06x08 - Mammoth Channel

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gold Rush". Aired: December 3, 2010 –present.*
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Reality based series follows the placer gold mining efforts of various family-run mining companies, mostly in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada, as well as in the U.S. state of Alaska.
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06x08 - Mammoth Channel

Post by bunniefuu »

on this "gold rush"...

12 Hours isn't
what I was promised.

We're the ones
that took it apart

And put it back together
for you.

When you're dealing
with a greedy, ignorant man,

[Bleep] like this
is gonna happen.

Spinks: holy crap!

-Fricking mammoth tusk.

that thing's amazing.

We got problems
in the cut.

We're shutting down.

All fricking mud.

Todd: I think we might have just
screwed ourselves, guys.

treasure island is done.

I'm not arguing with you,
but that's pay.

You either trust me to get
the job done or you don't.

This is the best cut
we've been in.

You'd think we'd be getting
every last spoonful.

Parker: geez.

we're making money, boy.

Ness: all right,
well, this is it, man.

Treasure island is done.

Narrator: at scribner creek,

Parker schnabel's foreman,
rick ness,

Removes the access ramps
to their treasure island cut.

Last week, treasure island
produced 256 ounces...

Parker: holy [bleep]

...worth well over a quarter
of a million dollars,

More than doubling
parker's gold haul this season.

But rick is out
of thawed pay dirt.

Ness: we stripped
the last 3 feet

Of overburden gravel off it,

And the pay's all frozen
underneath it.

It's been great,
but time to move on.

claim owner, tony beets,

Has come to inspect
parker's richest cut to date.

Parker: so this is
treasure island.

Tony: oh, yeah?

It's great ground, actually.
A lot better than --

Than what
the berm cut was.

We usually do pay pretty
good attention to that.

Yeah, I'll go in there
and walk it myself

And make sure we got
every last bit of it out.

All right.

Narrator: parker takes one
last look at the best ground

He's ever mined.

Parker: there's still
a pretty fair amount

Of thawed pay in here,

This is the best cut
we've been in, probably,

In three years, right?

You think we'd be
getting every last spoonful.

So we will.

What the hell's that?

Parker: thawed pay.

How'd that happen?

You're asking me?

What the [bleep]

It's -- it looks like
it's under all these piles.

None of that got taken.

There was 4 foot of muck
in this ditch.

Know what?
I dug the thing out.

I -- I -- I'm --
I'm not arguing with you,

But that's pay.

This has never been
touched, right here.

Yeah, I don't know
how I missed that.

Narrator: rick was certain
they had mined everything

In the cut
that wasn't frozen solid.

But parker has found
a strip of thawed pay

In one of the sidewalls.

He's sure there's even more gold
to be had on treasure island.

Is your ramp
still half-ass usable?

Ness: no.

Well, you should
probably rebuild it then,

Because we're not leaving
an ounce of pay in this cut.

I'll get in here and get it out.

That went well.

[Bleep] kidding me?

You either trust me to get the
job done or you don't, you know?

I'm the one down here
doing the work,

And he hasn't been around,

And now it's [bleep] done,
done, road gone.

I got no access for trucks.

Walks in there
and in two minutes says --

Says it ain't done, you know?

And it just pisses me off

You know, now
where the [bleep] are we?

Narrator: tony beets is on the
way to his 75-year-old dredge.

He paid $1 million for it,
but 8 weeks into the season,

It's produced just 97 ounces
of gold, worth around $100,000.

Unless he can right the ship,

Tony's dredge experiment
is headed for failure.

looks like tony's here.

Oh, that's never good.

Are you serious,

That's taking a pretty big
chance putting rookies up

In the house, tony.

I don't think
we're ready yet.

We need lights and stuff
on there.

You know, I don't know
if we're quite ready,

But I guess
we'll give her a shot.

You know, at some point,

We got to kick the training
wheels off and get going.

-Okay, we'll get after it.
-We'll do our best.

Let's get to work.

Night shift was inevitable.
We were gonna do it.

It's just
when we were gonna start it.

You know, it might be
a little earlier than we --

Everybody wanted it to start.

But, you know, it's like --

It's like I said, just time
to kick the training wheels off

And go to work.

I want to be able
to see the winches turn,

That's what
I'm concerned about.

I'll show you
what I got for wires set up.

These old things were designed
to run 24 hours a day, but,

Um, I don't think we got enough
infrastructure, right now,

To run it 24 hours a day.

