1153 - November 25, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1153 - November 25, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie orchestral music]

NARRATOR:The great house at Collinwood in the year ,

an era of terror for all who go by the name of Collins.

Two men have been carrying out a secret plot

against Quentin Collins to brand him

guilty of practicing witchcraft.

On this night, Desmond, Quentin's best friend,

is mysteriously dying, and Lamar Trask has found

in Quentin's private laboratory in Collinwood

what he believes to be the final proof

that Quentin has caused this illness

through his powers as a warlock.

[thunder rumbling]

Mr. Trask?

Oh, good evening, Miss Harridge.

May I ask what you were doing in Mr. Collins' laboratory?


Why, you must be mistaken.

No, I'm surely not mistaken.

I was standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

I saw you come up the cellar stairs.

Mr. Collins never allows anyone

down there when he's not here.

Miss Harridge, I suggest you

forget you saw me this evening.

I shall do no such thing.

I intend to tell Mr. Collins you were there.

GREGORY: Very well, if you wish to be in

league with the devil in this house.

With the devil?

Or perhaps you're already in league with him.

Perhaps that's why you're so anxious to help him.

I'm sorry, Mr. Trask, I don't understand

what you're talking about.

All right, you may tell Quentin Collins

that I found his evil w*apon.

The one he's been using against Desmond Collins.

You may tell him that I shall

bring the wrath of God down upon him.

I shall rid this house of the witchcraft

with which he has defiled it.

[dramatic orchestral music]

[waves crashing]

[eerie orchestral music]

What is that?

You know as well as I do that

it's a creature of the black arts.

A voodoo doll, and it has something

of Desmond Collin tied around it.

Where did you find it?

In Quentin's laboratory, and as soon as I get back

to Rose Cottage with it, Quentin's attempt

to k*ll Desmond will be stopped.

Quentin Collins would never try to k*ll anyone.

The Almighty will never look

favorably upon one who follows Satan.

Mr. Trask, I won't listen to any more of this.

I'm going to find Mr. Collins this

minute and tell him about it.

Yes, go and warn him, for all the good it will do.

[thunder rumbling]

[mysterious orchestral music]

[pounding on door]

Good evening, my name is Randall Drew.

Yes, of course, you're Mrs. Collins' brother.

Won't you come in?

Thank you. [thunder rumbling]

You must be the new governess.


I'm looking for Quentin Collins, is he here?

DAPHNE: Well, as a matter of fact, I've just been looking

for him myself, I don't know where he is.

I see.

If you'll excuse me, I'll look for Quentin,

and you can wait for us in the drawing room.

Pardon me, but don't we know each other from somewhere?

[mysterious orchestral music]

Oh, why no, I don't believe so.

RANDALL: I'm almost certain that I've met you before.

What is your name?

Daphne Harridge.

Daphne, Daphne Harridge.

[mysterious orchestral music]

No, nothing comes back.

I'm not very good on names, but I always remember faces.

Quentin, thank goodness you're back.

Something terrible has happened at Rose Cottage.

Desmond's very ill and Mr. Trask was here.

He was saying all kinds of things.

Things that I didn't--

All right, all right, take it easy.

Come on in here and relax.

Randall, come here to see me?

Yes, but it's something that can wait until later.

What is all this about Desmond?

I don't know. Mr. Trask made it sound like he was dying.

Well, what else did he say?

DAPHNE: Well, he said things I'd rather

not repeat in front of anyone.

I'm very sorry, Mr. Drew.

It's all right.

I'll go to Rose Cottage and see how Desmond is.

I will talk to you later, Quentin.

Oh, I'll be there in a few minutes, we can talk then.

[thunder rumbling]

Daphne, now, what happened?

I caught Mr. Trask coming out of your laboratory.


He had a doll and it had something

of Desmond's wrapped around it.

He said that he had found it downstairs and that you were

using witchcraft on it to make Desmond ill.

Quentin, I know none of it's true--

Do you know where Trask went?

He said he was going to Rose Cottage.

Quentin, what are you going to do?


[thunder rumbling]

[mysterious orchestral music]

[knocking on door]

[mysterious orchestral music]

[thunder rumbling]


Mr. Trask, what brings you here?

I found what we've been looking for.

Here is the final proof that Quentin Collins is a warlock.

[dramatic orchestral music]

You still seem to have some doubts about it, sir.

Well, I have no doubts of where you found the doll.

I'm wondering whether this constitutes

the final proof against Quentin.

Why, of course it does.

Somebody could have planted this doll

in Quentin's laboratory with the hopes that the blame would

befall on Quentin for what has been happening around here.

Why are you still so determined to defend him?

How do we know this doll

is responsible for Desmond's illness?

The ascot.

