03x10 - Thanksgiving in Hawaii: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sister, Sister". Aired: September 6, 1995 – May 23, 1999.*
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Starring Tia and Tamera Mowry as identical twin sisters separated at birth who are reunited as teenagers.
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03x10 - Thanksgiving in Hawaii: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

We're going to Hawaii!

Well... aloha then.

- Tamera and Tia:
- Last time on sister sister.

- Tamera, you told Roger
- we were going to Hawaii, right?

- -Yeah. I had Tia call him.
- -Oh, good.

- Tia, you told Roger
- we were leaving for Hawaii?

Oh yeah, mom told him.


- Ma, you told Roger
- we were going to Hawaii, right?

- -Ray called him.
- -Good.

Say, ray, you told Roger

you were coming with us

to Hawaii, right?

Yeah, it's all taken care of.

I think something

is terribly wrong.

- Where did you get that
- piece of sacred lava?

You've disturbed

the evil spirits.

That's mukka mukka taboo!

If you don't put that rock back

exactly where you found it

you'll have unlimited bad luck.

Oh, don't believe that hooey.

Is this the li'i li'i..?





Gosh. This is pretty weird.

Mom's ex-boyfriend

- and your dad's ex-girlfriend
- showing up?

We're not in Hawaii.

We're in the middle

of Melrose place.

Let them fight it out.

We got to start having that fun

our friends at home

are jealous about us having.

- Okay. So what are we
- going to do?

Easy. Get up early,

go to the beach

and cruise around

with Barney and Baldwin.

- What are you doing here,
- smitty?

They're out of town,

so I'm bedding down

in the backyard.

You're welcome to stay with me.

Just for the day,

then I'm moving on.

Hey, it's Thanksgiving.

If Mr. Campbell were here

he'd say, "my door

is always open."


Hey, art, Howard, come on in!

Hey, Krystal.

Hi, Tiffany.

You righteous babes surf?

No but we can learn.

You righteous babes ready?

Yeah, sure.

- We're the righteous babes
- he's talking to.

Yeah. We're ready.

Willing and able.

All right!

Let's go.

They totally shined us on.

We simply have to get them

to pay attention to us.


- You know, tamera,
- this is really stupid...

Pretending we're stranded

so some guys

can come rescue us?

Tamera, are you crazy?!

How will we get back?

- When Barney and Baldwin
- save us.


♪ Talk about

a two-way twister ♪

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

♪ never knew how

much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let you go! ♪

♪ Never knew

how much I missed ya ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let you go ♪

Well, we've passed

the three-hour Mark.

Having a good

Thanksgiving, Tia?

- Except for the fact
- that I'm starving

And we only have...

Three m&Ms left.

Three m&Ms?

Tia, nobody can eat

just three m&Ms.

You got to gobble down

the whole bag.

I'm sorry. It's all I have.


- There's an "m" and a half
- for you

And an "m" and a half for me.


Tamera, it might help

if you eat them slowly.

- Just imagine that
- it's a really great meal.


- Tia, you know
- what I'm imagining?

A great, big, juicy

double rocket burger...

Loaded with the works.


Oh, and some skinny fries.


Shut up!

You know it's silly for us

to fight and carry on

like we have been.

After all, we're friends.

- Yeah! We're stuck here
- together.

- So, we might as well
- make the best of it.

You're right.

Ray, you always make

so much sense.

Why is it he's the only one

making all the sense?

- She didn't mean anything
- by it, Terrence.

Oh, talk about your tag teams.

- Will you get it
- through your head

- There's nothing going on
- between Tonya and me.

It's over, in fact,

I came here

to forget about her.

- I can vouch for that.
- Now, the man was a wreck.

You were, ray?

I'm so sorry.

Oh, it's okay.

These things happen.

Hey, hey, hey!


The man is hurting.

- Terrence wouldn't
- understand that.

When I broke up with him

- he went out
- and got two other chicks.

Not one, but two! Two!

All right, all right.

That was true, Lisa, but...

I was devastated, you know?

I was just trying

to hide my pain.


Oh, Terrence.

I get it!

You're trying to make me

feel sorry for ray

so you can flirt with Terrence.

Will you get a grip!

You are one paranoid woman.

