1160 - December 4, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1160 - December 4, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[tense flute music]

NARRATOR:Night over Collinwood in

and though the family does not realize it,

the great house is in a state of siege.

For Gerard, under the spell of the warlock Judah Zachary,

is succeeding in his plan to destroy Quentin Collins.

Quentin is in jail,

arrested for the m*rder of his wife's brother.

Daniel has disinherited Quentin and according to Gerard,

has changed his will in favor of his other son Gabriel.

But then second thoughts make Daniel start

to change the will again and that news brings

a desperate Gabriel to his father's sickroom.

I Daniel Collins, being of sound

mind and body, do hereby-[door rattles]

How dare you enter this room without knocking.

So it is true, you are revising the will.

Leave this room at once.

Oh no father, I'm not taking any

more orders from you or anyone else

and I'm not gonna let you ruin my life.

Now give me that pen and paper.

DANIEL: Stay away from me.

You are a sick and senile old man.

Senile am I?

That's where you are wrong you ungrateful wretch.

Ungrateful retch?

And what do I have to be ungrateful to you for?

You tell me that.

I've watched you, I've watched you all my life

being in Quentin's shadow and watching you

giving Quentin everything while I got nothing.

Well that's all over with now father because

you've revised your will once and once is enough for me.

When I'm through with you,

you'll have nothing because you are nothing.

Yes I love Quentin and do you know why?

Because he's times the man you are.

You've done nothing but bathe in self-pity

ever since you settled in that wheelchair.

You did it to make others feel sorry

for you so that you could have your own way.

Do you know what Quentin would have done

if he had had the accident instead of you?

He would've fought and gone on fighting

until the day he rose up and walked.

That is why he's had my love and my admiration.

Why you've never had it and never will have it.

You're nothing but a weakling and a coward.

That's enough!

[tense violin, trumpet tones]

I don't believe it.

You're right father, I can walk.

I've been able to walk for years.

DANIEL: You're even worse than I thought.

I've been able to walk for years and for years

I've been waiting to get back at Quentin.


you did it, you--

Yes father, I k*lled Randall and now Quentin is going

to pay for it and you're not going to write that will again.

Not now.

No, no!

[anxious violin, trumpet music]

[waves crashing, eerie tones]

GABRIEL: Father, father?


you walk.

Father don't tell anyone please, don't tell anyone.


Oh God die, go on die.

You've nothing to live for you wretch!




How long have you been standing there?

Gabriel, what's the matter?

Father's had an att*ck, he's still alive.

- Get Julia. - You get her.

SAMANTHA: You can't move him.

He mustn't be moved, get Julia, I'll stay with him, go on.

[tense violin music]

I Daniel Collins, being of sound mind do hereby

reinstate my original will which leaves all my

properties, estates, monies to my beloved son,


Desmond, may I talk to you for a moment?

Have you gone to see Quentin today in jail?


It hurts me terribly to see him down there.

If he'd asked me to help him escape, I believe I would try.

Desmond we've, we've always had our differences.

- Yes and still have. - Must we?

I know you're going to represent Quentin at the trial.

If there's anything I can do--

Yes, you can start by telling me who was

trying to get rid of Quentin Collins and why, Gerard.

You seem very friendly with Trask.

No, not at all.

He's around this house a lot

and it's not to see me or mother.

But I still can't believe that Trask, mad as he is,

is obsessed enough to put voodoo dolls in Quentin's

laboratory or to k*ll Mordecai Grimes' herd.

- No, there's someone else. - But who?

Someone who hates him much more, who indeed?

You don't think me, do you?

Doesn't matter what I think,

it matters only what I can prove.

You always, always take your personal

hatred towards me, don't you Desmond?

But I am Quentin's best friend.

I've told you that, I want to help him.

Now I believe that he doesn't have

a chance for an acquittal in that trial.

Well I'm afraid I disagree with you.

The m*rder as far as the evidence

goes is all circumstantial.

But they have a motive, Quentin said that he...

that he was going to stop Randall from

getting to the police, he told Gabriel that.

Oh but that could just be that he was

trying to talk sense couldn't it, to Randall?

No, as far as I'm concerned Quentin will

be completely cleared of the m*rder charge

and I hope that relieves your mind, Gerard

since Quentin is your closest friend.

