02x16 - Fear Pressure

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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02x16 - Fear Pressure

Post by bunniefuu »

so are you

don't you want to be your monster

too they make such a cute couple

not in the mood if my brother and my

best friend were embarrassing me in

front of the whole school i'd be in a

bad mood too

you know as well as i do they don't

belong together it's just not right

they're just too different

draculaura must really be crushing on

claude if she's actually eating lunch

with him i don't follow she's a total

hardcore vegetarian she gets a woozy

even at the sight of meat i bet claw

doesn't even know she's a vegetarian

oh frankie you've given me the best idea


and boom game over

that was amazing lord you know you have

a big game tonight what you need is a


that's jake

draculaura what are you all staring at

frankie get me out of here

draculaura you're just going to chase

after her now of course not one of us

clawed she sees a tiny piece of meat and

she faints you knew that would happen

didn't you and you did it anyway i hope

you're proud of yourself

it's a monster high tradition to prank

the graduating seniors in two weeks we

could use somebody like you

you seem to have a natural talent for


what were you going normie a normie in a

monster school just transferred in my

cousin jackson your cousin's a normie

it's a long story well we can't just

stonewall your cousin like that monster

high's about being cool to everyone no

matter who or what you are even if what

means normie hey jackson got a spot over

here for you


i never should have done that to you i

don't even know why i was mad i told

myself that you were too different but

now i know it wasn't about you at all it

was about me being scared of losing my

best friend can you ever forgive me that

was the most beautiful thing i've ever

heard um

i'm so

sorry of course i forgive you silly

our friendship is more important than me

seeing claude it's a little weird for me

but i'll get over it besides you're the

only girl i know who's good enough for

my brother

going for snacks you guys want anything

i'll take a hamburger and a hot dog and

oh yeah no i'm cool

this will be a perfect shot for the fear

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