02x06 - Lovestruck

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gold Rush". Aired: December 3, 2010 –present.*
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Reality based series follows the placer gold mining efforts of various family-run mining companies, mostly in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada, as well as in the U.S. state of Alaska.
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02x06 - Lovestruck

Post by bunniefuu »

seven down-on-their-luck miners

Have ventured
to the edge of the arctic circle

To find gold
in the frozen north.

Let's team up again
and really hit it hard, 100%.

In tough times,

They are risking everything
on an unknown claim.

What's to say
that this mine is gonna pay?

They've drilled test holes
and are on the gold.

We'll do a lot better
than what we did last year.

Narrator: now the hoffman crew
finally gets down to pay dirt.

finally, we're there.


But getting the gold
out of the frozen ground

Is pushing machines...

A lot of them are plugged.

Narrator: ...and men
to their breaking point.

You guys can get that [bleep]
out of your mind right now.

This ain't a love story.
It's a fricking gold mine.

down at porcupine creek,

Rival miner "dakota" fred

Fights to keep his head
above water.

Oh, lord. It's bad.

and at big nugget mine,

16-Year-old parker schnabel
must move mountains...

We're gonna do it.
We're gonna do it!

Narrator: ...to stay ahead
of the competition.

This is the american dream.
This is what it is.

at the quartz creek gold claim

Up in the klondike...

The hoffman crew
finally has a breakthrough.

It is their
second season mining,

And this one is make-or-break.

Turin: tell you what --

I'm just getting sick
of this black mud.

I'm having a good day because
I'm seeing the last of it

Get out of our pit right here.

Narrator: 60 days into the short
150-day gold-mining season,

They are finally
hitting pay dirt.

Yeah, I'm excited.

Well, I see white quartz.

This should be
where the gold is.


Good news, you guys.

We hit gravel.
Let's get a --


Finally, we're there.

Welcome to the klondike.

since they arrived,

The hoffman crew

Has battled
the brutal landscape...

Holy cow.

Narrator: ...ripping through
8 feet of frozen earth...

That is
a big freaking chunk of ice.

...fighting back a sea of mud

To get down
to gold-bearing gravel.

Now it's finally time
to get to the gold.

I want a huge pile
of pay dirt here,

So dave's bringing it out.

So, this is
the first bucket

Of gold-bearing gravel
right here.

This is it?
Here we go.

One step closer.

So, we'll reach over
and grab it. Boom.

Process it.

for the first time

Since their failed
rookie mining season,

The hoffman crew is ready to run
pay dirt through the wash plant.

But they've not had the chance
to test their complex machine.

You know what?

There's a lot of moving parts,
but they're all gonna work.

It's gonna work good.

There are
two main components --

A shaker and hydraulic riffles.

First, the pay dirt drops
into the shaker.

The dirt and rocks
immediately get washed.

Anything over two inches
is discarded.

Gold-bearing material

Is washed down
into the hydraulic riffles.

Here, 1,500 gallons of water
a minute

Are pumped through
2,400 tiny nozzles

Onto a series of metal ridges.

Because gold is
19 times heavier than water,

It finally settles in the ridges

While the remaining dirt
is flushed out

Of the wash plant.

The riffle sluices
are a finely tuned system.

Getting gold --
and a lot of it --

Depends on the hoffmans
getting them just right.

this an old shaker.

You don't really know
until you get into it

And start running it
how many issues you really have.

Pretty close to
getting this thing going here.

Are you ready?

[ Machinery clanging ]

Jack, can you turn
the shaker on?

Let's try everything.

[ Engine turns over ]

First time
we've had everything running.

It's just purring.

We're ready to go.

Narrator: finally it's time

To put the hydraulic riffles
to the test.

Chris! Hoo!

[ Engine turns over ]

Look at the hole.
Look up.

Look at these
hydraulic riffles.

Lot of them are plugged.

Man: yep.
Right here, underneath.

Hardly any of them
are open.