I think tony and gene

Should sit their ass on this
for 12 hours a day for a week

And see how they enjoy it.

Man: look at that.

Rhodes: we haven't
broke anything?

I'll let you
take care of that.


we need to speed it up.

Narrator: jerry rhodes

And dredge electrician
jason folster,

Take the first
12-hour night shift.

Jerry spent all last season
rebuilding the dredge.

Now he's operating it.

There's nothing wrong with night
shift, but I was told 8 hours.

I've done enough 12's
here this year.

Narrator: it's jason's first
week operating the old machine.

the pressure's on now,

With, uh, night shift,
here, starting.

Even though the dredge moves
fairly slow back and forth,

There's a lot to watch,
a lot to pay attention to.

Narrator: three hours
into the night shift...

we got a huge boulder coming.

Narrator: ...jerry
triggers the grizzly bars

To keep the boulders from
dropping into the wash plant

And wrecking the trommel.

Got it?

Ah [bleep]

We got another
huge boulder.

But there are two more
on their way up the ladder.

Those three great,
big-assed boulders

Ended up
in the trommel.

The grizzly bars

Successfully stopped
the three large boulders,

But their combined weight
proved too much.

A bolt sheared off...

And they fell
into the trommel below.

The boulders pick up speed...

Is it okay?

...and fall on
to the tailings conveyor,

The most vulnerable part
of the 75-year-old dredge.

Folster: the two big ones
went in side-by-side.

They're locked in there.

We don't want big rocks
on the belt.

We could end up
ripping the belt,

Tearing the belt off tonight.

Shut it down!

Narrator: at eureka creek,

The dredge crew
runs their first night shift

In a desperate attempt to recoup
tony's $1 million investment.

Is it okay?

But just a few hours in,
jerry and jason have allowed

Three big boulders to get stuck
in the tailings conveyor.

Folster: two big ones
went in side-by-side.

They're locked in there.

Shut it down!

I need the pry bar.

I might need a hand.

Narrator: the boulders are
too heavy to remove by hand.

We got to work these three
big boulders out the stacker.

-Are you clear?
-Yeah, clear.

Narrator: jerry decides
to restart the conveyor

To get rid of the rocks,

But it's a risky move.

Oh [bleep]

The jagged rocks could easily
rip the 166-foot rubber belt,

And they don't have a spare.

Hold it.

The first two rocks make it out.

Oh [bleep]
it's gonna rip right through.

But the third is too sharp

And could tear the belt
to shreds.

That was fun.

Yeah, most excitement
we've had in a while.

It doesn't look
like the belt's hurt at all.

Uh, some of the skirting
came loose up there.

it'll heal itself.

You hooked?

The conveyor is clear.

Jerry and jason can now winch
the broken grizzly bars

Back into position.

[ Grunts ]

[Bleep] [bleep]

Grizzly's fixed.
Fire it up!

Folster: had that belt ripped,

We'd be down for a hell
of a long time.

It's not like we can just
pick one

Of these up at the local store.

We were quick to act on it,
and we didn't damage anything,

So I think it's great
that we got it fixed.

Narrator: by 8:00 a.m., After
another 8 hours of running,

Jerry and jason have processed

Close to 1,000 yards
of pay dirt.

Tony's plan to make money
while he sleeps is working.

That's it for the day.
We're shut done.

To sum up the night shift
in one word is too long.

I'm too old for this [bleep]

I've got a good feeling
about this year.

I think we're gonna
kick some ass.

Narrator: todd hoffman's
wash plant, monster red,

Is fully dialed in,

Processing 300 yards
of pay dirt an hour.

His ambitious 2,700-ounce,
$3-million goal,

Just might be within reach.

You know, today
is one of those days

That you dream about
in the yukon.

We got good pay dirt
up to the wash plant,

Sun's shining,
everybody's happy,

Equipment's running

And the ground gets better
as we go upstream.

And, uh,
we just want to keep going.

todd finally has his operation

Running just the way
he wants it.

Todd: even though everything's
actually going pretty good

At the mine now,

There's something
that's even more important

That's bothering me, and I feel
like I'm losing connection

With one of my kids.

Hudson, are you ready?

Ready to go?

All right.
Bye, hon.

I'm gonna go take a week,
and I'm gonna take hudson,

And we're gonna hang out.

We're gonna have
the best father-son time

That we can have, you know?

And, uh, hopefully I can
really connect with my son.

All right, man.
-All right, see ya.

-Keep the plant running.
-I will.