NARRATOR:But the charge against

Quentin Collins will not be m*rder.


m*rder is only the first step.

Gabriel, there's no need for you to stay.

I'm not leaving.

Julia said it was possible that he might come to again.

If he does I'm going to be here with him.

You always upset him Gabriel.

You don't want to k*ll him, do you?

- How dare you say that. - Quiet.

DANIEL: Ga...Gabriel.

Get out, he wants to be alone with me, get out!


a life of lies.



[dramatic trumpet tones]



What is it Father Collins, what are you trying to say?

Gabriel can...



I'll get Julia again.

There's no need.

He's dead.

We'll never know what he was going to say.

SAMANTHA: He's gone.

And everything is going to be very different now.

Now leave me alone with my father, Samantha.

No Gabriel.

Samantha, I think you'd better get used to my orders.

Now get out of here and leave me alone with my father.

I uh...

I never could explain while you were alive, father.

You never cared for me much

even as a boy.

You always said be like Quentin.

"You gotta get out and lead men someday.

"You've got to play games and win and win."

And I played games father,

I played until Quentin stopped them forever.

You see I made him stop them, do you know why?

So that you'd have to take care of me.

I made you take care of me father,

I did.

Oh God, I did.

[anxious piano tones]

Gabriel, Samantha just told me.

I thought someone dead would look peaceful.

What are you doing?

Burning what was to be.

It's a will Edith, father's will.

He wrote it over again and left everything to Quentin

and there it goes Edith, there goes Quentin's fortune Edith.

What did you do to Daniel, Gabriel?

I was merely here with him just as a loving son should be.

EDITH: You made him have that att*ck, didn't you?

Don't you ever say that.

EDITH: I know you.

No I don't think you do, Edith.

I don't think you know me at all 'cause I don't know myself.

I, I'm the new Gabriel Collins.

I'm the new Master of Collinwood

and I'm now the Master of you, Edith

and you do everything I tell you without questioning it

because with the money, comes the power.

Now go to Rose Cottage and tell

the family that Daniel is gone.

You can send one of the servants.

Yes I can Edith but I choose to send you.

Now do as I tell you, get out, go to Rose Cottage.

It's just the beginning of the new order Edith,

it's just the beginning.

[anxious flute music]

Uncle Daniel is dead?

When, who was there?

What difference does it make?

EDITH: My husband was there.

Does Quentin know?

No, they sent for Lamar Trask, that's all I know.

I've got to tell Quentin immediately,

then I'll come back to Collinwood.

I'll come along with you.

No that won't be necessary at all, thank you.

So, Gabriel was with Daniel huh?

That's very interesting. Why?

It just is.

EDITH: Gabriel feels he's getting

all of the money, every bit of it.

Well doesn't that make you happy, Edith?

No, now he'll have something to hold over me.

Poor old Edith.

You don't mean that, you're as bad as Gabriel only worse.

You keep promising me some way out of this.

Perhaps it's now time to keep my promise.

Look into my eyes, Edith.

Look into my eyes.

I have powers, Edith

and you will have them too if

you will follow my Master.

Will you follow, Edith?

Will you follow?

[anxious high pitched tone]

Will you follow Edith,

follow me as I follow my own Master?

Will you follow?

EDITH: You don't serve anyone but yourself.

You're wrong there, I have powers Edith.

This hand,

it is hot as fire and if you touch it,

it will burn you.

EDITH: You're crazy.

Am I?

Touch it.


You see?

Now Edith...

Touch it again.

You must.

Why, your hand is cold.

But why did it burn me before?

To show you that there are certain mysteries

pertaining to life and death, certain mysteries

that will make a difference of your life and living.

Teach me them.

You really want to know what they are, Edith?

You must start and there is no turning back.

You will never be able to leave our little group.

EDITH: There are others?

You will never be alone again, Edith.

Oh, if only I could believe that.

You will.

You frighten me a little.

You have a right to be frightened.

If I say a few more words and you run out of this room,

well then...

you are my enemy and I am not kind to my enemies.

I will not be an enemy.

Oh, teach me the mysteries.

You must listen to me

and repeat every single word I say.

Devil help me.

Say it Edith.

Devil help me.

Devil help me.

My body and soul I give to thee.

My body and soul I give to thee.

- For in return-- - For in return--

I ask to be granted the secret powers from

the darkest pits of Hell.

