01x03 - Slumber Party

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sister, Sister". Aired: September 6, 1995 – May 23, 1999.*
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Starring Tia and Tamera Mowry as identical twin sisters separated at birth who are reunited as teenagers.
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01x03 - Slumber Party

Post by bunniefuu »

Okay... I just got off

the phone with Sarah,

and she said that Jamie said

- that Debbie said that Barbara
- said that Katy is coming.

Really? Sarah told me

- that Jamie said
- that Brenda said

- That Barbara said
- that Katy won't come

If we invite vickie.

Who's vickie?

- You know, she's the real
- popular cheerleader

With all the boyfriends.

Oh, yeah.

We hate her.

See, we're planning

a slumber party.

It's very complicated.

- But, it's gonna
- be great.

Beyond great.


Oh, I even made

up a schedule.

A schedule? She's a real

thrill-seeker, isn't she?

Okay, 8:00 to 10:00,

we watch videos.

10:00 to 11:30, we do

each other's hair...

- Tia, we don't need
- a schedule.

- This is a
- slumber party.

So, what're we gonna do?

- You know, stay up
- all night,

- Talk about boys, listen to
- music, talk about boys,

Eat pizza till we hurl

and talk about boys.

Now that's a

good schedule.

♪ Talk about a

two-way twister ♪

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

♪ never knew

how much I missed you ♪

What are you doing, anyway?

I'm teen-proofing the house.

Oh, that's good, ray.

- That's like putting
- away the China

- Before the manson
- family comes.

Hey, we got the best

stuff for the party.

Chips, dips, candy and soda.

Oh, the four major food groups.

- You got enough food
- for everybody?

Feels like it.

- Thanks for carrying our stuff
- back from the store.

Oh, I'm happy to do it,

and, as a reward, you can invite

me to your slumber party.

Roger, you'd be

the only boy there.

And that's a bad thing?

Roger, no boys allowed.

It's not fair.

Little ray is a guy,

and he gets to go.

He's been fixed.

I don't wanna go that bad.

- I'll take you girls
- to the video store

- As soon as I put the plastic
- covers over the furniture.

Not the plastic covers.

Well, I think it's necessary.

I think you're my grandmother.

Uh, dad, Lisa, um, Tia

and I were talking...

- Well, is there any way you
- guys could go out tonight

And come back, like,

uh... Tuesday?

Yeah, we're old enough

- to be left here alone
- with our friends.

- Well, you don't have
- to worry about me.

I will be out with my

Dr. Hank tonight.

Ooh, you got another

date with him?

Mm-hmm. This doctor

gives me the fever.

Excuse me, uh, this guy's

a chiropractor.

- Are you supposed
- to call him a doctor?

Oh, yeah. Especially if

you're dating him. Ha-hah.

What about you, dad?

Are you going out tonight?

Uh, I don't think so.

- Oh, don't worry.
- You can hang out

- With me tonight,
- Mr. Campbell.

- We can go
- cruising for honeys.

You've been having

a dry spell lately.

No, thanks, Roger.

Uh, and I'll have you know

- I'm doing fine
- in the "honey" department.


- Oh, come on, dad.
- Go out tonight.

We want you to enjoy

your declining years.

Okay, I tell you what.

- If you behave, prove
- that you can be trusted,

- Next time, you can stay
- here by yourselves.

Great! We can have the really

good party next week.

I'm available.

- Oh, ray, why don't you call up a
- lady friend and join us?

Dr. Hank is taking me

salsa dancing tonight,

and I feel spicy.

- And you're giving
- me heartburn.

- I just think i'm
- gonna just stay home.

- Oh, come on, ray.
- Show the girls

- You have some
- faith in 'em.

But I don't. They're 14.

- That's too young
- to be left alone.

But 14 is a lot older

nowadays than it was for us.

I vant to drink your blood!

- I'll bet you
- weren't doing that

Until you were at least 20.



Oh, you sound terrible,

baby. What's wrong?

Oh, no. The flu?

Well, gotta be careful

whose back you crack.