Listen, hey, we're
getting 50 ounces a day.

2,700 Ounces
is within reach.

-It is.
-But we got to stay running.

I got it.
Take care of your family.

-Thanks, dave.
-All right, have a good trip.

-See ya, man.
-See ya.

Bye, hudson.

Yeah, we all get a hug
once a year.

[ Laughter ]

That just happened, man.

Let's get out of here,

It's getting weird,
let's go.

Narrator: being a good father
is a priority for todd,

But this is the second week
in a row

He won't be mining
at mckinnon creek.

Man: so it looks like todd
took off again.

We're all here
busting our asses.

There's a lot of work
to be done.

We need him here more.

I'm gonna try my hardest to,

Uh, make sure this thing
keeps going

And does nothing
but collect gold.

We made a commitment, we're
getting 2,700 ounces this year.

That's doubling up on everything
we did last year.

Narrator: in the super cut,

Andy spinks keeps the plant fed
with pay dirt.

Spinks: what the crap?

It's all fricking mud.

That ain't good.

Dave, you need to get over here.

I need to talk to you
right away.

-What's up?
-We got a big issue here.

oh, this stuff stinks.

Spinks: I'm down 2 feet,
and I'm still in mud.

I haven't hit any gravel.

Yeah, I see it's
really black looking.

We've always had
mud layers,

But this is
several feet thick.

Narrator: andy has discovered
a deep channel

Of rapidly thawing black mud

Running right
through the super cut.

When it thaws,
it will turn into a river of mud

That will bog down
the hoffman crew

And prevent them from reaching
the pay they need

To keep monster red fed.

Why can't you
just haul it out?

It's gonna take a dozer
on the ramp,

A dozer in the cut,
two excavators and five trucks.

I need more bodies
is what I'm gonna need.

The problem is,

Is that you're running
the wash plant 24/7.

That wash plant's
not shutting down.

You tell me a better way.

If I don't get the mud out
and it starts thawing,

That plant will be shut down
for several days.

If you want it done right,
this is what we got to do.

All right, you got it.

You got a full crew,
but we better get it out of here

Because I'm only shutting
it down for one day.

Okay, let's do it.

-You got 24 hours.

hey, kevin, that's it.

We're shutting down,
last bucket.

What? Is there something wrong
with the plant?

What's going on?

We got problems
in the cut.

I need everybody, I mean,
everybody, working in the cut.

You know, dave,
we have a goal,

And we can make it,
but we got to run the plant.

There's just
way too much mud,

If we don't move it now, we're
gonna deal with it for weeks.

We're shutting down
for 24 hours,

And it starts now,
so we need to get with it.

Turin: I got guys that disagree
with the decision I made.

Is it the right one?

Honestly, only time will tell.

Narrator: at mckinnon creek,
monster red is at a standstill.

The entire crew
is down in the cut.

we got everybody down here,

And we got
absolutely no gold coming in.

Narrator: dave turin has put
every man and machine to work

Removing a frozen channel
of black mud before it thaws

And wreaks havoc
in their super cut.

Turin: it's in our way,
so I got to get rid of it.

It could be a really long night
for these guys.

They're not real happy
with either andy or myself.

Oh, my word.

I don't want to be driving
a rock truck hauling overburden.

I want to be feeding
that wash plant.

I want that wash plant running.

That's where we
all make our fricking money.

Holy crap.

Dave, you copy?

Turin: yep, there's dave.
Go ahead, andy.

Hey, uh, why don't you and, uh,

Sterling come down here
and bring a pickup?

I just found something
that's pretty cool.

Holy smokes!

is that an ancient tree?

Spinks: it's a fricking tusk,
dude, a mammoth tusk.

-It smells.

-All right, go.


-Watch out.

-You all right?
-Damn, that thing is heavy.

-Here, pull it up on to gravel.
-Hold on.

Why don't we knock
some of the mud off of it?

-I know.
-Nice, andy.

That thing's amazing.

Spinks: imagine the animal
that carried that.

It took four of us
to lift it.

you know what they say?

Where there's a mammoth tusk,
there's good gold.

Did jack
tell you that?

All the old miners
say that.


When you start
finding mammoth tusk

And you can smell that stinky,
rotten smell,

You're gonna start
finding gold.

Let's get this sucker
loaded in the truck

And get out of here.

Turin: I'm excited,
there should be good gold,

But we got a lot of work
to do to get to it.

We got more pay dirt out here
than we thought we would,

Which is good.

