17x04 - Coup De Grace: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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17x04 - Coup De Grace: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

'Thanks, Nikki, much appreciated.'
The conviction is quashed.

A guilty man was released yesterday.
I'm not looking for anybody else.

What are you doing? Get off!
Did you write this?

You come after me and mine again,
and I promise you,

I'll come after you and yours.

Same place as Daniel Harris
and Michael Freeman.

Remind you of anything?

Hands behind your head!

Byron Lee. No passport,
birth certificate,

previous convictions, driving
licence, nothing.

This guy doesn't exist.
So, who is he, then?

So, am I being
removed for political reasons or

because of the DI's displeasure?

Shall we say the former?

He's got previous
for sexual as*ault. Callum Jordan.

Should've worn a condom, Callum.
DNA. Yours. On the body.

I can't make it up. I can't make
Bennetto be innocent.

I don't want that.
No, but you need it.

The night?

You said spend the night.

The police are on me back,
the press are after me family.

You said you'd sort it.
I am sorting it, David.

We've got another body.
Charlie Masham.


All units in position.

How much longer
are you going to wait?

Tell me what they know.
She's told you... Again!

I've told you it all. She's not
keeping anything back, David.

Again! David... Again! David!

The dr*gs, the g*n...
What else? Nothing.

David, put the g*n down.
Right, get up. We're going. Get up!

You don't know what you're
doing, David. Shut your mouth.

We've got activity. They're
watching. Shut your mouth! David.

Shut up! SHUT UP!

At least hear
what they've got to say.

David, listen. You're never going
to make it out of here.

The first chance they get,
they'll take the shot. Now, they
want to negotiate. They're trying.

OK, so, think, think about it.
Take the call.

David? It's Rachel Klein.

I'm not going back to prison.


You know me, we go way back.

You'll be heard, David, all right?

We'll take our time.

Come on, there's no need

for anyone else to get hurt cos
of what you've done.

"What I've done"?

What I've... What have I done?

What have I done? What have I done?

What have I done?!


What's going on, David?

What are you looking at?

Daniel's not here.
He was meant to be here now.

He's not here.

David, listen to me...
Listen, listen.

Come on. Don't do that.

Hey, David, it's me,
listen to me carefully.

Do you remember last night,
you told me

that you were going to give me
the g*n. Do you remember that?

Well, that's why you asked me here.
So that you could give me the g*n.

Is that what we're
saying to the police?

Yeah. Exactly. Now, Nikki
has nothing to do with this,

so you don't need
to put her into danger.

All you need to do is just give me
the g*n, OK,

and that way no-one is going to
try and sh**t you,

no-one's going to hurt you.

OK. I will sort it out.
I promise you.

Everywhere I turn,
there's something else.

I know.

It just has to stop.

It's OK. OK?

Come on.

Everything's going to be OK.

OK. That's good.

David? What are you doing?

Subject visible.

He's going to fire.
Take the shot. No!

Subject down. He's down.

I've lost visual.

Stay down. Stay down.

He's down!

You OK?

Yeah. Thank you.

No, I'm...I'm sorry.

Why don't you ever listen?

Hey... Hmm? I told you!
Look, now's not the time.

SOCOs need organising
in Bennetto's flat. Forensic sweep.

Well, go on.

I'll see you later.

Well? I'm OK. You think?


I'm very sorry for your loss.

It's your fault.

You got him out - you put him
back on the streets.

Charlie'd still be alive!

Was it quick?

Have you ever lost anybody?


Could you cry?

Shock can freeze you up.

It's like a safe mode,
so we can still function.

Is that what happened to you?

The other three victims
had exit and entry wounds

but, er, no b*ll*ts recovered.

So, you can match that to
Bennetto's g*n? I can run tests.

So, well, we've got him.

Do we have a time of death yet?

Around 8pm.

So, we released Bennetto
yesterday around three.

Charlie Masham leaves
his father's house around six.

Bennetto picks him up somehow,
kills him somewhere,

and then dumps him somewhere else?
Are you sure the body was moved?

