Northpole: Open for Christmas (2015)

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Northpole: Open for Christmas (2015)

Post by bunniefuu »


[Applause] [Music]

but you just - you
this morning [Music]


one time your early interns
don't usually show up till

trampoline let me fix it oh

well we've got another problem to deal

with a problem look the thing is the
zing in these balls is too much I see I

guess we'll have to scratch that whole
batch unless what if we cut these in

half and attach them to the bottom
of shoes I don't follow what

kind of has this half the bounce
and for kids to play hoop that's a

perfect amount of spray in their step

well done Clem thanks
Liz be [Music]

good work today Clem entrance don't
usually invent new product well the way

I see it a problem is just a snowball
waiting for a target maybe that's why

weird gets around okay Clementine
later I heard you did a

good job today you March to your own
glockenspiel all the time thank you sir

my mom says that if we had a snowflake
for every new idea that I chased we'd

have an avalanche on our hands that's
why I'm here today shall we go to my

office and have a
little chat I love that

[Music] as you know getting
around the world and

one night isn't easy the further
my sleigh gets from North

Pole's magic the more power we need well
you do login a lot of frequent flyer

miles which is why we built the power
stations without those points of magic

around the globe my journey would be
impossible so Clementine what do you say

to another special mission I'd be
totally ice well there's a woman down

south who's at a crossroads she
inherited one of our stations an old

hotel that's gone dark Vermont I hear
it's beautiful this time of year if it's

magic isn't lit up by Christmas Eve well
I think you know what's at stake here

how much does she know nothing how much
can I tell her I'm afraid she's gonna

have to come to certain realizations
herself needless to say this will be the

greatest challenge you've
ever faced I'm honored


and I'm in her name is Mackenzie Warren

pretty but no yes I can sell 18-karat

worth more melted down something
to think about that's interesting

Lola would you mind standing
up the sixteenth century

Elizabethan in really good condition
oh that's not for sale McKenzie Oh

I understand your hesitancy and
you'll excuse me for saying

but if there's one thing I've
learned in my 20 years of

appraising estates and property
these are just things a

month from now you will be
living a book or at on swimming

and playing golf and this antique
chair could be collecting

dust in the corner or pay your
country club dues for a year

maybe you're right holding
on to the past keeps

us from moving forward
yesterday is history

tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift
that's why they call it the present Oh

now there's your kitchen
makeover in Boca [Music]


be careful here you go bagel
light cream cheese coffee black

I'm available 24/7 night or day okay
thank you nice work on the Campbell

estate that's why you're our
number one you can talk people out

of anything thank you I think
well keep it up you'll be the

new me that needs water it's
plastic any plans for the

holidays not really just
going over inventory for

the New Year's Day auction I
envy you I have a minivan full

of relatives coming in if you
ask me Santa has the right

idea only visit people
once a year Christmas

party in the conference
will be coming

and catch up with people I haven't
seen in 20 minutes of course


can I help you Lauren yes Peter Elfman
Esquire we spoke on the phone about your

aunt's estate oh yes of course please
come in I'm Mackenzie thank you nothing

like the smell of a plastic Christmas
tree would you like some coffee oh that

would be lovely cream and sugar I just
black just moving in no I haven't

gotten around to unpacking quite
yet how long have you lived

here a year I move a lot for
work six times in the last eight

years so I have mastered the
art of living out of boxes

sounds like I haven't found
a place you can call home

yet well let's just say I'm better at

appraising homes than I am living in
them please sit down oh thank you here

you go ah thank you why are
you getting in touch now

it's been almost a year
since my aunt passed away

yes it's taken us this long to organize
her things well she always was a free

spirit you two are close very for a
while I used to go to her in when I was

a little girl every Christmas I love
that place and my aunt grace most of all

it's my guess the feeling was mutual she
left you an early Christmas gift the

Northern Lights Mountain Inn

she left me the end indeed she did why
me I I haven't spoken to her in a

lifetime be that as it may she chose you

papers quite clear on that I can't
believe it I was so kind of her but what

am I gonna do with a hotel in the middle
of nowhere what was the last time you

were there second grade hmm I'm
afraid us lost a star too in the

guidebooks since then well I suppose
I'll have to sell it I guess there's a

realtor up there I could call
why don't you go up there and

take a look at the place first
seeing something in person

can open your eyes to all sorts of
possibilities you've given me a lot to

think about well don't
take too long there's a

large tax bill due with
the first of the year

Uncle Sam may have a beard
but he's no Santa Claus well

Merry Christmas Merry Christmas



along the way that one's my favorite of

all [Music]