Narrator: rick ness
and brennan ruautt

Are back
in the treasure island cut

Removing a new section
of thawed pay dirt

That parker discovered.

You want me to dig down
all the way up to this square

That we got cut out?
It's all paved through here.

Uh, everything
looks good so far.

Do you have a pan?

Narrator: parker inspects
freshly exposed bedrock

To determine if treasure island
still has gold.

The bedrock in this cut
is pretty weird, funky stuff,

And I'm pretty sure that
there's a lot of gold

Sinking down in it.

Bedrock is real hard to test

As far as panning
or anything like that goes.

You know,
it's just a bunch of rock,

But the gold sticks to it,

One, two.

Certainly gold in the bedrock.

Found a couple nice flakes,

And it's that, you know,

It was kind of on the edge
of where that flakey stuff

And that big fractured stuff is.

There's half-inch gaps
in the bedrock still,

At that depth.

Narrator: parker orders his crew
to dig deep, 4 more feet

Of treasure island gravel
and bedrock.

Hit a big frozen chunk.

It's completely
slowing me down here.

Not too sure
what we're gonna do now.


This isn't good.

That was hard as all hell
right there.

Like the rock, we just --
we couldn't get through it.

Barely got an inch
into that other one.

If it stays like this,

We'll be over here
another three weeks.

Hey, rick, what's with
the hump right there?

All the ground
between here and there,

Down where we're working,
is frozen.

I have no problem if you want
to have mitch come in here

And start ripping.

Is there a good point
on that thing?

Should be.

to get down to the good gold,

Parker brings in mechanic
mitch blaschke

To rip frozen gravel
in the d10.

Frozen sections of ground
that we're running into,

Down here in treasure island,

Are, uh,
froze up extremely tight.

Narrator: but it's risky.

The dozer's ripper tooth is only
designed to tear through mud.

Frozen gravel
could easily snap it off.

Blaschke: we don't have time to
let mother nature thaw it out.

So we're using some horsepower
to get this pay

Up to the wash plant.

This isn't the way
we normally like to do things,

Ripping gravel's expensive and
really hard on our machinery.

So hopefully we can get through
without breaking anything.

Parker: it's kind of a tough one
because that's risky,

But I'm pretty sure
that there's a lot of gold

Sinking down in it.

We're not here for mediocre.

We're here for greatness.

10:00 p.m. On the dredge.

That's where I wish
I was tonight -- arizona.

Narrator: jerry rhodes
is back onboard

For his second
consecutive night shift

In an attempt to get tony's
ancient gold-mining machine

To start paying for itself.

I signed up a year and a half
ago to take the dredge apart

And put it back together,
and I did that.

I don't mind operating it,

But I was promised, uh,
8-hour shifts, not 12,

So I have a really
piss-poor attitude.

Narrator: his partner on the
night shift is mike krisher,

Who rebuilt the dredge
with jerry last season.

Krisher: we tore this thing
apart, put it back together,

And, uh, you know,
it's got some issues and stuff,

And we've had problems with it.

Narrator: to make sure
everything runs smoothly,

Foreman gene cheeseman
is also onboard.

I've never asked somebody
to do something I won't do.

So, I mean, if there's a job
to be done, I'll do it.

I mean, you show up,
shut up and do what you're told.

Narrator: operating the dredge
in the pitch black

Is a risky business.

Rhodes: well, the bucket line
sure is dark, here.

We need a light
right up overhead...

So you can see
what's in the buckets, right.

Shining down
the bucket line, yes.

Well, we got a really good
excuse if something [bleep]

We couldn't see.

At 2:00 a.m., It's time
for jerry to move the dredge

On to new ground.

We have to let
the bucket line down.

Then the clutch
will raise the buckets.

Ah [bleep]

What was that?

Ah [bleep]

Shut her down!
Shut her down!

Ah [bleep]
what was that?

Ah [bleep]

Narrator: at 2:00 a.m., In
the middle of the night shift,

Jerry has jammed
the bucket line.

Shut her down!
Shut her down!

He raised the buckets,

But forgot to lift
the gangplank first.

Now the winch cable
that lifts the bucket line

Is stuck beneath the walkway.

Cheeseman: it won't go down
and it's still engaged.

Nothing's moving
at lightning speed here.

We got to pay [bleep] attention.

Hey, jerry, are you gonna
kick the winch out or what?

Narrator: jerry tries
to disengage the winch,

But the cable
is still straining

To lift
the 40-ton bucket ladder.

