1090 - August 27, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1090 - August 27, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR:The great house at Collinwood as it looks

in the present time.

By way of a mysterious experience in the future,

in the year , Barnabas Collins and Julia Hoffman

have learned that catastrophe will strike Collinwood

in this year of .

But how, and precisely when, they do not know.

They are also unaware that the two children in the house,

David and Hallie, have already been influenced

by supernatural forces.

On this night, David Collins has found

a mysterious cryptic note, and has gone to the tower room

to carry out its instructions, unaware that his actions

could lead to tragedy.

[wind blowing]

[suspense music]

The green flag in the window.

Three times shall it wave.


I knew it!

I knew I'd find it.

[suspense music]

Gerard, if you can hear me,

I'm carrying out your instructions.


[waves crashing]

[eerie music]

[wind blowing]



Is that you?

Gerard, are you angry with me?

I was just doing...

what I thought you wanted me to do.

I'm sorry, Gerard.


I don't even know what the note means.

I was just trying to please you, Gerard!

What does it mean?


Tell me what would've happened if I'd waved the flag

the third time.

Gerard, please answer me!

David, who were you talking to?

Dr. Hoffman, what are you doing here?

What are you doing here is more of the point.

Now tell me, who were you talking to?


I was talking to myself.

You're lying, David.

I heard you calling to someone.


You can see for yourself.

There was nobody here.

No, but there was, wasn't there?

I don't know what you're talking about.

I'm getting out of here.

No, you are not.

Now David, I know why you came here.

But I don't know what you expected to find.

There's no reason.

There's no reason that I came here.

[breathing heavily]

There is a reason that you came here.

You took a piece of paper out of a book in the drawing room.

Yes, you did, David.

I saw you do it.

You didn't think I did.

Maybe you just thought you saw me do it.

I know what I saw.

[breathing heavily]

No, let go of me!


Yes, and I know it's the same paper because I read it

before I put it into the book.

I don't know what it means but you do, don't you?


Then why did you come up here to this room?

I was just curious.

[suspense music]

And you knew you'd find the green flag here, didn't you?

No, I didn't.

Now, what this flag mean and who does it belong to?

I don't know.

I was just curious.

Now David, listen to me.

Every day you let go by without telling me or someone else

what's happening, you are in more danger.

Now, don't you understand that?

You must tell me everything that's been happening right now.

There's nothing to tell.

David, what do you know about the Java Queen?


It's just a model of a ship that I found in the attic.

It's the model of a real ship that existed in the 's.

And the captain of the ship is the man that wrote this note,

and his name was Gerard, wasn't it?

I don't know anybody named Gerard and I never have.

You have seen his spirit in this house.


Be sensible.

David, the man whose spirit you have seen is evil.

He is using you and Hallie.

I don't want to talk about it anymore.


I will have to talk to your Aunt Elizabeth then.

Well, go ahead!

Because I don't care!

[dramatic music]

[door opening and shutting]


I certainly didn't expect to find you still up.

I just couldn't get to sleep.

Well if something's troubling you, I wish you'd tell me.

After all, we've had so little chance to talk to each other

since I've returned.

I know.

I think I should've made a point in talking

to you before this.

About what?

About the children.

Has something happened to them?


Barnabas, I am certain that something has happened to them.

I don't know exactly what it is,

and that's what's so frustrating.

But something has happened to change them,

that much I'm sure of.


Can you describe that change?


The children have become so cold and distant.

They rarely smile anymore,

and seem so uninvolved in their lessons.

It's almost as if they're doing the lessons for their own,

but my benefit, not for their own.

I blamed myself at first

Oh, you mustn't do that.

Whatever's happening to them is not your fault.


There have been times when I've felt a kind

of presence in this house.

It's not something I can define,

but it's made me uncomfortable.

Even frightened me.

It's almost as if...

like a feeling of being watched without knowing who it is.

I felt that presence in my room tonight.

That's why I couldn't sleep.

I feel that presence here in this room, right now.


It's a terrible thing to be frightened of something

that you can't see.

[dramatic music]


[dramatic music]


Excuse me, I'd like to talk to you.

Well, come in, Julia.

Maggie and I were just talking about the children.

She tells me she's noticed a very definite change in them.

Yes, I'm more concerned about them than ever.


I just had an unpleasant scene with David

in the tower room.

The tower room?

What was he doing in there this time of night?

He wouldn't tell me.

He was very angry and left.

Maggie, I think you should go and find out

if he's gotten to bed.

Yes, I'll do that immediately.

I have a feeling that I arrived in the doorway just in time.

Just in time for what?

I saw you looking at Maggie's neck.

Remember she became, she almost became

your victim once before.

You found it very difficult to resist her.

And that's why you went to Parallel Time.


I am in complete control of myself.

Now, if at any time, I feel that I'm losing my control,

you can be sure that I will stay away from Maggie.

Believe me.

She's perfectly safe.

[wind blowing]

[clock chiming]

Good morning, Julia.

Good morning, Maggie.

Did you get to talk to David?

No, he was already asleep by the time

I could get to his room.

It's imperative that we get through to him.

He won't listen to Barnabas and me,

and I think you're the only logical choice.

Julia, I'll do my best.

