!Youkai Watch The Movie - The Secret of Birth, Nyan (2014)

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!Youkai Watch The Movie - The Secret of Birth, Nyan (2014)

Post by bunniefuu »

Ah, everyone!

It's finally time, nyan!

It's finally time fur the Yo-kai Watch Movie to sta-

Jibanyan you became a star even though it's daytime!

You've really gotta calm down!

Everyone, we apologize for the wait. The Yo-kai Watch Movie is about to beg-


What a loud shout, zura.

Ah, the movie's starting, zura.

Hey, have you heard? Stuff's been getting big all of a sudden!

Getting big?


Like what?

Like the grocery's vegetables, or the florist's flowers.

Out of nowhere they turn huge!


Weird is right.

No way, is it maybe the fault of those things on TV yesterday?


What? Yo-kai?

Is there a Yo-kai that makes stuff big?

No way.

I mean, Yo-kai aren't even real.

Yeah, you're right.

So Kanchi, you believe in Yo-kai?

N-Not at all!


I mean come on, Yo-kai?


See ya!


See you tomorrow!


Did I... say something weird just now?

I feel like something's missing...


Sakura Town

Help me!


What a catch!

Thanks for your purchase!

I didn't ask for a Big Mog!


Flower Path

What's going on? Is it really a Yo-kai...

Ah, you look just like him, fuu~.


You must be the dependable Shonen b*at that I've been looking fuu~r.

b*at? What?!

Wait up, fuu~!

b*at, please wait, fuu~!

I'm not b*at!

You're a person who can become friends with Yo-kai, fuu~.

Yo-kai? What are you talking about?!

Have you fuu~rgotten?

If that's the case...

I'll help you remember, fuu~!

Yo-kai, Yo-kai...

Y-Y-Yo-kai, Y-Y-Yo-kai...

Yo-kai, Yo-kai...

Yo-kai... Yo-kai...?



That's right, the Yo-kai Watch!

Laugh out loud, laugh out loud

Come on, laugh out loud, laugh out loud!

Yo-kai Watch The Movie

Yo-kai Watch The Movie

The Secret of Birth, nyan!

I'm gonna give you the low down

In the forest

Suddenly he came upon a strange gacha

and out popped Whisper

What would you call a strange event?

Take a peek through the Yo-kai Watch

Laugh at everything,

pop the medal in

and solve the problem!

Everywhere I look there's Yo-kai all over

All of them are something special

Use the medal to summon a Yo-kai

Laugh out loud, laugh out loud

Come on, laugh out loud, laugh out loud!

That is all there is to know about Yo-kai Watch!

Laugh out loud!

That's right! Why did I suddenly forget?

Now your memory's back, fuu~.


Whisper, are you there?


Of course he's not here when I need him...

But I guess that's fine.

It's not like he's any help anyway.

What was that? I can feel it piercing me...

Wha! Whisper!




Where were you?

Serious stuff is going on!

I forgot everything about you!

Yes, you did! A power I don't know anything about made you not know anything!

So you don't understand anything.

That's not what I mean!

That Yo-kai is... um...

Ah, it's Dekanyan!

No duh!

Well it's not my fault if you already know its name...

Ah! Keita, Keita!


U-Um... your head is huge...

Excuse me?!

No, I mean your head is literally huge!

It's huge!

Keita, we've gotta get this Yo-kai energy off you!

Why'd you do that?!

If you're gonna play like that...

Wha... where is it?

Where's my Yo-kai Watch?

What? Yo-kai Watch?

Where is it... where...?

You know about the Yo-kai Watch, fuu?

You can summon Yo-kai, fuu?

Of course!

Then show me, fuu~.

If you show me, I'll do what you want, fuu~.

Aurgh, if I just had my watch I could do that!

I've got a plan, Keita.

According to my dependable butler knowledge...

Don't worry, this has got to work.

Guess we'll try.

Take a look!

I'm gonna summon Jibanyan right now!

Go on and do it, fuu~


Come on out my friend, Jibanyan!

Yo-kai medal, set on!


Do you nyeed something?


Why are you here?

Just happened to come down this way, nyan.

What do you mean "just happened" Jiba-brat?!

You really summoned a Yo-kai...

There's no way you're not Shounen b*at, fuu~

I said I'm not b*at.

My name's Keita Amano.

Amano... oh!

That's who you are!

You're someone even more important than Shounen b*at, fuu~!

What are you talking about?

Right now the world needs to be saved.

Specifically, fu-


Wh-Wh-Who is that?!