Now, that's kind

of harsh, Lisa.

Thank you, ray.

You're so tender.

- Oh, ray, are you trying
- to show me up?

- Because I can be
- tender, too, you know.

Here we go again.

Why is it every time

I start talking

you say, "here we go again"?

Oh, here we go again.

We're back to square one.

- Look, let's not get along,
- okay?

But let's try and make this

a pleasant time for the girls.

Especially to Tia.

You know how important

this is to her

let me go wake them up.

That's a good idea.

- I'll take them down
- to the beach

- Teach them how to sail
- or something.

Oh, they're gone!

Your incessant arguing

has chased them off.

How do you know it was that?

They left a note...

- "your incessant arguing
- has chased us off."

See? You see what

you guys have done.

What do you mean, "you guys"?

Here we go again.

- Here we go again
- with the "here we go again."

Look, hold it, let's go

find the girls and apologize

- and, Lisa, get rid
- of that rock.

Ooh, later for that rock.

What's the matter?

My life passed before my eyes.

- Wait a minute,
- that was your life.

I never flunked a class

or had an idea

as dumb as this one.

This could be worse.

How? Name one thing

that can be worse

than being stranded

in the pacific ocean

with having nothing

to eat or drink.

- I could be home having
- Thanksgiving dinner with Roger.

Okay, you're right.

That's worse.

No, I was wrong.

This is even worse than Roger.

Get away.

Hey, good morning, sleepyhead

and happy Thanksgiving.

Wow, smitty,

what are you doing?

Earning my keep, young bones

by cooking up

this sumptuous repast.

- Hey, I thought we were going
- to have sumptuous Turkey.

"Repast" means meal, you clod.

Wow, the closest

I thought I'd come

to a Thanksgiving dinner

was some Turkey jerky.

Kick back and relax,


It'll be a while.

- Okay. Hey... The twilight zone
- marathon is on.

Before you go in there,

things ain't as bad

as it looks.

Did you guys break something?

- 'Cause if you did,
- I'm going to be in big trouble.


Where's the TV?

Hey, where's everything?

Look at it this way, kid.

At least nothing's broken.

Man, this is terrible.

This was Mr. Campbell's stuff.

- And I'm missing
- the twilight zone marathon.

- The thing is, when we woke up,
- everything was gone.

We didn't hear a thing.

They must have been

some very quiet burglars.

And thoughtful.

- They must have lifted me
- off the couch

While I was sleeping

and put me on the floor.

- Maybe it was one
- of those space alien jobs.

- Will you shut up
- and take your medication?

- Should I call the police
- or the air force?

You better think through

calling the authorities,

short stuff.

- I mean, how will you explain
- your presence here?

Staying here in this house

all by yourself

while the owner's on vacation?

More importantly and how will

you explain our presence here?

Yeah, what will

I tell Mr. Campbell?

- For all I know,
- that furniture was hair looms.

- We'll scour the neighborhood
- and look for it.

- First, we got a Turkey to
- baste.

Wow, who needs to watch

the twilight zone?

I'm in it.

Tia, remember last spring

when we bought

those identical pair

of doc marten boots

- and your left one
- had a hole in it?

Well... I switched

mine with yours.

You did?


And remember that day

you were absent from school?

You won the student

of the year award

and I accepted it.

Well, then, where's my trophy?

I traded it in

for a combo plate

at senor taco.

Tamera, how could you?

It came with a little,

musical sombrero.

Oh, one more thing.

Tommy roseboro

asked me to ask you

if you can go with him

to the reindeer rave

with him next month.

Well, I talked him

into asking me.

- Well, seeing as how
- we may not make it

To the reindeer rave,

I guess I can't be too mad.

Oh, thanks, sis.

Now it's your turn.

- I don't have anything
- to confess.

Nothing at all?


Well, I guess I'll continue.

Remember your hamster Leslie?

I don't see them.

They probably ran away.

I wouldn't blame them.

I blame myself.

- If it makes you feel better,
- I blame yourself too.

I was just being polite.

Guys, let's just find them.

Why don't we split up.

Yeah, Tonya and I

will go this way.

- I'll meet you back here
- in 15 minutes.

There, right there!

- Look, have you seen
- a couple of twin girls?

- Uh, maybe, what'd
- they look like?