The crew quickly determines

That the water they're pumping
in from their feed pond

Is full of dirt,

And it's clogging up
the nozzles.

The roots got in there and
filled up the tube with roots,

So this will be an ongoing issue
until it's all gone.

I mean, doesn't take much
to plug an 1/8-inch hole.

You know, I'm afraid they've got
so much crap in them,

They're gonna
keep plugging up.

You'd have to do this
all day long.

todd, you seen enough?

The real problem with
those hydraulic riffles --

They've got such small holes
that they keep plugging up.

So we got to have
a really good filter system

In order to make those work.

I don't know
how we're gonna do that.

Narrator: without first
filtering the water

From their holding pond,

The hoffman crew
won't be able to run dirt.

Well, we basically need a filter
on the front end, james.

I mean,
you're gonna have to

Fricking either make this
from scratch --

I don't even know.

The crew is now 61 days behind,

And their mining season
is slowly slipping away.

The only thing between them
and the gold now

Is a basic water filter.

Well, I'll try to
figure something out.

James has got to come up with
something else --

One more thing.

Sure he can come through
and try to save our bacon.

their fate rests in the hands

Of mechanic james harness.

600 Miles to the south

At the hoffmans' old claim
in porcupine creek...

...mining has ground to a halt.

Fred has left the claim,

Leaving son dustin
with a list of chores.

he said, "find gold."

[ Laughs ]

He wrote, "find gold," on here.

[ Laughs ]

What in the hell's that?

in the last few weeks,

Dakota fred's had
one setback after another.

First, his 270 excavator
broke down.

Dustin: nothing.

We are out of operation.

and then disaster struck

In his hometown of minot,
north dakota.

Fred: our house
is gonna go underwater.

Narrator: fred was forced
to abandon his dreams of gold

To head home
and assess the damage.

You just wonder
how much a guy can take.

minot, north dakota,

Has seen its worst flooding
in 40 years.

Over 4,000 homes
have been destroyed.

I guess we'll see
what we're gonna see.

fred is about to find out

If his is one of them.

Fred: wow.
Look at the little cabin.

Got up and floated away.

Used to be
out there somewhere.

Wow. Look at the water
coming over the road!

This water was 5 feet higher
than it is right now.


This is one of
the neighbors' loaders here,

And it went underwater.

There's my little house.

Holy cow.
Look at the water.

Wow. What a mess.
What a mess.

Oh, lord. It's bad.

Oh, lord.

That's gonna be tough.

Narrator: coming up...

So, just keep her
out of it.

Dude, it's not just me.

a new love derails harness

When todd needs him most.

I'm like a fat batman,

And he's like
a broken-down robin.

Narrator: for dakota fred,
the bad news keeps coming.

the house is destroyed.

Narrator: and as parker schnabel
pushes for more gold...


Narrator: ...his inexperience
starts to show.

[Bleep] me!

Narrator: at the big nugget mine
in southeast alaska,

16-Year-old parker schnabel

Already has over 10 ounces
of gold worth $16,000

This season.

But he has run out of pay dirt.

Let's go for an adventure.

Narrator: he's on the hunt
for virgin ground --

Ground that he hopes
has never seen a shovel.

For the last three years,

Big nugget has struggled
to break even.

Parker must find another
65 ounces of gold worth $100,000

In just 89 days.

If he fails,

The mine that his beloved
grandpa has worked

For the last 25 years
could go bust.

it's about making money.

That's what matters.

Come on!

last week, he blew $10,000

Excavating under
an old bucket lift...

How deep are these things?

...and found just $500 in gold.

Parker: I mean,
nobody likes to lose money.

It sucks.

Narrator: out of options,

Parker surveys one of the last
remaining areas of the claim

That could be untouched.

See, my way of thinking is

That if this hasn't been,
like, stripped and dug up,

Then there would be big trees.

So, up there a little ways,

You start to get into some
pretty nice-sized spruce trees.

