk in the sky.

Akhenaten was said
to become enthralled

with the sun disk
and this eye of the lord.

Is it possible
that the eye of the lord

and the Aten disk
are one in the same,

and that they are, in fact,
some kind of UFO spaceship

that's hovering over Egypt
as an eye in the sky

and is guiding
Egyptian civilization?

ROMANY: There is literally
no technology out there,

not even carbon dating,

that can actually tell us
how old exactly the Sphinx is.

Mainstream Egyptology
and mainstream archaeology

claim that the Sphinx
was sculpted

the same time
the second pyramid was.

But this all is a guess.

All the knowledge we have
is still a guess.

We could be off
by thousands of years.

What do you think about
the alternative idea, then,

that the Sphinx was-was sculpted
12,000 years ago?

The-the erosion...?

Dr. Hawass's contention...

that the erosion evident around
the base of the Great Sphinx

was caused by wind...

is one that is widely held
by many scholars

and mainstream archaeologists.

But an increasing number
of geologists...

including Dr. Robert Schoch,

who has studied
the geological features

of the Sphinx
for more than 20 years...

are convinced
that this is not the case.

SCHOCH: My geological analysis
has indicated that the Sphinx

goes back much earlier to what
I call "forgotten civilization,"

before dynastic Egypt.

A couple of Egyptologists
in the early 20th century

saw that there were weathering
patterns on the Sphinx

that seemed not to fit
the weathering patterns

of other structures
on the Giza Plateau.

So I went to look at this
with a critical geological eye,

and sure enough,
I found that there was a...

incredible discrepancy between
what we see on the Sphinx

and other structures
on the Giza Plateau.

Here we have a photograph
of the Sphinx

on the left side...

this is the rump of the Sphinx;

this is the wall
of the Sphinx's enclosure.

When you look at this,
these are the lines of rock,

or the strata,
as we say geologically.

You can see how they've
been weathered out,

sort of a rounded,
rolling profile.

This is caused by rain
beating down

and running over the rock.

- (thunder rumbles)
- This was very evident to me

as a geologist.

This had to go back
to a earlier climatic period.

CHILDRESS: If the Sphinx
was built in 2500 BC,

there would not be
the amount of water erosion

on the Sphinx that we can see.

So either the climate of Egypt
was drastically different

than what we think of
in 2500 BC,

or the Sphinx is at least 10,000

or 12,000 years old.

The head of the Sphinx
seems to be a bit too small

for the actual body,

and so it has been speculated
that the head of the Sphinx

was actually
something else originally,

and then was re-carved to be
the head that it is today.

Some archaeologists do think

that the original head
on the Sphinx

was the jackal head of Anubis.


One of the most ancient
of the Egyptian gods?

Dating back to the time
of !sis and Osiris?

But if that is true,

why was the colossal statue
changed, and when?

Perhaps the answer lies...
like most of Egypt's secrets...

buried deep beneath
the desert sands

in an area located approximately
300 feet north of the Sphinx.

Relatively unexplored,
it is an area

where some archeologists
and researchers believe

lies yet another Sphinx,
still deeply buried,

and still bearing the head
of the god Anubis.

It is an idea of symmetry.


If the ancient Egyptians

didn't build the Sphinx,
who did, and why?

Could it have been used
by a civilization

far advanced
from the one later depicted

on the walls
of Egypt's tombs and temples?

A civilization
whose origins were...

as numerous
ancient Egyptian texts suggest...

not of this world?

Luxor, Egypt.


While exploring a tomb
in the Theban Necropolis...

a site used for ritual burials

for much
of the pharaonic period...

Italian antiquities collector
Bernardino Drovetti

comes upon
an ancient papyrus document

broken up
into more than 300 pieces.

When it is pieced together

at the Museo Egizio
in Turin, Italy,

the document is found to contain
the most extensive list to date

of all the Egyptian kings.

So, in the Turin papyrus,

we have three columns,
and the first column

is of the gods of ancient Egypt.

The second column is
of mythical kings

that ruled back
into far prehistory of Egypt.

And the third column is
of historical kings

and pharaohs of Egypt,
and these are people

that we have
an actual historical record for.

So here we have a list
of kings of Egypt

that's essentially saying that
Egypt has existed as a country

for 36,000 years.

NARRATOR: If the so-called
"Turin King List" is...

as many ancient astronaut
theorists believe...

an accurate account of all
the rulers of ancient Egypt,

then everything that is
traditionally taught or believed

about mankind's history would
be thrown into serious question.

The implications are staggering,

because this would rewrite
world history as we know it.

Robert Bauval suggested that
the position of the pyramids

aligned exactly
with the belt stars of Orion

back in 10500 BC.

Later, Graham Hancock
determined that the Sphinx

also looks out directly
at the constellation of Leo

at exactly the same time,

which was also 10500 BC.

10500 BC?

More than 8,000 years earlier

than what mainstream scholars
have long believed to be true?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and believe that somewhere,
hidden inside the Great Sphinx,

could be the proof
they have been searching for

concerning mankind's
extraterrestrial origins.