it's Taylor whatever you
have to say say it in five

seconds Taylor it's
Mackenzie I'm going out of

town for a few days but I'll be back
for the auction Merry Christmas



[Applause] [Music]


hi are you the realtor thankfully no

Verrazano Oh Mackenzie warned my aunt
grace owned the Northern Lights Mountain

Inn you know what then every nook and
cranny it's not an English muffin here I

tried for years to forget grace to sell
money pit is a teardown just waiting to

happen I couldn't disagree
more well I guess

it's my money pit now and you're not
that country innkeeper type no actually

I'm the director of acquisitions
at Carlyle in New York

well then you know the value
of a good piece of property

inside and out we I am me the Allen
wrench there what here you go Thanks

you know your wrenches w/g
Allen filed the patent for the

original in 1909 fraud and
five figures at auction well

what can you tell me about the compound
sliding miter saw not a lot too bad I

was about to propose McKenzie then is
a relic except for your aunt's annual

Christmas party the place
has been pretty much empty

for years on the bright side
I do have a prospective

buyer who's interested in picking
it off your hands as is well

she's not selling it as this
what I mean is if you spruce

it up a little you get a
better price better yet if you

sell it right now you've been
done with it then the new

buyer tears it down this is a landmark
it's progress this is the history of our

town don't listen to him he's adverse to
making money maybe I should see it first

give me a call when you do I will
it was nice to meet both of you

exit nope I recommend you tearing
it down and buy a new one

[Music] hey I'll
walk you to your car

oh yes ten feet away well we'll walk
slowly apologize for him he's always

been pushy and annoying but he's
my brother so I put up with him

yeah in Hanover became Z Warren is that
mrs. Warren or miss are you asking if I

marry no just a little small-town
conversation it's miss


hasn't changed at a Hama

well maybe a little

[Music] okay maybe I lost

hello welcome to the Northern Lights

Mountain Inn thank you let me
take that for you thank you the

inn was established in 1820 as
a home away from home though

you've stayed with us before
yeah a long time ago oh my


Mackenzie yeah you may not remember me
Wilson Wilson of course I remember you

oh I'm so sorry I didn't
recognize you well I've

gotten dramatically better
looking over the years

Grace's lawyer said you might show up
yeah I think what you did me too so

quiet yes well we've lost some staff
yeah vacationers prefer the new resorts

in town these days and well
locals may love this place but

they sleep in their own beds
listen are you saying that I'm

the only guest you're not a
guest your family would you

like a little look around before I show
you to your room oh I would love that

yes grace kept on top of things but
these last few years we fell a little

behind well it's an old place
and it's seen a little wear

and tear I see aunt Grace's
collections are still intact

yeah she acquired everything
from hats to hammers

if it was quirky and fun she just had
to have it Lopez can bring in a pretty

penny I suppose they were there long

before me no maybe ah kitsch
pretty worthless you used to

like to read beside that lamp shows you
what I knew back then just an old lamp

but worth isn't always a number
is it oh it is in my world

[Music] I remember when
this room used to be

full of people and laugh and
music like a Christmas Symphony


[Music] aunt Grace's
favorite Christmas ornament

I remember that spinning
spinning yeah it's going correct

Mackenzie daddy you're
still here oh you look

wonderful thank you
dear I see you're still

wearing your famous Christmas
sweaters a different one every

day I'm happy to make you one
oh no I wouldn't want you

to go to all that trouble no no no
trouble at all baby where's the rest of

the staff just us now you to
take care of this whole place

let's just say that it keeps us young and
all that nope let's show you to your


I've missed you
Anna grace [Music]

