870 - October 24, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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870 - October 24, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[ eerie music ]

NARRATOR:Collinwood in the year .

Only a few days ago

the Collins Family was certain

that the vampire, Barnabas Collins,

had been destroyed.

But now a new Barnabas Collins has appeared.

And since the body of the vampire has been destroyed,

a mystified family is reluctantly ready

to believe the story he has told.

The infamous Count Petofi,

whose mind now inhabits the body of Quentin Collins,

is highly suspicious

and he is determined to learn Barnabas' secret

and destroy him forever.

What do you want?

I'm sorry to bother you.

But I thought it best we get this thing settled,

once and for all.

I don't understand.

You will

in just one moment.

[ brooding instrumental music ]

All right.

Look at him my dear.

Come on.

Turn around and look at him

and tell me if he is the real Barnabas Collins.

[ dramatic orchestral music ]

[ chilling instrumental music ]

Is this the real Barnabas Collins?

This man.

PETOFI: Go on!

I've never seen this man before.

Of course you have.

You put a wooden stake through his heart.

No this ain't same man.

This ain't the vampire!

You're saying that out of fear.


If it was true I would say so,

but it ain't the same one!

And that's the truth!

Now can I go?


Go on.

You still refuse to believe me.

My dear man.

I am unwilling even to take the slightest risk.

If you were really a prisoner of the vampire,

you would understand my attitude.

[ brooding instrumental music ]

Where is this Barnabas Collins now?

Upstairs, he's still rather weak from his ordeal.

Do you believe the story he told you?

Well in the light of the evidence,

how can I believe anything else?

And you say the body has been destroyed in the coffin?

It's in the coffin and been reduced to ashes.

The vampire no longer exists.

I still feel...

Don't you think it's terribly strange

that different men, looking exactly alike,

both claiming to from an distant

and unknown branch of the family

to arrive within the space of a few months?

Yes it is strange,

but the fact that this man

can walk about in broad daylight

proves that he's not what the other Barnabas was.

I still don't like the idea of his being in the house.

Supposing he's telling us the truth.

If we send him away, we might be doing an injustice

to an innocent man.

Very well.

We'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

Do you think he'll feel well enough

to join us for dinner tonight?

I'll go up and ask him now.

Did you have a nice day in town Miss Judith?

Very pleasant, thank you, Charity.

Oh, how lovely.

Did you do what I told you to?

Come and look.

[ brooding instrumental music ]

Mr. Trask saw the picture a little while ago.


What was his reaction?

Oh, he was hopping mad.

I wish you could've seen him.

Oh, I imagine he'll be talking to me about it soon enough.

What you going to tell him?

The truth.

Then why did you send me to buy the picture?

You could have bought it yourself.

Because I thought Mr. Tate was more likely to give it you.

Oh, aren't you the crafty one.

Charity, people have been underestimating me all my life.

My family,

my lawyers,

and now my husband.

But all of that is going to change very soon.

I learned a lot while I was gone away.

And I began to see the truth about certain things.

Like what?

Like why I was sent to the Rushmore Sanitarium.

Why was you?

Oh, we'll talk about that some other time.

I want to thank you for getting the portrait for me.

Oh, it was worth it just to see Mr. Trask's face

when he had a look at it.

Tell me, what was she like?


sort of fetching, like a picture.

He went around telling everybody he was trying

to save her soul.

I'm sure it was her soul he was interested in.

He must have spent hours trying to find it.

They was a bit chummy.

What a quaint way to put it.

Miss Judith,

why do you want that picture?

What you gonna do with it?

I'm thinking of hanging it in the master bedroom.

In with you and Mr. Trask?

Yes, why not?

Mr. Trask has always taken pride

in the souls he's saved.

I think it's only fitting that the portrait of his latest

achievement should hang on our wall.

You see what a devoted wife I am.

I say what a smart one you are, that's what I say.

And I get to like you more and more everyday.

[ brooding instrumental music ]

Something's happened in this house.

What is it?

Why do I suddenly feel so frightened?

[ loud thumping ]

[ brooding instrumental music ]

[ loud thumping ]

Stop it!

Please stop it!

Here now love.

What's the matter?

I don't know.

I felt all right outside.

But I got inside

I started to feel faint.

Would you like me to send for a doctor?


No I just want to go to my room.

Charity, take Kitty Hampshire to her room.

I'll be all right if I can,

if I can just lie down.

You just come along with me now love.

I'm afraid Barnabas

that there's only one way of finding out the truth.

This hand is something you cannot resist.

When I place it on your forehead.

You will wake

and tell me what I want to know.

[ loud knocking ]


What are you doing in here?

Merely checking on the patient.

He might recover sooner than we thought.

When I spoke to him earlier,

he said that he hoped he could come down

for some dinner with us.

He's been invited to dinner?

Yes, Judith is anxious to meet him.

She wants to ask him some questions.

Well, let's hope that she doesn't accept his answers

as readily as you do, huh?

[ somber instrumental music ]

Here we are dear.

Oh, thank you Charity.

Now love why don't you get undressed

and get under the covers

and I'll go down and fix you some broth.

No that won't be necessary.

You listen to me.

I could feel you was trembling

when I was helping you up them stairs

and my mom always used to fix me up broth

when anything wasn't quite right with me.

No, Charity, I couldn't possibly eat anything now.

You was frightened

when we found you downstairs.

What was it?

I don't know.

I felt all right but...

as soon as I came inside

I--I felt that I was in danger

from someone in this house.

Who could that be?

I wish I knew.

I can't think of anyone would want to harm you

in this house.

What's the matter?

I can still feel it.

It's like a presence is trying to speak to me.