There was hardly any blood
at the scene, so, yeah.

Which means a vehicle was involved.

Again, like Byron Lee.
A transit-type again?

Maybe, but there were
no tyre tracks this time.

Cameras? No. At least we've got
an ID on the victim this time.

Any progress with that?
I sent mug sh*ts through. Right.

Well, anything else you can do
would be gratefully received.

Why didn't he dump THIS one
in the same marshland area

as the other three victims?

Maybe he was disturbed.
Maybe he couldn't get clear access.

Nikki's here for a meeting.

Give us five minutes.

So, what do you want to do
with Callum Jordan? Let him go.

Really? No, I thought
I'd just wind you up.

You loved it when I looked
like a twat, didn't you?

Well, not any more. From now on,
when I say jump, you say...?

"Off what cliff?


The Home Office are calling
for an inquiry.

You can't expect anything else,
can you? You help get him released,

then this happens. It was
the court's decision, not mine.

Whatever. There will be an inquiry,
I'll make sure of that.

To what end? To scapegoat me?

This whole thing
begins and ends with YOU, Nikki.

You're planning to announce that
to the public, are you? The inquiry?

You're damn right I am. Which will
drag the Home Secretary into it,

thereby guaranteeing this whole
thing will run and run.

So, what instead? Do nothing?

The press won't stay quiet for long.

DI Klein's holding
a press conference later.

For what reason? To appeal for
information. How about I tag along?

Can I say something...? To...?

To formally announce
that Nikki's contrite

and that disciplinary measures are
in train. No mention of an inquiry.

That way, we give them something
to chew on

but do nothing to escalate
the crisis. Does the little woman
get a say in this? No.

Agreed. But you announce
that she's suspended.

That's my call. The minister...
My call, Richard.

My centre, my decision.

There'll be no suspension,
no sacking,

not without a proper
INTERNAL investigation.

On your head be it.

Didn't my partner, Jason...
Didn't he phone for me?

Strangely enough,
we're not a hotel, sir.

Be complaining about the state of
the beds if you were. Right. Come on.

You didn't tell Jason, did you?
What I said, paying for it?

That's for me to know and you
to find out. Go on. Off you go.

Police sent this over. What is it?

From Byron Lee, or whatever his
name is. From where he was staying.

Thought it might help you
piece together his ID.

It's police work, that. OK.

Do you know these boys?

Should we?

Yes or no. No.

How about this?

Is this the g*n that Davey's
supposed to have used? Mmm.

A Browning Hi-Power 9mm.
You know about g*ns?

Nope, but I know this one,
and it's not Davey's.

It's my dad's. He was in the
Marines. 3 Commando. Falklands.

He got it off a prisoner of w*r.

His own...little bit of Goose Green.

He told me mum he'd got rid of it.

Right, so, when would this have
been? Years ago.

So, how come David had it? Would
your father have given it to him?

No, no way. He wouldn't give
Davey the time of day.

He'd have hidden it.

One in the eye for authority
and all that.

Excuse me.

I heard, mate. I'm really sorry.

You still feeling loyal because...
You want him locked up.

Yeah, well, that or...no more.
Gone, dead, I don't care which.

If you want to help,
the offer's still on the table.

Walker? Wouldn't trust him
as far as I could throw him.

"Deal in facts, don't get emotionally
involved." Your mantra, right?

OK, fact. Bennetto's DNA
wasn't on Byron's body.

Could've been wearing a condom.

Not just in the semen, but in any
other way. There was no contact.

I'll bet you that we'll get the
same results from Charlie Masham.

"Dear Martha"? Do 19-year-olds
still write love letters?

Don't they just text
their requirements?


ABBA? Huh?

Just trying to lighten the mood.
Go on, give us a song.

Maybe later. The O is lower case,
so maybe towns?

I don't know something on

Stoke on... Shipston-on-Stour.

Where? Sorry, bit classy for you.

