Machine, The (2013)

Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Machine, The (2013)

Post by bunniefuu »

The Radio of the Government

The Radio News

Come in.

Professor Harald B?gh.

This is my son-in-
law Erik Bertelsen.

- Please sit down.
- Thanks.

The police-sergeant suggested that -

- That we directly and personally
had to contact the editor not to lose time.

- I have spoken with the police-sergeant.
- I am very grateful.

As I said, we usually don't
bring the search -

- before the person concerned
has been missing for 24 hours.

But in this case
we want to do an exception.

The case is,
I just this afternoon -

- some hours before
my daughter's disappearance -

- made a radical

Yes, you can take your clothes on.

Well, that was all.
It was as, I was thinking.

It's no totally,
general anaemia.

- Come here.
- Yes, father.

Come, sit down.

And we have to
do some seriously with that.

- Pleace.
- Thanks.

Yes, therefore I would propose
a cure in the mountains.

- For example, Switzerland.
- Am I going to travel?

Yes, and preferably as soon as possible.

No, I will not up in snow and ice.

I've had enough of the cold.

I'm always freezing.

Here's no talk about what you want,
Esther, but what you have to do.

If not this shall...

I mean, if you don't want...

- Dad, you are hiding something for me.
- Be sensible, little Esther.

Don't lie to me.
Don't you think, I know you?

Can hear everything, that you don't say?

I want to know the truth, as you usual
say it to your patients.

Just say it.
Don't be careful of me.

Am I going to die?

Little Esther.

It will only depend on yourself.
Only you.

What I, as we all can do,
is so infinitely little.

But if you want, Esther -

- If you have the will to live,
the true, strong will -

- Then you'll have to
live in many happy years.

- Yet?
- Yes.

If that's the kind of happy years,
I'm living now -

- so I don't think, I can find
the will, you're talking about.

What happiness do I know, Dad?

Tell me.

Married to someone I never loved,
or will love.

Is it a life
that's worth fighting for?

Unfortunately I must give you right.

- That, I'll never forgive myself.
- What, Dad?

I then yelded
for your mother's wishes -

- And let you be married to Erik.

But your mother, Esther...

Yes, she was strong. And her only
goal was to get me married to Erik.

She was in time, before she d*ed.
And now I'll die of it.

No, you don't.

When you just find the happiness,
as you once had.

For the young, love is the
the vital necessity.

It was better, if it came to you
today than tomorrow.

Otherwise it may be too late.

So you should have told then -

- I let the onlyone, that I loved,
and who loved me, traveling away from me.

Now it's too late.


It isn't.
Not if you want.

Esther. Now you must promise me -

- That you will work
to find your will to the life again.

I must try.

I would hate to die
without having lived the life.

This investigation,
Mr. Editor, -

- told me
that my daughter psychologically -

- is so weak, that there is a danger for the
most serious complications.

It will therefore be important
that search will speed up.

Well. Yes. Do you know, what your daughter
did after the investigation?

She would go straight at home.

The maid says that she was
home about two o'clock.

One hour later, she left,
and she hasn't been home since.

- And you don't know other things?
- No.

What was your wife wearing
when she left her home?

The maid said, that she was in
a dark afternoon dress -

- with a little gray hat
and a gray fur coat.

Grey fur coat.
Little gray hat.

About two and a half minutes
the news comes in the radio.

- Ohh.
- First we have a SOS message.

- The police ask us to search...
- We ask the police go and jump in the sea.

...Esther Bertelsen, believed to
wander around in a depressed state of mind.

She is now 14 pm gone away
from his home at Dantes Plads.

160 centimeters high. Slight.
Dark blond hair. Brown eyes.

Wearing dark afternoon dress
gray fur coat, small gray hat.

Mrs. Bertelsen is the last time
seen on the hotel Alexandra.

Yes. Yes.
It will be done, Mr.

- Is Mr Mogens Berner here?
- One moment, ma'am. Go ahead.


Mrs. Esther Bertelsen?

Oh yes, are the lady down there?
Let her finally come up.

Yes, Mr. Berner ask you to come up.
Room 34, 1st floor to the left.

Thank you.


Is it really you?

- How nice of you.
- Was it, Mogens?

Yes, it was.

Come inside.
How nice of you.

I already had to see you.
On the first day.

Sit down, Esther.

It looks terrible here.
Want a cigarette?

- No thanks.
- Sit down, Esther.

- Esther. Only you could do this.
- What?

Your surprise visit.
How did you know, I was here?

I had just come home from dad.
I was in a terrible mood.

So Annie called and told,
you came home last night.

Annie, who helped us when we were
meeting at her little room.