Virginia Beach, Virginia.


Edgar Cayce...
an American psychic and healer

famous for remotely and
accurately diagnosing illness

in patients located
hundreds of miles away...

has a profound vision
while in a self-induced trance.

He sees himself as a high priest
in ancient Egypt,

a priest
who was directly associated

with the building of the Sphinx.

According to Cayce's vision,

this occurred not in 2500 BC,

as mainstream
archaeologists suggest,

but 8,000 years earlier.

One of the greatest sources
for information on the...

older civilization of Egypt
is Edgar Cayce.

He is known
as the "sleeping prophet,"

an American psychic
of great repute and note.

He refers on one occasion

to the date of 10390 BC,

when he tells us,
not only was this a time

that the Great Sphinx of Giza
was created,

but he also tells us
that the records

of some previous civilization

that had existed on Atlantis
were buried within this.


The legendary "lost continent"?

to the Greek philosopher Plato...

who wrote about it
in the 4th century BC...

Atlantis was an island
in the Atlantic

that was home to
a highly-advanced civilization,

but was wiped out
by a great flood.

In his vision,
Edgar Cayce believed he saw...

under the right paw
of the Sphinx...

a chamber that holds
a hall of records

from the lost civilization
of Atlantis.

Edgar Cayce said there was

a repository
of high-tech devices

and machines that had been left
there for thousands of years

for people to discover

during our time period on Earth,
our civilization,

that we would discover these
ancient high-tech artifacts

in chambers beneath the Sphinx.

Based on Plato's writings,

Atlantis would have existed
approximately 12,000 years ago.

This matches up
with the time period

when the Giza Pyramids
and the Sphinx were aligned

with the constellations
of both Orion and Leo.

Some researchers also suggest

this was the same era that was
described in ancient writings

as Egypt's so-called,
"Golden Age" or "Zep Tepi,"

a time in Egyptian prehistory

when the god Osiris had come
down to Earth from the stars.

There are accounts

from the walls
of different temples

that tell
of an earlier age of activity.

And it was said
that this was when

the gods themselves
actually enter into Egypt

and create everything
that becomes a part

of the later
Egyptian civilization.

They create the first enclosure,
the first temple,

and various
other strange structures,

which suggest some form
of high technology,

and suggest
that we might be dealing here

with an advanced culture.

Although there are many

who dismissed Edgar Cayce's
incredible vision

as a mere hallucination,

in 1978... 46 years after
his trance... two of the tunnels

Cayce envisioned
were indeed discovered:

one behind the head
of the Sphinx,

and another directly below.

But mainstream Egyptologists

to insist
these tunnels were made

long after
the Sphinx was constructed.

But is the discovery

of 2,500-year-old pottery proof

that the tunnels
beneath the Sphinx were made

at the same time?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say no,

and argue that artifacts

from an earlier period
could have been removed

during the Sphinx's
numerous renovations.

They also believe
more evidence can be found

by exploring additional pyramids
throughout Egypt,

and by examining the legends

a mysterious capstone

and its direct link
to extraterrestrial visitations.

Saqqâra, Egypt.

This ancient necropolis,

located 15 miles south
of the Giza Plateau,

is home to what mainstream
archaeologists suggest

is the first pyramid ever built
in Egypt:

the Step Pyramid of King Djoser.

The step pyramid at Saqqâra
is known

as "The Stairway to Heaven."

The complex is vast.
It's about 40 acres.

Entirely walled in.

There's a 30-foot wall
with 13 false doors.

You only get in if you know
where the right door is.


the only reason why
the pyramid is believed

to have been built as a tomb
for King Djoser is

that statues of the monarch
were found inside the pyramid.

Like all other pyramids,
there was no credible evidence

that a body was ever
entombed there.

Now this pyramid
is 5,000 years old.

That's amazing.

So is all of this made out of...
from mud brick?

this was all made of mud brick

just similar to that era.

The leap between this

and then the Great Pyramid
of Giza was massive.

NARRATOR: In recent years,
the conventional notion

that the step pyramid was built
only 80 years earlier

than the Great Pyramid of Giza
has been challenged,

not only
by ancient astronaut theorists,

but also an increasing number
of archaeologists and scholars.

They believe that the likelihood
that Egyptians went

from building a 200-foot-tall
step pyramid out of mud bricks

to building a monumental marvel
like the Great Pyramid

in only 80 years
to be a virtual absurdity.

They also believe
that the mathematical precision

of the Great Pyramid's

with its precise alignments,

not only with regard
to Earth's cardinal directions,

but also
to the Orion constellation,

is proof that it was built by
a highly-advanced civilization.

things you find, for example,

is that if you take
the geodetic location

of the Great Pyramid
as a decimal degree...

NARRATOR: According
to ancient astronaut theory,

the Great Pyramid
was most likely built

more than 12,000 years ago,

some 7,000 years before the
building of the step pyramid,

and sometime before
the cataclysmic event known

as "The Great Flood."