Oh, no, of course.

You should stay home tonight.

Uh-huh... hey, you want me

- to come over
- and bring my vaporizer?

We could get nice and steamy.

No? Oh, yeah, yeah.

No, no, no, no, no,

you're right, you're right.

You should stay home

and get your rest. Uh-huh.

Oh, no, don't worry about me.

No, no, I am not disappointed.

Well, maybe just a


And then the psycho splits

open the guy's head,

sucks out all his brains,

- and says it tastes
- just like chicken!


- I guess you guys don't wanna
- get the little mermaid, huh?


- I just love the
- singing clam.

Party poopers.

Lisa, I'm sorry your

date got cancelled.

Ah, that's okay.

- Yeah, well, we'll have fun
- tonight with the girls.

Mmm. you watch the girls.

I'm gonna rent

she's gotta have it...

'Cause I'm not getting it.

Remember the vickie

we didn't invite?

I think that's her.

She's coming over here.

- Don't say anything
- about the party.

I'm not stupid.

Hi, vickie.

Oh, hi.

Do you wanna come to our

slumber party tonight?

You know, I'd love to, but i'm

having my own party tonight.


Could you believe her?

She's having a party and

didn't even invite us.

It's so rude.

I just love these

old musicals.

Fred Astaire, gene Kelly...

- How come they don't make
- more movies like that?

- 'Cause those were the last two
- white guys who could dance.

Tell ya what they should do.

- They should get somebody
- like Gregory hines...

Hey. What's

Hank doing here?

That's Hank?

He's sick, he's

supposed to be in bed.

I think he's headed

in that direction.

I can't believe this.

He lied to me.

Sorry, Lisa.

I gotta get outta here.

- Hey, don't, don't be
- embarrassed by it.

Embarrassed? I'm worried

- I might insert a cassette
- where it doesn't belong.




Why, you, you know, uh, I,

I thought I would come down

- and rent myself a
- video...

- But I'm still pretty
- sick, you know.

Yeah. I saw your nurse.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

I, I can explain. She's...

- Oh, what's
- to explain?

I think we all know

what's going on here.

- Now, Lisa, y-you
- have to understand.

Oh, there you

are, sweetheart.


- Um...
- We're in luck.

I found our favorite

video for tonight.

Beauty and the beast?

Yeah, and tonight

I'll be the beast.

Oh! Honey!

You're so frisky!

Ah, this is ray.

He always arranges

the coziest evenings.

I swear, the boy has

a one-track mind.

Well, you sure hooked

up with somebody fast.

Well, if the truth be known,

ray has always been

my first choice.

You were just Robin.

This here is Batman.

Oh, Karen, hi.

- Hello.
- Uh, this is Lisa.

Karen. Have you two

known each other long?

Um... just a couple of weeks.

Oh, then he hasn't

introduced you to Marilyn?


- Huh, that's the woman
- living inside of him.

- Well, ready,
- honeybunch?

- Anytime,
- caped crusader.

- Nice meeting you, Hank.
- Yeah.

Karen. Marilyn.

(Aretha Franklin's

("respect" playing)

- Hey, you guys,
- that was great!

Yeah, we're hot.

This is great pizza.

I don't know. I think

it's missing something.



- Okay, okay.
- Debbie, your turn.

Truth or dare?

Truth. No, dare.

O-Okay, truth.

- Okay, okay, okay,
- I'll take a dare.

All right, your dare

is to go next door

to Mrs. Labonte's

and borrow her bra.

Not a problem.

Not a problem.

- Okay, okay, now,
- this is serious.


Who is the cutest

boy in tenth grade?

- Jeff Russell!
- Jeff Russell!

Nobody is cuter than Adam.

But I'll bet Adam's not as

good a kisser as Jeff.

You kissed

Jeff Russell?

And he lived?

Sarah, what's wrong?

I miss Adam.

Miss him? You'll

see him tomorrow.

No. My parents won't let me see

him at all anymore.

What happened?

- My parents think Adam's a hood,
- but they're wrong.

