I.N.R.I. (1923)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.
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Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.
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I.N.R.I. (1923)

Post by bunniefuu »

I.N.R.I. [Crown of Thorns]

An epic film about
the life of Jesus Christ.


Behold, your father and I have
been looking for you anxiously!

Why were you looking
for me? Didn't you know that...

it was necessary for me
to be in my Father's house?

No arms.

Repent, for the kingdom
of heaven is at hand!

I bear strange tidings. The prophet
came from the tribe of David.

He heals the sick, brings sight to
the blind and raises the dead to life...

One more…

The Messiah has arrived!

The light is around him. His words
remain indelible in my heart.

He comes to break the roman yoke.
Everyone who sees him, believes in him!

I want to be near him!

He said he will arrive
in Jerusalem as a King...

Is that what he said?

…And he also said:
Love your enemies.

Let the little children come to
me and do not hinder them...

for to such belongs
the kingdom of heaven.

All who walk with you today
will leave you in the hour of misery.

How can you believe
in a false prophet?

How could he break
the roman yoke?

The hour of danger is fast
approaching. Remember my words.

The hour has come!
Lord, the entrance to the palace.

See this sword, just your word and
no roman will appear the next day!

Lord, all the people
put their hope in this hour.

It is written: My house
is a house of prayer...

but you have turned
it into a den of iniquity!

He came as a beggar -
could be king -

He's not the Messiah!

Didn't I told you he
would come as a king?

As a king?

He must be taken tonight, but
no one knows where he's hiding.

Will there be a traitor
among the twelve?

If he is the Messiah,
then he will remove...

his beggar's coat
in the hour of danger.

Deliver him into our hands and
he will stand here in his glory...

Go to the courtyard
of the High Priest!

Take this and eat. This is my
body which is given up for you!

Take this and drink. This is my
blood of the new covenant...

which is given for
you and for many.

I tell you the truth,
one of you will betray me.

Amen, I say to you, before the cock
crows, three times you will deny me!

What are you willing to give
me if I betray Jesus to you?

My Father, if this cup may not pass
away from me, except I drink it...

…let your will be done!

My soul is consumed with
sorrow to the point of death…

…Stay here and pray!

Hail, Rabbi!

Court begins!

Let him speak!

Jesus of Nazareth, you are accused
of blasphemy against God's law!

Jesús of Nazareth! Listen!

He healed my blind
child on the Sabbath day!

Aren't you a friend
of the false Messiah?

He cured me of leprosy and demanded
to worship him as the Son of God!

He said he would destroy the
temple and rebuild it in three days.

Is that what you said?

I speak in the tongue of angels.
They did not understand.

I swear you by the Living God,
tell us, are you the Messiah?

The son of the living God?

I am!

He is guilty of death!

The High Council demands
a judgment tonight!

They talk about a conspiracy
against the Caesar!

Are you the king of the Jews?

You have said so!

Rome will refuse you
even if you were a real king!

No empire on Earth can
defeat Rome. Rome has troops!

My kingdom is not of this world!

Then you are a king?

You say that I am a king.
For this reason I was born...

and have come into the
world, to testify to the truth.

I find no cause in him!

Crucify him!

Ecce h*m*!

Whom shall I release?

…or Jesus, called the Messiah?

Free Barabbas!

I am innocent
of this man's blood.

Hail, king of the Jews!

It must be so?

Is not enough what
he has already suffered?

Father, forgive them,
they know not what they do!

Behold, your son!

Behold, your mother!

It is accomplished. Father,
in your hands I commend my spirit!

Thus dies no human being!
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