What, nyan?!

Who? Where?

You can't see it?!

There's nothing more vicious in this world!!

There's something there but...

I can't see it without my watch...

If it stays like this...

the entire world will be stolen by her, fuu~...

You can make a difference.

You can save my fuu~riend.

And then the Yo-kai Watch will-

He's gone!


Uh, um, they're mostly likely definitely really bad things!

I get that already!

Jibanyan, b*at them up!

You're all I've got, Jibanyan!


I guess I have to, nyan...

Here I go, nyan...

A Th-


One meowre time.

This time fur sure!

A Thousa-


What are those things?!

They att*ck before he's even finished shouting his move name!

They're breaking the rules of battle!

They're difurrent than the usual...

If I just had my Yo-kai Watch I could summon others...

Who's there?!

We're the ones that stole your Yo-kai Watch.

It's only a matter of time until we steal everything from you humans.


What's with them?

It's been so long since we went to Kemamoto!

I'm surprised you asked to go to grandma's place, Keita.

Just kinda wanted to go.

So what's the real reason?


I've heard of a legend about Kemamoto.

Something about a giant cat kidnapping children.

You think that has to do with Dekanyan?


I'm willing to try anything to get my watch back.

There may be more clues there... munch... besides... munch... Dekanyan.


What's wrong?


Kemamoto Station

Come on, hurry up!

Kinzan Bus



Mom, we're here.

Thank you for having us.

It's always a pleasure to have you.

Is there something there, nyan?

Maybe you're imagining it.

Come on in, you must be exhausted.

I'll make some tea.

Is that your grandpa in this picture?

Yeah, that's grandpa Keizou.

He passed away before I was born.

I heard he was a great person though.

He was.

Ah, I was just talking to myself!

That's fine.

He really was a wonderful man...


Your grandpa was strong and smart.

But he was a bit of a handful too.

Huh? How?


Ah, N-Never mind.

Never mind!

There's gotta be something, nyan...



There's something there!

It's gotta be that thing, nyan...

But I don't sense a Yo-kai...

I-I'm gonna take a walk!

Huh? Where'd it go...

It just disappeared...


it's in here?

Hrm, it was probably just the wind.

Well, let's open it anyway.

I don't think anything's in there.

What's this...?


What are you doing here?

It's a kinda long story, so could you get me out fuu~rst?

What? No way!

No, you must! He won't tell us anything if you don't!


Whoa, obedient!

One, and...

Just a bit more!

You broke it! What are we gonna do?!

Uh... I have one other request, can you look at my butt, fuu...

No way!

Keita, over here!


Can you pull that out, fuu?

Wha? Well I guess we have to...

Wha?! Gross, nyan!!


Why should I have to do it?!

Fine, I get it.

This is so weird...

The Yo-kai energy is coming out!

Aurgh, this is why I didn't wanna do this...


Hold on...

I'm all flat!

He's all floppy, nyan!

Leave it to me!

Thank you!

He's kinda cool!

My name is Fuyunyan.

What are you doing here?

I'll explain my situation.

I've been searching for a certain person.

The person who will save my friend.

However, I couldn't find this person at all.

A week passed,

And then a month,

A year...

Somehow, 60 years passed.

And I had somehow become Dekanyan!

How does that even make sense?

That didn't explain anything, nyan.

While I was stuck here,

I could create an apparition to leave for me.

I've found you!

Uh, so where are you going?

The "fuyu" in his name relates to him being a wandering spirit.

Thus he is always wandering 24/7.

But I can stop.


Shounen b*at!

I said that's not my name...

This is your destiny, to fight the Kaima and save my friend!

"Kaima" are those things from before?

But I don't have a Yo-kai Watch...

I can only see them...

Well, the friend I want you to save...

he's working on an amazing device!

An amazing device?


You wanna know?

That friend's name is...

I didn't say anything yet.

Too early, nyan!

He's right.

I'm so sorry!


That friend's name is...

What'd you say?!


Really, nyan...


Well... that friend is...

the father of your father!

So... my grandpa?

Yes, Keizou Amano.

Whoa, yeah that's grandpa!

You shouldnya said that first, nyan.

But... What do you mean?


Keizou wrote down his many ideas in this notebook.

The Yo-kai Watch!


Keizou invented it.


But I thought Yopple made the Yo-kai Watch...

Keizou made the very first version of it.

However, Kaima have altered the flow of time,

And made it so he didn't invent the watch.

If we defeat the Kaima, the watch will return!

So help Keizou for the watch's sake, Shounen b*at!

