1138 - November 3, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1138 - November 3, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[soft music]

NARRATOR:Collinwood in ,

those who live in the great house

do not know of the existence of a strange underground vault

in the deserted cemetery near the estate.

But in the vault, this night, Julia and Letitia,

under the spell of the warlock, Judah Zachary,

have attempted to join the head and the body.

Julia is forced to leave the vault, and Letitia,

thinking Judah dead, soon follows.

But her departure gives away the secret hiding place

to a very curious man.

[suspenseful music]

[thunder cracking]



[eerie music]


JULIA: Barnabas, please, please let me go.

He needs me.

Judah is dead.


Letitia told us so.

No, he's not dead.

I can help him, I can save him.

[dramatic music]

Judah is dying.


I've got to go to him, I've got to.

BARNABUS: What is it?

Oh, he's burning.

His body is burning, oh.

It's over.

Barnabas, why, why did I help him?

Why did, why did Letitia and I do it, Barnabas?

Judah's eyes, staring into his eyes.

Barnabas, what have we done?

You have managed to destroy Judah Zachary.

To think how close we came to making him live.

Oh, it's terrifying.

Barnabas, the control he had over me.

BARNABUS: He must have had enormous power.

Oh, you can't understand how I felt.

He was the most important man on earth to me.

I had to do whatever he said.

I had to protect him, even from you,

and I did it without remorse, without guilt.

He was my life,

and everything and everyone else was an intrusion.

But it's over.

You must find out for sure.

You and I must see for certain

that Judah Zachary has been destroyed.

Barnabas, if he isn't, if somehow he isn't?

I don't know what we're going to find out,

but we've got to go there now.

[thrilling music]

Someone must have had a fire.

Judah must be dead, or you would still be in his power.

You needn't come with me.

JULIA: No, I want to.


There's been an expl*si*n.


JULIA: Judah.

Are you sure it's him?

Where were you when you left him?

His body was on the table.

Then he must have been there when Letitia thought he d*ed.

What could have caused the expl*si*n?

The lightning, that must have been it.

I had a great deal of ether that just exploded.

Where's the mask?

What about it?

It was on his face.

Yeah, it's probably under there now,

and it's just as well.

I wonder if it ended this way before, Barnabas,

or have we changed history just by being here?

We will never know, will we?

JULIA: We must tell Letitia.

Yes, and Desmond and Quentin too.

Close the grave.

[stone scraping]

So it is a tomb again.

Judah Zachary's tomb.

My future, of necessity, must be with my wife, Valerie.

In a way, that is fortunate for you.

I can say no more.

You will find other happiness, I am positive.

You have the ability to make any man happy.

Any man but you, Barnabas.

BARNABUS:I write this with great sorrow,

knowing that we will never be alone again.

Roxanne, I've been standing here

for a full moment, at least.

You were so absorbed.

I was just trying to understand the male of the species.

I would willingly offer myself for your study, my dear.

How are you feeling?

I'm thinking of leaving Collinsport.

I prefer the city, I could study there.

Become one of those new professional women.

There is one place for a woman, Roxanne,

sharing the life of the man who loves her.

And what of that woman?

Shouldn't she love her husband?

Well what of the woman who cannot love?

I know this mood.

You are merely impatient with your life,

angry over some small hindrance.

Well, you're right, I am angry.

When we were very young,

Samantha and I were given to tantrums

when we didn't get what we wanted,

and I haven't changed, merely grown older.

But, why am I confiding in you?

I am honored that you are.

You mean that, don't you?

Oh perhaps if father hadn't forced us on each other,

then everything would be different today.

Your father never forced me to want to see you, Roxanne.

ROXANNE: What if he had denied you that right?

What if someone had told you

that you could never see me again?

What would you do?

I would leave whomever the person was

and come immediately to you.

ROXANNE: Oh, would you?

There is not the slightest doubt in my mind.

The moments I've spent with you

have been the happiest of my life.

And I always thought you were happiest at your chapel.

You do not love me, I know.

But that could change, Roxanne.

My mother honored my father, respected him.

She said that love was a luxury, few could afford.

And were they happy?

They were truly devoted, all of their lives.

They protected each other.

Would you protect me, even from myself?

If I thought that was what you needed, yes.

Oh, I need it so.

LAMAR: Roxanne, do you want to know the peace

of a settled life?

I think I do.


The warmth, the security of knowing you could count on me.

Count on me to do anything in my power to make you happy.

But I don't love you.

Well, that is the romantic girl speaking,

not the woman I see now.

You've changed, Roxanne.

I will not even ask why.

The change only makes me more interested.

You want everything to be different,

I can make that happen.

ROXANNE: Can you?

If you will marry me.

This is the last time I will ever ask you, Roxanne.

I mean that, I am a man of my word.

Will you marry me?

[thrilling music]

GERARD:Judah Zachary.

Letitia and Julia Collins were making him whole again.

What powers that man must have had.

Why am I so sleepy?

A moment ago I felt wide awake.

Here I am, dependent upon the whim

of a woman like Flora Collins,

yet all that was going on around me,

and I didn't even know it.

[dreamy eerie music]

[fire crackling]

MAN:Find it.

Find it.

Find it.

Find it.

What am I looking for?

What am I doing here?



For what?


Of course.

[dramatic music]

I will get it.

[stone scraping]

BARNABUS: Quentin and Desmond agree with me.

It's not wise to have the police know about this now.

Because Letitia and I were involved?

But Zachary is dead.

There'll be no more murders.

I think it would be wise of us to spare the family

as much unpleasantness as possible.

LAMAR: Ah, Miss Collins, Mr. Collins.

Good evening.

Such a cold, wintry night.

Is Samantha at home, do you know?

If she is, she's upstairs.

Well then, I shall just warm myself

for a moment by the fire,

unless of course, I'm disturbing you.

Oh, not at all.

I heard you use the word unpleasantness

as I entered the room.

I trust there has not been anymore unfortunate

-incidents at Collinwood. -Nothing to concern you.

Well, I am very much concerned

with everyone in this house.

I feel a growing kinship with them, yes indeed.

And how is your beautiful wife, Mr. Collins?

Very well, thank you.

Such a surprise to us all that you had a wife.

Most men do.

Yes, yes, I have always regretted

not having entered the holy state of matrimony,

until tonight, at least.

Now, I'm glad I waited.


Well I'm sure it will be of no surprise to you.

You both of course will be invited to the festivities.


Nuptials require a certain amount of levity,

which has always been foreign to me.

I've never been one for social occasions,

but I shall change.

We have not actually set a date for the wedding as yet,

but it will be soon, I am positive of that.

She has accepted my dear mother's engagement ring.

Whom are you marrying?

Why I assumed you'd guessed.

You're both quite aware of my devotion to my Roxanne.

[dramatic music]

Aren't you going to congratulate me, Mr. Collins?

It does come as a surprise to us, Mr. Trask,

but we both hope you'll be very happy.

Thank you, Miss Collins.

We intend to be.

Yes, it is a happy night.

One that I have long looked forward to.

I am a fortunate man.


Yes, you are a most fortunate man.

[thrilling music]


[eerie music]
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