Byron had a biopsy or he'd donated
bone marrow, didn't he?

OK, so...you want to get on
to the bone marrow register

and local transplant centres?
Local to where?

Anywhere with "SOS" in the name.

How much Lorazepam was Bennetto
prescribed when he left prison?

60 milligrams total. Why?

I just finished the tox screen
on Charlie Masham.

Add what was found in his system to
the amount found in Byron Lee's

and it's way higher
than 60 milligrams.

So, he saw a GP
and got another prescription.

Not according to his medical notes.
You want me to double-check that?

Thanks. What's all this? Klein
wanted us to work on ID'ing Byron.

After the b*llet comparison, please.
Prioritise that.

Where were you yesterday
between 3pm and 8pm?

What? When he wasn't murdering
rent boys?

Does this pretty boy
mean anything to you?

Oh, wow! He does, doesn't he?

Go on, then, who is he?

You don't have to answer that.
Peter Masham's son.

Yeah. Now, he had the b*llet
still in him.

What's the betting
that'll match your daddy's g*n?

Actually, I have information...
Mr Walker, please.

It's relevant to the investigation.
Do you want it or not?

Listen. I don't want to waste
your time,

especially with upstairs looking on.

If you've got something
to say, say it.

OK, he told me yesterday that he
found the g*n at his father's.

He didn't know what to do with it.

He knew that if you people got to
know, he would be in deep trouble.

Right, so, don't tell me,
so you went to the flat

so he could give it to you, to give
to us. Bollocks!

Dr Alexander came across the g*n
before we could make the exchange.

Next thing, here comes
the sheriff and her posse.

No, but why didn't he say something
at the time

when I phoned the flat? Come on.

He's got...he's got sn*pers
eyeing him through their sights,

he's sh1tting himself. You...
You want a rational explanation?

You could've told me this earlier.
Why didn't you?

I don't remember you asking.

Ladies and gentlemen.

Thank you.

As most of you already know,
I'm DI Rachel Klein.

On my right,
Assistant Commissioner Simon Riley

and Dr Thomas Chamberlain
of the Lyell Centre.

To begin with, I want to confirm
that David Bennetto

has been rearrested in connection
with the murders of both...

Byron Lee and Charles Masham.

OK, any questions before I ask Dr
Chamberlain to read his statement?

Remember, we're looking at reaching
out to the public

for information on these murders.

Yes, Patrick?

Dr Alexander and Greg Walker,
did they know Bennetto was guilty?

Sorry, I couldn't possibly
answer that.

This lady on the second row here?

My son was m*rder*d... Are we
looking at a serial k*ller now?

Were mistakes made because of
institutionalised h*m*
in the police? My son!

MY SON was k*lled because I knew
who Bennetto is, and WHAT he is.

Mr Masham... His appeal was a farce.

His lawyers employed
a tame pathologist
to make him look innocent.

You turned a k*ller loose
and now two young men,

their whole lives
in front of them...

they've gone.

And where is Dr Alexander, eh?

Hiding away?
If you'll let me explain...

No. No. No.
You should be ashamed, really.

You should be ashamed.

That's the b*llet fired
from Bennetto's father's g*n. OK?

And THIS is the one recovered
from Charlie Masham's body.

Striations don't match.

I think you might be
interested in this too.


Two things. Clarissa checked
with medical records,

just got an e-mail back.

Bennetto didn't file
a prescription for more Lorazepam

so, he couldn't have drugged
Byron Lee with what he had.

And? And the b*llet that k*lled
Charlie Masham

didn't come from Bennetto's g*n.

You're sure? Positive.

I'd first like to clarify...
Why was she there, at his flat?

If you'll allow me to,
Mr Masham, I will explain.

Yeah, will you hell(!)
Dr Alexander had already
been removed from the case.

Her presence at Mr Bennetto's
flat was entirely...

If she was off the case,
why was she there with Greg Walker?

What were they cooking up?
Dr Chamberlain?

Sorry, what was your question?
What were they cooking up?