I'm not b*at, I'm Keita.

But hold it.

My grandpa's long dead.

Nyeah, we can't really save him...

No, there is a way.

I want you to come with me 60 years in the past!

You can go to the past, nyan?!

Yes, if I use this.

The Reverstone!

What's with the Doraemon act?

Cause it's time travel.

It's fur the mood.

Really now...?

Ride on this.

L-Like this?

Alright, here we go.



Make time...


This is...


Yes, Kemamoto 60 years ago.

Really, nyan?!

You're stepping on me...

Doesn't look that much different...

But it's definitely the past!

I said you're stepping on me!!

Haha, I'm sorry, so super sorry!

But did we really travel through time?

If we didn't, would you have ended up stepping all over my face otherwise?!

Keita, look over there.

You're right!

I see!

The bridge and riverbed have had maintenance done since now.

Whoa, we're really 60 years in the past!

What's that?

It's a person possessed by a Kaima.

So, what exactly are these "Kaima" like anyway?

Ah, well they're, er, um, for example...

The Yo-kai pad purrobably wouldn't know.

I'd rather hear Fuyunyan explain.

Compared to regular Yo-kai, Kaima are dark, evil beings.


When they possess someone, they cause them to be violent.

Because of that, everything in town is falling apart.

If it stays like this, Kemamoto will...

sh**t! Kaima!

Darn it, I can't really see them.

Gutsy Straight-Forward Pawnch!

There's more!

Don't let them possess you! Run!

Use that whatever-straight and b*at them!

I don't taste good! I taste really really bad!

Even though I look like ice cream!

You probably shouldn't say that...

He's been possessed!


If this keeps up, he'll be totally possessed.

We should quietly get away...

We're gonnya desert him?!

Well what else is there to do?

I guess we have nyo choice.



Ah! What was I doi-

Get outta here Kaima!

Keizou, the Kaima's already gone!

Alright, Guts!

T-This is my grandpa?

Hey, you.


A marble?

Look through it like this.

Ah! I can see them! Are those Kaima?

See ya! Don't let them catch ya!

Wha? You're running away?!

b*at them up nyan!

I'm surprised they jumped through space and time to this time period.

Furthermore, they joined forces with that boy.

They are just little mice right now.

However, before they can become a thr*at,

We should inform Lady Ubaune of this.


No need for that.




I'll crush all the evil in this world!

For I am the Invincible King, Kamen Guts!

Kamen Guts?

What's that?

This is really my grandpa?

You've got Yo-kai with you?

Ah, yeah.

I'm Keita.

And this is Whisper.

I'm the Yo-kai butler, Whisper, whis!

Yo-kai butler?

And this over here is Jibanyan.

They're my Yo-kai friends.

Nice to meet nya.

Yo-kai friend? What the heck?

What are you?

Keizou, he's your grandson, Keita.


Ah, yeah...

What are you talking about?

Don't tell me you used that stone from the Kaima!

I did, to bring him here from the future.

I thought he might be able to save you.

I don't need someone to save me.

Did I say something wrong?


He's been through some things...


I'll explain later.

Just follow along for now.

O... kay...

This is...?

Keizou's secret hideout.

It was originally just storage for some lumberjacks.

Huh? Must have been imagining things...

Whoa, amazing!

Why'd you bring them here?

They don't have anywhere else to go.

If they stay outside, they'll get possessed by Kaima!

Grandpa, you made all of this?

Don't call me grandpa. Call me Keizou.

Then, uh, Keizou... you made all of these?

All to fight Yo-kai?


These only work on Kaima and those possessed by them.

That's why I cover them in chili.

I think they'll work on anyone...


Keizou, are you not gonna make the Yo-kai Watch?

Why do you know about that?

Well, I've used a Yo-kai Watch!

Keizou, because you stopped making it,

the Yo-kai Watch disappeared from the future too.

The final form of this one huh...

Why'd you stop making it?

It's caused a lot of trouble for me!

If we could summon Yo-kai friends with the watch, we could be a step closer to b*ating the Kaima!

He's right, so why don't yo-

I don't need something like that.

You can't make friends just like that anyway!

Well then, what about Fuyunyan? Isn't he your friend?!

No he's not.

You better leave tomorrow.



It's so weird, everyone's actin' all scary...

I told you, didn't I?

You need to be inside when it gets dark.

What're ya doin' alone out here?

It's got nothing to do with you.

Come on, let's go.

I'll take you home.

Keizou, you're too nice.

Stop joking around and fix your bumpkin accent.

