02x26 - Hyde Your Heart

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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02x26 - Hyde Your Heart

Post by bunniefuu »

i can't believe we missed that big party

last night we didn't miss anything the

ghostly gossip's got all the pics on her

blog already hipster hot hide heats up

another big-time bat that hide is way

dreamy careful that's frankie's crusher

talking about cut it out you guys he is


speaking of frankie crushes jackson

frankie you need to charge over there

and shock some sense into him he stood

you up at cleo's party i don't know come

on do it

hey heath hey jackson

he's can you give us some misfortune why

didn't you go to the party oh i did go i

remember being outside trying to get my

courage up and then oh

nothing i must have been so nervous i

blacked out all that loud music and

there's just so many people

plus you make me nervous me why would i

make you nervous i'm the one who gets

nervous because i really like you okay


i'm i'm sorry if you had a lousy time

it's all good the party was cool there

was a great dj there maybe you've heard

of him hold hide nah i don't know him

hold hyde is the awesomest i got to

carry his equipment last night which i

totally owned at thank you

so hey if you'd give me another chance

um i'd love to take you out there's a

silent movie playing at the revival

house that that's a little more my speed

yeah okay

that sounds great great i'll i'll see

you there at seven

look ghouls we're just going to the

movies it's no big deal have you both

come loose it's your first date it's a

huge deal this is too big a deal for

frankie to do all by herself deuce and i

will double with her then i will go to

it'll be a triple claddin you have got

to come too i wouldn't miss it well i

guess you guys don't need me around to

plan this i'll just be going this is so

interesting this is historically

accurate monster normie relations were

not good in the 14th century you're so


sorry all my friends tagged along

as long as i get to sit next to you i

don't care who else is around

club wake up oh man it's not over yet

afraid not boring come on bring it

you know what this oldie but moldy needs

a banging soundtrack

oh check that out sorry i i didn't know

they hey you okay no

i'm sorry frankie


i can't believe i got stood up again

what do you expect from the norman

thought jackson was different i guess

frankie frankie frankie oh it's been too

long you miss me um do you mind i'm kind

of on a date here yeah with me wow

love the music jackson you out here


oh cool happened oh not again jackson

oh what is happening to me
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