For in return I will be given

the secret powers from the deepest pits of Hell.

You will accept me

as I accept my Master.

I tell you, I have never seen Quentin so upset.

GABRIEL: With good reason, Desmond.

He kept saying over and over,

"If only I had been with my father,

"if only I could've made it up with him.

"Why did he have to die thinking me a warlock?"

Quentin should've thought of that before.

Before what Samantha?

Before someone decided to plant the evidence in his room?

I'm shocked that you could

even suggest that Quentin is guilty.

You've always defended Quentin.

You would've been better off if you had too.

The two of you stop it, this is not the night

for such talk even if it is typical Collins behavior.

No I'm sure that Quentin's remorse is quite genuine.

After all it isn't every day

that one loses a fortune, is it?

You talk as if you've already read the will.

I can't believe that Father Collins--

I don't imagine you can, Samantha.

If he changed the will when Quentin was sent to jail,

I'm sure it was in favor of Tad.

Perhaps we should read it right now.

Gabriel, your father's body is barely in the grave.

The will will not be read until

after the funeral, as is customary.

We are not a customary family

and Samantha, could you bear waiting three whole days?

The question is better put to you, isn't it Gabriel?

I know, I know what the will says.

SAMANTHA: How can you know?

Because I have ways and means.

Now Desmond I think you should go get the will.

It is in father's safe.

As his attorney, you are

the only one who knows the combination.

I will not.

Desmond you're a lawyer, you're not God.

We don't have to follow the rules, we can make our own.

Now go get the will.

Yes get it, there won't be any peace until he finds out.

Please Desmond.

I shall be kind to you, Samantha.

SAMANTHA: Oh really?

Just as kind as you were to me

when you controlled the family fortune

or when father was locked in the tower room

and when Quentin was lost at sea.

Don't worry Samantha, I'll give you and Tad a room

and perhaps a small allowance.


very, very small.

[tense violin tone]

Edith, why didn't you return from Rose Cottage with Desmond?

I did not care to.

Oh, you prefer to stay with Gerard Stiles.

Yes, I was with him and I don't

care whether you prefer it or not.

Well that's not surprising although

I think you have seen the last of Mr. Stiles.

Now go to your room.

I will not.

I've come to offer my condolences.

As I said before Edith,

get out of here and go to your room.

How nice of you to drop by, Gerard.

Would you mind pushing me in the other room?

Of course.

[anxious flute music]

Thank you.

Oh do you know what, we are going to read the will today.

We decided not to wait.

I see, well I do hope that you'll remember

me afterwards, that I was a little help to you anyway.

I should receive some reward, Gabriel.

Oh my friend you shall and what

do you think a just reward would be?

Well I'll leave that up to your judgement

but you mustn't forget how delighted you were that I did

help you in writing the will.

Friend, I was more than delighted.

Frankly you saved my life.

Well I'll appreciate whatever you do.

Well then I will tell you.

As soon as the will is read,

I want you out of this house and never to come back

and if you do return, I will have you thrown off

the property and if you come back again I will

have you arrested because I have the power to do that.

Do you understand, Gerard?

Gabriel, I would like--

How dare you keep coming to this house.

He is my very special guest, Samantha.

I want Gerard to share in my moment of glory.

I will not stay in the same room with you.

This is none of your business,

you have no concern of yours.

I'm afraid it is, Samantha.

You see I was there to witness the will.

You witnessed the will?

Do you know what's in it?

GERARD: I'm afraid I didn't see him writing it

although he did suggest a few things.

You put them in his mind.

Desmond, did you bring the will?

Have you read it?

No, the envelope is still sealed.

Does that man have to stay here?

I have told you Samantha, Gerard is my very special guest.

It is unusual, this whole procedure is.

Gabriel I beg you to reconsider, this is not the time--

We will not argue this again!

Samantha, please sit down, make yourself comfortable.


Let the learned attorney start to read.

Yes, do.

I Daniel Collins, being of sound mind and body,

do hereby on this day make out my last will

and testament superseding any other earlier.

For I am troubled of spirit and am desirous

of ending the struggle that has so occupied

me since the arrest of my son.

I do hereby decree that this will be accepted

as final and may it bring peace to my troubled family.

Get on with it, who gets it?

Oh my God.

[dramatic trumpet tones]

[eerie tones]
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