- I mean, he just caught spray
- painting some wall.

What was he writing?

"Adam loves Sarah."


That's the most romantic

thing I ever heard.

Parents mess

up everything.

Yup, it's their job.

- There must be
- something we can do.

There's nothing. It's hopeless.

What're you wearing?

It's Mrs. Labonte's... bra!

It's huge!

It's huge!

I could fit my

butt in there!

- Hey, you guys, let's tie it to
- a pole and make a hammock.

- You guys, can we keep it down?
- My dad will freak.

Don't show him this.

Sarah, are you okay?

Love stinks.

Love stinks.

No, it doesn't.

- See, she's really
- a rich heiress,

- But he loves her
- even though he thinks

She's only a waitress.

- In real life, ray.
- I'm talking about real life.

My life.

Oh, that.

Lisa, I'm sorry about

what happened.

That, that wasn't me.

Uh, the plastic covers.

I thought he liked me.

He did.

But he lied like

a dog, that pig.

Is he a dog or a pig?


He's a man.

Sometimes a man likes a woman

so much that he gets scared.

You know, fear of intimacy.

- Oh, he wasn't
- afraid of that.



Lisa, you'll

meet someone.

- There are a lot of
- good men out there.

- Oh, yeah?
- Name one.

The pope.

Well, he is a nice,

church-going man.

Just be patient.

Love'll find you.

Did you ever wonder

- that there's only one person
- in the whole wide world

You could be happy with?

- Well, I don't know
- about all that.

I mean, there are what,

- five and a half billion
- people on this earth?

I think there's a good chance

you'll, you'll meet somebody.

Well, let's talk numbers.

- 20 percent of those men
- are too young.

20 percent are too old.

Six percent are jailbirds,

- and five percent
- are wearing feathers.

Then you deduct your

miscellaneous cheaters,

beaters and bottom feeders.

That leaves what, one guy?

Yeah, the pope.

Thanks for listening, ray.

That's what

Batman's for.

You know, my side of

the couch don't do that.

Uh-oh, Freddy's

chasing the girl.


- Will you stop that?
- You're so immature.

Somebody's coming.

- I can feel it!
- Ah!

Cut it out!

Wait a minute.

- Did ya hear that?
- Will you stop it?

No, I'm serious.

- Somebody's trying
- to break in.

Shut up.

- Oh, my god, there's
- somebody at the window!

And he's carrying a head!



I knew you were here.

I just had to see you.

Oh, man,

we're in trouble.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

I hate to interrupt here.


- It's great you're
- together, but...

But you gotta go.

Oh, right.

- Look, I don't want to get
- you guys into any trouble.

- I just couldn't
- take it anymore.

I had to see you.

I know, but we

gotta say good-bye.

They're really in love.

Who cares?

- We've got our own lives
- to think about.

But look at them.

- We're going to get k*lled.
- My dad's...

Oh, look at 'em.

It's like a movie.

Listen, you guys...

I guess it's okay Adam stays.


- Yeah, I'll figure
- something out.

Look, I owe you guys big.

- You guys are so cool
- to do this.

- Yeah, we're cool.
- That's us.

- You know, I think you should
- stand up to your parents

- And say, "hey, we're not
- afraid of you."

Can I come in?

Oh, my gosh, it's my mom.


Not you!

I panicked.

Quick, get under the bed.

Can you come back

a little later?

- I just want
- to say hi.

- What's the matter?
- You got a boy in here?

Oh, I'm sorry to barge in.

- I just wanted to know
- if you girls needed anything.

- No, mom, we're fine!
- Oh, good,

Then I won't have to

run back downstairs.


Somebody here

is very optimistic.

So, what're you guys doing?


Talking about boys, huh?

Oh, you girls are at such

a wonderful age.

Everything is so fresh and new,

and soon you'll meet

that one wonderful boy

- who'll just sweep you
- off your feet.

You'll be so happy.