Do you remember our star turn?
When we played, and you were singing.

Yes, time has changed.
You havn't changed for four years.

No, I don't, Mogens.
And it has been five years.

- Oh yes.
- How are you?

I've had some wonderful years.
At first I was in hell.

So I went with the south pole expedition
and wrote a bestseller about it.

So I travelled again.
China, Japan, Africa.

Four travel books I have made.
Now they also will be published here at home.

It sounds, like I'm bragging,
but I'm so happy.

Long Mogens has been something.

He's also an idiot and an egotist,
who only thinks of himself.

Esther, now let me hear about you.

About me?
What should I tell?

Everything Esther. How you live.
Do you have a happy life?

First of all, Mogens...

Every day in all these years
I've been ashamed.

Because I loved you, so I nearly
cried myself to death, when you were away.

Because you've always, and you are still,
the only man in my life.

And you're the only one,
who can help me now.

Therefore I come to you.

There's happened me something,
I can't manage myself.

And when I heard, you had arrived,
it was, as I got hope.

Esther, what is it?

I've gone from my husband, -

- and I'll never, never come back.

- Esther...
- So is it.

And when you'll travel again, -

- so take me with you, Mogens.
I'll stay with you, wherever you want.

Oh, Mogens?


The small has fever.
What am I going to do?

Esther, it's my wife.

- Mogens, come on, do you hear?
- Esther, I come immediately.

Now I'll be
late with dinner.

This was the
radio news.

We'll repeat the search of
the 27-year-old Mrs. Bertelsen -

- She's gone away from his home
at Dantes Plads.

She was last seen at Hotel Alexandra.
She left the hotel at 15.20.

Good evening, dear young lady.
Why so alone?

Hey you...

Do you sleep?

Why are you sitting here?

Why are you sitting here?
- I'm so tired.

Don't sit and sleep here.
You're freezing.

- I'm so tired.
- You ought to go home.

- No, no, not home.
- You are going home. Where do you live?

- Live?
- They must know, where you live.

- No.
- What?

I've forgotten.

- What's your name then?
- My name is...

- I do not know.
- They don't know what your name is?

You may be sick.
No, damned don't sleep!

Who are you?

Never mind.
Now we two are going home.

- Not home.
- No, not at all.

Get up. That was nice. So...

Now we two are going up in mom's cabin
and sleep it off on the divan.

Don't tempt me.
I'm going home with my organ.

- Jenny!
- Hurry up and come home Granny.

- Jenny!
- Hurry, just a little.

So, sister.
Just a little walk, so we're there.

What's a nice girlfriend,
you have got?

Yes, could you tell me?

- Good evening, gracious lady.
- Shut up.

What's the meaning, Jenny?
Why is she here?

She will be with us tonight.

Please don't be affected.
You have a free room.

The girl is sick, you can probably see.
Come, now we go in the cabin.

Don't, dammit.
It is my wooden leg.

- You are cheating.
- Cheating? I borrow one.

- Better take number seven.
- No, I took ... It's better.

It's not quite right with you.
Shouldn't we have some music?

Well, if you're
finished talk rubbish.

- Well, how are you, Rubbishman?
- It's hard times, Miss Lotte.

Sad things. Now you can't even
come into the hall in these houses -

- where you came before
as a friend and a familiar.

They just slammed the door.

"We don't give at the doors."
As if you were a...

Treacherous begging bum.
And so you are.

Let it be. I am what I am,
and you are what you are.

No false advertising here.
Poor, but honest.

This dirty sh*t isn't going up!

- You should have taken number seven.
- Never mind, you don't have a pill mirror.

She thinks she's lovely.
It's nothing but stillborn plush.

Sssch! You wake her in there.

Oh, nonsense.
She sleeps like a cobblestone.

There is a gentleman
who want to talk with the professor.

I think it's one from the police.

Ask immediately the gentleman
to enter.

- Go ahead.
- Thanks.

- Good evening, Mr. Sergeant.
- Good evening.

Well, have you...

- Is there anything news?
- Unfortunately no good news.

No good news.

We found this lady bag
so I must ask the gentlemen tell me...

- That's Esther's.
- Her visiting card was also in it.

Where have you found it?

It was found by a cop
down by the harbor for an hour ago -

- at the foot of a stairway landing
at the water's edge.

- At the water's edge?
- Yes.

So it's hardly no doubt,
that the young lady is wrecked.

So it was there,
we found your daughter's bag.

The current was very strong,
so your daughter was not found -

- although the harbour is
carefully searched with seines.

So there may be no doubt.

- Sorry, I will not torment you.
- Heavens above.

I can't get away from
possibility of loss of memory.