See how it's tied about the neck of the doll

as if it were meant to choke it, just as Desmond is choking.

GERARD: Well, there's only one way to find out.

[quick panting]

Quentin, listen to me.

Stay away.

It's trouble.

It's only trouble.

She doesn't know, she's innocent.

Leave her alone.

Let her live her life.

[heavy breathing]

It's astonishing.

What are you two doing here?

What happened? Why am I in bed?

LAMAR: You were very close to death, Desmond.

[thunder rumbling] I remember becoming ill.

I couldn't breathe.

It was as if someone were choking me.

But I was downstairs.

You were brought up here earlier this evening.

How do you feel now?

As if I was suddenly released.

The pressure on my throat is gone.

Why is it over so suddenly?

I don't understand.

Desmond, I have the w*apon that was causing it.

But first, tell me, do you recognize this?

Yes, its mine.

Where did you get it?

It was tied around the neck of this figure.

Well, you seem to recognize this too.

Tell me, Desmond.

Where have you seen it before?

To whom does it belong?

You must tell us.

It once belonged to me.

I picked it up on a trip to South America years ago.

When I returned I gave it as a gift...

To Quentin Collins.

[dramatic orchestral music]

[mysterious orchestral music]

[thunder rumbling]

[mysterious orchestral music]

Randall, where's Trask?

He's upstairs with Gerard in Desmond's room.

How is Desmond?

I'm waiting for someone to come down now--

You won't have to wait much longer,

I'm going to drag Trask out of that room.

Oh, wait, Quentin, you can't go

in the frame of mind you're in now, you'll upset Desmond.

Besides, you might do something you'll regret later.

Trask will be coming downstairs soon, wait here.

I suppose you're right.

What happened to get you so angry?

Oh, Daphne caught Trask snooping around Collinwood.

He was sneaking around the laboratory

trying to get something he could pin on me.

In my own home.

Well, why don't you have him

arrested for breaking and entering?

It might serve to slow him down a bit.

I'll decide what to do with Trask after I see him.

Of course.

[thunder rumbling]

Randall, you said you wanted to talk to me, what about?

I'd rather wait until after you've seen Trask.

All right, as you wish.

By the way, I couldn't help noticing,

your new governess seems quite devoted to you.


She's a lovely young woman.

It's funny, but I can't get over

the feeling that I've met her before.

I don't think that's possible.

RANDALL: What's not possible?

Everything's possible.

I learned that four years ago with Joanna.

Randall, let's not talk about the past.

It's all over.

Don't worry about me, Quentin,

I accepted all that long ago.

I never thought it would be possible

for anything to come between me and Joanna.

But then she met you and suddenly

life changed for all of us.

I don't know if you still see her and I don't care anymore.

QUENTIN: Randall, I couldn't see her if I wanted to.

What do you mean?

She's dead.

Yes, she committed su1c1de six months ago.


That's right.

Oh, no.

Oh my god.


Why did she do it?

I don't know.

I was at sea when it happened.

I've been asking myself

that question over and over.

Joanna gone?

Why, she was so lovely, so--

What's wrong?

RANDALL: Your governess, Daphne.


I did meet her before.

It was a long time ago.

She was only a child then.

Her face was almost the same

then as it is now, Quentin.

That girl is Joanna's sister.

[dramatic orchestral music]

You already knew it.

Yes, I knew it.

Does Samantha know who she is?

No, she doesn't and I beg you not to tell her

because no good can come out of it.

You mean you have nothing to gain

if Samantha finds out and everything to lose.

You installed her in that house, didn't you?

Randall, listen to me.

RANDALL: Don't bother to deny it.

I know that it's true.

I've seen the two of you together there

at Collinwood and I know it's true.

All right, now let me explain.

There's nothing to explain.

It's all quite clear.

You've already ruined the lives of two young women

and now you want to ruin the life of a third.

You don't know the truth of what's happened.

RANDALL: I've known the truth since the day

you took Joanna away from me.

I just could never admit to myself

that you had some insane compulsion to destroy.

I've seen what you're doing with Samantha.

You k*lled Joanna and now you want

to destroy her younger sister.

QUENTIN: You've been this bitter all of these years?

[mumbling] [thunder rumbling]

[mysterious orchestral music]

I warn you now, Quentin.

I'm not going to let you ruin this young girl's life.

I'll do whatever becomes necessary to stop you.

Randall, I wonder if you have any idea

how dangerous it is to thr*aten Quentin Collins.

[dramatic orchestral music]

Trask, I'm going to give you

one more warning and that's all.

Now, you stop all of this talk about witchcraft

and you stay off of Collinwood.

If I catch you back on my property,

I'm not going to be responsible for

what's going to happen to you.