My son would still be alive
if Bennetto hadn't
walked out of that court.

I deserve some answers!

You know you're hiding something.

I'm sorry. You'll have to, er,
excuse me for a few minutes.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

I'll explain.

How many more young men
are going to die?

He could've bought more Lorazepam on
the streets? You can't prove that.

OK, the g*n.
It's not the same w*apon.

He could have hidden
another somewhere. Conjecture.

Oh, what, a legal expert now,
are we?

There's absolutely nothing
to place Bennetto at either areas
of marshland.

Tyre tracks there don't match
Jill's car. They're van tyres.

He didn't have access to one.
I've checked all the hire companies.

Why not hold him for possession
of the handgun, let us keep digging.

What, the handgun that isn't his?

Who let you in?

It wasn't his g*n, Rachel.
He was still in possession of it.

You saw him hand it to me, right?

That was his intention all along.
Oh, piss off, Greg! Nikki?

No, you shouldn't even be in here.

He handed it to me, right?
Will you back off? Yes or no?

Yes. Yes.

So, here's the bottom line.

You drove an innocent, mentally ill
man to attempt su1c1de by cop.

Oh, come on! Then you had him shot
for waving a mobile phone.

For Christ's sake! Now, what you
have does not stand up.

Is that right? Huh? Eh?

Ow! Did Bennetto give him the g*n?
What? You think I'm lying now?

He is working you, Nikki.

Get off. OK, enough.

You're on your own.

Come in.

You want a drink or something?
No. Thanks.

I'm really sorry.

Shall we get this over with?

Do what you want with them.

He deserves what he gets.

No, honestly. Take it.

This is just between us, right?

Charlie Masham. The k*ller
must've been disturbed

or else he didn't have access to
the marshes without being seen or...

I told YOU that.
Well, no, it was Dr Alex...

Whatever. Look, the thing is,
he's got a ritual.

The cutting, THEN the sh**ting.

It's getting to the root of that,
why he does what he does.

Because, obviously, he wants
to shag other blokes

and he can't come to terms with it.

And why? Because his father
was a knob. There you go.

Is that enough psychology for you?

Release him. You what?

Well, we're not going to get
anything out of him in here,

not with Walker standing guard.

Put him under surveillance.


OK. That's as far as we go for now.
I've, er, got another client to see.

OK. Come on, you're OK, David.

Come on, you're OK, man.

Listen, er, don't go back
to your dad's tonight.

Yeah, the press will be all over it.
OK, get a hotel.

Take it, David.

David, take it. Thank you.


How are we doing?

'Hey, I...got your message.
Yeah, er, lunch would be great.

'I'll see you there. I've, er,
got a meeting nearby, so, um...'




He's moving.

'Ma'am, we've lost him.'

Oh, shit!

Not eating?

Not got the stomach for it.

Downside of the job, huh?

Listen, I forced your hand
at the Lyell Centre, yesterday?

Is that what this is about?

Nikki, you knew he was going
to hand the g*n over.

No, you told him that at the time.

But it was the intention
from the beginning.

You got here early, did you?

Sorry? To make sure you weren't
seen being dropped off.

Your wife, presumably?

And child?

I don't do this, Greg. I really...
I was going to tell you.

I just didn't want you
to panic and run.

Like I'm not going to do that now?
Before you jump to conclusions...

We're separated, and we were
separated before I met you, so...

So, why didn't you tell me before?

I suppose I'm still working
some things out in my own mind.

What things?

Walking out on them.

How Bella is dealing with that.
Your daughter?

Yeah. Adopted?

Yeah. Well, I saw her
for breakfast this morning.

And her mum picked us up
and dropped me off, so...

Listen, we were trying for
kids and... You know what...

No, please, let me explain.
We had IVF and... I...

OK, which was my fault.
Because of me.

Then we went through an adoption,

all that upset and the stress
of that, and then me walking out.

Well, I guess I just...

I am...

I have a lot of guilt.

It would've been nice to know.