Do you have any idea what it is

that's caused this change in him?

It's because of his fear.

But finding the source of that fear,

that's what it's been impossible to do.

But we've got to keep trying.

[suspense music]

Oh, excuse me, Maggie.

I just want to get something from the desk.


Glad you're here.

There's something I want to talk to you about.

I can't talk right now.

I have something to do.

What is it that's so urgent?

I have to see someone.

Oh, who is that?

Just a friend.

Don't worry, I'll be back in time for my lessons.


[door shutting]

[dramatic music]

[doorbell rings]

Mr. Shaw, can I come in?

Yes, come in David.

What can I do for you?

I'd like to know if you can do my horoscope.

Your horoscope?


Well, I...

I'd just like to know what's gonna happen in the future.

Well, uh, has something happened that...

that's made you concerned about the future?


Like I said, I was just curious.

And if it's a question of money, I have dollars saved up.

Put that money back in your pocket, David.

Then you won't do it?

I didn't say that.

Are you afraid?


Are you afraid of what it might tell you?

Of course, I'm not afraid.

Then you can do it?


would you just...

Give me a little time?

Just to think it over, all right, David?

Now, come on now. Go on home.

And, uh, I'll get in touch with you.

I promise.

Come on.

All right, Mr. Shaw.

That's the way it has to be.

Mr. Shaw thinking to himself. I can't go on this way.

I've lied to Mrs. Stoddard and all of them.

The boy is going to die unless somebody does something soon.

I can't stand by and let it happen.

I'll go to Mrs. Stoddard and tell her everything.

[dramatic music]

[someone knocks at the door]

Oh, may I help you?

May I speak to Mrs. Stoddard, please?

Tell her Sebastian Shaw is calling.

I'm terribly sorry, but she's out for the day.


I see.

Well, can you tell me when she's gonna be expected?

This is very important that I speak to her.

I expect her late this afternoon.

Is there anything I can do to help?

Well, are you one of the family?

Excuse me, I should've introduced myself.

I'm Maggie Evans.

I work for Mrs. Stoddard.

[dramatic music]

It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Evans.

Thank you.

I have heard of you.

Mrs. Stoddard has spoken of you quite often.

I did know who you were when I opened the door.

Thank you for not reacting the way everyone else has.

You mean, your resemblance to Jeb Hawkes?

I was prepared for that.

I must say, I was not prepared for you at all.

I've heard your name mentioned amongst the family,

but no one ever said how lovely you were.

You're very direct.

Does it frighten you?


As a matter of fact, I find it disarming.

Well, may I disarm you a little further

and ask you to join me for dinner tonight?

You're a very unusual man.

And I am flattered, but

But you're going to decline.

Actually, I'm inclined to say yes.

[dramatic music]

[wind blowing]

[suspense music]

[door opening and shutting]

Why did you go out today?

[knocks on the table]

How did you find out I was out today?

I have my ways.

You know that.

Where did you go?


I went out to buy some materials.

That's all?


That's all.

You're being defensive, Sebastian.

I think there's something you're keeping from me.


There is something.

I've decided I'm going out tonight.

Unless you have any objections.

No, none at all.

But I think it was unwise of you to leave today.

And in the future, you will exercise more caution.

You understand what I mean?

Your meaning is all too clear.

Good night, Roxanne.

[dramatic music]

Maggie having dinner with Sebastian Shaw?

I can't imagine how that came about.

I don't understand

why something like this upset you so?

Well, she only met him this afternoon for the first time.

What does she know about him?

What do any of us know about him?

Well, I know enough.

That he's either a Sullivan or a complete, deliberate liar.

The horoscope he charted for Elizabeth is obviously a fake.

Maggie is seeing a man who can't be trusted.

That's what troubles me.

Are you sure that's all, Barnabas?

I am positive, Julia.

[distant knocking]


Thank you, Sebastian.

I had a wonderful evening.

I do hope I can see you again.

I don't see why not.

Thank you again.

Good night.

Good night.


[dramatic music]


Hello, Barnabas.

Julia and I were wondering if you'd had a chance

to talk to David.

I had no more luck than you did.

[suspense music]

[slams door]

You came back earlier than I expected you.

I don't think I said I was going to be late.

That's true, you didn't.

Did you enjoy yourself?


Yes, I did.

Did she enjoy herself?


Why, Miss Evans, of course.

Oh, I should've known that you'd be

a little bit too curious.

I just happened to be passing by the Collinsport Inn.

And I just happened to see the two of you at a table.

Will you forgive me if I find all this

a little hard to believe.

Sebastian, I'd forgive you almost anything.

Are you planning on seeing Miss Evans again?

As a matter of fact, I am.

[dramatic music]

All we can do is maintain vigilance.

Maggie, you'll have to watch David as closely as possible.

Yes, of course I will.

Well, I'll go back to the old house.

Is there anything more that you want from me?

No, I'm going to be working on some old books.

I'll let you know if there's anything new that I find.


I'll walk you to the gate, Barnabas.

Thank you.

I need some fresh air.

[suspense music]

[clock chiming]

[door opening and shutting]


I just realized you've been gone almost an hour.

Maggie, you all right?



[dramatic music]

[eerie music]
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