1150 - November 20, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1150 - November 20, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR:Collinwood in the year ,

a time of great peril for the Collins family

and those close to them.

On this night, Julia Hoffman lies dying in Rose Cottage,

the victim of Roxanne, who has risen a vampire.

Barnabas Collins and Randall Drew, Roxanne's brother,

have now found her hiding place,

and have set out to destroy her,

but Barnabas, because of his own curse

is forced to leave Randall there alone.

Now the shocked and frightened young man waits,

knowing that in moments he must face the terrible task

of destroying his own flesh and blood.

But unless he does so, Julia Hoffman will die.

[daunting, suspenseful bouncy music]


Put it away!

Put it away!

No, I cannot.

Randall, I must get into the coffin.

I know, but I can't let you.

It's the only way Roxanne.

The only way you can find peace.

[dramatic orchestral burst]

[waves splashing] [eerie music]

Randall, I beg you, let me get to the coffin.

I cannot, Roxanne.

Not 'til the sun comes up.

Not 'til it's all over.

Oh, please let me live.

I don't want to die, not like this.

Oh, please don't do this to me.

I must, it's the only thing I can do.

After what I've seen here tonight,

I can't let you go on the way you are.

I'm not responsible for what I've become.

Randall, I can't help myself.

RANDALL: Well who's responsible for making you

this way, tell me?

Oh Randall, there's not time.

Please don't put me through this t*rture.

I must, I must.

There is an innocent woman dying in Rose Cottage.

The only way to save her--

Randall, I'm your own sister!

Can't you have mercy on me?


[daunting music]

No, no stay away from me! [screaming]

You're not human anymore.

You're not Roxanne, you're not.

[sobbing] [wind blowing]

Randall, Randall the sun is rising!

Oh, oh I beg you please have mercy on me.

[sobbing] [wind blowing]

Oh Barnabas!

Barnabas, I need you!

You're the only one who can help me now!


Oh, Barnabas!

[sobbing yells]

[dramatic orchestral music]


[daunting orchestral music]

It's over, she's dead.

Roxanne is dead.

[daunting orchestral music]

WOMAN'S VOICE:I used to be so jealous of you.

Now, now I want you to have your chance,

but make a wiser choice than me.

Please, do not follow me.

Do not follow my path.

[door opening and closing]

QUENTIN: Daphne?

What is it?

QUENTIN: I just got word that Julia's at Rose Cottage.

Is that where she's been since she disappeared?

No, no, she was taken there last night.

To the victim of another att*ck.

DAPHNE: Oh no, well is she all right?

I don't know.

I was going there to bring her here,

thought maybe you'd like to go with me.

No, no I have to stay here.

But why?

You don't have to be with the children

for a good while yet.

I know that, but--

But what?


Quentin, I've been reading this again.

I've been trying to figure out how it got into this house.

Quentin, what's happening to us?

Daphne, reading the notes over and over again

isn't going to help, believe me.

Know that, but what will?

QUENTIN: I don't know.

I think Joanna's spirit is restless,

and I think that it will remain restless

as long as I stay in this house.

Are you trying to tell me that you want to leave me?

That I want to leave you?

Oh no, oh no I'd never want to leave you.

Quentin, I've only just found you.

But I'm so frightened.

I don't know what to do.

It's all right, just do nothing.

I want you to wait until I get back from Rose Cottage.

All right, and we'll try to settle matters then.


Now listen to me, I don't know the answers

any more than you do.

I just know that we've got to resolve this together.

Quentin, will there ever be an answer for the two of us?

[bouncy, bass orchestral music]

[orchestral music]

Now look at me, I'll be back

as soon as possible all right?

You're gonna be all right.

[suspenseful orchestral music]


[door opening]



LAMAR: Randall?

Randall, is that you?

Randall, here in the basement.

It's Trask.


LAMAR: Randall, get me out of here.

What? Get me out of here!

[dramatic orchestral burst]

The door is locked.

LAMAR: Yes, Barnabas Collins locked me in here

and then he left.

Well, where did he go?

I don't know.

Randall, you must tell me what's happened.

A little while ago, suddenly a change began to come over me.

You are no longer under Roxanne's control.

