03x17 - Bloodstream

Complete collection of episode transcripts for seasons 1 - 7. Aired: September 2008 to February 2015.*

Moderator: Maggiemay19

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A famous "psychic" outs himself as a fake and starts working as a consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation so he can find "Red John," the madman who k*lled his wife and daughter.
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03x17 - Bloodstream

Post by bunniefuu »

Golf. I don't get it.

Pointless, absurd, repetitive activity—

Very good for clearing the mind.

All these stalls here? .

Van pelt, what do we got?

According to his driver's license, this is micah newton.

m*rder w*apon appears to be the 5-iron there.

No defense wounds. Or witnesses.

Coroner thinks he was struck from behind while hitting balls.

Sunblock, hand sanitizer, healthy snacks.

Somebody grew up with a protective mother. Another golfer found him around 4:00 this morning.

k*ller left the victim's golf bag and wallet intact.

Cho's going through the car now. It's pretty early to go golfing.

Apparently 4:00 a.M. Is the beginning Of the morning rush.Place runs 24 hours a day. Talk to the management and have them give you All the security footage from last night. Yes, boss.

Jane, focus.

Trying. There it is.

(camera clicks and whirs)

Very hard to find the correct knob. On the victim.

Ah. Sorry.

Yes, uh, he is a professional, health-conscious.

When you factor in The specially monogrammed windbreaker And the iodine stains under the fingernails And the illegible scroll on these scorecards, You can only draw one conclusion—our man here Was a doctor. Somehow that makes sense.

Mm. A doctor with a problem.

What kind of problem?

This impact label was marking his sh*ts.

And in this particular case, the "x" doesn't mark the spot.

His sh*ts are more at the front of the club.

What does that mean?

Well, it means that he was—

Slicing them. Coming across the face.

Happens when you're feeling stressed. Mm.

Lisbon, may I speak with you?

We really need to get you a bell.

I wonder, have you developed any theories On where agent hightower might be?


Has she been in contact with you?

You mean, have I had contact with a wanted felon Without notifying my superiors?

No, I have not.

You spent a day with hightower's children at CBI.

What were they like?

I'll get back to you on that. Excuse me.

Cho, what'd you find?

Victim's I.D. Badge was in his briefcase.

He's a doctor over at blessed sacrament. Oh! You may touch the hem of my garment.

What's this attached to it?

It's a radiation badge. Monitors exposure To hospital radiation. I'll have the coroner's office test it When they do the autopsy. I wasn't finished, agent lisbon.

Agent laroche, this is a crime scene. I'm busy.

Curious—your disinterest in finding hightower.

Are you for real?

We've had to endure your surprise visits for months.

You named your k*ller. She's on the run.

Why do you keep showing up on my crime scenes?

Because this morning, I— I don't even want to hear it!

The second hightower's replacement is announced, I'm gonna put in a formal request To keep you away from me. As I was saying, This morning I was assigned to take over hightower's duties, Which include overseeing this team.


I appreciate your candor, And I'm going to honor your request. Agent cho?


I'm putting you in charge of the team as of right now.

Agent lisbon, you report to agent cho.

Good day.

Hey. I talked to the team. We figured it out.

What's that?

Well, you run the investigation. Call the sh*ts like usual.

I'll report to laroche. I appreciate the offer, but no.

You're the boss. This isn't right. It's a direct order. You are in charge.

If I'm in charge, I have to be in charge for real.

I will back you 100%.

You're a senior agent. Show 'em what you got.

You sure?

I'm positive.

I'll clear out my office for you this afternoon.

I don't want your office. I told you, it's o—

I prefer no walls between me and my team.

How'd it go?

I'm in charge. Got it.

Any orders, boss? No, really.

Lisbon didn't go for it. I'm in charge.

Oh. Well, congratulations.

Let's break down the case.

(police radio chatter)

All right. Lisbon, can you please fill in The personal details you've learned?

Sure. Micah newton, age 42. He's survived by a husband.