It's no empty hope,
I believe in.

You know yourself that a human can be
disconnected from its past existence, -

- and my daughter was very much
susceptibled to such a disorder.

Your theory isn't tenable.

A human wouldn't be able to
disappear 14 days here in Copenhagen.

It is quite unthinkable.

Good evening, little lady.
You can probably answer, your pixy.

- Grandpa!
- Is it you, dear?

- Behave yourself, you lout!
- Now I'll take the basket.

- Good evening, Mr. Hansen.
- Don't call me "Hansen".

I'm only Hansen for the police.
Among others, I am the Sailor.

Do you know that Stenm?ren
is coming home tomorrow?

Oh, my God. Does he?
Our long-lost friend.

Will Mr Stenm?ren be released?
Wasn't it four years, he got?

Four years?

Only three, old itch mite.

- Now you is in a fix, maybe?
- What do you mean?

There was probably one, who blabbered,
when it was better to shut up.

- It's defamation.
- Just you don't get defamation in your ass.

You nasty informer.

- Hey, what is she really?
- A prot?g?e of Miss S?rensen.

- Miss who?
- Miss Jenny.

Well, Jenny B?lam?
What was it, you said, she was?


Well. Ugh!

- Is she ready in the summerhouse?
- She can't remember her name.

Thank you, I know that. I have
even used it myself at a pinch.

- What are you doing here?
- Look for you, sweetheart.

- Let me make that.
- Thank you, madam. It was graciously.

Take care. It's delicate.

- Hurry up.
- Ouch, it hurts.

It should also hurt!

- Good evening, dear.
- How are you?

Thank you, fine.

Damned it hurts.

It sounds blasphemous, but it was
damn more comfortable with a real wooden leg.

So here was the tax's dime.

Humiliations salary.

- There are many today.
- Yes, but not selected.

They are very small.

Well, what is it to
the poor, hungry musician?

Two with road and two with broken stones
and one with King Frederik the seventh on horseback.

I'll take care of him.

Light beer. Damned ugh.

No, my friend. My house is yours,
as the sons from the East so beautifully says.

But not my love.

Not my soul.

It's costly drops.

Paid with a genius loss.

I don't hope, somebody comes
and disturb your bridal night with M?ren.

You shut up. You'll geet clips on the ear,
if you don't do it.

Oh, damned don't push.
Good evening.

Good evening, young ladies.

- To who says he women ?
- He can choose.

- Good evening, sweet little fondle man.
- Remove your carrots to yourself.

- It will be good, when M?ren comes.
- Should mother hold your hand?

I can already smell, there will be baking
"clips on the ear" in the kitchen.

- Look, I really must ask you ...
- Sorry, sorry, sorry!

So, little girls. Enough is enough.

I feel, I'll be threated. As your lodger
I expect your protection.

Relax, my best aristocrat.

Under my roof grasses the
wolf and the lamb side by side.

- When can M?ren be here?
- About three small minutes.

Pooh! Is she still here
and loaf around.

Does it hurt you, maybe.
You can probably leave her in peace.

- Don't be affected, B?lam.
- Get a cop to interview her.

Cop? Who is receiving the
retribution in my house -

- You child of Belial?
Are you playing with the lightning?

Hey, hey, hey. Small battles, Grandfather.
What do you mean milk-mug?

She may earn to the sweets for herself!

Don't be arrogant, young hetaerae.
Don't be arrogant.

Have you forgotten,
what is written above the door?

"Come here,
all you, who suffer badly -

- and I even in time of need has knocked
even under weeping and gnashing of teeth."

Have you forgotten, you children of forfeiture?
Damned gutter-tarts.

Just cut them sby down to size!

What are you saying?

You will not be so cocky, -

- when M?ren hears,
what you have done with the short trip owl.

Did I? That's a lie!

You f*cking sluts!

- Well done, Jenny!
- It's fine, Lotte!

Yes yes, come on.

Can you keep peace, your devils children!

Good evening in the cage, folks!


Hello, my sweet girl.
Should we let father get into the hall?

Hello, Janus, you have been missing for a long time,
and welcome home among friends again.

Glad to see your face again, your fox.
I call that a damned reception.

Notabilities on the platform
and thr whole narrow end of Bredgade.

No, now you damn must
give me an apology.

- Godaften, hr. Jensen.
- "Godaften, hr. Jensen."

Yes, that's right.
And that's tit for tat, right?

I hope you have been well.

- You can be sure on that.
- Now it's been draught here.

You damned pig.

Janus, you remember the law.
No v*olence.

Don't worry. There will not
be cracked lice tonight.

I hate you, and I will wish
your socks should creep in the wash.