They also believe
that after the flood,

the original function
of the Great Pyramid

as a power plant
was long forgotten,

along with all of mankind's

other technological

and that it would take a series
of interventions

by other
extraterrestrial visitors

to help humans rebuild the world
they once knew.

In the text
that we can read about Djoser,

does he mention at all how
he was inspired to build this?

It was one brilliant man.

That man was called Imhotep.


Who, in history,
came out of nowhere.

He was the designer and engineer
of that pyramid.

What does "Imhotep"
actually mean?

It means...
I know you're gonna like this...

- it means "I come in peace."
- Oh, really?

- Yes.
- That's very interesting.

- So the extraterrestrial greeting
so to speak? - Yes.

He showed up into the life
of the king out of nowhere,

and then ascended into position
so quickly,

which is very uncommon
in ancient Egypt.

What does that mean? What do
you mean "out of nowhere"?

Did he drop from the sky, or
did he come from another land?

In Egyptian history,
you can normally trace

every position back
to their parents,

but Imhotep... nothing.

YOUNG: Imhotep was a commoner,
but a brilliant thinker

who grew to great influence

during the time of the pharaohs
that he served,

and then became
virtually immortalized.

That is unlike
any other commoner.

A cult formed around him.

Some have suspected

that he was possibly Joseph
from the Bible.

That's interesting,
because Joseph was an adviser

to a pharaoh in about
the same period of time.

What we know for sure is

that he was a brilliant
scientist for his day.

HENRY: Imhotep rose
to the incredible status

as the vizier,
or wizard to the pharaoh.

This is where we get that word
"wizard," from "vizier."

There are great mysteries
about who Imhotep was,

where he came from.

This is interesting, because
later on, Imhotep is deified.

And what's fascinating is
the depictions of him.

He looks like
he's got this oversize head.

He's got strange-looking hands.
He almost looks non-human.

And one of
the extraordinary texts tell us

that his knowledge may have come
from the stars.

Did Imhotep himself ever mention

where he was educated or how
he came by the knowledge of

building something like this,
for example?

In ancient Egyptian history,

Imhotep spoke
like a true ancient Egyptian.

And everything he has...
his beauty, his knowledge...

and everything he has
is from the gods.

Do we know how long he lived?

That is also a mystery.

We don't know how he died,
but he was buried in a tomb.

And that tomb
was around here in Saqqâra.

The tomb of Imhotep
has never been found.

- So far, right? Yeah.
- So far.

But look around you.
The desert is massive.

When the tomb of Imhotep
is discovered,

it will be the discovery
of the century.

NARRATOR: If the tomb of Imhotep
is discovered,

will it provide further evidence

that ancient Egyptian legends
of gods descending to Earth

from the constellation of Orion

are based on fact?


But until that day comes,

there are many who believe

that proof of humankind's
extraterrestrial ancestry

already exists,

in the form of curiously carved,
pyramid-shaped objects

known as Benben stones.

This is it, Giorgio,

one of the many Benben stones,

or pyramidions,
inside the museum.

Look at it.

It's absolutely magnificent.

And it's perfect.

- Absolutely.
- I mean, if you look at it,

there's not a single mistake.


Just wonderful.

I'm familiar
with the stories of the Benben,

and I'm fascinated
that sometimes it was described

as this shape descending
from the sky

with a lot of smoke
and a lot of fire.

And then a door opened
and people walked out.

So, to me, as a mythology,

that is fascinating, because

where did that story originate?


NARRATOR: According
to mainstream Egyptologists,

the story of the Benben stone

is part of a religious allegory

conceived by ancient Egyptians

to explain
how humankind was created.

But according
to ancient astronaut theorists,

the stone is based
on an actual historical event,

one that predates the building
of the Great Pyramid

by thousands of years.

TSOUKALOS: So when I hear
a story like the Benben stone,

I wonder if this may have been
some type of a craft.

Egyptologists agree

that this type of a shape

descended from the sky
in a giant fireball,

made a controlled landing,

the Benben stone opened,

and people walked out.

The first creator gods.

In my opinion,

I think these gods were
flesh-and-blood space travelers

whom the ancient Egyptians
and many other ancient cultures

misinterpreted as divine
or spiritual beings

because of their technological
frame of reference

of their current time.

This ties in directly

with the idea
of misunderstood technology.

When a technologically primitive
society interacts

with a technologically advanced

the primitive society
begins to worship

the advanced society.

I once read that a Benben stone

can also be considered the home

- of the gods.
- Yes.

From my perspective,
then that would be proof

of extraterrestrial

Right here,

this is a physical piece
of evidence that,

a long time ago,
someone descended

from the sky and taught mankind
in various disciplines.

NARRATOR: If the original
Benben stone was inspired

by an actual alien spacecraft,

as many ancient astronaut
theorists believe,

does the legend surrounding it
further suggest

that Egypt was one
of the centers

of extraterrestrial activity
on our planet?