He's an m.D., but he played mostly An administrative position a the hospital. And, Van Pelt, did you find anything On the surveillance tapes from the driving range?

No help. Cameras only cover the parking lot and clubhouse.

k*ller must have parked on the street. Mm-hmm. Fingerprints on the club?

None usable. We have a coroner's report yet?

Yeah. Right here. Okay.

The, uh, blow to the head Caused an instant cerebral hemorrhage. No surprises there.

But there were questions about his radiation exposure. What kind of questions?

Well, hospital personnel wear badges to keep tabs On their radiation exposure. Now according to newton's badge, He was way over the limit for this month. With levels like that, he should have been glowing in the dark.

But the coroner's test of his body found it Within an acceptable range. How could that happen?

Lisbon, take Jane to the hospital and find out. Yes, sir.

I'll talk to the husband. Uh, Van Pelt, Check into newton's records. Rigsby, you're with me.

You have a chance to read the case files yet?

No need. I saw enough at the crime scene To know that a doctor did it. How can you tell?

A single blow to the head causing instant death—

That takes medical know-how, a strong ego, And a k*ller golf swing.

Definitely a doctor-on-doctor crime.

Are you the CBI agents?

Yes, she does the detecting, And I do the insulting. Uh, consulting.

That, too.

Francine trent. I'm Dr. Newton's assistant...

Was, I guess.

I'm sorry.

If you'll follow me.

Here's Dr. Newton's schedule from yesterday.

Thank you.

According to this, Dr. Newton was scheduled to give a lecture at 8:30?

To the first-year medical students.

It was a highlight of his year.

I see you have the same radiation badge he did.

We're required to wear them at all times.

Any idea why his levels were off the chart?

No. Um, we use radioactive substances Like cesium-137 for blood irradiation, But everybody wears lead shielding So they're protected, so... I don't know.

Did you get an invite to the wedding?

I did. How was it?

It was lovely.


Who are these people?

Transplant patients. Mm-hmm.

Dr. Newton started the transplant board At blessed sacrament. Gave him tremendous joy.

Are they still alive?

Jane... You're not my boss anymore.

Transplants are a tricky business.

But I-I've seen so many people saved—

People who were going to die. Yeah, well I'll let you in on a little secret—

We're all gonna die. I am so sorry.

That's okay. Being scared of doctors and hospitals Is perfectly normal. I'm not.

Um, so, uh, did he actually go to his lecture at 8:00?

Yeah, he never missed an opportunity To give a motivational speech to young doctors.

He was a good practitioner, but a better leader.

I think it's why he moved into administration.

Mm. And who's this rogue's gallery?

All the physicians on the transplant board.

Dr. Newton was chairman. Yet he stands to the side, And this man takes center stage. Who's he?

Dr. Quick, chief of surgery.

As of this morning, he took over Dr. Newton's responsibilities.

Now we're getting somewhere. Can we speak to him?

He's leading the transplant board meeting. That's a fast transition.

Dr. Quick said the meeting was too important to postpone.

Will there be other doctors there?

All of them.

A roomful of doctors?

Manna from heaven.

Could you please take us there?

I'll be on my best behavior. I won't say a word.

Excuse me. David vance, event director?

Uh, he's in the back. I'll go get him.


So listen, delicate question. Yes?

Thursday quiz night is strictly no bosses, as you know.

Should we give your spot to lisbon?

Feels kind of weird. Do what you feel is right.

Or should we just hang on to your spot in case you screw up?

It's just a joke.

Yeah. Funny.

You're gonna make a hell of a boss man.

I'm already scared of you.

Thank you for meeting me here.

I, uh, I would have cancelled this gala Had it not been the most important fund-raiser For my charity for the year. When was the last time you saw your husband?

Yesterday morning.

We're early risers. Well, I'm the early riser.

My work is about an hour from home, And micah would just get up to be with me... (voice breaking) even after a 12-hour shift.

Did you have any contact during the day?

He called at 9:30.