Well, what the hell?
Who is the lady?

A little girlfriend, Janus. To me.
A lodger so far.

I am pleased to make the ladys
acquaintance. My name is Janus.

Janus Jensen.

Yes. A friend of mine, dear.

Just come home
from his estates on the moon.

- She looks like a complete princess.
- Ha, she's just crazy.

Janus, I love you!

Have we kept ourselves ready in the hole,
while dad was in the country?

Of course. What are you laughing at,
your silly slut?

Well, so? Is it so...

That's a lie!
By God in heaven, it's a lie!

Yes, I say.
Go to hell, f*cking bitch.

Well, that's also what I am.
You have known that all the time.

Nonsense! Do not come with that.

Do I need some paint clothes,
it's another case.

But are you even in it with one of
our own ... It's really disgusting.

- You can damn talk!
- Shut up! Come out with you.

You throw me out?

Such a radish.
And you, who I've believed in.

- Janus!
- Do you b*at a woman?

No, I just clap. Should she stand
and simulate, that I'm a pimp?

- Get lost, milkface!
- Don't come there. She bites.

Well, so she gets malicious?
Get up. Shall I help you?

Oh, woe ouch!

Out of the portal with you!

You'll get paid!
I'll promise you!

A small family scene?
Stop. What's wrong?

It was him!

- Well well. Jensen. Good to see you again.
- Thank you, L?nberg.

- You just passed by?
- As you see.

- Now we must have to work together again.
- You never know.

Tell us, why is the sword of law
hanging over our heads tonight?

Red Alfred
probably shouldn't be here?

Sorry. Alfred hasn't
visited us for several days.

Is it right?

Search. Search, strict Malkus,
and you shall not find.

You know, Organist, we look through
fingers with your irregularities.

But no hanky-panky.

Problaby I'm not the emperor,
what the emperor is.

Listen here. With what right
do you keep questioning here?

Do you have order to attend, well,
but invasion of privacy...

Well, peace...

- With a pleasant reunion, Jensen.
- You're just a silly-head.

- Keep up with the devil.
- Did you say something to me, Jensen?

Once you have laughed, I might
offer a drink in The Flower?

- The landlord has become new supply.
- Hail, our benefactor.

- We'll take the platelicker with us.
- Thank you, Mr. Janus Jensen.

And the princess f*cking too.



You are a f*cking good guy!


Beer for the music!

- It begins damn good.
- Let's get a song.

- No, I do not care.
- Rubbish with you.

- Come with "Farewell Good-bye my dear."
- I'm not exactly in the mood.

So we take that.

It was a cold and stormy night

on the earth's worn cap

a young sailor on the pier stood

his ship was ready to go

his girl by his side stood

and her sorrow was great

he pressed her to his arms

and said these words

Good-bye bye my dear friend

I now have to leave you

but you must be a bright star

that lights my way

so live as well, forget me not

your own good sailor

so live as well, forget me not

your own sailor faith

- I want to go home to Haslev.
- What's wrong with you, slut?

Now hear, Lillebil. Are you now
spoiling the atmosphere for us?

Please, B?lam.
Mis is easily moved to tears.

Take a glass
and wipe your nose.

It was just for fun.
Cheers, M?r!

Let's have one more song, Villy.

Take this "The cat sat on the roof
and looked at the pigeon loft, mew mew mew."

So! None of that sort. There are ladies
present. Cheers, mates!

- I've been looking forward to see you again.
- Even Lotte?

That name is not mentioned.

That lady is dead to me.
Understood? Cheers.

Janus. Think, I should experience being
seated at this rich man's table.

"Sun, stand quietly in Gibeon,
and moon in The Valley of Aijalon"-

- so this hour can be forever.

Granny speaks in verse.

Cheers, Granny.
Now I know you again.

- What am I offer the little lady?
- Give her milk.

- Thanks, a bit of the red there.
- Sherry Brandy? With pleasure.

So. Cheers, Grand Dad!

A glass of joy for your homecoming,
you, the beloved, prodigal son.

That you damned can be yourself.

Cheers, Misery Lord.
And thanks for the picnic, old informer.

Tonight we are happy.
We save the beatings for tomorrow.


- Janus, damned I hug love you!
- Yes, you could like that.

- Bye.
- Stay happy.

- Ladies and gentlemen.
- Quiet!

I would allow myself
polite to suggest, -

- we ask Mr Organist
to play us a little Chopin.

- A what one?
- It's fine. Come with a number.

- Yes, let's get a number.
- No, no, not tonight.

Sing, and let the old
musician listen to it.

Sing and drink and forget, who you are,
you publicans and whores.