I really like it when you talk like a city kid.

This is just how normal people...

Come on, talk like before!

What's with him?!

"He's not my friend", are you kidding?

He's totally different from everything I've ever heard about grandpa.

Keita, you're eating too much.

There's no chocobo here, nyan...

Here, a chocobo.

Nyot really...

And nyow it's gone.

Keizou doesn't want to make friends...

And yet so many Yo-kai want to be friends with him.

What are those?

The symbols of everything Keizou's done.

He's taken down all the names of Yo-kai he's helped.



He's helped Yo-kai?

He thinks they won't remember who helped them out,

But if he just called for them, they'd come running to fight alongside him.

And yet...

What a stubborn kid...

But there's hope!


You're way too close. Seriously what?

It all rests on you, Shounen b*at.

Good luck, b*at, nyan...

I said I'm not b*at, I'm Keita!!

What do you two want?

Someone who might make Keizou invent the Yo-kai Watch has appeared.


I went through all that trouble to get rid of the Yo-kai Watch so humans and Yo-kai couldn't be friends...

No way in hell will I allow this!

You're shouts are magnificent tonight.

You better get rid of that nuisance right away!!


Guts! Guts!

Guts! Guts!!

What's he doing?

He's training to become Kamen Guts.

Kamen Guts?

The Invincible King, Kamen Guts.

He's a popular super hero!

So he's from the 50s...?

He crushes all evil in the world with love, guts, and will-power!

The Invincible King, Kamen Guts!

He'll protect all his friends in the world!

He said something like that before...

And then there's this!


You know about Kamen Guts?

N-No, this is the first time I've seen him...

Geez, you're slow.

Keizou, Keita is the Shounen b*at to your Kamen Guts!

No way.

Anyway, uh... what's this "b*at" like?

Shounen b*at is the one person who lends Kamen Guts his strength,

he's a reliable sidekick!

And, this is the important part!

He decided to help him after Kamen Guts saved his life!

Of course.

And your point?

Don't you get it?

Yesterday, you saved Keita!

Alright then!

You're my Shounen b*at!

What? Why?!

Ah, I see, that's how it's gonna go.

Keita... or rather, Shounen b*at.

That's not my name!

This is your chance!

You can get close to him as b*at and get him to make the watch!

I guess.

Come on, Shounen b*at! Let's go!

Tele tele te~ tele!



Don't "huh" me!

Come on!

Tele tele te~ tele!

And here, you shout "Guts!"

But what is that?

How can you not know about this?!

It's Kamen Guts' signature pose.

Keizou's always practicing it.

Here, look.

No way no way no way!

I can't do that!

What are you saying, Keita?

Keita, do it for the watch.

Plus, it's not embarrassing at all.

It's cool!

Yeah! Keita you're so cool!



I'm sorry, Keita.

Go for it!

Tele tele te~ tele!


You're laughing at me!

Alright, time for training!


b*at, do it again!

Let's go!



Alright, guts!

Come on.

Huh? Oh, Alright, guts...

Keita's not very good is he?

Well it's nyot like he exercises much.

Was I imagining things...?


Break time!

We ran so much...

I've never played pretend hero this hard before...

This isn't pretend!

I'm gonna become Kamen Guts.

Uh... wha?

I don't just want to do it...

I've gotta become Kamen Guts.

Keizou, I have a suggestion.


If you two fought Kaima, honestly, you probably wouldn't win.



You should ask the strongest Yo-kai for help!

The strongest Yo-kai?

His name is Master Nyada!

Master Nyada is a Yo-kai among Yo-kai and a mentor among mentors...

It goes without saying he's really strong!

So, he's like...

The Invincible Wise Man, Paper, from Kamen Guts?

That's a thing?

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to call him invincible.

Whisper, you know about Nyada?

Of course I do, whis!

Master Nyada is the strongest being!

Reading off the pad again, nyan?

Don't look!

Huh, it doesn't have his picture?

It's not that easy to see Master Nyada in person.

However, I heard a rumor.

It's about a place he's been appearing lately.

A place?

Sakura Town.

I don't know if we'll find him, but...

Let's go!

Maybe we'll actually get to meet him!

Well, I guess I can bring you with me, b*at.

Sakura Town Station

Whoa, Sakura New Town used to look like this?

It feel really retro, nyan.

It sure does!

It really feels like a city, unlike Kemamoto...

Alright, let's go Shounen b*at!

What is it?

Is that... Kanchi?!

Kanchi's grandpa most likely.