shouldn't we take the elevator
no no elevator got it

goodnight dear good night
Betty good night Wilson


whoa nice [Music]



nice landing Randy I love the
new for like a touchdown

you'll be nice and warm in here
I'll check back in in the morning


hello you must be Wilson in USD

Clementine we've been waiting for you did
you bring any luggage just carry on mm-hmm

how is it rip great I caught a little
turbulence over the Arctic Circle

BRR nuts no Cola coming up okay follow

me she checked in yet oh yes indeed



Santa I'm in [Music]


good morning good morning McKenzie this
is Clementine my grandniece her parents

are working so she'll
be staying with us for

the holidays well as
someone who used to spend

Christmases here when I was a little girl I
promise you're gonna love it I already do

you're not the shiniest hair thank you
it's AG knock shampoo Oh sounds sticky

it's real popular I'm from and where's
that up north Canada a little north of

that more like Canada jacent
would you like to join us

for breakfast oh no coffee
will be fine we were just

saying how sad it would
be if this place had

to close I suppose I could
always find another

job I'm not that old still it wouldn't
be the same I thought that sound system

was broken it is


good morning morning Mac actually nobody
calls me that at least not anymore

that's too bad I like it [Music]

what happened wiring in this place
is just about shot this is awkward

what is well I hope you don't
think that I hired you yesterday

no I didn't then what are you doing here
don't worry I'm not here for you I'm

here for the end you do know the inn
is an inanimate object not to me I've

always looked after the place in fact
your aunt and I were really good friends

you smell a lot to me so my contractor
and I we lend a hand when we can

contractor yeah she's outside shoveling
snow look I hope you don't think that I

don't appreciate all of this
because I do but after I've

seen all the work that this
place needs I think it's best I

take your brother up on his
offer you mean sell it and have

him tear it down maybe they'll
put something better in

this place yeah sure like
a condo development mania

maybe strip mall hey McKenzie this is
my contractor Jenny it is a pleasure to

meet you Jenny it's christmas break
which when you're a single dad means

instant work crew not to mention this is
her favorite place in the world it was

mine too when I was your age what about
now well Jeff kids I know a husband

no no husband Jenny why don't you not

get your stuff Jenner Pat no house

plants plastic a car it's least least

[Music] commitment problems

sorry about the interrogation my old
contractor was much quieter it's okay

she's adorable yeah she's
a really good kid and

persistent and by persistent I mean
relentless hmm it's not that I have a

commitment problem per se why you didn't
hear that from me I I move around a lot

for work and well when you don't stay
in one place you have to give up things

like relationships dogs cats and
plants must be hot I'm used to it

this is a thank-you for what my dad says
you're gonna fix this place huh and turn

it back to the way it used to be he
said it used to be magical yes it was

actually sweetie I think Mac has decided
to let the place go and move on you mean

it's not gonna be here anymore well
it depends on who buys it I know it

seems unimaginable not coming back to a
place you love but there will be so many

other special places you'll go
to places as special as this

you know what keep this then you'll

always remember it here thank you I
could never forget this place ever




Harris this is Mackenzie Warren I'll
hold off on that perspective buyer I'm

gonna fix the place
up first [Music]

okay baby Wilson can I talk to you for a

moment [Music]

I've decided to make a commitment to the
end you're keeping it no but I'm gonna

fix it up so the new owner thinks
twice before tearing it down

now I'm only here until Christmas
so this will have to be

fast and furious Wilson do you know any
handyman in town other than Ian Hanover

why would you want someone else he's the
best not to mention good-looking and

dependable he's raised his little Jenny
since his wife died she died when the

girl was just a baby you won't
do better than Ian I'm sure

you're right I just got the
sense that he might be too

attached to this place but isn't that a
good thing oh not in my experience if we

want to get this done we've got
to forget about the past and

not get caught up in the
memories of what this once was

now I have googled resorts in town and it's
obvious that this place needs some updating