Stressed, as usual. Said he was gonna go to the driving range Before he came home. Was that a normal routine?

Micah didn't like to bring his work problems home with him, So he would sort it out on the driving range.

So you think he was facing a work problem?

Yeah, it was some kind of personnel problem.

Did he say what it was?

No, no. Micah's job came with a bull's eye.

Somebody was always mad at him for something.

Uh, last week, this, uh, letter came From the husband of a transplant candidate.

I thought you should see it.

Micah was head of the transplant board.

(voice breaking) he had to make hard decisions—

Who lived and who died.

I told him he should go and take that to the police, But he said it was nothing to worry about.

"if my wife dies, you're the son of a bitch I'm coming for first."

Thank you.

We have a new patient at the top of the kidney transplant list—

Patient siberia.

His, uh, kidney function's at a critical stage.

Dr. Watson will give us a rundown. Wh-what about enid jordan?

She won't last another week.

That's who newton had at the top of the list. Due to tragic circumstances, Dr. Newton's no longer running this meeting. I am.

And as a member of the anesthesia service, Dr. Gidry, you are merely here in an advisory role.


Patient siberia has end-stage renal failure.

(clears throat)


Why do they call it a kangaroo court?

Are kangaroos especially unjust in comparison To other marsupials? Would wallabies be more judicious?

You promised you wouldn't say anything.

He promised he wouldn't say anything. It's just a little...

This is not a kangaroo court.

Did I say it was?

Interesting that you deny an unmade accusation.

Now that you raise the issue...

I'm sorry.

Who is this man?

Oh, he's Patrick Jane. He's a consultant with the CBI. Hi.

I'm agent teresa lisbon.

We're investigating the m*rder of Dr. Newton.

Well, this is hardly the venue. Au contraire. This is just the venue.

A roomful of professionals Who prescribe dr*gs they know little about To cure diseases they know less about for people They know nothing about, and they call me a fraud.

Now by the raise of the hand, Which one of you k*lled Dr. Newton?

You're gonna stand by and watch this?

Ah, it's out of my control.

My boss is agent kimball cho. I can give you his phone number.

Well, I won't put up with it.

Oh, come, now. It's perfectly obvious.

Patient siberia gets first dibs on a kidney Because he's some v.I.P. With oodles of cash.

Now that you're in charge, It's all velvet rope for the v.I.P.S, right?

Meeting adjourned.

Oh, and, uh, for those of you who are less experienced With police intimidation, you're under no obligation To talk to these two.

Smooth. Thank you.

Give 'em hell. I will.

Uh, you're Dr. Quick's accomplice, yes?

Surgery fellow. Oh.

Scared of doctors, eh?


I understand. Don't like some of them myself.

Since Dr. Quick isn't interested in talking to us, Perhaps you can tell us where he was last night.

You think he had something to do with Dr. Newton's m*rder?


Elementary, my dear vernon.

Newton's body isn't even cold, And quick has seized his position with gusto.

The man lives up to his name. Dr. Quick didn't k*ll anyone.

He just wants us to be a top-notch research hospital.

For that, we need money. We're not a charity. You still haven't answered my question.

Where was Dr. Quick last night?

He had a dinner.

It was running late, so he asked me to cover his call.

I worked throughout the night. Late dinner.

You obviously haven't partied with pharmaceutical reps.


Woman: operator. We need Dr. Montez in I.C.U.

And who's this patient siberia?

A kidney transplant candidate Who is patiently waiting for me in the c.C.U.

If you'll excuse me, please.

(woman over p.A.) Dr. Montez to I.C.U.

Let's head over to radiology. That badge is still buggin' me.

I wanna know why it was so radioactive.

I'm gonna pass. I'm off the cafeteria For something deliciously suspended in gelatin.

I'm not even gonna ask you where you're really going.

You wanna know why?

I don't have to.

Hi, byron.


I'm agent Van Pelt.

Your wife is enid jordan?

Yeah, that's right.