I'll go hit the drum.

I don't know
what it's gonna do,

And it's old rotten wire.

It'll coil up like a snake.

Gene attempts to disengage it

And release the tension
on the cable.

But if it snaps,
it could slice him in two.

Fixed it.

Like it or not,
that's how I do it.

See if
it will go down now.

It's moving.

I think he's got her going
here now, again.

Cheeseman: if you watch
what you're doing,

Watch what the winches
are doing.

If I wouldn't have went up there
and stopped him,

He would have [bleep]
two-blocked it

And broke the line.

Narrator: gene's crude fix
has averted disaster,

But not everyone
agrees with his methods.

Krisher: you aren't supposed to
have to hit stuff with a hammer.

That's not how this thing
was made.

But some people
just seem to be more interested

In running it 24 hours a day

Than fixing the things

That need to be fixed
so it can operate properly.

The main problem is gene's such
an expert on anything,

You can't talk to him
about anything,

Because he already knows
more about it than anyone else.

Narrator: 5:00 a.m., 9 Hours
into the night shift,

Jerry is fading fast.

Rhodes: well, I'm not real sure
why I'm even here right now,

Tell you the truth.

12 Hours isn't
what I was promised.

We were promised 8-hour shifts
as winchmen,

But that hasn't happened yet.

Narrator: by 8:00 a.m.,

The dredge has processed over
1,000 yards of pay dirt,

But the long night shift
has taken its toll.

I feel it catching up
with me now, so just tired now.

My time to go rest.

Rhodes: I was promised 8 hours,
so I think tomorrow,

It's 8 hours.

There's a lot more important
things in life

Than operating a dredge.

at mckinnon creek,

The hoffman crew removes
the last of the black muck

From what they've dubbed
the mammoth channel,

Before it thaws
and swamps their super cut.

Turin: you can see the mud.
It's just a muddy mess.

Had we not shut down,

We'd been driving in that
for a week or two.

Hopefully there's enough gold
under here

To make it all worthwhile.

We're just about to the end
of it.

It's gone really good.

Mud's not melting out
before we get rid of it.

So this was the right call.

This is the way to move the mud.

Yeah, I think we did.

We got -- we're in gravel,
so that's pay dirt.

You hit some gravel?

I think
we're through the mud.

All right, coming over.

We got it.
Look at that.

Our mud's gone.

That's what we need.

Right here,
look, big quartz.

This mud's been nothing
but a pain in the butt.

-We lost 24 hours of sluicing.
-I know.

This better be good enough
to make up the difference.

This was the right way
to do it,

And we found the tusk.

It all makes sense.

It's got to be right.

You better be right,

And those old miners
better be right.

This better be good pay.
Otherwise, I'm in trouble.

Screens coming on!

You say, "I'm good to go?"

Good to go.

Narrator: the hoffman crew
is back in business.

get this thing going again.

We've got some ground
to catch up, kev.

We lost 24 hours of sluicing.
It's hard to recover.

So now we're going
to have to work harder,

And we got to hope and pray

There's no break-downs
with the wash plant.

at the dredge camp,

Jerry and mike are refusing
to work another 12-hour shift.

Tony: mike...and jerry.


Well, first thing is it's
8-hour shifts, is that correct?

You said right on the end
of the dredge there.

-No, no, no, no.
-I mean, you had to.

Well, we don't --
we have...

Krisher: we do the majority
of the work.

We wore ourselves out
taking that dredge apart.

What have we not done
for you?

Yeah, we don't, uh...

-That's a fact.
-That's how it is.

It's been bugging him
and really...

We're the ones
that took it apart

And put it back together.

You and tony
wouldn't have a dredge

If it wasn't
for mike and i.

Rhodes: we really don't give
a [bleep] about tony

Or the dredge anymore, I don't.

Narrator: jerry and mike are
through working for tony beets.

They're about to head home
to arizona.

Rhodes: you know, mike
and I should have known better.

When you're dealing
with an ungrateful,

Greedy, ignorant man,

[Bleep] like this
is gonna happen.

We worked our ass off

For a project
that we were dedicated to,

And then to get [bleep]
on this season by him.

I mean, if anybody had the hours
on that dredge,

It was us guys,

And that wouldn't
have been put together

If it wasn't for us.

He doesn't need us now
and throw us away.

it don't set real good.

-I'm done with [bleep]
-we're done.

We're done.

Turin: well, it's nice
to be back hauling pay.

