03x08 - The Nine Lives of Toralei

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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03x08 - The Nine Lives of Toralei

Post by bunniefuu »

on this episode of mh true monster

stories storyline strife

victoria stripe one of the most infamous

students at monster high this werecat's

vengeance strikes fear in the hearts of

even the toughest monster high students

what makes this cantankerous kitty purr

to answer that my friends we must go

back all the way back to the beginning

born the smallest of a litter of six she

had to fight for everything she got

the entire litter was adopted oh scarole

how adorable all of them except turley

torel i learned quickly she survived

using only her wits speed and cunning

but time eventually catches up with


she wound up where a lot of kitties from

the street did the pound

it was here where she met her where cats

sisters persephone and mulity together

they would rule this place with an iron

paw the key is to find out who runs

things and then show them who's boss

things might have stayed that way

forever had a certain benevolent

headmistress not stepped in ladies i run

a school called monster high a place

where you can learn and grow

i think you belong

there i'll take that as a yes but as

happy as turling was to be at monster

high you can't teach an old cat new

tricks okay same rules apply we find out

who runs things then we show them who's


after that we ghouls will rule the

school so who is taurali my friends we

may never know for sure this has been mh

true monster stories well what do you


are you kidding i love it
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