So, I'm hoping
that if we get up in there

That it will just be like,
"oh, gold."

Narrator: the virgin land
is known as smith creek,

But there's one snag --

It's halfway up
a small mountain.

Thousands of years ago,
a creek ran through this land.

Parker believes
that gold deposits

Were washed down
from the mountains,

Settling on the riverbed.

Over time,
the creek shifted course,

Cutting a new path
through the hillside,

Leaving smith creek
high and dry.

filled in smith creek,

Locking in any gold
that it contained.

Parker's plan is to build a road
up to the virgin ground

So that he can transport
pay dirt down to the wash plant.

to supply the plant,

I have to bring
about 15 loads every day.

And if we're getting dirt
from up here,

It'll have to be
down this hill every day.

15 Loads.

You know, so that's 30 trips --
15 up, 15 down.

Narrator: parker's decision
is a big gamble

And a lot of work.

On a hunch, he will spend
6 days and $8,000

To find out if there's gold
on top of smith creek hill.

I could be down in vegas,

Putting it on 27 red
or whatever,

But instead, I'm...

Putting it on smith creek.

Narrator: to increase
his chance of success,

He calls in his father
and brother.

My dad's a road builder,

And we're trying to
build a road, so...

Who you gonna call?

Narrator: roger schnabel
has been building roads

For 40 years.

The mission today, really,
is to get up to the top.

Into that gut.

And eventually, you want a road
up there, right?


Roger: oh, I don't know
what his 20-year plan is,

But he wants to get access
up there, that's all I'll do.

parker and older brother payson

Struggle to keep up
with their dad.

my dad's just kind of a --

Always full-speed-ahead
kind of guy,

And I like that
because when he's up here,

We get a lot done.

I want him to do his thing,
you know?

That's why he's up here.
It's because he's the best.

He's the best at what he does.

Narrator: dakota fred

Has left behind his mine
in porcupine creek

For his hometown
of minot, north dakota.

He is surveying the devastating
flood damage for the first time.

Holy cow.

Look at the countertop.

Narrator: the water reached
20 feet in this area.

See, the refrigerator
just floated.

See what, uh...


Look at the mud in here.

All this was underwater.

fred has almost nothing left.

His only hope now
is to find gold in porcupine.

This might even be something
that kind of really spurs me on

To go back up to porcupine
and give it my 110%.

Narrator: 2,000 miles northwest
at big nugget mine,

It's full steam ahead
for the schnabels.


You know, I just want to get
as much done as I can today.

If we get on top, great.

If not, you know, I've got
a big challenge next week.

Narrator: it's day 61
of the 150-day mining season.

Every day
parker's not finding gold,

He's burning fuel.

He needs to make money,
not spend it.

I set that deadline
for next friday

To run dirt out of here.

it's a tough target.

First, the schnabels
must carve out a path

Up a 70-foot cliff wall,

Then move 2,000 tones of dirt

To build a 50% grade road
up to virgin ground.

His dad and brother

Can only afford to dedicate
one day to road-building.

Oh, my grandpa's here!
Now we've got the a-team.

I'm ready to do
whatever they want me to do.

[ Laughs ]

Narrator: john schnabel
has been working this mine

For over 25 years.

He's now 91 years old,
but that has never stopped him.

Now three generations work
to build the road

That could save
their big nugget mine.

Holy [bleep]

We're close to the top.

We're gonna do it.
We're gonna do it!

See why I've got
my dad up here?

He kicks ass.

Narrator: up at the quartz creek
claim in the klondike,

The hoffman crew
is over a third of their way

Through their second season,

And they haven't even
started mining.

Dump it.

They have no hope
of striking gold

Until mechanic james harness

Builds a water-filtration system
for the wash plant.

the filter, if I make it right,

Should be able to never plug up.

It'll never have to be serviced,

And it should be like
it's not even there.

they need the filter right away.