Ancient astronaut theorists say
the answer is a profound yes,

and they suggest that
further evidence can be found

not by examining ancient
Egyptian scrolls and hieroglyphs

but by carefully reading
the pages

of the Holy Bible.

Cairo, Egypt.

The 14th century AD.

Egyptian historian Al-Maqrizi

begins work
on a series of writings

that propose that the history
of the Giza Plateau

dates back much further
than what is accepted

by the mainstream historians
of his day.

He has concluded that
the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx

were not constructed in 2500 BC,

but thousands of years earlier,

by a king named Saurid.

according to usual knowledge,

we believe that the
Great Pyramid was constructed

by the Fourth Dynasty,

more or less, two and a half
thousand years from now.

But old Arabian traditions...

for example,
Ibrahim Abdulla al-Masudi...

they say that the Great Pyramid
was constructed by a ruler.

His name was Saurid.

And they say Saurid is the same

which the Hebrew call Enoch.

Now, Arabian notation says
Enoch plus Methuselah

constructed the Great Pyramid.


The same Enoch
who was written about

in one of the so-called
lost chapters of the Bible,

who supposedly was taken up
to heaven by angels

called watchers in order for him
to observe the human race?

Could he really have been
the same person

who was responsible for the
building of the Great Pyramid

more than 12,000 years ago?

HENRY: The Book of Enoch
is a text that is believed

to have been written
by the Essenes, Jewish mystics,

sometime between the third
and second century BC.

In the story, they tell
how one of the watcher angels,

the archangel, Michael,
came to Earth

and took Enoch
into the heavenly realms,

to the throne of God,

where Enoch is educated
by the angels

and given an opportunity
to return to Earth

to share the accumulated
knowledge that he received.

It's very similar to what we see
in the Pyramid Texts,

where the pharaoh is taken
into the stellar realms,

where his body becomes
like lightning,

where the doors of heaven
are opened,

and where a human then
can be educated by the gods.

Are the so-called Pyramid Texts

and the Hebrew Bible's
apocryphal Book of Enoch

both referencing
the same period in prehistory,

a period
where extraterrestrial beings,

referred to as gods,
ruled the Earth?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes

and believe
further evidence can be found

by closely examining
ancient texts

concerning a race of angels

that are referred to
as the watchers.

In the Bible,

there's a very curious passage

that speaks
about the sons of God

who came down from heaven

and took daughters of men
as brides,

from which came forth
"the mighty ones."

They came down with knowledge,

knowledge which we today
would understand

as technology and science,

and they became corrupted.

They made matters worse,
not better.

And this is what led
to God's decision

to bring the flood.

According to the Book of Enoch,

the watchers were sent by God

in order to help mankind
on Earth.

But after a number
of these watchers

had sex with human women

and produced children
in the form of giant mutants

known as the Nephilim,

God caused a great flood that
was intended to destroy them,

along with all those
who disobeyed his will.

Our main knowledge
of the Nephilim

comes not just from the Bible,

but also from the Book of Enoch

and also the so-called
Book of Giants.

The Book of Giants says
that they were destroyed

in a cataclysm
that not only involved a deluge

but also fire
that came out of the sky.

And I think
that we can connect this story

with what we call the
Younger Dryas comet impact event

that took place around 10800 BC

that is known to have had
a massive effect

upon the Northern Hemisphere
at this time.

NARRATOR: If, as ancient
astronaut theorists believe,

the foundations
of ancient biblical

and Egyptian texts are not based
on mere imagination

but on actual historical events,

then it serves to strengthen
their contention

that the roots of ancient Egypt

stretch back far earlier
than currently believed

by mainstream scholars
and archaeologists.

Archaeology is rooted

in interpretation,

just like
the ancient astronaut theory.

I'm still
of the personal opinion

that the Great Pyramid complex,

including the Sphinx,

date back to a time
when the gods

walked among humans.

Something extraordinary happened

right here in ancient Egypt,

perhaps under the tutelage
of extraterrestrials,

from another star system.

If extraterrestrials

and giant hybrid beings
really did inhabit Egypt

thousands of years
before the first human pharaohs,

could physical proof lie hidden
within the mysterious void

recently discovered
inside the Great Pyramid?

Or could it be found elsewhere

in the form of 24 stone coffins

buried deep beneath
the desert sands?

Saqqâra, Egypt. 1850.

While on an expedition
to recover ancient manuscripts

for the Louvre Museum in Paris,

French Egyptologist Auguste
Mariette spots a strange object

sticking out of the sand.

Intrigued, Mariette has
the sand cleared away

and finds large rocks blocking
what looks to be the entrance

to an underground chamber.

After using expl*sives
to remove them,

he gains entrance
to a tomb complex,

also known as the Serapeum.

The Serapeum of Saqqâra,

- Yes.
- Oh, it's magnificent.