do you know what this place has that the
other places don't char yeah you know

what those places have that this place
doesn't guests Oh first thing we need to

do is inventory what needs to be
fixed and then figure out what we

can live without oh great what do
you mind if I shadowed you I'm

considering a career in hotel
management aren't and you're

hired uh you know what we can't
live without a Christmas tree

or two okay you're in charge of trees
perfect I promise to go out on a limb

for you oh I see what you did there do
you like to make lists Oh like a naughty

and nice list we're
sticking a list of things

wrong with the end
sounds like a short list


you [Music]

elevator check I got it cutter de grâce

manage this place to make it look so
easy well Christmas in the heart puts

Christmas in the air

how many fixes on that list um 64
must dues make that 65 you look beat

beep and overwhelmed mmm
can I get you anything yes

Ian Hanover is number oh don't bother he
never answers his phone how does he get

any business you'll just have to go and
see him they used to go to the N at the

little kid every Christmas my dad
traveled a lot for work the holidays

were his busiest time of year so he'd
send me out here to spend Christmas with

my aunt grace what about your mom
she wasn't really in the picture

I'm so sorry

I loved it here and it's a happiest time
in my life for a while anyway I changed

well one year I had the strangest dream
that I went to this magical city

I was so sure that it was real my dad
became convinced that Aunt Grace was a

bad influence to eccentric I guess I did
sound pretty crazy and he never went

back No why not

I grew up [Music] hello can
I help you look how pretty

that wreath would look on the doors at
the in via yes then that means you're

McKenzie Oh your aunt talked
about you often I miss her

are you still putting on the big
Christmas Eve party we also look forward

to it every year no I'm I'm afraid not
actually I'm selling me oh what a shame

that in meant a lot to this town but
uh Merry Christmas anyway hey Merry


samples samples well absolutely you live

around here I just visiting
I'll be at the sawmill

it's cool that yeah here's to you get up

north yep Dessie

yeah real desi [Music]

oh hey hey I I would have called that I

heard you don't answer your phone no why

don't you hear that well let me guess
Wilson hmm yes Wilson she's here yes and

yes in Betty ah to open a matchmaking
business this is an amazing workshop

it's more of a home office we
live right next door that's

beautiful thank you I kind of
like restoring old stuff you

know taking something that's
forgotten and giving it a second

life early 1900s I think gets
you a good price for this

then I couldn't use it but you
could use the money to buy a

better one I like that one you
really do get attached to

things thank you anyway
I'm here because yeah

you want me to fix up the end Wilson no
I figured you'd spend the night in the

place and you'd come to your
senses and want to keep it I'm

not keeping it but I don't want
to see it torn down well if

my brother sells it it will be
torn down but if we bring it

back to the way it was whoever
buys it won't want to they

will if they have no
attachment to it it so happens

they're talking people out of
things is what I'm good at

well you're also good at talking people
into things no I'm in you're available

yeah yeah wide open great and your rates

well I wouldn't mind that stack of
mahogany in the basement and and you

could throw in some of
Betty's cooking Wow

I was thinking more along the
lines of money I'm good dad

look who I found taking all the free
samples she doesn't really like being

called Mac actually it's
starting to grow on me

nice to meet you likewise I'm so glad you
changed your mind about the end well

let's just say you put a wrench
in my plans start tomorrow

deal and bring your contractor
along okay you in I don't

want cheap I on the
other hand do [Music]


the rest of them are on the way rest of
what Clementine said you wanted a 20

Christmas tree oh that's a 2 and
that's a smiley face sorry that's okay

they're pretty and they smell
better than plastic yes and

there is no such thing as too
many Christmas trees true

and this place means all the
Christmas I can get ready

No there are elves here else

of course Broken Hill evader grandfather
clock that won't time even the ice

machine doesn't work okay to
that oh did I mention that the

linoleum in the water when
it's drawing up I'll rip it up

there's hardwood underneath
I'll be quicker if you

nail it down it's linoleum
you know you can't use a

crayon on the Mona Lisa see I told you
he's too attached to this place are they

neutral however you don't see stucco
ceilings on the Sistine Chapel well put

Wilson we're gonna need paint and a lot of
it there's paint in the basement let me