Well... like each other.

Oh, you probably mean

Tia and tamera.

- Yeah, they're really cool
- and friendly.

What do you mean, friendly?

Well, they waved to us

from their boat.

They rented a boat?

Can you describe it?

Uh, yeah, it was awesome.

Could you be more specific?

It was totally awesome.

Listen, beevis,

if you don't give me

some answers right now

I'll shake that tan off you.

- We waved back till
- we couldn't see them anymore.

- They must be some
- pretty awesome sailor chicks.

Maybe they were stranded

and waving for help.

Oh, it's possible, bro.

Waving 'cause

you're about to die

and waving to say hello

kind of look similar

from a distance.

We got to rent a boat

and find them.

Ray, can you sail?

Can I sail!

We better get a motorboat.

- Tamera, we can't seem
- to get closer to shore.

I mean, the current

keeps pulling us back.

- We're going to have
- to swim for it.

Are you crazy?

In shark-infested waters

hundreds of feet deep?


It's only two feet deep.

Maybe we should walk for it.

Oh, we made it.

We made it.

- I have no idea
- where we made it to

But we made it.

I'd kiss the ground

if people didn't walk on it

with their dirty feet.

Oh, gosh.

So, Tommy roseboro

was going to ask me

- to the dance,
- but you stole him.

Now, now, Tia,

that confession was made

in the heat of dying.

- It's no fair throwing it
- in a person's face

- If they have
- the bad luck to survive.

All right, but you owe me

a left doc marten

a hamster and a combo plate

- and I want
- that musical sombrero.

Not yet.

- There's still a chance
- we could starve to death.

That's not funny.


Oh, nothing for miles.

This is crazy.

How far could they have gone?

This is a pretty big ocean...

64,000 square miles.

Thank you, ferdinand Magellan.

Hey, look, there's their boat!

How do you know?

Gus only has two boats.

This is Gus one,

and that's Gus two.

See, it says it on the side.

Oh, my god, it's their boat.

- Don't panic.
- They probably swam to shore.

- Look, let's head
- for this shore.

- Let me get it started.
- I got to pull it.

Stand back. Ready?

- Lisa, did you put
- that rock back?



Hey, where is everybody?

Maybe they went to lie

on the beach and argue.

- No, they're probably
- frantically looking for us.

- Maybe we should go
- and try to find them.

- Sooner or later
- they'll give us up for dead

And come back here.

- We better do something
- to chill them out.

- When they find we're alive,
- they'll be wiggin'.

Man, if only we were dead,

we'd be home free.

Hey, I got it.

- Let's cook up
- a Thanksgiving dinner.

- I mean, there's got
- to be some stuff here to fix.

Will you give up on that?

I'm exhausted.

- Why don't we just go to
- a restaurant or something?

Oh, there you two are, huh?

So, Gus, where are our parents?

- They're out in a boat
- looking for you.

Oh, they're going to be mad.

- I could go out
- and flag them down.

The ocean can be a mean

mistress if she wants to be.

- Well, don't
- just stand there, Tia.

- Find something edible
- and stuff it.

All right.

- Hey, look,
- there's some people on shore.

Maybe they can help us.

Maybe it's Tia and tamera.

Excuse me, guys.

Not now, Gus.


Hey, what are you doing here?

I thought you might

like a pu-pu platter.

How are you floating like that?

Well, the native Hawaiians

have a saying

for this particular phenomenon.

It's elua kapua'i

wale no ka hohonu ke Kai.

What does that mean?

- That means the water's
- only two feet deep here.

Two feet deep!

I guess you didn't know that.

A mainlander mistake.

- We've got to save
- our poor little girls.

Don't worry.

They're safe back at the condo.

What?! We've got to strangle

our poor little girls.

I guess you're pretty upset

about all this stuff

being missing, huh, kid?

Yeah, probably ruins

your Thanksgiving.

Well, now you know

how all the have-nots live.

Why do you two dimwits

want to taunt the boy?

It's okay, smitty.

I can take it.

I know what they mean.

With all the stuff

being missing

it doesn't ruin Thanksgiving.

It doesn't?

- No, but when Mr. Campbell
- finds out

- It's going to ruin
- his Christmas and new year's.