And let us thank the person,
who gave us of his abundance.

Janus, my son.
They say that you are a robber -

- and an offender of the law.

And the righteous shall receive you
with spears and sticks.

They don't know, that you for us,
the small and weak, -

- is like a sun and heat.

You, knight of the joy of life.

We welcome you in our rags.

And we will turn
our faces against you -

- to your power
may shine at them.

Cheers, son.
And may the luck follow you.

Thank you. It's nonsense,
but it sounds damned nice.

Play now for my sake.

Well then. For your sake, my boy.

Shut up with your
blasphemous, moaning organ.

Then close your ears,
you great departed.

Now plays the outcast to please
her little sisters and brothers.

It's like being in church.



Cheers... you.

I know that.

I know it again.

Play it again.

Play it again. Keep playing.

It was gone. Play it again.

I can't.

It was gone.

Help me, help me
Help me, please help me.

Help me.

Help me. Please help me.

Why do you look at me like that?
Go away!

I don't know you!
It's all your fault!

What do you want from me?
Go away!

So, little girl. Easy.

Now we go home, come.

Now we go home, yes.

Come on, little girl.

Little, little, come on.

You, I have a mighty fine
job for you.

We can talk about it tomorrow.

- She was beautiful as she stood there.
- Yes. Just theater.

Yes, it can damned be.

But she was damned nice.

Well, we'll see
to go home and sleep.

I've gotten enough of sleep.

- Good night.
- Good night.

- Are you going with me?
- I haven't time.

- Who is it?
- Just me.

How are you coming here?
The door was locked.

- Had you forgotten something?
- Yes, damned I have.

- Come tomorrow.
- No, I must have it now.

- You wake grandfather.
- Impossible, he's drunk.

What is it, you've forgotten?

- What is it you want?
- You! Come on.

- Now then, my slut.
- You should go.

Don't be affected!

You know, what I want.

It was nice theater,
you played before.

Don't you think, I know
what that kind means?

Now I'll go.

Do you think I'm an idiot?

- Go, I beg you.
- Don't worry. That will be nice.

But you're a pretty little pump.

You're the sweetest girl,
I've seen, and I want a kiss.

You must go!

Tonight there isn't a girl, who doesn't
lie awake and waiting. On whom?

Not me, right?
And you ask me just to go.

Now, no nonsense.
Come here.

I'll tell you something.
Do you know, where I'm coming from?

I've been there for three years. Do you know,
what it means for a guy like me?

It is so long time, that you shouldn't
think about it. Then you'll become crazy.

But the worst is, that I in all the
time doesn't see the shadow of a baby girl.

Better to three years in hell, because there
comes one of you also now and then.

At night it,s worst. Then you lies
and writhing on the bed like in flames.

You could drill through the wall
with your fingernails -

- just again to hear a girl laughing.

And then you come out and you could
draw them to yourself of hundreds.

And then is the first you meet,
so all the others will be air for you.

And then it all starts.

I will not hurt you.
I'll just touch you a little.

Just slightly.
So I can feel, that it's true.

why don't you say something?

If you touch me,
I'll k*ll you.

So k*ll me. You're welcome.

b*at me.
I will not lift a finger.

b*at, I say. b*at.







Damned, slut.
Can't you wake? Up with you.

- Well, will it soon be to something?
- Can't you let me be finsished with my dreamind?

To hell with your dreaming.
What is it, you're dreaming?

- Always the same.
- What is this same?

I'm in a room.

Always the same.

It's, like I know
the room inside out.

So it's good, that I don't even
notice, how it looks like.


There's carpet down in front of the door.

Behind, there's something
I'm afraid of.

While I sleep,
I know what it is.

What are you doing in that room?
Just pottering around quite alone?

- Sometimes there's also a man.
- Well. So what is it for a guy?

I don't really know.
He has no head.

Just something foggy there,
where the face should be.

- Think that you can dream such a nonsense.
- It's something important.

I'm constantly
just about to grab it.

- I can't.
- So leave it, dammit.

- Go and get that beer.
- There's closed.

Oh well. Then go through the back door.

- You can do it yourself.
- Hurry up.


So, you are naughty?

Do you say no?

Are you saying no?

That We must
get picking out of you.

Do you say no?

Well, you do?

Are you saying no?

God, how are you a sexy slut.
That I damned haven't the heart to do.

Now you're getting the beer. We must eat.
The sailor is waiting for me.

Ouch. It hurts.

It damned must hurt.

Give me a kiss, then it will pass away.
Come on.


Well, you bite, you bastard?

Why can't you get it yourself?

I'll tell you,
when you come back.

- Is it for something specific?
- Well it is.