She's dead.

LAMAR: You destroyed her?

I had to.

Don't you understand?

Yes Randall, of course.

May the poor child rest in peace now.

And may we discover the heretic

that caused her to be that way.

I don't understand why Barnabas found it necessary

to lock you in here and then leave.

Why couldn't he just stay until it was all over?

I don't know Randall, but you've got to

get me out of here now.

I can't spend another moment down in that basement.

I feel the presence of evil down there.

Well there's no key.

He probably took it with him.

LAMAR: Then break the lock.

Well I can't, the door's solid iron.

Someone at Collinwood must have a key.

I'll go there and I'll be back here

as soon as I can make it.

Randall, please hurry.

[daunting orchestral music]


Who's there?

Who is it?


Take warning, whoever you are.

You're dealing with a man of God!

I'm not afraid.


[eerie orchestral music]

Would you like some hot tea or brandy?

Oh no, no thank you, I'm fine.

Julia, one thing that's been bothering me,

according to Flora's note,

you were apparently pretty near death.

How do you account for this incredible recovery?

I don't know, I'm just glad I'm alive.

So am I.

At least you may be able to help us

now that you know what it is,

perhaps we'll be able to end these att*cks.

I know what?

QUENTIN: Well you know what att*cked you.

No, I don't actually.

How's that possible?

You must've been able to see.

Well it all happened so quickly.

I lost consciousness almost immediately.

[door opening and closing]

[eerie music]

Julia, how are you feeling?

Oh, I'm still weak but I'll be all right.

And you know it's all over now?


QUENTIN: What's over?

Randall, what do you know about this?

Haven't you told him?

JULIA: No, I thought it best not to tell anyone.

Now listen to me, one of you tell me what's going on.

Julia was att*cked by a vampire.

The vampire was Roxanne.

[dramatic orchestral burst]

[daunting music]

Barnabas then left the crypt with Trask,

and I waited for Roxanne.

And when she arrived, I prevented her

from reaching the coffin.

Then it was the light of day that destroyed her?


Roxanne, a vampire.

k*lling people like an animal.

Someone had to make her do that.

Someone has to be responsible.

Yes, and whoever it is, is still at large.

Do you have any idea where Barnabas is?

No, I saw him last with you leaving Rose Cottage.


RANDALL: He took Trask back to the old house,

and locked him in the cellar.

In the cellar?

To keep him away from Roxanne.

Trask was also her victim.

Now while I can understand Barnabas feeling it necessary

to lock him in the cellar, but then he went away

and left him there all day, why?

Oh Barnabas probably thought it was a good idea.

But he knew that when the dawn came,

the spell would be broken, Roxanne would be dead.

I just don't understand why Barnabas couldn't stay there

until it was over.

I don't know, but why don't we go and get Trask

out of the cellar now?

That's what I came here for.

Quentin, do you have an extra set of keys to the old house?

No, Barnabas gave me the only extra keys.

I'll go with you and open the cellar.

QUENTIN: Julia, I think you ought to stay here,

you're still pretty weak.

Oh no, I'll be all right.

And besides, if Barnabas is back,

I'd like to talk to him.

QUENTIN: All right, if you think so.

Randall, tell me, who else knows about Roxanne?

Only Flora and Trask, why?

Well I don't think anyone else

ought to be told, especially Samantha.

Yes, I don't think Samantha should ever know.

Julia, whenever you're ready.


[eerie, ghost-like moaning]

Perhaps I'm imagining this.

[eerie, ghost-like moaning]

No, my ears are not deceiving me.

I'm in command of my faculties.

I know what I'm hearing.

Who is behind this wall?

Answer me!

DAPHNE: So then Julia doesn't know

what att*cked her either?

No, but apparently she feels well enough to walk around.

Let's just hope that she has time to think things over,

and then she may be able to give us some help.

I hope she does.

Yes, tell me so.



While you were gone, I had time to think things over

very carefully and I've reached a conclusion.

QUENTIN: And what conclusion have you reached?

Quentin, I think we'll both have peace of mind

only if I leave Collinwood.

No, absolutely no, out of the question.