Thanks for standing by me
with the Home Office.

You're welcome. It won't
just stop with you, you know?

If you fall,
they'll come after the Lyell.

Ah, so, I am a firewall. Come
and have a look at this a second?

It's THESE marks.

Did you notice this before?

No. Same on Charlie Masham.

Look at his eye.

What does that tell you?


They were suffocated.

I thought previous PM reports
were shipped out.

Yeah, I kept copies though,
thank God!

Was this cause of death,
do you think?

Asphyxiation? sh**ting?
It's impossible to tell.


these are the murders
that Bennetto was convicted of.

And that he was acquitted of.

Daniel Harris and Michael Freeman.

Where's his face?


Here we go.

Yeah, the same.

What caused it?

Don't know.

Some sort of mask maybe,
a vent mask? They're padded.

Sure, but apply a lot
of downward pressure,

it's going to bruise...
How come Dr Bell missed this?

I did, too, to begin with.

More than one set of marks too.
Look, it's repeated.

So, starve the victim of oxygen,

take him to the brink of
unconsciousness, and bring him back.

Do you want to tell Klein?

We ran an ESDA test
on Byron Lee's notebook

and I think we may have traced him.

Brian Lowe is a runaway.

Left home in Southend when he was
14. Not been heard from since.

Well, could be anybody.

Byron Lee. Brian Lowe.
Same initials.

Dr Alexander wants a word.

We've got something else for you.

He donated bone marrow, right?

We've got a lead to ID him, but
the hospitals won't talk to me.

Can you call them? Sure.

All four victims were asphyxiated
before they were k*lled,

and I think asphyxiation
changes the whole thing.

How? Well, we thought that
Bennetto's motive was sexual, right?

Getting some degree of sexual
pleasure from this? And?

I don't think that this guy
was k*lling for those reasons.

What he gets off on
is taking them to the brink of death

over and over again.

It's having ultimate control,
that's what's giving him his kicks.

Their sexual orientation
isn't at the heart of this...

So, what's with
masturbating over them...

He does that after death, after
controlling them, after k*lling them.


Think about it.

Byron was the only victim whose body
exhibited signs of recent sex

and he was selling himself.

None of the other victims
were interfered with sexually.

OK, it's a theory.

But it doesn't mean Bennetto
couldn't have done this.

I'm very grateful, thanks. Bye.

So? Brian Lowe had a sister
a couple of years younger than him
called Martha.

Figures. The girl in the photo.
He was writing to her.

She was diagnosed
with Hodgkin's lymphoma

when he was about 14 years old.

He donated bone marrow to her.
Hence the scars on his lower back.

But she died a few months later.
So, how come he was writing to her?

Don't know.

Maybe, maybe not for real.
Not TO her, not the way you mean.

Like he took her death
really badly and just...disappeared.

Parents have been looking
for him ever since. Right.

Klein should be told.

I'll do it.

Can I come in?


OK, I bow to your greater insight.

Greg Walker is somewhat economical
with the truth.

Personally, anyway.
Want to go into detail?

No. It's not a big deal.

Not such a blue-eyed boy any more,
hey? That's a shame.

You don't mean that.
What gave you that idea(?)

Thomas told me about Byron...

Police work. Hmm?

Tracing him. Should've been Klein
and her team.

If she was more competent?
You two still at w*r?

It's not of my making.

Course not, you've been fully
objective all along(!)

Oh, come on!

I'm just saying, that maybe
it's time to bury the hatchet,

and not in her head.

So, have you told Klein
about Byron's real identity?

No. Why not? Because...

Jack? Because...

what's she going to do, go round his
mum and dad's and tell them,

"Hooray, we've found
your missing kid!

"But, oh, he's dead.
Shot in the head."

They're better off not knowing.

We have to be objective,
don't we? Your words.

Yup. But this is different. Is it?

Give your evidence, Jack.

It's up to others what they do
with it. You're not responsible.

I think the police have made
a huge mistake, right from the start.

They've assumed that the victims were
targeted because of their sexuality.