The hoffmans are burning through
$1,000 a day,

Stockpiling the gravel
they hope holds gold.

I can hear the thing going,
"ka-ching, ka-ching," you know?

Money is going out,

And we don't have
anything coming in yet.

Narrator: the crew has faith
that harness will come through.

He's very essential
to the operation,

And that's why he was picked
to be part of the team.

It's because he's got skills
that not many people have.

Not many people have a good
mechanic in this whole area.

I think
the whole crew's ready to go.

I think you'll see
in a day or two,

We're gonna be collecting gold.

Some people think
that the american dream is

A two-story house
with a white picket fence

And two new cars
out in the driveway.

And I'd give that up
any day of the week.

This is the american dream.
This is what it is.

Narrator: their dreams rest
on one man's shoulders.

But without explanation,

All work on the filter
has come to a screeching halt.

Harness' new girlfriend
has arrived from oregon.

How you doing?

Hey, I'm todd.

Hi. How are you?

How you doing?
This is catherine.

Nice to meet you.
This is catherine?

Narrator: mechanic and romantic
james harness

Has been married and divorced
four times.

I have to say that

Even if I don't find gold
in the ground,

I found gold with her.

So many minerals around here,
it's amazing.

Not as pretty as
a big gold nugget, but...

[ Laughs ]

What the heck?
Look at james.

He's, like, teaching his
girlfriend how to pan right now.

What the heck?

He's supposed to be welding
on that thing.

It's the harness
rutting season again.

Doumitt: I have not met
harness' lady yet.

No, I have not.

I've been
what they call working.

[ Laughs ]

Hey, chris, tell him
a little more welding,

A little less panning.

[ Laughs ]

Hate to tell you this, boss,
but you tell him.

Narrator: without any progress
on the filter,

Harness heads into town
with his lady

For a couple of days of r&r.

It's my job to make sure
they keep running.

I accepted it,
so I'll follow it through.

It doesn't mean I can't have fun
in the meantime.

It's hard because I see him.

He's, like --
he looks like a kid.

He's, like, happy in love.

And it's like he doesn't get

That we're, like,
all freaking out,

Ready to run fricking gold.

Narrator: the hoffman crew
now has 88 days left to mine.

If they can't get back on track,

They will again return
to the lower 48

With nothing to show
for their efforts.

This ain't a love story.
It's a fricking gold mine.

at big nugget mine,

Parker and three generations
of schnabel men

Have built a steep road

Up to what parker believes
is virgin ground.

To mine smith creek hill,

He has to first pave the steep,
narrow road with rock.

He will do it with his
six-wheeled dump truck -- alone.

Parker: today is gonna be
a pretty uncomfortable day,

Just because that hill's steep

And I don't really like
being up there.

You know, you got a 25-ton truck

With 20 tons of dirt
in the back of it.

If I lose my brakes or if
something happens on that hill,

Just straight into the river.

That's about it.

Narrator: it's a challenge

For someone fresh out
of 11th grade.

Yeah, I'm nervous,

But nervous is a good thing,
I think,

Especially when you're doing
this kind of thing.

parker risks his equipment...

And his life.

He could come off of that hill.

He'd be going 50 miles an hour
by the time he hit the bottom.

He bounces his head up
against the ceiling,

The truck flies into the air,
into that river,

Crumples up into a pile of junk.

[ Seat belt clicks ]

Narrator: if the truck stalls
and the brakes don't hold,

It will careen
into the freezing creek below.

Come on.

he wants to make sure

That he's not racing down
that hill to death.

Narrator: at the big nugget mine
in southeast alaska,

16-Year-old parker schnabel

Hauls 45 tons
of truck and gravel

Up a steep 50% gradient.

To stabilize the road

Up to the virgin ground
on smith creek hill,

He has to get rock onto
the steepest sections.

That's at full throttle.

Narrator: parker just makes it
to the summit.



One down, probably 20 to go.