Last week the head of the transplant board At blessed sacrament received this.

Did you write it?

You know, They say if you're angry to write a letter But wait a day before you send it.

They say sometimes just the act of writing is enough.

I waited a week.

And I still felt every word.

So, yes, I sent it.

You do know that Dr. Newton was m*rder*d last night?

Yes, and I'm sorry about that.

But tragedy happens. Ask enid.

Why were you so angry with Dr. Newton?

He put your wife on the transplant list.

Do you know what it took to get into his program?

First, enid had to lose the required weight Through sickness.

And then she was too sick.

And then after that, can we afford to maintain a new kidney?

Hoop after hoop after hoop.

But she was put on the list. And nothing changed.

You're up the list one day, down the next, Never at the top, and always there's someone else That gets to go first. I'm so tired, lady.

Byron, where were you at 2:00 this morning?

I was, uh, bent over a toilet, Holding my wife's hair back while she spit up blood.

Stress ulcers.

And so back into the hospital she went this morning.

Another declotting procedure this afternoon.

How many times can they cut her open?

(indistinct conversations)

Woman: operator.

Hi. Uh, we need Dr. Watson in the o.R., stat.

Which room, sir?

Uh... 3.

Paging him now.

(clears throat)

(woman) Dr. Watson to o.R. 3, stat.

(monitor beeping steadily)

Ah, you must be patient siberia.

Yeah, well I—oh!



(foreign accent) no movement.

(monitor beeping steadily)

(foreign accent) who are you?

And don't say "doctor."

Wasn't going to. I'm Patrick Jane.

And I'm kind of... Law enforcement.

You must be some kind of russian crime lord, yes?

Where's your badge?

Front vest pocket.

Uh, it's more of a laminate.

I-I didn't get the, uh...

I'm a consultant. I didn't get the real shiny badge.

Who tells you I'm russian crime lord?

Your sochi accent, the star tattoo on your chest, The b*llet wounds, Your thousand-yard stare. I could go on.

(alert dings)

Thank you.


My name is ulis oratni.


Why are you here?

Well, a doctor at the hospital was m*rder*d.

His name is micah newton.

And he stood between you and a...

New kidney.

Ah. You think I k*lled him.

No. Obviously, you're not in good enough shape for such Strenuous activity, but possibly someone you know did—

Someone, uh, strong like bull.

How's your golf swing?

Give me club. I will show you.

Got the pa— what's going on here?

Thishe has a g*n, And he pointed it at me. He's very rude, And that's not even including the as*ault.

Sir, I'm with the CBI. Is he telling the truth?

Get up against the wall. Go.

It's your colleague that's trespassing.

And he's put the safety of this patient at risk.

His blood pressure's skyrocketed.

We're leaving, but we're taking him with us.

Come on.

Oh, just one more thing—

What's the going price for a kidney these days?

Is it an x-ray machine or a new wing on the hospital?

Or does ivan the terrible here have Dr. Quick's niece Tied up somewhere in some basement?

(quick) just go.

Patrick: bye.

I just got off the phone with interpol. Yegor golenka, Our russian friend in holding, has an extensive police record In moscow. I'm gonna have a word with him about it.

What did you find out about Dr. Newton's radiation badge At the hospital?

I talked to his assistant, then I asked around In the radiology department. Nobody could explain Why his radiation levels were so high. It's a mystery.

Did you find out what source of radioactivity Would affect the badge and not the person wearing the badge?

Um, no.

Okay. Van pelt, follow up on that for me, would you?

Will do.

I can handle it. Don't you have to go talk to your suspect?

Yes, boss.

We hear you're a violent offender in russia.

How'd you come by your w*apon here?

I can get you a translator if you need one.

I understand.

Well, in that case, speak up and look me in the eye When you talk to me. Show some respect.

Mm. Yes, ma'am.

Let's try again.

How did you get the g*n?

I found it.

These g*ns—they practically grow on trees in California.

You know that in this country, You need to have a license to have a g*n?