Is that... Kuma?!

Kuma's grandpa most likely!

What is it now?!

Is that Fumi-chan?!

Fumi-chan's grandma!

They all look just like them...

Wait up!


Let's go look for Master Nyada!

Hey, where did you get these marbles anyway?

I found them about a year ago in the river.

When I picked up one of them, I heard a voice.

Take a peek, take a peek~!

Take a peek, take a peek~!

Then I met Fuyunyan.

That story sounds real familiar...

It's gotta be fate that I can see Yo-kai and Kaima.

So that's why I'm fighting the Kaima.

Television & Radio

Invincible King, Kamen Guts!

Wait up, Keizou!

What is it, nyan?!

Who's that old guy?

He's no old man!



Love, Guts, and Will-power! I'll crush all the evil in this world!

Invincible King, Kamen Guts!

I'll protect all my friends in this world!

Kamen Guts...

It's really moving!

He hasn't seen the show...?

Ah, there! Shounen b*at!

Wait up, Kamen Guts!

b*at's like that...?

Let's go!

Tele tele te~ tele!


So cool! It's the real deal!

So cool!

Kamen Guts is so cool!

Whoa, that was the best!

It was the best, right?

Kamen Guts is the coolest ever, right?

Guts! Guts! Guts!!

Hey, Keizou.

Why do you like Kamen Guts so much?

Well... I decided to become Kamen Guts.

I... had a really good friend once.

We always played together.

We'll be friends forever, right?


But, one day...

Give it back!

He ended up being bullied by some thugs...

I wanted to help him...


But I was scared.

I couldn't move an inch.


What kinda friend are you?

I don't want to be friends with a coward like you.

He said we couldn't be friends ever again...

Book Rentals

That's when I encountered Kamen Guts.

Kemamoto Book Store

Surpassing evil with guts!

Protecting everyone important with guts!

I'll protect all my friends in this world...

I wanted to become someone strong...

No, I decided to become Kamen Guts.

But since then I haven't made a single friend...

Even though I want to protect all my friends...


That's just how it is.

I'm sure you can make some.

Kamen Gritty!

Keita! You said that on purpose.

So that's what happened, nyan...

That's all well and good everyone...

But we won't find Master Nyada sitting around here talking.

Keita, are you prepared to pull an all-nighter looking for him?

What kind of Yo-kai is Master Nyada anyway...

Uh, he's a cat Yo-kai with a mustache...

Yes, yes.

And apparently he wears a green hooded robe.

See, see.

It's not gonna be easy to find him...

We're never gonna find him...

Well, he is the strongest Yo-kai!

There's no way I'd miss him around here!

Ah, sorry.

Ah geez, where could he even be...

Could it be... you're Master Nyada?!

Please tell us how we can defeat the Kaima!

First, amazing Kamen Guts was today, yes?

You like Kamen Guts?!

Saw it on the TV before, I did.


Tele tele te~ Tele!


Fast friends...

Uh... about the Kaima...

What should we do to get rid of them?

Of course...

Oh come on, nyan!

Is this old fart really okay, nyan?

But he's the strongest Yo-kai!

He must have something amazing to tell us!


When in danger, use this you must.

This is...?

Open this now, you must not.

What's inside?

Who knows...

When facing the enemy, understand you will.


Alright, Guts!

That's Master Nyada for you!

Invincible King... Kamen... Guts...

Save all friends in the world... I shall...

Whoa, he's outta breath, nyan!

What's this?! He's the strongest Yo-kai, but he has a limit!

He can only use his power for 10 seconds!

What? 10 seconds?!

So short...

There you are.

You are...?!

This is the child that has come from the future, Lady Ubaune.

So it's you brats that are getting in my way?


Who're you?!

My name is Ubaune.

I'm the the big boss, no...

The head honcho, president, no...

I'm the last boss of all Kaima!


If you want him back, come to the Yuuhigaoka Factory in the third district of town.





Keizou, come on, make the Yo-kai Watch!

I could just summon Jibanyan and save him!

Are you even listening?!

Stop relying on things.

If he's your friend...

Save him with your own strength!


I said I was gonna defeat the Kaima,

With or without you.


Okay, I'll go.

I'll save Jibanyan without the watch.

Is that?!

Go you two!


So it was you that followed us all the way here!

Oh, is that for me?

Oh come on...

I have had it up to here with all of you!

Why are you all possessing babies or just a single person?!

The" Take everything from Humans

Or possessing freaking cows and horses!