- I would like to know.
- Go now, Janus.

But don't be away
all night, like yesterday.

- Was you with Lotte?
- Are you jealous?




Lotte? Her bother I not
so much as to spit on.


How must it be nice,
to be like the girl in the novel here.

Never a bit to do. Money.
Just lie on your back all day.

Well, now I think, it goes
very well with that. I'm going.

- Where are you going?
- Out.

It's because no one wants to look at you
in the old clothes.

- It's not intended.
- What are you running to do?

Are you curious?

- Don't you think I know what it is?
- Why do you ask?

You must be crazy
wasting time on that ass.

- Why do you hate him so?
- Hate?

It's not something you want.
It's something you do.


- Good evening, madam.
- Good evening.

- God, you won the lottery?
- Nearly.

Miss S?rensen, nearly.

There are, thank God,
good people yet.

Are there?

I visited an elderly widow.
Lovely villa. Lovely lady.

Take a look. Jacket, socks and shoes.

- From the deceased. Yes, yes.
- We have approximately the same stature.

- It's fine.
- And look here, huh?

- No ...
- And now you see topping.

Salmon. And steak.

And sausage.
And with decoration on.

- May I offer you a piece?
- I've got a fried egg this morning.


Now we'll eat.

Tell me, Mr. Janus Jensen...
How is he?

I don't know.
He is after all newly engaged.

- Hey!
- Here!

Well, why was it so,
you couldn't go down?

- I can't stand the stairs.
- Stand?

- I get so dizzy.
- Well, are you dizzy?

- Dizzy?
- Janus...

Now don't get mad
or hit me.

I'm pregnant.

What are you?

Pregnant? It was like...

- Are you mad of that?
- What? Well...

Mad? You may damn excuse,
I haven,t tried that before.

Are you really sure?

Well, so the princess
must have an heir.

Yes. Yes, yes, but...
It's all right.

for real people like us.


- Shall we travel?
- Travel? It was a crazy idea.

Far away. Where we can
walk along the sea every day.

On the rocks.
On roads that are white by the sun.

And palm trees stand in long rows
and sways quietly.

- You sound like you've been there.
- I have as well. It was...

No, I can't.

I liked to know
who you are.

The other day you would see the opera.
There had you also been.

I liked
to take a look at your CV.

On what?

There it is again. You can say things
no devil knows about.

And so you don't know the most
simplest things. Why would you travel?

- I'm afraid.
- For L?nberg? I take care of him.

No, more Misse and Jenny
and all them, yes.

Well, the little is jealous?

I don't care, they're
sticking and touching up at you.

- And you just think it's wonderful.
- It's damn well.

Next time I see one of these animals
hanging over you, I turn her to death!

Well then, that was mighty
for finger strength, she has received.

- Can you be a good girl?
- No!


- Close your eyes.
- No.

Close your eyes, so she must see,
what father has to her.

- See see.
- What is it?

It's real, you know.
Them, the right ladies wear.

You have now of 7,000 kroner
about the neck now.

I promised you,
you should get all these things, right?

And M?ren always keeps his word.

So promise me, that you never
likes anyone but me.

You can be calm, my girl.

Before I was a crushed out on a girl
and I had her -

- so I was always
annoyed of her afterwards.

But when I has you,
I'm just happy afterwards -

- so I might want to
to slap someone on the head.

Say something more to me.

- Something more?
- About us. It was so nice.

Yes. What can I say?

I think, everything has come into
a completely different progress than before.

And it is your fault.
What was I, before I met you?

Just a little, dirty thief.

I was so happy when I saw a
little bit more of you.

But now...

Now there's completely
different rush into it.

Before we just stood, and let the
paws be hanging, when L?nberg came.

But that cop, who skall
swipe Stenm?ren now, alive, -

- he should f*cking get up early.
And preferably write his will first.

Well,stand up .
Dad's going to work.

- Is it tonight?
- No, not before tomorrows night.

Then we go and make a small cr*ck,
which gives the papers something to write about.

Tonight we just
take a look at the locations.

The preparatory exercises.
That concerns by the way not you.

Tell me, what is it for a
fashionable diner, you had intended for me?

It should have been fried eggs.

Stay happy.

Hello, sailor.

- I thought damn, you were dead.
- I'm alive as never berore. Not so sour.

Let it be. I don't play,
unless we make a plan tonight.

- Well, how are you?
- Yes. Yourself.

I feel damn great.
There we have the Lord the Misery.

Do you have two minutes?
I have invaluable informations.

- So spit it out.
- Preferably in private.

You will bitterly regret,
if you don't hear, what I say.

Just a moment, sailor.