And when you threw my colleague up against the wall And held him at gunpoint, you committed a felony?

That means you go to jail.

Your prison system is, uh...

Like vacation in russia.

But then who would look after Mr. Oratni?

My replacement.

You'd do anything for him, wouldn't you?

Without hesitation.

Would you k*ll for him?

Of course.

Did you k*ll Dr. Newton for him?

Hmm. Mm. No.

Where were you last night between 9:00 and 2:00?

Watching over Mr. Oratni... In his room.

All night.

Dr. Quick—he, uh, made special provision for me to be there.

Since arriving in this country, I have not left the side of Mr. Oratni for a single moment.

Until now.

That's the nurse's station there.

If you need anything else, please don't ask me.

You got me in so much trouble this morning.

I'm sorry, francine. Thank you.

(woman) paging Dr. Bender, paging Dr. Bender.

Looking for a post-op patient?

No. I'm, uh, looking for a nurse.

Which one?

You, actually. You're in the seat of power here, And we all know who really runs a hospital.

(woman groaning)

Please? Can somebody please help me? Will you help my wife?

She just got out of surgery. She says her pain is unbearable.

Hang in there, baby.

Enid jordan. Did she get her kidney?

No, just another de-clotting procedure, more tubes Stuck in her body. I don't know how much more she can take.

Dr. Gidry.

(continues moaning)

Still rabble-rousing?


She's post-op 15 minutes after a de-clotting procedure And severely agitated.

Okay. Mrs. Jordan, it's Dr. Gidry, Your anesthesiologist. Where are you on the pain scale?

Oh, come on! She's in agony! What does it look like?

Uh... I'm afraid your wife has reached her allowable amount Of post-op pain medication. I need you to hang on A little longer, okay, honey?

Push 10 milligrams of valium If she's still agitated in 20 minutes.

What is wrong with you people?

I'm sorry, baby.

I-I-I-I'll keep trying. I'm not gonna give up.

Excuse me, ma'am, if—if I may? Uh...

You might want to try screaming. Often helps.

Excuse me?

Screaming. Expressing the pain. Uh, saint whoever-it-is Would agree. Screaming— it's therapeutic in itself.

Besides, it'll get you your dr*gs a lot quicker. Who are you?

Patrick Jane. Nice to meet you. Uh, byron and enid, yes?

Yeah. (continues moaning)

Scream. Try it.

(enid screaming)

Russian doesn't look good for it?


Hey, boss.

Hey. Hi.

I was looking into the radiation badge and learned something.

Any access in the hospital after hours requires employees To use their I.D. Badge to gain entry. That sounds promising.

There's more. Newton's badge usage the night of the m*rder Doesn't add up. How so?

According to the security report, he swiped his badge In radiology at 8:05 that night. But newton's assistant said that he was giving a lecture To medical students around that time. Exactly. Kind of hard to be in two places at once, right?

We'll run that down tomorrow and see where it leads.

Good work, Van Pelt. Good work.

Thanks. Well, you were right. The radiation badge was a clue.

Just doing what you taught me. Running down all the angles. Yeah.

Listen, boss—

Don't call me "boss." I'm not your boss. You're my boss.

Give it a try.


Come on, little more than that, little more than that. Everyone.

(screaming and laughing)

The girl's got pipes.

(continue screaming and laughing)

How does that feel?

Feels good. Pretty good.

Scream a day keeps the doctor away.

I would steer clear of the tall one, if I were you.

Nothing but heartache there.

How did you know...

Oh, my god. I have been telling gloria he was a dog for weeks.

Yes, but he is a yummy dawg.

So level with me. Most of the doctors around here—

Terrible, right?

No, some of 'em are keepers.


Dr. Newton was an absolute treasure, bless his heart.

Mm. Who else?

On the principle That he with the whitest coat hides the darkest heart, Who do you think is the nicest, sweetest doctor here?

(both) Dr. Watson.

Mm. That's interesting.

You think he's the k*ller?