The name "Serapeum" comes
from Serapis,

- which is Apis bull and Osiris.
- Yes. Right.

ROMANY: Combined together
in one Greek god.

This is one
of the most mysterious places

in all of Egypt, Giorgio.

Look how far all this goes!

NARRATOR: Located deep beneath
the desert surface

lies a 700-foot-long passageway.

located in a series of alcoves

neatly carved out
of the limestone rock

are 24 gigantic
stone sarcophagi,

perfectly constructed
from solid granite,

and each weighing
roughly 100 tons...

the equivalent
of 55 mid-sized automobiles.

The boxes themselves are,
what, 70 to 75 tons?

And then the lids

are estimated
to be 20 to 25 tons.

It's one of the most mysterious
things about this place is

really how they managed

to bring these heavy structures

all the way down here

when we're breathing heavily
just to get to the end.

(Tsoukalos laughs)

TSOUKALOS: Can we actually
go down to some of these?

Of course we can.


You know,
I've always read about these,

I've seen pictures,
but it's humungous!

You can walk underneath it!

NARRATOR: Each sarcophagus
measures 13 feet long,

seven and a half feet wide
and over ten feet tall.

But just how
the ancient Egyptians managed

to transport these massive
granite boxes remains unknown,

as does their intended purpose.

As far as conventional

and archaeologists
are concerned,

the sarcophagi were meant
to house the remains

of the sacred Apis bulls.

But as only one of the tombs was
found to contain animal remains,

and all the others
were found empty,

the true nature of the Serapeum
is a source of deep contention

as far as ancient astronaut
theorists are concerned.

The Apis bull is
a representation for god Osiris,

and there's something
very important to mention.

Ancient Egyptians
did not worship animals.

Their concept was, the gods

sent the animals
to be their messengers,

and we have to respect them
in that way.

Based on an artifact

from the 4th millennium BC
called "The Bull Palette,"

some Egyptologists believe

worship of the Apis bull dates
back at least 6,000 years.

It was said that the first ever
Apis bull was created

when a ray of light came down
from heaven itself

and struck this cow who produced
the first Apis bull.

So there is some relationship

between the bull itself
and the stars.

Those bulls were said
to have the markings

of a falcon on their back,

as well as a diamond
on the forehead,

and the scarab
beneath the tongue,

all of which were symbols
of the sky world,

all of which indicate

that here
we have a place of contact

with the other world itself.

And the greatest mystery to do
with this bull is the Serapeum.

The sides,
and also here the bottom...

the polishing is perfect.

And we can illustrate this
by just looking at the angle.

I mean, it's a perfect
90-degree angle.

Check this out.

It is absolute perfection.

It's easy to cut limestone,

but to cut basalt is, uh...

That's a different story.

What do these inscriptions here

These inscriptions were
extremely important.

You see the doors. Specifically,
the so-called "false doors."

They were the doors
that allowed the spirit,

the ka and the ba,
the spirit and the soul

to come out from the mummy.

And then read
the hieroglyphic inscriptions.

They wanted to make sure

that these Apis bulls
come back to life,

go to eternity so they could
stay with Osiris in the sky.

Ancient historians' accounts,

like Herodotus,
Strabo, Eusebius...

all of these old,
old chroniclers speak

of a former glory age of Egypt
known as "the Golden Age,"

which some have suggested dates
back as far as 10500 BC.

So, is it possible

that what we have right here
may be a remnant of that time?

When it comes to dating,
I don't have a response.

as ancient astronaut theorists

like Giorgio Tsoukalos
are concerned,

the fact that only one
of the 24 sarcophagi found

in the Serapeum contained
animal remains...

the same one
that features crude,

almost graffiti-like,
hieroglyphic carvings...

is evidence that archaeologists
are mistaken in their belief

that this magnificent complex
was built

as a burial site
for sacred bulls.

It's a huge discrepancy
in workmanship,

especially with what we've seen

in other examples of hieroglyphs

carved or inscribed
on other basalt items.

It leads me to think

that whoever inscribed this box
right here...

they came much, much later.

I can't tell you for a fact

that this was made
3,000 years ago.

Till today, there's a debate
on when were these made.

It is Giorgio's belief

that not only was
the Serapeum built

more than 10,000 years ago...

back to the time when the
Great Pyramid was constructed...

but that it was likely built
to house the remains,

not of bulls, but of giant
extraterrestrial beings.

It is a fact

that when most of these
gigantic sarcophagi were opened,

nothing was inside them.

But in my opinion,

I think that this acted as some
kind of otherworldly environment

for communication
with the cosmos itself.

CHILDRESS: These things may well
have been created

by extraterrestrials.

Later, the Egyptians
took them over, used them

as sarcophagi,
perhaps for these bulls.

I mean, I find it wild that
this place was even discovered.

And there's probably much more
to be discovered

here in Saqqâra, and we never
know what we're gonna find.


Could it be

that the Serapeum of Saqqâra
was originally built

as a repository
for extraterrestrial remains?