Well, they were all gay.

Sexual v*olence isn't about
the sexual preference

or even sexual pleasure, is it?
I don't know.

We've found evidence
of t*rture, asphyxiation.

This guy almost k*lled them
over and over again

and then revived them
over and over again.

He played with them. Right.

So, I don't think that it's
necessarily about him being gay -

or even anti-gay - that's not what
the motivation was. So, what?

Power? Control? Yes.

So, then why target gay men?
Was Charlie Masham gay?

What he did was target young men.

OK, same question.

Well, I think back to when I was
that age,

and I was like pretty
much everyone else.

I wanted fun however it came, I
wanted as many highs as I could get,

and that makes you vulnerable,
doesn't it?

Sure, but there are plenty of women
at weekends out there,

drunk, wandering the streets -
why does he not target them?

Because his problem is with men,
and not with women.

THAT'S what's at the root of this.

Am I describing David Bennetto?

I don't know.

I mean, look,
I'm no psychologist but...

David's father controlled
the people around him,

in his family, through fear.

He would pick on
whoever was vulnerable.

Through v*olence,
the threat of v*olence...

never knowing what is coming next.

And that takes away
your self-respect,

any control you feel you have
over your own life.

And, I think, sometimes
that can make people...

do things that
they hate themselves for

in order to get that control back.
So, you think Bennetto...?

What? Having power over another
human being,

being able to decide
how and when they die,

that's the ultimate control.

And it must be...
must be a massive hit.

Must feel like you're
on the very cusp of existence.

But that's not David.

And that's not because
he's your client, and that's what
you're supposed to say?

It's because I know he's innocent.

And so do you.


Better she doesn't know, isn't it?

Carries on living in hope.

You and me?



Did you close the curtains? No.

(Stay here.)

How much did he pay you, mate?

Get upstairs!
Jacob, take Mummy's bag!

Davey! David get off!


Davey! Stop it!

Davey, look at me!

David, look at me! Look at me!

Calm down. Calm down, please.

Can I have the police, please?

You've heard?


They've just picked him up
at his sister's.

Klein won't let it go. No other
suspect, still just Bennetto.

You've changed your tune.

I'm doing what she should've done.
Just focused on the evidence.

No prints, no DNA.

Sorry? Nowhere.

Everything's circumstantial -
nothing forensic.

No smoking g*n,

literally or otherwise.

Here we go.


In the marshland. Riverside.

One of them, Bennetto's lover.

So, he's really tied into it.

The other one, Michael Freeman,

so Bennetto goes down
for five years.

You get him out of prison,

because the evidence
doesn't entirely stack up.

Thank you. Then what? CCTV.

He's in Byron's street
the day he's m*rder*d.

And then, the g*n and the Lorazepam.

So, OK, either it is him
and he's got a fantastic lawyer,

or it's all massively coincidental,
every tiny bit of it.

Or the evidence is planted.

What if it's all staged,
all make-believe, everything we see,

everything we think we know -

the Lorazepam, Bennetto on CCTV...

Explains the coincidences.
And the next logical question is?

Who staged it?
It would have to be someone
who knew him incredibly well.

They'd have to know where he'd been,
where he was planning to go,

what kind of things
he did in his spare time...
What medication he was on.

Someone he met in prison?
His sister? Brother-in-law?

There is one other person.

Oh, come on.

OK, yeah, a woman scorned, but...

Why not? Because, if it was him,
he'd already got away with it.

Bennetto was already banged up,
why would he get him released?

Because, with Bennetto locked up,

he couldn't k*ll -
not with the same MO -

that would be like running up a flag
to say Bennetto's innocent.

That the wrong man was convicted.

Exactly! But with Bennetto
back on the streets,

Walker could indulge again.

He has control fantasies.

He wants to dominate, to take people
to the brink of death,

and then, when he's had enough,
he takes their lives.

What about the siege?
Walker saved Bennetto's life.

Yeah, because he needed a patsy
and he needed him alive and free.