Narrator: up at quartz creek
in the klondike,

The parts for
the filtration system

Are waiting for missing mechanic
james harness,

Along with an impatient crew.

Kind of missing one of our guys,

And he's kind of
the head engineer/builder.

The guy's exceptional
when he's here,

But he's been missing
the last couple days, so...

I don't know where he's at now,
maybe in town.

So, I'm not sure.

all the hoffman crew can do

Is to continue stockpiling dirt.

To break even this season,

They have to find a minimum
of 70 ounces of gold

Worth $110,000.

The klondike mining season
is 150 days.

They only have 87 left.

We're gonna be waiting
on that filter.

And there it sits.

Doumitt: disappointing thing
about the filter is

It's not getting worked on,

And that's the last thing
that's stopping us.

I want it now.

[ Chuckles ]
I want that gold now.

I've already said enough.

We'll deal with it later
when we get james here.

james finally arrives.

Jack: yeah.

Hey, todd.

You want me, james, I'll be over
here when you're ready.


[ Chuckling ]
he brought his girlfriend.

That's cool, but, um, I was
hoping for a couple filters.

So, how's it going?

Standstill, pretty much.

We cannot run
without this filter,

And I just --

I am hurt
'cause I feel like

You should have
just busted your ass

And just get us going.

I didn't?

I've been here
for a solid two weeks

Without going anywhere.

I have devoted all my time
to this project,

And it almost hurts me
for you to say anything.

Dude, it's not just me.
It's not just me.

The rest of the guys
are feeling the same way.

Right now,
I just don't think

You're 100% in this thing
this year,

And I don't know
if it's the pain

Or if it's your girlfriend
or what --

If you want to talk about

She's been very patient,

So you guys can get that [bleep]
out of your mind right now.

Okay, well, I've never said
anything negative

About that lady.

She's a great lady.
So, just keep her out of it.

This is between you and me
and this machine right here

That I don't want
to come between us.

Dude, neither do i.

Dude, I'm your fan.

Dude, I'm --
I'm a james harness fan.

Out of this whole group,

One guy's come through for you
over and over and over again,

And that's me.

I am not letting you down.

You can turn that around

Going the other way, too.

When have I ever told you
anything that wasn't true

Or didn't turn out to be
a good thing?

That's what I'm wondering.
I feel like it's now.

I feel like right now, you and I
are fricking worlds apart.

We're just worlds apart
right now,

And I don't like being
worlds apart from james harness

'Cause I'm
a james harness fan.

I always have been.

how we gonna fix this?

What I'm trying to do is
get a commitment out of you,

And I want to know
that you and me are good

And that
we're back on track.

We're good, man.
We never were bad.

I wouldn't put this
between us.

Okay. But I need this thing

All right.
We'll talk in a bit.

[ Todd sighs ]

Me and this guy together,
you know,

I dream up crap,
and he can fricking make it.

I'm like a fat batman,

And he's like
a broken-down robin.

So, I don't want that team
to ever end.

only harness can restore hope

Within the hoffman crew.

Everybody's had kind of
a frustrating couple days

Trying to make this work.

I promised the guys
that I'd make this happen,

And I would hate to
let them down at this point.

Narrator: down at big nugget
mine in alaska,

Parker has finished
his steep road.

In just five days,
he's cleared a path

To what he hopes is
virgin ground full of gold.

yeah, I'm pretty happy, really.

Like, that's a long ways down
to that road.

And we built a hell of a road.

John: it's a big moment
for parker and me, as well.

I'm overjoyed
that he was able to do it.

Narrator: parker shows off
his new road to his grandpa.

Hup. There we go.

I'm nervous
with you in here.

Oh, no.

With nowhere to turn around
at the summit,

Parker takes the truck up

Going up.

I'm with you.

[ Both laugh ]

Oh, my.

I am simply amazed.


25 Tons of truck
sinks into the soft dirt.

If the ground
continues to give way,

The truck could roll
with parker and john in it.

What happened?