But if so,
what happened to them?

How could they have simply
vanished without a trace?

Ancient astronaut theorists

one possible answer can be found
by closely examining another

of ancient Egypt's most
compelling artifacts: mummies.

NARRATOR: In the shadow
of Egypt's majestic pyramids

and monuments, and beneath
its ever-shifting sands

lie the tombs and resting places

of more than one million
human mummies.

The bodies,
often thousands of years old,

are so well preserved that most
are still covered in flesh.

Mummification in ancient Egypt
could be extremely expensive,

and was a very slow process.

Families in Egypt would spend
their entire fortune

mummifying the dead.

But why were the Egyptians
mummifying people

and going through these
elaborate mummification rituals?

It would seem to be

that they did want to preserve
the body as best they could.

NARRATOR: The ancient Egyptians
went to great lengths

to keep the bodies of their dead
from decomposing.

All organs, except
for the heart, were extracted.

The brain was pulled out
through the nose.

All moisture was removed
from the body.

And hundreds of yards of linen
were used to wrap the deceased,

all in preparation
for what the Egyptians believed

to be the afterlife.

Giorgio, this is it.

The Royal Mummies Room.

Here in the Royal Mummies Room

at the Cairo museum,

ancient astronaut theorist

- Giorgio Tsoukalos...
- This is amazing.

...and Egyptologist
Ramy Romany have come

to examine some peculiarities
concerning mummification

that have been largely hidden
from the public.

So, tell me about mummification.

Why did the ancient Egyptians
mummify their dead?

was extremely important

for ancient Egyptians

because the concept
of their religion.

They believed that
if they can perfectly preserve

their body as is,

then they can live for eternity

in a different dimension
in the underworld,

in the world of the dead.

That's very interesting.

The mummies that we see in here,
I mean, it is extraordinary,

the level of preservation.

Absolutely. Look.
You can see every bit.

You can see his teeth

- are still in there.
- (laughs): Yeah.

The queen there.

You can see her hair
is still there.

Every toe.
The toenails are still there.

And I have to tell you,

big parts of it
still is a mystery to us.

What were the ingredients needed
in order to mummify a body?

The first
and most important ingredient

in the process of mummification
is the natron salt.

The mummy would have to stay
in the natron salt

for a couple of weeks

before it can go through
the rest of the process.

It's the driest salt there is.

'Cause the main reason
they want that salt

is to take the liquid out

as fast as possible
from the mummy

before the mummy
starts rottening,

to keep every part of it safe
with all the liquids out.

The one thing that's always
fascinated me is the idea

that they were mummified

in order to live on
in the afterlife.

And the afterlife,
with all the religious symbology

that exists in ancient Egypt,
always had something to do

with the stars.

Now, if you look at the future,

one way of reaching
another planet

would be if we put ourselves

into a state
of suspended animation.

And we would do this

by being inside pods
sleeping like this.

And so my question
is whether or not

the ancient Egyptians
witnessed something like this

and didn't understand

that it was someone going back
to their planet,

putting on the suit,

getting inside
their sarcophagus,

which looks like a pod,

or the pod looks
like a sarcophagus.

So it's not symbolic at all,

but in fact
they witnessed something

and misinterpreted it
as a spiritual event.

The origin of it
may have been rooted

in misunderstood technology.

But I think there is a point
to be made here.

You are assuming
that they believed

that this was symbolic,

but for them it wasn't symbolic.

TSOUKALOS: So, this raises
an interesting point

that only mummies
of the New Kingdom so far

have been found
and no one in the Old Kingdom.

So where have they gone?

Until recently, it was believed

that mummification began
in Egypt

somewhere around 2600 BC.

But in 2014,
evidence was discovered

that suggested
the practice could have begun

thousands of years earlier,

long before the time
of the pharaohs.

But were the bodies of the dead
being preserved

for a future in the afterlife

or for some other
even more incredible purpose?

I think the whole process
of mummification and burial

was, instead of a sacred thing,

a very practical method

of harvesting the energy
of the Earth

to charge the body of the mummy

and transforming the whole thing

into a very high-power

A power capacitor?

Transforming the bodies
of dead pharaohs

into sources of energy?

Could such an audacious theory
be scientifically possible?

Why do they use natron salt

that comes from dry bed lakes

instead of marine salt

from the Mediterranean Sea
or the Red Sea?

Natron salt is very alkaline.

The body will become alkaline.

And they were covering it
with linen,

with natural resins.

Now, that resin is acidic.

In contact
with the alkaline body,

you will have some sort
of an ion exchanger.

When we look
at the mummification process

and the tombs of the pharaoh,
we find granite tombs.

The ancient Egyptians referred
to granite as a fire stone.

They called it that because it's
loaded with pure quartz crystal,

and crystal holds vibration.

When we combine this
with the massive amounts

of gold
and other precious jewels

that were used
in the mummification process

and placed upon the body,

you begin to wonder:
were they trying to trigger

some kind
of a electrical process

that somehow
transmuted the body?