know I've done a room
or two in my day thanks

Wilson the kitchen could
use a once-over that

is miter

Thank You Betty Betty would anyone like
to tackle the game room right I guess

I'll tack down that lanai oh I'm
second but um break it out what

are you watching polar
epic it's the number-one

show in North Pole oh
boy this place never

looked so good well you know
I wish I could take all

the credit but this kids in the snow
zone I help my dad out all the time he

is very lucky to have you but I think

he's lonely you know I grew up without a
mom - what happened tears she left when

I was a baby why I don't know I guess
she didn't think she'd make a very good

mother but I had my dad and
Aunt Grace and now you have a

well add grace always did
like games Neeson me three

what kind o my favorite game was
the ribbon game on Christmas

Eve and grace would take a
ribbon and she would string

it all through the hotel and I would

chase it to see where the ribbon led
and where did it lead you know I don't

remember can we did oh
goodness I wouldn't even

know where to begin and we have
a lot of work ahead of us on

the other hand there's a lot of snow out
front that needs to be moved around I'll

race you [Music]

I get all the cracks yes but I think

you're missing something [Music]

yes a little trick I learned at the

guild of colorful I like
your style girl [Music]

okay keep them nice and warm I like it

yeah all right

no snowman is complete Jimmy has a top
hat okay what do we think this one all

right we ran out
of carrots [Music]

thank you the nice snowman
I can't see it helping

much though maybe another

price we were just having a little fun
look I don't mean to be a Scrooge but

clock's ticking


he's right I don't know what I was

thinking this place is never gonna get
finished but I mean we're making so much

progress we're building a snowman and
unless he does plumbing and electrical

we're wasting our time we already have
someone who does all of that and more

and he won't melt

Clementine I appreciate what you and
Wilson are trying to do here but there's

no room in my life for Ian or even a
snowman right now well you can make room

I'm struggling just to fix
up this Inn let alone myself


laura's poll chameleon North Pole Santa

its Clementine fear

Clementine how goes it underway I know
I'm just a help Mackenzie help herself

but I need more help is there anyone out

there that you can spare sorry Clem we
need all elves on deck up here there are

those who live down south there right in

your neighborhood you know I might just
know a guy who knows a guy hi oh hey are

you busy tonight you're asking me out

not out in like the in oh so a working

date more work than date I will be there

great [Music]

Oh [Music]


[Music] hope you don't mind we came to say
goodbye to the old place and for some of