My staying here is only making matters

worse for both of us--

Now you listen to me, if you go anywhere,

believe me, I'll follow you to wherever you go.

No, no you've got to stay here.

Your place is here in this house.

Daphne, believe me, my place is with you.

I know that now, and I feel it deeper

than I've ever felt anything in my life.

Oh Quentin, don't you see,

it's wrong for me to stay here.

That's what Joanna was trying to tell me in the note.

Joanna didn't write those notes.

I think someone alive wrote them,

and for a reason we cannot understand.

DAPHNE: How could we possibly find out?

Perhaps Joanna can help us.

Quentin, Joanna's dead.

It's possible that she can help us if we can reach her.

I don't understand.

- How? - We're going to try

and communicate with her tonight.

DAPHNE: How Quentin?

The only way you can reach the dead.

You and I are going to conduct a seance tonight.

[eerie musical burst]

[clanking] [ghost-like moaning]

[door clanking open]

Lamar, are you all right?

I'm sorry I took so long.

Lamar, is something wrong?

Yes, very wrong indeed.

There is someone behind that wall.

[dramatic orchestral burst]

RANDALL: Someone behind the wall,

what are you talking about?

Mr. Trask, you're wrong,

that's part of the basic construction of this house.

But I tell you, I heard noises

coming from behind that wall.

What kind of noises?

Well first, it was a rattling of chains,

and then a low, painful moaning.

I don't hear anything, do you Randall?

No, nothing.

Well I don't hear it now either,

it stopped when the two of you started down the stairs,

but I know what I heard.

And I'm telling you, if you tear down that wall--

This is an old house.

It might be very dangerous to tamper with that wall.

Is there some reason you don't want us

to look behind that wall, Ms. Collins?

Do you know what's behind that wall?

Oh, don't be absurd.

Now this is no time for the two

of you to start quarreling.

Besides, we have more important things to attend to.

Now nothing seems more important to me

at the moment than the strange goings-on in this house.

In that I'm in total agreement with you.

Randall, I don't know what you mean.

Julia, your brother has a lot of questions

to answer for me.

I find his behavior in this entire matter

very strange indeed.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I mean Barnabas knows more about the knowledge

of vampires than he is willing to let on.

He took one look at Lamar here

and knew that he had been Roxanne's victim.

He knew if we followed Lamar, he'd lead us to Roxanne,

and he knew exactly what to do

to put Roxanne to rest.

I'm sorry Randall, but I don't find that

in the least suspicious.

I mean, by your reasoning, if a man puts out a fire

then he's guilty because he knew how to put it out.

There's one other thing, Julia.

Just before Roxanne d*ed, she cried out for Barnabas.

She said that he was the only person who could help her

in that moment, now what did she mean by it?

She was under his spell.

I told you that before.

I knew it from the night she was stricken.

Roxanne and my brother were in love with each other.

It is not unusual if you are dying

to cry out for the person that you love.

I do not believe that she was in love with him.

I agree with you, Randall.

There is something deeper and far more serious

to Roxanne's dying words.

Perhaps your explanation is valid, Julia.

And then again, maybe it isn't.

I know that I shall not be satisfied until I have

some answers to my questions from Barnabas Collins.

He still has a lot to answer.

[daunting orchestral music]


No, I'm not frightened.

I just don't think this is right.

I don't think we should try to disturb the dead.

Sometimes the dead are already disturbed

and it takes the living to put them at peace.

Sit down.

[serious orchestral music]

Now we've got to touch hands.

Now we must maintain contact throughout, understand?


We seek the spirit of one who is known to each of us,

one whom we both have loved in our own way.

We beseech the spirit of Joanna Mills to appear to us,

or to communicate through one of us

so that we may put an end to the troubles

that have afflicted all of our lives.

Please Joanna Mills, appear to us, or give us a sign.

I call upon you, Joanna Mills,

to appear to us or give us a sign.

[thundering rumbles]

Joanna, you've heard us.

Now please, please help us put an end to the mystery

that has burdened all of our lives.

Appear to us, appear to us and speak to us!

Speak to us! [thundering]

[wind blowing] [doors rattling]

[dramatic orchestral burst] [wind blowing]

[eerie theme music]
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