Then you should let it.



I mustn't respond, I mustn't let him find me.

Who's that love?

I must resist him.

You poor thing.

You lie down for a bit.

[ soft instrumental music ]

Look at that.

What's this?

Put it down!

It's the music box I saw in my vision.

Don't open it!

Charity please, just leave the room.

I've got to fight him alone.

Who are you talking about?

Charity please leave the room!

[ loud knocking ]

Judith said you weren't feeling well.

Oh, I'm all right Edward.

No, that ain't the truth love.

She's frightened of somebody--

Charity please!

Thank you for bringing her up Charity, you may go now.

Edward, I've had another one of my att*cks.

Oh, Kitty.

Edward I'm so afraid.

I'm so afraid we're never going to find out how to stop them.

Don't say that, Kitty.

Don't you understand, Edward?

You were right that first time it happened.

You said that it was all in my mind.

Well now I'm convinced that it is.

I don't believe that anymore.

But I do!

Kitty, these objects that are haunting you,

they're not in your mind, they're real.

Edward, I'm so frightened, I feel so helpless.

But I don't want to be a burden to you.


I think that I should leave Collinwood

before something terrible happens.

Oh, Kitty, I beg you not to leave.


what earthly reason could you have

for wanting me to remain?

A very good reason.

What is that?

I believe there is a solution for you.

One that we haven't discussed before.

I believe that the trauma of being widowed so young,

of losing someone who was as devoted to you as Gerald was,

can only be, can only be replaced by

the love of someone else.

Perhaps it's wrong of me,

being Gerald's closest friend to say this but

I loved you from the moment you came to Collinwood.

I'm asking you to marry me, Kitty.

I had intended to propose

after a proper period of mourning.


If so by doing now I have offended you,

I am deeply sorry.

Edward you have not offended me.

Then you will marry me?


Yes Edward, yes I will.

[ soft instrumental music ]

After the ordeal was over,

I--I barely knew myself anymore.

As Edward told you that,

well when I wondered into the office

I was in a state of shock.

It must have been a terrifying experience.

I don't know how you survived.

Well now that I've told you the whole story,

I do want to apologize for the--

for the effect that my arrival had on all of you.

Our family's had more than a share

of suffering these past few months.

We've learned to be wary of all strangers.

That's perfectly understandable.

What about your life in England?

You've told us almost nothing about it.

Well, there's really very little to tell.

After my father died,

I--I decided that

there was no point in me staying in England,

so I came to America to start a new life.

Why did you want to start a new life in America?

Because the roots of the Collins family

were always here in America.

And I felt that,

well when someone is left alone in the world

it's only natural to go to where their family is.

[ dramatic music ]

Cousin Barnabas,

I would like you to meet Lady Katherine Soames,

Kitty this is our cousin

Barnabas Collins from England.

How very nice to meet you.

The pleasure is mine I assure you.

Won't you sit down Kitty?

Tell me have you spent much time in London?

Only on business.

I wondered because Lady Hampshire is from London.

I don't supposed you knew her late husband,

Gerald of Hampshire.

No, I never had that pleasure.

I see.

What was your business?

Quentin, I think cousin Barnabas has answered

enough questions for one night.

Anyway dinner is ready.

- Cousin Barnabas. - KITTY: Oh, Very good.

Well now shall we?

[ dramatic music ]

[ loud chime ]

Well, uh, everyone have some brandy?

EDWARD: No brandy this evening Quentin.

QUENTIN: I beg your pardon.

I trust no one will object to champagne.

[ voices chattering ]

What may I ask is the occasion?

I have a very special

and important announcement to make.

The ladies Quentin.


What sort of announcement Edward?

Oh, you'll hear my dear.

I want us all to have a glass of champagne first.

You'll see.

There we are.


Now then.



Cousin Barnabas.

I am very proud and happy to announce

that Kitty and I are going to be married.

[ chuckling ]

Well, well.

You are full of surprises Edward.

Congratulations Edward and Kitty.

EDWARD: Thank you.

JUDITH: When is the happy day?

We haven't had time to think about it yet.

We only decided tonight.

I must confess that Edward surprised me

as much as he did you.

Cousin Barnabas,

you're curiously silent.

Oh, I'm sorry.

May I offer my congratulations

to you cousin Edward,

Lady Hampshire.

I know you both will be very happy.

EDWARD: Thank you Barnabas.

Well, I hope you won't think it rude of me,

but I think I should retire.

I'm still feeling rather weak.

Of course, we all understand.

Thank you Judith, it was a delicious dinner.

I hope you'll feel better tomorrow.

I'm sure I will.

Goodnight everyone.


Well Judith, now that you've met him,

what do you think of him?

I think he's quite open and charming.

I think his story is quite plausible.

Well, surely he can stay then until he's fully recovered.

I don't see no reason why not.

And now I want to hear all about your plan.

[ chuckling ]

[ brooding instrumental music ]

Wherever you are Josette,

you must hear me.

I am not wrong about you.

You are Josette.

My Josette.

This marriage cannot take place.

Must not take place.

Know yourself my darling,

be who you are destined to be.

Whoever you are,

please leave me alone.

I want to leave this room and come to you,

but I don't know why.

It frightens me.

But I must not give in to you.

I must stay here

and yet...

[ cheerful music ]

BARNABUS:I cannot go away.

There is too much for me to do here.

But I can't stay in this house

and watch her marry someone else.

When it happened that way before

it brought tragedy and death.

Have I come back to tragedy and death again?

Oh, Josette.


This is over before it's even begun.

I heard your call.

I have come.

I am your Josette

and I shall be...


[ brooding instrumental music ]
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