You deny that the voodoo doll

I found in your laboratory belongs to you?

I don't deny anything!

I do happen to have a so-called voodoo doll

and the last time I saw it, it was in my room.

Well, your so-called voodoo doll had an ascot

of Desmond's tied around it's neck.

Now, when that ascot was removed Desmond, who was choking

to death, suddenly made a miraculous recovery.

Then he identified the doll as belonging to you.

I'm sure his testimony will be very interesting

when he tells it to the authorities.

Now, you listen to me, I don't care

what you think Desmond said.

He knows that I would never do anything to hurt him

and I know that he would never say anything against me.

Now, if you found that doll in the lab, you had to have

taken it out of my room and planted it there

because that's the only way you

could ever prove anything against me.

If it's not too much inconvenience for you,

if it is my doll, I would like to have it back.

Oh, so you can work more of your evil ways with it?


I'm going to keep it in a safe place

to be used as evidence against you.

You'll be jailed for breaking

and entering before you can do that.

I'm giving you one last warning.

You stay off of my property or the next

time I won't start with words.

[thunder rumbling]

[mysterious orchestral music]

Can you not feel the presence of evil, Randall?

Don't you think you're going too far, Trask?

One can never go far enough in

pursuing the followers of Satan.

Why should Quentin want to harm Desmond?

They're very close.

Everyone knows that.

Not as close as one might think.

Earlier this evening I walked in and found

them in the midst of a violent quarrel.

About what?

Randall, at ten o'clock tonight,

I'm going to present my evidence

against Quentin to the police.

I need your help.

I need the help of someone who is an unbiased witness.

You must help me stop him.

I'm sorry, but even if this doll is Quentin's,

I just still can't find it concrete evidence.

Someone could've planted it there to implicate him.

I'll go and talk to Gabriel and the others at Collinwood

and if I believe that Quentin is guilty,

I will meet you at the park in town at : .

If I don't believe it, I shan't appear.

[mysterious orchestral music]

I have seen my Quentin again, but he was not alone.

I beg you, do not make the same mistake I made.

Well, that's the second letter you've received.

Where did you find it?

Just now in my room.

Just before I came down and found you here.

But how could it have gotten there?

Well, I think the answer lies in the supernatural.

[thunder rumbling]

Perhaps you're right.

Quentin and I held a seance tonight

and something did appear to us.

GERARD: Well, was it Joanna?

I don't know, but I think it was.

She wanted me to leave here.


I don't like seeing you distressed and upset like this.

I can't help being upset.

[thunder rumbling]

But I don't want you to be.

You're a very special woman to me.

Especially to me.

Things are going to change for you.

I know it and I will help you change.

[mysterious orchestral music] [thunder rumbling]

There's a new world awaiting you.

One of beauty, power, and terror.

You will achieve all of it.

I will help you.

Let me.

Let me help you.

[mysterious orchestral music] [thunder rumbling]

Why did you do that?

Why did you let me?

I didn't!

[sighs] I don't know.

I do.

How can you claim to be Quentin's good friend?

How would you like it if I told him what just happened?

But you won't tell him, will you?

[door opens]

[thunder rumbling]

Good evening, Quentin.

Good evening.

I have talked to Trask, I don't know

how much good it's going to do.

[thunder rumbling]

Has something happened here?

Quentin, I received another note tonight.

Well, I will leave you two alone.

I'm sure that you want to be that way.

Good night, Quentin.

Good night.

Good night, Daphne.

[thunder rumbling]

I promise you, we're going to find

out how all of this is happening.

Yes, I know we will.

This note isn't the only thing

that's bothering you though, is it?

Something happened while I was out.


[mysterious orchestral music]

What happened?

[thunder rumbling]


It's just the note.

RANDALL: Desmond, did you

and Quentin have a quarrel tonight?

Yes we did.


Well, that's why Trask says Quentin did this to you.

Oh, please, Randall, that's ridiculous.

Let's try and be objective about this.

Quentin Collins is my closest friend.

You and I both know that he's not

capable of something like witchcraft.

Then how do you explain the doll?

I can't.

I only know it wasn't Quentin.

RANDALL: Well, then who do you think is responsible?

The man who was the subject of our argument.

Gerard Stiles.

So that's the argument Trask overheard?

What I'm going to tell you, don't ask

me for proof because I can't give any.

I suppose it's wrong for a lawyer to rely

but that's what I'm doing, I have no proof.

Not a hint of evidence.

But my every instinct tells me that there is more

to Gerard Stiles than meets the eye.

[ominous orchestral music] [thunder rumbling]

[sighs] [ominous orchestral music]

[thunder rumbling]

[ominous orchestral music]

[dramatic orchestral music]


[dramatic orchestral music]

[eerie orchestral music]
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