Well, he is Dr. Quick's yes-man And the supervising physician for patient siberia, So that puts him right in the thick of things.

No. Dr. Watson is cute... And nice.

I was working a double last night, And he got doughnuts for everyone on the graveyard shift. Aw.

You mean, whilst he was covering for Dr. Quick's shift, He went out and bought everyone doughnuts?

You should be marrying him, daisy.

Dr. Watson wasn't working here last night.

He just... Stopped by.

Doctors really are the best liars, aren't they?

So is Dr. Watson working right now?

Yeah, but his shift ends in a half-hour.

You want me to page him for you?

Oh, no, no, no. I'll find him. It's been a lot of fun.

Everything we've said is in strict confidence.

I'll make that official by deputizing each one of you.

It's our little secret, ladies.

(engine turns off)

(engine turns off)

What is he doing in this neighborhood?

That's what you're here to find out.

Dr. Watson lied about working at the hospital.

He merely did a drive-by With doughnuts In the middle of the m*rder window.

Probably looking for an alibi. Mm.

Hospital's only a few minutes away from the driving range.

Entering a sketchy building with a duffel bag...

Possibly full of money to pay off the k*ller.

That's your cue to be a hero. I'll wait in the car.

Oh. Thanks.

Go get 'em.


(liquid dripping)


Woman: get away from me! Get off!

(glass tinkles)


Hands in the air!


Help! (whimpering)

What's wrong with her?

She's a heroin addict coming out of an overdose.

I need to continue helping her... Now! Should I call for an ambulance?

Help! No need.

Alicia? Alicia, it's okay. It's okay. You're fine. Help!

Another dose should do the trick.

What is that?


Naloxone. Fastest way to strip opiates from the system, Reverse an overdose.


Always keep it handy in my bag.

Good thing one of her smack buddies called me in time. Shh.

This is more than altruistic.

Do you have an addict in the family?

My mother o.D.'d when I was 12.

It's part of the reason I became a doctor.

Why did you lie about being in the hospital The night that newton was m*rder*d?

(sighs) I was moonlighting at a mobile clinic last night.

That's a violation of my contract with the hospital.

I can't afford to lose my job.

I've got medical school bills like you wouldn't believe.

Okay. Well, keep up the good work. Rigsby?

I'm sorry. This man's still a suspect. If newton found out About his moonlighting, that could be motive for m*rder.

Newton knew. He even came to the clinic To keep his skills up, give back to the community.

Regular saint. See? There you go.

It's obvious watson here is a diamond in the rough.

One doctor clear, a whole hospital full of suspects to go.

Woman: Dr. Staitman to I.C.U., dr. Staitman to I.C.U.



Seven minutes. I should have hurdled that last gurney.

Right. What? I ran track in high school.

The medical students I talked to said that newton's lecture Started at 8:10, but his badge was swiped in radiology at 8:05.

That means he had five minutes To make the same trip that took you seven. And I was running fast.

So newton was either faster than you, Or someone else was using his badge. Somebody stole his badge, definitely.

What? I'm fast.


Because of his position, newton's badge allowed him Access to every area of the hospital. Valuable badge to have.

And over the last month, newton accessed The radiology department three times as much as any other area.

But the people you interviewed in radiology said that newton Rarely spent time there. Exactly.

Somebody else was using newton's badge the night of the m*rder.

Show him. Newton's lectures are videotaped.

This is a still image hours before newton was k*lled.

He's not wearing his security badge. Was it reported stolen?

No, but we believe the badge was used at the time by someone he Thought he could trust with it— francine trent, his assistant.

I ran her financials. She used her credit card two hours ago.

Bought a ticket at the main bus terminal. Let's hit it.

(man) attention, passengers, The northbound bus for portland, oregon, Now boarding at gate 12.

The women's restroom is clear.

Now boarding at gate 12.

Concession area clear.

Attention, passengers, The northbound bus for portland, oregon, Now boarding at gate 12.

Suspect spotted, northwest corner.