Oh [bleep]


Oh [bleep]

at the big nugget mine,

Parker has driven
his 25-ton dump truck

Into a ditch near the top
of the smith creek hill.

I'm pretty lucky.

If he tries to move the machine,

It could slip further
into the hole,

Flipping $35,000 worth of truck.

Yeah, another two feet,
and we're in trouble.

We're not out of the water yet.

parker has a plan.

He will put his 330 excavator
to good use.

I'm gonna fill the ditch
full of dirt

And keep packing it down
as good as I can.

With enough earth
under the front wheel,

The dump truck just may be able
to drive back down the hill.

[ Crashes ]

But parker gets the 330's cab
stuck on the back of the truck.

Parker: come on.

Come on!

[Bleep] me!

Narrator: he manages to get
the cab free of the truck.

Parker: thank god.

You get one piece of equipment
all screwed up,

And then you're like,
"oh, it's nothing.

I'll do it all myself.
I'm gonna get it out myself."

And then you bust the cab up
on your excavator.

Jesus, that was close.

Narrator: grandpa john schnabel
takes charge of the situation.

I strongly urge you to hook onto
the back end with a cable.

Pull it out backwards.

Put this around,
and we'll hook it back

To the other end
of the truck.

There you go.
That's the right way.

91-Year-old john schnabel

Gets in the driver's seat
of the 330

To pull his grandson
out of the ditch.

[ Engine revs ]

John: stop.

[ Laughs ]

All right.

I'm gonna go home.

Go to sleep. Sorry.

Oh, I'm happy
we got it out of there.

he is out of trouble,

But he's wasted a day
and over $1,000.

I'm gonna go clean up that mess

And go put a band-aid
on my pride.

Narrator: dakota fred is
on the road back in alaska.

He's ready once again to mine.

His house back in north dakota
is a total loss.

All his possessions are ruined.

The only thing left
is the gold mine.

Nothing we're gonna be able
to do about the house.

What we could salvage out of it,
we've salvaged.

But I'm coming back up here.

I want to do better
than just break even.

I'm gonna try to get
this operation going

With a vengeance.

but fred can't mine

Until he fixes
his broken excavator.

He's brought with him
the parts he needs.

A week ago,
mining came to a halt

When the starter motor
on the 270 excavator failed.

Hey, we in serious trouble here
with this thing.

Fred and dustin waste no time

Getting the new starter

There it goes,
right there.


All right.

All right. Do it.

[ Ignition clicks ]

[ Ignition clicks ]

The starter
doesn't even turn over.

I have no idea
what the deal is.


Out of options
right this minute.


I tell you what.

Let's try one last thing...
What's that?

...before we call it quits.

dustin comes with a plan

To bypass the electrical system.

He connects the battery
right to the starter motor.

Let's see what we can do.

Your thing.
You do the honors.

I don't think
it's gonna work.

All right.
Give it a try.

All right.
I'm gonna fire it up.

[ Engine turns over ]


There you go.

Got it running!

[ Whooping ]

Fred: what the hell?
Don't turn it off.

Boy, that put a smile
on my face.

[ Laughs ]

Good job, man.
All right.

All right.

Let me get this thing
out of here now.


Step back and let's go.

after a week at a standstill,

Porcupine creek
is back in business.

Dustin: whoo!

[ Laughs ]

Narrator: with 84 days
of the mining season left,

Fred is still confident
he can make porcupine creek pay

And beat the hoffmans
in the race for gold.

Probably only gonna get

About 10 times as much
as they get, so...

[ Laughs ]

[ Engine turns over ]

back up at quartz creek,

James harness is finally
attacking the filtration system.

For nearly a week,

It's the only thing between
the hoffmans and the gold.

It's a big job.

The holes for those pipes
need to be cut out.

Everything needs to be welded
in place.

The screen
needs to be cut to size.

Couple days' work, really.

Narrator: harness' plan

Is to pump the dirty water
from the feed pond

Into the bottom
of a large steel tube.