Maybe we're dealing with some
other sort of technology here

or an ancient civilization
on Earth.

They were making the body
to vibrate,

creating some sort of energy.

Soul booster, if you want,
of the deceased.

HENRY: The reason why
the ancient Egyptians

mummified their pharaohs

is that they were
going to self-create

a new light body,

a new vehicle for the pharaohs'
consciousness to survive.

So effectively,
they could continue

on their journey
into the stars.

Our cutting-edge
artificial intelligence

and sci-fi-like desire

to upload our consciousness into

is an absolute
and pure reflection

of the ancient Egyptian
mummification concept,

this idea that we can create
a new vehicle for ourselves,

a non-biological entity

that will enable us
to live as immortal beings.

NARRATOR: Could it be that with
the process of mummification,

the ancient Egyptians
were trying to recreate

a process that had been used
in Egypt

thousands of years earlier

at a time when
the land was inhabited

by an advanced,
extraterrestrial civilization?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes

and suggest
that a direct similarity exists

between the burial practices

on the Egyptian pharaohs

and the original purpose

of the stone sarcophagi
in the Serapeum:

the conversion
of physical beings

into pure energy.

They also believe
further evidence

of extraterrestrial activity
in ancient Egypt

can be found
by examining the hieroglyphs

carved into the walls of one
of the country's most elaborate

and intriguing sacred sites.

Was Egypt the destination

for Earth's earliest
extraterrestrial visitors?

And, if so, were the ancient
pyramids, tombs and temples

actually built by
ancient aliens,

or were they, perhaps,
inspired by them?

To find the answer,
Egyptologist, Ramy Romany,

has invited ancient astronaut
theorist and researcher,

Andrew Collins,
to join him on a visit

to one of the most impressive
and best-preserved shrines

in Egypt... the Temple of Edfu,

located on the west bank of the
Nile, 465 miles south of Cairo.

Look at this temple.

This is, like,
my most favorite facade

in all of the temples
of ancient Egypt.

NARRATOR: According to
mainstream archaeologists,

Edfu is believed to have
been built

sometime between 237 and 57 BC.

It is dedicated to
the falcon-headed god Horus,

the son of Osiris and !sis.

ROMANY: This temple was
one of the last temples

that was ever built in ancient
Egypt, during the Roman times.

When they built that temple,
they were like,

"We want to preserve
the stories,

"so let's gather all the
mythology of ancient Egypt

and try to put it
in one temple."

It took 150 years
to make this happen.

And then finally,
we had the book

of ancient Egyptian mythology.

It's right in front of us
on all these walls.

Every wall is absolutely covered
in hieroglyphs and images,

not only of the foundation
of ancient Egypt

and the first temple, but also
how the world came into being,

how Egypt came into being,

how the universe was essentially
founded in the first place.

I mean, there's just
so much here.

The most sacred part of Edfu,

the holy of holies,
is its inner sanctum,

featuring a 12-foot-tall
granite stone.

This is it right here.

This is how it all began.

Every symbol, every text,
every little drawing in here

represents the most sacred thing
for ancient Egyptians.

The question that humans now
still ask themselves:

How did it all began?
What created us?

Every religion talks about it.

Scientist tries to figure out.

Ancient Egyptians had an answer,
and it was right there.

Right on top of this is
the pyramidion.

That pyramidion is
the primeval mound

that appeared in the middle
of the marshes,

where all the gods came and
landed on for the first time

to start creating humanity.

This is the beginning
of humanity.

What we have here is a focus
of all of these chapels,

finishing with-with this
incredible structure

pointing towards the north.

It's actually pointing towards

the origins
of the gods themselves.

It's a way of projecting

the soul back to its place of
origin amongst the stars.

There's another piece
of evidence here

that you might like.

This is the boat,

or a symbol of the boat that
they believed the gods came on

to the first primeval stone.

So it's all here
in this sanctuary,

the whole story
of humanity's beginning,

you know,
its place in the stars,

and how it arrived here
in the first place.

This, to me, strongly suggests
that they were aware

that our origins are found
amongst the stars.

I think probably
the answer is yes.

Or could it just simply be

humans trying
to make religions explain

what science can't explain?

But I don't think
it's about religion.

This is about cosmology,

an ancient cosmology

that was believed by
the ancient Egyptians,

and a cosmology that we're now
beginning to understand

for the first time,
within science,

whether it be to do with
astronomy, astrophysics,

or quantum existence.

Are the ancient hieroglyphs...

carefully inscribed
on the granite stone

at the Temple of Edfu...

merely the fanciful notions
of ancient Egyptian priests,

or could they be based on
actual historical events?

As far as ancient astronaut
theorists are concerned,

they believe that
extraterrestrials first came

to Egypt in a pyramid-shaped

that was later referred to in
the Pyramid Texts

as the Benben stone.

But once here,
they may have used

an even more incredible

to travel to the stars and back:

the so-called Ship of Eternity.