Are you going somewhere?

What is this?

We know you stole Dr. Newton's security pass the night of the m*rder.

When did you return it?

Before or after you k*lled him?

I didn't k*ll Dr. Newton.

You're gonna have to come with us. First we need to look in that case.

Don't touch that! Okay.

What's in the suitcase?


The suitcase is lead-lined, but if you open it unprotected, The material will get into your marrow and mutate your cells.

That's what she was using newton's all-access badge for.

Those pellets sell for a small fortune on the black market. And that explains all the radiology visits And why, when I first met you, you knew so much about it.

Did newton find out you stole them?

Is that why you k*lled him?

I didn't k*ll anyone. I spent the night at my boyfriend's.

You can check. Rigsby, I want a hazmat team down here asap.

Van pelt, keep the perimeter secure and keep an eye On the suspect. Lisbon. I don't think she's our k*ller. How can you be so sure?

I believe her story, and she's not a doctor. You, too?

That's Dr. Malvo.

Needs to remind himself which limb he's cutting into.

Otherwise harmless.

Unless you're his patient.


What's going on, daisy?

He has enough dr*gs inside him to knock out an elephant.

It doesn't make sense. Sensing a pattern here.

If I had a nickel for every pain complaint, I'd own the joint.

(monitor beeping steadily)

I heard they found you a kidney.

You all set for surgery?

Yep, I can see the fear in your eyes.

You have to be fearless in your line of work, And now you fear the pain you've inflicted on others Has come back to you in the form of sickness.

And I do believe you might be right.


Nothing like a fresh cup of Joe Before you start the business of swapping out organs.

Thank you, Patrick.

Pleasure. And for the unsung...

Patrick, you're too much.

Mmm. I want a coffee.

You know, I have a very special cup of tea here That you should try. Mm.

And our crack leader who will presently save the life Of a ruthless foreign k*ller. You definitely need a coffee.

You don't belong here. Henry.

Not very hospitable, but I get your drift. Whoa, I'm leaving.

(radio chatter)

Your m*rder victim's assistant gave up her buyer.

She's been stealing small amounts from the hospital Over the last month. Adds up to a huge profit.

The feds just picked the buyer up.

That's a relief.

Unfortunately, She has an airtight alibi for the night of the m*rder.

After she returned his badge, She did indeed spend the night with a male companion.

So newton's k*ller is still out there.

True, But those pellets could have been weaponized in a dirty b*mb With the power to injure thousands of people.

Nice catch.

Wasn't my catch. Cho gets the credit.

He's a good leader. You were right about him.

I'll include your sentiments in his file, As well as a commendation in your own.

Thank you.

You are back in charge of your team, effective immediately.



You're back in charge.

I heard you.

Why was I pulled off in the first place?

Maybe I was messing with you?

(chuckles nervously)

And it showed you I won't tolerate any disrespect.

That'll be all.


(footsteps recede)

Lisbon, well done. Very good news.

I have the perfect congratulatory gift in mind, But you're gonna have to come by the hospital So I can present it to you.

(woman) Patrick Jane, o.R. 8, stat.

[i]If you can hear my voice, Patrick, [i]Move your ass to o.R. 8.

Better make that quick.

(whispers) that was my ass.

(beeping, hissing)

What the hell is this?

I felt it important to let you and your team know Before you cut this man open, that you have all been drugged.

What are you talking about?

What do you mean, drugged?

How? Who did it?

I did, by a special coffee blend.

I got the idea from the able Dr. Watson.

What was that stuff you gave to the heroin addict?


Yeah, that's it. It was handy in your duffel bag, Just as you said. I put a "carefully measured dose"

In the coffee pot— all of it.

Why would you do that?

Perhaps I should back this story up. Uh, somebody in this room Is an addict who's been stealing pain-relieving dr*gs From the patients before, during, or after surgery.

What makes you think that?

From my time spent with you, dear.

As soon as I saw those patients fresh out of surgery, it was Obvious to me they hadn't been given enough of the good stuff.