You'll walk around

smiling to yourself

- 'til one day you walk into
- that video store

- And see him kissing and hugging
- on another woman,

- And your heart'll shatter
- into a million pieces,

And you'll scream out,

"oh, I'm 33 years old,

I'm gonna die alone!"

- Oh, of course, that wouldn't
- happen to any of us.

Um, mom...

- I think we could use
- a little more popcorn.

Would you mind making us some?

Oh, sure, I'll pop ya...

Hmm, whose helmet is this?

Oh, it's mine.

Ooh, biker chick.

Aren't you too young

to drive a motorcycle?

No, I don't drive.

I brought it in case there was

a really vicious pillow fight.

I think somebody already

got to your head, baby.

The lights went out!

Oh, come on now, just calm down.

Hey, somebody leave?

No, mom, it was just

the lightning.

Okay, relax.

- The storm just
- knocked out our power.

I'll get a flashlight.

Come on, I want everybody,

just calm down.


Flea bag, I hate you.

- I'm going to get
- some candles.

- Debbie, get back
- in the bedroom.

- I don't want you
- wandering around here.


Hmm, she's a big girl.

Get a grip, ray.

Hi, I'm Debbie.

No, get off my feet!

Take it easy.

Take it easy.


I love slumber parties.

Who is this?

The lights are back on.

- Hey, hey, don't
- change the subject.

Who is this?

Uh, one of our flat-

chested girlfriends?

What is a boy doing

at your slumber party?

- I'm sorry, ma'am.
- I just...

Don't you even talk to me.

And I knew you weren't Debbie.

I want to know

who he belongs to.

And I want to know now.

- Get the cattle
- prod, ray.

Okay, since nobody knows who

he is, he must be an intruder.

- So I'll just have to call
- the police.




- I can't believe
- you did this.

I'm sorry, Mrs. Landry.

Mom, it's not

all her fault.

Don't tell me.

Yeah, don't tell her.

We let him stay.

What were you girls

thinking about?

This is a slumber party

for girls only.

No boys allowed.

Okay, I'm going.


What are you doing here?

Well, when the lights went out,

- I was afraid you girls
- were in trouble.

So I came over to protect you.

In the closet?

There's danger everywhere.

- But I can see
- that you're safe now,

So I'll just be going.

Anybody want to walk me home?

Mrs. Labonte is outside

looking for her bra...

and it's not pretty.

How could you do this?

We had to.

- Their parents wouldn't
- let them see each other.

So what made you

think we would?

Uh, because of something,

uh, Lisa said.

What did Lisa say?

Yeah, what did Lisa say?

You know, how you have to

meet that one perfect guy,

- and you have to
- hold onto him

Or you'll wind up 33,

all alone and miserable.

She told you

she was 33?

Poetic license, ray.

And I said it after

the sneak snuck in.

I'm sorry, mom.

- We were just trying
- to help Sarah.

Yeah, they're in love.

- You girls are 14 years old.
- What do you know about love?

Look, I know how I feel.

- Adam's the only guy in the whole
- entire world for me.

I-I can't

- just make
- those feelings go away.

- Yeah, but I can
- make him go away.

Ray, ray, ray, let me speak to

you just for a second.

Don't move.

Look, you could at least

just give 'em a moment alone

to say good night.

Need I remind you, we are

the adults, they are the kids?

Yeah, but love is

just as serious at 14

as it is at... 33.

You think I was never young,

I was never so in love

- that I climbed through
- a girl's window in the rain?


Okay, maybe I didn't.

But I thought about it.

Why don't you

think about this?

- There's so little love
- in the world,

- Who are we to just
- go stomping it out?

Okay, you got one minute.

But I want you to work

this out with your parents.

- You've got to know that they
- have your interests in mind.

- You got to know that they have a
- lot of years experience at this.

You gotta know...


Hey, it's 3:00

in the morning. Let's crash.

Yeah, good night, Tia.

Good night, tamera.

Good night, Sarah.

Good night, Jamie.

Good night, Brenda.

Good night, Katy.

Good night, Debbie.

Good night, girls.

Roger, get out of here!
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