Thanks to you lot, my "Take Everything From Humans And Make Them Fall Into Chaos" plan won't have a hell of a chance!

She made them disappear, nyan!

Haa... I got myself worked up there.

Anyway, do you get what I said? Do you understand?!

Lady Ubaune!

What is it, Kin, Gin?

Those children are coming this way.

Nyo way, Keita!

Please save meow!

I wannya eat chocobo again!

I don't wannya be surrounded by old farts!

I'm still young!

I wannya see NyaKB again!

"In hell" "In hell" Why don't you shut up instead, nyan?!

You hairball!

I'll make you disappear!

Lady Ubaune.

They've dug their grave,

So now they have to lie in it.

Anyone that stands in our way will surely be crushed!

As you wish.

We'll make certain that annoying Yo-kai Watch never gets made.

And then human and Yo-kai will never be able to be friends?


Okay then you two, begin preparations at once!

Yuuhigaoka Factory
Furnace 1

Let's go.


Love, Guts, and Will-power!

Using those, I'll crush all the evil in this world!

Invincible King, Kamen Guts!

Whisper, I need a w*apon! Please tell me you have one!

For situations like this, I've got... these!

What... this?

Alright, Guts!

Watch out!

Take this!

Thanks Whisper.

No problem!

Let's go.

You're not gonna say thanks?

Shounen b*at is my reliable sidekick.

He has to save me.


Guide Map



This has gotta be a trap.

But there's no other way.



Are you kidding?!

Of course!

They're coming to get us!

They're going for a pincer att*ck!

This way!

Guts Jump!


Come on, Keita, hurry it up!

W-W-W-Wait a minute!

Come on!

Please don't do this, nyan!

What're you gonnya do if I die?! I'll curse you, nyan!

Ah, paw-lease nyo!

I'm sorry I called you old farts, so paw-lease stop!

No way in hell.

We're almost there!



I'm gonna save you!


I'm so glad you're here meow.



So you really came to save him?

I would have never expected that!


So you really want that Hipponyan back I see.

It's Jibanyan!

Too bad there's no way in hell you'll defeat me!

We'll see about that!


What do you think you're doing?

That's against the rules, you can't do that.

I was still talking...

Are you kidding me?!


While he's attacking Ubaune, let's save Jibanyan!



Is something the matter?

What happened?

Seriously what the heck...

Every time will end the same.

No matter how many times you do it.

We can just turn back time on you.


Kin Gin Gira Gira~


You're still gonna keep trying?

That's cheating!

Well, you use the Yo-kai pad...

Everyone's forgotten meow...

It's time to crush them!



Ah, me too~

If this keeps up...

What can we do?

Use the Hose...

Master Nyada!

Time, it is. Use the Ho-

Ah, it cut out.

The Hose, you must-

Hose, you-


Haha, he's not talking about a hose.

He's talking about The Force!


What's that...

That must be it!

The Force is a super energy used in fighting!

It's an amazing power well known in a galaxy far, far away.


It is a hose!


So... how do we use it?

Amazing, Keita!

How did you come up with that?

It just came to me.

Why would you spray water at our time machine!

What do you think you're doing?!


Sorry I'm late.

You brats...

Kin, Gin, the poison is ready!

Whisper, you take care of it!

No, Keita you-


Crush them!

Gutsy Straight-Forward Pawnch!

N-No way!



I can't move...

Come on, move!

Move already!


I don't want to be friends with a coward like you.

I don't want to be friends...

I don't want to be friends...

With a coward like you...

Darn it!!



Fuyunyan, hang in there!

Don't worry...

They're just scratches.

I'm sorry Fuyunyan.

If I could have just...

Just acted sooner...

It's probably ridiculous for a coward like me to want to be Kamen Guts...


In the end, I was just playing pretend...

You can become... Kamen Guts.

After all, you saved me, right?

Doesn't that make you a hero?


Heroes have things they just have to do...


I'll protect all my friends in the world...

That's it!

No matter what, you'll protect them!

You can protect everyone!


Take these.


The names of all the Yo-kai you've saved.

It's up to you now.

Up... to me.

Come on, let's call everyone.

Call? How?

Fuyunyan, Whisper, can you keep the enemies away?

Keizou, come on!


You went to all this trouble, and now you're running away?!

I'll sure as hell capture you!

W-Wait a minute Keita!

You shall not pass!

Let's go!

No, please no, please...

If this is how you're gonna play...

What're we gonna do here?



Listen to me!!



I'll protect all my friends in the world...


Listen to me!!

I'm definitely gonna defeat the Kaima!