You will surely remember, how your
wife was introduced in our circle.

I have no wife. Is it
about Lily, I don't know anything.

- On who she really is?
- No.

So it may be,
it will interest others.

- Who else?
- Yes, who knows?

Sit down.

Many thanks.

Come on.

We know, that Miss Lily had lost
the memory of her previous life.

It was just a movie.

No, Mr. Jensen.
It was no movie.

Suppose, that she involuntary had
left her natural environment.

Then put the case differently.
In this case, she will be missed.

And searched.

Wanted? By whom?

Her family. And the police.

- Police?
- Yes, but without result.

But now I managed to discover,
Who Miss Lily is .

Who is she?

Your girlfriend is the daughter of
one of the country's most respected physicians -

- and married to a fine officer.

Is Lily? Is it true?

- Are you sure in your case?
- This newspaper is a quarter of a year old.

Do you know that lady?

It's Lily.


Her name is Esther.

As you see, they suppose,
she drowned.

It would also be best for you,
if they retained this assumption.

Tell me, are there others than you,
who knows anything about this?

Not yet. But the most naturally
would be, to go to her family -

- and tell them about my discovery.
They would certainly honor it.

Probably yes.

Probably. But first you would see,
how much you could get out of me.

We know, how great price
you put on the young lady -

- and I offer you my silence
for very favorable terms.

If you say just a little bit
for no living mother's soul, -

- so I pull the intestines
out of the nose at you!

Do you understand?
Now go!

I'll keep that.

- Do you understand?
- Yes, yes, yes!

If you don't keep your mouth shut, you
have seen the Christmas tree for the last time!


- Will it happen?
- I have no time.


- Esther.
- Yes.



- Esther.
- Yes. Is it not, that what you are called?


Who is it?

- You, right?
- Jes.

That's right, yes?
That's right. The whole thing.


Can I meet
Professor B?gh?

- He's not home.
- I could maybe wait?

What is it about?

It is extremely private. I think,
it will interest the professor.

- Well. Go ahead.
- Thanks.

Hell of a weather.

Are you still there?

- Have you been out?
- Yes. A trip.

All the day you have been sitting
in the way here. And the whole evening.

- Now it's night. It must have an end.
- Yes.

I wish, I knew,
why you were so sorry.

- Anyway you son't understand me.
- Yes, in a way.

Have you ever dreamed a happy dream,
but when you woke up -

- then it was all just pointless?

When I dream something
it's damn not so funny.

I dreamed, I was free.
Irresponsible as a child.

And so I'm sittiing in
the same cell as before.


Is it here, you mean?

I told you,
you can go wherever, you like.

- I have no place to go.
- You can just go.

- Where you belong.
- Where I belong?


I can.

Well, then it's done.

Is it tonight, you're going out?

I must meet the sailor
about half an hour.

Let me just sit here
a few hours.

So I'll be gone,
when you come back.

Well, then it's good.

Why are you crying?

Because you should go?
So you can of course just be.

Listen now, Lily.

So you can surely be here. Yes, Lily?

My name isn't Lily.

For me your name is Lily,
and it will always continue.

- Lily was just a dream.
- A dream?

And the little? Is it a dream too?
No. And now I say, you should stay.

- It's what you wanted, right?
- It's the last thing I wanted.

The last of everything.

Now let me just be allowed to
sit here in peace, until you go.

- So we separetes.
- Farewell and thanks? You can believe, NO.

What we two had together,
we damn don't run from.

And if you think, I want to lieve you,
you are wrong.

- No! It's you, who are mistaken.
- Me?

You would never force me into something.
So you are too proud to do that.

Yes, it probably can be.
Lily, dammit...

- Let us run away.
- We can't leave ourselves.

I'm not the same as before.
You will not could love me.

I don't understand.
I am being crazy to think about it.

I feel,
as if I was drunk.

r*ped in an ecstasy.

In an ecstasy, yes.

And think, that you can
dream so sweet in a gutter.

- Be careful now, about what you say.
- I don't worry.

- Well, we can of course try.
- No!

- We could try.
- Don't touch me!

Otherwise, you k*ll me.

If you're getting closer,
so I throw myself out!

Are you not Lily? As you stand there,
you look like her damned much.

I thought you knew,
I'm not doing anything.

How should I know?
I know you certainly not.

- Don't you know me?
- I saw you for the first time last night.

- Last night?
- I see something different than Lily.

And maybe a lot,
as she never has seen.

I can see, how your clothes look.
The color of your tie.

- Is it anything wrong with that?
- No, it's not that!

You gotta understand
I can't be the girlfriend of... ex-farmer.

Don't laugh.
By God in heaven!