As the water rises,
it's forced through a screen

That should stop any mud large
enough to block the riffles

From entering the system.

The clean water is then
forced out from the top

And into the wash plant.

With the crew losing $1,000
a day in operating costs,

Harness has to work nonstop
to finish the filter.

Jack: he's gonna be working hard
on it all night,

So, you know, by --
in the morning time,

He's gonna be one exhausted,
you know, jose.

Narrator: he has to make
over 58 feet of welds

On his knees in a pipe

Where temperatures approach
100 degrees.

Last season, harness battled
debilitating back pain.

My legs are shot.

Narrator: radical surgery
during the off-season

Gave him a new lease on life.

Now he risks undoing it all.

when I do this kind of stuff,

My body swells up,
and then it starts to cramp,

And it hurts like hell.

I can't do this normally,

So I'm fighting
every second of it.

It's just what I have to do.

It's that or go home.
I'm not going home.

by 3:00 a.m., He's a broken man.

My body's starting to shut down
'cause it hurts so bad.

I got to...call it quits
for now.

Narrator: if harness
can't finish the filter,

The hoffman crew
will be left high and dry.

Narrator: at the big nugget mine
in southeast alaska,

16-Year-old parker schnabel
is once again close to mining.

He spent over $8,000
and 6 days

To get his new road built.

The deadline
was to run dirt today.

So if I could get
three or four loads out,

That would be nice.

Going up.

parker backs the dump truck up

To pick up his first load
of pay dirt.

But there's no gravel
on the final stretch.

And again,
the dump truck struggles.

Come on.

[ Engine revs ]

Damn it.

I don't think
I'm gonna be able to make it.

Ah, it's just wet.

I failed.

Spent a lot of money,
burned a lot of fuel.

Not running the plant much.

It's tough.

it's clear that parker

Will have to spend
more time and more money

To lay gravel all the way
to the top of the hill.

Got to surface the road.

That sucks.

six days, $8,000,

And no gold to show for it --

At quartz creek,
the hoffman crew wakes up

To find james harness'
nearly complete water filter.

Until it's finished,

The hoffmans
won't be able to run dirt

Through their wash plant.

He's got something cut here.
What do you think these are?

Where's his drawing?

Got a little sketch in here,
but this wasn't on his drawing.

There's no sign of harness.

James has got special
circumstances right now.

He's in a lot of pain
and things like that.

He's sore.

He's probably gonna be out
for a couple days

'Cause he's getting
to that point.

after only four hours of sleep,

James emerges.

Oh, my back's so swelled up.
Swollen up,

It feels like a bunch of knives
stuck in there

And just left to rot.

he fights off the pain,

Determined to finish the job.

we're gonna pitch in

And try to get it done
and try to help.

That's all we can do.

He's working hard on it,
and he's sticking with it.

He's got the screen,
put the seal on there,

And we're getting ready now
to throw the endplate on.

And I probably should
go help him.

the hoffman crew's mining season

Depends on harness' filter.

It's done.
So am i.

Thanks for the help, man.

All right, brother.
Take care.

I got to go rest
for a while.

Go get horizontal.

This thing
looks sweet, man.

It looks like it could take off
like a rocket.

James came through on this.
He really did.

the hoffmans have lost a week

Trying to build
a filtration system.

They're finally ready
to install it

And fire up their wash plant.

Real excited about running.

if the water filter works,

They can finally run dirt

And get the first gold
of their season.

We're about ready
to light a fire here, buddy.

if the water runs through

Every nozzle at full power,

Harness' filter is working.

Look at that.

That's enough to make it happen,
right there.


It's been a long journey just to
get to this one fricking point.

We've been waiting for this
since the day we got here.

after 66 trying days,

The hoffman crew
is finally mining.

They can now run their pay dirt
through a working wash plant.

when we run this dirt,

I'll guarantee you
there's gonna be gold in it.

We're ready to rock.
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