I'll protect you all!

I'll protect this town and everyone in it, so please help!

Please lend me you power!

Please become my friends!!

One more time!

You guys!


This is...

The Type Zero watch!

My Yo-kai Watch!

Horray, it's back!

Now we can summon everyone!

Nya! Hot!!

Aurgh! I forgot about Jibanyan!

There's nyo way I'm gonnya get outta this!

I woulda liked to have drunk that, nyan...

Save me! Please save meow!




Come on out...

My friend, Jibanyan!

Yo-kai medal,

Set on!

Summoning a Pretty!



We are friends!

We are friends!

Luck is on our side!

Luck is on our side!




Thank you so meowch!

Sorry I forgot about you.

You should be, you're awful nyan!


You've finally decided to make the Yo-kai Watch?

The two watches have come back now that the flow of time is back to normal!

Those are Yo-kai medals!

With these, you can summon Yo-kai friends!

That's another power of the Yo-kai Watch!


Summon... everyone...

Come on out my friend,


Yo-kai medal,

set on!

Summoning pose.

Summoning an Isamashi.


Keizou, thank you for before.

You really saved me when I almost drowned.

No prob.


Thanks for saving me when I fell in that well!


You guys...

Alright, my turn!

Yo-kai medal, set on!


Let's combine our powers and kick Ubaune's butt!


You brats...

Kin, Gin!

Revive the Kaima!

Would you like some sherbet?

He summoned me so I've gotta...

You wanna go?!

Rocket punch!

Rocket punch!!

Rocket punch!

Over here~!

No, over here~!

Over here~!

Now I'm here~!

Fooled you!

It would have been better if he didn't summon me...

Aurgh, I'm just a dog! A dog! Help me!!

I'm up!

Hot hot hot hot!!


Whoa, Yo-kai friends are amazing...

Over there! There's one over there!

We've got you!

We won't let you get anywhere near Lady Ubaune.

sh**t, we've gotta do something about them.

Leave it to me!

Mission, start! Charge att*ck!

You bucket of bolts...

Hey, ladies.


You two are truly woofderful.

Slice that pounding heart in two!


We're winning!

Kin, Gin, Dou!


That's the old guy's name?

I won't let you brats get away with this.


There's no way in hell I'd lose to you!

But why...

Bakurobaa, possess Ubaune!


When I was a human, my life was stolen from me...

I was falsely accused of a crime...

and I rotted away in jail for the rest of my life...

My entire life was stolen from me.

So I'm going to steal time from all humans!

This is bad...


She's huge!

This Yo-kai's effect makes people say...

"This is the last stage of the final boss, the giant form! They're super strong now!!"

Do you get that Keita?!

Aurgh, this is ridiculous.

If we don't do anything...


Goodbye Gold Star!
Snowlady's Sherbet!

Soulfire Dance!


No one's att*cks are working...

No way.

Whoa, this form's actually a million Ubaune together!

You can't defeat just one of them!

sh**t, they're going to the town!

We've gotta stop them!

But how do we b*at a million Ubaune?!

I can b*at up at least a hundred of 'em, nyan!

Is that really gonna get a hundred of them?

There is a way!


You're okay!

Keizou, Keita. Gather your friend's power in the watches.

In the watches?

Yes, if you do that, you can make Jibanyan and I power up!



Alright, got it.


Lend us your power!!

It's sucking it in...



Send that power to me!

Okay, come on.


I am... Darknyan!

Whoa, nyamazing!

Keita, Keizou! Me next!

Come on!


Let's do this!

I'm gonnya power up too!


Me too!


They combined...

I'm Buchinyan, nyawhis!

It doesn't look a thing like Whisper...

Well, whatever!

Just b*at them up!

Leave it to us!

Let's go Buchinyan!

That was close, nyan!


It's up to you now.

Got it, nyan!

Go! Punch the crap outta them!

Eat this!

A Million Paws of Fury!!

Ten thousand...

Twenty thousand...

Thirty thousand...

Fourty thousand...

Fifty thousand...

Get outta here!

This is the millionth punch!

It's... over?

Looks like it.

Alright, we b*at Ubaune!

Jibanyan, you're amazing!

What was that move, it was so cool!

Keita, I was part of that too!

Oh, you were?

We did it Keizou.




I'm so glad you're safe...




Thanks to you, I took that first step.


Friends really are something great huh?

But how lame is it that I had to learn that from my grandson.

No, you're really cool Grandpa.

You care for your friends way more than I thought.

What a nyice thing to say.