Betty's biscuits mmm oh not at
all make yourselves at home

I can't remember not spending
Christmas here I know what

you mean my last special memory of

Christmas was in this place - here have
some coffee thank you good thank you

yeah sit join us oh I wish I could but
I'm gonna take these and go soon did you

hear any weird sounds last night
weird sounds no something like a log

probably beckons sounds like hammering

raccoons with hammers it happens
here some extra for you thank you

I smell biscuits mm-hmm

the sconces weren't on the list
I finally got em all working

I think they complete the room they're
pretty you know with your skills you

could earn a lot in the city I
tried dad not a good fit besides I

have everything I need here what's next

oh and thank you for fixing the clock oh

I didn't fix the car it's working one me

onward snowflake shaped ice Oh

impressive well I appreciate that you

think I have these skills but no again

so how are you at elevators apparently

pretty good going up

how'd you do that I didn't let's give
them a little more time together how bad

is this it's stuck on an elevator with a
pretty girl I can't do this gender why

get involved I'm leaving in a few days
but you're here right now the thing is

I'm on a path and this would be a
left turn maybe it's a right turn

trust me it's easier if things are just
business that way no one gets hurt when

it ends you're worried about the
end before we've even begun


you don't understand I'd like to hey

looks like we miscalculated the last
relationship I had ended because I moved

and the one before that that's what I
do I move you made me run I've built my

entire life around my career yeah and
your career is getting rid of people's

pasts which you know I get it's
okay I guess what about you

you said the happiest time of your life
was here look whether it's me and not me

you can't live your life as a
moving target the moment is now

don't miss it sorry I can't


yes Santa my ice is totally cracked
but don't worry I've got a plan


are you okay

I have a lot of decisions to make you

know I always make my best
decisions while walking

[Music] such a beautiful
night did you hear that

it sounds like a horse
certainly horse like let gusty



that's not a horse that's Clem what's

going on here you know what's going
on you've been in this seat before

trust me


you ready [Music] come on rainy



welcome back to North Pole McKenzie


so it wasn't a dream I'd say more like a
field trip it was really was you I have

so many questions ask
away I'm all ears you are


this is the guild of Bounce and spring
one of the twelve guilds really makes

all the toys for Christmas it's
amazing it's home euchre up here

we don't really grow up
here the age is just a

number most of us don't
even keep track really

oh I like that idea I guess
living in North Pole has

its benefits so does working
for Santa Carlile's

maybe the top auction house
but Santa is the top t*rture

m*rder on the planet not to
mention a legend do you work in

Santa's PR department no sad is an EPR
it's more like word-of-mouth Glenn why

did you bring me here you see a
long time ago you stopped believing

don't worry it happens to the best of
you the magic of Christmas can mean

everything to a kid but time passes and
they start to forget my suddenly comes

another day it's places
like your answer to help

keep Christmas alive it's more than just
an enemy people count on it to be there

year after year at the place with
memories and tradition and magic but

that magic has gone out
your aunt captain alive

and she chose you to bring it back to

life me but I don't know anything about

magic the snow is magic



give it a try [Music]

Oh Clem this this wasn't me it's this
place it's the snow you know when your

aunt first started at the end she was
just like you hesitant a little out of

her comfort zone but she learned along
the way trust me I have a very reliable


Kenzi good to see you again you remember
me my dear I watched over your entire

childhood and I have been holding onto
this for you dear Mac don't ever stop

believing because I believe in you love
Aunt Grace each innkeeper must find

the magic in their own way
grace did you can do it too

you can do this McKenzie I can do this

that's great this is more
important than you know

back to work so many toys
a little time [Music]

what are you thinking well thinking I
should call my boss and tell her there's

been a change in plans [Music]

good morning all good
morning that looks

suspiciously like a Christmas
sweater made by the

best thank you my dear
and it's a perfect fit

did you hit your head or something
something look I know I might have

seemed a bit stressed the past few days
really but we're done with that because

I'm keeping me in don't you restore it
back to what it was and we're gonna

throw a grand reopening
party on Christmas Eve

I like where you're going
with this thank you

oh it's only a few days until Christmas
so we'll have to get started right away

or right after we demolish these
pancakes lose a finger perfect treat

that grace may have been a hoarder well
you can never have too many ornament

Jenny speaking of ornaments
I wanna show you

something this was my aunt graces
favorite ornament it used to spin

oh boy that brings back memories the
last time I did this I was your age what

happened to all of the Christmases since
then I guess I lost my way a little

Cocco it always makes me happy

Thank You Jenny Department of good deeds

you've got another kind well they're

racking up the
good deeds [Music]



see he now sisters you
didn't hear it from me




you think we have enough decorations huh
you have enough presents okay just two

more left pick up put one right here

I've been missed one of
those for over fifty years

well we hope to see you this Christmas Eve
- Aunt Grace

she sure did touch a lot of lives
including by the ends a big part of this

town and everyone in it no
pressure there always handling

I don't know if it's the holidays and
the Christmas spirit but it's town and

the people in it they're very special

guys but the rumors true the Northern
Lights Christmas party's back on

yes Susy is back on great I'll spread
the news oh by the way you guys make a

great couple the downside
of a small town noisy

neighbors we should get back Betty that
was delicious thank you delicious meal

you guys should spend the name no reason

to go out in that snow hey how's the
sleepover sound and we sure have enough

rooms don't we Wilson oh that we have


[Music] happy Christmas
to all and to all a good


Mack you're not like your mom you make a

very good mother Thank You Jenny get

some sleep good night good night

like I said she's feel lightness
but hardly ever wrong [Music]