The story here is that Osiris,

the god of resurrection,
was cut into pieces.

The head of Osiris
was found at Abydos.

When we look at the hieroglyph
for the head of Osiris,

it clearly resembles an
electrical transformer.

On the opposite wall, we see
the same device attached

to what is referred to as the
Ark of the Millions of Years,

the Ship of Eternity.

The pyramid texts are replete
with stories

of the pharaohs flying through
the cosmos

on the Ship of Eternity,
which they portrayed

on the walls of the temples
as looking exactly like

the way modern science portrays
a wormhole.

The ancient Egyptians believed
that the human body

could be transformed into
a light being form

that matched that of the gods.

And so, we have to ask,
is this device some kind

of a transformational device
that could take the human body,

turn it into
a light being form, perhaps,

that could then travel through
a wormhole

to a distant star system?

Orion, for example.

NARRATOR: Does the
Ship of Eternity represent

a star gate through which

and perhaps even humans...

traveled instantaneously to
other parts of the universe?

Perhaps even back to their
home planet located somewhere

in the constellation of Orion?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and they suggest that such a
device may still exist today

hidden within a recently
discovered void

inside the Great Pyramid.

An ancient Hebrew text

from the 3rd century BC
entitled Exagoge,

attributed to the poet

and playwright known as
Ezekiel the Tragedian,

tells the story of a strange
encounter Moses had

while on Mount Sinai.

Moses comes upon a noble being
who's sitting on a throne.

This noble being invites Moses

to sit on the throne,
and when he does so,

this noble being gives him
a crown and a scepter.

Suddenly, Moses finds himself
looking at the Earth from space.

TSOUKALOS: It actually gives
the description.

"I looked forth upon the earth's
wide circle...

Then at my feet, behold,
a thousand stars."

So we have to look at these
ancient stories

and wonder what's described.

How is it possible that
you put on a crown

and all of a sudden
you're in space?

According to the Hebrew Bible,

Moses was raised as a nobleman
in ancient Egypt,

and as the adopted son
and brother

of two powerful pharaohs.

Is it possible that when he led
the Israelites

on their Exodus into the desert,

he was already in possession of
secret extraterrestrial devices,

devices that would be thousands
of years ahead of his time?

JASON MARTELL: Today, through
augmented reality and VR,

we can see that our
technological advances

can actually extend someone
into a whole new environment

by placing these devices
on their head.

It's very possible that some of
these ancient devices,

constructed for the pharaoh,

were actually extending
their consciousness

to another physical location.

Or possibly project
his physical body,

like a star gate,
to some other location.

Is it possible

that the biblical account
of a throne...

one that transported Moses
to the stars...

is directly connected
to Dr. Giulio Magli's theory

that the recently discovered
void inside the Great Pyramid

could contain
some sort of sacred

metallic transportation device?

And if so,
could it be the same object

that the ancient Egyptians
referred to

as the Ship of Eternity?

For ancient astronaut theorists,
the answer is a profound yes,

and they believe that
the ultimate evidence

of Earth's extraterrestrial past
may be closer than ever before.

This place, to me,
is ground zero

for all of the theories
that I have investigated.

And actually, my resolve
has strengthened

in taking a secondary and a
tertiary look at ancient Egypt,

to look at even more evidence,

because I think that's
incredibly important.

What I've learned as well is
that just the fact that you,

and hopefully others,
are also open-minded enough

to debate and discuss
the theories,

which is extremely important,
in my opinion.

That's how science
actually works.

Absolutely. Look, I agree
that many of the ancient things

are rooted in symbolism.

However, my question is always

how or where
did the symbolism originate?

Many of the ancient structure
were built in honor of the gods,

but my question is why?

And where did it begin?
And, above all, how?

- How was the religion inspired?
- Yes.

What inspired the religion?

- Yes.
- And it's a great question to have.

And I don't have
an answer for it.

- We are at a crossroads...
- Yes.

...that is about to change
the future.

I think we're about to enter
a new era of archaeotechnology.

And, when archaeology
and technology mix together,

I think the future of Egyptology
will be fascinating.

I mean, think how much, how much
stuff is under the sands

- just right in front of you, right here.
- Yes.

I 100% agree.

I argue that perhaps
the ancient Egyptians

had access to sophisticated

So, the fact that we today are
discovering ancient sites

by means of modern technology,

that, to me, is the present
meeting the past,

and the past meeting the present
and the future, of course.

For ancient astronaut theorists,

the mysteries of the early
Egyptians are perhaps

best understood as an attempt
by them to replicate behavior

that was practiced
by their ancestors

thousands of years earlier,

when the region served
as the center

of extraterrestrial activity
on our planet.

They also believe that new,
cutting-edge technologies,

like the one used to discover
the mysterious void

inside the Great Pyramid,

will be instrumental
in proving their theory.

For them, the answers exist
all around us.

And once we discover the truth,

humankind will be ready
to realize

its ultimate destiny.
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