I think it
was the right decision.

We'll see when we run it
through the sluice box.

Narrator: since stopping to
clear out the mammoth channel,

The hoffman crew has run
an impressive 5,080 yards

Of pay dirt in a battle
to make up for lost time.

Turin: everything
going good this morning?

Yeah, everything
is, uh, fantastic.

No issues on our end.

Good job, kev.
All right.

Narrator: and after a week away
with his son, hudson,

Todd hoffman
is back on the claim.

See you, man.
Love you.

Love you too.

it was a good trip home.

Hudson and I got to spend
a little bit of time together,

But now
I got to get back to work.

So, how'd it go?
How'd it go this week?

Aw, we ran into
some road blocks.

-Last thing you said

When you left is,
"don't shut the plant down."

You had to shut
the plant down.

We got an old channel
of the river coming through.

I was here.
I saw the mud.

It had to be moved.

But here's
the other thing --

We found a mammoth tusk.

Is that good
or fricking bad?

Here's what
the old timer's say,

"Where's there
mammoth tusks,

There's gold."

That mammoth channel better

Have a lot more damn gold
than the regular stuff

'Cause we're gonna
need it now,

'Cause now we're coming
from behind.

Narrator: the crew hasn't run
the mammoth channel mud yet,

But they're ready
to pull the mats from five days

Of running super cut pay dirt.

Turin: this is a good cleanup.
This is gonna help.

This may redeem us
after shutting down.

I think
we're gonna be short.

You know what, kevin?
I'll bet you

There's over 200 ounces
in this cleanup.

I'll take your bet.

If we don't have 200 ounces
in this box,

You make me pancakes.

Listen, you're wearing
an apron.

You're gonna wear an apron
when you do it.

You're the one cooking,
it's over 200 ounces.


Narrator: their total for the
week will reveal how much gold

They lost shutting down
to clear the mammoth channel.

To hit their ambitious
2,700-ounce season goal,

They have to get at least 200
ounces each and every week.

Todd: well, it's a pile.

It's the moment of truth
right here.

Well, guys, we didn't quite
get what we hoped for.

You know, it's only...
-What does that mean, not quite?



Well, that's a little more
than not quite, dad.

That's 80 freaking ounces short.

-That's nothing to sneeze at.
-Not at all.

Todd: I think we might have just
screwed ourselves, guys.

Turin: we had
to make a decision.

I know the shutdown
cost us a lot of sluicing time.

This is not good.

Narrator: a third of the way
through their season,

The hoffman crew has little over
a quarter of the gold they need.

743 Ounces,
worth just over $800,000.

You know what?
We lost this battle.

We're not out of it, though.

I still believe there's good
gold in that mammoth channel.

We're not out.

Narrator: parker schnabel has
run another 15,000 yards

Of treasure island pay dirt,

And he's come to weigh
his week's gold

With claim owner, tony beets.

They'll soon find out

If his extension to treasure
island has delivered.

Parker: hey, tony.
How are you?

It's the first time
tony and parker

Have weighed gold together
since their heated claim dispute

At the start of the season.

Well, we got some gold
from treasure island.

Should we weigh
this stuff up?

283.2. Geez.

That's a hell
of a week there.

Thanks for the suggestion
about making sure

We get everything out of it,
'cause we ended up

Getting a lot more pay
of out it than we thought.

Because just -- not only did
we find more ground,

But we're taking a lot
of bedrock.

A little under
once you get your cut.

All right.
So I owe you 42.48.

This is the second week
in a row

Parker has produced
over 250 ounces.

His gold total
now sits at over 700 ounces,

Worth nearly $800,000.

He's only 30 ounces
behind the hoffman crew.

All right,
well, thank you, tony.

You too.

Making money now,

And things with tony
seem pretty good, you know?

It's kind of back to the old,

Well, for the time being,
the old, fun-loving,

Both-making-money times.

So we're making money, boy.

Narrator: parker and tony
have finally buried the hatchet.

And they're reaping the rewards.

On the next "gold rush"...

Cheeseman: they're not getting
scrubbed clean enough.

I don't have any curl.

Tony: any gold
in the thing or what?

That's it?

I need that mammoth channel
to have fricking gold in it.

That mud
will not go through.

-I think the sky's the limit.

What a [bleep] mess.

our whole cut just flooded.

parker doesn't like to lose,

So we're really throwing
everything we got at this cut.

Parker: I hate the thought
of getting beat by todd.
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