tailor Merry Christmas where are you you

don't sound like yourself how about that
I have some news I have bigger news what

the crown jewel of Carlyle and now it's
here of course you'd have to leave

everything behind but
that's what you're good at

it's hailer that's an amazing offer but
I I can't I'm gonna need you on a plane

from London by Christmas okay I gotta go


come in I made you an extra one oh

thanks Clem yeah

is something wrong I just got offered a
job I've been working my whole life for

but I thought you already took the job

of a lifetime you know the guy in the
suit this is someone else in a suit

the thing is I can decorate trees and
clean shelves but that doesn't make

magic what if I can't figure out what
does I've been letting down so many

people the town Aunt Grace Betty and
Wilson I've been letting down Santa but

you won't let them down
I hope you're right

[Music] good night



good morning I know what that is no you

don't yeah yeah that's a
new wood chisel Thanks

did you see me buy it



you fix the lights and the music





Oh No I've tripped a breaker anyway I

won't Taylor I've already given you my

answer which I don't accept
this is nothing more than

holiday syndrome old memories
new presents talk to me when

you're surrounded by torn wrapping
paper and fruitcake rocks

fine I'll write it down hold on
okay flight 17 yes gate 43 got

it okay thanks

it's worse than I thought the whole
panels shot how long will it take to fix

well at least a week if I can get the
parts so we've got a grand reopening in

three days and we don't
have any electricity

[Music] you going somewhere
no it's just uh it's

a job offer in London you're leaving on

Christmas that's when the flight leaves

with you on it no pick up and move you

warned me my brother

perfect timing telling me ready to sell

I'll be back tomorrow to
pull out that panel Harris

what no no you're not you're
not interrupting anything

and live from North Pole it's
just him tomorrow night said

the starts loading his sleigh
just two days to go until the

big day meanwhile come
get in the spirit at the

deers ears for still Coe
Sunday that's right

that's Miss Sunday at the
dears ears we're expecting a

lot of people to come in so
be sure to show up early

McKenzie I don't know what made me think
I could do this messed things up with

Ian and now the Northern Lights Mountain
Inn doesn't even have lights let's face

it whatever magic my aunt have I don't
now you may not realize it we're really

good at this and you can't give up now
maybe the next donor will get it right

the next donor according to
Harris he's agreed to keep

the place open and keep Betty and
Wilson on what more could we ask for

you I'm sorry clap please put the word

out that the grand
reopening is off [Music]

well as you can see it's it's a very

fair offer

in sorry to interrupt your big sale no
you're not just getting a panel I'll be

out of your hair

[Music] excuse me I'm
sorry how we left things

need you two different rooms I guess not
so different small-town guy with an old

truck in a big city exec

like McGinty [Music]

[Music] second thoughts
I guess I've grown

attached i headl pass


[Music] I can't believe I failed

I always supposed to help her
find her way missions are funny

they don't always work out the way you
think this one was so important I had a

special mission once I was a
little older than you are when

Santa told me about a new
hotel owner that needed some

help grace hmm after a while you don't know
if the mission is over or if it's still

going on it just kind of gets mixed up with
life so you see Clementine sometimes the

mission is only over when
you say it's over well sin

I'm going polar that's
my girl [Music]

how goes it down south hey let
me figure out something soon

you may have to rewrite your
entire flight plan how can

you get someone to see what
they can't you have to give

them the opportunity to think
it through for themselves

and if they don't come around then you

be their light in the darkness oMG
I can help right the way as bright

as you want thanks Santa [Music]

sad things are here I need to help
someone to delight of course my dear we

have just the thing I knew you would
and by the way do you have any ribbon



we're sorry to see you go

I'm gonna miss all of you very much your
favorite gingerbread cookies Thank You

Betty you might use these in London they

were your on skates how
thoughtful Wilson I love it Jenny

thank you

[Music] so you don't
forget this place [Music]

it's beautiful

but I can never forget about
this place or any of you

all this time you've compared yourself
to your aunt when really you shouldn't

because no two snowflakes are ever alike
thanks Glenn this is just a little

something I picked up Canada
adjacent it's not worth much

actually Clem it's priceless
how would you like to

play a game


oh good choice

oh stop what do you see nothing just

smell things exactly as you're
running down the path of life

don't forget to stop and look
at the snowflakes because

they're not all the same and you
find the one that's different

[Music] yeah [Music]


we're right back to where we started

exactly happiness isn't a destination
it's the journey along the way you guys

knew all along when Aunt Grace was

trying to teach me didn't you

with a little help from North Pole but

that would make you Wilson you - no just

an elf wannabe what'd I miss just me

discovering what's been in
front of me the whole time

what is that everything [Music]