You don't touch me.

Lily you could b*at.

She thought,
it was marvelous.

But you don't b*at me.

And if you did, I'd fall
dead in the spot of shame.

I didn't mean it, Janus.
You couldn't understand.

Don't leave me, Lily.
I can't damned take it.

I can't f*cking take it.

What's it to live for?
Tell me.

But Janus...

Are you Stenm?ren?

A measly dog I am,
when you leave me.

I will not. I give up.

I go to the police.
God in heaven.

L?nberg may come when he will.
I stretch paws forward.

- Wouldn't you say goodbye to me?
- To Lily or Esther?

Both of us.
Thank you being so kind to Lily.

Oh, what the hell...

Then you'll probably not
have this?


Of course.

There is a strange gentleman sitting in there.
He says it's something important.


Good afternoon.

- Would you like to talk to me?
- Very much.

Sergeant L?nberg here.

What are you here?

- You don't know, what I'll talk about?
- I asked what you wanted here.

Just have a little look
at my new apartment.

New apartment? It will be the best,
you go,before Janus is coming back.

- It takes a little.
- I'm not so sure.

But I damned am.

It is quite nice.
Writing desk.

- And the bed. Is it quite good?
- Out of my bed!

- Your bed?
- Out!

Your bed?
It's me, who paid it.

- It's a lie!
- Lie?

Are you saying "lie" to me?

Get out!
Janus can be here any minute.

No. You can swear,
he can't.

For now, the accounts
between me and M?ren, finished.

Yes, you just stare.

This moment, I've been
waiting a long time, you may believe.

What have you done?

He gets eight years.

- Janus, you don't touch me.
- Janus...

f*ck off, you damned sticks.


- It was not so good.
- Janus.

I had just begun.

Suddenly, there were as thick
with cops as mosquitoes in summer.

- They took the sailor.
- Janus, you gotta get away!

- They take me sooner or later.
- And you will really let you take?

I don't want more.
I give up.

You must not.
It's not to think at.

Why does it interest you?

I thought, we had agreed,
to go our separate ways.


- Why are you not gone?
- I would.

But then Lotte came.

What would she?

When I think about it,
you have probably been together about it.

- What are you saying?
- Yes, why not?

I'm accustomed
to some of everything.

I don't trust anyone anymore.

I only knows one,
which couldn't have done it.

But she no longer exists.

When I now ask you, to prayerfully
go, before it's too late.

It is too late.

I was also sick and tired
of it all.

I had decided to quit.

So I would have bought a shop,
and lived my years with you.

Nonsense, right?
Owner of a shop.

And then you.

No, with my tie and clothes.

And now you must go, otherwise
they also take you.

- I'm not going.
- What would you do here now?

I'll see, how it seems,
when they're taking you.

It will be interesting, because I know
that the person, who must swipe Stenm?ren...

- Do not leave me in peace?
- Now you'll soon getting peace enough.

- Do you know, what it means to me?
- I know, what it means to me!

For me! Don't you understand?

Why can't I find words?
Lily could! Lotte could!

They could touch you in one word,
hit you so you...

Janus, you must hurry up.
For my sake.

It's no use.

There was one of those,
who was back on the place.

- Place?
- Capsized, you understand.

And it was me, who rocked him.


I beg and pray for you.
You have only one thing to do. Fight!

- Fighting?
- Yes!

You can,t let you catch here.
Stenm?ren surely have teeth and claws!

- It costs nothing to try.
- No, doesn't it?

Nothing more than life. Never mind.
I have a revolver. So I am ready.


Thunder and lightning. Money.

- So.
- Janus! They are there.

The door, Lily.

- We run, when we can.

Open the door, Jensen. Do you hear?
We know you are there.

Now, not a sound.

Well, yes yes.

- The first gets a b*llet in the skull.
- Good evening, Jensen.

- And thanks for last.
- Thanks to you.

Who are you? Can you get out.

Then it becomes on your own risk.

Listen, Jensen.
Let us decide it in amicably.

- Can you get out your bandit!
- I don't go. I have a cold.

- Gone with the nose!
- Come rather with the good.

- I don't dare.
- Shall we stand here and be a foolish?

Ha ha, that was one!

Yes, and he will be costly for you.
Listen, Jensen.

- It must have an end.
- It will not be mine.

- Be sensible.
- Shut up and play out.

Lily, Please!

Now I'll tell you one thing.

Either you let Janus go,
otherwise I'll sh**t myself.

Lily, toss it. Lily!

L?nberg? Take it from her.

- I give myself, if you can.
- If you are moving, so...

- So they could give me a b*llet?
- I don't sh**t!

Then onto her!

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