1104 - September 16, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1104 - September 16, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[ominous orchestral music]

NARRATOR:The Great House at Collinwood

in the present time.

But in this time, the fate of all who live here

hinges on certain events that occurred

in the past, in the year .

Barnabas Collins and Julia Hoffman had been trying

to avert the tragedy they know

is destined to befall Collinwood.

But they have made little progress,

and they have been hampered by the unexpected

events occurring in the present.

One of these concerns Maggie Evans,

who has become the victim of a vampire,

and whose life is now in constant danger.

[ominous orchestral music]

[Maggie moaning]


Barnabas, we've got to talk right away.

What is it?

I hypnotized Daphne, hoping to find out

when the final two events will happen.

Was she able to tell you?

I learned a great deal more than I expected.

There is some hope, Barnabas.

Daphne is the one who is to be m*rder*d,

and the destruction of Rose Cottage will be tonight.

[dramatic orchestral music]

[waves crashing]

[ominous orchestral music]

Are you sure there couldn't have been some mistake?

Positive, the hypnosis worked perfectly.

She told me that the m*rder would not happen

until after the destruction of Rose Cottage.

And she told you that the Rose Cottage

will be destroyed tonight?



Well, she didn't say, but it has to be.

Julia, we need to get help.

But who can help us?

Possibly Sebastian.

Now, you stay here with Maggie,

I'll be back as soon as I can.

[ominous orchestral music]



Julia, how long have you been here?

Where's Barnabas?

He just left a moment ago, but he'll be back.

How do you feel?

I feel a little better, I think.

I had a dream, I was dreaming about the children.

We were terribly frightened because something

terrible had happened to them.

Something has happened to the children, Maggie.

Hey, don't you remember?

It's so difficult to remember.

JULIA: The children have been possessed.

Yes, I know.

We've got to help them, Julia.

I don't want anything to happen to them.

[ominous orchestral music]

Sebastian, I'm going to warn you

one more time, don't go to Collinwood.


Well, I don't think I have to tell you the answer to that.


Sebastian, listen to me.

I want you to come back here.

I promise you I'll be here when you get back, and you.

[loud thudding] [ominous orchestral music]

[door buzzing]

Good evening, Roxanne.

Mr. Collins, what do you want?

To see Sebastian, is he in?

No, he isn't.

Do you know when he'll be back?

I don't even know where he is, Mr. Collins.

I see.

Roxanne, you seem to be disturbed about something.

If you'd care to talk about it, if I could be of any help.

Mr. Collins, this is something I don't care to talk about.

Nobody, including you can do anything to help me.

Well, very well.

But you might tell Sebastian that

I want to see him, I need his help.

I'll be at Cumberland Road at Rose Cottage

just outside of Collinsport.

I'll deliver your message, Mr. Collins.

But I think it's only fair to warn you,

Sebastian will never be able to help you, never.

[dramatic orchestral music]

Why do you say that?

Sebastian is a clairvoyant, I don't see

any reason why he wouldn't help me.

Then I'll tell you the reason.


Sebastian is frightened of his powers, he always has been.

He'll never be able to use them again.

BARNABAS: You seem very certain of that.

More certain than I've been of anything.

Now will there be anything else, Mr. Collins?

Has Sebastian done anything to hurt you?

Oh, what a strange man you are.

You barely know me and yet you

have this compulsion to help me.


I don't know, perhaps it's because of the other Roxanne,

the one I told you about, the one you resemble so.

Oh, yes.

Yes, the one you met in another time.

But I think there may be still another explanation.

What do you mean?

Well, that Roxanne and I are obviously different people,

and yet from the very first time I met you,

I had this strange feeling that there a bond between us.

I feel it now, I can't define it.

I don't even understand it.

Perhaps in time, we will both know what it is.

At least, I hope so.

Yes, yes, I hope so too.

I'm sorry I behaved so badly when you first came in.

I look forward to seeing you again, Barnabas.

[ominous orchestral music]

Maggie, please, please lie back and rest.

I know, I keep thinking about the children,

and that strange phone call from Windcliff.

The children will be all right, I promise you they will.

The police are out searching the woods now.

Sebastian wasn't there, but I left word.


Barnabas, while you were gone,

I had a phone call from Windcliff.

The children disappeared at o'clock this afternoon.

Have you notified the police?

JULIA: Yes, of course, but I haven't heard anything yet.