Yes, I'm proud to be Keita's friend.

Huh? But Whisper, you're not a friend.

You're my butler.

I'm gonna make more and more friends from now on.


For making the Yo-kai Watch.

Everyday's really fun with it!

Oh, here.

Take this with you.

It's yours.

I'm gonna make friends on my own.

I'll make my own watch and medals.

Use your ability, Ungaisanmenkyou.

See ya, Keita.

See ya, Grandpa.

Let's go!

Tele tele te~ tele!



Bye nyan!

He was really something special, wasn't he?

We're off to the next spot we wanted to visit.

Have fun!

See you soon.

See ya Grandma.


Hm? What?


Your grandpa said he was gonna work so hard to make something...

He was always talking about it.

"I'm definitely gonna do it!"

He'd say he made a promise with his grandson.

Your grandpa was smart, strong, and cool, wasn't he...


He was pretty stubborn too.

Here, take this.

This is...?

This is your grandpa's most important medal.

Whoa, Fuyunyan!

They were best friends, right?

Right, you two?


I'm glad you and Keita became friends.

Of course...

If grandpa became a Yo-kai, he'd stay around here, wouldn't he?

It's not that simple to become a Yo-kai.


See you!

Raise your arms up like wings!

Did you all have fun watching the movie?

Now it's dance time!

Come on everyone

Let's all dance the Geragerapo!

You're not too old for this yet!

Start with a victory pose!


kin'niku mukimuki ai kotoba

Those are the magic words for getting strong


tasukete kureru kujiketa toki

It helps me out when all my joints are sore

aini ikou aini ittemiyou~

Let's keep going, keep on going~

tsuyoizo bokurano

Let's get strong like

supaa supaa hiiro

our super super hero

geragera po geragera po

Laugh out loud, laugh out loud!

geragera poppo geragera po

Come on laugh out loud, laugh out loud!

youkai taisou dai ichi!

Yo-kai exercises, number one!


youderu youderu youderu youderu

Come out, come on out, come out

youkai deruken derarenken

Come out Yo-kai, come on out

youderu youderu youderu youderu

Come out, come on out, come out

youkai deruken derarenken

Come out Yo-kai, come on out

rooire rooire nakama ni rooire tomodachi daiji!

Let's make friends, lots of friends cause friends are important!

youkai youkai youkai wocchicchi!!

Yo-kai, Yo-kai, Yo-kai Watchi-chi!

kai kai kii kii kui kui kei kei

Ha ha, he he, hu hu, ho ho

koi koi youkai wocchicchi!!

Come, come, Yo-kai Watch-chi!

wocchi! ima nanji? [ichi daiji!] whis!

Watch! What time is it? [The most important time!] Whis!

We're nyot done yet!

Keep on laughing, nyan!

I'll dance with you, nyan!

shunkan tsutawaru meseeji byunbyun

Suddenly a message on my phone

byunbyun byunbyun

Brrz brrz, brrz brrz

otera no oyane wa yuuyake butai

With the temple's roof as a stage, the sun sets


Leave me alone...

hatsukoi touge

for that first love's peak

Amaze, zura~

kumo ga odoreba kaze ga utaidasu

The clouds are dancing, and the wind is singing

Now a Thousand Paws of Fury!


geragera po geragera po

Laugh out loud, laugh out loud!

tsumetai hoho ni te wo atete

a cold hand on my cheek

omoidashiteru natsu no kaze

reminds me of that summer wind

kusa no nioi, takai sora

the smell of the grass, the big blue sky

okkana souna yama no kao

the scary face on the mountain

kuwagata to kabutomushi

to the stag beetle, and the rhino beetle,

anata ga tsukamaete kureta

you let me catch you

utatane no furudokei

while the old clock napped

anata no keshiki ni tsutsumarete

I want to stay wrapped up here with you

sotto yume no naka e

quietly in my dreams

hitori aini yukou

I go alone and meet with you

yasashii egao e

and your kind smile

yukkuri nagareru jikan no naka

I let myself get lost

odoyakana kioku no sono naka

in those ordinary memories

tada tada kokoro atatakana

that warm my heart

gogo ni hitori

when I'm alone in the afternoon

geragera po~

laugh out loud~

geragera po~

come on, laugh out loud~

omoi de no natsuyasumi~

the memories of that summer vacation

geragera po no~

laugh out loud~


at that summer vacation~

He returns after a period of silence!

Use The Force now, you must.

Movie Part 2

Coming out in winter 2015, nyan?

I'll be waiting fur you!
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