Wow you should just take your buy more
often oh this isn't goodbye it's hello

I thought you were leaving Paris I can't

sell this place you signed a contract
contracts can be broken Mackenzie this

deals done my buyers taken
possession tomorrow

night tomorrow night but that's
Christmas Eve well that's when he's

flying in and you know he's
anxious to get his hands on the

place I'll have to change his
mind good luck with that I

mean I haven't met him in
person but I can tell you

from our phone conversations
he's very determined if

there's one thing I'm good at its
talking people out of things or into

them now can we please get ready for the
party tomorrow night what I thought you

canceled it you may have had your doubts
but I always have faith in you so we're

throwing a party without any lights
power or food and I may not even be the

owner exactly oh I like your attitude
Clementine when this Inn was built there

was no electricity no Peter no
refrigerator no elevator so not that

different from now and yet people still
came in even though we don't have a

single guest a
single paying guest

the Northern Lights is overbooked with
two things that matter most friendship

and love

so I say forget about the list forget
about the new owner we have a party to

throw and the only must do is fun I
haven't seen this place so alive in

years well we could always use
another hand I have a tool belt with

your name on it in the truck literally
you wore a tool belt yeah we

used to work together before
you got that real estate

license who do you think
taught about a drywall

[Music] [Applause]

[Laughter] [Music]

it's been a while since I've been up

north oh really well um you should come

and visit me Oh Taylor thanks for

calling me back look
I'm sorry but I'm not

coming to London in fact
I'm not coming back to

Carlisle's at all okay how much eggnog
have you had the thing is instead of

being the new you I'd rather be the new
me I hope you know what you're giving up

oh but I'm getting
so much more [Music]

you can't gracefully be
proud I think so too


are those Christmas
lights headlights [Music]

it's like we have guests [Music]

I don't think we have enough candles

don't worry I've got something even

better but I'm going to need your help
Jenny yes okay take a handful and throw

it as high as you can [Music]

would you get to stuff
I'll show you one day


mr. Elton Mike you've done wonders with
this place mr. elf man i Kenzi hmm it's

him he's about to touch down and
he doesn't sound pleased thank you

this is McKenzie Warren you're right

it's highly unprofessional and I know
that we had an agreement an agreement

please it's just sometimes it takes a
little time to see some things clearly

like to discover new friends you've
never expected to find and how amazing

it is to be part of a family and to
finally meet someone who makes you laugh

and remember what's truly important I
don't know why it's taken me so long but

I have finally figured out where I

belong in it's right here your
mind's made up that's right



you're the buyer well you had to make a

true commitment and you did not only did
you save the end you saved Christmas and

what I couldn't tell
you was that magic you

restored here is gonna
power my sleigh tonight

as it doesn't now post all around the
world so as the new innkeeper of the

Northern Lights Mountain Inn

you have my deepest gratitude Thank You
Santa and let's go with Mac well done

Clementine you are a rising star

a rising star I love the sound of that

Santa well I've got a big trip tonight
and thanks to you it'll be a journey

that I can make just fine now note
behind you as the magic is restored the

hotel is true [Music]

hello journey you never know where the
next thing teef is coming from I've

heard that she's done some very good

deeds Merry Christmas
Jenny I knew you could

do it Mac Thank You Clem

[Music] hmm Merry
Christmas Merry Christmas

come on Jenny



what's going on out here if I told you
you'd probably think I was crazy maybe I

like crazy

can be I do too [Music]

you [Music]
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