The frightening thing is that they

disappeared just at the same night that

Rose Cottage is to be destroyed.

You don't think they'd go there?

I don't know, but I'd better go there right now.

Well, I'll go with you.

No, no, no, you stay here with Maggie.

Now don't worry about me, I'll be all right.

Perhaps Sebastian will be there to meet me.

Julia, what was that all about?

About the children, why would they go to Rose Cottage?

I can't explain now, Maggie,

but everything will be all right.

[wolf howling]

[ominous orchestral music]

Maggie, Maggie, listen to me.

Maggie, you must not listen to that.

You must resist the urge to respond, Maggie.

I feel so helpless.

[wolf howling]

[whimsical orchestral music]


Carrie? Are you here?

[carousel music]

The carousel, that wasn't in

this room when I was here before.

Why is it here now?

Gerard, he must've brought it as a way

to lure the children here.

Tad, Carrie, are you here?

If you are here, answer me!

[door creaks and slams shut]

[creepy orchestral music]

Gerard, I know you're here in this room.

[dramatic orchestral music] Gerard Styles.

I know you want to do harm to me, but I won't let you.

I've come here to get the children.

[dramatic orchestral music]

I take it that you don't know where they are either.

So much the better.

I've come to drive you out of Collinwood, Gerard.

I know you intend to destroy this house tonight

and then m*rder Daphne Harridge.

But I intend to stop you.

I am here, Gerard!

You will not be able to do anything to this house

unless you deal with me first!

[ominous orchestral music]

[bell chiming]

[loud thudding]

[carousel music] [wind howling]

Is anybody in here?

[gasps] [dramatic orchestral music]

Who are you?

What are you doing in this room?

What do you want with me?

[ominous orchestral music]

You want me to do something for you.

Tell me what it is and I will do it.

[ominous orchestral music]

Mrs. Johnson, what's the matter?

I'm here to stay with Maggie.

I didn't expect you for about an hour

or so, I thought you were resting.

Well, I was, but, um.

JULIA: Mrs. Johnson, what's the matter?

Oh, just now I woke with a terrible dream.

Uh, I was dreaming

a frightening dream about Barnabas.

Barnabas? Tell me about it.

Well, I don't remember it too clearly,

but he was in a strange house,

one that I have never seen before,

and something dreadful was happening to him.

JULIA: What was it?

I don't know, but he was screaming,

and there was someone else in the house with him, a man.

Mrs. Johnson, can you describe the house to me?

It was a large, stately house

with great columns in the front.

Mrs. Johnson, you stay here with Maggie, don't leave her

under any circumstance, I'll be right back.

[ominous orchestral music]

[dramatic orchestral music]

What are you doing here?

Mrs. Johnson came to me, she said she had a dream.

She dreamed that you were in this house

and something dreadful was happening.

You've been tricked by Gerard.

What? What are you saying?

I'm going to get you out of this house right now.


[door slamming]

[Barnabas shaking doorknob]

BARNABAS: The window!


[fire crackling] [dramatic orchestral music]

Gerard knew it, he knew I wouldn't

leave you alone, and I won't.

But Barnabas, what about Daphne?

What about Daphne, you've got to go

and get her and save the children.


[keys jingling]

There's somebody outside that door.

[fire crackling]

[dramatic orchestral music]

[ominous orchestral music]

Barnabas, who started the fire?

Who locked you both in that room?

Somebody you wouldn't know.

How did you happen to come to Rose Cottage?

I got a call from Sebastian after you left.

He told me he had plans, plans for

the evening that he couldn't change.

I decided to come and let you know.

I see all this has upset you.

Is there anything I can do for you?

No, no there isn't.

This is a problem that I have to handle

by myself and I will, in my own way.

Barnabas, we'd better get to Daphne.

Yes, of course.

I can't thank you enough.

There's no need to thank me, we'll be seeing

each other again soon, I hope.

Very soon.

[crickets chirping] [ominous orchestral music]

Oh, Barnabas, there's no reason for you to come in.

Oh, yes, you come on up and we'll see

how Maggie and Mrs. Johnson are.

Then I'll go to the Old House

with you and we'll check on Daphne.

[ominous orchestral music]

Maggie's gone!

Mrs. Johnson!

[dramatic orchestral music]

[low rumbling]

[crickets chirping]

[dramatic orchestral music]

[ominous orchestral music]
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