- I guess
- I'm really in big trouble.

Tough break, kid.

- Yeah. So what if Mr. Campbell's
- going to strangle me?

- At least I've got a roof
- over my head and a family.

My family gets on my nerves,

but at least I've got one.

Yeah, and at least for today,

we've got a family too.

- You know, before you guys
- got here

I expected to be all alone

but I've got you guys with me.

- This is a really great
- Thanksgiving.

In fact...

Don't say it, kid.

- This is about the best
- Thanksgiving ever.

Doggone it!

- I knew you were
- going to say that.

- I knew he was going
- to say that.


He talked me into it.

No, it was both of our ideas.

No, you had the idea first.

I just went along with it.

Why don't we skip to the end?

We stole the stuff.

- You mean,
- it wasn't space aliens?

You really believed that?

Yeah, I guess you're right.

Why would life-forms

of superior intelligence

want a TV?

I'm embarrassed.

The boy graciously opens up

another man's house to us

and this is how you treat him?

- Can you idiots
- get this stuff back?

Yeah, it's parked on a stolen

truck down the street

unless somebody stole it.

If you guys bring it back

we could pretend

this never happened.

- I'd take the boy up
- on that offer.

Right away.

You know, this really

is the best Thanksgiving ever.

This looks wonderful.

- You know, tamera,
- this is gonna be

A really nice traditional

Thanksgiving dinner.

Even if the main dish

isn't a big Turkey

but a stack of spam?

Hey, it's the spirit

that counts.

It better.

Our babies!

Oh, thank god you're safe.

You're a sight for sore eyes.

Yeah, let's eat.

Ooh, look at this

beautiful meal.

We should be mad with you

but I want a drumstick.

Good luck.

- Let's forget everything
- that happened.

It's Thanksgiving.

Yes. Saved

by a national holiday.

Come on, Tonya, Terrence.

There's cheese-nips

and coconut syrup

for everybody.

Ooh, cheese-nips.

- What, you didn't have enough
- of those pu-pus?

Well, you guys just have

a mellikahana Thanksgiving.

That means a nice one.

- And I'll just go out
- into the driving rain.

Gus, don't go. Join us.

Well, thank you very much.

It's been years since

I've had a mainland


with my family back

at Perth amboy.

- Gus, as our guest
- would you mind

- Slicing the first piece
- of spam?

Oh, I wonder...

Am I worthy of such an honor?

- Not really, but slice it, Gus.
- We're starving.

- You know, in spite
- of everything that's happened

- This is just the kind
- of Thanksgiving

I've been dreaming of

- surrounded by family
- and friends.

Oh, and a condo manager.

- Yeah, and who said that stupid
- rock was bad luck anyway?

Lisa, I'm sorry I made

such a big deal

about that dumb rock.

Don't worry about it.

- After all, it was
- just a silly superstition.


Oh, oh.

- The first thing I'm going to do - is put
that stanky rock - Right back where I found it.

- No, the first thing
- you're going to do

Is turn the rental car

right side up.


Well, I got up this morning

and I put that rock back

exactly where I found it.

Good. Things should go

smoothly from now on.

Well, guys, I guess

this is the big aloha, huh?

Thanks for everything, Gus.

- If you're ever in Detroit,
- feel free to look us up.

- Oh, ray, I hope that's
- not an empty gesture, you see

Because I usually

spend my vacations

just down the road there

in Cincinnati.

Oh, ray, thank you.

Hoo! What an adventure.

I think we have enough stories

- to keep our friends entertained
- till at least springtime.

It will be good getting home.

- The sooner I get off
- this plane the better.

- Lisa, you're not still afraid
- of flying, huh?

Exactly how many flights

did you guys go on?

What difference does that make?

It makes a lot of difference.



- Are you trying
- to start something?

- -Here we go again.
- -Here we go again.

Hey, buddy, look what

I'm bringing back

to the missus from Hawaii...

A real authentic lava rock.

Hey, guys, how was your trip?

Roger, don't tell me...

You've been staying here

all by yourself?


Oh, Roger, honey,

we're so sorry.

- Nothing better be missing
- from my room.

Don't worry. Everything's fine.

It was real quiet.

Well, here's the last

of it, kid.

Well, I better get going.

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