And I believe that's what Dr. Newton figured out And that's what got him k*lled.

You drugged all of us, based on that wild conjecture?


You gave everyone here naloxone?


Do you have any idea how dangerous that can be?

I did read the label, thank you very much, and it's only harmful To those individuals suffering with liver and kidney damage—

Uh, that makes oratni completely out of the question—

And pregnant women.

Oh, my god. You gave me tea.


How did you know?

It's perfectly obvious. I also know who the father is, But don't—don't worry. Your secret is safe with me.

Lisbon. Perfect timing. Just in time to open your present.

What's going on?

I spiked the coffee.

Somebody in this room is about to spiral into a rapid detox.

The shakes, nausea, Those dreaded cravings for the rush of a fresh hit...

Hello. Someone's missing.

I don't see Dr. Gidry.

Me, neither.

The anesthesiologist. Of course.

(quick) check the ladies' room.

Lisbon. Hurry.

(door bangs)

Drop the needle!

No, no, youyou don't understand. I, uh, I need this.

I'm going through withdrawal.

No, you're not.

But the coffee...

Jane didn't put anything in the coffee.

He needed to lure out the real k*ller, and here you are.

Okay, okay. I-I-I admit it.

I-I-I stole dr*gs and I returned them watered down, but...

That doesn't make me the k*ller.

C-can we get a little fresh air in here?

It's s-stifling.

Tell me how you started using.


Up days at a time. I mean, How else were you supposed to stay alert enough to perform?

And then I'd— I'd need something else To help me come— come back—down.

And when did newton figure out you had a problem?

I don't have a problem! I maintain perfectly!

No. Your real withdrawals are starting.

Why don't you work with me here, and I can get you what you need?

(exhales sharply)

Last week...

Newton was doing a review of o.R. Cases, And he found some inconsistencies in patient care.

So he brought you in.

He said that my actions had...

Had left the hospital exposed to lawsuits.

Zero tolerance means zero tolerance. Blah, blah, blah...

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So he fired you?

No, no, no, not just He was gonna report me to the state medical board. Huh?

And cooperate with the police if asked.

He called it moral obligation. I called it covering his ass.


I tried to reason with him.

After his lecture, you followed [i]him to the driving range.

I'm sorry.

[i]He said he was sorry, but he just kept swinging.

[i]He was gonna destroy everything that I'd worked for, [i]But he kept on swinging, and I lost it.


You k*lled him.

My life didn't matter to him.

(whispers) Why should his matter to me?


Are you gonna help me out?



Got gidry's confession.

Golenka's being deported tomorrow. He'll be back Just in time to greet oratni and his pre-owned kidney.

Now that quick's been fired For trading an m.R.I. Machine for a kidney, let's hope The hospital's transplant program stays on the up-and-up.

Yeah, there's an endless supply of doctors Like quick in the world.

Way to see the bright side. Need anything else?

I want you to know that my reinstatement is in no way A reflection of your abilities. You did a great job.

I know. Hey, guys. Come on in.

So we have a question.

If there's a group hug coming, I am so outta here. No hugs.

We're going out for a drink to celebrate the return of cho.

You want to join us?

Guys, thank you. I can't. I got a lot of paperwork to do, And there's a management meeting. Next time.

Good night. Next time.

Good night.

Night, boss.

The price of power.

Patrick. There you are.

Yep. Here I am. You caught me.

Yeah. I-I didn't want to take up too much of your time, uh...

Mm-hmm. I just wanted to let you know that they found a kidney For enid. Uh, they're operating tonight.

I think your advocacy had a lot to do with that.

Oh, no, no. Good for enid. It's... Good luck with that.

I wanted to give you this.

St. Sebastian.

Gave me a lot of strength. Maybe he'll do the same for you.

A magical medallion. That's—that's cool.

He helps people in pain.

But, uh...

You know, seriously, I'm— I'm not really a believer.

You know what? Never mind. Thank you very much.


Thank you.
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