And targeting Charlie Masham?

Well, that tied Bennetto
right back into it.

Bennetto had a motive
to go for Charlie -

he wanted to get back at
Peter Masham - Walker knew it!

It's all a set-up, an invention!

You must feel like you're right
on the cusp of existence.

That's what Greg Walker said to me.

Like a confession.

Deal in facts. I thought we agreed.

OK, facts.

There were two sources of semen on
Byron Lee's body.

One we know came from...
Callum Jordan.

And the other? No trace.

Yes. But that sample contained
absolutely no sperm.

So, the donor was infertile.

Greg Walker couldn't have kids.
They had to adopt.

What time was Byron Lee k*lled?

Sometime between 6 and 8pm.
And Charlie?

Similar time frame.
Why? Where was Walker then?

Did you see him either
of those days?

Yeah. Both.

And both times, at the same bar.

He was late the first time,
and the second...



So, there was time to dispose of
Charlie's body and then get to you.

If he'd just used
a g*n to k*ll Charlie...

..then there'd be g*nsh*t residue
on his hands.

I've already run the tests!
So, run them again!

Bennetto's not your man, Rachel.

So, what are you telling me?

I've spent the last six years
barking up the wrong tree?

Uniform have been to Walker's flat
and office. He's not there.

I've put out an all-vehicle alert.

OK, so, where else would he go?

Just help me, David. I've stood
by you and I'm on your side.

Who knew you were taking Lorazepam?

Please, just answer.

Jill and Mark. And Greg?
Yeah, course.

Remember that time you got caught
on CCTV in Byron's street?

Yeah. Whose idea was it for you
to go down that road?

Greg said that he dropped you off.

So, did you just walk and find
yourself in the street

or did he tell you which way to go?

He told me.

How did you meet Greg?
Did he come to you?


When Daniel died, I got arrested,
he said he'd represent me.

He got me out. So,
when Michael Freeman was m*rder*d

you were already a suspect? Yeah.

Which would have made you easier
to frame. What you talking about?

Look, this is going to be really
difficult for you to hear,

but all the evidence against you
has been planted.

Now, we need to find Greg,
right away.

He's not at home or at his office.
You know him really well,

so we thought that you might know
where he might've gone.

What you saying?
Where else would he go?

I don't know. Well, think!
I said, I don't know, didn't I!

He played me.

He played me, too.

No. You didn't put
the wrong man away.


They're moving me.

I can forget about DCI now.

Desk job, regular hours.

Yeah, right. Who gives a shit(?)

Why's she bothered
about being promoted now?

That surely,
that's not the priority.



once I've put this to bed
they can shove the job.

There's no paperwork at his office
for a Transit van.

And there's nothing registered
in his wife's name either.

You did an all-ports?
Circulated details? Ma'am.

There is one other way
we can get to him. Maybe.

Does he know you're onto him? No.

You're sure? Yeah.
Not the slightest inkling?


So, call him.

Keep him on the phone long enough
to trace his mobile signal.


Nikki, hi. Hi.

I, er... I hoped you'd call.

Where are you?

Can we meet?


Now. Tonight?

I don't think so.

I'm, um... I'm tired, Nikki.

You worked it out yet?


Cos you're the only one
who could have.


I worked it out.



You'll get compensation money.

Just make sure you get
a good solicitor.

It's over now.

We're free.

Is that it?


Out the van.

Out the van, Greg?

Hands above your head,
where we can see 'em.

Hands above your head,
where we can see them!

No, don't! It's what he wants...

You, with me!

All right. Clear!

Has he got a pulse?

Bring him back. I want him alive.

I was right, wasn't I?

I was right.

The victim is an unidentified
female in her early twenties.

Victim has a broken nose
that's partially healed.

From the bruising, it looks
like the breakage was sustained

roughly a week before her death.

I'm trying to ID a young woman,
recently deceased.

Well, well! Look what the cat
dragged in. DI Laing.

Somewhere here, he's made a mistake.
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